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APR 80

"h EhlllllEI




(Standard Method)

Approved for public release;

. distribution unlimited.


' 80 527 24.5
FTD- ID(RSIT-o4ll-80


L1 'FTD-ID(RS)T-/4ll-8¢ ! I 29 Apr*-8


NIT (Standard Method).
" . t. ." . '" .............
"- .... .
.. . ....

Az T{Ay' - -70no.
Teplovoy Raschet Kotel'nykh Agregatov
. (Normativnyy Metod), publishing house

Moscow, Leningrad, 19 7 l-233

Country of origin: USSR

Pages 1-586 is a machine translation,
pages 586-613 done as FTD-ID(RS)T-0401-80 and
translated by Randy Dorsey
Requester: FTD/TQTM
Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.



FD(- 3(RS)>
T0411-80 Date 29 Apr 19 80

Table of Contents

U.S. Board on Geographic Names Transliteration System ....... ii

Preface ........................................................ 3
Chapter One. General Positions ................................ 12

Chapter Two. Fuel.......................................... 17

Chapter Three. Physical Characteristics Utilized in the

Thermal Design of Boiler Units .............................. 45
Chapter Four. Volumes and Enthalpy of Air and Combustion
Products ....................................................... 62

Chapter Five. Heal Balance of Boiler Unit .................. 84

Chapter Six. Calculation of Heat Exchange in Heating ....... 98

Chapter Seven. Calcualtion of the Convective Heating

Surfaces ...................................................... 122

Chapter Eight. Recommendations Regarding the Procedure of

Calculation of Boiler Unit ................................... 205

Appendices .................................................... 260

-A,- f

V <1
J *f**,-

Bok-m :taj Transliteration Block italic Transliter. -

- A a A, a P p p p R, r
S B, b C C S
B V, v T m , t
r g Y y
SD, d
SE a Ye, ye; E, e* x X x Kh, ,

W Zch, zh L 4 Z
Ti , L,

.' RK~ x , y ,-, l w. c , . .

. f7 , -, l id

MJ A hi,
Xx n~

- HM .,n 3 1 _, e

-0o , o -a /0 10 ..
- 17 p - ait, :a,

• "-iail7 aft:er vowels, and after e : sewnere

rhw r en as 4n Fussian, translterate as yer

7 E IAL AX:D 2:7LISh TR .... " . .. --,-" ..

- English Russian English Russian-

i1 sh sn arc_4n
6 ch cosh arc orr-.
tar. th tanh arc t-
Scot zth cct arc c'-h
sec Sch sech arc sc- . -
o-ec csc cscn cs ch aronc sc

Russian Er.I
n h

rot :url

DOC = 80041101 PhGE, 1

Eage 1.


(Standard method).

With an appendix of calcuiaticz nomograms

DOC 80C41101 EAGI 2

Page 2.

The standard methcd of the thermal desigr cf bciler

aggregates/units is ccmrized tcgether by All-Union to heat
engineering and central kciler and turbine cnes by institutes and is
predicated by the technical review boards of HIM, RES and MSES as

obligatory for enterprises in these ministries. *The presentation of

calculaticn prccedure, ic the tcck are placed the calculated

standards and the nomograms, which permit fcr experimental

calculators to perform calculatica, withcut turning to the basic


In appendices to the calculation method are given the tables of

enthalpy and of specific vcluues ct water and water vapor,
calculaticn of steam ccclers, determination of the calculated
temperature of the metal of the ball of ducts, short indications
according to the design cf ccabustion systems and heating surfaces

and exemplary/approximate thermal design of kciler aggregate/unit.

The book is intended for the aesigners and builders of bciler

aggregates/units, and also for the engineers cf power stations and

students of the highest technical educational institutions.
DOC = 80041101 FAGE 3

Fage 3


The method of the thermal design of boiler aggregates/units is

comprised together VTI and 1s&T1 and is predicated by the technical
review boards of MTM, ES and MSES for the necessary use/application
during the design of steam tcilers in enterprises in these ministries

is mutual the norms of tke tbecial design of kciler aggregate/unit,

released by TsKTI (Mashciz, 1945), and the ncrms, worked out by VTI
(Gosenergoizdat, 1952).

During the developaena. o final reccmaendations are taken into

consideration the cbservaticas cf special bcards of MTM and MES,
which critically studied prolositicns of VTI and TsKTI, and also the
observations of different organizations and erterprises, done about
the project of the methcd ci calculation whi~c in a scmewhat reduced
form was published in the journal 4 hermal-rcwer engineering" in
1954- 1955.

The worked out materials ccnsist of text with the detailed

presentation of the Frccedure of calculation, calculated standards

and nomograms. In the calculated standards (RN) it is repeated
DOC = 80C41101 FAG 4

briefly, without the exElanations, calculaticn procedure is given the

necessary reference uatezial, which allows after detailed

familiarization with the calculation method tc perform calculation,

without turning to the kasic text.

In appendices tc the calculation methcd they are given:

I. Conditional designaticas.

II. Table of enthaiEy and specific volumes of water and water


III. Calculation cf steam ccclers.

IV. Determination cf the calculated temperature of the tetal of

the wall cf ducts.

V. Short indicaticns xn accordance with the design of ccmbusticn

systems and heating surtaces.

VI. Exemplary/apprciaate thermal design of boiler


The method of the ttermal design of bciler aggregates/units is

DOC = 800L41101 TAGI 5

comprised to a consideratle extent on basis cf Soviet investigations,

primarily by VTI and TsKil, and it totals the results of the basic
research work ot institutes in the field of study cf the
working processes of steam bciiers and imprcveuent of the calculation


material chapter 2 "Fuel/Ercpellant" is tased cn the results of

the long-term investigations of tae good-quality characteristics of
Soviet fuels/propellants, carried out in basic V11 under the
direction of A. I. Kcrelin [deceased].

The results of the Frcicnged investigaticns of the physical

characteristics of gases, water and water va~cr, carried out in VTI
under the management/manual ct D. L. Tiurot ard N. B. Vargaftik, are
placad into the basis chapter 3 the "1hysical characteristics, used
in the thermal design ct kciler aS~regates/utits" and appendices of
the Ul "'able of entbaly and siecific vclumes cf water and water


In chapter 4 "Volumes and enthalpy cf air and combustion

products", and also in chapter 5 the "Beat balance of boiler
aggregate/unit" are used the materials of the old ncrms of the

thermal design of MT. (bcrred out.y TsKTI) and RES (worked cut by

, 4.b
DOC - 80041101 ;AC,1

Material chapter E the "0aiculation of beat exchange in the

heating" is constructed on the method of calculation of heat exchange
in the furnace chamber/camera, bcrxed out in IsKTI under A. N.
Gurvich's management/manual with P. N. Kendys's collabcration. In
connection with the preFaration cf standard methcd calculaticn
formulas and coefficierts are additionally refined with the use of
new experimental data cf V11, TsKTI and CSRI is. Krylov on the heat
exchange in the heatings, and also taking intc account the results of
the research works in this region, carried cut ty H. V. Kuz'lin, M.
M. Rubin, Ya. P. Storozhbk and V. D. Terent'yev.

Were used also the rasults of theoretical developments cf VTI

(V. N. Timofeyev) regarding the ancgular coefficients and emissivity
factor of furnace radiation/emissicn.

Chapter 7 totals the results cf the large complex of the Soviet

investigations of the jhysical liccesses, which cccur in the
convective heating surfaces. Ine methcdology cf the calculation of
the convective heat exchange in the transversely streamlined bundles
of ducts and heat excharge in tke finned eccncmizers and the air
preheaters is based on carried cut under N. 7. Kuznetsov's
manaqement/manual in V1l investigations, in wbich participated I. B.
DOC = 80041101 FAGE 7

Varavitsikiy, E. S. Karasin, V. A. Lokshin, A. Z. Shcherbakov et al.

The general/comman/tctal Erccedure of calculaticn of heat exchange in
the bundles of finned tukes is Lased on the ycrk of VTI, carried out
by E. S. Karasina. For the derivation of calculation formulas are
used also the results ct thcse carried out in TsKTI by V. M.
Antufshchev and by G. S. Beletskiy the investigations of heat
exchange in the banks cf smooth, finned and fin tubes.

The calculation of beat axchange during the flow in the ducts

and the longitudinal flcw around the banks of tubes, in slot channels

and the channels of the jacking of regenerative air preheaters is

based on the works, carried out in TsKTI under the direction of L. I.
fl'in (deceased]. In this secticn of standard method are used the
data of D. M. toffe (MVIL) about the heat exchange in the

regenerative air preheaters.

Page 4.

The calculation of the radiation/emissicn cf ccmbusticn products

is constructed on the results cf the new ccupcund processing of
experimental data on the radiaticn/emission of triatomic gases and
laboratory findings of the enitting properties of ash dust. These
works are carried cut Ir £sKTI ty A. G. Elckh, V. V. Mitor and A. I.
Nosovitskiy under A. M. Gurvich's aanagement/vanual.
DOC = 80041101 FAGE

The procedure of cdlculaticn of the contamination factors of

tube banks is based on the lancratory investications, carried cut in

VTI by N. V. Kuznetscv and A. Z. Sacherbakcv, and uses results,

previously obtained by 1. D. Pacasenkc during processing of given

commercial tests of steam Lcilers. Corrections tc the labcratcry

values of contaminaticr tactcr are established/installed during
studying of standard calculaticr ty E. S. Karasina (VTI), S. I.
Mochan and 0. G. Revzina gIs5l).

The procedure of calculaticn cf the temperature heads is worked

out in TsKTI by S. 1. Mccnan.

For the determinaticn ¢f the excess air ratios, furnace losses,

coefficients in the forailas cf the calculaticn of heat exchange in
the heating and the corvective beating surfaces are used the results

cf commercial tests of tte cilex aggregates/units, carried cut in

basic TsKTI and VTI (A. E. Barazov, I. K. Barshteyn, N. 1. Bermann
[deceased], S. G. Beskin, G. A. BurgVits, A. P. Gurvich, A. I.
Dvoretskiy, V. N. Deshkin, I. Ye. Oubovskiy, N. I. Zhirnov, P. N.
Kendys', N. L. Kisel'gct, A. N. Letedev, A. U. Moroz, Ye. V.
Nechayev, N. N. Rubin, P. G. Salkxcv, S. V. latishcbev G. A. Sheynin,
N. N. Shil'dkret [deceased] et al.), and alsc at KBK LMZ (Ye. N.
DOC = 80041101 EAGE 9

Kazarnovskiy) and by other organizations.

Besides these wcrks, during tbe composition of the standard

calculation method were used zbt materials cf old norms of MTN and

In the preparation cf materials for the individual chapters of

the standard calculaticr metaco tock part K. A. Alekseyev (Section
"e" chapter 7), I. K. Parshteyn (cbapter 5, §E chapter 4 and appendix
V), A. G. Bloch (chaptEr 6, Sectic¢ "c" chapter 7), 1. B. Varavitskiy
I (§A chapter 4, chapter !, appenaix I), N. B. Vargaftik (chapter 3)
A. M. Gurvich (chapter 5 and 6, Section "c" chapter 7 and of

appendices V), A. I. Dvcretsxiy (aita on the retrcleum residue for

chapter 2 and 3), A. A. Zakhazcv (appendix IV), L. N. Ilin
[deceased] (Section "b" chapter 7), E. S. Karasina (chapter 6,
Section "b", "d" and "e" chapter 7 and of chaoter 8), P. N. Kendys'
(chapter 5 and 6 and appendix V), A. I. Korelin [deceased] (chapter
2), N. V. Kuznetsov (Section "b", "d" and "e" chapter 7 and cf

appendices V), A. N. Letedev (chapter 5 and arplicaticn/appendix V),

a. I. a.ochan
(§B chapter Sectico "e" and §C chapter
5, 7, chapter 8,
appendix III and T} S§B.
P. Svelso n c
5, er 7 Ichad
e" chapter
7 and of appendices V), M. 1. Panasenko (chapter 2, Section "e"
chapter 7), 0. G. Revzin (9E chapter 4, Secticn "el chapter 7 and of
appendix III, IV and VI), M. M. butin (chapter 5), A. B. Sternin
DOC 80041101 PAGE 10

(chapter 6), S. A. Tager (RN 5-G3 and 5-C4), . V. Tatishchev

(chapter 5 and appendix V), G. I. Sheynin (chapter 5 and appendix V),
A. Z. Shcherbakov (Secticn "dO chapter 7), V. A. Shcherbakov

(appendix V) et al.

In discussion and agreement cf basic fundamental questicns of

the standard calculaticn methca tock active Fart I. K. Barshteyn, P.
N. Kendys' and M. D. Panasenko.

Leadership of entire work exercised A. M. Gurvich and H. V.


Basic part of the text Ichalter 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 and appendix

III, IV and VI) was ccupiled by E. S. Karasina and S. I. Mc .han:
chapter 2 - by A. I. Kcrelin [deceased] and T. A. Zikeyev, chapter 6
- by A. M. Gurvichem, A. G. Bloch and S. I. Mcchan, appendix V - by

I. K. Barshteyn, E. S. Karasina, M. L. Kisel'gof, S. I. Mochan and G.

A. Sheynin.

In the composition cf calculated standards and nomograms,

besides the authors of text, they jarticipated C. G. Revzin and Ye.
Ya. Titov.
DOC = 8004~1101 PIGE 1

Pages 5-6.

No typing.
DOC = 80041101 FAGI 1

Page 7. Chapter One.


1-01. -thermal desiSn cf bciler aggregates/units (standard

method)" contain operating instructions, reference materials,
calculation formulas and nomograss, necessary for executing verifying
and structural/design (designed) thermal designs of stationary boiler

The methodology of veritying and construction calculaticns is in

essence of general/ccmwcr./tctal. Difference ccnsists for the purpose
of calculation and unkncbn values.

1-02. In verifying thermal design by ccnstruction/design

accepted and sizes/dimensions cf Lciler aggregate/unit for design
load of its and prescriced/assicned form of fuel/prcpellant determine
temperatures of water, vajor, air and gases cn boundaries/interfaces
between separate heating surfaces, efficiency, fuel ccnsumpticn, flcw

rate and air speeds and flue Sases.

Verifying calculaticn is prcduced fcr evaluating of

efficiency/cost-effectiveness ard reliability of aggregate/unit,
DOC = 80041101 EAG. 13

determination of the necessary xeccnstructive measures, selection of

auxiliary equipment and cbtaining initial data for conducting the
calculations of the circulation of water, temperatures of metal, etc.

1-03. During structural/design (designed) calculation are

determined sizes/dimensicns of beating and surfaces of heating

separate elements/cells cf aggrEgate/unit, necessary for obtaining of
rated steam capacity, indices of economy and Frescribed/assigned
parameters of accepted steam (pressure and teipezature) at given
temperature of feed water and propellant prcrerties.

The rated steam capacity is called the highest efficiency which

the aggregate/unit must provide with the observance of the
prescribed/assigned parameters of steam in the prolcnged cperation.

Into the task of calculaticn enters alsc the determinaticn of

necessary for the selection cf auxiliary equipment cf the

consumpticns of fuel, air and flue gases.

During the calculation must De taken intc consideration the of reliability of the cperaticr of aggregate/unit

(warning/prevention cf slagging or ash fculinc cf surfaces,
warning/prevention of Intense cinder erosion cf ducts, superheating
and corrosion of metal, etc.). it recessary cr the basis of thermal
DOC = 80041101 FAGE 14

calculation additionally axe roouced the calculaticns of

circulation, temperature cf metal, speed of cinder ercsion.

1-04. Calculated assignaent icr verifying thermal design of

boiler aggregate/unit must ccntain the fcllcwing information and

initial data:

a) drawings of bciler aggregate/unit and information abcut

construction/design and sizes/dilersicns cf ccmtustion system,
surfaces of heating and Ilues, sulticient for determining of all
necessary structural/design characreristics;

b) propellant property in acccrdance with requirements, led in

chapter 2;

c) coefficient of evaporatcCn of aggregate/unit, pressure and

temperature of superheated steam ic main output catch (and limits of

standard deviations with respect tc conditiccs cf work of turhines

and other users of steam), temperature of feed water, pressure in
toiler barrel;

d) at the presence cf intermediate steam superheater - flow rate

and parameters of the Eeccnoary steam at the entrance and the

DOC - 80041101 iGk 15

a) the flow rate cf the saturated steam(during the selection of

steam from the boiler tanrel);

f) the value of the continuous blasting;

g) data of the calculaticn of the system of the pulverized coal

preparation: the total quantity or air cloud, quantity of primary air

and flue gas, selected/taxen to drying, quantity of sucked air in the
system of pulverized ccal preparation.

1-05. During structural/design (designed) thermal design

assignment must contain follcw.ig initial data:

a) information about type rf combustion system and planned

layout of aggregate/unit;

paragraphs "b" - " - the same as in assignment for verifying

thermal design.

The temperatures of stack gases and hot air are indicated in the
assignment or they are seiected in accordance vith the
recommendations of appendix by the V and specific ccnditions cf
DOC 80041101 FAGI 16


The temperatures c± gases at the end of the heating and in the

flues, the gas velocity, water and steam and enthalpy cf water and
steam at the separate interzediate pcints of the steam-water channel
can be selected in acccroance with the recommendaticns of appendix
the V and taking intc acccurt tte specific ccrditions design.

DOC = 80041101 FAGE 17

Page 8.

Chapter Two.


2-A. Solid and liquid pZciellant.

A) Neat of combustion.

2-01. Heat of comtusticn (calcrific value) cf solid and liquid

propellant is accepted accordinS tc data of calcrimetric
determinations. Use for calculating the values cf heat of combustion,

calculated in compositica of tuel/-ropellant uith the help of the

empirical formulas of the type ci Mendeleyev's fcrmula, is nct
recom mended.

2-02. Heat of ccmtusticn nighest Q. is determined by value of

heat of ccbusticn in calcrimeter QY. corrected taking into account

acid-formation with coutListicn;

Q. - Q,; 22,5S6- 0'0015Q4 k cal, kg (2-01)

DOC = 80041101 FAGE 18

where 22.5 so - heat of cxidatcn cf products of burned down in bct

sulfur s o0/01 from SC 2 to S03 and disscluticn of latter in water;
0.0015 Q, - heat of formatica of nitric acid in bomb.

2-03. Heat of ccmtusticn icwest Q. is determined by subtraction

from heat of combustion cf highest Q. heat cf vaporization,
conditionally equal to 6CG kcdI/X cf water adcpted:

Q. - Q.-6(1V+ 9H) kcal/kg. (2-02)

2-04. During combustion in calorimeter of schists and other

fuels/propellants, which contain carbonates, latter in majority of
cases are decomposed/exianded virtually completely. Therefore heat of
combustion during the calorimetric measurement is determined taking
into account the negative tnerzai effect of the
decomposition/expansicr cf carncgates [-9.7 (Ca2 ) ] kcal/kg.

B. Different masses of fuel/propellant and recalculation of

characteristics from one mass tc another.

2-05. Propellant properties can he related:

to working mass of fuel/ rcpellant (designated by index p),

i.e., to fuel/propellant in that tcrm, in which it enters for
DOC = 80041101 PAGE is

consumption (into boiler room, dust-plant, etc.);

to analytical mass (.Lndex a), i.e., to fuel/prcpellant in that

form, in which it in labcratory it enters fcr separate analytical
determinations, crushed an- dried slightly;

to dry mass (index cj, i.e., to fuel/prcjellant, which does not

contain moisture (W=O) ;

to the combustible sass 4index 4), i.e., tc the sum of the

elements/cells, which cca~ose the crganic mass cf fuel/propellant,
and pyritic sulfur.

For all fuels/propellants, except the ccntaining a large

quantity carbonates, fc tkhe coucustible mass ccnditicnally they
accept (100-W-A), where IOU - wcrking or analytical mass of
fuel/propellant, o/o.

For the fuels/propallants wita the high ccntent of the

carbonates (it is more than 5o/c) tor the ccabustible mass it is

[100 - W - A,,., - (CO2 )..

where (coo. - content of cartcnic acid of carkcnates, c/c; A.ef, - ash

content without taking into acccunt sulfates, which were being formed
DOC = 80041101 FAG. 20

during the decompositicn/exkansicn of carbonates, and with the

correction for the ccmtustion of sulfur cf pyrite, c/o:
AP - A (2.5 (Sa- Scm)c+
+ 0.375 S,] q100 / (2-03)

where s, - content of sulfur in the laboratcry ash (in the

percentages to the mass cf fuel/propellant); S. - content of sulfate
sulfur in the fuel/projelLant; s. - content cf pyritic sulfur in the

In the absence of the iacoratory data akcut the content cf

sulfates value I.S,-s ,)'+03sl ttey take as equal for Estonian and

Gdcvsk schists -2.0, Kasbijsk-3ot, Savel'yev -3.1 and Ozinsk


This conditional calcuiaticn is explained by the fact that

during the fuel combustica with th* high content of carbonates the
latter (in essence of CaCC 2 , and also MgC0 3 ard FeC0 3 ) are
decomposed/expanded intc oxide cf metal and CC2 . Separated carbonic

acid is removed together vita toe combustion Frcducts of the crganic

mass of fuel/propellant, whereas oxide cf metal remains in the ash

and due to the partial ccnnectice cf sulfur cxides forms sulfates.

Of the determinaticns of each mass cf fuel/propellant fcllow the

cbvious relationships/ratios:
C"+ F11 + N' + 0' 4- 5.+
+ ".'+ ,I'+ WP - 100/;
C + H + N4 -0" + S' +

op + W," - 1000/.
C-t-II + N + 0' + S + .4 - 1000/.;
C' -4- H' - N + 0' + '; + S,~o
DOC - 80041101 FAG! A1

The recalculation ct the Fropallant ccEFCsition, output/yield cf

volatile components ane bet ct cc¢busticns (in the bcmb and the
highest) is produced with the help of the factcrs, given in lable

2-06. Recalculaticn of elementary ccmFcsition to heat of

combustions (in bomb and highest) cf working mass with humidity W1
to mass with humidity w is ;rcduced by methcd cf multiplication on
100- W and with ash ccatent Af tc ash content .4, (when w,-con,) - by
100 - W00-
multiplication on 00-Af

Page 9.

For the schists the recaicuiation of data cf compositio (C, H,

M, 0 s,.so, and heat cf ccauusticn (in the bcst and the highest) from
the working mass to the ±uel is Ercduced with the help of the factor
100 - Wr - ,4.. - (Cod.,"

The recalculation cf data cf composition and heat of combustion

(in the bomb and the highest) tfom the wcrking mass, which is
DOC = 80041101 FAGI 22

characterized by ash ccntent q' and content of carbcnic acid of

carbonates (co,,. to the ¢Crking mass with Ag and (co),2 is produced with

the help of the factcr

100 - ' (C- )

- AP
IoJ - (CO), I
2-07. Calculaticn ct lowest heat of combusticn of

fuel/propellant Q. is rrcduced according to fcrmulas:

Q' - 6 (W + 9H ) XxaAIxt/K (2-04)
Q.- Q - 54 W xKcaAiXfao (2-05)

- Q' - 54 H'SKAI,'J (2-06)

-.Q WP - A- 6WP KX IK2.


Key: (1). kcal/kg.

The recalculaticn ct the lowest heat of combusticn of the

working mass of fuel/prcillant with humidity w' to the mass with

humility w., is produced accordany to the fcrtula

100- wf
Q.2 - (Q1, 0- - w - kcal/kg. (2.08)

Ey a change in the ash cctent cf borking mass recalculation Q. is

produced according to F. z-C6.

C) lhe classification of carbcn/ccals.

2-08. Coal it is accepted te divide intc three basic types:

= 80041101 PAGE 23

brown, stoneware and arthracite. There are no precise

boundaries/interfaces tetween them4 division itself into three types

is conditional, and between them there are transient carbcn/ccals.

2-09. Brown coal Itrand b) include noncaking coal with high

output/yield of volatile components (,.>40%) and lcw in ccparison with

coals heat of combusticn 'Q. in majority of cases lower than 7000 and

not above 7300-7400 kcal/kg). They are characterized by always high

hygroscopic and - in the majority of the cases - by high overall

humidity, lowered/reduced by tne carbon content and increased of

oxygen. They easily lose in air mechanical strength, frequently

becoming in this case the sclid trifle, and they possess the
increased tendency tcward the spcntaneous ccutustion.

According to the Fredicated classificaticn the brown coal divide

into three groups in tl: ccntept it them of the general/conmcn/total

working mcisture W:

01 - with the moisture content is mcre than 40o/c; B2 - with the

moisture content 30-40c/c; 13 - with the moisture content to 30o/c.

DOC = 80041101 FDG& 24

Table 2-1. Factors for the recalculation of the propellant

compositicn, output/yield of vclatile components and heat of
combustion (in the bcat and the highest) frcs cue mass of
fuel/propellant to another.

U ) Cca
1JG9142I 1 mecca To..

I6__q__ -II t0
I0o -W 100 - eF 100 - WP -,AP

A~ #~qax WO - W too IM
I00 -- Wa
I00 -- - W-
100 A*

100 too I00- A'

r1 00 - WP -A' I0-"- We - As I-A

a 'qa _ 100
_ _ 100
_ 100 I_

Key: (1). Prescribed/assigned mass of fuel/prcpellant. (2). Unknown

mass of fuel/propellant. (3). wcrker. (4). analytical. (5). dry. (6).


Page 10.

2-10. Stoneware ones include carbon/ccals with output/yield of

volatile cowponents ' -9-50. and it is above. Iteir bulk to the

different degree is sirtered, acd cnly the part of carbon/coals with

the output/yield is the vclatile acre than 42-45o/o (long-flame) and

less than 15o/o (lean) are nct Fintered.

DOC = 80041101 ;AGE 25

Coals are divided irto the series/rcw of the brands/marks, which

are distinguished by the out~ut/yield of volatile components and by

the degree of the sinteLabiiity, characterized by strength and

appearance of nonvolatile reainder/residue. The acted up to now

marking of carbon/coals cf Donbass is given in Table 2-2.

Coals of other deposits were marked in essence in connection

with marking of carbcn/ccals of the Donbas. Furthermore, were applied

the following brands/marxs: SS- mildly sintered carbon/coal; PPM -

the intermediate product (semi-finished product) of the wet

concentration; PPS - the same of dry concentration.

At the present time for coals of the UOSF is predicated the

system of the marking acccrdlag to which cartcn/coals are divided
into the brands/marks on the outpuz/yield of volatile components and
degree of sintering, characterized by the thickness of plastic layer

The lower limit of value y, expressed in millimeters, is entered

as the index to the desicnatic- cz the brand/mark of carbon/ccal. For
example: G 10 - gas in minimum thickness of plastic layer 10 mm.
DOC 80041101 PAGE 26

2-11. To anthracite (brand A) carry carbcn/coals with

output/yield of volatile comfonents V-2-9o/c and heat of ccetusticn

Q4<S 350 kcal/kg.

2-12. Transient betbeen coals and anthracite are carbonaceous

coal (brand PA, v-5-10c/o), wnich differ from anthracite of higher

heat of combustion (Q. )350 Kcal/Kg).

2-13. In view of the fact that for new brands/marks no yet

sufficient reliable average/mean quality coefficients, design

characteristics of fuel/propeilant are given in norms in connection

with old marking. Excerticn are characteristics for the newly

established/installed kraod/mark "carbcnacecus coal".

2-14. Out of given aoove diagram of classification of coal

remain geologically cziaized stcuebare and trcwn coal. An example of

the first are carbon/ccals, cbtained in the sections/cuts of the
Kuznetsk Basin, the secccd - accty carbon/coals of Mcscow basin.
Cxidized are also carbcn/coals ct virtually all ncw

developed/processed dercsits ct Central Asia, also, in particular

Angren deposits, Kyzyl-Kiya, Sulyukta, Shurab (marked as brobn).
DCC = 800141101 EAGE 27

Table 2-2. marking cartcnlcoals ot Donets basin.

QOeave nicnI
I ma ropvoq73
Macey. %
Xaw epac H*A&TYq.r OCTUEA

aOfln~.. ......... . / 9 oiee 42 iPpoK0o6paHbd MA WRAcS

me5i ......... . . . r 35 -44 CeLuR.Acn, cn=aAeHHMA. nuoA
acnyqeH~b1A (pbIXAWA)
,,p . . .... rnX( 26-0-5 neKW.-, . Cnl8Aaeeub, nA*oTrUA
;K1'lpon08WA . .e.a. . .
182 oieeesu lJO.iI
. .. K 18261 o jie

. . . . . . .. .. T ( 17 Opou0o6pasHMA MAN CAUnMAcR

Note. Carbon/coals batn the output/yield cf volatile comFonents

v,-42-o44/o can te relatfd to Crana G only tith heat of combustion of

their combustible mass Q' nct tc eichange 790C kcal/kg.

Key: (1). Designation of brands/uaiks. (2) . Designation. (3).

Output/yield of volatile substances to combustible mass, o/o. (4).
Characteristic of nonvclatile renainder/residue. (5). Long-flame.
(5a). It is more. (6). Ecwder-like or fixing. (7). Gas. (8).
Sintered, alloyed, scmetimes distended (loose). (9). Steam
fatty/greasy. (10). Sirterea, alloyed, dense cr moderately dense.
(11). Coke. (12). Then. (13). 5team sintering. (14). Lean. (15). It
is less. (16). Powder-like or tecoming husky itself.
DOC = 80041101 fAGE 28

Table 2-3. Classificaticn of stonevare and trcwn coal according to

the size/dimension of pieces.

( ,......... -a ....
ale" an
rd'exy oi


4 pyni,-A K 50+400
pex 0 25i-50
e.ltitA Al 13 25
eAeeqxo U1
C ()Me..e
6 -- 13 6

4.AooA P Il e orpaMqem

Note. To the designaticn ct class and tc its conventional

designations is assigned the nane cf brand/mark, for example: brown

large/coarse - BK, gas nut - GC, the mildly sintered tail - SSSh,


With the delivery cf carbon/ccals of brands D. G. PS, - and SS

for the combustion in the dustiike state, and also with the increased

humidity of coals and the screening of brcwn ccal, it is mutual

classes S and Sh is isciated class with the size/dimension of pieces

of less than 13 mm, ccnaticnalily designated SSh (seed with the


With the increased humidity ct brown coal of instead of classes

N and SSh is separated tke class bith the pieces of less than 25 mm -

BMSSh (brown fine/small uith the seed and the tail).

With small cutput/yiaid ct ozcvn coal of class 20 is seFarated

DOC - 80041101 PAGE 29

class with the size/diversion of pieces 13-50 mm - BOn (brown nut

with the fine/small).

The size/dimensior cf the Fieces of the run-cf-the-mine coal,

cbtained in an open manner, must nct exceed 3C0 me.

Key: (1). Name of class. (2). Ccnventional designations of class.

(3). Size/dimension cf lieces, am. (4). Large. (5). Nut. (6).
Fine/small. (7). Seed. 48). Tal. (9). Private. (10). It is less.
(11). It is unconfined.

Page 11.

Oxidized coals are characterized by the full/tctal/complete or

partial loss of the sirterability (cn leaving cf volatile components
v,- 17-40o/o, with which unoxidizeu coals they completely possess

this property). All oxidized carhcn/coals pcssess the lowered/reduced

(sometimes on 1000-2000 kcal/sq) beat of comtustion Qj and the
lowered/reduced (with the stzoag degree of cxidation) content of
hydrogen. With rare exceltion tkey possess the lcwered/reduced
mechanical strength and tne increased tendency toward the oxidation

and the spontaneous ccttstticn.

2-15. Tables 2-3 and 2-4 4ive established/installed by standards

DOC = 80041101 PAGE 30

classification of brcwr and ccals, and also anthracite according to

size/dimension of pieces.

2-B. Gaseous fuel.

2-16. Gaseous fuel is mixture of coibustible and non-burning

gases, which contains certain guantity cf admixtures/impurities in
the form of water vapors , resin and dust.

2-17. Composition of gaseous fuel is assigned in percentages by

volume, and all calculations relate to ncrmal cubic meter of dry gas
(with 760 mm Hg and COC). The iajurity ccntent of water vapors,

resin, dust) is assigned in g/oU cf dry gas.

2-18. Heat of comtustion cf gasecus fuel is calculated according

tc formula of mixing

- 0,01 (QIsH
2S + QcoCO + QH,H, +
+ E(Qc.. C H.)I kcal/ng 3
ty (2-09)

where QHoQco and so forth - heat of combusticns cf separate gases,

given in Table 2-5, kcal/na3.

With the content i, the fuel/iropellant cf small a quantity (to

3o/o) of unsaturated hyozocartcrs cf unknown ccmFosition they are

DOC a 800L41101 hC-iF 31

accepted as those consisting cf ethylene (C2 B). For the gas of coke
ovens Q. of the unsaturated hydrocarbcns of the unkncwn composition

is assumed equal to 17CCO kcal/rm3 .

2-19. Different gaseous fuels have follcwing special


The blast-furnace gas before the admissicn to the user undergoes

cooling and preliminary dusting in the scrubbers cr the
disintegrators. To user is suFflied the gas, saturated with mcisture,

with the dust content 0.1-1.0 3

g/nm (scrubber purification) and
0.01-0.3 g/naS (purification in the disintegrators). The uncleaned
blast-furnace gas contains dust 7-12 g/nm3; the carbon contett in
dust 3-5o/o. Blast-furnace gas with the melting of ferrosiliccn

contains a considerably larger quantity cf dust, and with the dry

method of purification, calculated for the ccmon gas, the dust
content of gas is higher. There is no resin it the gas virtually.

Generator gas from the large/coarse cake fuel/propellant after

cooling and purification is suplied to user by the saturated water
vapor with 25-40oC and ccntains the traces cf dust, and gas from the
wood and the upper peat - alac the vapor of acetic acid - 7-17 g/n.'.

Resin content in it of C-1O %j/ng. Generator gas frem the

fine-grained fuel/propellant during the gasification in that weighed

layer can be given tc user bith texperature cf 1!0-250oC.
DOC= 80041101 EAc

Table 2-4. Classificatica o donets anthracite according to the

size/dimension of pieces.

(ApaTU an..mi Afi '4.iee 100

-AaK AK 50-100
S pexAO 25i50
eaKR AM 13-i25
e6eqKo AC 6-13

i)POTAoDol APUI le ee 100


Note. For the separate minesshafts can te established/installed

the issue of class AF with the size/diaensicn of pieces of mcre than
75 am and classes AK witt the size/dimensicn cf pieces 25-75 an.

With the sorting cf dry anthracite can be isolated additional

class - "anthracite toctb" - AZ with the size/divension of pieces 3-6

nm; in this case for the class ils is established/installed the

size/dimension of pieces of less than 3 mm. Scmetimes with the high
driving in humidity is alloved/assumed the dispatch of anthracite cf
class ASSh with the size/dilensicn cf pieces cf less than 13 mm.

Key: (1). Designation cl class. (i). Conventicnal designaticns of

class. (3). Size/dimensicn cf Eieces, am. (4). Anthracite (plate.

(5). It is more. (6). kulak. (7). nut. (E). fine/small. (9). seed.

(10). tail. (11). Privats. (1U). It is less. (13). (without

DOC =800d41101 FAGE

Table 2-5. Characteristics cf the yases, which form part of gaseous



H, 0,090 2379
"ta o? sle~uewapnM . . N2 1.251 -
A3i eoAyxa (C np.
mechia aprosa) . . N2 1,257 -
KNC.I0POA .. .. . . ... 0 1,428 -
IKtCbyrilepoiza . . . . CO 1.250 3018
ae.,mClc.J ra..... . . CO, I,134 -
raa............SO, 2.858 -
!.epoeo~opoa........H.,5 1,520 ! 5583
lera , .......... CH 0:716 8555
.1,pOnanl ..... . . .2(..
;IHlfa,!3.. 15795
I YT8I .. .. . ,H10 2,i93 28 338
ll _lwra
. ... .. CIHI, 3,218 34890
T""eH . .. CH, 1,251 114107
pon ..... 1.877 20541
YT",e . .. C4H e
q 2,503 127111[
. 3i5.5......28...

Note. During calculaticn ,, and Q. the vcluue cf the

gram-molecule of gas is accepted equal tc 22.41 Z. (as for the perfect


Key: (1). Designation ct gas. (2). Designation. (3). Specific

gravity/weight kg/me 3 . (4). Heat of ccmbusticn lcwest kcal/nm 3 .
(5). Hydrogen. (6). Nitrcgen (elementary. (7). Nitrogen of air (with
admixture/impurity of argon). (e). Oxygen. (S). Carbon monoxide.
(10). Carbonic acid. (11). Sulfur dioxide. (1;). Hydrogen sulfide.
(13). Methane. (14). Ethane. (15). Propane. (16). Butane. (17).
Pentane. (18). Ethylene. 119). £rojylene. (2C). Eutylene. (21).
DOC = 80041101

Page 12.

Dust content in this gas 10-15 9/n. 3 , resin - 1-1.5 g/nm 3, acetic
acid (milling peat) - traces, water vapors (bith the humidity of
fuel/propellant 32-37o/c - Z5G-i08 g/nM 3 . During scrubber scrubbing
of gas contains dust 0.5-1.C g/hn 3 , resins - traces, water vapors
30-60 g/nm 3 .

Gas of air blastirg, which is withdrawal/departure during the

process of obtaining water gas, leaves tte gas generator with
temperature of 500-600oC and contains 16-32 g/nm 3 of dust and 13-40
g/nS 3 of water vapors. icwest beat of covbusticn of dust 420C-6000

Gas of coke ovens, as a rule, is forwarded to user after

purificaticn from resin, benzene, naphthalene and ammonia ("cpposite

gas") . This gas contains resins and dust traces, benzene - 4 g/nm 3 .
The moisture content of gas answers its saturation at 25-35 0 C. Crude
gas contains benzyl 27-3i g/na 3 and traces of resin, naphthalene and


The natural gases, supilied tc user, dust do not contain. Their

DOC 8004,1101 FAC

moisture content depends frcm tae method of dehydration to the

admission into the gas ipie ana az the places cf yield can strongly
oscillate. During the suplyinq of gas tc the great distances the
moisture from it is reicied and mcisture content it it is possible to

consider corresponding tc saturaticn with 10CC.

2-C. Mixtures of fuels/ixoiellants.

2-20. In the case ct ccmtusting mixture cf two solid or liquid

propellants, prescribed/assiyned cy parts by %eight (g' - part by

weight of one of fuels/itopollants in mixture), heat of combustion 1

kg of mixture is calculated acccxding tc fcraula

Q'-- Q. g' + Q:"(I - g) kcal/kg. (2-10)

2.-21. If mixture is prescribed/assicned not in parts by weight,

but in shares of heat release o: each fuel/Ercpellant (q' -

fraction/portion of one of iuals/propellants), then for transition to
parts by weight serves foraula

2-22. During combustion of mixture cf solid or liquid propellant

with vapor calculaticn fcr ccnvenience arbitrarily is conducted not

on 1 kg of burned mixture cf fuels/prcpellants, but on 1 kg cf solid

or liquid propellant takinq into dccount quantity of gas (nm3), which
DOC= 80041 101 ACE 3

falls on 1 kg.

In this case conditicnal beat of combusticn of the mixture of

fuels/propellants with x nm J ct gas on 1 kg cf solid or liquid

prcpellant is calculatea according to the formula

Q. -Q + X" kcal/kg. (2-12)

where Q.' and Q. respectively designate the lcwest beat of

combustion of the combustion cf sciid (or liquid) propellant,
kcal/kg, and gas, kcal/nmJ.

If mixture is prescriued/assigned in the fracticns/portions of

the heat release cf each fuel/pro ellant - the fracticn/pcrticn of

solid or liquid propellart in tctal heat release q' and a
traction/portion of gas (1-q) , tne quantity cf ncrmal cubic meters of

gas, which falls on 1 kS cf sclid cr liquid Fropellant, comprises:

l- o Q"' nm 3/k g. (2.13)

2-D. Design characteristics cf tuel/propellant.

2-23. For si3lecticn of design characteristics of fuel/prcpellant

lesigned assignment must ccntain tcllowirg irdicaticns:
DOC 800o41101 PAG

for anthracite, stcreware and brown coal and schists -

designation of deposit, trand/mark and class according to

size/dimension of pieces;

for withdrawals/departures of enrichment of carbon/coals -

deposit and brand/mark cf enriched carbon/coal and method of

enrichment (dry, wet);

for peat - method ct yield (cake, milling);

for wood fuel/propellant - sizes/disensicns of pieces: for wood

waste - character of prcducticn fzcm which are obtained

for petroleum residue - zand/mark and sulfur content;

for the artificial Gaseous fuel - fcrm of gas, initial

fuel/propellant, method of obtaining and scrutbing of gas;

for the natural gaseous fuel - regicn cf yield, character of

deposit (natural-gas cr puzely Gas wells).
DOC - 80041101 r:AGE

In view of the fact that the impurity ccntent in the gaseous

fuel, and also temperature and iressure, with which the gas proceeds
to user, are subjected tc considerable fluctuations, these values for

the specific casqs must te specially refined.

2-24. In RN 2-01 and e-O are given design characteristics of

basic forms and brands/marks ct ccnsumed by Soviet power engineering
fuel/propellant. The ccrrcted values cannot he considered as the
permanent and solidly estanlisea,/instalied norms. These are some

average numbers, which cbaractezize the fuel/Frcpellant, which

considerably differs by its ccmocsiticn and quality both on the
separate mines/shafts, tke peat mining enterprises, etc. and on the
time. The characteristics ot sclid fuel relate in essence to the
series unenriched and unscreen*4 tuel/prcpellant, with exception of
screened anthracite cf Ccn ass.
DOC = 80041101 PFJ I

Table 2-6. Moisture content of the saturated gas.

\Bitaroconepwatme tii I n . cvxoro
. ... . ra.
3s d. z5MM....... 5.0 10,1 19.435.9 64.6 114 202 370 739 I 9WI

Key: (1). Temperature. (i). Moisture content cn 1 nm cf dry gas d,


Page 13.

Besides the average data, in HN 2-01 are given fundamental

characteristics w, and .4, oi tae solid fuel cf the saximally

lowered/reduced quality, tbe fcsibility mcre cr less prolonged
admi3sion of which shcuic ba considered during the design of separate
aggregates/units or entexrrises.

2-25. During therval design of boiler aggregates/units design

characteristics of fuel/ropellant are accepted, as a rule, cn RN

2-01 and 2-02. The acce*tance Cf other characteristics is

allowed/assumed with a tufficient iroof only in the calculaticns of
the aggregates/units, intendtd tar the ccncrete/specific/actual

Changes of the prceilant iropertiis within the limits,

DOC = 80041101 FA -

indicated in Table 2-7, ledd to such change in the basic results cf

the thermal design of aggregate/unit, which is within the limits cf
the precision/accuracy ct calculation. Therefcre, if the assigned
characteristics (separate cc scmewbat simultaneously) change in
comparison with the tatulated aata or these accepted earlier for
calculating this aggrecate/urit tc the values, which do not exceed
indicated by Table 2-7, xecalculation ty the fuel/prcpellant of the
chanqed characteristics to produce one ought nct.

2-26. For calculatirg bciler aggregate/unit during combustion of

fuel/propellant, not led in fn -01 and 2-02, design characteristics

must be established/installed on tne basis cf analysis specially fcr

this purpose of selected cn ajFLcFziate commands tests/samples.

Tha results of analysis are divided intc the fcllowing classes,

arranged/located in descenainS cider cf the reliability of their use

for the characteristic cf ccmmezcial fuel/prcpellant.

1. Analyses of commercial tests/samples Icalculated, stcckpile,

operational) .

2. Analyses of sheet tests/sazples from effective faces, drifts

and sc forth, etc.
DOC 30041101 PACE

3. Analyses of tests/samfles trom prospectings (bore pits,

galleries, etc.).

4. Analyses of bcrehcle (core) tests/samples.

Accepted for the establishaent of design characteristics of

fuel/propellant analyses must satisfy the fcllcwing minimum


a) heat of combustica must be determined in calorimeter.

b) the limits of the fluctuations of the heat of combustion Cf

combustible mass % cr Q; the different batches cf fuel/propellant or
during the different periods ct time must nct exceed 150-200 kcal/kg.

c) during testing of the ccnforaity of the prescribed/assigned

elementary ccmposition tc the neat of coxbusticn cf combustible mass

by Mendeleyev's fcrmula

-- C'+ 246H'-6(O-S) kcal/kg (2.14)

the latter must not give disagreement with calcrimetric determination

q. more than on 150 kcal/Ky tox the fuels/Frcpellants with and

200 kcal/kg for the fuels/popellants with .'>:i.. These disagreements
DOC 3800L41101 PACE

in the first case (when A<251.) Can te to that and other sides, and the

secondly (when lc>'5Oo the results cf calculaticn according to

Mendeleyevos formula must De atcve Q; on the calcrimeter.

For the comparison cf different tests/samples all data in ash

corn:ent and content cf sulfur . must te ccnverted to the dry

mass, and by the elementary ccuiosition, the heat of combusticn and

the output/yield of volatile cozicaents - tc the combustible mass. As
a result of this comarison must ;E determined the design
characteristics of fue1/Ir cellant.

The content of working scisture (we) must be accepted in essence

on the commercial and steet tests/samples, if there is confidence,
that the initial humidity cf tests/samples was preserved with their

finishing and tests/sarjles were airtightly packed with their

delivery/procurement int¢ the lahcratory. In the absence of this

confidence calculated values w, must be accepted on the moisture

capacity of the large/ccarse Iieces of carbcn/ccal wF.,.

Ash content A'. content of sulfur s:.s,.see and melting poirt of ash
must be determined in essence cr the commercial tests/samples.
DOC S 80041101 11C.

Table 2-7. The standard deviations of prcpellant properties.

I " .. T Y,. yr"..

padonylo Maacey . /
.1..... 2 3 4
.rn"a cyxyto Maccy ......... A$ *i % 8 " 9 10
oepcamwe yraepoaa "a ropmoqy .ccy . . C' ie 8 7 6
(QloaopoAa . . ... H' - . ----- ----- -.
aop INIo o . rop--o Oo x--240 210
---- 1 -accy

Key: (1). "esignation ct ciaracteristic. (2). resignation. (2).

Cimensionality. (4). Stacdazd deviations. (5). Lean coal and
anthracite. (6). Coals. (7). arcwn coal. (8). Humidity to working
mass. (9). ksh content to dry mass. (10). Cartcn content to

combustible mass. (11). ydxcgec. (12). cxygen. (13). sulfur. (14).

Without limitations. (15). meat cf combusticn 1cwest to combustible

mass. (16). kcal/kg.

FOCTNOTE 1. Calculated ash ccntent must not exceed value ...

indicated in RN 2-01. ENEECCTNCIE.

Page 14.

For obtaining remaining characteristics (WC. H', '.

0'. s .. V
'- the
characteristic of nonvclazile remainder/residue) can be taken into
DOC 80041101 EAG 5

consideration the data of the anallses of the tests/samples of all

four classes.

2-27. For calculating ociier aggregate/unit on fuel/profellant

for which characteristics are given in RN 2-01, but
prescribed/assigned ash conrent or humidity differs from tabulated
data of RN 2-01 by values, it is acre than tclerances, given in Table
2-7, design characteristics of tuel/propellant are determined by
indications paragraphs 2-Jb anU -C7 by methcd cf recalculaticn cf
tabular values of compcsizics and beat of ccukustion, if only taken
design characteristics ct ash content A' dces not exceed A,.

indicated in RN 2-01.

2-28. When design ckaracteristics of fuel/propellant are

accepted not on RN 2-01 cr i-U!, zheir selecticn must be produced
under management/manual cr by ccnsultaticn cf sFecialized

1 ,
DOC 80041101 rACE

Chapter Three.



3-01. During determination of heat capacity of gases volume of

mole was received equal to .2.41 na3 (on perfect gas).

Neat capacity of air and gases, enterirg the combustion

prcducts, are given in labla 3-1.

The heat capacity Cf humid air c. is calculated with the

moisture content 10 g cn 1 kg or dry air and is related to 1 33 cf

dry air. with other moisture content d g/kg the heat capacity of air
is calculated from the fcrmula

c.mCco+0. 6dCH,.o ical/ng 3 deg (3-01)

where c., and cHo - heat calacaty cf dry air and water vapor.

The heat capacities of sclid fuels, petrcleum residue, ash and

combustible gases are given in is 3-01.
3-02. For combusticn products whose pressure in toiler
aggregates/units it is small it ditfers frcm atmospheric, are given
kinematic viscosity coelficients m 3/s, while for vapor and water -

coefficients of dynamic viscosity kg s/m2.

DOC = 80C41101 FAGE

Table 3-1. Average/mean beat capacity of the air and gases frcz 0 to
toC, kcal/nm 3 deg.

CNcto Cj.o '.__ I
0 0,3821 0.3092 0,3119 0,3569 0,3098 0,3150
100 0,4061 0,3095 0,3147 0,3595 0,3106 0,3163
200 0,4269 0,3104 0,3189 0,3636 0,3122 0,3181
300 0,4449 0,3121 0,3239 0,3684 0,3146 0,3206
400 0,4609 0,3144 0,3290 0,3730 0,3174 0,3235
500 0,4750 0.3171 0,3339 0,3797 0,3207 0,3268
600 0,4875 0,3201 0,3384 0,3857 0,3240 0 3303
700 01 93M 0,3=33 0,3426 0,3920 0,3274 0:3338
806 0,50'JO 0.3265 0,3463 0,3984 0,3306 0,3371
.003 0,5181 0,3295 0,3498 0,4050 0,3338 0,3403
I00 0.5263 0,3324 0,3529 0,4115 0,3367 0,3433
1I10U 0,5338 0,3352 0,3557 0,4180 0,3395 0,3463
I2 ) fl,5407 0.3378 0.3584 0.4244 0,3422 0,3490
1300 0.5169 0,3404 0,3606 0,1306 0,3447 0.3517
1400 0, 552(, 0,3427 0,3431 0,4366 0,3470 0,3542
1500 0 5578 0.3449 0,3653 0,4425 0,3492 0,3365
1 60 0,56_'6 0,3470 0.3673 0.4481 0,3513 0,3587
I "0 0.5671 0.3490 0,3693 0,4537 0.3532 0,3607
1 800 0,5712 0.3508 0,3712 0.4589 0,3551 0,3625
1900 0 5750 0.3525 0,3730 0,4639 0,3568 0.3644
2000 0.5785 0.3541 0,3748 0, 4688 0.3585 0,3661
2100 0,5818 0,3557 0,3764 0,4735 0,3600 0,3678
2200 0.5848 0,3571 0,3781 0,4779 0,3615 0,3693
2300 0,5876 0,3585 0.3797 0,4822 0,3629 0,3708
2400 0,5102 0,3596 0,3813 0,4864 0,3643 0.3722
2500 0,5926 0.3610 0,32 0,4903 0,65 0.3nS

Page 15.

Kinematic viscositj coefficient for the vapor and the water is

determined as follows:

'.-9,81P 3
M /S (3-02)

where specific volumes v mJ/kq are taken on the tables cf appendix


3-03. Coefficients €f Kin~matzc viscosity/ductitlty/tougbness cf

DOC = 80041101 PAG

air and flue gases of average/mean compositicz at pressure 76C mu Hg

and temperatures of 0-1600oc are iepresected in Table 3-2.

The composition of flue gases is characterized by the vclume

fractions of water vapcrs and cait¢nic acids r,,o and ,co. equal to the

partial pressures of these gaas at the total pressure 1 atm(ats.);

the average/mean composition of gases correspcnds ,..o-0.l and ,co, - 0. 3

The deviaticn of the kinematic visccsity ccefficients of the

products of the complete ccmbusticr, which have the composition,
different frcm the averace, is determined mainly by the content of
water vapors.

In Fig. la is giver factor M.-+ determined in depending on

,. and the temperature of gases.

The kinematic viscosity coetficient of flue gases of the

prescribed/assigned ccficsiticr is deterrined frcm the formula

VMVM, 2M/S. (3-03)

3-04. Coefficients ct dynamic viscosity cf water and water vapor

at pressures 1-400 kgf/c 2 and temperatures 0-70'C, and also on line
of saturation, are given in Iazle J-3.
DOC =80041101 PAG E *C-


0 200 400 e00 800 '0070 12008 /409 55'



Fig. 1. Corrections for toe recalculatioc of the physical

characteristics of flue gazes cl the average/mean ccmposition: a)

correction N,-; b) correction A.; c) correction mp,

Page0. Coefficient ci thermal conductivity cf air and flue gases

of average/mean composition (ru1 o-oii and rco, o.j3) fcr temperatures cf

DOC = 80041101 16L .+
C-16JOoC they are represented in Table 3-2.

Like viscosity/ductility/tcugbness, thermal conductivity of the

froducts of the complete ccbusticn depend mainly on the content of
water vapors. Fig. It gives coetticient M - -' determined in

depending on H,.o and tke temperature of gases.

