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Alfius +Passions & Reputations:

BoodFeather Hate (Lunar) 60%

Love (Family) 60%
Papero Maschio: anni 20 Loyalty (Clan) 60%
Iniziato di Humakt Loyalty (Tribe) 60%
Piumaggio nero con striscia rosso Hate (Sable Antelopes Tribe) 10%
sangue dalla mano destra fino al collo, Honor 90%
2 cicatrici sul petto e una in verticale Reputation 15%
sull'occhio sinistro.

Strength: 17 (85%) Magic Points: 13 Power Runes: Elemental Runes:

Constitution: 15 (75%) Humakt - Initiate - Rune Points: 4 Beast 60% Air 95%
Size: 8 (40%) Spirit Damage: 1D6 Death 95% Earth 20%
Dexterity: 18 (90%) DEX Strike Rank: 1 Disorder 50% Water 40%
Intelligence: 14 (70%) SIZ Strike Rank: 2 Illusion 20%
Power: 13 (65%) Damage Bonus: +1D4 Fertility 5%
Charisma: 9 (45%) Hit Points: 14 Man 40%
Healing Rate: 3 Stasis 50%
Movement: Harmony 50%
Ground: 5 Movement 50%
Water: 8 Truth 80%

Spirit Magic: Powers Gift / Geas:

Heal (1pts) Gift:
Bladesharp (4pts) 1)Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated).
Disruption (1pts) 2) 2 strength points
Protection (3pts)
Geas Humakt’s cult:
Rune Spells: 1) Mistrust all non-Humakti except those friendly to
Shield (1pts) 2) Mistrust all non-Humakti, friendly or not.
True Weapon (1pts) 3) Mistrust all trolls
Turn Undead (1pts) 4) Eat no meat on Windsday.
Sword Trance (1pts) 5) Eat no meat in Death week.

Melee Attacks:
Ranged Attacks:
Dagger 45% 1D4+2+1D4 SR 7 6 HP
Sling 70% 1D8 SR 1 80 HP Rng 80
Broadsword 85% 1D8+1+1D4 SR 5 12 HP
Light Crossbow 45% 2D4+2 SR 1 6 HP Rng 100
Shortsword (Left) 85% 1D6+1+1D4 SR 6 12 HP
Thrown Javelin 40% 1D10+1D2 SR 1 8 HP Rng 20
Medium Shield 85% 1D4+1D4 SR 6 12 HP
Agility (+15%)
Boat 50%
Climb 30%
Dodge 53%
Knowledge (+5%)
Drive (Chariot) 20%
Alchemy 34%
Jump 72%
Alchemy (Pozione Cura 1d6) 34%
Swim 95%
Alchemy (Veleno Scorpione 8) 34%
Analisi del gusto (Alchimia) (Pozioni E Veleni) 20%
Communication (+0%) Battle 44%
Act 5% Cult Lore (Black Fang) 6%
Art 5% Cult Lore (Humakt) 20%
Bargain 5% Customs (Heortling) 30%
Charm 15% Elder Race Lore (Elves) 10%
Dance 15% Evaluate 15%
Disguise 5% Farm 35%
Fast Talk 25% First Aid 30%
Intimidate 30% Game 20%
Intrigue 5% Homeland Lore (Local) 35%
Orate 10% Lore (Elder Race Beastfolk) 20%
Sing 10% Lore (Upland Marsh) 60%
Speak (Beastspeach) 40% Mineral Lore 10%
Speak (Heortlings) 50% Peaceful Cut 15%
Speak (Trade Talk) 25% Plant Lore 10%
Read/Write (Heortlings) 10%
Magic (+5%) Survival 30%
Meditate 25% Treat Disease 10%
Prepare Corpse 15% Treat Poison 10% Ranged (+20%)
Spirit Combat 55% Arbalest 30%
Worship (Humakt) 45% Axe, Throwing 30%
Melee (+20%) Composite Bow 25%
Manipulation (+20%) 1H Axe 30% Crossbows 45%
Conceal 25% 1H Hammer 30% Dagger, Throwing 25%
Craft (Arms) 30% 1H Mace 35%1H Elf Bow 25%
Devise 25% Spear 35% Javelin 40%
Play Instrument 25% 2H Spear 35% Pole Lasso 25%
Sleight 30% Battle Axe 40% Rock 35%
Broadsword 85% Self Bow 25%
Perception (+5%) Dagger 45%Fist Sling 70%
Insight (Humans) 35% 45%Grapple Staff Sling 30%
Listen 40% 45%Greatsword Throwing Dagger 30%
Scan 40% 25%Kick 35% Thrown Axe 30%
Search 30% Kopis 30%Lance
Track 30% 25%Pike 34% Shield (+20%)
Quarterstaff 35% Large Shield 45%
Stealth (+20%) Rapier 25% Medium Shield 85%
Hide 75% Short Sword (Mano Sinistra) 85% Small Shield 70%
Move Quietly 75% Shortsword 60%
Whip 25%
Piercing Da Becco: Sever Spirit (ricaricabile)
Cristallo con 8 Punti Magia
2 pozioni cura da 1d6 (costo ingredienti 8 l./poz)
2 dosi Veleno spada (costo 48l./dose)
Fodero da schiena per le spade con gancio per lo scudo
Broadsword + Shortsword+Pugnale nascosto + pietra per affilare
Scudo medio
Sling con munizioni
Fighting Spurs (+1 danni da calcio - 27lunar)
Linothorax (3 pts)
Cuirboilli greaves & vambraces (3 pts)
Composite helm (3 pts)

Zaino e 4 sacche + 2 sacche da cinta

Good clothing (all black)
Mantello caldo
2 Wind Bags (4c/l'una)
Sleeping roll
Acciarino + 4 torce
Corda 20m + rampino
Carboncino nero
Olio incendiario
Benda proteggi becco
Specchietto in metallo
Provviste per 10 giorni
2 borracce acqua

104 Lunars

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