The coefficient of the thermal conductivit" of flue gases of the

prescribed/assigned ccticsiticn is calculated from thu formula

I- 1ML kcal/m hcur deg. (3-04)

3-06. Coefficients cf thermal conductivity of water and water

vapor for pressures 1-4GC Kgf/cz and temperatures of 0-700 0 C, and
also on line of saturaticn, they are represented in Table 3-4.

3-07. Criterion of Ehysical Ezoperties

Pr - 3600----. (3-05)

where c, - true heat caFacity, kcal/kg deg; y - specific

gravity/weight, kg/m 3 .

Its values for the air at a iressure 1 atmlabs.) virtually do

not depend on temperature and zcr interval cf C-1600oC can be
accepted Pr=0.71.
DOC = 80041101 FAC-k

3-08. Value cf critericn Ex of flue gases depends on temperature

and content of water vapcrs in mixture. Values P, for the flue gases
of average/mean compositicn (tkie vclume fraction cf triatomic gases
, and "co, =0.13) at the iressure 760 s Hg for temperatures of
C-16)0OC are given in TaLke 3-4.

Fig. Ic gives the grak/aiagram of the dependence cf coefficient

"p.- Ti on the volume fracticn of water vapors ,,o. Fcr the flue gases,
which differ from average/mean coujcsiticn, Pr is calculated from the
Pr - p' M"'. (3-06)

3.09. Values Pr of water and water vapcr fcr pressures 1-400 kgf
cm2 and temperature of 0-70 0oc, and are alsc cn line of saturation
given in Table 3-5.

3-10. For boilers, waich wcrx with supercbarging/pressurization

under pressure, which exceeds 1.05 atm(ats.), kinematic visccsity
coefficients of gases it is detezzined ftcm fcrnula

--r- m /a-U)

where p - pressure of fire yass, atm(abs.).

DOC = 80041101 FAGE F-i

Heat capacity, coetticiect ct thermal conductivity and criterion

of the physical properties cf yases are accepted for the regicn of
the pressures which can cccur ir the boiler flues (including of
high-pressure steam generators), nct depending cn the pressure.

3-11. Specific volumes anU enthalpy of water and water vapor are
given in tables cf apperdix 11.

3-12. coefficients of visccsity/ductility/toughness and thermal

conductivity, and also value ct criterion Pr for gaseous fuels are
given in Table 3-6. The) can Le used for determining cf the
characteristics of other, ciose in compositicn, mixtures of gases.

3-13. Physical characteristics of petroleum residue are given in

e: ON 3-02.
DOC = 80041101 F I cE .k-,w

Table 3-2. Physical characteristics of air and flue gases of

average/mean ccapositici.

0 13.3 2.10 12,2 1,96 0,72

10) 23,0 2.76 21,5 2.69 0.69
200 34,8 3,38 32,8 3,45 0.67
3u0 . 43.2 3.96 45,8 4,16 0.65
40) 63.0 4,48 , 61.4 4.90 0,64
,500 79,3 4,94 76,3 5.64 0,63
600 96,8 5,36 93,6 6.38 0,62
70 115 5,77 112 7,11 0.FI
80) 135 6.17 132 7,87 0,60
900 155 6.56 152 8.61 0,59
1 00) 178 6,94 174 13,37 0.58
I t00 199 7,3t 197 101," 0,57
12)0 223 7.67 221 10,8 0,56
- - -30 245 11,6 0.55
1400 273 8.58 272 12,4 0.54
1.5w - - 297 13.2 0.53
1600 328 9.27 323 14.0 0.52

Key: (1). Air. (2). Flue gases or average/mean composition. (3).

m3/s. (4). kcal/m hour deg.
DOC = 80041101 EAGk

Pages 17-18.

Table 3-3. Coefficients ct dyadsic viscosity u.106 kg s/m2, water and

water vapor.

I 20 40 1 0 100 I10 250 20 300 N&KPCMOAN

: cm.

0 182 182 182 181 181 183 ISO 179 178 176 182.3 0,84
0 33 133 133 133 133 1 132 I 12 131 131 133.1 0.87
20 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102.4 0,91
30 81.7 81.7 81.8 81., 81,8 81.8 S1,9 mI.9 82.0 82.1 81,7 0.95
40 66.6 66.6 66.6 66,7 66. 66.8 66.9 67.0 67, 67,3 66.6 0,99
-s 56.0 56,0 56,1 56.1 56,2 56.2 56.3 56,5 56,6 56.8 56.0 1.02
60 47,9 47.9 48.0 48 0 48,1 48,1 48.2 48.4 48,6 48.8 47.9 1,C6
70 41,4 41.4 41:5 41,5 41,6 41.6 41,7 41.9 42,0 42.2 41.4 1.10
80 36,2 36.2 36,3 36.3 36.4 36.4 36,5 36.7 36,8 37.0 36,2 1.14
90 32.1 32.1 32,2 32,2 32,3 32.3 32,4 32.i I 32.7 32,0 32,1 1.18
100 1,22 28.8 1S.9 28.9 29.0 29.0 29.1 29.3 29.4 29.6 28,8 1.22
110 1,26 26.4 26,5 26.5 26.6 26,6 26.7 2669 27,0 27, 6,4 1,27
120 1,30 24,2 24.3 24,3 24.4 24.4 24.5 24,7 24.8 25:0 24:2 1.31
140 1,34
1,38 22,2
20.5 22,3
20.6 22.3
20.6 22.4
2,0.7 22.4
20.7 22.5 22.7
08 22.8 '23.0 22,2 1.35
.,9 21,0 2,. 205 1,38

150 1.42 19.0 19.1 19.1 13.2 ,.2 19.3 ,94 19.5 19,7 1910 1.4.
160 1.46 17.7 17.8 17,4 ,7.9 ,0 18.0 ,. 18.2 1 8,4 7,7 1.46
170 1,50 16.6 16.7 16.7 ,8 6.8 16,9 17.0 17,1 17,3 16.6 1,50
180 1,54 15.6 15,7 15.7 35.8 15,8 35.9 16,0 16,1 16.3 15.6 1.54
190 1.58 14.7 14.8 14,8 14.9 14.9 15.0 15.1 15,2 15.4 14,7 1.59
200 1.62 13,9 14,0 14.0 14.1 14,1 14,2 14.3 14.4 14.6 13,9 1.63
210 1.66 13.3 ,4 3.4 3 3.5
35 13,6 33.7 13,8 14.0 13.3 1.67
220 ,.70 1,2 32.8 32.8 2.9 32.9 13,0 3,.1 13,2 13.4 127 3.72
230 1.75 1.76 ..2 32.3 3F.3 12.4 2.5 12,6 12,7 12.9 32:2 1,77
240 1.79 1.80 11,7 113 11.8 11.9 12.0 12,1 12,2 12.4 11.7 1.81

1,84 1.86 11.3 ,.,3 31.4 15 117 118 12.0 332 1.86
260 1,83
1.87 3.88 1.91 10.9 10.9 3l.:0 3 1 11.2 11,3 I,5 30.8 1.92
270 1.91 1,92 1,95 10,5 10,5 30,6 30:7 10's 10.9 I.3 10,4 1.97
280 1,96 1.97 1 199 2.---"
0 I' 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10,7 I0.0 -),.
290 20 2,0
,03 2,06 9.7 -9,20 9.9 I0,0 10,1 10,3 9,6 2,10
site 800 1 E&C-E
IP "
2.04 2.05 2,07 2.10 2.14 9.3 9.42 9,.72 9,.5 998 101 9,3 2,7
330 2..17
3021 2.13
2 .2
2.16 2 247
2 . 2 227
340 2,21 2.22 24 2.26 2 1
2', 7.94 8.14 9.30 8.47 8.57 8.70 7.9 2.57
30 2.5 2.2 .2 2.30 2. 3 237 2,55 7,64 7.88 8.09 8.22 8.36 7.4 2.71
360 2.30 2.31 2,32 2.J4 3 37 t.41 206 704 7.40 7,66 786 801 6,8 2.97
370 2.34 2.35 2.37 2.38 2.41 .44 2'58 2"n 6,84 7.20 7,46 7:65 5.8 3.44
380 2.38 2.39 2.41 2.443 . 2.48 .61 237 5.61 6.65 7,00 7,27 - -
390 2,43 2.44 2,45 2,47 52 2.64 2.55 3.49' 5t55 6.49 6,88 - -
400 2,47 2,48 2.50 22. 54 I.57 2.;7 ".$5 3.24 4.60 5,77 6.39 - -
410 2.52 2.53 1 2,54 2,56 2.35 2 .11 2.7 2.6 3,15 3.92 5.01 5.82 - -
420 2.56 2,57 2.58 2,60 2. 2.65 2.73 2.88 3.12 3.59 4.44 5.27 - -
430 2.61 2,61 2.62 2,64 1 . .69 ' 77 2,90 3.11 3.47 4,03 4.81 -
440 2.65 2,66 2.67 2. t -1 2.73 11 293 3,12 3,40 3.58 4,44 - -
450 2.70 2.70 2.72 2.73 2.75 2.77 2,35 2.96 3.12 3,7 3,74 4,- 9
460 2.74 25 2.76 207 2.79 2.82 2.83 3.00 3.14 3.35 3.67 4.03 I - -
470 2.79 29 28 2.82 2,S4 2.36 2,93 3.03 3,16 3.35 3.62 3.94 - -
480 2.84 2,84 2.5 2.86 2.88 2.90 2,97 3.16 3.13 3,36 3.59 3,88 --
490 2.88 2,$8 2.S9 2.91 2,92 2.94 3.01 3.10 3.22 3.37 .5 3I -?

500 2 2.93 2,94 295 2,97 2,99 3.15 3.14

32 .7 3.58 I3,80
3.25 3.39 3,58 3.80
510 2.97 2,97 2.96 3.00 3.01 3.93 3,09 317 3,26 3.41 - - -
520 3.01 3.02 3.03 3,. 3,L6 3.07 3,13 3,21 3.31 3,44 - - -
530 3.06 3,06 3,07 3,39 3,10 3.12 3. 8 3.25 3.35 3.47 - - - -
540 3,10 3.11 3,12 3,13 3.15 3.16 3.22 3.29 3,3 3,50 - . .
550 3.15 3.16 3,16 3,18 3.19 3.21 3,26 3,33 3,42 3.53 3.66 3,81 -
560 3,20 3,20 3.21 3.22 3.24 3.25 3.31 3,37 3,46 3,56 - - -
570 3.24 3,25 3,26 3.27 3,28 3,30 3,35 3.41 3,50 3.59 - -
580 3.29 3,29 3,30 3,31 333 3.34 3,39 3,46 3.53 3,53 .-.
590 3.33 3.34 3,35 3.36 3,37 3.39 3.43 3,50 3.57 3.66 - -

800 339 3.40 3.41 3.42 3,43 3.44 3.48 3.54 3,61 3,70 3,80 3.90 - -
S..64 , 655 3,66
3.663 3 3.44
,69 3,73 3.79 3,86 3.94 4.02 4,11 --
700 3,90 1 3.91 3,92 1 3.93 3,94 3.95 3.99 4 05 4,12 4.20 4,8 4,35 - -

Key: (1). kg/cmz. (2). .a-ar. (3). Steam. (4). in saturation curve.
DOC = 800/41101 FAGr

Page 19.

Table 3-4. Coefficient cf thermal conductivity X*1OZ. kcal/m hour

dog, water also cf water vapcz.

I ,~~ ) ! :*
0 40 ~. s0 1W ISO 200 23D 300 -.....
0 47.4 47.4 47,5 47,5 47.6 47.7 47.8 48,0 48.2 48,4 47.4 -

10 49.4 494 49,5 49, 49,7 49.8 50,0 50.2 50,4 50,7 49,4 -
20 51,5 51.5 51.6 51,7 51,8 51.9 52,1 52,3 52,5 52.8 51,5 -
30 5.3, 53.1 53.2 53,3 53.4 53,5 53,7 54.0 54,2 54,5 53,1 -
40 54.5 54,5 54.6 51.7 54.8 54,9 55,1 55.4 55.6 55.9 54.5 -

so 55.7 55.7 55,8 55.9 56.0 56,1 56.3 56,5 56.7 57,0 55.7 -
60 56.7 56,7 56.8 56.9 57.0 57,1 57.3 57.5 57.7 58.0 56,7 -
70 57,4 57.4 57.5 57,6 57,7 57.8 58.0 58.3 58.5 58.8 57.4 -
80 58,0 0 58, 58.1 58,2 58.3 58,4 58.6 58,9 59,1 59.4 58.0 -
90 58,1 58,5 58,6 5,4,7 58,8 58,0 59,1 59,4 59.6 59.9 585 -

00 2.4 58.8 58.9 59.0 59.1 59,3 59,5 59,8 60.0 60,3 58,7 2.04
10 212 58,9 59.0 59.1 59.3 59.5 59,7 60.0 60,2 60.5 58,9 2.14
120 2,21 50.0 59.1 59.2 59.4 59.6 59.9 60.2 60,5 60,8 59.0 2.23
130 2.29 59.0 59,1 59,2 59.4 59.6 59.9 60,2 60,5 60,9 59.0 2,31
140 2,37 58,9 9.0 55.2 59,4 59.6 59.9 60,2 60,5 60.8 58.9 2,40
ISO 2.44 58,q 59.0 59,2 59.4 59.6 59.8 60.1 .60.4 60.8 58.8 2.48
160 2.5.3 58,7 58.8 59,9 59,1 59.3 59.6 59.9 60.3 60 6 58.7 2.59
I70 2,61 5,4 55.5 S8.T 59 ,1 59.4 59, T 0. 60, 58.4 2.69
180 2,71 5.4.0 54.1 58.3 5..5 58,7 59.0 .59.3 59.6 0,0o 8.0 2,81
1o 2.8o 57,r 57.7 57.9 58.1 58.3 58.6 58.9 59.3 59.7 57.6 2,94
200 2.88 57,o 57.2 57.4 57,6 57.8 58,! 58.4 58.8 59,3 57.0 3,05
'O 2,'? r;.3 56.5 56,7 56,9 57 ' 57,6 58.0 58.3 58,7 56,3 3.20
120 -,,7 55.7 55,9 56. 56.4 56.8 57.2 57,7 58.2 55,5 3,35
230 3.16 3,38 54,9 55.1 55.3 55,6 56.0 56.5 56.9 57.4 51,8 3.52
240 3.24 3.44 54.0 5.1.2 51.4 54,7 55.2 55,7 56.2 56,7 54,0 3.69

250 3.33 3,52 3.87 53.1 5.,.3 53.7 54,2 54,7 55,2 55,7 53.1 3,88
260 3,43 3,61 3.93 52,1 52.3 52,6 53.1 53,6 54,1 54.7 52.0 4.13
270 3.53 3.72 4.03 51,7 51,0 51,4 52.0 52.6 53,! 53.7 50.7 4.39
280 3,62 3. 10 4M 4.51 1 49.5 50,0 50.6 51,2 51,3 52.6 49.4 4,72
J 3.71 3,89 4.17 4

Table 3-4 (cont'd).

4 o) 20 3 4..

320 4,01 418 4,43 4,75 520 5,7N_4$,1 145, 45,9 46,5 4.2 479 43.5 6,4
300 3.80 3.95 4.23 4.60 5.1'1146,6,47.3 48'0 48.6 49% 49.6 50.1 46.4 5.39

30 41 4,6 4.51 4 2 5.A 15.77 -.120 143,.4 4.1,3 45 2 45.9 .46,6 41,6 7.10
340 4, 20 4,3G 4,60 4,90 5.28 5,77 39,1141.,4 42,6 43,7 44.4 45.2 39.3 8,00
3550 430 4 4 ,90 5,77i764189 40,7 41,9 42.8 43.7 37,0 9.2n
360 4.39 4.53 4.76 5.04 5 58839 7 401;5 38.3 39.9 41,0 42,2 34,0 11,U
370 4.50 4,86 5.13 5,46 5,85 7,27 10," 34.8 37,6 39:1 40.4 29.0 14.70
380 4.61 4,74 4.95 5,22 5,54 5:91 720 9.55 27.6 34.5 36.5 38.4 - -
390 4,72 4,85 5.05 5,30 5.62 5,96 7;719.15 14,7 29.9 33.4 36,1 - -
DOC = 80041101 FA6i &r

400 .181 4,941 5 4 538 5,.9 G.01 7.12 8.84 2.2 22.1 29.9 33.5 - -
410 4.91 5.04 5,24 5:481 5.76 6,08 7.12 8,613: 1.2 17,2 25,3 30.5 - -
420 5,02 5.15 5.35 5.581 5_5 6,16 7,14 8,53 10.7 145 20.9 ?6,9.
430 5.12 5,25 5.44 5.67 5,93 6,2.3 7,16 6,45 10. 132 7,9 23.0o -
440 5,23 5.3 554,5,771
1 6.3 7,20 8,38 30.3 ,6.0 20,1
450 5. 33 546 5.64 5.8 6,10 6.38 7,23 8.35 9,84 13,9 14.8 ,2 -
460 5,15, 5,591 5,76 i 5,99 6,20 6.47 7.29 8.35 .70 .5 14,0 16.8
470 ~~~~470
5.16 5.69 5877I: 6.491 6.29 6.565,.3580I
7.35 8,34 9,62 1.313,5 35,8

490 5.61.S 5.97 6.18 6.40 6.65 7.41 8,36 9.,% 33,i 3.0 15
490 5,781 5,290 60 6 6, 6.48 6,73 7.46 87 9,5 12,6
4.4 --

510 6 00i G,1" 6 ,28 6,47 6,67 6.91 (7,6 8.39 9 .1,3 - -
520 6.11,6.22 6,38 6,57 6.77 7.00! 7,67 8,47 9.4 0.6 - - --
530 6,2216,3.31 6.48 6,67 6,87 7,09 7,74 8.52 9.44 10,5
540 6,32 6.42 6,57 6,76 6.96 7.17 7.81 8,56 9.45 10,5 - -
550 6,4.6541 6.69 6,88 7,06 7,28 7.90) 8.62 9,48 30.5 11,6 12,9 - -
560 6,56 6.66 6.81 6.99 7.1777.38 7, 8 8.6 52 30.5 - - -
570 6 68 6,78 6.92 7.09 7,28 7,49 8.07 8.-779 0.5 - -
580 6,79 6.6197.03 7.19. 7.38 7.57 8,3I6 ,83 9.60 10.4
590 6,91 017.14 7.29 7,49 7,67 8.25 8,909,65 0 -1-
650 7,03 7.70 7.26
7.62 '.13 7,81 7.42
7.94 7,60 7,79 8,34
8,09 8:251 8.72 8I99
92,,8 9.70 10,4 11,5 i2,34
0111,5[ -- -
700 8.221 8,29 8.39 8.50 8,64 8.78 9.20 9,70 10,2 10:7 11:7 32,4
650 7 ,6 7,70 7,83 729 8,09
. . 8,72 9,27 9,87 10,5 1ta5 c2,urve.

Key: 11. kg/cm2 . (2). hater. 1.3). Steam. (3). in saturation curve.

DOC : 80041101 VAChE &1
Pages 20-21.

Table 3-5. Criterion of tne paysical properties Pr for the water and

the water vapor.

r f0).
1 20 40 W W IOU I15 00 5 0

0 13.7 13,6 13.6 13.5 13.5 13A 13.3 13.1 13.0 12,8 13,7 -
10 9.52 9,51 9.50 9,47 9.44 9.32 9.29 9,22 9,09 8,96 9.52 -
20 7,00 6.98 6.96 6,94 6.92 6.90 6,86 6,81 6,77 6.71 700 -
30 5.41 5,41 5.40 5.39 5.37 5,35 5.33 5.29 5.27 5.22 5.41
40 430 4.28 4,28 4.27 4.26 4 ,254,24 4,21 4,19 4,17 4.0 -
50 3.54 3.,54 3,53 3.52 3.51 3 ,503,49 3,48 3,46 3.45 3.54
60 2.98 2.97 2.97 2, 96 2,96 2,95 2,94 2,93 2.92 2.91 2,98 -
70 2.55 2.54 2,54 2.53 2,53 2.52 2,51 2,50 2.49 2,48 2.5 -
80 2,21 2.21 2.N 2.20 2,20 2 .192.18 2,17 2,16 2,15 2.21 -
90 , 1.95 1.95 1,94 I,-24 1,93 1.93 1.92 1,92 1.91 1.91 1,95 -
100 1.06 1,74 1,74 1,74 1.73 1,72 1,72 1,72 1,71 1,71 1.75 1,08
110 1.03 1,60 160 1,60 1.59 1.58 1,58 1,58 1.57 1,57 1.60 1.09
120 1.01 1,47 1,47 1,47 1,46 1.46 1,46 1.45 1,45 1,44 1 .471.09
130 0,99 1,35 1.35 1,35 1.35 1:34 1,34 1.34 1,33 1,33 1,35 1.11
140 0,98 1,26 1.26 1.25 1.25 1 ,24 1 ,241,23 1,23 1.23 1,26 1.12
150 0,97 1,17 1,17 1.17 1,17 1,16 1,16 1.15 1.15 1,14 1.17 1,15
160 0,96 1.10 1,10 1.10 1.10 1,10 1.09 1,09 1,08 1,08 1,10 1.18
170 0,96 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1,03 1,03 1.02 1,05 1,21
180 0,15 1.0 1.00 1,00 1.00 0,99 0,99 0.95 0,98 0.98 1.00 1,25
190 0.94 0.9 0.96 0 .960.96 0,95 0,95 0.94 0.04 0,94 0,96 1,30
200 0.94 0,'.3 0.931 0.U2 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.91 0,91 0,90 0,91 1.34
210 0.93 0,91 0.91 0,'Y0 0.90 0,90 0,89 0.89 0,88 0.88 0.91 1.37
220 0,93 1.30 0.,99 0.89 0.89 0,88 0,87 Q,$q7 0 86 0.86 0.89 1,42
230 0.93 1.21 0,88 0,87 0.87 0.87 0.86 686 0D,5 0.85 0.88 1,47
240 0.92 1.16 0.87 0.87 0,86 0,86 0,85 0,85 0,84 0,84 0.87 1.53
250 0.92 1,12 l 0,86( 0-86 0,86 0.85 0.84 0,83 0.83 0,86 1.61
260 0,92 1.08 1,44 0, 6 0,86 0.85 0.4 0,83 0,83 0.87 1,63
270 0.91 1,05 1,33 0.FA 0.88 0,87 0.86 0.84 0,83 0.83 0.88 1,76
280 0.91 1,04 1,25 1,1,81 0,89 0,89 0,87 0,86 0,85 0.84 0,89 r,85
290 0.91 1,02 1,19 153 .. 93 0,92 0.89 0.87 0,85 0,84 0.93 1,99

DOC = 80011101 E 8 r


,..o 1c=
1 20 40 (A 0 so M1 50 200 250 330 30 400W 14.O :
300 0,91 1.01 1.14 1,39 1,811 0,9510,9.0 0,89 0,88 0.87 0,85 0,83 0,97 2,13
310 0.91 1,00 1,10 1,29 1,59 2, 210.97 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.86 0.8,3 1.02 2,28
320 0.91 0,98 1,07 1.22 1,44 1i,W|1,04 0,98 0.95 0,92 0,88 0,84 1,11 2,51
3.0 0.91 0.096 1,05 1,17 1.34 1.6 1,17 1.06 1.00 0,95 0,89 0.85 2.22 2,86
340 0.90 0, 2.03 2.13 . 1,27 1.07 0,99 0.92 0,86 1,38 3,34
350 0,90 0,95 1,02 1,10 1,2112,3, 2,.I1 1,:37 1,15 1.04 0.97 0.91 1,0 4,03
360 0,90 0.95 1,01 1.07 1,18 1.29 1." 2, 2) 1,34 1.12 1.03 0,90 2,36 5,24
370 0,90 0.94 1,00 1,05 1,13 1,22 ,65j,7 2.91 1.30 1.12 1,04 6.80 12.10
380 0.90 0,94 0,99 1,04 1,10 1,17 2,49 2.42 5.90 1,62 1,29 115 - -
390 0.90 0,94 0.98 1,02 1,07 2.241,39 ,90 4,60 2,76 1,58 f,30 - -
400 0.90 0.93 0,97 1,01 1.05 1,111,32 1.66 2,67 5.22 2,011.49 - -
410 0.90 0,93 0,96 1,00 1,04 1,09 1,25 1,.51 2,0 ; 3.48 2,85 1,76 - -
420 0,90 0,93 0,95 0,99 1.02 .06 1,19 1,39 1,75 2.,51 3,21) 2,15 - -
430 0,90 0,92 0,95 0,98 10 211,041,16 1,31 1,56 1,99 2,40 2,45 - -
440 0,90 0,92 0,94 0,97 1,00 1,02 1,12 1,24 1,43 2.75 1,98 2.38
450 0,90 0,92 0,94 0,96 0,99 1.011,08 1,19 1,34 2.56 1,75 1,99 - -
460 0,90 0,92 0.93 0,95 0,98 2.00 1,06 1,15 1,27 1.44 1,60 1.75 - -
470 0.90 0.91 0.93 0,95 0.97 0.99 ,04 1,11 1.20 2.34 1,47 1.59 - -
480 0,90 0,91 0,93 0,94 0,96 0,98 1,02 1,02 I,6 1,26 1,37 1,46 - -
4,A 0,0 0,91 0,93 1. 0,0% 0.97 1.01 1.,2 2 .201,29
12,A5 ),36 - -
500 0,90 0,91 0,92 0,94 0,95 n, 2F1.2l,04l 1,09 1.15 1,22 1,29 - -
510 0,89 0,91 0,92 0.3 0.94 0,95 0.99 1,02 I,nr 2.12 - - - -
520 0.89 0,91 0,92 0,93 0,94 0,95 0,98 1,01 1,04 1.09 - - - -
530 0.89 0,91 0,92 0,93 0,94 0.95 0,97 I,00 1,02 1,07 - - - -
540 0,89 0,91 0,92 0,93 0,930.04 (),9 %0.,0 1,01 1,04 - - - -
550 0.89 0,91 0,92 0,92 0.93 0,94 0,95 .0,970.9' 1.02 1.04 1.06 - -
560 0.89 0.91 0,92 0,92 0.9:20.93 0,9 0.95 0,98 1,00 - - - -
570 0.89 0.91 0,91 0,92 0,92 0,930.,94 0,95 0.07 0.99 - - - -
580 0.80 0,90 0,91 0,92 0.92 -0031 0,94 0,94 0,06 0.98 - -
590 0.89 0,90 0,91 0,92 0.92/0,020.93094 0,95 0,97 I . . . .
600. 0,89 0,90 0,91 0.92 0,9 0 920.92 0,93 0,94 0.96 0,98 1,00 - -
650 0,90 0,91 0,92 0,92 0,93 0,9310,94 0,95 096 0,99) 1,02 1,04 - -
730 0,92 0.92 0,9 0,93 0,94/0.94 0. 0.9610.9l 1,01 1,03 1,05 - -

Key: (1). kg/cma. (2). hater. (.3). Steam. (4). in saturation curve.
DOC = 80041101 1AG E

Page 22.

Table 3-6. Physical characteristics of gaseous fuels.

•"C (),co*NUs1 .T0na poo0o00CTW1.10..XMA/ .aC IPG -8"M "R.

m"~so-0 100 2003W 4W So 600 700 am0 9 00 0 300

i). r a 3 0ifo me H Iwx

(IKoecoex ..... 2,13 2.77 3,39 3,99 4.57 5,14 5.70 6.25 6,79 7,32 7,84 12,7 21,7 32.9 45,8
Hepa Top.
UWA ra3

O rIb 2.88 3.74 4.57 5.38 6,16 6.92 7.67 8,419,14 9.85 10,514,4"24,6 37,351,6

(0, 6 x.v) (za3.uua.

60 38EcUeNHO,
s4oJ ,
(I pe3epma Top4 . . 2.66 3,46 4,24 4,99 5,72 6,44 7,14 7.83 8,52 9,20 9.87 14,1 24,2 36.6 511
(lvikORAsocKowml.l yro.1, 2.40 3,12 3,81 4,47 5,1 5.74 6,36 6,96 7,55 8,13 8,70 13.4 22.8 34,4 47.8
m[ll.r 3 3nIf0 E3e K-
o-T ra31H
ffI In pNKa- II

0 ,,.,,oroyrA
.Nf 2,67 3,47 4.26 5.02 5,74 6.45 7,,5 7,84 852 9,19 9,88613.7 23.6 35,5 49,2
yr.N.. ......... .2,89 3,76 4.59 5,40 6,19 6.97 7.74 8,51 9,22 9,93 10.6 14.3 24,5 36.9 51.1

t,,e,,IA . . . . 6.85I8,95 ".0 12,9 14,8 16.7 18.6 20.4 22.2 24.0 25.7 25,9 44.2 66.7 92,9
. 6,8 3. 1 2,8 14.7 16,618,5 20,3 22,1 23.9 25,6 24,6
0,9 641,5
4,1 89,2
' oq a.i.

S r a 3 4 IfC T
r a oja At e C T 0-
p 0 1. A e H if 1
v;.-1Byrypcaa~ca:,l . . 2,38 4,52 5,67 6,84 8,05 9,29 10,6 11.9 13,2 14512,2 21.1 32.3 45.0
r- im.cxmA (CapaTos-
,2 K14A3,. ...... ,..51 3.6214.77 5.98 7.21 8.49 9,79 1.112.4 3,8 35.2 13.6 23,5 36,0 50.2
V41amasctrl (3anaa.
7 SON YKpSmma)S . . . 2,513.62 4.77 5,98 7,21 8,49 9,79 11,132,4 33,8 35,2 14,3 24,6 37,7 52.6
DOC = 80041101 FAE .h '

yuTtu@zaocfu.1.UC E (5 )KP.TPA.sbEN41" w @mPr

4 I H am
o I7M. we
.... *

60.0 76.7 9f.2 113 135 157 181 0.682 0,672 0,6680.66 .668 ,673 0,682 0.6860,6900,693

68,0 86,4 106 128 1511176 203 0,539 0,528 0.5250,524 0.5290,5340.5390.,542 0,540.548 0.551

67.5 85.8 106 128 152 177 204 0,608 0,603 0.600601 0.'608 0,6'6 0,6 80.6320,6360638
63.0 80,0 98,4 118 140 164 188 0.630 0,619 0.61410.615 0.6210.626 0, .3i,63606400,643 0,649

64,8 82,5 ;02 .V2 145 168 196 0.590 0,583 0.5760,5730,57J0,5850,5890.5930,5950.6000,604
67.5 85.5 105 127 151175 204 0,565 0,555 0,550 0.55C 53 0,55 0,557 0,560,564 0,56810,573

122 156 193 233 273 319 368 0,425 0,430 0,4 40 0,454 0,4650,4750,4830.4930.5000.50-0,514
117 149 285 223 264 307 353 0,420 0.429 0,4400,4550,4670.4770,4860,495,0"5,0,05 157

60,2 77.0 95.7 117 138 161 21860,709 0.708 0,7380,7680.7920.8160,83 0.8420 8490.85610.863
67,0 85.9 :07 130 154 80 207 0,735 0,734 0,7630.7970 360,8620,88 0,9040,9:70 9250,928
70,3 90,0 112 236 161 88 217 0.735 0,734 0.763 0,797 0,836 0,8612 0.88 0,9040.970,9250928

Key: (1). Designation ct gasecus fuels. (2). lemFerature. (3).

Coefficient cf thermal ccnUOuct ity e102 kcal/m h deg. (4).

Coefficient of kinematic visccsity,/ductility/toughness a2/s (5).

Criterion of physical zcperties Ex. (6). Gas of blast furnaces. (7).

Coke. (8). Genqrator gas. {S). frca cake fuel/propellant. (IC).

M.oscow carbon/coal'.
DOC = 80041101 PAGE .6'

FOOTNOTE 1. The characteristics oL generator gas from Moscow

carbon/coal apply to all jeneratcr gases frcu the cake

fuel/propellant and gases of underground gasification (RN 2-C2).


(11). B. From fine-grained tuel/Fzcpellant (C-6 mm) (gasification in

suspended bed). (12). Milling peat. (13). Mcscow carbon/coal. (14).

Gas of subterranean gasiticativr. j15). From coal. (16). Frc Moscow

carbon/coal. (17). Gas ct ccke cvens. (18). Purified. (19). Not

refined. (20). Natural gas cf purely gas fields. (21). Euguruslansk.

(22). Yelshansk (Saratcv)-.

FOOTNOTE Z. The characteristics of Yelshansk natural gas apply to

Ukhtinsk and Kurdyumsk cases. thuGCTNOTE.

(23). nashavsk (Western LKraine) .

FOOTNOTE 3. The characteristics or Dashavsk natural gas apply to

Melitopol' gas. ENDFCO!NCIB.
DOC = 80041101 P A6 E t

Page 23.

Chapter Four.


4-A. Calculation of voluses and enthalpy.

4-01. All calculaticas of volumes and enthalpy of air and

products of ccmbusticn are cc-ducted on 1 kg cf solid or liquid

propellant or on 1 nM 3 ct dry gasecus fuel. With the drying of
fuel/propellant accordinc to the extended cycle the calculaticns are
conducted on 1 kg of the dried sli~htly fuel/Frcpellant.

Mechanical incomplete burning is considered by introduction tc

the calculations of the ccnditacmal fuel consumption:

too kg/h .

All formulas relate to the case of the ccmFlete combustion of

fuel/propellant, but by sulticiant for the calculations
precision/accuracy are akplied uith the insigrificant chemical
incompleteness combusticn, waica ccrrespcnds to the indicated in the
DOC 80041101 FAGi

norms values of losses 4.

In all formulas the vclume cf gases is expressed in the ncrmal

cubic meters (nm 3 ), the com, csiticr cf !c3id and liquid propellants -

in the percentages by the weight, and vapor - by the volume.

During the computaticn ct vciumes vclume 1 mole for all gases

was received equal to 7-.41 nm3 (as for the perfect gas). In this
case into the computaticn ot enthalpy the errcr from the difference
in the volumes of the soles ci zeal and perfect gases is not
introduced, since heat capacity or gases are related to the same
volume of mole (s. p. 3-0I).

4-02. Volumes and weignts cf air and comkustion prcducts during

combustion of solid and I14uld FroFellants are determined frcu given

belcv formulas.
DOC 80041102 PA

Paqe 24.

Theoretical quantity of dry air, necessary for the complete

combustion of fuel/propellant,

V = ,o 3-5S'+.) -.
(C- +.+ o.op+,
+ 0,3265Elp - 0,03330 m.3,Kz: (4-02)
L" = 0.115 (CP + 0.37.SP ) +
k"z/A.. (4-03)
+ 0,342H - 0.04.710P

Key: (1). nm'/kg. (2). kg/kg.

The minimum volumes of coukustion products which would te

obtained with the couplete ccabustion of fuel/propellant with the

theoretically necessary quantity of air (a=1):

Theoretical volume Cf nitxcgen

VQ, =0,79V"+0.8 Y .M0iM. (4-04)

Key: (1). nma/kg.

Volume of the trietcoic gases

P '
C + 0,37SP,+, V
VRO , 66 IRO .
DOC 800411102 EAG

Key: (1). nm'/kg.

Theoretical volume of the vater vapcrs

H,O = 1 .0IIl-+0.0124W- +
+0.0 161V0H N/ i.') (4-06)

Key: (1). nnu/kg.

During steam blasting o steam ;ulverization of petroleum residue

with the expenditure/ccnsumtion of steam Go kg/kg in value 0o
v". is

included term 1,24G..

with the excess air a>1 the calculation is conducted according

to the following formulas:

volume of the water vapors

VH,O - + 0,0161 (j--I) V N .


Key: (1). nm3/kg.

Volume of the flue gases

Vr " VRO, +r V'N,+ VN'.o +
+ (2 I)V ,,'. (4-08)

Key: (1). nm'1kg,

DOC = 80041102 PAGE

The volume fracticns of triatcoic gases, equal to the partial

gas pressures at the total Fressure I ats(abs.):

'Ro, " -' (4-09)

V"' 0
"HO V, (4-10)

Ash concentration in the flue gases

Key: (1). g/nnm.

vhere o - share of the ash of fuel/propellant, taken away by the

gases; it is determined ca p. 4-07.

geight of the flue gases

l ~ ,~~~G
-I- "A' " 136V x.x'
1i + I.3O60voK ~(4-12)

Key: (1). kg/kg.

SDuring steam blasting or steam rulverization of petroleum residue in

value G, is included tes Go.

The special features/peculiarities of calculation during the

combustion of schists axe shown in p. 4-11.

DOC a 80041102 AGE*

4-03. Volumes and weights of air and co-tustion products during

combustion 1 nm3 of dry gaseous fuel are determined from following


Itheoretical quantity of air

VG- 0.0476[0.5 CO I 0.5 H + 1,5 H 2S -I_

+ + )cH i 0,1 -'-o: w ,,,


Key: (1). nm/,nm3 .

Theoretical volume of nitrogen

V - 0.79v+. N.0,M/ . ( .

Key: (1). nM3/nm3.

Volume of the triatcaic gases

Io - 0,01 [COg+ CO + H.S +
+ j fCmH,-i HXJ . (I4 (4-15)

Key: (1). ns'/hm'.

Theoretical volume ct the water vapors

-0.01 [II2S-+12+!. - H..+

0.121 d.,,+, 0.0161VI w3.,jIa3; ( ) (4.1 G)

:,.,'07 .iith The content .... he of -a -: a 7Ufa -i v

3r" f *,-.!Ii . hyJro-2arb -nts of ........ c:mcJS 2 *
~.,_e, -. e -- " u
- . -"-" F?cT.22B.
DOC 80041102 PAGE

Key: (1). nn 3 /nu3 .

- the moisture cortent of gaseous fuel, in reference to 1 nm 3 of

dry gas, g/as 3 .

Volumes and volume fractions cf gases with the excess air a>1

are determined from forsulas (4-07)-()I-10) inclusively.

The specific gravity/veight of the dry gas

'..., 0-01 [1.%C02 + 1.2 H2 -+

+ 125 N2 +1,430 2 + 1.25 CO + 0.0899H 2 +
+ (0,536,,. + 0,045n) C,,'. IZII I.{t

Key: (1) . kg/nU3 .

leight of the flue gases

G : .,. + + 1.306W), :.,.


Key: (1). kg/nm3 .

4-04. In formulas fCr determining volume of water vapors (4-06),

(4-07) and (4-16) moisture content of air d is accepted by equal, 10

g by 1 kg of dry air. If by assignment the moisture content cf air

differs significantly frcm that indicated, then the volume of water

vapors, determined according tc these formulas, must be changed by

DOC 80041102 PGI

*1VHto 0.0016*Vo (d -10) m.w , ijiN HMar-e

Key: (1). nu'/kg or nM/',l.

and the weight of flue gases to

6, - 00013aVO(d- 10) KZxz "JIMKZHMAJ


Key: (1). kg/kg or kg/nm3.

Page 25.

4-05. Special featuzes/peculiarities of calculation of volumes

during recirculation are shcva in F. 4-10.

4-06. Enthalpy of flue gases on I kg or on 1 m

un of burned

fuel/propellant is calculated according to tc formula

1 + I- I) . xaAI/KZ H.I1 Kxa.t/NM*.

by Key: (1). kcal/kg or kcal/na3.

Inthalpy of gases at excess air ratio e= and temperature of

gases of 0C
4', - V.,o (cO)co, + ( .O)
, toy
-1O ( ' 11,0iKz lIH KKa. (fNA
800411102 P&GE 70

Kel: (1). kcal/kg or kcal/nm'.

Enthalpy of the tbecretically necessary quantity of air at

temperature of *oC

- ( " KK(A!z I.fIN KxIaA,'1.3.


Key: (1). kcal/kg or kcal/nn 3 .

The volumes of the theoretically necessary quantities of the dry

air Vo and gases vRo,,v, and v? are determined frcm formulas p. 4-02
for solid and liquid propellants and p. 4-03 for the gaseous fuel.

The enthalpy 1 nm 3 of humid air (co)., carbonic acid (co0co,, nitrogen

(ce), and water vapors (cb)Ho are determined on RN 4-04.

4-07. If given value of escape of ash from heating


then to enthalpy of flue gases should be added thermal content of

ash, determined according to tc formula

1- ) j -00a,. K'Aa.t ' . (4-24)

DOC 80041102 PAI,.

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where c0), - enthalpy 1 kg of ash, determined cn RN 4-04, kcal/kg;

- share of the ash of fuel/Ercpellant, taken away by the gases;

it takes as the equal to:

for the pulverized-coal coabustors with the dry slag removal -

0. 9;

for shaft-mill huatings (besides the case of combusting the

schists) - 0.85; during the ccmkustion of schists - 0.7;

for the liquid-bath furnaces - on BY 5-05;

for the heatings with the heated slag funnels - 0.8-0.85;

for the layer beatings - on RN 5-03 and 5-04.

In the presence of the built-in ash catchers should be

considered the decrease of the ash contents in the flue gases for the

arranged/located after tie ash catcher heating surfaces. The

efficiencies of the built-in ash catchers for these calculaticns take

as the equal to 40o/o fcr louvered ash catchers and 75o/o for
DOC =800411102 PAGR 0

multicyclone dust collectors.

4-08. For standard toels/pzopellants wbcse characteristics are

given in 33 2-01 and 2-02, are calculated and represented in an 4-02

and 4-03 volumes, also, in IN _,4-05 enthalpy cf air and flue gases

with excess air ratio al.

4-09. Calculaticn at volumes and enthal;y is recommended to

conduct in the form of tables, represented in 91 4-01.

During computation "'--table one should for each value of the

excess air ratio a determine value I only in the limits, a little

which exceed the actually possikle limits of the temperatures in gas

conduits. About values I it is expedient to Flace value aI of

differences in tvo adjacent in the vertical line values I with one a.

With the help of these differences are determined in the process of

calculation intermediate values I and S.

4-10. Recirculation of gases in calculations of volume and

enthalpy of combustion Exoducts with return of gases into flue,

arranged/located to place of selection of these gasses, is considered

on entire channel from place cf introduction/input of recirculating

gases to place of their selectics.

DOC 80041102
8 9*"1

Coefficient of the recirculation

*i VPS1
VIQ (4-25)

where v, and v. - volumes of gases on 1 kg of fuel/propellant,

selected/taken for the recirculaticn, and in section/cut of selection

without the account to xecirculaticn, nn3/kg.

Volume of gases at any feint of channel from the place of return

to the place of the selection

V.., 4 - V, + rV,., 6 H.gMSIZ, (4-20

Key: (1). na 3 /kg.

where V, - volume of gases at the Farticular point vithout the

account to recirculaticn nm3/kg.

Enthalpy of gases in the flace of the return of the

recirculating gases after the nixing

II.PI - 1, + "io.wd KJXK-gC- (4.27)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

The temperature of gases after the mixing

' C. (.Ii

I . . .. V... ,.
DOC 80041102 PAGE

where the total heat capacity of the products of the combustion 1 kg

of fuel/propellant after mixing is determined frca to the formula

(Vc),,4 - (Vc), + r (Wc,.. xxAK: Cpoa,

Key: (1). kcal/kg deg.

where /. and (L': - enthalpy and total heat capacity in the place of

the return before the mixing, kcal/kg and kcal/kg deg; I.,s and (vc),.o.

- the sane for the gases, which remain after the place of selection.

Page 26.

In further sections of channel to the place of selection the

temperature of gases is calculated with the hblp of the total heat

capacity, determined acccrding to formula (4.29), where (ve), and (c).o6

are accepted according to the temperature in the designed section/cut

of flue.

Vith the gas bleed from the heating for the drying of

fuel/propellant and the return cf the prcducts of drying into the

heating the computation of vcluses and enthalfy is produced without

the account to recirculation.

DOC a 80041102 PAGE

f-11. During combustion of schists volumes and weight of

combustion products are calculated with corrections for

decomposition/expansioc of carbcnates.

In RN 2-01 are given ash ccntent of schists to working massAI,,.

and carbonic acid of carbonates (c)O,,' -

with combustion of schists the carbonates partially or

completely are decomposed/expanded and separating carbonic acid

increases the volume of triatomic gases. Separated part by weight of

carbonic acid is called the coefficient of the expansion of

carbonates k. It is accepted

during the layer ccmbustion k=O.7;

during the chamber combustion k=l.0.

The calculated ash contents in the fuel/propellant taking into

account the undecomposed carbonates is approximately equal to:

A -A' +(I - k)(CO2 °V.. (4-30)

Volume of carbonic acid

DOC 80041102 P,e,

Ro,.+ 0,509-h, N.M/XZ.


Key: (1). U /kg.

Volume of the gases

t". V, + 0,509 IO , PM (4-32)

Key: (1). nmn/kg.

beight of the gases

a, +
G L k /2. (4-33)

Key: (1) kg/kg.

The volume fracticas of the triatomic gases

. "-Q.-";'H O..- t/.

4-12. During combustion Cf mixture of fuels/propellants

calculation of volumes and eathalpl of combustion products is

recommended to conduct fez each fuel/proFellant separately on 1 kg of

solid or liquid propellant and 1 m0 of dry gas.

By obtained for each fuel/'reoellant values v.v. and I are

DOC = 80041102 PAG 1

determined the volumes and the enthalpy cf the combustion products of

the mixture:

a) for the mixture cf two uniform fuels/Fropellants (solid,

liquid or vapor) - according to the formulas cf the mixing:


Key: (1). ns3/kg or nm'/rm 3

and so forth;

b) for the mixture cf solid or liquid Frcpellant with vapor


Key: (1). ns3/kq, etc.

Respectively entire furtber calculation is conducted on I kg of

solid or liquid propellant.

The volume fracticns of triatomic gases %to.and ,,,o for the

mixture of fuels/propellants are calculated according to the


a) for the mixture cf two uniform fuels/Fropellants

DOC - 80041102 PAGE

rR g' _0(- R') V~


and analogous with this is determined .O;

b) for the mixture cf solid or liquid propellant with the vapor

,,,' ,;o
V (4-37)

and respectively is determined %0.

The specific gravity/awight of the products of combusticn for

the mixture of fuels/prcFellants is calculated according to the


a) for the mixture cf the uniform fuels/Fropellants

KM (4-38)

Key: (1). kg/nm 3 .

b) for the mixture cf solid or liquid prcpellant with vapor

T'. + v' (,
- V, : . (4-39)

Key: (1) . kg/nm3 .

. ......................-

DOC 80041102 PG,2

In formulas (4-34), (4.36) and (4.38) the designations with the

prime relate to the first fuel/propellant, and with two primes - to

the second; in formulas (4-35), (4-37) and (4-39) the designations

with the prime relate to the sclid (or liquid) propellant, with two

primes - to the vapor.

In formulas (4-34), (4-36) and (4-38) g4 - part by weight of the

first fuel/propellant in the mixture kg/kg, while in formulas (4-35),
(4-37) and (4-39) x - a quantity of normal cubic meters of gas
falling in the mixture cc I kg cf solid (or liquid) propellant. If
the mixture of fuels/proeellants is prescribed/assigned not by weight
cr volume fractions, but in the shares of the heat releasa of each

fuel/propellant q' and (1-gs), their correspcnding weight or volume

fractions are defined, as noted above, according to formula (2-11) or

4-B. Excess air ratio and suctions in the bciler aggregate/unit.

4-13. Excess air ratio in keating, which corresponds to

composition of gases at the end of heating, is accepted on RU

5-02-5-05 in depending ci type cf combustion system and kind of

.,'raed !ael/propellant.

wealee of excess aLE ratio in separate sections/cuts of gas

DOC = 80041102 PAGE

circuit of boiler aggregate/unit is determined by method of addition

of excess air ratio in keatiag with suctions in flues,

arranged/located between heating and section/cut in question.

Page 27.

4-15. Values of suctions of air in separate elements of toiler

installation should be taken on AN 4-06.

During the use/application of the more advanced

constructions/designs of the enclosures/protections of the flues, for
which experimentally is confirmed the decrease of the value of
suction, calculation is conducted according to the reduced values.

4-16. During determination of air flow rate through air

preheater are considered suctioms in heating and system of pulverized
coal preparation.

K quantity of air at the output from the air preheater, referred

to theoretically necessary, is determined frcs the formula

at the entrance (in the absence of recirculation)

DOC 80041102 Fad.

at the entrance (in the absence at recirculation)

- (4-41)

where - - suction in the furnace chamber/camera; it is accepted on


. suction in the system of pulverized coal preparation,

determined according to the data of the calculation of

dust-preparatory installaticn in accordarce with p. 4-17, and in the

absence of this calculation - on the average data, given of 4#4-07;

. overflow of air fecs the air side into the gas, taken to

the equal to the sucticn of air in the air preheater.

For the layer and mazut beatings

4.17. For calculating quantity of air, passing through air

preheater, during determinaticn K.. is ccnsidered suction in closed

systems of pulverized ccal Freparation; suction in extended

dust-systems is not considered.

DOC= 80041102 Pima/

!in the calculations of dust-preparatory installation the value

of suction k , is expressed in the fractions of a quantity of the

drying agent. For obtaining by that utilized in the thermal design of
i the boiler aggregate/unit of the value of suction, expressed in the

fractions/portions of the theoretically necessary quantity of air.

.,. the value of sucticr k., is counted over according to the


"*,Y L -, (4-42)

where g, - a quantity of the drying agent on 1 kg of damp/crude

fuel/propellant, kg/kg;

Lo - weight theoretically aecessary for the combustion quantity

of air, kg/kg.

In the case of the additive of cold air in the dust-preFaratory

installation the value cf additive conditionally is included in the

value of suction i._

4-18. Vith changes of coefficient of evaForation of

aggregate/unit within limits of 100-75o/0 nominal ones excess air

ratio in heating must be supported by constant, equal to valus,

indicated in RN 5-02-5-C5.
DOC =800431102

Vith the coefficient of evaporation of aggregate/unit D less

than 75o/o nominal, the excess air ratio in the heating can te

determined from the aprrczinate equality

o .i-. L
G'D + (07 (4-43)

where ., - excess air ratio with the nominal load.

In those combustic systems where flow of the bulk of air is

determined not only by the conditions for ccokustion, but also by the

conditions of the transFcrt of fuel/propellant (heating of Shershnev,

shaft- mill heatings, etc.), excess air in the heating with the

lowered/reduced coefficient of evaporation shculd be selected taking

into account this fact.

The values of sucticas in the convective flues with all loads cf

aggregate/unit are received as ccnstant/invariable ones.

DOC 800111102 pigs II

Chapter Five


5-01. Compositicn o heat kalance of boiler aggregate/unit

consists in establishment of equality betveen acted into

aggregate/unit quantity Cf heat, called available heat ,1 and sun of

usefully absorbed heat Q, and heat losses Q 2 , Q3, Q4, Qs and go. On

the basis of heat balance are calculated the efficiency and the

necessary fuel consumpticn.

Heat balance is coaprised in connection with the steady thermal

condition of boiler aggregate/unit on 1 kg cf solid ones and liquid

and 1 nm3 of gaseous fuels.

General/common/total equatoan of the heat balance:

Q1 - Q, + Q2 + Qs+ Q4 -" Qs +t Q' K'.

1..11 'mS .
Kla.t (- 1

Key: (1). kcal/kg or kcal/nm3.

5-02. Available heat on I kg cf solid or liquid or on I n0 3

gaseous fuel Q is determined from formulas:

DOC 80041102 PIGS

- Q4 + Q..... + i,,.. + Q0 - Q.
Q -Q + Q... i. 4 , (+ .0

Key: (1). kcal/kg. (2) . kcal/na'.

where Q. and Q. - lowest heat of combustions cf working mass solid

and liquid and the dry mass of gaseous fuels, kcal/kg or kcal/nm'.

Page 28.

5-03. Heat, introduced with entering bciler aggregate/unit air,

during preheating of latter out ot aggregate/unit by choice vapor, by

vaste heat and the like is determined frcs to formula

Q..... - " [v)., - I x .I

N.m AKa.t/N.,1. (5.03)

Key: (1). kcal/kq or kcai/nM 3 .

where ' - ratio of a quantity of air at the entrance into the boiler
aggregate/unit to theoretically necessary; (e), and .. - enthalpy of
the theoretically necessary quantity of air at the entrance into the

boiler aggregate/unit and the cold air; they are determined by an I*-

table (R 4-05), kcal/kg or kcal/na 3 . The teomerature of cold air in

the absence of special indications takes as the equal to 300C.

DOC 80041102 1*631

5-04. Physical heat of fuel/ipropellant '. is designed from to

i . CMAtM. KKa.t/lxz if KxaA1HM .

Key: (1). kcal/kg or kcal/na.

where c,, - heat capacity of prcpellant, determined, on RN 3-01,

kcal/kg ca or kcal/nm 3 dog; t- - temperature of fuel/propellant,

The physical heat of tuel/irc~ellant is considered when it is

preliminarily heated due to the extraneous source of heat (steam

preheating of petroleum residue, steam desiccators, etc.), and also

with the drying of fuel/FroFellaut on the extended cycle when

temperature and humidity of fuel/jropellant shculd be accepted due to

its state before the heating. In the absence of extraneous preheating

physical heat is considered call fcr the fuels/propellants with the



In this case the temperature cf fuel/profellant is accepted


DOC =80041102 Pia63

iruing the calculation of aggregate/unit with the

dust-preparatory system, which woks on the closed cycle, preheating

fuel/propellant and its drying seFarately are net considered.

In those of the case when into the toiler aggregate/unit is

supplied the congealing fuel/propellant (which must be specially

stipulated in the assignment), trc they are cf a size the available

heat it is subtracted the heat consumption, sfent on the thawing cut:

. ,,0,8 - V 1 K,.A !K:,


Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where w, and w- - moisture cestent general/common/total to the

working mass and in the air-dried fuel/propellant, 0/o.

5-05. meat, introduced into aggregate/unit with steam blasting

("injection" vapor), Q, is determined frcm to formula

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where Go and ", - expenditure/ccmsumption and enthalpy is steam that

proceeds with blasting cr fuel atcization, kg/kg and kcal/kg.

DOC - 80041102 PAGE

Expenditure/consusftion of steam is accepted on the indications

p. 16 of appendix V.

5-06. Heat, spent on expansics of carbcnates during combustion

of schists, Q. is determined frcs to formula

Q. - 9,70Ch g kA,,,.

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

The coefficient of the expansion of carbcnates k is accepted on

p. 4-11.

5-07. Heat losses in boailer aggregate/unit it is accepted to

express by relative percents:


The heat loss with the stack gases is defined as the difference

between the enthalpy of coabusticn products at the cutput frca the

latter/last surface of heating toiler aggregate/unit and the enthalpy

of the cold air:

42 Q2

- 10.. (100-
~ (5-06)

- enthalpy of stack gases at appropriate excess air .,,, and

DOC = 80041102 1163

temperature ,. kcal/kg cz kcal/nm'; t,. - enthalpy of the

theoretically necessary quantity of air at temperature of cold air,

determined in accordance with p. 5-03, kcal/kg or kcal/nm3, q4 - a

heat loss from the mechanical incompleteness of combustion, c/o, it

is determined on p. 5-09.

During the installaticn of the built-in ash catcher to value 1,,

in formula (5-06) is added the member, vho considers the additional
heat loss, called by the removal/distance of ash at elevated

ay. jc) 3 (co,).

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where , - efficiency of ash catcher, taken on p. 4-07,o/o.

5-08. Heat loss frcm chemical incomfleteness of combustion

- .o. . is determined ty total beat of comustion of products of
incomplete combustion, which resain in stack gases.

Value q2 for different fuels/ropellants and combustion systems

is accepted on BN 5-02-5-05.

5-09. Heat loss frcm mechanical inccmpleteness of combustion

DOC- 80041102 P1Gz L1

determines by incomplete burning of fuel/propellant in slags,

failure/dip/trough and escape (with partial return of latter into

heating is considered only escape, not recovered by devices fcr


Page 29.

Value q* is designed frcm the formula

Q, . -r. .- TY 7 800A4

QP.. s-07)

where 4..,, and %, - share of the ash of fuel/Fropellant in the slag

and failure/dip/trough and escape; r...., and r,.- content of fuels in

the slag and failure/dip/trough and escape, c/c: ip - ash content tc

the working mass of fuel/propellant, o/o.

In RN 5-02 and 5-05 are given values q. for the chamber furnaces

with the dry and liquid slag removal. In RN 5-03 and 5-04 are given

values a and r for the layer heatings and ccrresponding to then

values q.. For the normal coaditions of Flanning it should be used

tabular values of q*. In the case of considerable deviation from the

tabular ash content during the combustion in the layer heatinqs. and

also in the presence of the reliable experivental data about values a

and r for the specific constructicns/designs of layer and chamber

DOC = 80041102 PAGE

furnaces and prescribed/assigned fuels/propellants, q, is calculated

from formula (5-07).

5-10. Heat loss frcm external cooling qs for stationary boiler

aggregates/units is acceFted on curves OW5 01.

With the loads, which differ from nominal it is more than by

25o/o, value qs is counted over according tc the formula

q - o o-08)

The heat loss from the external cooling of the system of

pulverized coal preparation is small; it is tc a considerable extent

compensated by the arrival of the heat, which separates with the work

of mills, and therefore it is act considered.

The laying out of the heat loss from the external cooling on the

separate flues virtually does aot affect the results of calculation.

The fractions of this loss, which fall tc the separate flues, for the

simplification are received as the proportional to the quantities of

'lues. Therefore, losses f'o external
heat, loosened by gases in apFrcpriateA cooling they are considered

by introduction to formula for determining the heat, returned by

gases of the heating surface, the coefficient of the

retention/preservation/saintaining the heat 0, determined according

to the formula
DOC = 80041102 P1G 1

100" (5-09)

5-11. Loss with physical heat of slags q6.. is introduced into

calculation for all fuels/propellants during chamber combustion with

liquid slag removal and layer ccbustion. During the chamber

combustion with dry slag removal 7... it is considered only when

The heat loss is detersined from the fcraula

iQ6 .l aw (ct)., A
q6 . 0. . 0

where a.-,-a, for the chamber farnaces is determined on value 4,-

conformity with the indications F. 4-07. and for the layer heatings

it takes as the equal to values a.,,,,. led in BY 5-03 and 5-04; icn.,

- enthalpy of slags, determined on BN 4-04, kcal/kg.

The temperature of slags with the dry slag removal takes as the

equal to 6000C, and with the liquid slag removal - the temperature of
the fluid state of ash t2 plus cf 1000C.

During the layer ccmbustion of schists lcstead of v, is

substituted value *- o..tccy.... The content of cart :onic acid of
carbonates co.: is given in IN i-01 by second term in graph/count


DOC = 80041102 PIGB

During the chamber combustion of schists the correction into value

A' for the content of carbonic acid of carbonates is not introduced.

5-12. Heat loss to cooling of not connected with circulation of

boiler panels and beams/gullies qe,. in the absence of special

indications is determined lice formula


or approximately

100. 103M.",

where ti,, - beam-receiving surface of beams/gullies and panels, nt,

for latter is allowed only lateral converted into heating surface;

Q... - full/total/couplets guantity of heat, usefully returned in

boiler aggregate/unit, kcal/b, it is determined on p. 5-14.

5-13. Total heat loss in boiler aggregate/unit

+ q6 OXA*/s.
Xq - q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 + q6 WAs

Efficiency of boiler aggregate/unit (gross weight)

. 100- .ql/.. (5-13)

Page 30.
DOC - 80041102
iG| qt

5-14. General/conncn/total expressicn for full/total/conplete

quantity of heat, usefully returned in boiler aggregato/unit, takes


+ 0, a(L,.R ,i.) +
DA,, (iw,,, - I,, -*
D.. ,,EQ,.f,, - ',,. + Q,,,,o. k /aIoi.I

Key: (1). kcal/h

where D,, kg/h - a quantity of manufactured suerheated steam (during

the consumption/production/generation only of superheated steam, that

most frequently it is encountered, D, equal tc the coefficient of

evaporation of aggregate/unit D) the enthalpy of superheated steam

'... kcal/kg is determined by ;ressure and temFerature in steam
turbine throttle on the tables cf appendix I;

D... kg/h - quantity of saturated steam, returned besides the

superheater, with enthalpy i.,, kcal/kg, determined cn the pressure in

the boiler barrel;

D,, kg/h - expenditure of water for the tlasting of boileor (for

the direct-flou/ramjet separator bciler- blasting of separator) with

the enthalpy of boiling ,... kcal/kg, determined on the pressure in

ILL. . .. . . . ... . . I II'i ll tI l.. . . ... . . . . . d , ,. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .

DOC a 80041102 Piket

the drum (separator) of the toiler;

- heat content cf feed water on entrance into the

aggregate/unit, kcal/kg;

0,.... kg/h - flow rate of steam through the secondary

superheater with the initial ot enthalpy '.... kcal/kg and final .,,

Q--"- heat absorpticn of the water cr air, preheated in the

boiler aggregate/unit and loosened to the side, kcal/h.

Vith the assigned magnitude of blasting less than 2o/o beat

consumption per preheating of bloveff water are nct considered.

5-15. Consumption of fuel, suFplied to heating, is determined

frcm to formula

B- . (5-15

Key: (1). kg/h.

In the case of combusting the mixture of two uniform (for

example, solid) fuels/pFrpellants according tc formula (5-15) is

determined total consuu;tion ot both fuels/ptcpellants. The

DOC - 80041102 PIGI

consumption of each fuel is determined on the relationship/ratio of

quantities of both fuels/propellants accepted (see Sections 2-20 and


In the case of coubusting the mixture solid (liquid) and gaseous

fuels according to formula (5-15) Is determined the consumpticn of

solid (liquid) propellant. The consumption of gaseous fuel is

determined on the relaticnshiF/xatio of quantity of both

I fuels/propellants accepted (see Section 2-22).

The flow rate of piopellant and efficiency of boiler

aggregate/unit during the calculation for working fuel in the case of

drying by stack gases according to the extended cycle are determined

from the formulas:

100- u ,' it)

BB - - - x0ac; (5-6


Key: (1). kg/h.

where the designations with the prime relate to the latter

fuel/propellant, and without the prime - to the working (damF/crude)

fuel/propellant. During determination 4. intc value g4 conditionally

is introduced the loss with the escape of dust from the dust catcher.
DOC - 80041102 PIGS

5-16. For determining total volumes of ccmbustion products and

air, which pass from entire boiler aggregate/unit, and included in

them quantities of heat calculated fuel consumption is determined

taking into account mechanical inccmpleteness of combustion according

to formula

B (I -c (5-18)

Key: (1) kg/h.

where B - real consumption of fuel, which enters the boiler

aggregate/unit, calculated according to formula (5-15), kg/h.

Subsequently into all formulas for determining of total volumes

and quantities of heat is substituted value H.. while into the values

of specific volumes and enthalpy correction for the mechanical

incompleteness of combustion is not intrcduced.

The calculation of the system of pulverized coal preparation and

fuel feed is conducted according to the actual consumption of fuel B,

the calculation of thrust/rod ard blasting - according to the

calculated consumptien of fuel s

DOC = 8oo1102 PAIG

Chapter Six


6-01. Calculation is based on applications of theory of

similarity to burning processes. Calculation formulas link the

transmitted in the heating quantity of heat Q. kcal/kg and a

dimensionless outlet tesferature feom heating e0 with the basic

criteria of similarity of the burning prccess: ky Boltzmanuns

criterion so. with absorption strength ',. by chemical criterion /7 and

by geometric characteristics 6 and p.

6-02. Initial for calculation heat transfer in heatings is

formula, which is determining dimensionless outlet temperature from


0,4 (6.01)

suitable for values &oo. or 0<0,q.

For the pneumatic beatings of Shershnev with the shielded

ejector funnels and the anthracitic layer beatings in formula (6-01)

the coefficient when a instead of 0.445 takes as the equal to 0.54.

DOC = 80041102 PAGI

Here - *.issivity
m factor o the beating;

the heating,
of gases at the output from
absolute temperature

r - absolute theoretical temperature of ccubustion, conditionally

taken the equal temperature which would take place with the adiabatic

combustion, OK.

Page 31.

Theoretical temperature "-.-, °C is determined on the useful

heat release in heating Q. kcal/kgo the equal enthalpy of conkusticn

products 1° kcal/kg with temperature a. and excess air at the end of

heating ,,.

6-03. Boltzmann's criterion Do is calculated according to


4,9. I0- 1 (6-02)

vhere a, - calculated fuel consumption, determined according to

formula (5-18), kg/h;

- conditional contaxination factor cf beas-receiving surfaces;

DOC 80041102 1'"

H- bean-receiving heating surface indications regarding which are

given in p. 6-15, as:

4.9-10- - kcal/ hour 014 - xadiation coefficient of blackbody;

VCP- average/mean total heat capacity cf prcducts of combustion 1

kg of fuel/propellant in range cf temperatures o -o kcal/kg deg;

,- coefficient of retenticn/,peservation/aintaining heat,

determined according tc formula (5-09).

6-04. For practical calculations are applied folloving formulas.

If is prescribed/assigned the temperature of gases at the output

from the heating, then the bea-receiving surface is designed from

the formula

1 8 ,
0.o,79. ,T - - .


If the assigned magnitude of the bean-receiving heating surface.

then the temperature of gases at the yield frce the heating is
determined according te the fcsula
DOC 80041102 iGc 30 /

- 2,73 *C.
1 o-. T. aj! ,o.r
(/ 1.27.1-V
+ (6-.04)

During the calculation of the pneumatic beatings of Shershnow

with the shielded ejectcr funnels and anthracitic layer beatings

numerical coefficients take as equal ones in formula (6-03) 0.60*106

and in formula (6-04) 1.70.10-4.

For all beatings whose calculation is ;rcduced without a change

of the coefficients in fcrmulas (6-03) and (6-O4), values a and m,

can be determined according to nomogram 1.

6-05. Average/mean total heat capacity of products of combustion

1 kg of fuel/propellant

'.r "= --- -

Vep K
MKa.1/X2 zpaO,. (6-05)

Key: (1) . kcal/kg deg.

where in - enthalpy of the products of the combustion 1 kg of

fuel/propellant with temperature a; and excess air at the end of

heating a,. kcal/kg.

6-06. Useful heat release in heating

DOC 8001102 . Vi

Q . IO-qs-qs(Ii
t "1"Q@- Q#. Oxw + r].. .r6 Ka.tIjZ, (6-06)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where 4 -available heat of fuel/Fropellant, computed from fcrmula

(5-02), kcal/kg;

q3 and q* - beat loss frcm the chemical incoamleteness of combustion,

with the physical heat cf slags and the cooling water, 0/o;

4- heat, introduced into the heating by air. kcal/kg:

Q,- (6,, - t=,,, - ,,,,,, , ) ',
+ (12. + 0 ,) i Xaa,r.
C* (6-07)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

The values of sucticas a., and ., are determined on p. 4-16,

and the enthalpy of the theoretically necessary quantity of air at an

outlet temperature from air preheater 10."kcal/kg and cold air

kcal/kg are accepted on i. the table (RV 4-05);

Q....- heat, introduced with the entering the aggregate/unit air

during its preheating cut of the aggregate/unit (see Section 5-03),

DOC 800411102 PA.,I


',on-heat of the recirculating gases, considered only in the

case of return into the heating of part of the gas, selected from the
subsequent flues (but not of the heating) (see Section 4-10) kcal/kg.

6-07. Quantity of beat, trasaitt-4d in heating on 1 kg of

ffuel/prope9l at

1~~~Q (Q - 41 Ka Z (-8

Key: (1) . kcal/kg.

6-08. Conditional ccntaninatica factor of bean-receiving

surfaces, which considers reduction in heat atsorption due tc
pollution/contamination cc coverage as insulaticn/isolation of
surfaces, is received en table.
DOC - 8001102 PAGE

Tun 3opana a po* ?OflJU*

mUae.? KPaz

rK i ra3oo6p,13- 1,0
rAaKOlpy('IIe y;oe TorlI.HBO
N nmanhtIKOsble .i .l.IKoeTron- 0.9O
apallluIt qKpa. .1"BO H trep*
HNM C qyrymlm- AfOe TORANRO,

(4Taepzce Ton- 0,70


ra.4q t
3amlnosIFar me 3mpau., no- 0.20
KpMu~be XPOWMuTOsOA 0611131(O
Kepn!IqoM (VPJ
3KPaHbulsafpuabae iflm0?NUoI 0.10

Key: (1). Type of shield and kind cf fuel/proFellant. (20.

Conditional contaminatica factor. 13). open plain-tube and fin

shields and shields with cast iron plates/slats. (4). Gaseous fuel.
(5). Liquid propellant and sclid fuel, burned in layer. (6). Solid
fuel during chamber combustion A.

FOOTNOTE I. The use/application of efficient blasting, included every

shift, raises (according to American data) tc 0.75. ENDFOCTNOTE.

(7). studded shields, covered with chromite greasing. (8). Shields,

closed with fire brick.

Page 32.

For the combined heatings (gas-oil or powder-gas) conditional

contamination factor should be selected on that fuel/propellant for
DOC - 80041102 PIra / S

vhich it has smaller value.

For torch- layer heatings with the combustion of fuel/propellant

partially in the layer and partially in the chamker/camera is

recommended conditional contamination factor to accept the same as

for the layer combusticn.

6-09. -nissivity factor of heating during even distribution of

shields according to its walls is determined ky general formula:

0 ,.82(4 + (I - a)p4 ']

a )p - )(i a (6-09)

where a, - efficient emissivity factor of flame;

v - degree of shielding of heating:

-F, R (6-10a)

, full/total/complete surface of walls of beating (see Section

6-14), inz;

R - area of mirror cf ccabustion of layer ¢f fuel/propellant,

situated on fire grate, as;

p - relationship/ratio betweem surface ef mirror of combustion

and beam-receiving surface:

DOC 8001102 16 J


0.82 - value of absorptivity cf beam-receivinq heating surface


value if,is determined on the indications p. 6-15.

In the absence of burning radiation layer formula (6-09) takes

the form:
d 0 (

and the degree of shielding * passes into the degree of the

shielding of the chamber furnaces:

- - . (6-oq)

When, in the layer or chamber furnaces, the beam-receiving surfaces

are present, with the different values of ccnditional contamination

factor ' one should determine

+; e. (6-101)

According to formula (6-1i) is constructed that led in 9n of

6-02 graphs/curves for determining emissivity factor of chamber

DOC = 80041102 PAGE

A (6-12) is used fcr calculating emissivity factor of the

chamber furnaces, in which tkey are shielded more than two planes,

which limit heating.

If the bean-receiving surface is arranged/located only in by

output section/cut of chamber furnace or occuFies exit section and

one of the valls, then esissivity factor of heating is designed

according to the formula

a a 8. (,+(I
-2a,) /' " 6-13

of obtained under the assumption aout positicn of all screen

surfaces on one wall heating.

Smissivity factor of the layer .. flame-layered beatings

calculated according tc fcrmula (6-09).

6.10. Efficient emissivity factor of flame a. depends on

emissivity factor of furnace medium a, degree of filling of heating

with luminous flame and character cf temperature field of heating.

Rmissivity factor oa. the furnace medium

a - I -e '. f6-14)
DOC 80041102 PaGE i./

where e - a Naperian bast;

k - coefficient of veakenieg rays/beaus by the furnace medium:

p - pressure in heating, ata(abs.): for the boilers, which work

without the supercharging/pressurization, the pressure in the heating

is received equal to 1 atm(abs.);

s - efficient thickaess of radiation layer (see Section 6-12),


According to formula (6-14) is constructed the auxiliary graph

cf nomogram XI for determining emissivity factor of medium.

The effect of the degree of the filling of heating with luminous

flame and character of temperature field to efficient emissivity

,, is
factor of flame -. considered by correctica factor .

Efficient etissivity facto& Cf the flame

Coefficient p depends on the form of flame which in turn, is

Doc z 80041102 PB S

determined by the kind of fuel/propellant and by the method of its


Are distinguished three forms of the flame:

a) the nonluminous flame, which is obtained during the

combustion of gaseous fuels 1, and also the layer and flame- layer
combustion of anthracite and lean carbon/coals;

b) the full heat, which is obtained during the chamber

combustion of anthracite and lean coal;

c) the luminous flame, which is obtained with combustion of

liquid propellants 2 and solid fuels, rich in volatile components.

FOOTNOTE 1. Usually during the combustion of gas in the beatings of

steam boilers flame noting glow. Only sometimes of combusting rich in"

hydrocarbons gas is formed the gloving sooty flame whose

radiation/emission corresponds to the radiaticn/emission of luminous

flame of liquid propellants.

2. During combustion of ;etroleun residue with very low thermal loads

, kcal/n 3 hour) luminous flame occupies very small part of

furnace cavity. Therefcre the total radiation of flame in the case in

question differs little from the radiation/esission of nonluminous


DOC 8=80041102 PAGIR 4 I

Values ftare selected cm the tatle.

* On WnASMeH.

(Hee-Ruteeex01 . 1
AzUX ronjill H4 ioatYCneTRUteCR
. .( ... TeP- 0-

Key: (1). Form of flame. (2). Notiag glow. (3). Glowing of liquid

propellants. (4). Glowizg and semiluminous solid fuels.

Page 33.

During the combustica of the mixture of the fuels/propellants,

which have different luminous density of flame, efficient emissivity

factor of flame is designed for the fuel/propellant, characterized by

the larger luminous density of flame.

6-11. Coefficient ci weakening rays/beams by furnace medium k is

designed at outlet temperature from heating.

a) for the nonlumincus flame it takes as the equal to the

coefficient of weakening rays/beams by the triatomic gases:

0.8 + ,.6,,,.) I , ),.


here the total volume izactica of the triatenic gases

DOC 800411102

r- r + PRO.;

volume fractions R 2 0 and 8O are determined on BY 4-01;

the total partial pressure of triatomic gass

p . maa.

Key: (1). ate(abs.).

For the boilers, which work without the

supercharging/pressurization, partial pressure is numerically equal

to volume fraction.

Value k. can be determined according tc nomogram Ix.

b) for the full heat value k takes as the equal to the

coefficient of veakening rays/beams by triatcuic gases and

incandescent ash particles:

o.k+,.6.( - 0.38-T r

where d, - the mean effective diameter of the particles of the ash

(see Section 7-36), mkn;

IDOC - 80041102 9*61 S

- ash concentratics in the flue gases with the excess air at

the end of the heating, determined on p. 4-02, g/nmu.

Value k. can be determined according tc nomogram X.

c) for the luminous flame value k is equal to the coefficient of

weakening rays/beams by the sooty Farticles:

k - ,.S .L .
0.- (6.,8)

For the heatings with the luminous flame (during the combustion

of liquid propellants and solid fuels, rich in volatile components)

with s>2.5 a it is accefted that asi, and values k determined must

not be.

6-12. Efficient thickness of zadiation layer of flame is

determined from formula

V, t6-1 )
s -3.6 . A1

where v. - active volume of furnace chamber/camera, determined on p.

6-13, mi;

F,,- full/total/complete surface of valls of heating, determined on

DOC - 8001102 PICjkZ

p. 6-1, 2M.

6-13. Sensitive volume of furnace chanber/camera v. a 3 is

determined in accordance with diagrams RN 6-03.

By the boundaries/interfaces of sensitive volume are the walls

of furnace chamber/camera, and in the presence of shields - axial

planes of screen ducts cz converted into the beating surfaces of

insulating or protective layer. Sensitive volume is limited also to

the surface. nassing tbrough first run of Pipes of boiler bundle,

scallopeor screen surfaces (pos. 3 and $ RN 6-03), by the horizontal

plane, which separates/liberates the lover half cold funnel (pos. 5),

by the surface of the layer of fuel/propellant or by the ducts of

granulator (pos. 8).

For the heatings in uhich the flame is developed in the slag

funnel, for example heatings with an inclined-horizontal hearth or

beatings of Shershnev, in the active furnace cavity is included the

full/total/complete volume of slag funnel.

in accordance with the determination of sensitive volume for the

layer heatings from the icluae, bounded below by the plane of grate

bar fabric, is eliminated the vclume of the layer of fuel/propellant

and slag whose average/mean thickness takes as the equal: for coals -
DOC - 80041102 PAG

150-200 no, for the brown coal - 300 an, for the wood chips - 500 m,

for the peat - in depending on the position of the bean/gully, which

limits the output/yield of fuel/prcpellant to the fabric (pos. of 7

RM 6-03).

The chanber/camera between the ducts of koiler bundle and the

front wall is included in the volume of heating with its width not

less than 0.5 a (pos. 1 and 2) .

In the layer heatings the volume of heating is limited to the

vertical plane, passing through the ends of the grate bars, scrapers I.
of clinker arrester or eleaeots/cells of slag backwater (pos. 6).

6-14. Full/total/cesplete surface of walls of heating F.. nz is

calculated from superficial dia4nsions, which limit sensitive volume

of furnace chamber/camera (19 6-03).

Page 34.

In the presence of the shield of bilateral irradiation to actual

area of walls is added the doubled product of the distance between

centers of boundary tubes ot this shield to the illuminated length of


DOC- 80041102 PACEit
6-15. Beas-receiving surface of heating H, m2 is defined as value
of continuous plane which on heat xeception is equivalent to real
uncontaminated and uncovered screen surface, and is designed from

If - EF.'X X , (C-20)

where F.. - area of wall, occupied with shield. oa;

x - angular coefficient of shield.

The area of wall, occupied with shield, P.. is defined as the

Froduct of the distance ketween centers cf" bundary tubes of thits
shield b a to the appropriate illuminated length of screen ducts 1 a:

F" - bt A.

The illuminated length of screen ducts 1,m is limited to the

same limits to which is limited the considered during the calculation
of the sensitive volume cf furnace chanber/camera part of the volume
of heating.

The methods of detezmining the illuminated length of ducts for

different encountered in the practice cases are shown in RN E-03.

For the shield of bilateral irradiation it is accepted

DOC =800141102 PAGE r1 1L

F_ - 2bi .

Prom value F.. are eliminated unprotected by ducts the sections

of wall if the area of each of them is acre than 1 M2.

The angular coefficient of shield x is defined as the relation

between the quantity of heat, received by the ducts of shield, and a

quantity of heat which wculd take the shielded wall if it was the

continuous plane, which has the temperature, equal to the temperature

of screen ducts.

The angular coefficient of plain-tube shields in depending on

their structural/design characteristics is determined on the curves

RV 6-02. For the wall shields it is acceFted taking into account the

radiation/emission of bricking, while for the shields of bilateral

irradiation - without taking into account the radiation/emission of


For the plain-tube shields, comprised of the alternating ducts

of different diameters, the angular coefficients of entire shield x

and separately the ducts of the small diameter x, are determined on

Fig. 2c RN 6-02. In this case the beam-receiving surface of entire

shield is defined as product s, and the keas-receiving surface

DOC 80041102 ,,,I 51,

of the ducts of a small diameter - as F,.x, m2, where F.., - area of

the entire wall, occupied with shield.

For the studded and fin shields, and alsc for the shields,

closed with cast iron plates/slabs, angular ccefficient takes as the

equal to unit.

For the surface, passing through first run of pipes of bciler

bundle, scallop and screens, angular coefficient is also equal to

one. During the calculation of the subsequent heating surfaces one

should consider that the angular coefficient cf bundle itself or

scallop can be less than the unit and the part cf the

falling/incident heat is passed through the tundle to

arranged/located after it surface cf heating.

The angular coefficient of double-rcv bundle, necessary for

calculating a quantity cf that passing through the bundle of heat, is

determined on curved 3 Pig. 'a 2b ON 6-02.

The angular coefficient of bundle with a number of series/rows

z>2 approximately is designed frcm the fcroula

X,.,Y -- XI) (I-X2) ... (l x) (02

where xz, x 2 , ... , z,- angular coefficients of separate runs cf

DOC 80041102 PA1G

pipes, determined in curved 5 Fig. 2a RN 6-02.

In the presence in beating beas-receiving surfaces with the

different values of conditional contamination factor into formulas

(6-03) and (6-04) instead of W,' is introduced -. )

6-16. During calculation of beatings, which work on liquid

propellant with excess air, by those differing significantly from

normal ones (-.< tjo or -,>i,35), dimensionless outlet temperature from

heating is determined fxcm formula

° ,6
- +(Bo) ., (6-22)

where 17 - chemical criterion, which considers effect of excess air

ratio a. on temperature field of beating:
r7-= + =-- ) (6-23)

6-17. In beatings of ship steam boilers, which work on liquid

propellant without superchar gin g/pressur izaticn, with reduction in
boiler steam capacity due to cutoff/disconnection of part of
injectors deteriorates filling of furnace cavity with flame. In this
case with the thermal stresses of the surface of the walls of the
furnace chamber/camera

BQ- 081eKka,X,Oac a 4opmymy (6-01)
DOC 80041102 P"GB

Key: (1). kcal/uh into the formula

instead of coefficient cf 0.445 should be introduced the variable

coefficient of A, determined according tc the approximation formula

0,7+2.10-6 B

6-18. In pulverized-coal ccubustors with tangential burners

change in angle of slope of burners affects filling of furnace cavity

with flame. This is considered in the calculations by the replacement
of coefficient of 0.4415 in formula (6-01) by value 0.5 during the
rotation of burners on 300 downuard even 0.4 - during the rotation on
300 upward from the horizontal Elan.

Page 35.

6-19. If necessary for refi:e:ent of thermal loads of

beas-receiving surfaces in individual sections of walls of heating

(for example, for calculating of radiaticn and screen superheaters,

etc.) thermal load is determined from equality

Key: (1). kcal/mah

DOC = 80041102 I

where y - variation factor of beat distribution in the furnace


,__ - average thermal load cf beam-receiving surfaces, kcal/m 2 h.

In the presence in heating of the beau-receiving surfaces with

the different values of conditional contamination factor c the

thermal load is determined frcm to the formula

q y -y jcKaI AI -ac, (6-25a)

Key: (1). kcal/muh

where :,.- conditional contaminaticn factor of this section.

Value y is accepted on the basis of the folloving tentative

recomm end ations.

For upper fourth of all walls of chamber furnaces (counting on

the overall height of beating) during the contustion of solid fuels

y-0.75, for upper third 1=0.8; for ceiling y-0.6.

In the mazut heatings of bcilers with D>12 t/h with the thermal
,~=o*rand for unner Pour'th of' the i.Pls
stresses of volume <250.I0' kcal/m'h for ceiling y-0. 6 . With the

higher thermal loads of furnace chamber/camera the load distribution

DOC - 8001102 A*,,

according to the height cf heating will be more uniform.

The distribution of thermal lcads according to the shields,

arranged/located on the different walls of beating, depends

substantially on the tyFe of Luel/iropellant and conditions of the

course of burning process.

Due to the absence of reliable experimental data at present it

is possible to only assume that for the comFletely slag screened

fireboxes with the front arrangement of turners the load of rear

shield 20o/o by approximately exceeds average, and the load of front
shields can compose 80-ICo/o of average.

With the tangential burners it is possible to expect that the

distribution of thermal loads according to the walls of heating

approaches uniform.

During the definiticn of the heat atsorption of separate screen

surfaces should be considered the nonuniformities of the distribution
of thermal loads both according to the perimeter and according to the

height of heating. The distribution accepted must be checked,

composing the balance of radiation heat abscrItion.
DOC - 8o011o2 PAG 2/

Chapter Seven.


7-a. Rain equations.

7-01. For calculating convective heating surface are used two


Equation of the heat exchange:


Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where Q - the heat, taken by the designed by surface convection and

radiation referred to I kg (urns) of fuel/prcFellant, kcal/kg;

k - coefficient of beat transfer, in reference to the calculated

surface, heating, kcal/na hour dog;

H - calculated heating surface, usually taken equal surface fro

the external (gas) side, the ms; fcr the tubular air preheaters the

heating surface is received as average along the air and gas sides;

for the first bundles and the screen superheaters, which obtain heat

by radiation/emission fxca the furnace chamber/camera, for the

calculated heating surface is acce~ted the difference between the

full/total/complete heating surface and the efficient beas-receiving


At - temperature head, oC;

, - calculated consuaticn of fuel, kg/h.

7-02. Equation of heat balance, in which are equated heat,

returned by gases, and heat, taken by vapor, water cr air:

(I'- I" + Q(7-02)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where 0 - coefficient of the retention/preservation/aaintaining heat,

which considers the beat losses into the environment (RN 5-01);

ai and 1" - the enthalpy of gases on the entrance into the

heating surface and the cutput trcu it, kcal/kg;

- quantity of heat, introduced by the sucked air, kcal/kg;

DOC a 80041102 PAGI

- is determined cA 18 the table:

for the air preheater according to mean temperature of the air

for all remaining tlues - acccrding to the temperature cf cold

air tr

Page 36.

7-03. seat, taken byj heating sedium, Q is determined from

following formulas:

for superheater

D ("- (ii
'O-Q,XXA.Ixt (7.0Gu)

Key: (1). kcal/kg

(here from the value of beat abscrEtion is conditionally subtracted

the heat, obtained by the radiatioa/emission from furnace, QA.


for the economise and the transient zone of single-pass boiler

I ,
DOC a800141102 pie's- Gt/v' 7)

Q- (rP P) ,'aAIACZ, (7-036)

Key: (1). kcal/kg

where D- consumption ct steam (Mater) through designed surface,


in and i' - enthalpy of steam (water) on the output from the

heating surface and entrance into it, kcal/kg.

For the superheater a drcf/jump in the enthalpy of steam should

be accepted taking into accouat the heat absorption of the steam

cooler (for greater detail, see F. 8-39).

For the air preheater

Q - ( P.. (_,, -,0..) Kxa.f,,., (7.04)

Key: (1). kcal/kg

where o; - ratio of a quantity of air at the output from air heater

to theoretically necessary;

'/.o,,/o _ enthalpy of air. thecretically necessary for the

combustion, with the outlet temferatures from the air preheater and

- ---...... " l/l I'llInlll... .. . . .. .... ... . .... . ... . . .. .. . . ....- .. .. . ........... .. .. .. ... .
DOC 80oo1102 PAGB

entrance into it, kcal/kg;

. suction of air in the air preheater, taken to the equal to

leakage from the air side.

For the boiler bundlUes of nonducted boilers the equation of the

heat absorption of heating medium is absent.

7-04. if designed heating surface washes by incomplete quantity

of combustion products (parallel connection of several

elements/cells, bypass damper ccatrol, bypass flues in presence of

not completely dense dampers, etc.), equatics (7-02) is replaced by


Q -- ?W -- I" - . g- K,as,x. (7-0.5)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where g, the weight share of the gases, passing through the shunted

Vith the parallel ccnnection of several elosents/cells cr open

bypass flues g. it is determined from the formula

F) -
e- F (7-0)

" i,
DOC - 800411102 WAGE /

where F. - the clear opening of bundle (shunted flue), 2

S,- a calculated fully clear opening, oz.

This value is determined taking intc acccaunt the

relationship/ratio of resistances of parallel gas conduits.

The determination cf clear openings see p. 7-18.

Vith the double dense closed disconnecting dampers in bypass

flues s. it takes as the equal to 0.95, with the single dampers -


After the calculation of the heating surface are determined the

enthalpy and the temperature cf the mixture cf main gas flow with the

part, which passed besides the designed heating surface.

Equation of shift
I. -'(I -*s)+ I"e, f*aA1. (7-07)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.


ta l I I lI l li I I m I . . . l]l. . . "-m -i" ' ' "= ' - ' ......

DOC - 80041102 PAGN E"

a) basic condition/,ositiOlS.

7-05. Coefficient of beat transfer for multilayer flat/plane

wall is expressed by fczmula

-- zpad.
. - -,.- Ia+ AW
-4- ~-L.4-+ 2
Key: (1). kcal/a 2 h deg.

For all usually enccuntered in the boiler aggregates/units

plain-tube surfaces it is possikle to use this formula. The special

features/peculiarities, which relate to the separate types of the

heating surfaces, are shown below in paragraphs 7-08-7-14.

a& and a 2 - heat-transfer coefficients from the heating medium

to the vall and from the wall tc the heating medium, the kcal/a2 hour


6 a and X kcal/m hour deg - thickness and coefficients of the

thermal conductivity: a. and 1. the layer of ash and carbon black on

the external surface of the duct; a. and A. - wall of the duct; a.

and a. - scale deposit ca the internal surface of duct.

7-06. Heat-transfer coefficient from gases to wall

,..l, .. . .+'.
DC 80041102 PAGE 6

41-0. + XaA1l 'in,

Vac Ipa&, (7-09)

Key: (1). kcal/az hour deg

where w - coefficient ct flow, which considers the decrease of the

heat absorption of the beating mur.face as a result of the incomplete

flow by its gases.

The incomplete sweeF of gases of the heating surface occurs in

such cases the code the configuration of bundle and placement of

barriers they allow/assuse the froration of the gas pockets, the

clearly expressed nonunifornity of flow ever the section/cut or

partial gas overflow besides the bundle. A noticeable reduction in

the heat absorption is cbserved only with the gas overflow besides

the bundle, which usuall2 is not alloved/assused.

fn the case of the ncnuniformity of flow over the secticn/cut

the effect of the incovnleteness of flow in essence is compensated

due to an increase in the speed in the washed part. Therefore the

coefficients of the flew of the toiler heating surfaces, is

especially the transversely washed beams of mcdern aggregates/units

of average/mean and large power, are close to the unit.

For the most characteristic ccnstructicns/designs of the

DOC 80041102 raGI

incorrectly washed bundles the coefficients of flow v are given in RN

7-03. Is there shown the method of detervining the calculated open r

passage sections/cuts for these bundles.

- convection heat-transfer coefficient, determined in Section

.6-, kcal/ah dog;

- radiation heat-transfer coefficient, the determined in Section

.0% kcal/oz hour dog.

Page 37.

7-07. Thermal resistance of ccntaminating layer on external

surface of duct -. called contamination factcr ., is determined on

Section .4"of present paragraph.

7-08. Value oz is determined cn Section .,*of present paragraph.

In the calculations of econoizers and evaporative surfaces, as a

result of the fact that 4"ba,. thermal resistance from internal side

they disregard.

7-09. Resistance of thermal conductivity in metal of wall of

smooth pipes almost in all cases (with exception of steam coolers) in

calculation is not considered.

DOC 80410 AGR

7-10. Resistance of scale deposit on internal surface of ducts

in boiler aggregates/units of average/nean and high pressure, which

work during scale-free acde/conditions, virtually is absent.

In low-pressare boilers the scale formation is possible, but

during the normal operation it must not reach the sizes/dimensions,

which call a noticeable increase in the thermal resistance of wall.

Therefore resistance of scale defcsit usually into the calculation is

not introduced.

7-11.Z..,conformity uith paragraphs 7-07-7-10 calculation of the

coefficient of heat transfer in the plain-tute bundles is prcduced

according to the formulas:

for the superheaters

k +(+-& ctailig qac ,pad;.


Key: (1). kcal/mz hour deg

for the economizers and the evakorative surfaces

12J.1!A eC zpa. (7-104)I

Key: (1). kcal/mu hour deg.

DOC = 80041102 PAGB

7-12. During calculation ot air preheaters, in view of absence

of data for determining contamination factor and account of cther

deviations from design ccnditions, is introduced general/common/total

coefficient of use of heating surface. In this case the coefficient

of heat transfer is determined trca to the fermula


k1+ xKaAiM Vac pad. (7-11)

Key: (1). kcal/s" hcur deg

where t - coefficient of use, determined within section .A'

7.13. The method or determininr, the coefficient of heat

transfer of ribbed surfaces of heatin7 hav4 n- a number or

-ec~a! features is 7iven in section r of thi: rar'-!.

7-14. Coefficient of heat transfer" in revolving regenerative

air heaters with lamellar packing, referred tc full/tctal/couplete
heating surface, is determZned to formula arcs

S xiva-tW -sac zpad. t7-121

Key: (1). kcal/m2 hour deg

where the
-ating te-- surfce, washed by th
H-- t*e nortfon of the leatin,7 ..ur ce e

a, and a2 - heat-transter coefficients from the gases to the

wall and from the wall tc the air, determined in Section .5. Cf
DOC = 8001102 PAG -

present paragraph, kcal/maz hour dog.

The total urface of heatin, of the recgenerative air

heaters is taken eoual to the t',o-ded uface of ll the
' aclkr! niates.

b) Convection heat-transfer coefticient.

7-15. Convection beat-transfer coefficient depends on speed and

temperature of flow, determining linear dimensicn, run of pipes in

bundle, kind of surface Ismocth or finned) and of character of flow

its (longitudinal, transverse or oblique), physical properties of

washing medium and - soaatimes - temperature cf wall.

7-16. Rated speed at liquid or gas is determined from tc formula

Key: (1). m/s.

where F - an area of clear opening az (neq)

v.,x- an average/mean vcliuetric flow rate per second, m*/s.

7-17. For smoke gases

8,V.. + 273) jj/f (714)

Key: (1). the 3/s9

DOC z800141102 FIGB

where B, - calculated ccusuuptica of fuel. kg/h;

T- volume of gases per 1 kg of fue1/Frepellant, determined on

the average/mean excess air betuten entrance a' and output a",
n33 /kg.

With the passage thzoiagh the designed fine only of part of the
gas the right side of formula (7-114) is multiplied by [~
see formula
(7-06) ]

Page 38.

For the air

Cf. - 3600).27S- ',e (7-15)

Key: (1) the mJ/s

where VO - the theoretically necessary for the combustion quantity of

air, flm3/kg;

I.. ratio of a quantity of air, passing through the air preheater,

to theoretically necestaxy:


DOC =80041102 P&1

- ratio of a quantity of air to theoretically necessary for

output from the designed step/stage of the air preheater;

Ae - suction in the designed step/stage cf the air preheater;

P,- share of air (tbecretically necessary), which goes for the


For the water vapc and the water

Vc ,-st/cuxt (7.17)

Key: (1). the s3/s

D - the hourly consuapticn of vapor or water, kg/h;

v - average/mean specific volume of vapcr or water, m3 /kg.

7-18. Clear area for pass ef gases and air in flues, filled
transversely and with slantwise streamlined smooth and finned tubes,
is determined over secticntcut, gassing through axes/axles of
transverse run of pipes as difference between full/total/conplete
area of cross section of flue in light/wcrld and part of this area,
occupied with ducts and jartly this area, occupied with ducts and
edges/fins. In that indicated, section/cut the area for the pass of
DOC= 800411o2 ,,E,

gases is smallest in comfarison with any other parallel section/cut.

This principle of minions flow area is accepted also in other cases
of determining the speed.

Are given below fcoulas fer determining the calculated clear

opening of different tyles of the beating surfaces.

For the transversely washed plain-tube bundles

F- z1L A', (--18)

where a and b - sizes/disensicns of flue calculated cross-section, a;

z, - number of ducts in the series/row;

d and Z - diameter and the length of ducts, m; with bent tubes

for value * is accepted the prcjection of ducts (Fig. 2).

With the longitudinal flow:

'ith leqka"e of the medium within the ducts

r--zat, (7-I9)

where z - a number of in parallel connected ducts;

DOC 80041102 FAG,

during the flow of tooe medium between the ducts

ab - z
-F.- M (7.20)

where z - a number of ducts in the bundle;

d*,_ tube bore, a.

For beans of ducts with the cross ribs

I ~~~jI -~ (I + 2j-) ab 0, (7-21)

where s1 - the transverse pitch of ducts, a;

while d- diameter of carrying duct, m;

hand #, - height and average/mean thickness of edge/fin, a;

- step/pitch of edges/fins, m.

The averaginq of clear openings with their different value in

the individual sections cf the designed flue Is produced from the

condition of the arithmetical averaging cf sFeeds, which is

equivalent to the arithmetical averaging of values 1I/F.

DOC U80041102 PACE

If in this flue are,several sections with the identical

character of the flow Cf the beating surface, but by different clear
openings, into the calculation is introduced the average/mean
cross-sectional area, determined according to the formula

- H/ '- ... . (7-22)

W. 2

where H1, Hz-.. m- surfaces of heating sections with clear openings

With different ones input 1' and output F" beam sections in the

case of a steady change in the section/cut the averaging is produced

according to the formula

F 2F'F" (7-23)

In the presence of the disagreement in the cross-sectional area

not more than-25o/o it is possitle to produce the arithmetical

averaging of sections/cuts.

In the presence in kundle cf the gas corridors or with the in

parallel connected flues calculated clear opening is determined frcm

the formula

/- -, (7.4)
DOC = 80041102 PG I

where F, and F. - clear area of bundle and shunting flue, s2;

4. and - coefficients of hydraulic resistances of bean and

shunting flue;

B. and _ mean temFeratures of gases in the bundle and the

shunting flue, °C.

Diagrams for the selection of the calculated clear openings of

the complicatedly washed bundle& are given in 99 7-03.

DOc 80041102 PIGE

Fig. 2. Determination of the calculated length of ducts. (For

determining the surface cf heating is considered the effective length

of ducts).

Page 39.

7-19. Calculated temperature af flow of gases is equal to sum of

mean temperature of heating ediua and temperature head. for the
surfaces of heating boiler aggregates/units the calculated
temperature of flow can be with sufficient precision/accuracy defined

as the half-sum of the temperatures of gases at the entrance into the

surface of heating Of and the output from it 4" according to the

- C. (7.25)

7-20. Calculated determining linear dimension is accepted in

dependence on constructicn/design of surface cf heating and character
DOC 80041102 PAGE

of flow. Its selection is shown in each of the cases

considered/examined telow of heat exchange.

7-21. Convection heat-tzansfer coefficient with transverse flow

of corridor bundles is determined from tc formula I

dXf.4/) ac 2pad,


i Key: (1). kcal/m2 heux dog.

where c, - correction fcr a nuamer of transverse runs of pipes,

determined on nomogram 11 in the dependence cn an average number of

series/rows the separate bundles of the designed bundle; with one run

of pipes - it is determined cn scbogram III;

X - coefficient of thermal conductivity at mean temperature of

flow, determined on p. 3-05, kcal/s hour deg;

- kinematic viscosity ccefficient at sean temperature of flow,

on p. 3-03, ma/s;

d - diameter of ducts, a;

v - gas velocity, cc B1 7-C4, r/S.

DOC 80041102?1AG

FOOTIOTE 2. Formulas fo determining the convection heat-transfer

coefficients vith the transverse flow are substantiated by the

investigations, carried cut at criterion value of Reynolds

Be-(q-65)e102 for the corridor cnes and 9e=(2-65)o102 for the

checkered bundles. In the usually encountered cases of calculating

the boiler aggregates/units it is not necessary to exceed the limits

of the values Be indicated; therefore the special testing of

applicability for formala it is not required. ENDFOCTNOTE.

According to formula (7-26) is constructed nomogram II for

determining of heat-transfer coefficient with the transverse flow
corridor bundles. In this and subsequent nomograms the effect of
changes of the physical characteristics from temperature and
composition of gases to the heat-transfer coefficient is considered
with the help of coefficient '.

For the boilers, which work with the

supercharging/pressurization, the convection heat-transfer

coefficient can be determined on the same nomogram. In this case the
speed must conditionally be designed from the volume of gases at the
atmospheric pressure. This observation relater also to another cases

of the convective heat eichange.

7-22. Convection heat-transfer coefficient with transverse flow

DOC 80041102 PIGB ~

of checkered bundles isjdetermined acccrding to following formulas:

wuith q2 0.

'). 0~Cz x, qc zPad-,


Noey: (1). kcal/mazh deg

0.2951 / S;

xxaAl~e, vc zpad3,7.8

Key: (1). kcal/uzh deg,

where c, - correction for a nummber of transverse runs of pipes,

determined on nomogram III;

d average/mean rolative transverse pitch of the ducts;

arage/mean relative diagonal space: of the ducts:

-J-the average/seen relative longitudinal pitch of ducts.

DOC =80041102 VAGE a

FOOTNOTE 2. The moved checkered bundle with s 1 /d=1.74 and s./d=1.5,

used in the sectional bcilers, is designed as ccomon checkered


Remaining designations see p. 7-21.

According to formulas (7-07) and (7-28) is constructed nomogram

III for determining the heat-transfer coefficient with the transverse

flow of checkered bundles. Graph for determining coefficient (., is

constructed taking inte account formula (7-29).

7-23. lith variable in depth or width of flue spacings between

tubes of designed bundle into calculation are introduced averaged
over heating surface stes/Fitches:
S'- s"I" 4-.30
$€, i l I V+H"t•... l (7-|

where HI and Biwaz - surfaces of heating parts of bundle with

steps/pitches s9 and s".

7-24. In presence in flue of several sections with identical

character of flow and different diameters of ducts calculaticn is
conducted according to tkat averaged proforticnal to surfaces of

heating sections to diameter. In this case are neutralized values 1/d

and calculated diameter is determined from the formula
DOC 80041102 PACE Iff

111-4 2 ±-
_It z. 7-31)
Ht f

7-25. For bundles in which part of ducts staggered, and part -

in corridor, heat-transfer coefficient is calculated separately for

each part of bundle (but for average/mean values of temperature and

speed in bean) and is nmutralized Froportional to surfaces of heating

both parts according tc fcraula

I ,,o +X,,. Li"

_____________ KKlA/MO nae zpad.
x + H.P (7-3)

Key: (1). kcal/a:h deg.

Page 40.

If the surface of heating the ducts, arranged/located in the

checkered (corridor) order, exceeds 85o/c of entire heating surface,

then entire bundle is designed as checkered (corridor).

7-26. For bundles, washed ky oblique flow, rated speed is

calculated from section/cut ,, passing through axes/axles of ducts

(rig. 3). To the value Cf the coefficient of heat transfer,

determined in the formulas for the transverse flow, for the corridor

bundles with the value ct the angle between the direction of flow and

the axes/axles of ducts cf P<800 is introduced the correction in the

DOC 8001102 EAGE

fore of constant coefficient of 1.07. For the checkered bundles of

this correction to introduce one ought nct.

7-27. Heat-transfer coefficient with longitudinal flow cf

heating surfaces depends on flov conditions of liquid. Transition

from the stream-line conditions to the turbulent occurs usually with

Re-.2.10 , but under some conditions transition region can be

involved/tightened to values of ae=6.103 and above.

The motion of media (flue gases, air, rater, steam) in toiler

assemblies as a rule, is turbulent. Only in the lamellar air

preheaters in which the flow is characterized by the presence of the

elongated transient zone, to value of Re=lO' cccurs the flow,

different from the turbulent. Therefore is given below general

formula for determining the heat-transfer coefficient during the

turbulent mode/conditions for all t1pes of the longitudinally

fairings of heating and second fcrnula fcr determining the

heat-transfer coefficient in in plastic air prebeaters at values of


In the regenerative air prebeaters, which consist of undular

sheets, washed by the flcw, directed at angle toward the wave, the

character of the notion cf gases aid air differs from purely

longitudinal. For them es given sFecial calculation formulas.

DOC -'80041102 PAGi

7-28. Heat-transfer coefficient with longitudinal flow of

heating surface is determined from to formula '

- w.d,\o (7.33)

IXa.z/j ,ac :paO, ()

Key: (1). kcal/amh deg

where X - coefficient of thermal ccnductivity at mean temperature of

medium, determined for the air and the flue gases on p. 3-05, for t.he

vapor and water - on Tables 3-4, kcal/s hour deg;

- kinematic viscosity coefficient at mean temperature of flow,

determined for the air and the flue gases on p. 3-03, for the vapor
and water - on p. 3-02, mz/s;

w - speed, determind accordixg to formula (7-13), m/s;

,- equivalent diameter, a.

FOOTNOTE 1. Formula (7-33) is substantiated by experiments, conducted

in the limits of values ie 5e10 3 -2*100. As a rule, in the
calculations of boiler acg.regates/units It is not necessary to exceed
DOC 80041102 PGB l

the limits indicated. Theretore the special testing of the

applicability of formula (7-33) is not required. INDPOOTNOTZ.

The value of the criterion of physical properties P, for the air

is equal to 0.71; for flue gases pr it is determined on p. 3-08, for

the vapor and the water - on tatles 3-5 at mean temperature of flow.

During the course of gases within the ducts the equivalent

diameter is equal to take bore. with the course of gases in the ducts

cf noncircular section/cut and the longitudinal flow of the banks of

tubes the equivalent diameter is calculated according to the formula


where F - a clear area ct flue, na;

U._ part of the perimeter in this section/cut, through which

cccurs the heat exchange, m.

For the flue, filled with ducts,


where a and b - transverse sizes/dimensicns of flue in the

light/world, a;
DOC 80041102 FAr.11

z - quantity of ducts in the flue;

d - diameter of ducts, a.

For the narrow elongated slotted channels (lasellar air

preheaters) the equivalent diazeter can te accepted equal to the

doubled width of the slct: .

To correction ,, in general it depends on the temperatures of

flow and wall.

During cooling of gases value c, is received as the constant.

equal to 1.06.

During heating of gases value c, is determined on Fig. 4.

DOC =80041102 PAes 10

200 W 500
so 800 100 IZOT

Fig. 3. hig. 4.

Fig. 3. Diagram to calculation cf clear area with oblique flow of


Fig. 4. Correction c, during deterainaticn . of longitudinal flow in

the case of heating gases.

Page 4 1.

In the cases of heating water and steam the effect of

temperature factor, considered ty value t,. is insufficiently studied.

in the elements/cells ct boiler aggregate/unit the temperature of

wall with the course of water and steam differs little from the
temperature of medium. Ptrtberacre, at ccmparatively high
temperatures of water with which it is necessary to deal in -the
calculations which it is necessary to deal in the calculations of the

elements/cells of boilez aggregates/units, value Pr weakly deFends on

temperature. Therefore fcr the water and steam (:,takes as the equal
vOC = 800541102 r. r i

to unit.

Correction for relative length c, is introduced only at values

I/d,<5o and it is determined cn ncacgram IV.

According to formula (7-33) are constructed the nomograms for

determining the heat-transfer coefficient with the longitudinal flow:

for the air and the gases - nomcgram the IV, for steam - V and for
the water - VI.

In nomogram IV correction factors c. and c; took into

consideration the effect not only of changes cf the physical

characteristics, but alsc ccrrecticn c,.

with determination correcticn c; the temFerature of the vall of

air preheater is accepted as the average between the temperatures of

air and gasses.

',. 7-.

7-29. Convection beat-transfer coefficient for lamellar air

preheaters at walue of e<10000 is determined from to formula

i - 0,00365 WP, ' KxaA/.'A sac 2pad. (7- )

Key: (1). kcal/m'h deg.

DOC - 80041102 PAGE q

The values of entering tbis fcraula values are defined just as

in formula (7-33).

According to formula (7-36) is constructed nomogram VII.

With Re>10000 the calculation is conducted according to formula

(7-33) or nomogram IV. The adaissibility of the use of nomogram VII

is checked with the help of the auxiliary lines of this nomogram.

7-30. Heat-transfer coefficient for rotating regenerative air

preheaters with packing cf type, depicted on fig. 5, is determined
from formulas 1:

With Re<5oo
0.0052w 7 , P I A I..' .atpa, (7. 7)

Key: (1). kcal/M2 h dog

with Re>5200
.O.029 0.

Kxaot/% .*%C
Pao. (7-39)

Key: (1). kcal/,, hour deg.

FOOTNOTE formulas (7-37) and (7-38) they are cbtained as a result of

DOC 800411102 P161s

the investigation of packing with the following geometric

characteristics: ,-o.olm - 1d/', &1,. -2. . .- V.



Here symbols of valces the same as in fcrsula (7-33)

The equivalent diameter of packing is determined from general

formula (7-34).

According to formula (7-37) of plotting cf nomogram VIII.

If speed exceeds the values, encompassed by nomogram, is

calculated value He and calculation is conducted according tc the
appropriate formula.

7-31. For bundle, partially washed by longitudinal and partially

cross flows, is applied averaged convective heat-transfer
coefficient, determined as fcllows.

By averages for entire bundle to the gas flcw and temperature

according to formula (7-13) are determined the speeds in the
sections, washed by longitudinal flow, and in the sections, washed by
the cross flow. By these speeds and mean temperature with the help cf
the appropriate formulas an(i the ncuoqrans are determined the
DOC = 80041102 JG

heat-transfer coefficients for koth parts of the beating surface.

The averaged value cf heat-transfer coefficient for entire

bundle is calculated frcs tc the fcrnula

e,.,:m Hto + P L KKca.Lu'm ac z Opd.

Key: (1). kcal/32 hcur deg

where , and ,, - ccnvecticn heat-transfer coefficients for the

sections, washed by transverse and longitudinal flows, kcal/ex hour

and "., - surface
of heating
these sections,

Examples of the conditional laying out cf the complicatedly

washed bundles to the lcngitudinally and transversely washed
sections, and also the irdicaticns regarding the sections/cuts of the
corresponding sections are given in RN 7-03.

In the presence of several equally washed sections with

different sections/cuts calculated clear opening is neutralized over
the surfaces of heating the ccrxesjonding secticons according to
formula (7-22).
DOC =80041102 PA~r i

Fig. 5. Schematic of the packing of regenerative air preheaters.

Page 42.

c) radiation heat-transfer coefficient ccabuastion products.

7-32. in calculatica is considered radiaticn/emission of

triatomic gases, and during ccatustion of solid fuels - and of

weighed in particle flux of ash. The determination of a quantity of
heat, transmitted of 1 ag of the beating surface by the methcd of

radiation/emissions Q,

kcalaft ispoue itk the helE of the radiation heat-transfer

coefficient. Eouc ('Istc

I, ,- * k~lA
- .1 ~ac tad, (7-40)

Key: (1) . kcal/m'h deg

DOC 80041102 P1B 9V

where a and to. - temperature of gases and external surface of wall

taking into account the folluti on/contaminaticn, oC.

7-33. Radiation heat-transfer coefficient combustion products is

determined frc folloving formulas:

for dusty flow (upon consideration of radiation/euission of ash)

- a- ae,,,+l____

ccatifja "ac :pad% (7-41)

for purely gas flow (during calculation of radiation/emission of

triatomic gases, not bhccae dusty ty ash)

4 -- -aT' Tc
(',sI -
xxa./M,' qac zpa. (7-42)

Key: (1). kcal/,,h deg.

n these formulas:

- emissivity factor of the valls of the bean-receiving surfaces;

for calculating the heat euissicn by radiaticm/esissicn to the boiler
heating surfaces is accepted
DOC 80041102 P"".8

c'--. 0.82:

a - emissivity factor of the dusty and ocadust-laden flows of gases

at temperature TOK, determined according to the formula

a - (7-43)

where e - a Naperian base;

P,- total absorption strength of the products of combustion; for

the boilers, which wcrk bitbout the supercharging/pressurization, are

accepted p=i atm (abs.);

T - absolute temperature of the flow of combustion products

(temperature of flow ( 0 C) is determined from formula (7-25)],oK;
r, - absolute teinerature of outer *ra!! surf-ice of -Rd _'.tton-

rece!ivn, s~urace,: K;

The temperature of wall taking into acccant the external

pollution/contamination is determined on the indications p. 7-38.

&ccording to formula (7-41) is constructed nomogram XI for

determining the radiaticn heat-transfer coefficient of the dusty flcw
, in depending on total absorEtion strength of flow kps and
temperatures of flow and mall.
DOC -80041102 PGE ,

For determining the radiatica heat-transfer coefficient of the

non-dustladen gas flow value .... found frc. ncbogram XI, they multiply

by coefficient c,, determined on auxiliary field of this nomogram.

7-34. Total absorption strength of dusty gas flow is determined

frcm formula

kps - (kr. + hk~j)ps. (7-44)

For the non-dustladen flow (Products of the combustion of vapor

and liquid propellants) second tern drops out. It it is possible nct

to introduce into the calculaticus also during the layer and flame-

layer combustion of all solid fuels/propellants.

Entering formula (7-4) values are determined on paragraphs

7- 35- 7-3]7.

7-335. Coefficient cf weakening ray/beau by triatomic gases,

which are contained in combusticn products, is determined frcm

1 6
o.*+ . r 0 low (7-45)

vhere , - volume fraction of water vapors;

P.-P,,- total partial pressure of triatovic gass. atm(abs.);

DOC 800111102 PAIr.

a ,H1+NO,- total volume fraction of trtatotc gases;

s - efficient thickness cf radiaticn layer (effective

length of ray/beam), determined ca p. 7-37, a;

T - absolute temperature of flcv cf products of combustion,


According to formula (7-45) is constructed nomogram IX for

determination k, in depending or the volume fraction of water vapors,

temperature of gases and product of the total partial pressure of

triatomic gass on the efficient thickness of radiation layer P.s.

7-36. Coefficient cf weatening ray/bean in volume, filled ash is

determined according tc formula

-' 7, 1 2Y (7-46)

where d, - efficient diameter of particles of ash micron.

Page 43.

According to the preliminary data. until the refinement, it

DOC = 80041102 PAGE

should be accepted:

d.,13 micron with coatustion of carbon/coals, milled in drum-

spherical mills;

" =16 micron during the combustion of cartcn/coals, milled in the

medium and high speed criading sills;

d. =20 micron during the combustion of carbon/coals and schists,

milled in the unit type sills;

d,-33 micron during the combusticn of millicg peat in shaft - mill


According to formula (7-46) is constructed nomogram X fcr

determination k, in depending on the temperature of the products of
combustion, form of fuel/propellant and method of its grinding.

- concentration of ash particles in the combustion prcducts,

determined according tc formula (4-11), g/nu3.

7-37. Efficient t1.ickness cf radiation layer during

radiation/emission limited frcm all sides gas volume to enclosing
surfaces is determined from aEptoximation forsula

' .. L. . . . .• .. . . . .,A ., , .. . . .. . ... . . .. . .

DOC = 80041102 FIcG It

3,6 -M. (7-47)

where V - volume of radiation layer, u3;

- area of enclosizg surfaces, g2.

For the plain-tube kundles the efficient thickness of radiation

layer is determined from the foraulas:

with 5--22

S-(1.87L -4..1) d (7-48)

with 7<L <13

822S + 10.6)d (7-49)

where s& and S2 - average/mean ±cr the bundle transverse and

longitudinal pitches of ducts, a.

For the bundles frcs the fin ducts obtained according tc formula

(7-48) or (7-49) value s should multiply by 0.4.

For the finned heating surfaces in view cf the snall thickness

of radiation layer the btat emissicn by the radiation/emission of
DOC 80041102 PYAG

combustion products is nct considered.

In the presence of gas volumes in the limits of the heating

surface or before it value s is calculated according to the

indications p. 7-39.

7-38. During determination of radiation beat-transfer

coefficient in formula 1-L41) or (1-42) cr nceogram XI temperature of
val of duct, which receives radiation/emission, is received to equal
mean temperature of skin of depcsited on duct ash deposits.

This temperature In general can be determined from the formula

t'-(+(.+ 1 SQ-
! ¢

vhe,-% t - mean temperature of the medium, which takes place within

the ducts, 0C. For the ciliag liquids t it takes as the equal to the
boiling point, in the remaining cases - half-sum of the initial and
final temperatures;

•- contamination factor, determined in accordance with the

indications Section . . of present Faragraph, m2 h deg/kcal;

a2 - heat-transfer coefficient from the wall to the internal

medium, considered, only during the calculaticn of superheater,
DOC u 80041102 Pr.1

kcal/sah dog;

a,.- calculated consumptica of fuel. kg/h;

Q- heat absorpticn of the designed heating surface, determined

from the equations of talance (7-O) and (7-03) for preliminarily

taken final temperature cf one ct the media, kcal/kq;

H - surface of heating the designed element/cell, s z .

Since a considerable error ia determination t 3 does not cause

appreciable error in the coefficient of hea't transfer, it shculd be

not made more precise value t3 , if an error in preliminarily taken

value Q during the veritling calculation does not exceed the

folloving values:

for superheaters *-15o/o;

for developed boilfr bundles #-30o/c;

for scallops +-50c/C.

During the rational design of this surface should be been

assigned the value of heat absorption " - Standard deviations for

k .. .... .
Il .. ... [. . . I . .. . I IIII - -- Illl ll l
DOC 800411102 P'AC.

this value remain the sase as and tor value Q.

For the economizer heating surfaces it should be calculated t3

approximately according to the given below indications.

For first (on the course of water) stage of economizer and

single-stage economizer with <40O0 oC

1 -t+25C.

For the single-stage econcsizer with 8)1>000C and the second

step/stage of two-stage, and also transient zone of single-pass

boiler with the chamber iombustion of solid and liquid propellants

and any ignition method cf tke bocod

tj -t + 100oC;

for the same surfaces during the layer ccmbusticn of all

fuels/propellants, exceft wood, ard the combustion of the gas

- t + 25 C.

7-39. Cavity emission for their enclosing surfaces is designed

in accordance with the fclloing indications.

DOC 800'41103 PAGE

Page '44.

Fig. 6. Taking into considexatica ef cavity esission.

For entire superheater

For first on the ccurse of gases stage

i,1041 0

For economizer +1'

The radiation/emission of the volumes, iccated before the

superheater or in its limits, tc the superheater, and also rotary
DOC = 80041103 FAGQ

chamber/camera to the arzanged/located after it heating surface is

considered by an increase in cotFuted value of the efficient

thickness of radiation layer in the formula

S - - . '7-51)

where s - the efficient thickness of radiation layer, calculated

according to spacings tetween tubes in the designed tube bank, m;

,.and ,- depth (on the course of gases) of the strictly

designed bundle and of gas vclume (Pig. 6), m;

A - coefficient, taken to the equal ones to: 0.5 - upon

consideration of the radiation/emission cf vclumes with the

superheater and 0.2 - u~cn consideration of the radiation/emission of
volume, which is located beyond the superheater, to the
arranged/located after it heating surface.

The heat, transmitted by cavity emission to the tube bank,

arranged/located before this vclume, is not considered, since its
fraction/portion in the Seneral/conaon/tctal heat atsorption of
bundle is negligible.

Cavity emission to the scallo~s also is aot considered in view

of the fact that emissivity tactcrs of gas layer in the scallops and
DOC 80041103 FNAGI

the adjacent to then vclumes are close in the value.

The calculation of cavity emission by the wall heating surface,

which does not exceed 10c/o of surface of the preceding it in the gas

flow bundle, is produced simply (see Section 8-07). If the value of

the wall heating surface is more than limit indicated above, and also

in the case of separate run of Eipes, the heat of cavity emission to

this surface is calculated frcn to the formula

Q., 0 o,)H Kim

xlac. -sI- #j(7.$52)

Key: (1). kcaL,/h.

The value of radiation heat-transfer coefficient . kcal/a/

hour hail is determined ca the indications paragraphs 7-33-7-37. In

this case the temperature of gases of OoC, the volume fracticns of

triatomic gases ', and r, and the concentration of ash particles
are accepted as of the entrance into the volume.

The temperature of contamicated wall t °c is determined from

formula (7-50), contaminaticn factcr in which takes as the equal
to 0.01 mz hour deg/kcal.

The permissible disagreement between the accepted for

calculation ', value C (during rational design-9) and determined

from the calculation cosloses 150o/o.

DOC . 80041103

The beas-receiving surface of heating ,. is determined on the

indications p. 6-15.

D) the coefficient of heat transfer in the finned and fin heating


7-40. For cast iren finned economizers of TsKKB and VTI is given

nomogram XVI, vith the help of which by speed and temperature of

gases directly is determined coefficient of heat transfer.

Curve for the ecoucuizer of 1TI is constructed taking into

account the effect of systematic klasting. In the absence of blasting

the coefficient of heat transfer, determined according to the
nomogram, is decreased ty 20o/c.

7-41. For cast iron finned and finned- serrated air preheaters.
produced by Soviet plants; coefficient of heat transfer, in reference
to full/total/complete surface from gas side B, it is determined from

to formula

Key: (1). kcal,/n' hcur deg.

DOC = 80041103 PA

where i- coefficient of use, determined in Section RD" of the

present paragraph; , and p- given heat-transfer coefficients

of pure/clean ducts from the kcal/a2 hour deg. Given they are called
because is considered resistance to heat transfer not only on the
surface, but during fuxtker heat transfer by thermal conductivity
through the metal of the edges/fins;

Sratio of full/tctal/coaplate surface from the external (gas)

side to the full/total/cesplate surface from inside.

Page 45.

Finned tubes differ frcs finned-serrated only in terms of the

ribbing of air side.

The given heat-transfer coefficient frc the gas side fcr the
pure/clean ducts, in reference to the full/tetal/complete external
surface, is determined from to the formula

a, P 0,0355
g.1' qCaC . (I (7-54)

Key: (1). kcalt/m z hour deg

DOC 80041103 PGI/70

where x - coefficient of thermal ccnductivity at mean temperature of

flow, defined on p. 3-05, kcal/m hour deg;

kinematic viscosity coefficient at mean temperature of

flow, defined on p. 3-03, a/s;

v - gas velocity, defined according to formula (7-13), m/s;

',-step/pitch cf edges/fins, taken as other

sizes/dimensions, on the table and the diagrams, placed in acnogram

XVII, 3.

according to formula (7-5) is constructed nomogram IVII.

The given coefficient of heat transfer from the air side, in

reference to the full/total/complete internal surface, for the ducts
with the longitudinal edges/fins is inside determined from to the

XIaA'm '40e ?Ppad. -55)

Key: (1). kcal/mz hcuz deg.

DOC 8 41103 PAGE 7/

Then for the ducts Mith the serrated internal surface:

with Re).0000

., o.923 1 +
EXKUAIX' '(aC tpad. (a 7-56)

Key: (1). kcal,/m hour dog

with Re<10000

,2., -. 0331(1 -_ _ ) 77

kKOa/.u'1aC-paJ. gJ) (7-57)

Key: (1) . kcal/m 2 hour deg.

In these formulas, tesides the ccuan designations:

',,- the length of the finned part of the ductse a;

,,. equivalent diameter* a.

According to formulas (7-55)-(7-57) is ccnstructed nomogram


DOC 80041103 FIGS

7-42. Coefficient ot beat transfer of cast iron platy air

preheaters of Kusin plant ( type "Kablits") is determined also

according to formula (7-53).

The given heat-transfer coefficient of clean plates/slabs from

the gas side and the giv*n heat-transfer coefficient from the air

side are determined on ncnogras Ill.

7-43. For fin economizers coefficient of heat transfer is

determined from to formula

S- ,, Aa,/.mw ac :pad.f) (7.58)

Key: (1). kcaL/mt hcur deg.

The coefficient of use e is determined on Section "d" of present

paragraph. the given heat-transfer coefficient of the pure/clean fin

ducts, staggered, referred to the full/tctal/complete surface, during

cooling of flow is determined ficm to the foroula

~~0.2S Pad (I
$ V:\--J.33ft\-'.35/
,) \
) ,V) * ; aoc''%

Key: (1). kcaL/m' hour deg.

For the case of heating the flow the value of heat-transfer

DOC 80011103 PAGCI

coefficient, obtained frcs formula (7-59), it is necessary to

multiply by 1.25.


d - outside diameter of carrying duct, a;

sg and s z - transverse and longitudinal pitches of ducts, a;

.. and ,- height and thickness of fin, a.

Remaining designaticns - the same as fcr fcrmula (7-54). Formula

(7-59) is applied with the fclloving limits of geometric


1.5 2,, 2.515-

,;9 1-I,; -- -- 0.12 -- 0,18

According to formula (7-59) is constructed nomogram IX for

determining *,-, the fin ducts.

q-44. In subsequent points/items of present section is stated

general/common/total methodology, which can be used for calculating

heat transfer in nonstandard finned elements/cells.

DOC =8001103 PAG

For the ducts (plates/slabs), with finneds from one or both

sides, the coefficient of heat transfer, in reference to the
full/total/complete surface troa the gas side, is expressed by the
I r:a.t 'sA ha :Pad.
t ,p 2 p H.

Key: (1) . kcal,/m* hour de9.

Page 46.

In this formula ", and ",- the given heat-transfer

coefficients from external Igas) and insides , in contrast to that
indicated in p. 7-41 .,., consider the heat transfer through the

layer of pollution/contamination. In the presence of edges/fins only

from the gas side instead of :, should be substituted z2 -

beat-transfer coefficient frcm the internal surface of wall to the
heating medium. In the calculaticns of economizers by the term, which
contains az , they disregard.

7-n5. Given heat-tansfez coefficient frca gas side depends

on value - heat-transfer coefficient from washing medium te w
and thermal resistance of edges/fins and contaminating layter.

For the finned beating surfaces the heat emission by the

DOC = 8oo11o3 PAG E

radiation/emission of combustion products is not considered;

therefore 2.-11 where .- ccnvection heat-transfer coefficient
for the finned surfaces cf different configuration, determined in p.
7-47, kcal/32h deg.

The thermal resistance of edges/fins depends on their thickness,

form and coefficient the heat ct ccnductance. In the forms also of
the coefficient of thermal conductivity. In fcr of edge/fin they are
subdivided into two types: with the straight/direct and cylindrical
bases/bases. The first include the edges/firs on the flat surface and
longitudinal edges/fins cn the cylindrical surface; here are added
transverse external edges/fins on the ducts, which have the fcre of
the elongated oval. The second include circular and square cross ribs
on the circular ducts.

Value .,,. referred to the full/total/complete surface from the

gas side, is determined from to the formula

rxaA)M Qac :pad.) (7-61)

Key: (1). kcal/ua hcur degwvhere !_ the ratio of the surface of

H -
edges/fins to the full/tctal/cosplete surface from the gas side.

For the circular ducts with the circular edges/fins

DoC 8oo1,,o3 P,. /

for the circular ducts with the square edges/fins

H~ ~ . 0[-785]

-- the ratio of the sections of lifting surface, not


occupied with edges/fins, to the full/total/complete surface from the

gas side; E - coefficient of the efficiency of edge/fin, determined
in depending on the form of edges/fins and parameters l and D/d in
nomogram XXI;

D - diameter of circular or side of square edge/fin, a;

d - diameter of the carrying duct, n;

Pe and to- height and average/mean thickness of edge/fin, a;

*,.- step/pitch cl edges/fins, m;

.- coefficient cf the thermal ccnductivity of the metal of

DOC 80041103 r ijs 7

edges/fins, kcal/m hour dog;

ii - coefficient, which considers the effect of the broadening of

edges/fins to the basis/bass; it is determined cn nomogram XXI in
depending on P and where B, and a1 thickness of

edge/fin in periphery and basis/kase;

- coefficient, which considers nonunifcr. by basis/base

coefficient . take as the equal to 0.9, for the edges/fins with
cylindrical basis/base -0.85;

contaminaticu factor, determined on Section 41d8a of

present paragraph, sah dag/kcal.

7-46. Given heat-transfer coefficiert frcm air side (referred to

full/total/coaplete surface cf inside) . when, from this side,

edges/fins are present, is determined also according to formula

(7-61). Contamination factor • takes as eqcal to zero.

7-47. Convection heat-transfer coefficient with flow of banks of

tubes with cross ribs is determined from follcwing formulas:

for corridor bank cf tubes with circular edges/fins.

DOC 800141103 PIGS

-- )
)-0.14 )0. 12
al 'ac 2pe0; (7- )

Key: (1). kcaL/m z hour deg

for the checkered bank c£ tubes with the circular edges/fins

Key: (1). kcal/az hour dog.

Page 47.

For the recalculaticn to the ducts with the square edges/fins it

is necessary to multiply heat-transfer ccefficient, calculated for'

the circular edges/fins (with the diameter, equal to the side of

square edge/fin), by ccetficient of 0.92.

d - outside diameter (transverse si2e/dimension) of carrying

duct, a;

hp- height of edge/fin, a.

The remaining designations are the same as in formula (7-54).

According to formulas (7-6;) and (7-63) are constructed

DOC =800411103 PAGE

nomograms XXII and XXIII.

7-48. Convection heat-transfer coefficient with course cf flow

in duct with internal longitudinal edgs/fins is defined just as for

common case of longitudinal flov, on formula (7-33) or nomogram IV.

B) the contamination factors and use of a heating surface.

(I 7-49. In temperature range of gases of characteristic

ones for

convective heating surfaces, ash of solid fuels usually possesses

friability and ash depcsits on ducts depend on gas velocity, run of
pipes (checkered or corzidor), diaseter, spacings between tubes
(checkered or corridor), diameter, spacings tetveen tubes and
fractional composition cf ash, hklch is contained in combustion

7-50. Contaminaticn factors of plain-tube transversely

streamlined bundles for solid fuels (besides wood) I are determined
frcm to formula

=C dc~o+a ~ i zPadixy -t. (7.64)

Key: (1). hour deg/kcal.

where CO-initial contaninaticn factor, depending on gas velocity,

run of pipes in the bundle (checkered or corridor) and for the

DOC 80041103 PAGE

checkered bundles - from the relative longitudinal pitch of ducts,

the determined on nomogram XLI, a2 hour deg/kcal;

c,- correction for diameter, determined cn nomogram XII;

re,- correcticn fcr the fractional composition of ash,

characterized by value B 30 - by the content of particles by the

size/dimension of more than 30 microns c., is determined from the

FOOTNOTE '. The given below reccamendations are based on the

investigations of nonblcun bundles. Until data finding about the
effect of blasting should be also in the presence of blowing devices
used the same reccmmendations. INDPOOTNOTE.

In the absence of the reliable data abcut the fractional

composition of the ash cf the fuel/propellant used values co are

accepted according to the data cf nomogram XII.

Values , for different types of the heating surfaces comprise:

first stages of economizers and single-stage economi.ers at low

DOC 800411103 Pir.

temperatures of gases * (0' )- -- ,


the second steps/stages at economizers and single-stage

economizers with 60>4OCOC. beiler bundles and transition zones of
single-pa sas boiler -i -0.00-:

the developed boiler beams of low-power reactors -a,=0.

superheaters -- 0.-,

FOOTNOTE 2. During the ccubustion of ASh values a for the

surfaces, situated after the basic superheater, increase by 0.002.

7-51. For bundles in which part of ducts staggered, and part -

in corridor, contaninaticn factor is calculated separately for each

part of bundle (but on average speed in bean) and is neutralized
according to to formula

* '+ ''as tu a jc a 0)j

t n Iop


Key: (1). hour deg/kca,.

DOC 8004&1103 FIGS

If the surface of heating the ducts, arranged/located in the

checkered (corridor) order, exceeds 85o/c of entire heating surface,

then entire bundle is designed as checkered (corridor).

With the mixed transverse-longitudinal flow of plain-tube

bundles the ccntaminaticn factois are determined separately for the

transversely and longitudinally washed sections by the average

speeds, found for each of the sections individually, and then they
are neutralized according to the formula, analogous formula (7-65).
The contamination factcrs of the longitudinally washed sections are

determined until the reftineent according to the same data, as with

the transverse flow.

7-52. Contaminaticn factor of banks of tubes with cross ribs is

letermined in depending on gas velccity cn ncnogram III.
For the standard cast iron finned economizers TsKKB and VT: i:

is advisable to use heat-transfer coefficients determined directly

from nomogram XVI. '

7-53. The coefficients of contamination for heating surfaces which

are not exposed to blowing during combustion of liquid and gaseous fuels
and wood are taken from the following Table 3
r l) 0.2 0.2

10.015O .01 0201 0.025

lppoaeA ra3 t :,IO. j0.O
0I0 0 5 0,010
qpenecioe TOnlI.rO01',0.0I0.O08 1.012 0.020
nwA, ra3" i e
4*10MC11III41,1 . 0002 0,0(10.0,0021 0^04

-: (1). Fuel. (2). Boiler clusters. (3). Superheaters. (4). Smooth-tube

waste gas heaters. (5). Cast-iron ribbed waste g s heaters. (6). Fuel

oil. (7). Natural gas. (3). Wood fuel. 9). Blast-furnace and coke gases.

FOOTNOTE Experimental data on the coefficients of contamination are

extremely limited for combustion of fuel oil and gases and not available

for wood combustion. The recommended values are approximate and are relate

to stack gas velocities not exceeding 15 n/s. ENDFOOTNOTE.

7-54. For combustion of a mixture of fuels or for alternate burt±ng

of different fuels the coefficient of contamination is determined from

data for the most contaminating fuel. For example, with combined

combustion of blast-furnace gas and coal dust the contamination factor

b~th for the case of combusting dust and for the case of combusting gas

is determl.ned on p. 7-50, iee., according to the data for the solid fuel.

6- . ..... . .. . . . .. ..
DOC - 80041103 PAGE

7-55. Coefficients cf use cf air preheaters and fin economizers

are accepted on following table:

Town.,qo . '6 -

Bee TOrt.11133., Xpa-

e y'Ka3aHHbX
w.Me.('J... 0,75 0,85 0,80 0,80
.%133)--.r . . 0,65 0,75 0.70 0,70
I']pNpo02.w r33.
ApeReCHOe Ton-
ANSO . 0, 70 0.80 0,70 0,70

Key: (1). Fuel/propellant. (2). Air preheaters. (3). tubular. (4).

lasellar. (5). cast ircn finned. (6). Fin economizers. (7). All

fuels/propellants, except those indicated below. (8). Petroleum

residue. (9). Natural gas and wcod fuel/propellant.

7-C. The temperature head.

7-56. Temperature head &t, i.e., averaged all over heating

surface difference in tesmeratures, which participate in heat

exchange of media, depends on matual direction of motion of media. If

the temperature of one medium vithin the limits of the heating

surface does not change, then in all cases the temperature head does

not depend on the mutual direction of the mcticn of media.

7-57. Everything said belcw about effect of mutual direction of

motion of participating in heat exchange media relates to case of

DOC 80041103 PAGE

comparatively small change in eater equivalent ' of each of them

within limits of heating surface.

FOOTNOTE 1. The water equivalent it is called the product of the

consumption of water [?] to its heat capacity. ENDFCOTNOTE.

This condition virtually is iamlenented in all surfaces of heating

boiler aggregates/units, with exceftion cf high-pressure superheaters

(it is more than 125 Am(gage)) and with the high initial humidity of
vapor, transition zones, and alsc *boiling" economizers, on which

subsequently are given the necessary indications. In these all

surfaces water equivalent changes due to a change in the state of

aggregation or considerakle change in the heat capacity.

7-58. Connection, in which both media on entire way move in

parallel towards each ctber, is called "countercurrent". Then, but
during motion of both media to cue side, is called "direct flow". The
temperature head for bctb diagrams is defined as log mean temperature
difference according to the formula

a- -a.,. (7-6)
23Ig ~

where . difference in the temperatures of the transferring heat

media in that end of the surface of heating where it is more than OC;
I DOC - 800 1103 PA .I R

it.-difference in the teajeratures at ether end of the

surface, °C.

When 1,.7. the temaezature head with sufficient

precision/accuracy is defined as a mean arithmetic difference in the

temperatures according tc the tcraula

+ .
+1 - ° 6

where * and t - mean temieratures cf both media, oC.

The temperature head for all cases when temperature of one of

the media over the heating surface is permanent, also is designed

from formula (7-66) or (7-67).

7-59. At any final temperatures greatest possible temperature

head is reached with ccuntercurrent, smallest - with direct flow. All

other connections lead to the intermediate values of the temperature

head. Therefore, if is satisfied tke conditicr
.11.M ;a 0.92.,u"", (7-68) head for any complex scheme of connections can be

determined from the formula
AS - C. (7-9)

:-,nere 1 .,.anai-'.,.-nean temperature heads .aluUated in ac '"ance

".tth ,_vei- l.nal. tem. erature ~r ases of d:"xer f-.

7-60. Are given belcw indications in accordance with calculation

DOC 8001103 PA

of temperature head for diagrams, different frcm pure/clean

countercurrent and direct flow.

In these cases are distinguished the diagrams with parallel and

crosscurrents of the exchanged heat media. The first include diagrams
with the consecutive and parallel-mixed currents.

Page 49.

The temperature heads for these diagrams are determined from the
41l." C. (74M)

where *- conversicz factor from the ccuntercurrent diagram to

the more complicated, determined in the nomograms (see below);

u.,- the temperature head with the ccuntercurrent, determined

for prescribed/assigned final temperatures cf bcth media, OC.

7-61. By diagram with ccnsecutive-.ixed current is called such,

in which heating surface consists cf two secticns, connected in
series on both media; aicn transfer of one section the secondly
changes mutual directicn of motica of both media.

On this diagram witb the different combinations of sections are

DOC = 80041103 Pia e

implemented the superheaters and economizers.

For the diagrams of consecutive-mixed current, shown on BY 7-07,

the value of conversion factor is determined co ncoograa XI.

These diagrams are characterized by the fact that the sections with

lover temperature of bcth media are combined; in this case in

diagrams the I and II first part (on the course of the heating medium

- gases) is connected ca the direct flow, and the second - on the

countercurrent, in diagram III - vice versa.

For the use of nomogram XXII it is necessary to calculate three

dinen-ionless determining parameters:

HI -

where H.,. and H - surfaces of keating direct-flow/ramjet section and

full/total/complete, n2;

r, and r z - full/tctal/conplete drops/jusps in the temperatures,

oC ;

for diagrams I and 11T='O" t -t';



DOC = 80041103 PAGE /(

for diagram III vtet" -t4; v=1-60.

The designations cf temperatures are given on the diagrams.

Nomogram IIII cannot be applied for calculating the heating

surfaces, connected in the diagrams of a consecutive-mixed current,
distinct from those indicated on it. The curves, given on the
nomogram, cannot be extraEolated. At the values of the determining
parameters, which emerge beyond the limits cf ncmogram, and also at
the differing diagrams of consecutive-mixed current the calculation
of the temperature head is conducted separately for the

countercurrent and direct-flcu/ramjet sections.

7-62. By diagram with parallel-mixed current is called such, in

which heating surface consists of several sections, connected in
series on one of media (multipass) and in parallel - on another
(single-pass). For calculating the temperature head it is
unimportant, is single-pass the heating or heating medium.

Different diagrams of parallel-mixed current are shown on R2

DOC = 80041103 PAGE

Coefficient ,* fox them is determined cu nomogram XIV,

moreover different lines of the left half ncucgram are used

for the corresponding connection schemes.

curve 1 - for the diagrams with two courses of sultipass sodium,

moreover both courses with the direct flcw with respect to the

single-pass medium;

are curve 2 - for the diagrams with three courses of multipass

medium, from which two with the direct flow and one with the

countercurrent with respect to the single-pass medium;

are straight/direct 3 - for the diagrams with two courses of

multipass medium of which one (unimportantly which - the first or by

the second) with the ccuntercurrent, and another with the direct flow
with respect to the single-pass medium; line 3 is used also for

calculating the diagrams with any even quantity of courses with an

equal quantity of the countercurrent and direct-flow/ramjet courses;

curve 4 - for the diagrams with three ccurses of multipass

medium, from which two with the countercurrent and one with the

direct flow with respect to the single-pass medium;

are curve 5 - for the diagrams with two courses of multipass

medium, moreover both courses with the countercurrent with respect to
DOC = 80041103 PACE Xo
straight-through sedium.

Coefficient 4 fox the diagrams with the odd quantity of

courses, greater than three, takes as the equal to the half-sun of

values of f, on curved 3 and 2 or 3 and 4, in the dependence on that

by, that of what courses greater - direct or ccuntercurrent.

IFor the use of nomcgram XIV it is necessary to calculate two

dimensionless parameters:

P_ ' (7-74)


R - (7-75)

where 8 ° and t' - initial tenfezatures of heating and heating media,


v -full/total/ccmplete tesperature differential of that

medium where this drop/jump is greater than the temperature

differential of second medium *.. of oC.

Page 50.

7-63. Nomogram XlV is ccnstructed for condition for

, C t
DOC = 80041103 P1Gr

full/total/complete mixing cf single-pass mediuu. The setting up of

the longitudinal walls, which divide single-pass medium into the in

parallel current nonmiscible flaws, somewhat increases the

temperature head. But with >0, this increase is insignificant and

nomogram it is possible to use for all cases regardless of the fact,

there is a partition or not.

Nomogram XIV is constructed for the conditions of equality the

surfaces of heating different courses. By sufficient for the

calculation precision/accuracy it it is Fossitle to use and for those

cases when


where and n.,-surface of heating anti- and direct-flov/ranjet

of the parts I of .

FOOTNOTE t. If values B- - exceed the limits, given in the

inequality, coefficient ef * fo the diagrams with two courses by the

multipass of the media (cue - ccuntercurcent and the second -

direct-flow) is determined from the formula

'10Ig I

2-PIR + I - M "
(R-Ig 2 -( " -i l + A.,I

here M-19+-(.( -r,-) snOOTNOoE.

DOC 80041103 PAGB ar

7-64. Diagram with crosscurreat a is called such, with which

directions of flows of bcth media are mutually intersected.

FOOTNOTE R. To diagrams with crosscurrent relate such, whose number

of courses does not exceed four. Usually with a larger number of

courses these diagrams are considered as anti- or direct-flow/ramjet.


The temperature head for crosscurrent defends in essence on a

quantity of courses and total mutual direction of the flows of media

(straight/direct or countercurrent).

Mixing conditions in the limits of courses and between the

courses at the values ct coefficient *>0.85 weakly affect the value

of the temperature head. Since the use/application of surfaces
-<(0.8- [text missing] is recommended, the conditions for mixing

during the determinaticn of the temperature head for crosscurrent

during the construction cf ncacgran are accepted for all cases of

calculating the elements/cells cf boiler aggregates/units identical:

both media in the limits of courses are not mixed, but sixing cccurs

only between the courses. Since even with the air circulation or

gases in the interpipe space cccurs only very insignificant mixing in

• -Ad
DOC - 80041103 P1GEa 9
the perpendicular to flow direction, this generalization of mixing

conditions is completell adsissible.

Coefficient is determined cn nomogram IV, moreover different

lines of its left half are used for the appropriate number of

courses, namely:

the curve I - for once crosscurrent;

straight line 2 - for tucfcld crosscurrent;

curve 3- for threefold crcsscurrent;

curve 4 - for fourtcld croascurrent.

For the use of nomcgzan ;reliminarily are calculated the same

dimensionless parameters, as at the in parallel mixed current:

- _,


where ,- full/totaltccuplste temperature differential of that

medium where this drop/juap is greater than a drop/jump in second

medium '., of oC;

DOC = 80041103 IFIAGlaZ '-

8'and t' - initial temperatures of heating and heating media.


*s can be seen from the designation of the values, entering the

determining parameters, there is no need for distinguishing the

conditions of mizing by that heating and the beating media.

7-65. Nomogram IV is suitable for calculating diagrams with

repeatedly crosscurrent cnly in general/common/total countercurrent

mutual flow direction. in the general/couson/total direct-flow/ramjet

direction in terms of the obtained values of Farameters P and 2 is

designed temperature:
I -lIt-P(R+ Orl (7-771
Pt- R-±I

where n - a number of courses in designed heat exchanger.

By value P, and value of paraseter R with the help of curve I of

nomogram IT is determined coefficient of * for entire heat exchanger.

7-66. Lines of nosogram IV, intended for determining tenterature

head with repeatedly crosscurrent, are ccnstructed for case cf

equality surfaces of beating different ccurses. However, for those

cases when the surface of heatiag separate courses is separated not

more than to 20o/o and in this case specific according to the

DOC = 80041103 PiGil

nomogran for the entire beating suzface coefficient 0,O. it should

be used this nomogram.

In the presence of the larger disagreement of the surfaces of

heating different courses or at the smaller value of coefficient the

calculation of the temperature head is ccnducted separately ca the

sections (see Section 7-67).

Sections are separated in sucb a way that in the limits of each

of then the surfaces of courses uould be identical c they differed

not more than to 20o/o. Ifter this the temperature heads for each

section are determined on the corresponding curved nomogram IV.

Page 51.

7-67. hen connecticn of heating surface differs from those

examined earlier and is cot satisfied the condition

.U.'. .0 0,92Af~p~w

calculation of temperature head is produced on individual sections of

heating surface. In this case, just as during the

conclusion/derivation of average/mean temperature head for the

dismantled/selected diagrams, the coefficient of heat transfer vithin

the limits of the heating surface is received as constant. Being

assigned by the value cf intermediate temperature of one of the

DOC = 80041103 PAGE

media, should be to determine from the aquatics of heat balance the

corresponding to it temperature of the second medium, also, according

to these temperatures designed the temperature heads for sections.

The correctness of the selectior of intermediate temperatures is

determined by satisfacticn of the condition

vhere Q, and Q 2 - heat atsorpticns of each section per 1 kg of one of

the media, determined taking into account the intermediate

temperature accepted, kcal/kg;

H and At - vith reslect to the heating surface and the

calculated temperature heads of each section, m2 and °C.

After the selectica of intermediate temperatures is determined

average/mean for the entire beating surface temperature head
according to the formula
. W
"tt + a12H2 • . j-9

7-68. In cases of considerable changes in heat capacity of one

of media (see Section 7-57), and also change cf state of aggregation

of medium vithin limits of designed surface of heating (considerable

change in heat capacity cf vaFor at high pressure, transition from
preheating to evaporaticn and from evaporaticn to superheating)
immediate determination of temperature head for entire heating
DOC - 80041103 P Gi 41

surface from final temperatures leads to considerable error. Method

of calculation in this case is the determination of the temperature

heads for each of the sections in which total heat capacity is

received as constant, with the subsequent averaging of these pressure

heads according to the fcrmula

Ie Q,+-'Q *C, 0
-Q+ ..

where Q - heat absorpticns of sections on 1 kg of one of the media


At - the temperature heads in the secticns, c.

In certain cases, indicated below, with variable/alternating

heat capacity of one of the media at is rossikle to use the

simplified methods of calculating the temperature head.

7-69. For economizers, in which water is partially vaporized

("boiling"), connected cn countercurrent and working with vapor

content of steam-water mixture, which emerges from economizer,

z630o/o, sufficient for calculation precision/accuracy of

determination of temperature head is obtained with substitution

instead of final temperature cf water of conditional temperature

IYC A -t + C.
T (7-813

, ",..................................
.. . ........ .:.. L.. . ..... .. ... -. ......
DOC = 80041103 PAGE 34"

where a,, -,.-quantity of beat, spent on vaporization, in

reference to I kg of passing through economizer water, kcaL/kg;

& enthalpy cf steam-water mixture cn output/yield from

economizer, kcal/kg;

, enthalpy cf boiling water at pressure in drum, kcaL/kg;

$..,--boiling point at this pressure, oC.

The applicability of this simplified method of calculation is

limited by the specific smallest values of a difference in the

temperatures of gases and water for the "colds end of the eccnosizer

or its separately designed step/stage at the prescribed/assigned

temperatures of water at the entrance into the economizer and a

pressure in the boiler. It the values of a difference in the

temperatures at the "ccld" end thas less indicated in the given below

table, the calculation of the temperature head must be carried out in

DOC = 80041103 P ,GBis-aa"

Temnea pli o pC. NTb.

. O ¢CTyrIHb
b ym 100-139 4 79

, ou lsepa t', C . . . . ....... 179

H4uueffbWMa PaSMOCTb
Teuflep87yp; ' . .
. .IO >0I > PIO ;S

Key: (1). Pressure in tciler p, atu(abs.). (2). Temperature of water

upon entrance into designed step/stage of eccuomizer t',OC. (3).
Smallest difference in temperatures of oC.

Page 52.

7-70. Superheaters cr their separately designed steps/stages

vith high initial humidity cf steam (after mcistening in steam
cooler) when
S-x)rr o. I . .(7-82)

one should design normally, without taking into account initial

humidity of steam.

in equation (7-82) (1-z) - the humidity cf steam entering

superheater; r - heat of vaporization kcal/kg; ',, and

enthalpy of overheated aad met steam, kcaL/kg.

If superheater the two-stage and temperature head of first stage

DOC = 80041103 PIGZ 3&

is designed separately, satisfaction of condition (7-82) should be

checked for this step/stage. With the nonobservance of condition

(7-82) the temperature heads ct the sections cf evaporation and

superheating are designed separately and they are neutralized

according to formula (7-60).

If condition (7-82) is not satisfied in the superheaters,

connected on the diagram of consecutive-mixed current, calculation

according to the secticns is Eroduced as follcws.

Fraction/portion I of the direct-flow/ramjet surface (see p

7-61) in the section of superheating approximately is determined

according to the expression

' ,, I-x)rJ'

vhere H - a surface of heating entire superheater, oz.

Further, by the final temperatures Cf gases and steam for the

section of superheating determine parameters F, B and temperature

head at the countercurrent. Using romogram XII, is found coefficient

of and they determine the temperature bead for the section of


If parameters P and a for the section of superheating exceed the

DOC = 80041103 PIGS i.

limits, encompassed by the curves cf nomogram of the 1III1 the

calculation temperature bead in this section is conducted separately

for both courses accordirg to the intermediate temperatures of gases

and steam. After the selection cf Intermediate temperatures is

designed from formula (7-79) average/mean temperature head fcr the

first (on the steam) course of superheater and from formula (7-78)
they check the correctness of the selection of temperatures tetween
the courses. In the case of the ncperformance of condition (7-78)
make more precise these temperatures.

The averaging of the temperature heads fcr the sections of

superheating and evaporation is prcduced according to formula (7-80).

The calculation of the temperature head in superheater with the

high initial humidity cf steam, connected acccrding to the diagram of
parallel-mixed current, is produced analogous method. During the
calculation of such superheaters it is in parts conditionally
accepted that the flue is divided ketween the courses by longitudinal
baffles, and the relatic of the gas flows on the chosen parts of the
flue is equal to the relaticn cf the surfaces of heating the
corresponding courses. 7he coefficients of beat transfer for
different courses are received as identical coes. For the calculation
are assigned the value cf tempezature of steam between the courses.
By this value and known temperatures of steam on the entrance into
DOC = 80041103 PA1Q .3B-t

the superheater and the output/yield from it, and also the
temperature of the gases before the surface they are determined ftc.

the equation of the balance of the value of the temperature of gases

after each course.

After the calculatica of the temperature heads for the separate

courses the correctness cf the value of internediate temperature of

accepted steam is checked using equation (7-78). The temperature head

for the course, which consists cf the evaporative and superheater

parts, is designed frcm tcraula (7-80).

7-71. For calculating temperature head in superheaters of

high-pressure boilers cz their Farts at pressure of steam is above

125 Au(gage) and superheating in designed part it is more than for

120 0 C over saturation temperature, one should divide superheater in

two sections, carrying in fraction/portion cf the first (on course of

steam) of 1/3 full/total/complete heat atsorptions of superheater. On

the tables of appendix II is determined the temperature of steam on

the boundary/interface cf secticns and on it from the equation of

balance - temperature of gases. The temperature heads of sections are

averaged according to the formula

1+ 2:

If this superheater is connected on the diagram of consecutive

with parallel-mixed current, the calculation cf the temperature head
DOC - 80011103 FAGN j

should be conducted for each course individually, accepting heat

capacity of steam in the limits of the course by constant, or

employing procedure, analogous that presented for such superheaters

in p. 7-70.
DOC = 800451103 PAG .J2 "

Page 53.

Chapter Eight.



8-A. Indications about cider and sequence of calculation.

8-01. During rational desiSn of boiler aggregate/unit or its

separate elenents/cells by prescribed/assigned temperatures cf flue
gases and heating medium are detersined ialues of heat absorption of
each element/cell, after uhich are designed temperature head and
coefficient of heat transfer and from equation of heat exchange
(7-01) is located value ct surface of heating.

8-02. Verifying calculation of boiler aggregate/unit or its

separate elements/cells is more general case, since even during
planning of now aggregates/units surface of heating separate
elements/cells is determined by general/conmon/total layout

considerations and subsequent verifying calculation it is made more

precise their heat abscz~ticn.
DOC - 80041103 PACE o :g a

During the verifying calculation of entire aggregate/unit

unknowns are not only the intermediate temperatures of flue gases and

heat-transfer agent, but also the final tes~eratures of stack gases,

preheating of air and - sometimes - superheating vapor. For executing

the calculation it is necessary to be assigned by these temFeratures

and to make more precise their method of successive approximations.

During the verifying calculation of separate convective surfaces

are assigned usually the temperature and the enthalFy of each of the

transferring heat media call at one end of the heating surface. For

determining enthalpy of both media at the second end it is necessary

to be assigned by the value of heat absorpticn and to make more

precise its method of successive approximaticns.

Since the execution of successive approximations most of all

complicates calculation and increases the expenditure of time for it,

are given belcw some reccaaendations about order and sequence of

calculating the separate convective surface of heating and entire

aggregate/unit as a whole in connection with more complicated

verifying calculation.

8-03. Calculation of boiler aggregate/unit must ensure necessary

precision/accuracy of determination of basic Farameters, first of all

of temperatures of superheated *team and stack gases.

i ... ,. , i ..
DOC = 80041103 PIGE

During the estimaticn of the cbtainable accuracy of calculation

one should consider that so3 values, which lie at the basis of

calculation, in particular the ccetficients of heat transfer, are

determined with comparatively large errors.

The recoumended precision/accuracy of calculation must be based

on combined analysis of its desirable and ottainatle accuracy. This

analysis shows that during the thermal design sufficient

precision/accuracy of ccaputational operations is ensured by

calculation with the hel; of the slide rule with a length of 25 ca.

From the same analysis tscafe/ensua the led in chapter 8

recommendations about the necessary precision/accuracy of successive
approximations with calculation of separate flues and aggregate/unit
as a whole.

Execution of calculation with the precision/accuracy of larger

than gives the slide rule, and achievement cf the higher
precision/accuracy of successive approximaticns, than it is
recommended below, to allow/assume one ought not, since this does not

change the precision/accuracy of final results and cnly increases the

volume of computational bark.

,- - 4i... b,?"*4,4,.;'. *
DOC = 80041103 PiG

8-04. During verifying calculation of convective surface

preliminarily is estimated unknoon final temperature and,

consequently, also entbalpy of cne of media and, solving together

equations of heat balance (see Section 7-02), determine those

corresponding to temperature accepted heat absorption of surface and

final enthalpy of second medium. After this is designed the

coefficient of heat transfer and the temperature head and acccrding

to the equation of heat exchange 17-01) determine value the heat

absorptions of the surface of heating, in reference to 1 kg 3

(1 n )

of fuel/propellant.

If the obtained from the equation of heat exchange value of heat

perception Q., kcal/kg it differs from specific according to the

equation balance Qj kcal/kg not acre than by 2o/c (sometimes,

indicated in the subsequent sections, it is acre), the calculation of

surface is not made more precise. As the final values of temperatures

and heat absorptions are considered those which entered into the

equations of balance.

In the presence of the disagreement betveen both values of heat

absorption Q,' and Q6. ef larger the limit indicated, they take the

new value of final temperature and repeat the calculation. When

selecting this temperature and repeating the calculation should be

been guided the given telow indications.

DOC = 80041103 P AGR

If with the first a&proximaticn value o,, proved to be aore than

the heat absorption, determined according to the equation of balance

Q,. the value of final tenperatuze for the second

approximation/approach is received by such so that the difference

between the temperatures, flue gases at the entrance and the

output/yield would be acre than with the first approximation, and

vice versa.

For the second apprcximaticn/approach it is expedient to select

the value of temperature, differ from that accepted with first

approximation is not acre than by 500C. In this case the coefficient

of heat transfer counted over should not be in view of its small

change. Should be to count over only the values of the temperature

head and again solved the equaticns of balance and heat exchanqe.

Even if after the second appxoxination/approach the disagreement

between values Q. and Q4 proves to be more than the limit

indicated, actual temperature is lccated vithcut the subsequent

approximation/approach with the help of linear interpolation.

Page 54.

- .A hVIW 9.
DOC 80011103 PaGE A

Interpolation can be carried out analytically or graphically.

During analytical interpolaticn computed value of the unknown

final temperature will te determined from the equality

+ " P4 M (Q -4Q ) I
Q (Q Q _ (801

indices I and 11 relate respectively to the first and second

approximations/a ppro aches.

The order of the determination of the unkncwn value of

temperature ;. by the method of graphic interrolaticn is clear from

Fig. 7.

If determined by the method ot interpolaticn computed value of

temperature differs from that, ca which was determined the

coefficient of heat transfer, act more than on 500 C, then for the
termination of the calculaticn of necessary according to this
temperature to make more precise cnly heat absorption and unknown

temperature of the heat-absorbing medium frcm the equation of

balance. In the presence of the larger disagreement it is necessary
according to this temperature tc repeat calculation, including the
determination of the ccetficient of heat transfer and temperature

DOC = 80041103 PAGi .A

8-05. Calculation ot aggregate/unit as a whole with single-stage

layout of tail heating surfaces is recommended to conduct in this


Preliminarily are estimated the tenFeratures of stack gases and

preheating of air. By the teeferature of stack gases accepted they
are determined loss with the stack gases and taking into account the
remaining losses the efficiency of aggregate/unit, while on the
latter - a fuel consu2Ftion.

After this is designed the temperature of gases at the

output/yield from the heating and are 'further - by successive

approximations - the subsequent heating surfaces to the econcnizer,

The calculation of heat perception cf eccnemizer is produced

also by method of successive approximaticns. Known in this case is
the temperature of gases at the entrance into the economizer, which
was determined from the calculatic of the previous heating surface,
and the temperature of water at the entrance into the economizer. By

calculation are determined tte temperatures of gases and water after

the economizer.

In the calculation of air ireheater kncwn are the temperature of

gases at the entrance, deterinzed trom the calculation of economizer,

DOC = 80041103 PAGE AT'

and the temperature of the air, supplied to the aggregate/unit (in

general - cold). By methcd of successive approximations are
determined the temperatures of stack gases and hot air.

If the obtained as a result of calculaticn temperature of stack

gases differs from that accepted in the beginning of calculation not
more than by ±10 0 C, and the temperature ef hot air - is not more than
on 1400C, the calculation of heat exchange in the boiler is
considered completed and the obtained temperatures by final ones,
since the following appzcxiaaticn/approach can refine then only
2-30 C. With the error in estimaticn of the temperature of the heated
air, which reaches t'o 40 0 C, the outlet temperature of the heating
will be changed not nore than on 1100C, which virtually will not
affect the results of calculating the sutsequent heating surfaces.

For the termination of calculation are made more precise taking

into account the obtained value of the temperature of stack gases the
heat loss with the stack gases the efficiency of aggregate/unit and
the fuel consumption. Fuxther, in terns cf coputed value of the .
temperature of hot air and by that determining in the basic
calculation the temperature of gases at the output/yield from the
heating is made more precise according to formulas (6-06)-(6-C8) the
heat absorption of the keas-receiving surfaces, in reference to 1 kg
of fuel/propellant.
DOC s 80041103 P GE g,

after the refinement of balance values is determined the

calculated discrepancy ot the heat balance of aggregate/unit

according to the formula

- Q(Q + 4Q,.~ - Q, 00QKX4cA/kz. (8-02)

Key: (1). kcat/kg.

where Q.Q-.Q.. and Q..- quantities of heat, taken z- 1 kg of

fuel/propellant by the beas-receiving surfaces of heating, by boiler

bundles, superheater and economizer, kcal/kg; into the formula

substitute the value themselves of heat abscrptions, determined frce

the equations of balance.

The value of discrejancy with the correct execution of

calculation is close tc zero and in any case must not exceed 0.5o/o


If the specific as a result of calculaticn temperature of stack

gases differs from that accepted in the beginning of calculation more

than to 1100C or disagreement tetween taken and computed values of

the temperature of hot air of more than +40 0 C, calculation must be

repeated. For the repeated calculation are assigned by the new values
DOC = 80041103 PIGE AT'

of the temperatures of stack gases and hot air, equal to found of the

first calculation or by close ones to them, in the dependence on that

occurred during the first calculation the disagreements of these



DOC = 80041103 PAGR Se--


6 1

-l - -1 - L- I I I

V-C -~I

Fig. 7. Graphic determination of calculated temperature ..

Key: (1). kcaL/kg.

Page 55.

If the disagreement of the values of the temperature of the

stack gases, accepted with the first and second
approximations/approaches, leads tc a change in the calculated fuel
consumption not more than to .c/c, the coefficients 'of heating with
the second approximaticn/approach cn are counted over; they are made
more precise only the value of temEeratures, temperature heads and
heat perceptions through entire channel a*

POOTNOTE 1. When for the determination cf the characteristic of

aggregate/unit are necessary to perform several verifying
DOC = 80041103 EAGIi '-T

calculations to different boiler ratings, it is possible to manage

without successive approximations, the system of characteristic for

the coefficients of evaFcraticn, act prescrib.d/assigned, but which

were determined from the calculations according to the method HEi

(for example, see T. Kb. Margulcva. Layout and thermal calculation of

boiler unit. Gosenergoiadat, 1956). ENDFCOTNOTU.

8-06. Order of calculation with two-stage layout of tail heating

surfaces remains in basic the same, as it is shown in p. 8-05. Belcw

are stated its only necessary changes.

After the calculation of all surfaces cf beating,

arranged/located acccrding to the course gases to the second 2

step/stage of economizer, known is only the temperature of gases at

the entrance into this step/stage.

FOOTNOTE 2. Sequence of steps/stages in all cases is determined in

the course of heating medium. EADFOOTNOTE.

It is necessary to assign the value of the enthalpy of water at the

output/yield from the occnomizez. Nor its rcugh estimate is cceprised
the following equation:
-) ( , - (Q Q,+ Q.,) 8.0).

where '.-enthalpy of the superheated steam before main steam

DOC , 8004h1103 PAGE

catch, kcal/kg;

D,- flow rate of the water through economizer, kg/h;

a,- heat perception of the surface/skin steam cooler, cooling

water from which is suFlied into economizer, kc4l/kg.

If the heat, taken away from the vapor in the steam cooler, is

transmitted to vater or steam-water mixture after the economizer,

then into formula (8-03) - it is not introduced. Remaining

designations - the same as in formula (8-02).

On found in this way enthalpy i" is determined the temperature

of water at the output/yield from the economizer. According to this

temperature and known texperature of gases at the entrance is

designed by meLhod of successive aiproximaticns the second step/stage

of economizer.

The temperature of gases at the entrance into secondary air

heater is known from the calculation of the Frevious beating surface.

The calculation of this step/stage is conducted according to the

value of the temperature of hot air, accepted in the calculation of


,. .,' , .
DOC = 80041103 PAGE -hI"

The calculation of first stage of economizer is conducted

according to the known fxoa the calculation of the previous heating

surface temperature of Sases and pzescribed/assigned to temperature

water at the stage inlet. By method of successive approxisations are

determined the tesperatures of gases and water for output/yield from

the designed step/stage ¢f ecccnsizer. The in general obtained

temperature of water at the output/yield of first stage will not

coincide with the designed previously value of the temperature of

water for the entrance into the second step/stage.

The calculation of first stage of air preheater is conducted

according to known from the calculation previous surface to the

temperature of gases and to the prescribed/assigned temperature of

air at the inlet into the air preacater. By method of successive

approximations are determined the temperatures of stack gases and hot

air for output/yield frc the designed step/stage. In general these

temperatures also do act coincide vith that accepted in the beginning

of calculation by the temperature cf stack gases and specific earlier
temperature of the heated air by the entrance into secondary air


If the specific as a result of calculaticn temperatura of stack

gases differs from that accepted in the beginning of calculation not

more than by .1100C and simultaneously the discrepancy between the

DOC = 80041103 Ie4G 4

intermediate values of the temperatures of water and air, determined

from calculation of both steps/stages of ecocnizer and air
preheater, do not exceed +lOGC each, the calculation of heat exchange

in the boiler is considered finished. At conclusion of calculation

are made more precise balance values and is determined the

discrepancy of balance according to indicatics p. 8-05.

If the obtained temperature of stack gases differs from that

accepted not more than by !10C, but any of the discrepancies between
the intermediate values ef the temeratures of water and air exceeds
±100C, it is necessary tc repeat the calculation of economizer and
air preheater. In this case in contrast to the previous calculation
the second steps/stages of econcmizer and air preheater are
calculated by accepted temperatures of water and air at the entrance;
the values of these temperatures take as the equal to the outlet
temperatures from first stages, determined with the first

Uith the deviation cf that obtained as a result of calculating

the temperature of stack gases frca that accefted, larger !±100C,
should be repeated the calculation of entire aggregate/unit in
accordance with the indications F. 8-05. It should be the temperature
of preheating air accepted close one to the value which would be
obtained with the first apprcxination, if to the determined

DOC " 80041103 P6& T

temperature of air at the output/yield from first stage of the air

preheater increased the calculated temperature differential of air in

secondary air heater.

The recommended sequence allous, as a rule, with the execution

of calculating the boiler aggregate/unit to te bounded to twc

ap proximations/

Page 56.

8-07. In course of computation consideratle difficulties are

caused by determination cf heat absorption of different additiona

small heating surfaces, connected in parallel or

consecutively/serially Icn course of gases) with basic surfaces of

heating and having independent designations/purposes (wall shields in

region of boiler bundle cr sciden superheater, suspension ducts of

superheater, outlet pipes of econouizers on walls or ceiling of
flues, warned water flew ducts, etc.). For calculating such surfaces

are recommended the follewing simplifications.

If the additional heating surface comprises not more than 4o/o

basic surface, it separately is nat designed, but it is included in

the surface of the tube bank, series-connected with it on the

internal medium.
DOC = 80041103 PJGI W

In such cases when additional surface composes 4-10o/o of

surface of basic flue, the calculation of its heat absorption is

produced separately an tte gives below indications.

The coefficient of heat transfer in the additional heating

surface is received by the sane as for the basic surface, without

depending on design of bcth. Its heat absorption is estimated

preliminarily and it is adjoined t¢ the value of the heat absorption

of basic surface during the determination of the final temperature of

gases. Testing the value of beat absorption accepted is produced

taking into account the value of the temperature head in the

additional heating surface.

The temperature head for the additicnal surface, situated in

parallel (on the course of gases) to basis, takes as the equal to

difference in mean teaperatures of gases in the flue and

heat-transfer agent in the additional surface.

The temperature head for ccnsecutively/serially (on the course

of gases) the arranged/lcated additional surface takes as the equal

to difference in the temperature of gases at the output/yield from

the flue and mean temperature of heat-transfer agent in the

DOC - 80041103 PAGt 's

additional surface.

Is allowed/assumed the disagreement by that accepted and that

determined of the values of the hMat absorpticn of additional surface

to +100/0.

The surface of heating the ducts, arranged/located on the

bricking, is determined ca their half-perimeter, with exception of

the cases of the separate calculation of cavity emission (see Section

8-08. Is recommended following order of arrangement of

calculation data:

1) initial data in accordance with assignment with respect to p.

1-04 or 1-05;

2) excess air on flues;

3) volumes, volume fractions Cf triatomic gases and enthalpy of

gases and air;

4) heat balance of aggregate/unit and determination of fuel

DOC a 80041103 VAe 5fr&

5) calculation of beating;

6) calculation of scallol and first convection bank;

7) calculation of superheater;

8) calculation of subsequent toiler bundles;

9) calculation of econcizer;

10) the calculaticn of the air preheater;

11) the summary tatle of tasic data of calculation according to

the aggregate/unit as a bhole.

S-B. calculation of heating.

8-09. During rational desiSn volume of beating is determined by

recommended values of thermal stress of furnace cavity (see RE

5-02-5-05). The sizes/dimensicns of furnace cbamber/camera are

selected in accordance with the recommendations of appendix V.

Further, are determined team-receiving surface H, and temperature

DOC = 80041103 PAGE "39""

of gases at the output/yield frcm keating ,. This temperature must

ensure the absence of slagging the heating surfaces, situated after

the heating. Its value should be selected in accordance with the

recommendations of appendix V. CalculatiCon H, and <, is conducted

according to one of the following versions.

The first is characteristic fcr the boilers of the small and

average/mean powers when according to the working conditions of

heating is not required the sclid shielding cf network/grid. In this

case according to the Frescribed/assigned temperature of gases at the

output/yield from the beating are designed sizes/dimensions H.

with the second version of calculation, which relates to the

heatings of the boilers cf the large power, it which is

accomplished/realized the solid shielding of Eetwork/grid, according
to nomogram I or formula (6-OL) is determined value If this
value proves to be that above permitted, it is necessary to provide

an additional shielding cr an increase in the volume of heating for

guaranteeing the required degree cf coiling of gases.

During the verifying calculation by the Frescribed/assigned

structural/design sizes/disensicns of heating and shields is
determined also the outlet temferature from furnace chamber/camera ,:,
DOC = 80041103 PIGE 6#1

8-10. Temperature cf gases at output/yield from heating is

considered temperature iz section/cut before ducts of

arranged/located on ountjt/yield from furnace chamber/camera rarefied

scallop or bundle. Only with very rare run of pipes. Only with very

rare run of pipes when step/pitch in the width of flue s8 >4d and

simultaneously s 2 >6d, as the calculated is considered temperature

after these ducts; in this case the full/total/complete surface of

rarefied runs of pipes it is included in the team-receiving surface.

Vhen the screen heating surfaces are present, by the temperature

of gases at the output/yield from the heating is counted the

temperature before screens. In acccrdance with this in the

beam-receiving surface of heating is included only the surface area,

which passes along the axes of first run of Fipes of the screen

surfaces (see Section 4 cf fi 6-03). The gas volumes between the

screens are not included in the volume of heating.

One should consider that in the presence of screen surfaces

given in appendix the V saximus permissible according to the

conditions slaggings of the teaperature cf gases relate to the

section/cut behind the screens.

DOC = 80041103 PAGE 6.1"

For the low-power reactors with afterburners of the temperature

of gases at the output/yieid from the heating is counted the

temperature after afterturner.

8-11. Beam-receiving surface at prescribed/assigned outlet

temperature from heating is deteeined from nomogram I or formula


Page 57.

For the use of formula it is necessary to preliminarily estimate

emissivity factor of heating a. Por this one should to assign 'the
value of the degree of the shielding of heating . to determine
emissivity factor of burzer ao also, on the indication RN 6-02
determine ,.. After the determination of the bean-receiving surface
and refinement of the EiZs/diansions of heating it is necessary to
test conformity between tentatively accepted and obtained as a result
of calculation by the values of the degree of the shielding of
heating. The disagreement of these values must not exceed ±5o/o of
calculated value -

8-12. Calculation of temperature of gases at output/yield from

heating with prescribed/assigned structural/design characteristics of
heating is produced on fcrmula (6-C4) or nomcgram I.
DOC 80041103 PAGE *Z-

For thit on the drawings are determined according to paragraphs

6-13-6-15 volume and bean-receiving surface of the heating; according

to formula (6-10a) or (6-10b) is designed the degree of shielding,

according to formula (6-15) - efficient emissivity factor of flame,

on RY 6-02 - emissivity factor of heating. The average/mean total

beat capacity of combustion products v4.o, is determined from formula

(6-05). For determinaticn o and vc , preliminarily are assigned

the value of outlet temperature fzcm the heating. If specific of the
nomogram I or formula (6-04) the output temperature of gases differs
from that accepted aore than by .1000C, should be made more procise
values vco, and ao in terms of the determined from the calculation
value of the temperature of gases. After this is determined the value
of the output temperature of heating.

8-C. Calculation of boiler bundles and scallop.

8-13. From calculation of heating or previous heating surface

known are temperature and enthalpy of gases, which enter intc
designed toiler bundle.

During the rational design, i.e., during the determination of

the necessary surface of heating bundle, the temperature of gases

DOC - 80041103 PAGE A-

after the bundle is prescribed/assigned. During the calculation of

the first bundle this tesperatuie must be matched with the conditions
of guaranteeing the reliability of the work of the ducts of the
superheater (see appendix IV).

During the verifying calculation the temperature of gases after

the bundle is accepted with the subsequent testing and its

The quantity of heat, received by boiler bundle from the

combustion products I kg or 1 z&3 cf fuel/prcpellant, is determined
according to the equaticn of balance (7-02).

8-14. Temperature head in all cases is determined from formula

(7-66) or (7-67), since temperature of heating medium is permanent
and equal to boiling point at pressure in boiler barrel.

[ean temperature of flw is determined frcm formula (7-25).

By the calculated temperature of flow are determined from

formula (7-13) average/ean gas velocities in the sections with the
longitudinal and transverse flow. The volume cf the products of the
combustion 1 kg (n 3) c fuel/propellant is substituted with the
average/mean excess air, in the bundle, and in the case when suction
DOC = 80041103 PAGBl *g

in the first bundle takes as equal to zero, with the excess air in

the heating.

8-15. With transverse flow of bundle, formed from ducts of

different diameters, acccrding to formula (1-31) is determined mean
diameter. With the transverse flow of checkered bundles with

different spacings between tubes according tc formula (7-30) are

determined average/mean steps/pitches. Clear cpening for the pass cf
gases is determined frcm formula (7-18) cr (7-23). With mixed flow
should be been guided the indications RN 7-03.

8-16. Convection heat-transfer coefficient during transverse

flow is determined in defending on shape of team (corridor or
checkered) on nomogram 11 or 111. During the oblique flow around
corridor buniles with the angle between the flow direction and the

axes/axles of ducts of <800 obtained from nomcgram II value *. is

multiplied by 1.07 (see Secticn 7-16).

Convection eat-transfer coefficient during the longitudinal

flow is determined on ncmogram IV, for which preliminarily according
to formula (7-35) is designed the equivalent diameter of flue. Since
in such cases the ratio cf path length in the section of longitudinal
flow to the equivalent diameter of flue is usually small, is
necessary to consider ccrrecticn fcr relation '"
DOC 80011103 PAGR -es

During the mixed flew the cbtained values of heat-transfer

coefficients are neutralized according to formula (7-39).

Festoon, formed froe the mixed along the flow gases of the ducts

of shield, is designed as ccmmon checkered bundle.

During the calculation of bundles with the noticeable

incompleteness of the sweep of gases of the surface of heating (for

example, the beams of lcm-power reactors) the obtained by the methods

indicated convection heat-transfer coefficient is multiplied by the

coefficient of the incompleteness of flow w, determined on the

indications RN 7-03.

8-17. For determining radiaticn heat-transfer coefficiert in

interpipe space of bundle preliminarily in fcrmula (7-48) or (7-49)

is found average/mean efiicient thickness of radiation layer.

Spacings between tubes axe determixed by the real distance between

centers of ducts in basic part cf the bundle without taking into

account of unit breakage or gullets.

Cavity emission tc the bundles is nct considered.

DOC = 80041103 PGB"

8-18. Through indications F. 7-38 is located mean temperature of

contaminated wall of ducts of bundle. In formula (7-50) is

substituted the calculated surface of heating bundle H, see p.


Then in values PN .oH.0- and s according to indications

paragraphs 7-33 and 7-34 with the help of ncacgrams Ix-I is located
heat-transfer coefficient by the interpipe radiation/emission of

combustion products.

8-19. On nomogram III is determined contamination factor of

surface of heating bundle. Computed value of the coefficient of heat

transfer is found by fczaula (7-lob).

DOC 80041104 PiG

Page 58.

8-20. Since heat absorption of heating surface from

radiation/emission of heating sharply raises temperature of
contaminated wall of ducts, in calculaticn of first bundle and
estoem it is accepted that heating surface, which receives
radiation/emission from beating (beam-sensing surface of bundle),
does not participate in heat exchange by convection and intertube
radiation/emission. Therfore the calculated surface of heating the
first bundle is defined as the difference between the
full/total/complete and keam-receiving surfaces of beating bundle
from the equality
K,1f-u, N.,, (8-04)

where H - a full/total/ccalete surface cf heating bundle, i 2 ; ti..


its beam-receiving surface, ma.

Vith a number of sezies/rcvs cf bundle, the equal or larger to

five, it is accepted that entire heat, which falls from the beating
to the bundle, by it is abscrbed. Mith a smaller number of
series/rows the part of the heat is passed through the bundle and it

* - = I~i, II ........................................................
II '....
Oc 8001104 33

is absorbed by the subseguent surfaces. To account this necessary to

determine in formula (6-12) the angular coefficient of beam -.,. and

- =', (8-05)

where H., - beam-receiving surface of convecticn bank with x=1, oz.

8-21. During rational design from fcraula (7-01) is determined

calculated surface of heating bundle, which participates in

convective heat exchange. For the first bundle and the .e5kooV the

full/total/complete heating surface will be determined from the

If - H v + Ha,, Nls. (8-06)

8-22. In the case of verifying calculatin of bundle according

to equation of heat transfer (7-01) is determined quantity of

transmitted to surface heating of heat, in reference to 1 kg (nm3 ) of


If the disagreement between the values of beat absorptions,

determined according tc the equaticns of balance and heat transfer,

does not exceed 2o/o for the boiler bundles and 5o/a for the

eesv formed from the outlet pipes of shields, calculation is not

made more precise.

In the presence of the large disagreements should be

Doc- 800o110o Fi

anufactured repeated calculation in accordance with the indications

p. 8-04.

8.23. Calculation of heat transfer in screen shields,

arranged/located on output/yield from heating, is produced

analogously with calculation of screen superheaters whose methodology

is presented in p. 8-38.

8-D. Calculation of suFerheater.

8-24. During rational design of superheater quantity of heat v.,

kcal/kg, which must be transmitted in superheater on 1 kg of

fuel/propellant, is deterained tics equation cf balance (7-03a) for

prescribed/assigned temperature of superheating and heat absorption

of steam cooler accepted.

During the verifying calculation of superheater for

determination Q.. the heat absoz~ticn of steam ccoler (or the

temperature of superheating) is accepted with the subsequent testing

and the refinement.

If on the superheater falls the part of the heat of radiation

from heating ,. kcal/kg, this heat is introduced in equation (7-30a).

Value Q, must be determined with consideration the angular

DOC =8004I1104& PILGE S

coefficient of the arraaged/located before the superheater 4es+.oov.

and variation factor heat distribution in the furnace chamber/camera.

In the presence of the selection of the saturated steam into

formula (7-03a) is substituted the expenditure/consumption only of

superheated steam D.

The humidity of the saturated steam, which emerges from the

boiler barrel of contemjcrazy ccnstructicn/design, furnished with the

normally working steam-separating devices, shculd be to take as equal

to zero, i.e. enthalpy of steam i,,kcal/kg taken as the equal to the

enthalpy of dry saturated steam i... kcal/kg.

Final enthalpy of steam ,,,kcal/kg is found through the tables

of appendix II for the given cnes cf pressure and temperature of

steam before the main catch.

During the calculation of superheater in parts the heat

absorption of the designed part is determined by the

prescribed/assigned or taken temperatures of steam at the ends of

this part. Design pressure on the boundary/interface between loose

parts of superheater takes as the equal to the half-sum of the values

of pressure in the boilex barrel and before the main catch.

DC 80041104 P,,3.Z

in the presence oi team ccnlers the calculation for the nominal

load is conducted taking into account their itclusion/connection. of

recommendations by choice the heat of the perceptions of steam

coolers see p. 43 of appendix V. idditional indications in accordance

with the calculation of superheater during the setting up of

different steam coolers are given in p. e-39.

8-2S. By obtained value o, with the help of equation (7-02) are

determined enthalpy and temperature of gases after superheater or

that designed separately partly it.

If in the flue of superheater is arranged/located another,

relatively small surface of heating (for example, the outlet pipes of

economizer), which in accordance with the indications p. 8-07 should
be designed separately, to value '- is added the preliminarily taken

heat absorption of this surface.

8-26. Temperature head is calculated in dependence on design of

superheater and mutual directica of flows of gases and steam in
accordance with indications of Fpaagraph 7-C.

Page 59.

8-27. Further, is determined average/mean steam temperature

DOC , 80041104; 7
according to formula

where t and t - temperature of steam for entrance into superheater

(designed part) and out~ut/lield from it, oC.

dean temperature of the flcv cf gases takes as, as usual, the

equal to mean arithmetic value from the final temperatures.

8-28. Average/mean gas velocities in sections with longitudinal

and transverse flow arcund ducts axe determined from formula (7-13)

for average/mean excess air in flue of superheater.

8-29. Heat-transfer coefficient of gases by convection . with

transverse flow is determined on ncmogram II or III in depending on

type of bundle (corridcr or checkezed).

For the sections ef lcngitudizal flow a. it is determined on

nomogram IV. Preliminarily according to formula (7-35) is designed

the equivalent diameter cf flue. Vith the mixed flow obtained values

. are neutralized proportional to the appropriate beating surfaces

according to formula (7-39).

8-30. On nomogram III is determined contamination factor of

superheater. According tc formula (7-50) is determined mean

DOC = 8001101 1*G6

temperature of the contaminated wall of superbeater. In the formula

substitutes the value itself Qi. value a2 is determined on the

indications p. 8-32.

8-31. Beat-transfer coefficient by intertube radiation/emission

of combustion products is determined on nomcgrams 11-I. The

average/mean efficient thickness of radiaticn layer is found by

formula (7-48) or (7-49) in depending on the diameter of coils and

relative steps/pitches. Cavity emission, arranged/located to or

within the superheater, is considered according to indications p.


Cavity emission, located after the superheater, to superheater

coils is not considered.

8-32. Heat-transfer coefficient from wall of duct to steam in

view of its relatively small effect on value cf coefficient cf heat

transfer can be determined with scae simplifications.

The average speed at steam in the superheater is determined from

the formula

W,- 30j-G
,* a / .

Key: (1). i/s.

DOC 800141104 Fir.8

where D - expenditure/consumption of steam through superheater, kg/h;

v - average/mean specific volume of steam in superheater, m 3 /kg.

For the calculaticn e2 it is Fossible to conditionally accept v

equal to specific volume of steam at its average/sean temperature,

rounding this temperature to the nearest smaller value, multiple of

100 C. Value v is deteruired on the tables of appendix II.

Mean pressure of steam in the superheater takes as the equal to

the half-sun of pressures in the drum and befcre the main steam


By the obtained average/mean values of pressure, temperature and

speed of steam and tube kore is determined frcm nomogram the V

heat-transfer coefficient frca the wall to steam ag.

8-33. According to formula (7-10a) is determined coefficient of

heat transfer of superheater. In the formula is substituted the

obtained from nomogram III value of contamination factor.

8-34. During rational design from fcrmulm (7-01) is found

necessary surface of heating superheater.

8-35. During verifying calculation according to equalization of

DOC a 80041104 PiGB

heat transfer (7-01) is determined heat absorption of superheater. If

it diverges from the value of heat absorption, calculated according

to the equation of balance (7-02) or (7-03a) , not more than to

2o/o (in the absence of steam cooler - net more than to 3o/o), the

calculation of superheater is considered finished, but its heat

absorption takes as the equal tc the quantity of heat, determined

from the balance according to formula (7-02) cr (7-03a).

If disagreement of both values of heat absorption is more than

the limits indicated, it is necessary to repeat calculation in

accordance with the indications p. 8-04. In this case the

recalculation of the coefficient of heat transfer is produced with a

change in the final tempezatnre of gases more than on 50°C; otherwise

is counted over only temEerature bead. Heat-transfer coefficient from
the wall to steam is nct counted over in all cases.

If after recalculation the disagreement of obtained and taken

heat absorptions proves to be more than permitted, they make more

precise according to indications p. 8-04 the final temperature of
gases. By this temperature they determine from formula (7-02) the
heat absorption of superheater and according to formula (7-03a) sake
more precise the heat absorption of steam cooler or is found the
temperature of superheating.

DOC = 80041104 PIG62

8-36. If with calculaticn ¢f heat, returned by gases, is

connected heat absorption of additional surface of heating (see

Section 8-25), it is checked after calculation of superheater

according to formula
- WI(ft- ) (';
Q , xxatz, (8-09)

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

where H' - the actively washed by gases additional surface of

heating, m2; k - coefficient cf the heat transfer of superheater,
kcal/oz hour deg; 6 t - tenjerature of gases in the superheater and
of heating sedium in the additional surface of heating (see Section
8-07), aCe

8-37. Order of calculation of radiation (wall) superheaters


The heat absorption of radiation superheaters is defined as for

the common screen surfaces, over the beam-receiving surface of
radiation superheater m,,.

Page 60.

The average specific thermal load of the bean-receiving surfaces of

furnace chamber/camera is determined from the calculation of the
DOC 80041104 PAGE W

-!- .XA'
vit .ac,

Key: (1). kcal/oz hour.

vhere a, - the calculate4 coasuaFtion of fuel, kg/h; Q.- referred

* to 1 kg of fuel/propellant quantity of heat, transmitted by
radiation/emission in the furnace chamber/camera, kcal/kg; H,-
full/total/complete beam-receiving surface in the heating, m2.

In depending on the type of combustion system and location of

radiation superheater is determined from forsula (6-25) the specific

thermal load of the beam-receiving surface of latter ,

The heat absorption of radiation superheater, in reference to I

kg of fuel/propellant, in determined from the formula

+, - (8-10)

After the determination of the heat absorption of superheater

from the prescribed/assigned enthalpy of steam at the entrance they
are determined from the equation of balance (7-03a) final enthalpy,
also, with the help of the tables of appendix II temperature of

8-38. Order of calculation of half-radiation (screen)

superheaters, placed in exit secticn of furnace chamber/camera in the
DOC 80041104 61

form of separate strips/films with large transverse pitches, differs

little from calculation cf convective seFerheaters.

Convection heat-transfer coefficient for the screens whose

height is not more than the height of the output window of heating,

is defined on nomogram i1 as for the common corridor bundle with the

purely transverse of flow. For the screens, cmitted into heating

chamber/camera is lover than the output window of heating, convection

heat-transfer coefficient is designed as for sixed flowing, according

to formula (7-39). In this case the convection heat-transfer

coefficients are determined as follows: for the transversely washed
part - also on nomogram II, for the longitudinally washed part - on
nomogram IV. For the use of nomogram IV should te preliminarily
according to formula (7-35) calculated tke equivalent diameter.

The method of laying out in the sections of transverse and

longitudinal flow, and also determination of calculated clear
openings is given in Ba 1-03.

The efficient thickness of radiation layer is determined from

formula (7-47), led for the convenience to the form:
I m I I ,u. (- I

where a, b and c - height, width and depth that of single chamber,

formed by two adjacent screens, m.

DOC= 80041104 PAGE L3'

The calculated heating surface is determined from formula

(8-04); in this case full/total/cosplete surface is determined on the

full/total/complete perimeter of ducts.

Contamination factor is defined on nomogram XII as for the

convective superheaters. With the mixed flow by gas velocities in the

appropriate sections are determined the contamination factors for the

sections of transverse and lcngitudinal flow and they are neutralized

on the indications p. 7-51.

The coefficient of beat transfer, in reference to the calculated

heating surface, is determined frem formula (7-ICal.

The temperature head is determined from formula (7-67) as a mean

arithmetic difference in the temferatures.

8-39. Presence of steam cooler of one cr the other type causes

some special features/peculiarities of calculation of superheater.

During the setting up of surface/skin steam cooler on the side

of the saturated steam, if tke keat absorpticn cf steam cooler by the
assigned magnitude of mcistening steam, entering the superheater, X
DOC = 80041104 P AGI,

kg/kg, initial enthalpy cf steam is calculated according to the

V- (I x, D ! (8-12)

where r - heat of vaporization at a pressure in the boiler barrel,


If the heat absorption of steam cooler is prescribed/assigned

directly by the quantity of heat, loosened by 1 kg of steam to

cooling water, as,,, initial enthalpy of steam is calculated according

to the formula

,- i.,i-
, k(a 8-,:31

The admissibility ci the determination of the temperature head

in the superheater withcut the account tc initial humidity is checked

using formula (7-82).

During the setting up of surface/skin cr spray-type

desuperheater "into the crosscut" the temperature head is designed
separately for both parts according to the actual temperatures in

then, moreover are considered reductions in the temperature and

enthalpy of steam upon tzansfer of one part of the superheater into

The heat-transfer coefficient can be taken as common for the entire


When setting the spray-type desuperheater "in the cross cut",

the steam flow rate through the first part of the superheater D'

according to the passage of the steam is less than the design flow
rate of the superheated steamAby the amount of sprayed water ,D. The

value ofAD is connected with a reduction in steam enthalpy in the

desuperheater aio by the followingz. relationships;

I~~D- D-D-DD a~ ()

Key: (1). kg/h. (2). kcal/kg.

where i;' - steam enthalpy on the output from the first part of the

superheater according to the passage of steam, j. e., on entry into

the desuperheater, kcal/k; t,,-steam enthalpy on exit from the

desuperheater, i. e., on entry into the second part of the

superheater, kcal/kg; - enthalpy cf the water, supplied

to the steam cooler, kcal/kg.

Iuring the rational desIgn of superheater with this steam cooler

DOC - 8004,1104 PIGE

they are usually assigned by temperature of steam at the output/yield

from the first on the course of steam of the part of the superheater
and by value as.. Remaining balance values are determined from
equation (8-14) and equations of heat balance (7-02) and (7-03a).

During the verifying calculation at first is designed the first

on the course of gases Fart of the superheater. If it is first on the
course of steam, then te assigned is expediently to preliminarily by
value AD, if by the seccd cn the course of steam, then are assigned
the valueiA1,.

With the bypass damper centrol with the Fassage of part of the
gas past the superheater the rational design is performed as follows:
by the prescribed/assigned share of gases, passing through the
superheater, are determined the enthalpy and the temperature of gases
after the superheater and is designed its heating surface. When, in
the bypass flue, the heating surface is present, it is designed
taking into account the passage of the ccrresponding share of gases.
After this according tc the equaticn of mixing (7-07) are determined
the enthalpy and the temperature of gases at the entrance into the
subsequent heating surface. Verifying calculaticn is recommended to
conduct differently in depending on whether there are or there are no
heating surfaces in the typass flue.
DOC = 80041104 PAGE M

In the first case the calculation of the heating suzfaces,

situated in the basic and bypass flue, in ccnducted according to the

value of the share of gases accepted, passing through this flue: the

real distribution of gases is found by successive approximaticn.

Enthalpy and temperature of gases upon the entrance into the

subsequent heating surface are determined by heat content and

temperatures of gases after each of the parallel flues with the help

of the formula of sixing (7-C7).

In the! absence of the heating surfaces in the bypass flue it is

not necessary to determine the share of gases, passing through the

shunted flue, since its value does not affect the enthalpy of the

gases, which enter into the subsequent surface (after sixing). Should

be only tested the sufficiency of the established/installed heating

surface of superheater by calculation of it tc the passage of a

full/total/complete quantity cf gases (taking into account the flow

with the closed dampers cf bypass flue). Calculated in this case

according to the equation of balance (7-02) final enthalpy and

temperature of gases are accepted for the calculaticn following of

the heating surface.

8-2. Calculation of the transient zone of single-pass boiler.

8-40. Enthalpy of steam-water mixture (cr stea) at entrance

DOC - 80041104 PIGS "

into transition zone and steam at cutput/yidld from it during

rational design are prescribed/asslgned. During the verifying

calculation these enthalpy are received with these following as

testing and their refinement.

To avoid the deposit of salts in the basic sections of the

boiling and superheater beating surfaces humidity of steam at the

entrance into transiticn zone must be not less than 15-20o/o, and

superheating steam at the otput/yield of it , .. is not less than

200 C with all possible lcads ct boiler.' In the presence of the

separator before the transient zone the steam at the entrance into it
is received as dry.

8-L41. Calculaticn of convective transient zone of single-pass

boiler does not differ from calculation of convective superheater

with high humidity of that coning it steam, i.e. with steam cooler on

side of saturated steam. Hoever, taking into account low

superheating, it is possible with its value nct higher than 400C to

design the temperature head for the entire transient zone as a mean

arithmetic difference in the temperatures of gases and water during

the boiling. If superheating steam in the transient zone is higher

than 400C. it is designed frca the sections according to

recommendations p. 7-68.
DOC = 80041104 pIGE 39-

Heat-transfer coefficient from the wail to steam az is not

considered in view of its high ualues.

8-42. Calculation of radiation transient zone does not differ

from calculation of radiation suEezheater.

8-F. Calculation of econcmizer.

8-43. During rational design of economizer enthalpy of gases and

water at entrance are known. The calculated heat absorption cf

economizer is determined from the equatica of the balance

. Q-a
TIOU,- - Q
Q. . - Q40

where,.. Q. and Q., - quantities of heat, taken on 1 kg of

fuel/propellant by the keam-receiving surfaces of heating, by boiler

bundles and superheater, kcal/kg.

In the formula substitute the value themselves of heat

absorptions, determined from the equations cf balance.

During the verifying calculation the input enthalpy of gases and

water also are usually known. The crder of the verifying calculation

of economizer see in paragraphs 8-05 and 8-06.

DOC 8004&1104 ukA6ii

The calculation of the steps/stages of two-stage economizers in

no way differs from the calculation of single-stage economizers.

8-44. Entire calculation of feed-water econonizer in essence

coincides with calculaticn of superheater. Drops out the

determination of a. Over-all heat-transfer ccefficient is designed

from formula (7-106).

Page 62.

In the calculation cf econcmizer are introduced the actual

consumption of the water thzougk it o.; kg/h taking into account

blasting and passage of the water through the steam cooler (upon the

parallel connection of steam cccler and econcizer), and also the

actual enthalpy of water at the entrance into the economizer (with

the return of water from the steam cooler into the economizer). The

latter is determined frce the fczaula

- +U.',
+'.., kQ/Z3 , (-16)

where i' and - enthalEy

*.. of water at the entrance into the

economizer and feed water, kcal/kg; a.- drof/Jump in the enthalpy

of steam in the steam cocler, cktained from the calculation of

superheater, kcal/kg; D.o- expenditure/consumFtion of steam through

superheater, kg/h.
DOC = 80041104 1ifi6 20

8-45. Temperature head in economizer is determined taking into

account mutual directicn of flows of gases and water. Ruring the

partial evaporation of water in the econcuizer the calculation of the

temperature head is conducted accoiding to the conditional

temperature of water at the outfut/yield (see Section 7-69). By the

same temperature is determined sean temperature of water for

calculating the temperature o wall.

8-46. Temperature of contaminated wall cf feed-vater economizer

is located through indications F. 7-38.

8-47. In presence of bypass flue part of the gas through

leakages/loosenesses in shutters/valves is passed by economizer. For

the double closed dampers this Fart takes as the equal to 5, for the

single ones - 10o/o. The deteraination of the temperature of gases at

exit from economizer and gas velocity is produced taking into account

the passage of part of the gas acicss the shurt.

8-48. Coefficient of heat transfer cf finned economizers TsKKB

and VT is determined cn nomogram 1VI. For the finned economizers of

other types and fin economizers the coefficient of heat transfer is

desiqned from the indications Section "g" § 7-B.

The surface of heating finned economizers is determined along

DOC 80041104 PIGE

jthe gas side. For the economizers IsKKB and VI the heating surface

is accepted on nomogram IVI. he surface of heating fin econcuizers

is determined taking into account the surface of fins according to

the formula
H - d,,, + 4h,. I.A ml. (8-17;

where and t: - height and length of fins, a.

8-G. Calculation of air ireheater.

8-49. With single-stage layout air preheater is designed as one

whole. With the layout Oin seriesO each part cf the air preheater is
designed separately. The proceduzes of calculation of entire air
preheater and its parts are distinguished only by separate details;
therefore they are stated toSether.

8-50. During rational design of air preheater are

prescribed/assigned temperature of airs at the inlet into air
preheater and output/yield fzcs it, and also temperature of gases at

one end.

During the verifying calculation are known the input enthalpy cf

gases and air. Order of the verifying calculaticn of air preheater See
paragraphs 8-05 and 8-06.
DOC= 800141104 PAGA|

8-51. Balance of heat along gas and air sides of air preheater

is reduced with the help of formulas (7-02) and (7-04).

In latter/last formula Q; - the ratio of the air flow rate per

output/yield from the air preheater to theoretically necessary.

Calculation is conducted according to the real air flow rate

taking into account the suctions and the leakages in that

following channel.

In the case of preheating of all the air in the air preheater

value 0' for the single-stage and the second step/stage of the

two-stage of air preheaters is determined frcn the equality

where ., - excess air ratio in the heating; .. and u,., - suctions of

air in heating and system of the pulverized ccal preparations,

determined in accordance with the indications RU 4-06 and 4-07.

Value of P', for first stage of two-stage air preheater is

determined from the equality


where - air
ai, escape fice secondary air heater, taken to the equal

to suction along the gas side.

.. ..
DOC a 80041104 PAGE

In the case of preheating in the second step/stage only of part

of the air the calculatica of this stage is ccnducted according to

the actually outgoing fycs it quantity of air.

8-52. Vhen temperature oi air at the inlet into air preheater is

raised due to recirculation of Fart of hot air, ratio of quantity of
recirculatinq air to tbecretically necessary is determined according
to approximate equation
t*~ -t j
th2. + (8-20'*)**

where i.. - air escape frem air ducts in entire air preheater, taken

to equal to suction alcg gas side; t.... ,, and e,.,- temperature of air,

correspondingly, cold, at entrance into air preheater (after mixing

of cold with recirculating) and fuel, that goes for recirculation,

Page 63.

In the presence of recirculation the balance of heat, the

temperature head, mean temperature and air speed are designed on the
real ones to flow rate aud to temeratures of air. To value P,".
determined according tc formula (4-41). is added value .

8-53. Temperature head in air preheater is determined taking

into account mutual direction of flows of gases and air.
DOC 800h113L PAGI 2Ajr

8-54. Mlean temperatures of gases and air are defined as

half-suns of their inlet temperatures into air preheater and exit

from it.

8-55. For lamellar air preheaters with rctation of air within

cubes should be according to formula (7-22) averaged (over washed

surfaces) section/cut of air ducts in individual sections. Fcr it is

earlier than the produced air prehaters of the type Zk and ,. the
averaging of courses is excessive as a result of their practical
equality in all three sections (upcn the entrance, in turn and on

During the setting up of the tubular air preheaters cf special

types with the turn of flow in the limits of the bundle of the ducts

(intermediate pipe panels do not reach boundary tubes of bundle) they

are designed as bundles %ithmixed longitudinal-transverse flow.

8-56. average/sean air speed is determined according to

average/mean (between entrance and output/yield) air flow rate in

examined step/stage:

+ 273)
*0L" +r 2- , 7. .-
DOC = 80041104 FAG aiJ'

where - ratio
r" of quantity of air for output/yield from designed

step/stage of air preheater to theoretically necessary; .- air

escape from air side in designed step/stage, taken to equal to

suction along gas side.

8-57. Convection heat-transfet coefficients from gases to wall

and from wall to air are determined taking into account following


For the tubular aix preheaters the convection heat-transfer

coefficient for the median, which flows within the ducts, is

determined on nomogram IV with the appropriate correction for the

physical characteristics of medium and temperature conditions c,

During cooling of gases in ducts c. it does not depend on the

temperature of wall. During beating of air in ducts c it depends on

the temperature of wall, taken the equal half-sum of mean

temperatures of gases and air. Correction for relative length ducts

usually should not be ccnsidezed.

For the medium, which moves between the ducts, the convection

heat-transfer coefficient with the purely transverse flow is

determined on nomogram III or II in depending on run cf pipes in the

bundle (checkered or ccrridor). with the mized

longitudinal-transverse flow is designed weighted mean in the

DOC = 80041104 PAGS &b

appropriate heating surfaces heat-transfer coefficient. Instructions

on the introduction of correctica L. for calculating

longitudinal-washed sections - the same as for the case of course in

the ducts.

For the lamellar aix preheaters the convection heat-transfer

coefficients from the gases to the wall and from the wall to the air

at values of Re<1O.10 3 are determined on nomogram VII. In the number

domain Re indicated the value of heat-transfer coefficient does not

depend on the width of slot and is determined only in depending on

speed and temperature cf medium. The upper lines on the nomogram, on

which is shown the width of slots, serve for the indication of the
limit of the applicability of nomogram. If with the use of ncmogram
the VII point of intersection cf the lines, which correspond to the
temperature of medium and speed of its action, proves to be above
line, designating arranged/located by width slot, nomogram VII is not
applied and heat-transfex coefficient is defined on ncmogram IV as
with the common longitudinal fic. (see indicaticns in accordance with
the tubular air preheatezs).

For the finned and finned-serrated air preheaters of the

produced at present constructions/designs the convection
heat-transfer coefficient frcm the gases to the wall is determined on
nomogram XVII, from the wall tc the air - on nomogram XVIII. For the
DOC 80041u104l PAGI .af

platy air preheaters of the Musin Flant the heat-transfer coefficient

from the gases to the wall and fron the wall to the air is determined

on noaogram XI. For the finned air preheaters cf nonstandard

constructions/designs the ccnvecticn heat-transfer coefficients are

determined on the indications Section "90 of paragraph 7-B.

For the regenerative rotating air preheaters the convection

heat-transfer coefficients are determined on ncmogram VIII.

8-58. Radiation heat-transfer coefficient combustion products

for air preheaters into calculation does not enter.

8-59. Coefficients of beat transfer for air Freheaters in

contrast to other heating surlaces are designed from formula (7-11)

with the help of coefficients of use of beating surface. The latter

are accepted on nomogran Ili.

8-60. Surface of beating tubular air preheaters is determined by

mean diameter of ducts. The surface of heating the laaellar air

preheaters is identical from the gas and air sides. It is determined

on the appropriate desigsed stagdards. For the finned and

finned-serrated air preheaters intc the calculation is introduced the

full/total/complete heating surface from the gas side, detereined fcr

the produced at present ccnstructicns/detiqns cn nomogram XVII. For

the rotating regenerative air prebeaters in the calculation is
introduced the two-sided surface ot packinq.
DOC = 8001104 P AGER.

Page 611.

Applications/a ppendices.

Appendix I.


1. Table 1 gives basic reductions, accepted for indices.

Table 2 gives the conventional designations used in the text ofA

Since the given in 'ables 1 and 2 conditional designations

cannot encompass all enccuntered cases, are given below

general/common/total indicatiCons, bhich should be been guided when

selecting of the conventional designatiocs and indices.

2. For designation cf bases magnitude are used letters of Latin,

Russian and Greek alphabets.

It follows as far as possible to avoid use/application cf one

and the same designation (letter) for different values. Identical

designations are allowed/assumed in those of the case when they took

root in different areas ¢f technology.

DOC = 800431104 P G a

3. Enthalpy, heat capacities, volumes, quantities of heat, etc.,

in reference to I kg (nm') cf vorkIng medium/propellant, are

designated by lower-case letters; by capital letters are designated

the same units, in reference to 1 kg (Not) cf fuel/propellant, and

total, for example: enthalpy 1 kg of steam i kcal/kg, enthalpFy of

products of combustion 1 kq of fuel/propellant I kcal/kg,

general/common/total heat absorpticn of designed surface of heating Q


. For designation ef difference in values both for local ones

and for averaged values is apflied greek letter A. set to the left of

basic letter of designation of datum. For example, a drop/jump in the

enthalpy of gases in air preheater v...

5. Complicated indices, which consist of several separate ones,

are furnished in follovirg sequence: first index characterizes
process or working body, by the second - equipment component. For
example, heat-transfer ccefficieat from the wall to the steam, which
takes place in the superheater, will be designated ,., if affiliation

of datum as to the superheater oust be reflected in the designation.

6. In expression, which represents Froduct from series/row of

values, which have identical indices, index it is placed only in
latter/last factor of pxcduct. for example, tke total heat capacity
DOC = 80041104 PAG a

of gases after economizer vc;.'.

7. Indices, as a rule, are placed to the right below frc

principal notation. The use/apllication tf superscripts (they are
placed also to the right) is allowed/assumed in the following cases:

a) when they relate to the mass of fuel/propellant, for

example the humidity of Eroellant w,;

b) with the designation of any value at the entrance or the

output/yield from the equipment components - above are placed
respectively one or double prime; for example, the temperature of the
air before and after air preheater ,.,.,,.

c) when are indicated the theoretically necessary quantities -

above are placed zero; fcr example, the theoretically necessary

volume of air vo

8. In limits of calculation of this element/cell of

aggregate/unit indices, whIch itdicate element/cell, are not placed.

9. For designation cf average/mean values of calculated ones

magnitude, as a rule, additional indices are not introduced. For
example, mean temperature of gases in air preheater o*.
SDOC "800411104 PAGE

SThe calculated value, obtained by the method of special

averaging. it is noted by index cp. r example, average

heat-transfer coefficient vith con~licated flc. *0,.

DOC 80041104 PiGs 3'30"

!"ble 1. Reductions. accepted for the indices.

C. W. 0yzr5'3 .. .. -.-
I, 3.....
(r) ~.
.. o(J) ..TA r--
,o. . .n&
.. .. H
,.e.]. e.0.. YoS .........
,oSi.r (.. ........ . lill t,) il ..
AiiKoc/i.llU... . .. o r
pi-v.i .........
... ....... W peY13
i _ 3wor..,KIl vI .loY . . , Io * lip. eiliiep..~yp. K.-

n1 ,, vATe., )P ..
" 0 ..*OCO'0no COCTO1.
. ....... a p 0 qow un
. ... np )

so, .. o ,3 NOoro 10.-.r... .......

* Cy Mo W e r..... C. It Ii ..ll0 . .
n .S.l. t
.). y. (1 ,1).0). INh . a.. . z. . 1
( IYo- . .o ... . . .( 1b. t N II 18I. )O
£ail I~/roluhs" a" (2 . C. a

(oiin . C...
. sper. (29). p

Key: (1hDesignation. (2). Index. (3). Equipent components. (34).

orking bodies. (5). Cold air. 6). x. v. (7). eating. (8).

Fuel/propellant. (9). *1. (10). Ash. (11). Slag. (12). :1. (13). shi.

(14). t. (15). Gaseous fuel. (16). g. t. (17). Escape. (18). un.

(19). Shields (water). (20). e. (21). later (liquid). (22). z . (23).

Failure/dip/trough. (24). pC. 425). Boiler bundle (bciler). (26). k.
(27). later at boiling Ecint. (28). Superheater. (29). pe. (30). kip.
(31). other indices. (31). Secondary superheater. (33). vt. pe. (34).

I v.
Feed water. (35). p. (36). Primary. (37). ser.
(38). Economizer.

(39). ek. (40). Steam (independent of state). (41). p. (42).

Secondary. (43). vt. (44i). kit-;reheater. (45). vp. (46). Transition
zone of single-pass boilers. (47). p. z. (48). saturated steam. (49).
n. p. (SO). suction (air). (51). prs. (52). Be Key. (53). superheated

steam. (54). p. p. (55). Recirculation. (56). rts. (57). Boiler

aqqregate/unit. (58). k. a. (59). secondary steam. (60). yt. p. (61).
General/common/total. (6). obshch. (63). Low-pressure economizer.
DOC =80041104 PAGI 3.A-"

(64). ek n. d. (65). Coaktasticn Ezcducts (gases). (66). Dry flue

gases. (67). g. (68). Baziaum. (69). max. (70). Ash catcher. (71).

zu. (72). Recirculation gases. (73). rts. (74). Elquivalent. (75).

Dust-preparatory installation. (76). pl. a. (77). Drying agent. (78).

s. a. (79). Given. (80). p. (81). Air (common humidities). (82). v.

(83). Calculated. (84). r. (85). Hcur. (86). chas. (87). Dry air.
(88). s. v. (89) . Per-second. (90) . s.
Doc 80041104io pji w

Pages 65-69.'&ppOadix 1. Conventional designations.

Table 2. EnumeratiOn of the princiz~al notations.

I To nAabo v o~aroame OCT XrKE

aj ~edoeU

WP %COAepjK@iNwe smarm oG~iea

AP % (tlblIOCTbI

(COA % - & 1t~p*8mxHe yraewucjIO~i mans~ow


all c. %. togylp~ cephl Odiief. CY~h4IITHO*. KOA~e.jsNUOI.

649 orammecRO OOoA.101 ecipn

Qf.Q1. mmA1 - Ten.intm cropaitwa no aiopmuerpuleclCoi 60146e. *We-

Or) ('V.
A 100 %/?we. K411: I'lpINAe:mal 30bOS O11a

100 JTW. IAIM 11l"eeFrI31 BJIaNMOCTb TOn. UII

Ral, RM % U~~~C~aTOKcnIln HE CUTe C eeTOMXp3eom8a

(1)200 MKII
ry'. ... +, % Conepmaciine ropwuolx a ymoce, MnA3Ke . pui
GymOA,, ITT IAoiIM iJOJIuTOnRnI., 8 yHoce. twiaue w nposaae
B Dated. P-lCxoA Ton.irnfts
PIC'leyill ',aCOsof P*CXOA TOfliIRMS C nonpaflxoA Ha Me.
(1Sx.~riicc~340stenuaoJIIy cr0 pallui
- Iecumal; Aom olitoro 8llAS Tof~l.48 a c~mecu ?0fl111111
q - fon.a o.lworo 113 yonans no renaosuaeewe) a cmeea
(it) Ton.
?nAstn (C IIa16MAeCTI 1111AeKCoI0,06O31411qaI11tUMN

I/OJodpaimoe montumo

d (all,., Cofiepwbn.ire bull!, a raioo6pa3aou TomilmaC ("a1 I N3*

(8) cyxoro raS)
Ae. Comepmamae mn~ePaJlbIIx npnmo.ceft 9 rA3O~pasOMi
-p )(44yron.ufe 1% no secy)
Ql Ka~m3 TenitaOa cropamixs I mNl cytoro iJ(I

~ ~ 1)~li~m3
Yaefwuuae sect cytoro
a siammoro rs3ooGpaSWoro Ton.
DOC 8004111041EG -3w,-

(3y~2. B03AYS a
0') Bec u ofa... HmaI xx m##pdOTO i a'udxo20MORA((* U.IU Ha I1A
Ve 16) soodpa3 020 mon AUea
M3fx [eOPCTeCKIc HeQ6X0AHMWaAAZim cropammm oabem go$-

T*OPeTHqeCKII@ odhea 430Ta (IlpM Q

V50 Cymapift o6,.em yr.ieKitCAoTM C0 2 8 CepmnHC~oro
t333 SO2 COO)
Vol 06b~ lPOflyKTOB Cr0~aIIMh npa a (
V, * fOJINWi OdbCM flpoLyaTo8 cropapmR(4j)
v, 1 0bem r308. O~T6Hp~UI~fiX AK PtILHPKYAEXUfI(4'3)

Y..*T. VZ/Ni3 Ynevapie Beca cyxoro mi *A9)cnoro Bo3IYXa&Ii)

0- * ,,0be.II~IUC .4H Cy2I4X T eXAToMNK ra309. IOARRUX 03-

P, ~ 41M ~a C CVf9f~
nPIa.Mba ADDJeNNO TCeXSTNbx rA3o.'y)
'A S/Ha KO"LICHTP2LHR 3JIW 8nPOflYKcT cropamnmao

d~tdIxa ArC~P311NH t cyxoro B03AyX8 u r1308 (aq)

by TfnAoe,%xOCm"u m.PSA)OOepICOHuX
.ULC. j
A,;gA$ g pad TeIAOeMKOCTH yrjieKIlOTW NI SOASRIX napos(f l)
co TennoeM.aOCTb 3aummoro 3o3AYXa (np. PSCqtie Ma I HJ0

xxa..Is .zpa CYMIM8pIaR Tre.M~KOC~b flpOAyKTOS cropausi k

x(sw~r T.1OOAmp31~efpityro copu x:An MlAO

Tenmicoaepanse TIpOKTOB crophIoa K a (M..3) Ton-

;:ii9S flpil a - 1;0~) -

Ten.iocozcpaci:e piya eprqew ejora

Tenococpcime a03.1xa n I KI (HXI) ronABSa ((.6)

(VRI3asqeCKoe Ten410 TOflNI48)
SI0iq0s6ssiuemm u3dtdm,0eadx

4m, It one* Ko4Td)cirt~mr

41JI IK a 0 A 301 I OTIKC H4flpe1 fnpe-
U ~ rplenae.leMI

r.lsi a~ix r~XAX TI~ ncrnioaTee~)(

4orpesaseeth H 4MX0Ae H3 Hero K TCOpeTIIScCKH He.

- Otucmic Kommec-res 3Dosx. Peuupxyolwpyoflero

8i'00AnAre8et K TCopeTmqeCKNHeaodxo-
a., - Kojin,.CToco r3309. wYnrT"PYiowX r33oXOA., A000l1 '-
(&S)8Ab4QrO aOA~qeCym
DOC a80041104 PG .?

- OusaUecxue TaPatmfPmcmuxu (6q)
3 tijo Ko44iUNewr RAH118MN~eC~to4 (w)

7 &A21Koric 47 ime"r KHeMyNqeCKcON 61131(6M nPN Assae4KU

I ama
* Kos4o4numevit aumemaomqecitoi SUS3KOCTlI nPOnYKTo*
(MYCfopaSNa CPeAHWo COCT398 (r~oj.I ; 'H0") I)
tr fipm I anva
Atac ,pad KovocNumeffr TeflJ1onPOCOANoCl fipofyvtloo Crop&Kuo

SX1 cete~/ fl.,OT11OClbb)

oKZ,~'mA Yaeahm.,* sec npi 0* C iso76 v . c . (a

a-;, . K o44numiicir TC%1neparvpon1pGoaonlo (e, - wCYRN-

(SI)Iea Ten.lacKocTib flpf floCTOUNeHOM aaaACHNN.

J. Tem.tosoa daoaiic. xo.tqecT,. ? u rerylAostN R*rpyvtN
*% Koo 4.N1umeir flo.elioro aeACTyn1ia(Kc n. a0 WOTCelbMoro
~7j~ (Sf)arpcrriTa (6p' TTOI
Q1; .4, x4ojwt-: % flo.1e3110 IICfO.b3Yf'dOe lefilo S)
(h; 42 lUTCPX Ten.14 C )yToltuLII% rl 1")
Q,; 46 . (orep* Ten.,a O fM~WqWKO1 tieicftO To CtOJIfS110S)
Q6; 4 "oepv;Ten.13 Or '4eXSH10CCKO1 ieflO.IHol cropa,.m

44. .P 7' (Ik~ci .

emutvocoLKoenamtb k ac. j-

(. 46 * I floiepm1 S oKp)Maiouyio cpeav(qs,)

Q21... loues flo~cpq c boaloA, of.iaisotueA name.Hic(k )

v (o% - O94P)URVI CO~plielflil Tefln.13

QIP go~iw.*.Wma. AIt r.corc%.oe T011.10 H3 I K& tNA) Tof.niaav f
Q, Ten.,,, noe 1yn3Pnuwero 9 TOIIXV C.
Q,. * K.gero*nli flrlaIo onsepnmoA Rarpeso

-- ~ Va.:~~ BtituA-11 TCn-1c"Aft HarPYJa ronoqoro n6vmaL

Q- BQ:a
R Buam ao renioon i arp3KA KO. OC rnseosoa pew eTKs4

4. BOA N 118P

witI.1c,~a naPOH39OAT~HKOCTh XOAS v) to

Kipco acuetr ngoepesoitro- o

D" PQCXoa 90AM Repe3 UKOHOIC8htp 00e!)

NtAS TmnAoozpmheuV neperpero a NHadueoro naps )
DOC ac 8004~1104IHG 38


(3 NA41mre TenalOolepKaHme IwTSTeAhbNOI ROAMI(~o

Tentaocoaepeanre ROAMi
r Tenjbora napoodpmsoau (iii)
%to.CHeirne TeruiOCO~epwanqw napa a napooxaffHsrexe("
* Tenaiocoaepaarw nap& (nabi) na exone a nogePniHOCm
0A iiarpeea x awXoie w3 nee (is&)

j 5S.Teuneparypii H aaBJICHI4
aO TeopeywiecKsm (awtatiaem'c~af) Te~nepalypa cropsaws

1 TenipalTypa Ha BhIxoIC R3 TOnCHf 9 exoAe a ny'~oi

* Te.nCp3iypa yXonAulilX ra3oR/IA
to0 Teurreparypa xo~io~noro, npucocfhoro so3jyx3(lQ
.n to Tenplp on i BXOne 5 9oaAy1onoAorpessreab
I 4
14aBWXoAe ;f3 nero i2O)
I.. tooTemInep3TY PR ab 3nxoae 8
Ha~ ,IcoHoMaA3ep N BUXOfle
H3 11cro
Temnepalypa nHTale.uuIOft ROA 622)
to TemnepaTyp3 Ileperpe~oro napa Ll.3)

Temnepa;ypa nagnaalOCTRmeerAJ13Teabbwa-xo

ita rpammrax palCCnaTpWaneeiofl noeepXHOCTR Hiarpeas'

11 * CpeamtAi TemnreparypilWA ianop (,-2I)
flepen2.t Te,,nCpaTyp nAmoro 11 TeflAoOcfTejleA '~
Oarou ~11361o-moe (lallo~lerpRqecxoe) nAa9JeHme&-
n" 'm a Adco.1oTHoe aaeneeI l

6. Ten.ionePCaqa a ?peuTO38qa
- KoxP4muffe'i ocra8AreIIn i~yqeA UOMUNras

-Kosourwmctfr o%1a6AenIsa Ayae~l a odbem4e. ganoa~eHHow

a.- 34,4eKTlla'a CreneHb-epHOTbi 4POReAA43

am~ 7 - Crenelb qepeoTIru ~ 'w

'A xx~l~i we pa Kov~optinuie'T Tefl.lflOTAaqR .me,4cPY611UM ma.myqerme"

npnA)hrOs cropalI~i (%-Is)

a~ , * Koa~j'frucr reh.701raaqit mewrpy5HI.I R3Jy4ewmem
DOC 80041104 1*61 -3911
7 0

zas ae :padjxxaA Koy,"wniuenr Tennosato conporm~ewe. 8"i.mCEDI
sarpfsuemmNA .aoqsinumeor 3arpsm4ienko
- K44iu~eut CIIj~SOENNNiioepxoc urpesmab 446

b A/J5I 40aCipad Kos44ueur TenJ~oIepeAi340q7)

IN ')MICex CKOPOCTb r&3 09(14q')

Re - - Kpirrepug Pe~it. bzcs (f -onpeeAfIKUlNA AmoielmibA

P, ~3 60O-a KPWTepHA 4P"IHiCCKX CSOICT3 cpeflm 2 I

Nu - - KpNTepfi4l HycMU.hl

7. reom eTp m4e c tite x a p a x Te p ac r a

V, 061WM Tonoqiiofi xatep. ,ii

R AIN rl.,01u11 3epgssI op

II flosepx.oci. 0IrA~Pe@a(NKAhaC SH03Sy-MG114IIOBsmm no.

nePXItOCTH) "'t6)
Ft., flouep InoTh, CTH(/5')
£-Yr. aooi KON4tIMUCHT61 )
t-Creneiih mpaSItpnaOing 1011KM :rq
- 33rofjsheHEI
3o. J9e"ocrLNHRT
t~~~~w .y.noePXI.IOCTemu Aoeeom~I

r830OO CAOR142

~ ~ d-
Key:(1.Dsinto . (i Diuensionliy
13) Designation ofe
Ful/roelan andP1114
cli (5). ombld nd liquid,

(6) Designacuo/ttion (7of s

contnt.(8) . Content ct carbcnoic acid of carbonates. (9). Content of

DOC - 80041104 PAGE *'

sulfur general/common/total, sulfate, pyritic, organic. (10). To

working mass s.

FCOTNOTE 1. For the designatica of the elementary propellant

composition, in reference to cther masses, are used the same basic

letters and subscripts. Change cnly respectively superscripts,

namely: for the analytical mass - index a; for the dry mass -

index s; for the combustible mass- index g. PNDFOOTNOTE.

(11). Carbon content, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen. (12). kcal/kg.

(13). Heat of combusticns on calorimeter, highest and lowest. (14).

output/yield of volatile components (to combustible mass). (15).

thousand of kcal/kg. (16), Given ash content cf fuel/propellant.

(17). Given humidity of fuel/prcjellant. (18). Bemaii~er/residue of

dust on sieve with holes by size/dimensicn 88 and 200 microns. (19).

Content of fuels in escape, slag and failure/dip/trough. (20). Share

of ash of fuel/propellant in escape, slag and failure/dip/trough.

(21). kg/h. (22). Hourly consumpticn of fuel/rropellant. (23).

Calculated hourly consumption of fuel/propellant with correction f:r

mechanical incompleteness of ccabuastion. (24). Part by weight of one

form of fuel/propellant in sixture of fuels/Fropellants (it is

suFplied with index, which designates fuel/prcpellant). (25).

Fraction/portion of one cf fuels/xopellants cn heat release in

aise re of fuels/propellants (it is supplied with index, which

DOC = 80041104 PIG 4ri1'
a 7Y
designates fuel/propellant). (26). Gaseous fuel. (27). g/nM3. (28).

Moisture content in gasecus fuel (Cn 1 n3 3 cf dry gas). (29). Content

of mineral admixtures/inurities in gaseous fuel (o/o by weight).

(30). kcal/nm3. (31). Heat of combustion 1 n 8 3 of dry gas. (32).

kg/nm3. (33). Specific gravity/weights of dry and humid gaseous fuel.

(34). Air and combusticn products. (35). beight and volume on 1 kg of

solid and liquid propellants or on 1 nm 3 of gaseous fuel. (36).

nm'3 /kg. (37). nm 3/nn 3

. (38). Theoretically necessary for combustion

volume of air. (39). Theoretical volume of nitrogen (with a=1). (40).

Total volume of carbonic acid COs and sulfur dioxide SO z . (41).

Volume of combustion products with a-1. (42). Full/total/comFlete

volume of combustion products. (43). Volume of gases, selected/taken

for recirculation. (44). Specific gravity/veights of dry and humid

air. (45). Volume fractions of dry triatcoic gases, water vapors and

total. (45a). ata(abs.). (46). lotal partial Fressure of triatomic

gams. (47). Ash concentration in combustion prcducts. (48). g/kg.
(49). Moisture contents cn I kg cf dry air and gases. (50). Heat
capacities and enthalpy. (51). kcal/nU3 dog. (52). Heat capacities of
carbonic acid and water vapors. (53) . Heat capacity of humid air

(during calculation on I nan of dry). (54). kcal/kg dog. (55). Total

heat capacity of combustion products. (56). Heat capacities of ash

and fuel/propellant. (57). Bnthalpy of combustion products 1 kg or 1

n23 of fuel/propellant. (58). Ecthalpy of products of combustion 1 kg
(na3 of fuel/propellant with sal. (59). Entbalpy of air,
DOC 80041104 IFIGS w"

*theoretically necessary for coakustion. (60). Enthalpy of air on 1 kg

(ha3) of fuel/propellant. (61). Physical heat of fuel/propellant.

(62). Excess air ratio. (b3). Excess air ratics in heating and before

superheater. (64). Sucticas of air in flues (beatlig and

superheater). (65). Sucticn of air in dust-preparatory installation.

(66). Ratios of quantity of air at entrance intc air preheater and

output/yield from it tc theoretically necessary. (67). Ratio of

quantity of air, which xecirculates in air preheater, to

theoretically necessary. (68). Cuantity of gases, which shunt flue,

in fractions of initial quantity. (69). Physical characteristics.

(70). kg s/o. (71). Coefficient cf dynamic viscosity. (72). mz/s.

(73). Kinematic viscosity coefficient at pressure I atm(abs.). (74).

Kinematic viscosity coefficient of coubusticn products of

average/mean coupositicn (rcc, -0. 13; rH 0 =0.11) with 1 ate (abs.).

(75). kcal/a hour deg. (76). Coefficient of thermal conductivity of
combustion products of average/sean compcsiticn (ro. ,0. 13; r (4.O
-0.11). (77). kg s2 /m. (78). Density. (79). kg/u . (80). Specific

gravity/weight. (81). Specific gravity/weight with OOC and 760 an Hq.

(82). mt/h. (83). Coefficient of thermal diffusivity (er- true heat

capacity at constant pressure, kcal/kg deg). (84). Heat balance,
quantities of heat and thermal loads. (85). Efficiency

of boiler aggregate/unit (gross weight). (86). Usefully utilized

heat. (87). Heat loss with stack gases. (88). Heat loss from chemical

incompleteness of combustion. 189). Heat loss from mechanical

Doc = 80041104 PAGE '4--

*Iincompleteness of combustion. (90). Heat losses with escape, slag and

failure/dip/trough as a result cf mechanical incompleteness of

combustion. (91). Heat loss into environment. (92). Loss with

physical heat of slag. (93). Loss with water, cooling panel. (94).
Coefficient of retenticn/preservation/maintaining heat. (94a).
kcal/kg, kcal/nm 3 . (95). Available heat cn 1 kg (nm 3 ) of

fuel/propellant. (96). Heat of air, which enters heating. (97).

Quantity of heat, transmitted tc heating surface by

radiation/emission. (98). kcal/a' hour. (99). Visible thermal load of

furnace cavity. (100). kcal/az hour. (101). Visible thermal load of

fire grate. (102). Vater and steam. (103). kg/h, a/h. (lO). Boiler

steam capacity. (105). Guantity of saturated steam, returned by

toiler besides superheater. (106). Quantity of water, which goes into
blasting. (107). Flow rate of steam through superheater. (108). Flow
rate of water through eccnauizer. (109). Entbalpy of overheated and
saturated steam. (110). Enthalpy of feed water. (111). Enthalpy of

water during boiling. (112). Meat of vaporization. (113). Reduction

in enthalpy of steam in steam ccoler. (114). Entbalpy of steam (water

at entrance into heating surface and output/yield from it. (115).

Temperatures and pressure. (116). theoretical (adiabatic) temperature

of combustion. (117). Cutlet temperature from heating and entrance
into bundle. (118). Teuverature cf stack gases. (119). Temperature of
cold, sucked air. (120). Teaperature of air at the inlet into air
preheater and output/yield from it. (121). Temperature of water at
DOC = 80041104 PAGE J4

entrance into economizer and output/yield from it. (122). Temperature

of feed water. (123). lemperature of superheated steam. (124).

Temperature of steam at entrance into surerheater and output/yield

from it. (125). Temperature of external surface of

pollution/contamination. 1126). Temperature of surface of metal of

ducts. (127). Is greater and smaller value cf temperature heads on

boundaries/interfaces cf heating surface in question. (128).

Average/mean temperature head. 41;9). Temperature differential of one

of heat-transfer agents. (130). Excess (mancoetric) pressure. (131).

Absolute pressure. (132). Heat transfer. (133). Coefficient of

weakening rays/beams by triatcaic gases. (134). Coefficient of

weakening rays/beams in volume, filled with dust. (135). Efficient

emissivity factor of flame. (136). Hsissivity factor of heating.

(137). kcal/mZ hour deg. (138). Heat-transfer coefficient by

intertube radiation/emission cf combusticn prcducts. (139).

Heat-transfer coefficient by intertube radiation/emission of

triatomic gases. (140). Convection heat-transfer coefficient. (141).

Total heat-transfer coefficient from gases to wall. (142).

Heat-transfer coefficient from vall to heat-transfer agent. (143).

Coefficient of flow. (144). mA hour deg/kcal. (145). Coefficient of

thermal resistance of layer of external of contamination

(contamination factor). (146). coefficient of use of heating surface.

(147). Coefficient of beat transfer. (148). s/s. (149). Gas velocity.

(150). Reynolds number (I - determining linear dimension). (151).
DOC = 80041104 PAGE jwr.

Criterion of physical properties of medium. (152). Nusselt's

criterion. (153). Geometric characteristics. (154). Volume of furnace

chamber/camera. (155). Area of mirror of combustion. (156). Surface
of heating (subscript - designation of surface). (157). Surface of
walls. (158). Angular coefficient. (159). Degree of shielding of

heating. (160). Conditiczal contamination factor of beam-receiving

surfaces. (161). Beam-receiving surface. (162). Efficient thickness

of gas layer. (163). External and A . (164). Equivalent diameter.

(165). Transverse, longitudinal and diagcnal spacers of ducts. (166).

Clear opening for pass of gases and steam (vater (167). Parts of
heating surface, washed by transverse and longitudinal flows. (168).
Clear openings for transverse and longitudinal flows.

Appendix II.


The values of specific volumes and enthalpy of water and water

vapor are given on the Tables VII the "nhermophysical properties of

substances", handbook, edited by N. B. Vargaftik, Gosenergoizdat,


Volume and order cf the arrangement/position of data in the

tables correspond to the requirements of the execution of the thermal
designs of boiler aggregates/units.

--- " - TIIII

. .... .. .. I ,%
DOC - 80041104 EAGB *-7'

Page 70.

A. Dry saturated vapor and water on saturation curve.

0.010 6.699 0,000001 131.7 6.73 600.2 5913.5

0,020 17,204 0.0010013 68,26 17.25 604,9 587,6
0.030 23,772 0, 010027 46,52 23.80 607.8 584,0
0,040 28,641 0,0010041 35,46 28,67 609,8 581,2
0.050 32.55 0.0010053 28.73 32.58 611,5 578,9
0,070 35.82
38,66 0,0010064 24.18 35,84 613.0 577.2
0.0010074 2U. 92 38.67 614,2 575.5
-0,080 41,16 0,0010084 18.45 41,17 615.2 574.0
0,090 43.41 0,0010093 16.51 43,41 616.1 572.7

0,10 45.45 0.0010101 14,95 45,45 617,0 571,6

0.12 49,06 0,0010116 12,59 49,05 618.6 569,5
0.14 5. 18 0.0010130 10.88 52, 17 619,9 567,7
0,16 54,4 0.0010144 9,604 54,92 621,1 566.2
0.18 57.41 0,0010157 8,600 57.40 622,1 564,7
0.20 59,67 0.N0010169 7,789 59.65 623.0 563,4
0.22 61,74 0,0010181 7,123 61,71 623.9 562.2
0,24 63.65 0,0010191 6564 3,63 624,7 5G1
()276 65,44 O.0701 6..2 G5,45 6254 560,0
0,90 67.11 0.0010211 5.6.m0 67.09 6.6.1 559.0
0,40 6..68 0.900921 53924 ".66 646.7 558,0
75,A2 0,00 10MI6 4, (W'6 75,.41 6M295 554,.1
0.50 80.86r 0. 00101.16 3.,'-O99 80.86 631.13 5.50.7
0,60 85.45 0,0010327 2.781 85.47 6335. 548.0
3.'0 89,45 O00o0w 2,409 89:49 635,8 5456,
0.90 93,99
'113118 0.00103.qI
0.0010405 2.126 93,05 656,4 543,4
1.,9T4 96.25 637,6 541.3
1.0 91.09 0.0010418 1.725 99.18 638,7 539.5
4.5 114.79 0,..l 0.75 105 110.99 643.1 5:12,1
'.0 119,62 0.001(WAX 19 252.1 4 504.2
26, 156.79 0.no0IOr) 0.7119 127.3 648.7 51,4
3.0 113.. 0.o0107:6 0.,2710 133.5 650,8 517 3
3,0 16619 0.0011780 0,5 138 1,1,9 651.4 513,5
4,0 1.3.92 0.00114?9 0,0A 143.7 653.9 510,2
4.5 147.20 0.00 I(11475 0,.15 148,1 655,2 507,1
5,0 151.11
" 0,M0118 0,38 18 1.5, 1 6,563 504,2
6.0 15-.04 0.11011000 0. 32 14 159.4 65R,3 498.9
7,0 11-;. 17 0.(ni 1071 0.277A 165.7 659,9 4942
8.0 119.61 0.1101140 0,2448 17t.4 661,2 4Aq.8
9.0 f 7f. 53 0.0011202 0 1,1t0.O 176.5 662.3 485.8
0.0 27q.04 0.0117'6 0. 1TO 20.2
l 663. 1 48. 1
1.,0 181.3, 000 1111 A 0,808 I0.2 6,4'I 470,4
1Q.0 187. 0 0011372 0.166,1 1$0.8 664,
1 475,7
13,0 . 2071 0,061147 0,1540 193.6 6(.5.6 472.0
14,0 194 1I 0.0011475 0,1434 197.3 6662 468,9
It'.( 117.36
2W'. ,I 0,0011,4
O. 1X)lII;.7; ..I .(;.16134
0, 00.7 666,7
17,0 3 5.; 0.m I I6I1 0. 11:49! 07..2 61557,5 4.0,3
IS. 0 -AN".14 0001 If'w6: 0. 1125 I21- 66-1,8 457,7
19,0 q.08,81 0,0011707 0. 1mY8 213,1I 668,2 455,1I
.20.0 211,.41 0.0011751 0. 1016 215.9 613A.5 452,6
21.0 21'1..15 M0'K11794 0.09676 218,13 668,7 450, I
22.0 216,23 0.0011834 0,09'244 221 3 668,9 447,6
23,0 218,53 0,0011874 0.08848 223,7 669,0 445,3
24.0 220.75 0,0011914 0,08486 226,2 669,2 443,0
DOC = 8OO41104 I -*B

Page 71.

26.0 222.90
0.08150 228,6 669,3 440,7
0,07838 231 .O 669,4 438.4
27,0 227,01 0,U012030 0,07550 233.2 669,4 436,2
28.0 228,98 0.0012067 0.07282 235.3 669,4 434.1
29,0 230.89 0,0012105 0,07032 237.5 669.5 432.0
30.0 232,76 0.0012142 0,06793 239.6 669.5 429.9
31,0 234.57 0.0012179 0,06570 241,7 669.5 427.8
33.0 236,35
218.08 0.0012215
0,001-2250 0,01370 243,7
669,5 425.8
0.,M;176 f6 ,5 423,9
34.0 239.77 0.001.=Ss 0,05993 247.6 669.5 421.9
35,0 241,42 0.0012320 0,0!2q19 249,5 6695, 420.0
36,0 243,04 0.001 i!355 0,V,655 251,3 6.4 418,1
37,0 244,62 0.o 3 0,05499 253.1 669.3 416.2
16.0 246,17 0.00 1-24 0,05351 2,54.9 669.2 414.3
39.0 247,69 0.0012159 0.0.211 256.6 669.1 412.5
40,0 249.18 0.0011'.71.) 0.0, 078 25-,4 669,0 410,6
41,0 250.64 1.1 1 -'..
27 0,t15 20, 66,9 408,8
I .0 262.07 O..0425,; 1 0,04026 2.61,8 G68..7 407.0
452.0 25.1,4 0.11K)"1515 004712 273,2 05
6 7 45.2
44,0 '7'51.67 0,()I- 6-9 0.04601 ".65.1 668,5 403,4
45.0 24,9,84
2 0,001 3018 004.495 22,.7 (C68.4 401.7
16,0 257.56 0.00126A 01,034361 268.2 66,2 400,0
470. 254. NS 0.Of)12729 0.04297 .2,7 66. 0 30.03
49, 0 26.7
1.:45 0,00127GI
0. 00 12794 0.(201
0.04113 271.3
V-'2,8 (67.1 396.6
6U7, 7 394,9

51'.0 262.5
., 15 0.00129-'0
0.M1"' 0,04026
0, 1,3"12 274,3 ,7.51
,67, 393,2
t7, q
54,0 267.531 0.01149 0 1 11
(). 28.1 666.7 36.6
56.0 2o. 0O,001301 - 0,0369 2M21' 666.2 343,4
58.0 274.48O 0.00130,3 0.03436 28 5,7 665,9 380,6
67.)0 274,-9 0,0013147 001112 280,34 65.4 377.0
64.0 276. 13 0.0131; 0.0119,7 L 9,1.
0 6w 1.8 373,8
61,0 274.51 0.001 1.T.5 007
0.030H2 3011, 66(1,3 370.7
., (o 2m .5 3 (I. 3)I0 0,023wi 296, 1 661.7 J67,6
6i4, 0 237',)4
54 .uI - 0,028.9 24,36 663,2 361. 6
70.0 29I..I ' )I:
O.()1 0,j2q1j 301j, 662. 36,6
1. ) 201.,Vl O.44V.W 0.0.71 303.5 661.9 358.4
" (0 34.09
=I.u- , .5.5.' ( o.6
i "8 .1415,
,2 661.3 355,4
0 1-; 1 .Aw, WI(.7 35-).6
714.01 '0 1 .36 0.0 14"2 0.0176 310.5 6O.0 349.5
40,1 !.62
.9;.: 0,00i:3.17 0.04945 3.12, 631,4
M:0 0.(A) 1',"2 I." 1:1.4 315.,I 658,7 .343.
3.l 6
8.0 27.06 0.(Hi0.41A 0.01.3 317,3 657.9 3403
0b.0 2 9 . .0044 ,V41 0, .82 3193 657.1 337,6
40,0 30..8 0.00,403 0.0)802 321,6 656,4 330.8
9-?,.0 301,92
3o.1,49 00, 0014181
0.M 4115 0.07597 323.8 67,5.7 331.9
0,0'-043 0
32-6. 6.55,0 3L'9.0
96.0 305.04
3X6.56 0.0014241
0. 00 14U17 0,01991 328. 654.2 326.1
0,.,)1941 310.2 65.3.4 3'23,2
98.0 38,06 0.0014184 0,u 892 342.3 652,6
I00.0 309., O001-145.3 0.01846
334,3 651.7 317.4
10-2,0 310.94 0.00114513 0.01-402 1316,3 6,10.8 314,5
104.0 312,41 0,.(N)14591 0.01759 338,3 f;19.q1) m1.6
106r. 313.a2 0. M 14661 0,01717 340.3 649,0 .108.
I(. 1,1 0.0014732 0,01677 342.3 648,.1 305.8
110.0 316.58 0.001481 0.01638 344,2 647, 1 ,302.9
112.0 317.93 0.001488 0,01600 346.2 646.2 300.0
114.0 319.26 0%001495 0,01564 348,2 645,3 297,1
DOC = 80041104 1AGI 4"9

Page 72.

116,0 320.57 0.00502 0,01529 350,1 644,4 294,3
118.0 321,87 0.001510 0,01495 352.0 643,4 291.4
120.0 323.15 0.001518 0.01462 35,9 642.4 288.5
S1212.0 324.41 0,0015-6 0,01431 355.8 641,4 285.6
124.0 325.65 0.001534 0,01401 357,7 640,4 282.7
126,0 326,88 0,001542 0.01371 359.6 639,4 279,8
128,0 328.10 0,01550 0.01342 361.5 638,4 276.9
130.0 329,.30 0.00155 0,01314 363.3 637,3 274,0
. 330.4R 0,00150;
0,2,0 0,01286 365.2 63G.2 271.0
134,0 331,5 0,001574 0.01259 367,1 635,1 268,0
136,0 332.81 0.001582 0.01232 369.0 634.0 .265.0
138.0 333.96 0.001591 0,0107 370.8 632.8 262,0
140.0 335.09 0.001600 0.01H12 372.6 631,6 259,0
142.0 336.21 0.00(F.08 001158 374.5 630,5 256.0
144,0 337.31 0,001616 0,01134 376.3 629,3 253.0
146,0 38.40 0.001625 0.01111 378.2 628.1 249.9
148,0 339..49 0.001635 0.010(89 380,0 626,S 246.8
150.0 340,56 0,001644 0,01037 381.9 625,6 243.7
152.0 341.61 0, 01653 0.010.16 3W3.7 624,3 240.6
154,0 342,66 0.00(1663 0.01024 385,6 623,0 237,4
156,0 343.70 0,001673 U.01003 387,4 621,6 234.2
158.0 344,72 0,001683 0.009826 389.2 620,3 231,1
160.0 345.74 0.001693 0.009626 391.0 618,9 227,9
162.0 316.74 0.001704 0.009430 392.9 617,5 22.4,6
164.0 347,74 0,001715 0,009237 394,8 616,0 221,2
1660 348.72 0,001726 0,009047 3967 614.5 217,8
161.0 349,70 0.001738 0, Xomr'62 398,6 613.0 2t4,4
170.0 350..0 0,00(750 O.o00880 400,4 611.4 211.0
172,0 351.62 0.0(17G2 0,0o1.rAO 402,3 609)8 207.5
174.0 352,56 0,00(773 0.0(k322 404,2 608,1 203.9
176.0 353.50 0,001795 0,0016I 406,2 606,4 200,2
178.0 354.43 0,0017!A 0,007974 408,1 604,6 196,5
Io.0 355,35 0,001812 0.007804 410.1 602 1927
IR.,0 356.*6 0001827 0.007635 412,1 601,9 188.8
184,0 357.16 0,018-112 0.U07467 414.2 599.0 184.8
(86,0 355.06 0,001857 0.007303 416.2 597.0 I80.8
(8.0 3.,,94
0,011873 0.007139 418.2 595. 1 176.9
190.0 35 ,' 0,001.189 0.,0097 420.2 592,9 172,7
192.0 360.69 0.01909 0,00081 422.3 590.7 168.4
194.0 361.55 0,001929 0,00665 424,5 5M,4 163.9
196.0 362<40 0,00(950 0,00649 426.8 586.1 159.3
196.0 363.25 0.00970 0,00633 41).1 5837 151.6
100,0 3(64.08 0,00190 0,00618 431.4 581.1 140,7
20. 0 364.91 0.001,01 0,00602 433, 8 578,4 144,6
204,0 365.74 0.002(13 0,005t8 436.4 575,6 (39.2

206.0 366.55 0,00206 0.(,0569 439.0 572.6 133,6

208,0 367,36 0,002tA) 0.00,5 2 441.7 5.9.4 127.7
210,0 36S, 16 O,00213 0,00535 444,6 366.0 121,4
212.0 36,95 0,00217 0,00517 447,6 562,2 114.6
2t4.0 369.74 0,00221 0,00199 450,8 5,2 107,4
216.0 370,51 0,0025 0.00480 454,3 553.6 99,3
218.0 371,29 0,00231 0.00460 458.4 548,4 90,0
220.0 372,1 0,00239 0,00438 463,0 542.3 79,3
222.0 371,8 0.00248 0.004(6 469.0 536,6 67,6
24.0 373,6 0.00265 0,00384 478.0 526,6 48.6
DOC 80041104 FAGI

Page 73.

B. later.

-cl Il a

p - 1.0 -M".1) p-2,020 p-3,0 ama

0 0.0010002 0.0 0.0010001 0,0 0,0010001 0,
10 0,0010003 10,1 0,0010003 10,1 0,0010002 10,1
20 0,0010018 20,0 0.0010018 20.1 0.0010017 20.1
30 0.0010044 30.0 0.0010043 30,0 0.001U043 30.1
40 0,0010079 40.0 0.0010078 40.0 0.0010078 40.0
50 0,0010121 50.0 0.0010120 50.0 0.001010 50.0
60 0,0010170 60,0 0,0010170 60.0 0.0010170 60,0
70 0.001(226 70,0 0,0010227 70.0 0,0010226 70.0
80 0,0010289 80,0 0.0010289 80.0 0.U010268 80.0
90 0,0010359 90.1 0,0010358 90,1 0,0010358 90.1
t0 0.0010434 100.2 0,0010434 100,2
110 0,0010515 110.2 0.00 10515 110,2
120 0,00310(02 120.3
130 c-) 0,0010697 o 130.5
p - 4,0 ama p-6,O ama p= ,.0 ama
0 0.0010000 011 0,000399 0,1 0,009998 0.2
10 0,0010002 10,1 0.001001 10,2 0.0010000 10,2
20 0,001()17 20,1 0.u01OOI6 20.2 0,010015 20,2
30 0.0011042 30.3 0O0010041 30.1 0,0010040 30.2
40 0,0011)177 40.1 0.0010077 40.1 0.0010076 40,2
s5 0,0010119 50,0 0,0000118 50.1 0,0010118 50, 1
60 0,00I,69 60,0 0,)I10168A 60.1 0.0010167 60.1
70 0.0010226 70.0 0,0010225 70,3 0.000.2 70.3
80 0.0010 !8 80,0 0.0010287 80.1 0.00102s 80,I
90 0,0010357 90,1 0,0010356 0.2 0.0 101353 941,2
100 0,00110433 100,2 0.0010432 100.2 0.001:31 100.3
1I0 0.0010514 110,3 0.0010513 110.3 0.3010512 110.3
120 0,00101i 120,4 O,0.00iO 120,4 0, 0l3)il 120, 4
130 0.0010607 130,6 0,00,6 130,.f 0.Ol18,541 130,6
140 0,0010798 140,8 0.010797 140.8 0.0C16795 140.8
350 0,0010906 151,0 0,00111104 15131
160 0.0011020 161,4
p - 10,0 ama p- 15,0 0a p = 2O, 0 ma
0 0,0380l997 0,2 0 0009nJ9 0,4 0.000'1,192 0.5
10 0,0011939 10,3 0.09' l) 10,4 O.0009994 10,5
20 0.001111I4 20,3 0.0013)12 20.4 0.0001l0 20.5
30 10003)10 30.2 0,001137 30.3 01'Ouo.5 30.4
!AI 0,0fII()75
U,.,,10117 40,22
511 0,i.X73 40.3Z 0.00,t141070 40,4
0, (AII10115 so, (-0.1010112 50,4
,.0 O,)mh3I'; GC(T- 0.00 0164 U.2 0.0010164 fin3
7 0)1)03
O, 713,3I 0,110Ul 70, 2 0. N)10218 70.3
RN 0l'l'3 lUlI O.(0110213 80,2 0.00102"o 80,3
90 O. 0 SI 01,2 0,0110352 00,3 0.0010349 90.4
10 00.0mI I11
o 300,3 0,01110127 100,4 0.0010424 100.5
It0 0,001053 310,4 0. Ont0.1014 110,5 0,0011516 130.,5
120 0,0(05')9 120,5 0.0o01'.'o -. 0,6 0.n01 00093 120.6
130 0.0010lit" 130.7 0,M1,061'11 130 .7 0.00101"188 130.8
140 0.0010794 140,8 0.(X)107)1 140.9 0,0010788 141.0
1.50 0.0On10902 151.1I O(lO9 151.2 0.0010.1496 1.51,2
1710 0,0011018
0,001 1142 171,8 0,001015
161, 130,5 0.001081 I
0.001 1139 171.9 0,0011135 ,8
[so 0,MOI11271 182.3 0,0011-267 182:4
190 0,00114I3 192,9 0,0011409 193.0
200 0.0011561 203,6
210 p--30 091 0.0011726
ma p - 41.UZ p - So a-ma
0 0.,0O099,97 0
07 0.0009982 1.0 0.01109977 1,2
0 -0 0 0 0 0 10,7 0,00099 M5 10.9 0.0009981 11.2
20 O.U0000 20,7 0,00OI001 2I 0.00097 21.1
DOC - 8001411014 fjGkz

Page 74,.

30 0,0010031 30.6 0,0010027 30,9 0.0010022 31,1
40 0,0010066 40.6 0,0010062 40,8 0,0010057 410
50 0,0010108 50,6 0.0010103 50,8 0,0010099 51.0
60 0.0010157 60.5 0,0010152 60,7 0.0010148 60,9
70 0,0010-13 70,5 0.0010208 70,7 0.0010204 70.9
80 0,0010275 80.5 0.0010271 80,7 0.0010266 809
100 0.0010419 100,6 0.0010414 100.8 0.0010409 101,0

110 0,0010501 110,7 0,0010495 110,9 0,0010490 111,1

120 0.0010 88 120.8 0.0010582 121,0 0,0010577 121,2
130 O.00002 131,0 0,0010676 131,1 0,0010670 131,3
140 0,0c,10782 141.2 0,0010776 141.3 0.0010770 141,5
150 0,0010800 131,4 0,001 83 151,5 0.0010877 151,7
160 0,0011004 161,7 0.001097 161,8 0,0010990 161,9
170 0.0011127 172,0 0,0011120 172,2 0,0011113 172,3
180 0,0011259 182,5 0,0011251 182,6 0,0011243 182.7
190 0.0011400 193,1 0,0011391 193,2 0.0011382 193,3
200 0,0011552 203.7 0.0011512 203,8 0,0011532 203,9
210 0.0011715 214,5 0,04111704 214.6 0,0011694 214.7
220 0,0011892 225,4 0,0011880 225,5 0,0011868 225,6
230 0,0012085 236,5 0.0012071 236,5 0,0012057 236,6
240 0.0012281 247.8 0,001226j5 247,8
250 0,0012494 259,3
6 0.0012750 o 271,1
p - 60 ama p - 70 p - 80 ama
0 0.0009972 1.4 0,0009%7 1,7 0,0009962 1.9
I0 0,0009976 11,4 0,0009972 11,6 0,0009967 11,9
20 0,0099 2 21.3 0,0009988 21.6 00009983 21.8
30 0.001(018 31.3 0,0010014 31,5 0,0010009 31,7
40 o.Orlnns 41,2 O,001,049 41,4 0,0010045 41,6
50 oO010095 51,2 0.0010090 51.4 0,0010086 51,6
60 0,001f144 61.1 0,0010139 61,3 0,0010135 61,5
70 0,0010199 71,1 0,0010195 71,3 0,001019U 71,5
80 0,0010262 81,1 0,0010-.57 81,3 0.0010252 81,5
90 0,n010329 91,2 0. w 103.-5 91,3 0,0010320 91,5
100 1001 101,2 0,0010399 101,3 0,0010394 1015
110 0,001045 11,2 0,1010480 111,4 0,0010475 111,6
120 0.0010572 121.3 0.001 (1566 121,.5 0.0010561 121.7
130 0,no166 5 131.4 0,0110059 131,6 0,0010653 131.8
140 0,0010764 141,6 0.0010758 141,8 0,C010752 141.9
150 0,0011hs70 151.8 0, 0010\04 152,0 0,00108S9 152,1
160 0.0010144 162,1 000101977 162,2 0,0010970 162,4
170 0,nOI1105 172,4 0.0011098 172,5 0,00Of1091 172,7
180 0,0011235 182,9 0.0011226 183,0 0,0011219 183,1
190 0.0011374 193,4 0.00113G5 103M5 0,0011356 £03.6
200 0,0011522 204,0 0,011 513 204,1 0,0011504 204,2
210 0,0011683 214,7 0,0011173 214,8 0.X)11662 214,9
220 0,0011857 225,6 0,0011845 225,7 0.(01IIm3 225,8
230 0,0012044 236,6 0,0012031 236,7 0,0012018 236,7
240 O,0012250 247.8 0,0012235 247,9 0.0012220 247.9
250 0.0012477 259.3 0:0012459 259,3 0.0012412 259,3
260 0,0012728 271.0 0,0012708 271,0 0,0012688 271,0
270 0,0013013 283,1 0.0012988 283,0 0,0012964 2M,0
280 0,0013307 295,3 0,0013278 r95,2
290 0 1 0,0013639 of 30,0
p - O ara p 1=I ma p I10 ama
0 0,0 957 2.2 0,0009952 2,4 0,0009948 2.6
10 0.0009062 12,1 0.0009958 12.3 0,0009953 12,5
20 0,0009979 22,0 0,00o9975 22,2 0,0009971 22,4
30 0,0010005 31,9 0,0010001 32,1 0.0009997 32,3
40 0,0010040 41,8 0,0010036 42,1 0,0010032 42,3
DOC z 80041101 1GBi

Page 75.


50 0,0010082 61.8 0.0100T7 52.0 0.0010074 52.2

60 0.0010130 61.7 0.0010126 61.9 0,0010122 62.1
70 0.0010186 71.7 0.0010181 71,81 0,0010177 72.0
80 0.0010248 81.6 0.0010243 81.8 0.0010239 82.0
930 0,0O010315 91.7 0.0010311 91.9 0.0010306 92.1
100 0.00o10389 101.7 0.0010384 101.9 0.0010380 102.1
110 0,0010170 I11.8 0.0010464 111.9 0.0010459 111.I
0.001056 218 0.0010550 122.0 0.0(1l545 122.2
130 0.0010048 131,9 0. 0010 42 132.1 0. )10637 132.3
140 0.0010746 142.1 00010740 142,2 00010735 142.4
ISO 0,O lt1I
us 1 152.3 0.001O45 152.4 0.0010s39 152.6
160 0,001063 162.5 0.(010957 162.6 0.0010,10 162.8
170 0.00110'(3 172.8 0.0011076 172.9 0.0011069 173.1
180 0.0011211 $3.2 0. W11203 183.3 0.0011195 183.4
100 0,T011318 193.7 0.001 1339 193.8 0,00 11331 193.9
200 0.M11494 04.3 0,0011445 201,4 0,0011476 204,5
210 0( 1162 215.0 0.0011642 215.1 0.0011 13i 215,2
220 0. (K0122 225,8 0.001 110 225,9 0.0011,799 226.0
230 5 2.36.8 0. N)111992 236.8 0. 0011 79 236.9
240 0.00l:t15 4.0.0 1(01)2191 248.0 0.0012176 248.0
250 0,0012I.4 259.4 0, Ot I I 259.4 0.0012312 259,4
N0 0.0012ll .71.0 0.0 12649 271.0 0.001b30 "71.0
270 .00121911 282.8 0.(L 12918 282.8 0,0012,,95 282.7
280 0.0131219 2115,1 0,1W 13221 25.0 O.L13lq3 294,8
290 0. 0013t3 307.8 0.0013568 307.6 0.001133.36 307.4
3C0 0.014023 31.1 0.U013978 320.9 0.0013136 3.0,5
310 0 170 0,001442 334,5
p- IO ama p- 130 ama p- 140 aMa

0 0.004r,7913 2.9 0.09 .' 3.1 0.000c933 .. 3

10 0,01ll'l'9 12.8 0,ON, 11 13.0 0,01k09940 13.2
20 0.M91w6 22.7 0. ()1,' ,2 22,9 0.000958 23. 1
30 0.t , .913 3'2.6 0.tkIti049 32,S 0."1 .95 33.0
40 0.00 11 1. 42.5 0.1(K)I 113 42.7 0.LI 0CO19 42.9
50 O.tu1 g1.19 52.4 0. O0100(65 2.6 0.00 1W1 52.8
60 0.00111117 62.3 0.0()10113 62,5 0.0010109 62.7
70 0.0lt172 72.2 ).0OIUI08 72.4 0.j)110161 2,6
80 0,M1110214 82.2 0.001(129 $2.4 0.00102225 82.6
0 110 0. t lt i 92.,2 0.1 i11It )7 ".2.4 0.00 10292 92.6
100 0.0, 11.75 1( 2.2 0,1h11T10 102,4 1),00 10365 102.6
t (1 1 111(1 112.11 O.tII 10 O 112,4 0.0010444 112.6
. I) 2.I1 12 ,3 U1 1115 122,5 0.0tl o.-29 122.7
I 11) t1.11t11 , I 1.1.4 0.l11 -l26 132,6 0.11010, 20 132.I
1411 1).III W .4 142.5 0.111IIu.7"3 142.7 0.<41l0l 17 142.9
Ir,0 (1.111i '"- l. 2.7 0,110126 8 05. (o-0
O I0,11,0
Ih.11 (,I11.1 0to,.9
11 137 I13,0 0,00109 10 13,2
0.1111 '.2 I 7711
"I.2 0.011111.55 173.3 0.00 11t47 173.5
lHl 0,1111 I N'.S4 1 1.1; ), 0 ml1180 I83.7 0 . 011172 I13.8
1"Ul 0. 1'11.. 111.0 0.0111314 194.1 0. 0011306 194.2
211,1 0, 0(1111$6 2114.6 0,0011457 204.7 0.01 14S 104,8
2110 0.011621 215. 2 0.100I I 1 215.3 H.t,1101 215.4
.0 0.0011174A .0 0.0011777 226. 1 0.0011766 226.2
30 0.(lXl 11%7 236.9 0.0111954 237.0 .0119.12 237.1
240 0.tol2I;2 248.1 0.t 01214A 248.1 0,12135 24,1
250 0.0012376 259,4 0. 012360 59.4 0.(012345
260 0. 00 1''t;12 270.9 0.001255 270.9 O.012575 270.9
270 0,0012474 282. 7 110012852 282.6 0. 12831
I 82.6
.180 0.0013168 294.7 0.0013142 294.6 0,1)13117 294.6
, X'04 307.2 . 0111473 307.0 0.o013442 307,0
300 0.0013896 320.2 0,0013837 3210.0 0,0013819 319.7
310 0.001436 334,1 0.001431 333.7 0:001426
3.10 0.001495 348,9 0,001487 348,3 0,001481 337.,
0,001552 363.6
DOC " 800411104 fAGS

Page 76.

S0 0 0
p 150 ma p- 160amr 170 area
0 0.00')Yf29 3.6 0,000)94 3.3 0. M19 4.0
10 0,1000936 13.4 O.C0o9.L32 13,6 00,ioo97 13.9
20 0.0000'.,)54 23.3 O.009.5O 23.5 0. "0945 23,7
30 0.0010015
0.00&0)81 33.2
43, 1 0.00099 6I
0-ml01001 33.4 0.0091
43.3 0 MHW.7.
O7 33.6
50 0. 00 1005.6 53.0 On 00Y52 53,2 )00 10L04A ..
60 0.0010104 62.9 o.Oo63.1o 0i. I3.s1, t
70 0.0010159 72.8 0,0010155 73.0 0.610150 73.2
90O 0,0010291 82.8 0,0010216 83.0 00.0010211 83.2
90 0.002 912.0 0.00 1'3 93.0 O.ULK)IO7.s. 93.2
100 0.001030 102.8 0-0010356 103.0 0,0010351
Io 0.0010439 103.1
112.3 0.00111414 113.0 0.0010429 113,1
130 0.001045 , 0. ,01
M o i 19 3 0
130 .001 132.9 0.1:1 3.1 0 :00010514
.010 04 1233,2
140 0 .00 10 74 0 . 0 01705 43 ,2 0 00 107 (k 143 .3
160 0.00109-14 16.1l 0.00108S 53.3 0.001n0o 153.5
160 0.001024 163.3 0.00hlo017 It,3.5 0.1011f 1 163.6
170 0.0011041 173.6 0.0011o11 173.7 O.)M11027 173.8
180 0.0011105 l1. 9 0.0o11157 8q4.0 0.0011151) 184.1
100 0.0A112)7 1.3 0011I29 91.4 0.00112'41 194..
200 0.0011439 21).1,9 0.11430 2v5,0 0.0011 2 25.2
210 0. 01131 215.
2120 0.00 11755 0.00111R2 215.6 0,(()lT72 215.7
230 0.0011930 0.0011744 22b,3 0 t)11 '264.33
240 0.0012121 248.1 0.0011918
0.001'2107 247.1
0.001 IXK; 2137,2
250 0.0012329 259.4 0.0012094 48 2
0.0,2313 29.4 0.0012298 259,4
270 0.00f2.;57 20,9 0.0012540 20.8 0.21122 270.
232.6 0,00[1 2?.5 0.0012770 28..
,.80 0.0013093 294.5 0,(x131"09 294.5 0.01)13045 294.4
290 0.0113413 306,8 0.00133A4 306.7 0.0013355
300 0.001378 306.5
319.5 0(110(3745 3r9.3 0.0013711 319.j
310 0.0W1421 3,12,9 0,001417 331.5 0.001-112 332.?
320 0.(W)1474 347,1 0.0014.A 316.6 0. 011142 346.2
330 0,001542 36-2,. 0 01533 362.0 0,(015-5
340 0,001637 380,8 361,3
350 0,001619 379.4 0,(01.0oi 378.2
35 0.001736 398.8
p - 180 area p -10 00aeC.)p-
p-IO aa ptO ama p '100am
0 0.0009914 4,3 O.000 0 4.5 0. 000r.V5 4.7
10 0t'n-02 14,1 0.0009918 4.3 0
.W00 14 14.6
30 0009911
0.fvn9qs 2,0..
33,41 0 .000937
O.LWq')CK) 4 24.2 00419(33 24.4
34.0 O. Mml.",;
0 34.3
41) 111.7.0003
0, C4 . 43.7 3.9 a' 9,95 44.1
60 0.0010o19! 61 ,,5 0,00'104''.7 0 .7 0.(W.'
I01" I t;3.$
70 0.0010146 73.4 0, 1101142 ',16 0.1 11317 73.7
80 0.0010207 82,3 0.Ch102103 83.5 0.001011" 1.7
0 0.0010274 93.3 0,0010-9 93.5 0.,'0110 ;5 113.7
I00 0,0010347 103.3 . 11.00lt342 103.5 0.00103,37 ;03.7
It0 0.0010425 113,3 0,0010420 113.5 0.0010415
120 113.7
0, I0508 123.3 0.0010503 1'3.5 0.1010494 123,7
130 0.l! ,l 133.4 0.V1093 131.5 0,m0 I0-v 133.8
140 0,00106 4 143.5 0.00116Q8 143,6 O.0016812 143.8
150 0 001076 153.6 0,01107'10o 153.8 0.11010784
160 153.9
,') Iof0l
0. 163.3 0.00108(18 163.9 0,010892 164.0
170 0,011020 174,0 0,N)11013 174.1 .001 IC06 174.2
180 0.0011143 184.3 0.0011135 184.4 0.n011128
190 184.5
0.0011273 194.7 0.0t11265 194.8 0.0011257 194,9
DOC = 80011104 EIAG

Page 77.


200 0,0011412 205.2 0.001404 M5.3 "O.D01195 205.4

210 0,0011562 215,7 0.001153 215.8 0.001?543 215.9
220 0.0011722 2'26.4 0.0011712 226. 5 0.0011701 226.6
230 0.0011894 237,3 0.0011$82 237.3 0.0011870 237,4
240 0,00121am1 248,3 0.00 2067 248,3 0,012054 248.3
250 0,001 W143 259.5 0.0012.8 259.5 0.0.12253 259,5
260 0,001251" 270.8 0,0012488 270.8 0.0012471 270,8
270 0.0012750 2S2,4 0.(01"-'730 282.4 0.0012711 282.3
260 0. 00 11022 294.3 0.0012999 294.3 0001I976 .294.I
290 0. 1332S 300,5 0.0t1)3308 306.4 0%$)013273 3U6.2
300 0.0013677 319,0 0.0013U44 318.3 (Y.0013611 318.6
310 0,00 140 .331.9 0.001404 331,6 0.001400 331,4
320 0,001437 345.7 0.002452 345,3 0.001446 344,9
330 0.001517 360.7 0,U01509 360,0 0.001S01 359.5
340 0, 00 15M 377.1 0.0015,42 376.1 0,001571 375.2
350 0,001707 3W3,7 0.001684 394.9 0.001665 393.4
360 0,001282 416.4

p -210 P - 22O ama

0 0. 0001)IM 5.0 0,00o'.96 5.2

20 0( ' 2' 24.6 0.',')124 24.3

30 0. MI4 I, 34.5 0,01.'1.2 34.7
40 I). 4. 4,
- 41 420.1.u3 . )Yw
,t6 44.3
SO I.I111-l11I (.001 1 7 54.4
#in 0.iN 4 tI1 0 It,
OUgl75 642.
70 0.~iA 73 .1 0.1411.129 74.1
40 0, 0111194 IS1 J U.4, Io1') 84.0
90 ,0011). .0f 93. '1 0. LXI 1.1'6 94.1
too n,(11I1i; 1? 110.86 0. o 0214 104.0
It0 o , 1lI 'IHlo 113 .,4 1fh 114 .0
120 o. l01,003 3 U.. llI "ki 124.0
130 0.1151 4!. (1..)0Il.7 134.0
1411 0,'i, v,77 1 I1). 14;71 144.1
lhr4) 0. -VI 11774 0.,-.,27' 15o4. I
J~(O 0J 1l :11"1
'I o..,,l '112 174.5
1I'V) 0.1-1 ! '11 L)"Wil1 '4 1 1I)Jr.1

*21n 0",.11 'A I| ,.'l I1 it". I

525).51 /3 0).141 -,-1 2.1,11.,

Z7' 01 0,=4t2 q . 111)112t; '73 2,42
n', on I ms1,t o. Ito12 )3-2 294.0

.'0 0.00q17;9 38 0.001.1548 31,4,2

31(0 0.(V1393 3-t. 0.0013 1? x31.0
310 o1.nn<144I .5 O' no 1416
(. 344.4
3,3n 0.0n14n34 3)0 0,o I 4RR 3&,6,t
340 0. 00 IM2 345 0,oolr52. 373.7
350 0,00t649 321 0. oo)1f;'6 390, ,
360 0.00ra 410.2 0. (0 17,1 410.8
370 0,002093 443,4



DOC 800411041 61a

Page 78.

C. Superheated steam.

p- 1,0oA p 1,5 a1 pa2,0 ama

100 1,729 639,0

110 1,779 643.8
120 1,829 648,6 1,211 647,6 0,9030 646.4
130 1.878 653.4 1,245 652.4 0,9287 681.4
140 1,926 658,1 1,278 657,3 0,9540 656,3

150 2,975 662.9 1.311 662,1 0,9791 661.2

160 2.023 667.7 1,344 666,9 1,004 666,1
170 2,071 672.5 1,376 671.7 1,29 671,0
1280 2,119 677,2 1,409 676,5 1,053 675,9
190 2,167 681,9 1,441 681,3 1,078 680,7
200 2,215 686,6 1,473 686,1 2,102 68,S
210 2,63 691,3 1,505 690,8 2,126 690,3
220 2,311 696,0 1,5,37 695.6 1,150 695,1
230 2,358 700,8 1.569 700,4 1.174 699,9
240 2,406 705,5 1,601 705, 2,198 704,7
250 2,454 710,3 1,633 709,9 1,222 709,5
260 2,501 715,0 1,664 714,7 1,246 714,3
270 2,548 719,8 1,696 719,5 1,270 719.1
280 2,596 724,6 2,728 724,3 1,294 723,9
290 2.643 729,4 1,760 729,1 1.318 728,8
0 2,690 734,2 1.791 733,9 1,342 7.33,7
310 2,738 739,0 1,823 738.7 1,366 738,5
320 2,785 743,8 1,855 743,6 1,390 743,3
330 2,832 748,7 2,886 748,4 2,413 748,2
340 2.880 753,5 1,918 753,3 2,437 753.0

350 2,927 758,4 2,949 758, 1 2,461 757,9

3600 2,974 763.3 2,981 763,0 1,495 762.8
370 3,022 768,2 2,013 768, 0 1,508 767,8
380 3,069 . 773,1 2,014 772,9 2,532 772,7
390 3,16 778,0 2,076 777,8 1,556 777,6

400 3.163 782.9 2.107 782, 7 2,579 782,5

410. 3,211 * 787,9 2,139 787,7 1,603 787,5
420 3.258 792,9 2.170 792,7 2,627 792,5
4.30 3,305 797,8 2,202 797,7 1,651
1,674 797,5
440 3,352 802,8 2,233 802, 7
450 3,39 807,8 2,265 807,7 1,698 807 ,5

p -2,5 area p 3,0 ama =4,0 aa

130 0,7387 650,3

140 0,7594 655,3 0,629 654,4
150 0,7708 660,3 0,6469 659,5 0,4806 657,6
160 0,7999 6F.5,3 0,6640 664,5 u,493d 662, 8
170 0,8199 670,3 0,6809 669,5 0,5068 668,0

190 0,8198 675,2 0,6976 674,5 0.5197 673,1

190 0,8596 680.2 0,7142 679,5 0,5.325 678,?
200 0,8792 685,0 0,7307 684,4 0.5451 683,2
210 0,8988 69,8 0,7471 689,3 0,5576 688,2
220 0,9183 694,6 0,7635 694,2 0,5700 693,2

230 0,9377 699.5 0,7798 699,0 0,5824 691,1.

240 0,9570 704,3 0,7960 703,9 0,5947 703,1
250 0,9763 709,1 0,8122 708,8 0,6070 708,0
206 0,9955 713,9 0,8283 713,6 0,6192 712,%
270 1,015 718,8 0,8444 718,5 0,6314 717,1
DOC = 80041104 PAGS _W

Page 79.


280 1,034 723,6 0.8605 723.3 0,6435 722,7

290 1,053 728.5 0.8766 728,1 0,6557 727,6
300 1 072 733,4 0,89-26 733.0 0.6678 732,5
310 1,092 738.2 0.9085 737.9 0,6799 737.4
320 1,111 743,1 0,9245 742.8 0,6919 742.3
330 I',30 747.9 0.9405 747,7 0.7040 747.2
340 1.149 752.8 0 9564 752,6 0.7160 752.1
350 ,168 757,7 0,9723 757,5 0.7280 757,0
360 1.187 762.6 0.9883 762,4 0.7400 762.0
370 1.206 767.5 A.004 767.3 0,7519 766.9

380 1,225 772,5 1,020 772,3 0.7639 771.9

390 1.244 777,4 1,.36 777,2 0,775P 776,8
400 1,263 782,4 1.052 782.2 0,7878 781.8
410 1.282 787,3 1.068 787,2 0,7997 786.8
420 1,301 7912.3 1.083 792.2 0,8116 791.8
430 1,320 797,4 1,099 797,2 0,8235 796.9
440 1,339 802,4 1.115 802.2 0,8354 801.9
450 1,358 807.4 1.131 807.2 0,8473 807.0

p 5.0 anma p - 6,0 am p-7,0 ama

I Go 0.3117 66,.0 0.3.13 659.3
,70 0.401-11 64,6,4 0. 3326 6ii4, 0.2827 663,1
IM 0.4!31) 671.7 0.3417 670, 0.2908 668.7
190 0.4231 76.9 0.3506 675.6 0,2)86 674.2
200 0.4336 682.1 0.3593 680.9 0,3062 679,6
21o 0 4438 687.2 0.3680 686. ] 0,313A 684.9
220 0 45.39 6912.2 0.37Ai 691,2 0,3212 000,
230 o,46.10 697U,2 O.3051 696,3 0,3285 695,3
240 0.1740 702.2 O,3''113 701,3 0.3358 700.5
250 0,4839 707,2 0,4018 706.4 0,3431 705.6
260 0,40151 712,1 0.4101 711,4 0.3503 710,6
270 0,501% 717,1 0.41S4 71,4 0.3575 715,7
285 0, r!11 722.0 0.4266 72 .4 0,3646 720,7
0,. 3! 7 .. 0.43-18 7:,3 0,3717 7.15.7
3l,) n.5.3.9 731 . 0,4.130 7JI,3 0,37d8 730,7
310 n.rwc. 73GW 0.4312 7.2 . 0 ,859 735,7
.1 O.!,
( S1. 741.7 f..151 741.2 0. 3V.8 7.40,7
-III) O.:.1.I 71,;. 7 0.467.1 746. 2 0,3"98 743.7
3 If) n. 7i7 7r. r, 0.47r6 751.1 0.4068 750.7
350 0.5814 75(i, 6 0, 4836 756.1 0.4138 755.7
360 0,5910 761,5 0,4917 761.I 0,4207 760.7
370 0.606 766,5 0,4099 76.1 0.4277 76.F,. 7
380 0.6102 771,5 0.5078 771,0 U,4346 770.7
390 0.608 776.5 0,5158 776,0 0,4415 775.7
400 0,6294 781.5 0.5238 781,1 0,4484 780.7
410 0,6390 786.5 0.5318 76. 0.4553 785,8
420 0,6485 791.5 0,5398 791,2 0,4622 700.8
430 0,65A 1 796,5 0,5478 796,2 0,4690 795,9
440 0,6677 801,6 0,5558 801,3 0,4759 801,0
450 0,6772 806,7 o,5633 06,3 0.4827 806,
DOC = 800411041 IA Git

Page 80.


p-8.0 p- 9.0 p -I0,0a

170 0.2452 661,5
180 0.2524 667.2 0.2225 665.5 0,1986 663.8
190 0.2594 672,8 0,2290 671,3 0,2046 . 669.8
200 0.2662 678,3 0,2:153 677,0 0,2104 675,7
210 0.2730 683,8 0,2414 682,6 0,2160 681,4

220 0.2797 689,1 0,2474 688.0 0.2215 686.9

230 0,2863 694,4 0,2533 693,4 0.2269 692,4
240 0.2928 699,6 0.2591 698,7 0,2322 697,8
250 0,2992 704,7 0,2649 703.9 0.2375 703,0
260 0.3055 709,8 0,2706 769.1 0,2427 708.2
270 0.3118 714.9 0.2762 714,2 0,2479 713,4
280 0.o8 7,0 ,2818 719,3 0.2530 7i8,6
IX 0,13244 725.1 0 ,2874 724,4 O,.2581 7-3.8
300 0..306 730,1I 0.2a30 729,.5 0,2632 .728.2-.
310 0,3368 36.1 0,2986 734,6 0:2G82 -734.0

320 0,3430 740.1 0,3042 739.6 0,2732 739.0

330 0.3492 745,2 0.3097 744,6 0,2782 744,1
340 0.3553 750.2 0,3152 749,7 0,2832 749,2
350 0,3614 755,2 0,3207 754.7 0,2881 754,3
360 0,3675 760,2 0.3261 759,8 0.2930 759,3
370 0.3736 765,2 0.3316 764.8 0.2980 764.4
380 0,3797 770,3 0,3370 769.9 0,3029 769,5
390 0,3858 775.3 0;3424 774,9 0,3078 774,6
400 0.3918 780,4 0,3478 780,0 0,31-16 779,6
410 0.3979 785.4 0,3532 785.1 0.3175 784.7

420 0,4039 790.5 0,3586 790,2 0.3223 789.8

430 0,4100 795.6 0,3640 795,2 0,3272 794.9
440 0,4160 8()0,7 0,3694 800,3 0.3 I.M 800,0
450 0,4220 805,8 0.3747 805.5 0,3369 805,2
i% 0
p 1,o -120 0 ,.2 13,0
190 0,1846 068,3 0,1677 6ti6,8
200 0,1900 674,3 0,1729 672,9 0.15A3 671.4
210 0,195! 680,2 0,1779 678,9 0,1631 677,5
220 0.2(3 685,9 0.1827 684,7 0,1677 683,5
230 0.2053 691,4 0.1873 690.3 0,1721 689.3

240 0.2102 66,8 0,1919 695.8 0.!7 694,9

2.50 0.2151 702,2 0,1964 701,3 O,1806 700,4
.260 0.2199 707,5 0,2008 706,7 0,1847 705,8
270 0,2'46 712,7 0,2052 712,0 0,1888 711.2
180 0,22.93 717.9 0,2096 717,3 0,1928 716,5

290 0.2340 723,1 0,2139 727,5 0.1968 721,8

300 0.2386 728,3 0,2182 7;.77 0,.008 77,0
310 0,2.132 73.3,4 0,2224 732,8 0,2048 73,2
3120 0,2478 738,5 0.2266 738,0 0,.087 737.4
330 0,2524 743,6 0,2308 743,1 0,2126 742,5

340 0.2569 748.7 0,2350 748,2 0.,2165 747,7

350 0,2614 753,8 0.2392 753,3 0,2.04 751,8
360 0,2659 758,9 0,2434 758,4 0,2243 758,0
370 0,2704 764.0 0,2475 763.5 0,2.81 763, 1
380 0,2749 769.1 0.2516 768.7 0,2319 768.3

DOC = 80041104 PIGB

Page 81.


390 0,2794 774,2 0,2557 773,8 0,2357 7'73.4

400 0,2838 779.3 0,2508 778,9 0,2396 778.5
410 0.2883 784.4 0,2639 784.0 0.243.3 783,7
420 0 ,'27 789.5 0,2680 789,1 0,2471 788.8
430 O.2972 794,6 0.2721 794.3 0,2509 794,0

440 0,3016 799,7 0.2762 799.4 0.2546 799.1

450 0,300 804.9 0.2802 804.6 0,2584 804,3

p - 14.0 aa
T p., 15.0 ama
0 p-
16,0 area
200 0,1461 669.9 0,1353 668.4
210 0.150M 676,2 0:1396 674.8 0.1300 673.4
220 0.1549 682,3 0 1437 681,0 0 1339 679,A
230 0,1590 688.2 0,.1476 687.0 01376 685.9
Z40 0.,30 693.9 0,1514 69r2.9 0.1413 691.9
250 0.1670 699.5 0.1552 698,6 0.1449 697.7
260 0.1709 705.0 0.1589 704.2 0.1484 703.3
270 0,1747 710,4 0 1625 709.7 0.1518 708.9
2W0 0,1765 715.8 0: 1 715.1 0 552 714.4
0, 1&13
090 7"21,1 0,I7 720,5 0.5h6 719.4
300 0,186,0 726.4 0,1732 725.8 0.1619 725.1
310 0.I7 731.6 0.17i7 731.0 0.1652 730,4
3.Z0 0, 1934 736.8 0. ImuI 736.3 0,1684 735.7
350 0.1,170 742.0 0. 35 741,5 0,1717 741,0
340 0.2007 747.2 0.1So 746.7 0,1749 746,2
350 0.2013 752.4 o,10 3 751,9 0.1781 751.4
300 0. 2M79 757,6 0.137 757.1 0.1812 756.6
370 0,2115 762.7 0 1970 762,3 0 1844 761.8
380 0,2150 767,8 0,20o4 767.4 0,1876 767,0
3w0 0.21 773,0 0,2037 772.6 0.1907 772,2
400 0,2221 778.1 0.2070 777,8 0, 193R 777.4
410 0,2257 783.3 0.2103 782.9 0.19 782.6
4.0 0.2292 7SX,4 0,2136 798.1 0.2t'0 787.8
430 0.23 7 79.3.6 0.'-'I. 79.1,3 0. 31 793,
410 0,2362 79m,a 0.2210) 7%i,5 0.2062 796. 2
450 0.2397 804.0 0,22.15 803 6 O,2003 W')3.4

,- 17,0 1 p. 18 .0 aoa p--9,.02

210 0.1214 672.0 0.113R 670,5 0. 1070 669,0
2.0 0.I ";2 674. 5 0 ,175 677,2 0.11 or$ 675,8
20 0.129 68.1.8 0.1210 G83.6 0.1140 682.4
24 0,3I90.9 0 1244 689.8 0,1172 688,7
FI0 0,1358 696.8 0,1277 605.8 0.1204 694.8
260 0.1391 702.5 0.1309 701.6 0, 1235 700,7
270 0.1424 708,1 0.1340 707.3 6. 1265 706'5
280 U. 14.56 713,6 0,1371 712,9 0.1294 712.2
290 0.1488 719.1 0,1401 718.4 .0.1323 717,7
300 0, 1520 724.5 0,1431 723.8 0.1352 723, 1
310 0,1551 729.8 0 1461 720,2 0.1380 72F4,5
320 0,1582 735,2 0,1490 734.6 0.1408 733.9
330 0:1612 740.5 0.1519 739.9 0,1436 739,8
340 0, 1643 745,7 0,1548 745.2 0, 1464 744.7
380 0,1673 781,0 0.1577 760.5 0,.1491 750,0
DOC a 80041104 1 tG3a

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360 0, 1703 756.2 0,1606 735,7 0.1518 755,3

370 0,1733 761,4 0,1634 761o0 0.1545 760.5
380 0,1763 766,6 0.1662 766.2 0.1572 765.8
390 0,1792 77,8 0,1690 771 4 0.1599 771.0
400 0,1822 777,0 0.1718 776,6 0.1626 776.2
410 0,1851 782,2 0,1746 781,9 0.1652
420 781,5
0.1880 787.4 0,1774 787,1 0,1679 786.7
430 0.1910 792,6 0,1801 792,3 0,1705 791,9
440 0,1939 797,8 0,1829 797,5 0,1731 797,2
450 0,1968 803,0 0.1857 802,7 0,1767 802,4

p - 20.0 aea p 21 area p 22 ama

220 0.1044 674,4 0,09873 673 0 0,09355 671.5
230 0.1078 681,2 O,1019 679 9 0,0676 678,6
240 0,1109 687,6 0,10.0 686,6 0,09981 685,3
250 0,1139 693,8 0.1080 692,s 0,1026 691.8
260 0,1168 699,8 0,3108 698.9 0,1053 698,0
270 0.1197 705,7 0,1136 704,8 0,1060 704,0
280 0.1225 711,4 0.1163 710.5 0.1106 709,8
290 0.1253 717,0 0,1190 716,2 0,1132 715,5
300 0,1281 722,5 0,1216 721,8 0.1158 72t,2
310 0,1308 727,9 0.1212 727,4 0.183 726,8
320 0,1335 733,4 0,1268 732,9 0,1208 732,3
330 0.1361 738,8 0,1294 738,3 0, 32 737,7
340 0,1388 744,2 0,1319 743,6 0,1256 743,1
350 0,1414 749,5 0,1344 749.0 0,1280 748.5
360 0,1440 754,8 0,1369 754,3 0.3304 753.9
370 0.1466 760,j 0.1394 759,6 0,1328 759,2
380 0,1491 765.3 0,1418 764.9 0,1351 764,5
390 0,1517 770,6 0,.1143 770,2 0.1375 769,8
400 0.2542 775.8 0,1467 775,5 0,1398 775. I
410 0.1567 781.1 0,1491 780.7 0,1421 780,4
420 0,1593 786.4 0,1515 786,0 0,2444 785,7
430 0,1618 791,6 0,1539 791.3 0,1467 790,9
440 0,1643 796,9 0,1563 796,6 0.1490 796.2
450 0,1668 802,1 0, 1587 801,8 0,1513 So1,5
460 0,1693 807,4 0,1610 807.1 0,1536 8u6,8
476 0,1717 812,6 0,1634 812,4 0.1558 812,1
480 0,1742 817.9 0,1657 817,7 0,1581 817,4
490 0,t767 823.2 0,1681 823,0 0. 603 822,7
500 0,1791 828,5 O,3704 828,2 O.1626 826,0
-. 2 .9.
3 QI
p.m 24 ,p ,
- 0
25 am.

220 0,08890 670,1

230 0,09196 677,3 0,08759 675.9 0,08355 674,5
240 0,09487 684.2 0,09041 682,9 0,0s31 681,7
250 0,097"65 690.7 0,09312 689,7 0,3)696 688.6
260 0,1003 697.0 0,09572 696,1 0.09151 695,I
270 0,1029 703,1 0,09827 702.3 0,09397 701,4
280 0,1055 709,0 0,1007 708.3 O,09136 707.5
290 0,1080 714.8 0,1031 714,1 % $09871 713.4
300 0,1104 720,5 0,065 719,8 0,1010 719,2
310 0,1128 726,1 0,1078 725,4 0,1033 724,0

- ,,d
DOC = 80041104 FAGIB -w

Page 83.

320 0,1152 731.7 0. 01 731.0 0. 05 730.5
330 0,1176 737,2 0,1124 736.6 0.1077 736.0
340 0.1199 742.6 0.1147 742,1 0.1099 741,5-
350 0,1222 748,0 0,1169 747,5 0,1120 747.0
360 0,1245 753.4 0,1191 752,9 0.1142 752,4

370 0,1268 758.8 0,1213 758,3 0,1163 757.8

380 0.1290 764,1 0,1235 763,7 0,1184 763.2
390 0,1313 769,4 0.1257 769.0 0,1205 768,6
400 0,1335 774.7 0,1278 774,3 0,1225 773,9
410 0,1358 780,0 0.1299 779.6 0.1246 79,3

470 0,1380 785.3 0,1321 785.0 0.13.66 74.6

430 0,1402 790,69 0,1342 790.3 0,1287 789.9
440 0, 1424 795. 0,1303 795,6 0.1307 795.2
450 O. !446 80t.,2 0.1384 000,I.9 0.1327 goo's
460 0,.1468 806,5 O,.1405 806,2 O,.1347 805.9
47'0 0, 14149 811 .9 0,1426 811.5 0.1367 811.2
480 0.1511 017.1 0O.1447 816,8 0,13147 816,5
490 0,1532 822,4' 0.1467 822,1 0.1407 821,9
500 0154~ B27.7 0.1488 IT7 .4i 0,1427 ()827.2
2 28
p - 26 a p p - ama
230 0,07.81 673,1 0,07634 671,7 0.07309 670.2
240 0. .251 W0.5 0.079n0 679.2 0.07570 677,9
250 0.0"510 687.5 0.08153 686.3 0,07820 685.2
200 0,08759 694.1 0.0'3J6 693.1 0,08059 692,1
k70 0,089n9 700.4 0.08631 099.6 0.08288 696. 7
M. 0.0232 706.6 0.08858 705,8 0,09510 705.0
290 0,09460 712.6 0,0M079 711.9 0,04726 711.1
300 0.09 03 718.4 0.09.195 717.8 0.08937 717.1
310 0,09901 724,2 0.01'ir 723.6 0.09144 722.9
320 0,101. 729.9 0.09718 729,3 0,0.348 728.6
330 0,1033 735,5 0,0925 734.9 0.09549 734.3
340 0,1054 741,0 0.1013 740,5 0.09747 739.9
350 0,1075 716,5 0.1033 746,0 0.09942 745.5
360 0,1095 752,0 0.105.3 751.5 0,1013 751.0
370 0,1116 757.4 0,1073 756.9 0,1033 756.5
380 0,1136 762.8 0,I012 762.4 0.1052 76 1,9
39'0 01156 708.2 0.1112 767.8 0.1071 767, 4
400 1176 773. 5 0.11:11 773,2 0,1(89 772,8
410 OII14; 778,9 0.1I.r0 778.5 0.1108 778.2
420 (,121ti 784.2 0,1170 783,9 0,1126 783,5
430 0,1236 789,6 oJ1I9 789,2 0,1145 788.9
440 0,1255 794,9 0.1208 794.6 0,1163 794,3
450 0.1275 800,3 0,12"6 799,9 0,1181 799,6
460 0.124 805.6 0.1245 805.3 0,1199 805,0
470 0,1314 810,9 0.1204 810.6 0.1217 810.4

480 0.13.33 816,3 0.1282 816,0 0,1235 815.7

410 0.1352 821.6 0,1301 821,3 0,1253 , 21 I
500 0.1371 & 827,0 0,1319 826.7 0.1271 8-64
p m 29 ama p - 30 am, p 31 ama
240 0.07263 676,5 0,06976 675.2 0:06708 673,8
250 0,07510 684,0 0,07220 682,8 0,06947 681.6
260 0,07744 691,1 0,07450 690,0 0,07174 688,9
270 0.07969 697,8 0,07670 696,8 0.07391 695,8
280 0,08186 704,2 0,07883 703,3 0,07599 702,4

, ..
.~~~~~~~ ,.i,,. t
DOC - 80041104 -

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-290 0.08397 710.3 0.08089 709.5 0,0W801 706.7

300 0.08603 716.3 0.08290 715.6 0.07997 714,9
31n 0,08804 722.2 0,08486 721.6 0,08189 720,9
320 0,09002 7A,0 o,08679 727.4 0,0377 726.8
330 0.09197 733.7 0,08869 733,2 0,0562 732.6
340 oM89 ,739.3 0.0M 738.9 o.047 738,3
350 0.079 744.9 0.09240 744.0 0,0694 743.9
360 0.09767 750. 0.09423 750.1 0.09102 749.5
370 0.0994 756.0 0.004 75,6 0.09278 70.5
380 0,114 715 0,0783 731..1 0,0452 760.6
390 0.1032 8,.9 0.o19 7.,5 0,025 86,01
400 0.1050 772.4 0,1014 772,0 'U.09796
410 o. 1068 777.8 o.,1031 777,4 0,0o966 777.0
450 0.12,26 783,2 0,1049 782.8 0.1014 782.5
430 0,104 782,6 0,1066 788,2 0.1034 787.9
440 01122 790,. 0.103 79.1 0,1047 7s7,3
450 0.1139 79.3 0.0I107 799.0 0,1064 798.7
460 0.1157 804,7 0,11I17 804 4 0.1080 904.1
470 0.0174 8101 0.01134 809,s 0.1097 809,5
40 0,1792 815,4 0,0x5 813,2 0,1113 814,9
410 0.1-109 720.2 0.1168 820,6 0,1129 820.3
320 0.12 7.
2.2 185 ) 7825,9 0,.116 82,7
p3- 32 aa p 33 am7" p -34 area
240 0,0645.5 672,4 0,06218 671.1 0,05934 669.8
250 0.06G92 7803 0,06451 679. 0.06224 677.9
3 0 06916 6878 0,0662 68,7 0,0.06442 65,5
270 0.07129 694,8 0.06882 63,9 0.06649 692.8
280 0.07333 701.5 0.070 700.7 0.06847 59.8

290 0.07531 707.9 0,07277 707,2 0.07037 706.4

.300 0,07723 714,1 0,07A65 713,4 0,0722 712,7
310 0,07910 720,2 0,07G40 719,5 0,07402 718.9
320 0,08094 72.1 0,0787 715.5 0,07577 724.9
330 U,0975 732,0 0,0803 787.3 0.U7749 730.8

340 0,09453 737,7 0,08177 737, 0,07919 736.6

350 0,0628 743.4 0.0349 742.9 0.0887 742.4
360 0,1061 709,2 0.028 789 0,0252 748,2
370 0, 0972 754,6 0, 0445 754,2 0,8414 753.8
380 0,09142 760.2 0.08850 759,8 0,08575 759,3

390 0.09310 765,7 0,09014 765,3 0.08735 764.8

20 0,W,41
0.06477 77,6
771.2 0oM37
0,09176 776,2
670.8 0,D9.o
00.0o63 75.9

420 0,0207 782,1 0,01M97 78.7 .06224 781,4

430 0,0D19 757,5 0.056 77.2 0.06361 78,8
440 0.1013 793.0 0,09814
o.09171 792,A 0.09514 79,
450 0.1029
0.104r) 793,
8038 4 0,1013 798,1
803.5 0.0967
0o0919 8M,2
470 0,1061 809.2 oj028 am.9 0.09970 8N.6
0.1012 814.1
825,4 0o59 814.3
0,1044 819,8
0.1042 819,5
p -=35 sma p w 36 area p -37 ame
250 0.0010 Io 676,5 0,05806 675. 1 0,05613 673 a
260 0,06226 I Q44 ,6020 i 6R3,2 0.05826 682,0
270 0.06430 691.8 0,06222 690,8 0,06025 689,7
280 0,06625 698,8 0,06414 697.9 0.06214 697,0
290 06812 1 705.5"r,€ 704.7 0.06396 70519
DOC a 80041104 PAGI A.l''

Page 85.


300 0.06993 711.9 0,06776 711.2 0.06571 710.4

310 0,07169 718,1 0.06949 717.5 0.06741 716,7

320 0.07341 724,2 U.07118 723,6 0.06006 722.9
330 0,07510 730,2 0,07283 729,6 0,07068 729,0
340 0,07676 736,0 0,07445 735,5 0.07227 734,9

350 0,07839 741.8 0,07605 741,3 0,07384 740.8

360 0.08000 747,5 0,07763 747,1 0,07538 7-16,6
370 0,08159 753,2 0,07918 752,8 0,07690 752,3
380 0,08316 758,8 0,08072 758,4 0,07840 758,0
390 0,08472 764,4 0.0F224 764,0 0,07989 .763,6

400 0,08626 770,0 0,08375 769,6 0,08136 769,2

410 0,08779 775,5 0,08524 775,1 0,08282 774.7
420 0,08931 781,0 0,08672 780.6 0,08427 780,3
430 0.09082 786,5 0.08819 786, 1 0,0571 78b,8
440 0,09232 792,0 0,08965 791,6 0,08713 791,3

450 0,00381 797,4 0,09111 797,1 0,08855 796,8

460 0,09529 802,9 0,09255 802,6 0,08996 802,3
470 0,09676 808,3 0,09398 80,I 0,09136 807,8
480 0,09823 813,8 0,09541 813,5 0.09"75 813.2
490 0,09969 819.2 0,09683 81',0 0,09414 818,7
500 0,1011 824,7 0,09824 of 824,4 0,09552 824,2

p,38 ara p--39 ama p . 40aa

250 0,65430 f,72,5 0,D5257 671.1 0,05090 669.7
260 Or0i40 680.9 0.05.1(,6 679.6 0,05297 678.4
270 0,05&15; G88,7 0, 0562 687,6 0,05491 686,5
280 O.0.023 ,96,0 0,05847 695,1 0,05675 694,1
29t) 0,06204 71)2,9 0,06023 702,1 0,05849 701,2

300 0,06376 709,5 0,{692 70,,8 0,06016 708.0

310 0,06543 716,0 0,0(356 715,3 0,06178 714,6
320 0,06706 722.3 0,06516 721.6 0,06335 720,9
330 0,06865 728.4 0,00672 727.7 0,06488 77,
340 0,07021 734,3 0,06825 733,7 0,06638 733,2
350 0,07174 740,2 0,^975 739,6 0,00786 739.2
360 0.07325 746.0 0. 07123 745,5 0,06931 745,0
370 0.07474 751,8 0,072 9 751,3 0.U,074 750.8
380 O,076 , 757.5 0,07.113 757,0 0,071.215 756,6
390 0,07767 763.2 0,075: 762,7 0,07355 762,3
400 0,07911 7,s,8 0.67607 768,4 0,07493 76R.0
410 0,08054 774.4 U.1)7136 774.0 0.07630 773,6
420 0, 08195 779.9 0,C797-1 779.5 0,07765 779.2
430 0,08335 78.,4 0,(,I 785,1 0,07899 784,8
440 0,08474 791,0 0,08'- 7 790,6 0,08032 790.3

450 0,0613 796,5 0, . 82 796,2 0,08164 795.9

460 0,08751 802,0 0,(517 901,7 0,(08295 801.4
470 0,08887 807,5 0,08651 807,2 0,08426 806.9
48 0,09023 812,9 0,08784 812,7 0,08556 812.4
490 0,09158 818,4 0,08916 818,2 0,080685 817,9
Soo 0,09293 823,9 0,09047 823,6 0,08F14 823,4
510 0,09427 829,4 0,09178 829,1 0,08942 828,9
520 0.09560 84,8 0,093P8 834,6 0.09069 8.34,4
530 0,09693 840.3 0,09438 840.1 0,09196 839,8
540 0,09826 8458 0.06eJ8 845.5 0.09322 845,3
550 0,09868 851,2 0,09697 852,0 0,09448 850.8
DOC = 80011104 faC, *I'

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p 42 ama
- p-44 ama p46 anea

260 0.04065 675.8 0,04699 673.2 0,04439 670.5

270 0,05177 684.2 0.04883 681.9 0,04625 679.5
280 0,05356 692,1 0,05065 690.0 0,04799 687.9
290 0,05526 699.5 0,05232 697,6 0,04963. 695,7
300 0,05%89 706.5 0,05392 704,8 0,05119 703,I
310 0.05846 713,2 0,05544 711.6 0,05269 710.1
320 0,06998 719,6 0.05692 718.2 0,0541:3 716,8
330 0,06146 725,9 0. 05836 724,6 0.05553 723,3
340 0,06292 732,0 0.05977 730,8 0.05689 729,6
350 0,06435 738.0 0,06115 736,9 0,05823 735.8
360 0.06575 744.0 0,06250 742.9 0,05954 741.9

370 0.06712 749,9 0.063 13 74R,9 0,06083 747,9
380 0.06848 7.%,7 0,06514 754.8 0.06209 753.8
390 0.06982 761.4 0,06643 760,6 0,06333 759.7
400. 0,07114 767,1 0.06771 766,3 0,06456 765.5
410 0.07245 772,8 0:06897 772.0 0.3578 771.2
420 0.07375 778,4 0.07022 777,7 0,06699 776,9
430 0,07504 784,0 0,07146 783,4 0,06818 782,6
440 0,07632 789,6 0,07268 789,0 0,06936 788.3
450 0,07759 795.2 0.07393 794,6 0,07053 793.9
460 0,078,5 800,7 0,07511 800, 0,07169 799.5
470 0,08020 06,3 0.07631 805.7 0,07284 805.1
480 0.08134 8118 0.07750 81,3 0,07399 810.7
490 0,08257 817.4 0,07808 816,8 0,07513 816,3
500 0.083s0 822,9 0,079,6i 822.3 0,07627 821,9
510 0.03502 828,4 0.08101 827.9 0,07740 827,4
520 0,08624 833.9 0,.08221 833,4 0.07852 832,9
530 0.08746 839.4 0.08:137 838.9 0.07963 838.s
540 0,03,s67 844,9 0.08453 84.1.4 0,08074 844,0
550 0,08:)z7 850,4 0,0851"8 850,0 0.08185 849,5

p = 48 ara p = 50 ma p 52 ama
270 0,043,41 677,1 0,04157 674,7. 0,03949 672,0
280 0,04554 685,8 0,04327 683,6 0,04117 681,3
290 0,04716 693,9 0,0141; 691,9 0,04275 689,9
300 0,04869 701,4 0,0t637 699.7 0.04124 697,9
310 0,05015 706,5 0,0478 707,.0 0.04565 705,4
320 0,05156 715,3 0.04919 714,0 0.04700 712.5
330 0.05292 721,9 .05052 720.7 0.04830 719,3
340 0.05424 728,4 0,05181 727,2 0.04956 725,9
350 0,05555 734,7 0,05307 733,6 0,05)79
360 0,05662 740,8 0.05431 739.8 0,03 0 738,7
370 0.05806 746,9 0,05552 745.9 0,05318 744,9
380 0.05928 752,9 0.05671 751,9 0,05433 751.0
390 0,060.50 753,9 0.05788 757.9 0,05516 757.0
400 0.06169 764,7 0,05003 763.8 0.5658 762,9
410 0,06286 770,4 0,06017 769,6 0,05769 768,8
420 0.06402 776,2 0,06130 775.4 0,05378 774.7
430 0,06517 781,9 0,06241 781.2 0,05936 780,5
440 0,06631 787,6 0,05351 786.9 0,06092 786.2
450 0.06744 793.3 0,06460 792.6 0,06193 791,9
460 0.06856 798,9 0,0658 798,2 0,06303 797,6
DOC - 8001111041 f1GB

Page 87.

470 0.06%67 804.5 0,06675 8M3.9 0.06406 803,3
480 0.07078 810,1 0,06782 809,6 0,06509 809,0
s0 0.07188
0,07297 815.7
821.3 0,06888
0,06993 815.2
820,8 0,06611
0,06713 . 814,5
510 9,07405 826.9 0,07098 826,4 0.06814 825,9

520 0.07513 832.4 0,07202 832.0 0,06915 831,5

530 0,07621 838,0 0.07305 837.5 0.07015 837,1
540 0,07728 843.6 0,07408 843,1 0.07114 842.7
550 0,07834 849,1 0,07511 848,7 0.07213 848,3

p =54 ama p - 56 ama p -58 ama

270 0,03754 669,3 0.03571 666,6
280 0.0922 679,0 0,03739 676,5 0,03566 674,0
290 0,04070 687.8 0.03895 685.6 0,03723 683,5
300 0,04225 696,0 0.04041 694,1 0,03868 692,2
310 0,04364 703,7 0,04178 702,0 0,04004 700,3

320 0.04497 711,0 0.04308 709,4 0,04132 707,9

330 0,04625 717.9 0,04433 716.5 0,04256 715.1
340 0,04748 724,6 0. 04555 723,4 0,04.374 722,0
350 0,04868 731,2 0.04672 730,0 0,04489 728,8
360 0,04985 737.6 0,04787 736,5 0,04601 735.4
370 0,05100 743.9 0,04899 742,8 0,04710 741,8
380 0,05213 750.0 0,05009 749,0 0,04817 748,1
390 0. W323 756, 1 0,05116 755,j 0,04922 754,3
400 0,05432 762,1 0,05221 761,2 0,05025 760.4
410 0,05539 768.0 0,05325 767,2 0.05126 766.4

420 0,05645 773.9 0,05428 773,1 0.05226 772.4

430 0,05749 779,7 0,05530 779,0 0,05325 778.3
440 0.05352 785,5 0,05630 784,8 0,05423 784,2
450 0,05951 791,3 0,05729 790.6 0,05520 790,0
4W 0,06056 797.0 0,05827 796,4 0,05615 795,7

470 0,06157 802,7 0,05925 802.1 0.05709 801,5

480 0,06257 808,4 0,06022 807,8 0,05803 807,2
490 0,06356 814.0 0,06118 813,5 0,05896 813,0
500 0.06454 819,7 0,06213 819,2 0,05938 818,7
510 0,06552 825.4 0,()6308 824.9 0,06080 824,4

520 0,0r6649 831.0 0,06402 8,305 0.06171 830,0

530 0.06745 836,7 0,0645 836,2 0,06262 835,7
540 0,06841 842,3 0,(065s8 841,8 0,06352 841.3
550 0,0i937 847,9 0,06681 847,4 0,06442 847,0

p-60 ama p = 62 aa p 64 ama

260 0.03405 671,2 00.3252 668,5 0,03111 665,9
:93 0,0352 681.3 0,03,109 679,0 0,03267 676.6
sO0 0,03705 690,3 0,03553 688.3 0,0,3409 686,2
310 0,03840 698,6 0,03687 696,8 0.03-542 695,0
320 0,03967 706,4 0,03813 704,7 0,0,3666 703,1
330 0,04088 713,8 0.03932 712,2 0,03785 710,7
340 0.04204 720,8 0,04046 719,4 0,03898 718.0
350 0,04316 727,6 0,04157 726,4 0,04007 725,1
360 0,04426 734.2 0,04265 733,1 0.04113 732,0
370 0,04534 740,7 0.04370 739,7 0,04216 738.6
DOC - 80041104 EGi -

Page 88.


380 0,04639 747,1 0,04472 746,1 0.04316 745.1

390 0.04741 753,3 0,04572 752,4 0,04414 751,5
400 0,04842 759.5 0,04670 758.6 0.04510 757.7
410 0.04941 765.6 0,04767 764.7 0,04604 7G3,9
420 0.05038 771,6 0.04862 770.8 0,04697 770.0

430 0.05134 777.5 0,04955 776.8 0.04788 776.0

440 0.05229 783.4 0,5048 782.7 0,04878 782,0
450 0.05323 789.3 0,05140 788.6 0.04967 787.9
460 0.05416 795.1i 0,05230 7t4.5 0,05056 793.8
470 0.05508 800,9 0,053-20 800,3 0,05143 799,7
480 O05599 806,7 0,05409 806.1 0.05230 805,5
490 0.056A9 812,5 0,05496 811,9 0,05315 811,3
500 0.05779 818.2 0.05583 817,7 0,C5400 817.1
510 0,05868 823,9 0,05670 823,4 0,05484 822,8
520 0.05957 829,5 0.05756 829,1 0,05568 828.6

530 0.06045 835.2 0.05841 834,8 0,05651 834.3

540 0,06132 840,9 0.05926 840.4 0,05733 840.0
50 0,06219 846.5 0,06011 846.1 0,0515 845 7

p-66 ama p - 68 ama p - 70 ama

290 0.03131 674,1 0.03002 671.5 0.02880 668,9
300 0,03274 684,1 0,03116 681,9 0,03025 679,6
310 0,034106 693.1 0,03278 691.2 0,03156 689,2
320 0.0350 701.4 0,03401 6q9,7 0.03278 698.0
330 0.03647 709.2 0,03517 707,7 0,03393 706,2
340 0,03738 716,7 0.03627 715,3 0,03502 713.9
350 ,03,865 723,9 0.03732 722,6 0,03606 721.3
360 u,03969 730.8 0,03834 729,6 0,03706 728,4
370 0,04070 737.5 0.03933 736,4 0,.3804 735,3
380 0,04168 744.1 O,0.030 7431 0,03899 742,0
390 0.01264 750.5 0,04124 749,7 0,03992 748,7
40 0,04359 756.8 0,04216 756,0 0,04082 755,1
410 0,04451 763,0 0,04306 762,2 0,04171 761,4
420 0.04.42 769.2 0,04395 768,4 0,04258 767,6
430 0,04631 775.3 0,04483 774.5 0,04343 773,8

440 0.04719 781,3 0,04569 780.6 0,04427 779,9

450 O,0.t,406 787,3 0.04654 786,6 0,04510 785,9
460 0,04892 793,2 0,04738 792,6 0,04592 791,8
470 0,04977 799.1 0,04821 798,5 0,04673 797,8
480 0.05061 805.0 0,04903 804,4 0,04753 803.8

490 0.05144 810,8 0,0494 810.2" 0,04833 809,7

500 0.05 27 816.6 0.05065 816,0 0.04912 815.5
510 0,0r309 82?2,4 0,05145 821.8 0.04990 821.3
520 0.05391 828,1 0,05224 827,6 0,05067 827.1
530 0.05472 833,8 0,05303 833,3 0,05144 832.9

540 0.05552 839.5 0,05381 839,1 0,05220 838,7

550 0.05632 0845.2 0,05459 844.8 0.05296 0844.4

p - 72 ana p - 74 ama p - 76 ama

290 0,02763 666.2 0, 02652 663,2
300 0,02909 677,3 0,02799 675,0 0.02694 672.6
310 0,03040 687.3 0,02931 685.3 0,02825 683,2
320 0.0.162 696.3 0,03052 694.5 0,02946 692,6
330 0,03276 704,6 0,03165 703,0 0.03059 701,3
DOC = 8001111011 NAGI -6.

Page 89.


340 0,03384 712.4 0.03272 7M1,0 0,03166 709.5

350 0,03487 719,9 0,03374 718,6 0,03267 717,3
360 0,03586 727,2 0.03472 725.9 0,03364 724.7
370 0.0382 734,2 0,03566 733,0 0,03457 731,9
380 0,03775 741.0 u,03658 739,9 0,03547 738.9
390 0.0.-6 747.6 0.03748 746,6 0,03635 745,7
400 0,0355 754.1 0,03835 753.2 0,03721 .752,3
410 0.04042 760,5 0,03920 759,7 0,03805 758,8
420 0.04127 766.8 0.04003 766,0 0.03887 765.2
430 0.04211 773,0 u, 04085 772,2 0,03967 771.5
440 0,04293 779.1 0,04166 778,4 0,04046 777,7
450 0,04374 785,2 0,042.16 784.5 0,04124 783,9
460 0.0445 791.2 0.01325 790,6 0.04201 790.
470 0,04534 797,2 0,04402 796,6 0,04277 796,0
480 0,04612 803,2 0,04479 802,6 0,04352 802,0
490 0,04690 809.1 0.04535 808,5 0,04426 807.9
500 0,04767 815,0 0,04630 814.4 0,04500 813,9
510 0,04843 820,8 0,04704 820,3 0,04573 819.8
520 0,04919 826,6 0,04778 826.1 0,04645 825.6
530 0,04994 832,4 0,04852 831.9 0,04717 831,5
540 0.05068 838,2 0,04925 837,7 0,047A8 837.3
550 0.05142 843,9 0,04997 1 843.5 0,0485U CD
p=78 ama p - 80 ama p -,82 ama
300 0,02593 670.0 0,02497 667,4 0,02404 664.7
J10 0,0272t6 681,0 0,02631 678,9 0,02540 676,6
320 0,02847 690,8 0,02752 688,8 0.02661 046,9
330 0,02959 699,7 0,02864 697,9 0,02773 696.3
31 0.,M34 708,0 0.02968 706.5 u,02877 705.0
350 0,03164 715,9 0,03(r7 714,6 0,02975 713,2
3013 0,03260 723.5 0,03162 722,3 0,03069 720,9
J70 0.03352 730,8 0,0325.1 729,6 0,03159 7 ,4
380 0,03441 737,8 0,0:3342 736,7 0,03246 735.6
390 0,03528 744,7 0.03427 743,6 0.03330 742.6
400 0,03613 751.4 0,0.3510 750.- 0,03412 749,3
410 0,03695 757.9 0,03591 757.0 0.03491 756,0
420 03; 76 764.3 0,03li70 763,5 0.03-570 762.C
430 0, 0)38-55 770, 7 O00.37748 709,9 0.03646 769.1I
440 0,03,9.Q, 777.0 0,038-24 776.2 0,03721 775,5
450 O0.04009 783,2 0. 0R389)9 782,4 0.03795 78f,.8
4b0 0.0408(-1 789,3 0, 03973 788,6 O,(1' 7-,&q.J;
470 O.,04159 795,4 0,04().16 794,7 0,0-1940 794.1I
480 0,0423 801,4 0,04119 800, 0,04010 R0.2
490 0,04305 807.4 0.04190 8W,8a 0.04080 806,2
Soo 0.04377 8133 0,04260 812,8 0,04149 812,2
510 0,04448 819.2 0,043,30 818,7 0,04217 811,2
520 0,04519 825,1 0,04399 824,6 0,04285 824,1I
530 0,01589 I 831,0 0,04468 830,5 0, 04:!.3 830.0
540 0,04659 I 836,8 0,04.536 836,4 0.04419 835,9
550 0,04728 842.6 0,04604 )842,2 0,04485 841.8
p -= 84 area p =- 86 area p ,= 88 am,,
300 0.02315 1 661.9 0,012230 659,0
310 0,02452 674,3 0,02368 671,8 0.02286 669,4
320 0.02574 684,9 0,02490 682, 8 0,02410 680,8
3,30 0.026M, 694.5 0,02602 692.7 0.02522 690,9
340 0,07789 703.4 0,02705 701.8 0.02626 1 700,2
DOC z 80041104 IGI -*I-

Page 90.


350 0,02887 711,7 0,02802 710,3 0,02722 708,9

360 0.02980 719,6 0,02895 718,3 0,02814 717,1
370 0,03069 727,2 0, 02983 726,0 0.02901 724,8
380 0,03155 734,5 0,03068 733,4 0,02985 732,3
390 0,03238 741,6 0,03150 740,6 0,03066 739,6

400 0.03319 748,5 0,03230 747,5 0,03145 746,6

4 to 0,03398 755,3 0,03307 754,3 0,03222 753,6
420 0.03475 761,9 0.03382 761,0 0.03295 760.2
430 0,03550 768.4 0,03457 767,6 0,0.368 766,8
440 0,03624 774,8 0,03530 774,0 0,03440 773,3

450 0,03696 781,1 0,03601 780,3 0,03510 779,7

460 0,03767 787,3 0.03671 786.6 0,03579 786.0
470 0.0,437 793.5 0.03740 792.8 0 0.3647 792.2
480 0.03907 799.6 0,0.1808 799.0 0.03714 798,4
490 0,13975 805,7 0,03875 805,1 0,03780 804,5
500 0.04043 811,7 0,03942 811,1 0,038.16 810,6
510 0,04111 817,7 0,04008 817.1 0,03911 816,6
520 0.04177 823.6 0.04073 823,1 0,03975 822,6
530 0,04243 829,5 0.04138 829,1 0,04038 828,6
540 0,04308 8.35,4 0,04202 835.0 0,04101 834,5
550 0,04373 0841.3 0.04265 840,9 0,04163 840,4
p - 90 ama p - 92 ama p = 94 ama

310 0.02209 666,9 0,02132 664.2 0.02059 661.4

320 0,02333 678,6 0.02253 676.4 0,02187 674,1
330 0,02446 689.0 0.02371 687,1 0,0300 85.'2
340 0.02550 698,5 0,02474 696,8 0.02403 G95,1
350 0,02645 707,3 0.02570 705.8 0,02499 704,3

360 0.02736 715.6 0,01661 714,1 0,02589 712,9

370 0,02823 72.1,5 0,02747 722,2 0,02675 721,0
380 0,02906 731,1 0,02830 7:30,0 0,02756 728,9
390 0.02987 738,5 0,02909 737.5 0,02835 736.4
400 0.03065 745,6 0,02986 744,6 0,02911 743,7
410 0.03140 752,5 0,03060 751.6 0,029g5 750.7
420 0.03213 759,4 0,03133 758,4 0,03057 757,6
430 0,03285 766.0 0.03204 7615,1 0,03127 764,4
440 0.03.356 772,5 0,03273 771,7 0,03195 771.0
450 0,03425 778.9 0,03341 778,2 0,03262 777.5
460 0.03493 785.2 0.03408 784,6 0,03327 783.9
470 O,03559 791.5 0.03474 790,9 0.03:392 790.2
480 0 03625 797,7 0.035:19 797,1 0,03456 796,5
490 0,03690 803.9 0.0.1603 803.3 0,0:3519 802,7
500 0,03754 810,0 0.03665 809,5 0,03581 808,9
510 0.03818 816,t 0.03728 815,6 0,03642 815,0
520 0,03881 822,1 0,03790 821.6 0,03703 821.1
5.30 0.03943 828,1 0,0.3851 827,6 0,03763 827,1
540 0.04005 834.1 0,03911 833,6 0,03823 833,1
550 0,04066 840,0 0,03971 839,5 0,03882 839,1
p-96 ama p=98 ara p = a00I
310 0,01988 658,6 0,01919 655,6 0,01852 652.5
320 0.02118 671,8 0,0.051 669,4 0,01986 666,9
330 0,02231 683,4 0,02165 681,2 0,02102 679.0
340 0.02335 693,4 0,02269 691,6 0,02206 689,8
350 0,02431 702,7 0,02365 701,2 0.02301 699,6
DOC = 800 110 FkGB ..A.-

Page 91.


360 0.02520 711.5 0.02452 710,1 0,02390 708.6

0,02605 719.8 0,02539 718.5 0.02475 717.1
380 0.02688 727,7 0.02619 726,5 0,02555 725,3
390 0.02765 735,3 0,02696 734,2 0.02631 733,1
400 0,02840 742,6 0.02771 741,6 0.02705 740,6

410 0.02912 749.7 0.02843 748.8 0,02776 747,9

420 0.02983 756.7 0.02913 755.8 0.02845 755.0
430 0.03052 76.3.5 0,02961 762,7 O0'2913 761,9
440 0.03120 770,2 0,03048 769.5 0,02979 768,7
450 0,03187 776,8 0,03113 776,1 0,03043 775.4

.460 0.03252 783,3 0,03177 782,5 0.03106 781.9

470 0.03315 789.7 0,03240 788,9 0,03168 788.3
480 0.03377 796.0 0,03301 795,2 0,03228 794.7
490 0.03439 802.2 0.03362 801.5 0.03288 801.0
500 0,03500 808,3 0,03423 807.8 0.03348 807.2

510 0.03560 814.5 0,03483 814.0 0.03407 813.4

$20 0.03620 820.6 0. 03541 820.1 0.03-64 819,6
530 0,03679 826,6 0.03599 826,2 0.03521 825.7
,40 0.03738 832.6 0,03656 832,2 0,03578 831.7
5.50 0.0.3796 838.6 0.03713 838.2 0.03634 837.7

320 0- 6 0 0,03689 843.7

570 6.. 0,03744 8697
340 0..3 0,03792 855.7
3590 0... 0.03 953. 861.6
60 -704. 0 0 70-- 0.0397 (0867.5
p0 105 a3a p., 110 a0a 0. - 1175am
320 0.01834 60,2 0.016,7 653.0 0.01549 645.0
330 00952 673,6 0,01812 67,8 0,016180 6615.
340 0,02056 685,2 0,01919 WO,3 0,01792 675,0
350 0,02152 695,5 0.02016 691.2 0,01890 740,7
360 o,02'241 704.9 0,02105 701,6 0.01973 6972,
370 0,02725 713,8 0,02107 710,4 0.02061 706,9
380 0,02404 722,3 O.02670 764.8 0,02536 776,8
450 0,02479 730,3 0.02330 727,5 0.0211 724.6
400 0,02551 7,38,0 0, 02410 735,4 O.,02-'231 732.8
410 0.02621 745,5 0,02178 743,1 0,02348 740,7
470 0,000 752,7 0.02544 750.6 0,02412 748.3
430 O,0:2753 759,8 0.02608 757.8 0,02475 755.6
440 .026 79,7 0,02670 764.8 0,12536 762,8
450 0,02,,78 77,5 0,02730 7717, 0.02595 769.8
460 0.02910 780,3 0.0279 778,4 0,02952 776.6
470 0.03000 866 0.02847 85.0 0.02708 783,3
480 0.03059 793, 0.02304 7915 0,02763 789.9
490 0.03117 799,5 0.02%9 79,0 0.0217 70265
500 0.03174 805.9 0,03015 8044, 0,02871 803,0
510 0,03230 812.7 0,03070 810,7 0,02924 804.4
520 0,03286 818,3 0,0312 817.0 0,02976 815,7
540 0.03341
O. 0335 824,5
830.6 0.03177
0.03229 823.2
829,4 0.03027 822,0
O, 03078 828,2
550 0,0349 M36.7 0.03'2st 835.s 0,03125 834,4
560 0, 03502 842.7 0.03332 841,6 0,.03177 840,5
570 O,03,55- 848,7 0, 0338 847.7 0,03226 M6
. 60 k),03600 854, 0.03434 853,8 0.03275 &52.7
390 ",03660 860.7 0.03484 859.8 0.03323 858,7
00 0,03711 856.6 0,03533 865.8 0,03371 864.7

L ,, . ~.'
,, . • '_. .. .
DOC a 800411104 EASE -sv-

Page 92.


p 1220 A p- 125 ame p- 130

330 0.01557 654.6 0,01439 646,9 0,01326 638.5

340 0.01674 669,4 0.01563 663,4 0.01453 656.9
350 0,01772 682.0 0.01664 677.0 0.01560 671.7
360 0.01862 693.1 0,01754 688,8 0.01653 684,3
370 0.01945 703.3 0,01837 699.5 0.01736 695.6

380 0.02022 712,7 0,01914 709.4 0.01813 705.9

390 0,02094 721,6 0,01986 718.6 0,01885 715.4
400 0.02163 730,0 0. 02054 727.2 0. 01952 724.4
410 0.02229 738.2 0,02119 735,9 0,02016 732.9
420 0,02292 745.9 0,02181 743,5 0,02077 741.1

430 0.02353 753.4 0,02240 751.2 0.02136 749.0

440 0.02412 760.7 0.02297 758.7 0,02193 756,6
450 0, 02469 767.8 .0''353 765,9 0,02248 763,9
460 0,02525 774,8 0.024(18 773,0 0.02301 771.1
470 0,02580 780,7 ,2462 779.9 0.02353 778.2

480 0,02634 78,4 0.02515 786,7 0.02404 785.1

490 0.02i87 795.0 0.02567 793.4 0.02455 791,9
500 0,02739 801.5 0,02617 800,0 0.02504 798,6
510 0.02790 808.0 0,02666 806.6 0.02552 805,2
520 0.02840 814.4 0,02715 813,1 0.02599 811.7

5.30 0.02890 820.7 0.02763 819,5 0.02646 818.2

540 0.02939 827,0 0.02811 825.8 . 02692 824,6
550 0.023%7 3,2 0.02856 m3, 3 , 02738 8W.9
560 0,03035 839,4 0. 0204 838,3 0,02783 837,2
570 0, 03082 845,5 0.02950 844.5 0,02827 843,4

580 0,03129 851,6 0,02995 850,7 0,02871 849.6

590 0,03176 857,7 0,03040 856.8 0,02915 855,8
600 0,03222 863,8 0,03085 862.9 0.02958 861,9
0 2o
p=135 ama p-14 A 145 ama
340 0.01352 649.9 0,01254 642,2 0.01158 633,6
13W 0,01464 666.1 0.01373 660.1 0,01284 653,6
360 0.015,m 679,6 001469 674.7
687.3 0,01386
0.01474 669,5
370 0.01642 691.5 0,01554
380 0,0720 702,3 0,01631 698,6 0,01552 694,8

390 0,01792 712.2 0.01702 708,9 0.01623 705.5

400 0,01858 721.5 0.017G9 718.5 0.o1689 715.5
410 0.01921 730,3 0,01832 727.6 0,01751 724.9
420 0,01981 738.7 0,01892 736,2 0,01810 733,7
430 0,020:39 746,7 0.01949 744,4 0,01866 742,1

440 0.02095 754,4 0,02004 752,3 0,01920 750,2

450 0.02149 761,9 0,0057 759.9 0,01972 758.0
460 0.02202 769,3 0,02109 767.4 0.02022 765. 5
470 0.0225-1 776,5 0,02159 774,7 0,02071 772,%
480 0.02303 783,5 0,02208 781,8 0,02119 780.2

490 0, 02351 790,4 0.02255 788.8 0,02166 787.3

500 0,02399 797.1 n,0230 2 795.6 0.02212 794.2
510 0.02446 803,8 u,02348 802.3 0,02257 802,0
520 0.02492 810.4 0,02393 809.0 0.02301 807.7
530 0,02538 816,9 0.02437 815,8 0,02344 814.3
DOC = 80041104 PIGS 4U

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540 0.02583 823.,4 0,02481 822.1 0.02387 820.9

550 0.02627 829.8 0.02524 828.5 0.02429 827.4
560 0,02671 836,1 0.02567 834.9 0,02470 833.8
570 0.02714 842,4 0,02609 841.3 0.02511 840.2
580 0,02757 848,6 0,02650 847.6 0.02551 846.6
590 0.02799 854.8 0.02691 853.8 0,02591 852.9
600 0.02841 861,0 0.02732 860.0 0.02631 859.!

p - 150 aa p-15ama p - 160 ama

350 0.01108 646.8 0,01114 639.5 0.01033 630.9
.360 0.01307 664,1 0,01230 658.4 0.01151 652.2
370 0,01396 678.4 0.01321 673.9 0.01247 668.9
380 0.01'475 691.0 0.01401 687.0 0.01330 62.8
390 0,01546 702.2 0,01473 698,7 0,01403 695.0
400 0,01611 712,4 0.01539 709.3 0.01469 706.0
410 0,01672 722,0 0.01r00 719.2 0.01531 716.2
420 0.01730 731,1 0,01656 728.5 0.01589 725,8
430 0,01786 739.7 0,01713 737.3 0,01643 734,9
440 0,01840 747.9 0,01766 745,7 0.01695 743.3
450 0,01892 755.9 0,01817 753,8 0,01746 751,7
460 0,01942 7636, 0,01866 761,7 0,01795 7.7
470 0,01990 771,3 0,01913 7694 0,01842 767,5I
480 0.02037 778,4 0.01959 776,8 0.01887 775.0
490 0,0223 8785,6 0,022W 7-8,0 0,01%31 72
50 0,02127 792.6 0.0204 791,1 0,01974 789.6
560 0,02171 795 0,02091 798.1 0.02016 73,7
520 0,02214 806,3 0.02133 805,0 0.0057 803.6
s580 0.02257 8130. 0,02174 811,8 0,02098 810.4
540 0,02298 819.6 0.02215 818.5 0,02138 817.2
w60 0,02339 826.2 0,0224 825.1 0.02177 823,9
S60 0.02379 832.7 0,02295 831,6 0,02215 830.5
,.580 0,02419
0.024.59 870,1
845.5 0,02334
0,02372 838,1 0,0253 87.0
844.5 0,02291 R43.5
590 O.,U2498 851,9 0.02410 850.9 O.02328 849.9
•6m - 0,025-36 853.2 0.0;2448 8,57,2 0,.02365 856.2
630 0,02574 864,4 0,02485 863,6 0,02401 862.6
630 0.02612
0,02649 870,7
876.8 0,02522
02559 869,8 0,0246 88,91
D. 876,0 O,.02472 875,
640 0,02686 883.0 0,02594 882,2 0,02507 881,3
50 0,02723 889.1 0.02630 888.3 0.02542 887,4

p- 165 a-a p- 175 am.

350 0,00953 620.7
360 0.01081 645.5 0,01011 6.38.0 0,00939 629,4
370 0,01182 663.5 0.01116 657.7 0.01052 651,6
380 0,01267 678,3 0,01203 673,6 0.01143 668,8
390 0,01341 691.2 0,01278 687.1 0.01219 683.1
400 0,01407 702,7 0,01345 699.2 0,01286 .695.
410 0,01468 713,2 0,01406 710,0 0,01348 706.9
420 0,01525 723.1 0,01463 720.2 0.01406 717,4
430 0.01579 732.4 0,01517 729,8 0.01460 727.2
440 0,01630 741.2 0.01569 738,9 0.01510 736.5
DOC - 80041104 PAGE

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450 0.01680 749,7 0,01618 747.5 0.01558 745.3

I 460
500 0,01904 788,0 0.018,39 786,4 0.01777 784.9
510 0.01945 795.2 0,01879 793,7 0,01817 792.2
520 0,01986 802,2 0,01919 n0,8 0,01856 799,4
530 0,02026 809,1 0,01958 807.8 0.01894 806.5
540 0,02065 815,9 0.01996 814.7 0.01931 813.S
550 0,02103 822.6 0,02034 821,5 0.01968 820,3
560 0,02141 829.3 0.02071 828,2 0,02004 827,&
570 0,02178 835.9 0,02107 834.8 0,02040 833.7
580 0,02215 842,4 0.02143 841,4 0,02075 840.3
590 0,02251 848,9 0,02178 847.9 0,02110 846.9
600 0,02287 858.3 0,02213 854,3 0,02144 853.4
610 0.02322 861,7 0,02248 860,8 0,02178 M, go
620 0.02357 868,0 0,02282 867,1 0.02211 8%.,Z
630 0,02192 874,3 0,02315 873.4 0.02244 872.6
640 0,02426 8N0.5 0.02349 879,7 0.02277 878.9'
650 0.02460 836.8 0,02382 886.0 0,023C9 885,2

p= lO aMa p -185 ana p - 9O ama

360 0,00A66 619,7 0,00789 608.5 0,00702 593,A

370 0. )9o 645.0 0 00929 6,37.8 0,00868 629.9
380 0.01085 663,0 0.01029 658,j 0.00074 652.4
390 0,01162 678,7 0.01107 674.1 0.01055 669,5
400 0.01230 691.8 0,01177 687.8 0,01126 683.9
410 0.01292 703.5 0,01240 700.1 0,01189 696,6
420 0,01,350 714,3 0,01297 711,3 0,01247 708.?
430 0.01.104 724,5 0.01351 721,7 0.01301 718,9
440 0.01455 734,1 0,01402 731.5 0,01352 728.9
450 0,01503 743.1 0,01450 740,8 0,01100 738,4
460 0.01549 751,7 0.01496 749.6 0,01445 747,4
470 0.01593 759,9 0,01539 758.0 0,01488 756,
4,40 0.01636 767,9 0.015,1 766.1 0.01530 764.3
40' 0.01678 775.7 0,01 622 774,0 0.01571 772,3
500 0,01718 783.3 0.01662 781.7 0,01610 780.1

510 0.01757 790.7 0,01701 789,2 0,01648 787,7

520 0.01795 738.0 0.01738 796,5 0,01685 795,r
530 0,01833 805,! 0,01775 803,7 0,01722 802,4
540 0,01870 812,1 0.01812 810,8 0,01758 809,6.
550 0.01906 819,0 0,018M8 817,8 0,01793 816,7
560 0.01942 825.8 0.01883 824,7 0.01827 823.6,
570 0,01977 832,6 0,01917 831,5 0.01860 830,4
530 0.02011 839.3 0.01951 838,2 0.01893 837,3
590 0.02045 845.9 0,01984 844,8 0.01926 843.
600 0,02079 852.4 0,02017 851.4 0,01959 850,4
610 0.02112 858.9 0,02049 858,0 0.01990 857.1-
620 0,02145 85.3 0.0 281 864,5 0,02021 863.63
6.30 0,02177 871,7 0,02113 870,9 0.0202 870.0%
640 0,02209 878,1 0.02145 877.2 0,02083 876,4
650 0.02240 884,4 0,02176 883,6 0,02114 882.&
DOC = 80041104 FAGR rZY

Page 95.

p- 196 pa-200 p-210 a
370 0.00807 621.0 0,00746 610,9 0.005 7 582,6
380 0,00921 646.1 0,00870 639,6 0.00766 624,9
390 0.01005 664.6 0,00957 659,4 0.00866 648.4
400 0.01078 679.9 0,01031 675,4 0.00941 666,5
410 0,01142 693,j 0.01095 689.4 0,01008 681.8

420 0.01200 706.0 0.0115,3 701.8 0.01068 695.1

430 0.01254 716,0 0,01207 713,1 0.01122 707.1
440 0.01304 72 , 3 0.01258 723.7 0.01172 718,3
450 0.01352 736.0 0,01,305 733,6 0,01219 728,7
460 0,01397 745,2 0,01350 742.9 0,01264 738,4

470 0.01440 753.9 0.0133 751.8 0.01307 747.6

480 0.01481 762,3 0.01434 760.4 0,01:348 756.5
490 0.01521 770,5 0.01474 768,7 0,01387 765,1
500 0.03560 778,5 0,01513 776.8 0.01424 773,4
510 0,0159 786.2 0.01550 784.6 0.01460 781,4

520 0.016.35 793.7 0,01586 792,2 0.01495 789.2

530 0.01671 801,0 0.01621 799.6 0,01530 796.8
540 0.01706 808.3 0.01656 806.9 0.01564 804.3
550 0,01740 815.4 0,01690 814,0 0.0157 811.6
560 0.01773 822.4 0.01723 821.1 0.01629 818.8

570 0.01806 829.3 0.01755 829.1 0,01660 825,3

580 0.0.3)) 836&1
t35,o ,06.787 0.01691 B32.5.
590 0.01871 842.8 0,01819 841.8 0.01722 839.7
600 0.01903 849.5 0.01850 848.5 0,01752 846.5
610 0.01934 856.1 0,01880 855.2 0.01781 853.3

620 0.01965 862.7 0.01910 861,7 0.01810 859.9

630 0.01995 869,2 0.01940 868.3 0.01839 86.5
640 0.02025 875.6 0,01970 874.8 0.01868 873,1
660 0.02055 882.0 0,02000 381,2 0,01896 879,6


p -220220a- p=-220
380 0.00661 606,3 510 0.,0379 78.3 640 0.01775 871,4
3,M) 0,90778 636.0 520 0,01413 786, 2 650 0.01802 878.0
400 0.00857 657,1 SM 0,01447 794,0 660 0.01829 8M,5
410 0,00917 673.9 540 0,01480 801,6 670 0,03855 890,9
420 0.00968 68,2 50 0,01512 809,0 680 0,01881 897,4
430 0,91043 701,0 560 0.01543 816.3 690 0,01907 903.8
440 0,,064 712,8 570 0,01574 823,5 700 0.01933 910,2
450 0,01141 723.7 58 0 0,01604 .30,6 730 0.0159 916.6
460 0.01185 733.8 5m 0,01,4 8.7.6 720 0,0,15 922.8
470 0.01227 743 600 0,01663 844.5 730 0,02010 929.2
480 0,01268 757.' 610 0,01692 851,4 740 0,02035 91,4
490 0.01307 761.35 620 0.01719 8,.1 750 0.02060 941.6
500 0.01344 770.1 430 0.01747 864.8

-, a+ -,,(o66,S) .
DOC = 80041105 EAGE 30:3

Pages 96-104.

7..] W 1.i~v
. V.MQ.ff
p ..3 p - 240 gan p 25Q.
0 0.0007991 5,4 0,0009897 5,7 0,0008 82 5.9
10 020009901 15.2 0,09297 15.5 0.0009892 15,7
20 LO0J97 25.1 0,0009916 25.3 0,0009912 25,5
30 0.0009947 34.9 0,0009944 35,1 0, 0009940 35.3
40 0,0009982 44.7 0. 0009978 44,9 0,0009974 45,1

50 0.0010023 54,6 0.0010019 54,8 0,0010015 55.0

60 0.0010071 64,4 0.0010067 64,6 0,0(010062 64.8
70 0.0010125 74.3 0,0010121 75.5 0.0010116 74.7
$0 0.00101)5 84,2 .00I01l9 '34,4 0,0010176 84.6
9O 0.010251 94.2 0,0010247 94,4 0,0010242 94,6
100 0.0010323 104.2 0,0010318 104.4 0,0010314 104.6
10 0.001040(0 114,2 0.0010395 114,4 0.00L0391 114.5
120 0.0010483 124.2 0.0010478 124.4 0,0010473 124.5
130 0.0010572 134.2 0,0010567 134.4 0,0010561 134,5
140 0. 01)10.66 144,3 0,001ow1 144,4 0,0010155 144.6
150 0.0010766 154.4 0,0010760 154.5 0,0010754 154,7
160 0.0010873 164.5 0,0101(O 164.6 0.00108(60 164,8
170 0, 00109.(6 174,7 0,0010979 174,8 0.0010972 174.9
180 0.0011106 184.9 0,0011099 185,0 0.0011092 185.0
190 0.U,01134 195.2 0,0011226 195.3 0,0011219 195,5
200 0.0011370 205.6 0.0011362 205,7 0,0011354 20.5.8
210 o.0011515 216,1 0,0(W11506 16,2 0,0011497 216,3
220 0.0011670 226,7 0.0011660 226.8 0.0011650 226,9
230 0.0011835 237,5 0,0011825 237,6 0,0011814 237,6
240 0.0012015 248.4 0.0012004 248.5 0,0011992 248,5

250 0,0012210 259,5 0.0012197 259,6 0.0012183 259.6

260 0,0U12422 270.8 0,0012407 270,8 0.0012391 270,8
270 0,00 12655 282.2 0,0012fi37 282,2 0,0011219 282,2
. 1,1JO12911 293.9 0,0012S90 293.9 o.0012809 293.8
290 0,0013195 305.8 0,0013171 305,8 0.0013147 305,7
300 0,0013517 318.1 0.0013488 318,0 0,0013460 317.9
310 0.00W389 3.30,8 0,(Y13.45 330,7 0,001382 330.5
320 0,00143t 344.2 0,00(427 3-13.9 0,UU1423 343.6
330 0,.0014,3 3A, 00 1477
0. 357.7 0,X)1471 357.3
340 0,U01514 373,1 0, 001.536 372.5 0,001528 371.9
350 0.001623 3.49,7 0.00(1611 388.7 0,001600 387,8
360 0.001730 40.8 0.001709 407,1 0.001690 405.6
370 0. 00(1976 436,6 0,001904 432.1 0,001858 428,4
380 0,005(5 580,0 0.U366 530.2 0,00238 47U,1
390 0,0out 621.7 0,00001 605.8 0.00512 584.2
400 0.00780 (,46,8 0,00707 635,5 0,00635 622,8
410 0, 00852 665,6 0,00782 656,6 u,00716 646,9
4'20 0.,I094 681.0 0.00846 673.5 0.00782 665,7
430 o,00970 694,7 000.03 688,2 0,00841 681,4
44U 0.01022 707.1 0,00955 701.3 0,00895 695,3
450 0.01070 718.4 0,01004 713.2 0,00944 707.9
4bO 0,01114 729.0 0.01048 724.3 0,00988 719,5
470 0,01155 739.0 0,01089 734.7 0,01028 73u.3
480 0,01194 74.4,6 0.01128 744,6 0.01066 740,5
490 0.01233 757.8 0.01166 754,0 0,01103 750.2
500 0,01270 766.6 0,01202 763.0 0,01139 759.5
510 0.01305 775.0 0.01-2.37 771,7 0.01173 768,4
520 0,01339 783.2 0.01270 780,1 0.01206 777,0
530 0,01372 791,2 0,01302 788.2 0,01238 785.3
540 0,01404 799,0 0,01333 796,1 0,01269 793.4
DOC a 80041105 PAGE 3051

550 0.01435 806.5 0.01364 803.8 0.0129 801,3

560 0.01165 813.9 0,01394 811,4 0.01328 809,0
570 0,01495 821.2 0,01-123 81.9 0.01356 810,5
580 0,01524 828,4 0.01451 826,2 0,01384 823,9
590 0.01553 835,5 0,01479 833,4 0,01411 831,2
600 0,01581 842,5 0.01507 840.4 0,01138 838,4
610 0,01609 849,5 0. .3 847,6 0,01464 845.6
620 0.01G36 85.3 0,01560 854,4 0,0490 852,8
6,30 0,01(63 Y63,0 0,01587 861.3 0.11515 .859,5
640 0,0(6 869,7 0.01613 868,0 0,01540 86,3
650 0,01716 876,3 0,01638 874,7 0,01565 873,1
660 0,017.12 882.9 U,0 1663 881,4 0.01569 879,8
670 0,01768 889.4 0,01687 887,9 0,01613 886,4
680 0.01793 895,9 0,01712 894.5 0,01637 893.0
690 0.01818 902,4 0,01736 900,9 0,01661 899,6
700 0,01843 9)08,8 0.01760 907.5 0,016-5 906,1
710 0,01468 916,2 0,0!784 913,9 0,01704 912.6
720 0,018M 921.6 0.0(808 920,3 0.01731 919.0
730 0,01917 927,9 0.01832 926,7 0.01754 925.5
740 0.01941 934.2 0.01855 933,0 0,01776 931,9
750 0,01v65 40.5 0.01878 939,3 0,01791 93d 2
p-2 0 a p = 270 p =2S90 ama
0 0.000!877 6,1 0.0009,478 6.4 0.0009968 6,6
10 C.111198S8 15,9 0.XW9884 16.1 0,0009880 16,4
20 0,(.,A'J08 255.7 O,)01904 25,9 0,0006'FJ00 26.2
30 DJ,0(1s9936 35.5 0.019932 35,7 0.0009928 36.0
40 0, 0009970 45.3 0,000996 45,5 0.0009962 45,8
50 0,0010011 55,2 0,0010007 55.4 0,0010003 55,6
60 0.0010058 65.0 0,0014154 65.2 0,0010050 65,4
70 0,0010112 74.9 0.0010108 75,1 0,0010104 75,3
80 0,0010172 84.8 0.0010168 85.0 0.0010164 6'5,2
90 0.0010238 94,8 0,0010234 95.0 0.0010229 95,2
IGO 0.0010309 104.7 0,0010305 104.9 0.0010.300 105.1
I0 0, 0,003A6 114.7 0,1010381 114,9 0, 1(1-376 115.1
120 0,0010..18 124,7 0,0)10463 124,9 0,(0(01,58 125,0
130 1',00105,5 (34.7 0.0010551 34,8 0,1010546 135.0
140 0,U0I0649 144.7 0,90010644' 144,9 0,0010039 145,0
150 0,0010719 154,8 0,t010743 155,0 0.0o1l0737 155.1
160 o,wtl)451 164,9 I.10848 165,1 0,0010842 165.2
170 11,
001U9006 175,1 n. o;1059 175.2 0,0010953 175.4
Is) 0,1)011()85 185.3 0,001(078 185,4 0.0011071 i .O
190 0,0011211 195.b 0.0011204 195,7 0.0011196 195.,8
200 0,001134.5 05,9 0.00(337 26,0 0,00(1328 206, 1
2l 0,0011468 216,4 0.0011479 216,4 0,0011470 216,6
220 0,0011640 227,0 0.0011631 227,0 0.001(621 "117,1
230 0.01111e03 237.7 0.0011792 237,8 0,0011781 237,4
240 0,0011979 248,6 0,0011967 248.6 0.00i1955 248.7
250 0.0012169 259,6 0,0012156 259,6 0,u012143 259.7
60 I).0012375 270,8 0,0012360 270,8 0,00(2346 2708
270 0.0012601 282.2 0,0012583 282.2 0,0012567 282.1
280 0,0012849 293.8 0,0012829 293.8 0.001-810 293,7
290 0,0043124 305,6 0,0013101 305.6 0,0013079 305,5
DOC =80041105 PAG!E

300 0,0013432 317.8 0.0013406 317,7 0,0013379 317,5

310 0,001378 330.3 0.001375 330,1 0.001372 329,9"
320 0,001414t 343,3 0,001414 343,0 0,001410 342.7
330 0.001466 356,9 9.001-160 356.5 0,001455 355.9
340 0,001b2i 371,4' U001514 370,9 0.001508 370.4

350 0,001590 387,1 0,001581 386.3 0,001577 385,6

360 0.001675 40,3 0,001660 403,1 0,001659 402,0
370 0,001824 425.4 0,001795 423,0 0,0017n0 421,1
3,i0 0.00217 4.58,3 0.O0216 451,1 .0,00199 446,2
390 0,00419 556.7 0,00320 521.0 0,00257 491.4

400 0,0050.3 607. 9 0,00493

4 500,7 0,00425 570.1
.410 0,L6.531 *130,4 O,005. i 0424,7 0,00539 611,6
420 0,U0724 657.4 O0,0)71 648,2 0.00*i8 638.2
430 0.007m5 674,2 0,00732 666,7 0,00683 658,7
440 0,00.39 689,0 0,007x6 682,5 0,00737 675,8

450 0,0088 702,3 0,0835 605,5 0.00787 690,7

40 0.!)I)32 714,4 3,1879 709,2 0,00631 704,0
470 0,00972 725,7 0.00919 721,0 0,00872 716,4
460 0,01010 *736,3 0,00957 732,0 0,00911 727,7
490 0,01047 746.3 0,00,393 742,3 0,00947 738,4

500 0,01092 75.5,9 0,01028 752,1 0,00mO 748,5

510 0,01115 765,0 0.01061 751,5 0,01012 758,2
56-0 0.01147 773.8 *,.01y3 770.5 0.01044 767.4
530 0,u1178 782,3 0,011 4 779,2 0,01074 776,2
540 0,01l"9 790.5 0,01154 787,7 0,01103 784,8

550 0.0123rj 798.5 0,01183 795,9 0.01131 793.2

560 0,011 i7 806,4 0,01211 803,9 0.0 1156 801.3
570 0.0 1:95 614.1 0,01238 811.7 0.01i5 809,3
5-0 0,013-2 L21,6 0,01265 819,3 0,01211 817,1
590 0,01348 82J,0 0,01291 826,8 0,01237 824,7

600 0,01375 836,6 0,01316 834,3 0,01-62 832,3

610 o,0U.100 84.37 0,01341 841,7 0,012,86 839,7
620 0,01425 850,7 0,01365 848,8 0,01310 846,9
6.30 0,01450 857.7 U,0138-J 855,9 0,01334 854,1
640 0,01475 664,b 0.01113 862,8 0,01357 861, 1

650 0,01499 871.4 0,01436 869,8 0,01380 868, 1

bo 0,01523 878,2 0.01459 876,6 0,01402 875,0
670 0.01547 884,9 0,01432 883,3 0,01423 881,8
640 0,01570 891.6 0.u1505 890,1 0,01445 88.. 5
690 0.01593 898,2 0,01528 6,8 0,01467 895,3

700 0,01615 904,8 0.01550 903,4 0,01489 902,0

710 0.UI637 911.3 0,01572 910,0 0,01511 908,6
720 0.01059 917.8 0,01593 916,5 0,01532 915.2
730 0,01681 924.3 0.01615 923.0 0.0153 921.8
740 0.01703 930.7 0,01636 929,5 0.01573 928.3
750 0,01725 937,0 0,01657 935,8 0.01593 934,7

p-290 area p - 300 ama p-310 a

0 0,0009664 6,8 0,0009859 7,1 0,0009854 7,3

10 0,0009885 16,6 0,0009871 16,8 0,000967 17,0
20 0,0009806 26,4 0,0009892 '26,6 0,0600)888 .26.8
30 0,00099. 4 36,2 0,0009920 36,4 0,(009916 36,6
40 O,000996 46,0 0,00094 46,2 0,0009960 46,4
DOC 80041105 PG

50 0,0009999 55,8 0,0009995 56.0 0.0009991 56.2

60 0,0010046 65.6 0,0010042 65.8 0.0010038 66.0
70 0,0010100 75,5 0.0010090 75.7 0,0010092 75.9
80 0,0010159 85.3 0,0010154 85,5 0.0010150 85.7
90 0,00102L.3 95.6 0,0010220 95.5 0,0010216 95.7

00 0,0010296 105,3 0,0010291 105,5 0,0010287 105.7

110 0.0010372 115.2 0,U010367 115.4 0.010362 115,6
120 0.0010,153 125,2 0.0010448 125.4 0.0010443 125,6
130 0.001054 135.2 0,0010535 135,3 0.0010530 135,5
140 0,0010634 145.2 0,0010628 145.3 0,0010623 145.5
150 0,0010732 153.3 0.00 0726 155,4 0,0010720 155.6
160 0, 0 1-W36 Ib5,4 0,0010830 165,5 0.0010824 265,6
170 0,00)0946 175.5 0,0010941) 175,6 0,0010934 175,7
180 0.0011.3 15.7 0.U011057 185.8 0,UO 15.9
190 0,(0)1l m 295.9 0.0011181 196.0 0,0011173 196,I
200 0.0011320 206.2 0.0011312 206.3 0.0011304 206,4
210 0.0011461 216,6 0.0011452 216.7 0.0011443 216,8
220 0.X)11611 227.2 0.0031602 227.2 0.0011592 227.3
230 0.0011770 237.9 0,0011760 237.9 0.0011750 38,0
240 0,0011943 248.7 0.0W11932 248.7 0.0011920 248.8
250 0,0012129 259.7 0,0012117 259.7 0.0012104 ?5), 8
260 0,0012330 270.8 0,0012316 270.8 0,001302 2"0,.8
270 0,0012550 282.2 O.CO12533 282,1 O.C012517 282.1
280 0.0012791 293,6 0.0012772 293,6 0.0012753 293,6
290 0.01:057 305,4 0.0013035 305.3 0,0013015 305.2
300 0.0013353 317,4 0.0013327 317.2 0.0013303 317.1
310 0.001369 329.7 0.001366 329.5 0.001362 39.4
320 0.001406 342.4 0,001403 342,2 U.002399 342.0
330 0,0UI450 355,6 0,001446 355,5 0.001142 355.4
340 0.001501 369.9 0.001496 369.5 0.001492 369.3
350 0.001568 384,9 0,001560 384.4 0 001552 383.8
360 0,0016,16 401,0 0,001634 400,1 0.001623 399. 1
370 0.00176 419,3 0.00174 417,3 0.001724 426.3
30 0.00194 442,1 0.00190 438.9 0.00187 436,2
390 0,00232 477,2 0,00220 468.5 0,00212 462.7
400 0.00363 547.8 0,00305 52.1,0 0,00272 505,6
410 0,00485 597.9 0,00,132 581,8 0.003S4 5,.
420 0,00 ;58 627.5 0,66521 616.3 0.00476 604.0
430 0,00635 650.3 0, 0590 641,6 0,00547 632.5
440 0,00691 668.7 O,000.16 661.4 0,00605 653,8
4) 0,00741 684,6 0.00697 678,3 0,00657 671.8
460 0 00785 698.7 0,00742 693.2 0,00702 687.4
470 0.0082W 711.5 0,007183 706,5 0.00743 701.5
480 0.00864 723,3 0.00"22 718.8 0.00782 714.3
490 0,00V00 734.3 0,00858 730,3 0,0'818 726.1
500 000934 744.8 0.00892 741.0 0.00851 737.1
510 0,00966 754.7 0,00922 751.2 0,0042 747.6
520 0.00997 764.1 0.00953 760.8 0,01)912 757'5
530 0,01026 773,2 0,0008'2 770.1 0,00941 766.9
540 0.01054 781,9 0,01010 779.0 0,00969 776.0

550 0.01083 790.4 0.01038 787,6 0.00996 784.8

560 0.011I0 798.7 0,01U64 796.0 0.02022 793.4
570 0.01136 806,8 0.01091 804,3 0.01048 801.8
580 0,01162 814,8 0.01116 812.4 0.01072 810.1
590 0.1187 82,5 0,01140 820.3 0,02096 818.1
DOC =80041105 3AG

600 0.01211 830,2 0.01163 828,1 0,01120 826,0

610 0,01234 837,6 0,01186 835,7 0.01142 833,7
620 0.01257 844,9 0,01208 8431 0,01165 841,2
630 0,01280 852.2 0.01230 850,4 0,01187 848,6
640 0,01303 859.4 0,01252 857.6 0,01208 855,8

650 0.01326 866.4 0,01274 864,8 0.01230 869.1

660 0.01348 873.4 o,01296 871,8 0.01251 870,2
670 0,01370 8h0.3 0,01313 878,8 0.01272 877,2
680 0,01391 887.1 0,01340 885.6 0.01292 884.2
690 0,01412 893.9 0.01361 8912.5 0,01311 891.0

700 0.01433 900,6 0.01381 899.3 0,01332 897,9

710 0.01454 907,3 0,01401 906.0 0.01352 904.7
720 0.01474 914.0 0.01421 912,7 0,01371 911.4
730 0.01494 920.6 0.01441 919.3 0,01389 918.0
740 0.01514 927.1 o,01460 925.8 0,01409 924.6
750 0,01534 933.5 0,01479 932.3 0,01428 931.2

p 320am p - 33da~ p = 340 ama

0 0.0098.0 7.5 0,0009845 7.8 0,0009841 8.0
10 0.,0 9-463 17,2 0,0009858 17.5 0.00)9855 17.7
20 O.tU490984 27.0 O,UOJOIO 27.2 0,0009876 27,5
30 0.U' J 12 36,8 0,0009308 37.0 0,0009904 37.2
40 0,00d.46 46,6 0,0000942 46.8 0,0009938 47.0

50 0.0009987 56,4 0.0009983 56,6 0,0009979 56.8

60 0.0011034 66,2 0.U.O1O030 66,4 0,0010026 66.6
70 0.0010087 -6.1 0,0010083 76,3 0.0010079 76.5
80 0.0010145 85,9 h',UOIUI.12 86,1 0,0010137 86.1
90 0,0010211 95,9 0,0010207 96,1 0,0010202 96.2

100 0,0u10282 105.9 0,0010278 106,0 0,0010273 106,2

110 0,00I0357 115.8 0,u010353 115,9 0,0010348 116,1
120 0.0010438 1-5,7 0,00101:33 125,9 0,0010428 1--.6,1
130 0,010525 135.6 0.0010519 135.8 0,0010514 136.0
140 O.OOUibl7 145,6 0.UUI lI2 145,8 0,001006 145,9

ISO 0,0010715 155.7 0,0010709 155.9 0,0010704 156.0

160 O.OOlO88 165,7 0,0010812 165,8 0,0010807 166.0
170 0,0010%027 175.9 0,0010921 176,0 0,0010915 176.2
180 0, UO1104.3 186,1 0,0011036 186,2 0,0011030 186,3
190 0,0011166 196,2 0,0011158 196,4 O,t.01152 196,5

00 0,0011295 206,5 0,0011288 206.6 0,0011280 206,8

210 0,0011434 216,9 0,001 ,126 217.0 0,0011.17 217,1
220 0,0011582 227,4 0,011573 227.5 0,0011563 227,6
230 0,0011740 238,1 0,0011730 238.1 0,0011719 238,2
240 0,0011909 248.8 0.0011898 248,9 0.0011886 249.0

250 0.0012091 259.8 0.0012079 259.8 0.0012,066 259.9

260 0.00122S8 270,9 0.0012274 270,9 0,0012259 270,9
270 0.0012501 282,1 0,0012485 282.1 0,0012468 282.1
280 0.0012736 2M .5 0.U012718 29.5 0.0012699 293.5
290 0.0012994 306,2 0,0012974- 306.1 0,0012963 306.1
DOC = 8oC41105 AGE

300 0,0013279 317.0 0.0013254 316.9 0.0013240 316.9

329,2 0.001356 329.1 0,001354 12.0
341,9 U. 00 1392 341,5 0.u01388 341,6
330 0.001437 355.1 0.001433 3b4.9 0,00142m 354,6
340 0.00)1485 MS. 9 0.0014d0 368.6 0,001474 363.1

350 0,001544 383.2 0,001.537 382.6 0.n01530 382.1

3W0 0,001612 398,2 0.001603 397,4 0,001593 396,7

380 0,00184 434.0 0.00182 432,6 0,0X179 431.3

390 00206 458 3 0 00201 455, 0,00197 452,7
400 0.00249 493.5 0.0234 486.3 0,00225 481,3
410 0,00340 548.7 0.00304 532,6 0,00279 529.4
420 0.00434 591.0 0.00395 579,0 0.00359 566.7
430 0.00506 623.0 0.00468 613.3 0,00433 603.4
440 0,00566 646.0 0,00529 637.9 0,00493 629,6
450 0.00618 665,0 0,00582 658.1 0,00547 651.0
460 0.00664 681.6 0.00628 675.5 0.00591 669.3
470 0. 00706 696,3 0.00669 691,1 0,00636 66.5,5
480 0.00744 709.6 0,00708 704,8 0,00675 700.0
490 0,00780 721,9 0.00745 717,6 0,00712 713,2
500 0.00813 733.2 0,00778 729.3 0.00745 725.3
510 0.00844 744,0 0,00808 740.3 0.00775 736.6
520 0.00 M74 754, ! 0.009-38 750.7 O.00804 747.3
530 0,(0902 763.8 0,00966 760,6 0.00832 757,4
540 0.00930 773.1 0,00894 770,1 0,00859 767.1
550 0.00956 782.1 0.00920 779.3 0.00R85 776,4
560 0.00982. 790.8 0.00945 788.1 0.00910 785.5
570 0,011007 799.3 0,00970 796,8 0 00934 794.3
580 0,01032 807,7 0.00993 805.3 0.00959 802.9
590 0.01055 815,8 0,01017 813.6 0,00980 811,3
600 0,01078 823.8 0.01040- 821,6 0,01003 819,4
610 0,01100 831.6 0.01061 829.6 0.01024 827.5
620 0,01122 839.2 0,01093 8.37.3 0,01045 835.3
630 0.01144 846.6 0.D1104 $44.9 0,01066 84:3,0
640 0,01165 854,0 0.01125 852.3 0,01087 850,5
650 0.01 I1 861,4 0.01145 859.7 0,01107 84 .0
660 0,01207 868,6 0.01166 867.0 0.01127 M65.3
670 0,01 227 875,6 0.01185 874,1 0,01146 872,5
680 0.01217 882,7 0,0120A 881,2 0.01165 879.6
6.90 0,01267 889,6 0,01224 888, 0,01184 886,7
700 0,01-86 896.5 0,01243 895.1 0,01203 F.,3,7
710 0,01305 903.3 0.01262 902.1 0,01221 900.7
720 0,01324 910.1 0,0121 9'a8.8 0,01239 906.7
730- 0,01343 916,8 0,0129 915.5 0,01257 914.3
740 0,01362 923.4 0,01317 922.2 0,01275 920,9
750 e.01381 930.0 0.01335 928.8 0,01292 927.6

p - 350 aa p - 360 adma p - 374,4.

0 0,0009836 8.2 0.0009831 8.4 0.00027
10 0.0000851 17.9 0.0009846 18,1 0.000942 18.3
20 0.0009872 27,7 0.C009 88 27,9 0,0009864 28.1
30 0,0009900 37.4 0.0009696 37,7 0,0009892 37,9
40 0.0009M 47.2 0.00099w0 47.4 0,0(09926 47.6
DOC =80041105 1%I

50 0.0009175 57.0 0.0009971 57.2 0.0009967 57.4

60 . 0,00100!2 66.8 0,0010018 67.0 0.0010014 67,2
70 0.0010075 76.7 0.0010071 76.9 0.0010067 77.1
80 0.0W10133 86.4 0,0010129 86.6 0.0010125 86,8
90 0.0J1018 96,4 0,0010194 96,7 0,0010189 96,8

100 0.0010268 1064 0,0010'Y)4 106.6 0,0010259 106.8

110 0.0010.343 116.3 0,0010338 116,4 0.0010333 116,6
120 0,0010423 126,2 0,0010418 126.4 0.0010413 126.6
1:0 0.0010509 136.1 0,00103ul 136.3 0.0Olo493 136,4
140 0.0010601 146.1 0.0010596 146,2 0.0010591 146.4

ISO 0, W)106'8 156.3 0.01306q3 156,3 0.0010f;88 156.3

160 0.0010801 166,1 0.0010795 166,3 0.010789 166.4
170 0.01OO09 176,3 0.0Jl0903 1764 0.0010897 176.6
g0 0.0011023 186,5 0.o011017 186.6 0.0011010 186.7
190 0,0011144 196.6 0,0011137 190.8 0,0011130 196,9

200 0.0011272 206,9 1)0011 264 2u7,0 0,0011255 207.1

210 0.0011408 217.2 0.001140U 217,3 0.0011391 217.4
220 0.0011553 227.7 0.0011544 227.8 0,0011535 227.9
230 0.0011708" -.
38,3 .,00011693 238,4 0.0011i88 238.5
240 0,oo0175 249,0 0,0011864 249,1 0,0011853 249,2

250 0.0012054 260.0 0.0012T41 x60.0 0,0012029 60.1

260 0,0012246 271.0 0,101.2232 271,0 0.0012218 271.0
270 0.0012455 282,1 0,0012440 282,2 0.0012423 282,2
2 0.0.02613
10 U5001 _667 293,5 0,0012648 293,5
290 0,0012933 305.1 0,0012914 305,0 0,0012894 305,0

300 0.001321 316.9 0,001319 316.7 0,001316 316,7

310 0.001351 328,9 0.001315 328,8 0.U01346 328,7
320 0.913>6 341.4 0.001343 341,3 0,001379 341,1
330 0,001424 354.4 0,(H01420 354,2 0,001416 353,9
340 0,001469 367.8 0,MI 464 367.5 0,001460 367.1

3.50 0.0015?4 331.6 0.001518 381.1 0,001511 :.0.6

360 0.'O1514 3.1 0,
O)n 1576 395.5 0.01)1568 394.9
370 0,,I1,_1,,7 412.0 O.11I;56 411.2 0,001644 410.5
380 0.1)0177 430.0 0.0(0176 423.9 0,00174 427,6
3JO 0,00194 450.6 0.00190 449.0 0,00188 447.3

400 0.00217 477.4 0,00211 474.2 0.00206 471.2

410 0.00260 511.0 0.00 "16 505,1 O.00236 499.0
420 0.00329 554.9 0.tf0302 543.7" O.U0282 534.0
430 U,00399 5934 O.01.370 582. 0,0n313 572.,0
440 0,00460 621.2 O.o0430 612.6 0,00402 604.0

450 0.00514 643,7 0.00.-14 1i36,4 0.(1456 628.8

460 0.005.12 63.0 0,011532 656.5 0,00504 649.9
470 0.,i A 679,9 0.00575 f,71.2 0,0n547 668,4
480 0.0.N646 695,0 0,00614 689.9 0.00586 684.7
490 0.00681 708,7' 0,00051 704,1 0,00623 699,5

500 0.00713 721.2 0,00684 717.1 0,00656 712.9

510 0:110743 732,8 0,00713 729.1 0,00686 725.2
520 0.00772 743.8 0,00742 740.3 0.00714 736,8
530 0.00800 754.2 0,00770 751.0 0,00741 747,7
540 0.00827 764.1 0.00796 761,1 0.00767 758.0

L i ... . ...
DOC 800L41105 FACGI

.50 0,00852 773, 6 0,00821 770.8 0,007'2 767.9

560 0,U0876 782.8 0,40845 780,1 0.00816 777,4
570 0,00901 791.8 0.00869 789.2 0,00839 786,7
580 0.(924 800.5 0,01892 798.1 0,00432 795.6
590 0.00946 809.0 0,00914 806,7 0,00884 804,3

600 0.00909 817,2 0,00936 815.0 0,00906 812.8

610 0.00989 825.4 0,00956 023,3 0,00925 821,2
620 0,U1010 &33.3 0,1o0977 1.31.3 0.00945 829.3
630 0.01031 841.1 0.L0)7 839.2 0.00965 837.3
640 0.01051 848.7 0,01017 846.9 0,00945 845.0

650 0.01071 ,6.2 0,01036 851.5 0,01004 F52.8

660 0,01090 863.7 0.01056 862,0 0,01023 810.3
670 0,01109 870.9 0.01074 869,3 0.01041 8,7.8
680 0,01128 878.1 0.01,93 876.6 0.01059 875,0
6M 0001146 885,3 0.01111 883,8 0,01077 882,3

•700 0,01165 892.3 0,011'9 * 890,9 0.01095 889.5

710 0.01183 899,3 0,01147 898,0 0.01112 896.6
720 0,01200 906.2 0,01164 904.9 0,01130 903.5
730 0,01218 913.0 0,01181 911.8 0,01 146 910.5
740 0.01235 919.5 0.01196 918.5 0.O1163 917.3
750 0,01252 926.5 0.01215 925,3 0.01179 924.1

Sp=380 ama p- 3900ma p==400aa

0 0,0009822 8.9 0.0009818 9.1 OO009813 9.3

10 0,
O0K.,3 118.7 O,00o9835 18.8 0,00001.30 19.0
20 0,()098dO 28,3 0, 033636 28.5 0,000"8M52 28.7
30 0,0(03888 38. ), 000!)"4 38,3 0,jYvQ"O 38.5
40 0,009922 47,8 0.0009918 48,0 0,0009914 48.2

50 0.0009063 57.6 0.0009959 57,8 0,009,955 58.0

60 0,010oo0 67.4 0J,1101"f6 67.6 0,0010(102 67.8
70 0,.010002 77.2 0.(m)10053 77.4 0,0011)054 77.6
80" 0010120 47.0 0..1016 87.2 0.0010112 87.4
90 l,001,,185 17,0 U.90)10l1? 97.2 0,0010177 97.3

100 0,0010255 1(6.9 0,0010251 107.1 0,0010247 107.3

110 0.110329 116,8 ,1)0O10325 117.0 0.0010322 I17.2
120 N.N10408 126.3 0.0010405 126.9 0.0010101 127.1
110 :.11011495 136.6 o.0010490 136.8 1) 0010485 136.9
140 0,11058b 146,6 0.0(1 U580 146.7 0.0010576 146.9

150 0, on1C682 156.6 M.0010678 156,8 0,0010072 9

IfO 0.1X)10784 166,6 0,(X)10778 116.7 0.0010772 166.9
170 O.1(18l 176,7 0,0010884 176,9 0.0010879 177,0
180 0, o)I )00(3 186,9 0,0010997 187.0 0,(m10991 187,1
190 0.0011123 197,0 0.0011116 197.1 0.0011109 197.2

200 0,0011248 207.2 0.0011241 207.4 0,00112.34 207,5

210 0.00113,2 217.6 - 0,0011375 217.7 0,001367 217,8
220 0.0011526 228,0 0,0011518 22t1,1 0,00115 9 228.2
230 0.0011679 238.6 0,0011669 238,6 n,00116610 23A.7
240 0,0011842 249,2 0,0011831 249,3 0,0011821 249,4

DOC =800141105 PAGE

250 0,0012018 260.1 0,0012005 260,2 0.0011994 260,2

260 0,0012207 271,1 0,0012191 271,I 0,0012178 271 '
270 0.0012409 282,2 0,0012392 282,2 0,0012379 282.
280 0,0012132 293,5 0.0012614 293.5 0.0012599 293.5
290 0,0012875 304,9. 0,0012855 304.9 0.0012838 304,9

300 0.001314 316,5 0.001:3120 316,5 0,001309 316,4

310 0,0013.14 328,5 0,001342 328.3 0,001339 328,1
320 0,001376 310,8 0.001373 340.5 0,001370 340.2
3.30 0,001413 353,5 0,001410 353,2 0.001407 352,8
'140 0,U01455 366,6 0,001450 366.2 0,001146 365,7

350 0,001505 380.0 0.001499 379,5 0,001493 378,9

360 0,001561 394,3 0,001554 393,6 0,0015.t8 392,9
370 0.001634 409,7 0,001624 408,9 0.001616 407,9
380 0,00173 426,3 0.001713 425,1 0,001704 423,9
390 0,U0185 445,7 0.00183 443,9 0,00180 442,2

400 0,00202 468.3 0.1)0198 465,5 0,00195 462,6

410 0,00226 494,2 0,00219 490.1 0.0213 486,3
420 0,00266 525,8 0,00254 520,2 0,00243 514,6
430 0,00320 562,4 0,00301 55.3,4 0,00286 546.0
440 0,00379 595,3 0,00:356 586,8 0,00337 578.5

450 0.00432 621.3 0,00407 613,9 0,00396 606,7

460 0,00478 643,3 0,00453 636,7 0,C0430 630,2
470 0.00521 662,5 0,0)496 656,6 0,00472 650,7
480 0,005O 679,5 0,00535 674,3 0,00512 669,0
490 0,00597 69t,9 0.00571 690,1 O,0C547 685,4

500 0,.0629 708,7 0,00604

0,00634 704,4 O,00.80 700,1
510 0.0(659 721.4 717,5 0.00610 713,6
520 0,00687 733,3 0,00662 729.7 0,00638 726.1
530 0.00714 744,4 0.0688 741,1 0,00664 737,8
540 0,00740 755,0 0,00714 751,9 0.00690 748.8

550 0,00765 765,0 0.00738 762,2 0,00714 759,3

540 0,fi0788 774,7 0,00762 772,0 0,00737 769,3
570 0,00811 784.1 0,00785 781,5 0,00760 778,9
5140 O.J01833 793,2 0,00806 790,7 0.00781 788,3
590 0,00855 802,0 0,00828 799,6 0,00802 797,3

600 0,00877 810,6 0,0)Iq 808.3 0,00822 806,1

610 0,041x95 819,0 0,00867 816,9 0,00842 814,7
620 0,(0915 R27,3 0,00887 825,3 0,00861 823,2
630 O,00635 8354 0,0U07 833,5 0,00880 831,6
640 .00954 843,2 0,t092G 141.4 0,00898 839.5

6-0 0,00973 R51,0 0.00644 8.19,2 0.00917 847,4

660 0,0€0.2 858,6 0,00963 856,9 0,003935 855.2
670 0,01010 866,2 0,00()9,0 864,6 0,00952 b62,9
680 0,0102. 873.5 0,00998 871,9 O,011970 870,4
690 0,01045 880,8 0,01015 879,4 0,00187 877,9

700 0.01063 889,I 0.01032 A86,7 0,01003 885,'3

710 0,01080 895,2 0,01049 893,9 0,01020 892,5
720 0,01097 902,3 0,01066 900,9 0,01036 899,6
730 0901114 009,2 0.01082 907,9 0,01052 906,6
740 0,01130 916,1 0,01098 914,8 0,01068 913.6
750 0,01146 922,8 0.01114 921,7 0,0103 920.5

Key: (1). m3/kg. (2) . kcal/kqg. 3) . atm (abs.)

DOC = 80041105 FGP E

Page 105.

Appendix III.


A. Surface/skin steam coolers.

1. In contemporary boiler aggregates/units are applied

surface/skin steam ccolers with cooling of steam by feed or boiling

(boiler) water (outside cr arranged/located within drum).

During the cooling Cr steam by feed water regardless of the

fact, saturated it or cverheatea, cccurs partial condensation of

steam. In the steam coolers wit, tne boiling water the steam is nct

condensed, but only is decreased temperature. This difference it

causes the need for the different irocedures of calculation cf steam

coolers with the nonboiling ana tolling cooling water.

2. Coefficient of heat transfer cf cooled by feed water

condenser-type attemperators, Iccated in chamber/camera of saturated
steam, and also in intermediate chambers/cameras in which speed of

steam does not Pxceed 1.5 m/s, iit, outside diameter of coils 15-30

DOC = 80041105 P1GE 1
am, by internalization diameter ci chambers/cameras <300 mm and
speeds of water S<2.0 m/s, is des.gned by p tc emFirical fcrmula

A-1700w.' kcal/m2 hcur deg (I)

where w. - average speed of water in coils (tubes) of steam cooler,

determined according tc actual ccnsumpticn cf water through steam

cooler, m/So

At the speeds of water . u>2.0

/s the calculaticn of these steam
I coolers is conducted eriloying tne general/ccamon/tctal procedure,

presented belcw in paraszaphs 4-7.

3. Coefficient of heat transfer of vertical columned steam

cooler LMZ (obsolete typE), which is of 27 tubes 025x2 with an and

length of 1.9 a, included in cclusE 0250 mm with ascending current

slowly moving water (w.=O.U1I-C.3 m/s in mean section of column) and
descending motion of steam at izessure of steam p=30-35 atm(ats.) is

calculated according tc empirical formula

k- 9)+7 80, kcal/m2 hcur deg.

4. For all remaining steam coclers coefficient of heat transfer

is determined frcm foru,1a
Doc 800411105 FAGE

-J+ kcal/@2 hour dag, (3)

where a, and a2 - heat-transfer coefficients from vapor to wall and

from wall to water, kcal/m 2 hour dog; a. and i. - thickness and
coefficient of thermal ccnductiity of wall of ducts, m and kcal/m
hour deg; value takes as eqgal to 40 kcal/m hour dag; C -

coefficient of use of surface of beating steam cooler; for hcrizontal

steam coolers, cooled ky feed water, at pressure of stsam 100

atm(abs.) and speeds of bater w,>2.5 m/s, k-1.2; in remaining cases


5. Heat-transfer ccEftlciert trom steam tc wall during cooling

of tubes with feed water for steam coolers with hcrizontal bank of
tubes, washed by vertical current cf steam, is calculated according
to formula

0'/-O,5r 3600

='X cal/ 2 hcur deg, (4,

where ao - heat-transfer coefficient frcm fixed vapcr to wall of

horizcntal ducts, kcal/ma neur deg; - speed factor, which ccnsiders

effect of motion of steam detaLmiled along auxiliary field of

DOC - 80041105 AGr.E

nomogram XXIV into depending cn ccuplex w,'.. and pressures of steam

in chamber/camera of steam cccler p atm(abs.); with flow of tubes of
steam cooler partially by ascending and partially descending flows of

kcal/m hour dog; i, kg/s a2 and 7,..

kg/u 3 - coefficients of thermal
conductivity and viscosity/ductility/toughness and specific
gravity/weight of water cn tke line of saturaticn at a pressure of
steam in the steam cooler; r - heat of vaporization at a pressure of
steam in the steam cccler, Kcai/'k; d - cutside diameter of coils
(tubes), m; 6t - the tearerature differential vapor - wall, ac; w. -

speed of steam in the cbaaber/camera of steam cooler, m/s.

According to formula (4) is ccnstructed rcmogram XXIV.

6. speed of steam in caamber/camera of steam cooler -. is

determined due to state cf steam at entrance into steam cooler. Clear
opening for the pass of steam is calculated fcr each horizontal
series/row it is separately ana neutralized proportional to the
surfaces of heating series/rcws according tc the formula
I ,+ H_ --
F" + +b
", + 1

The diagram of the averaging cf sections/cuts is shown in Fig.

DOC 80041105
3 GE )..

Page 106.

7. For use of nomogram 1XIV tney are preliminarily assigned by

value 6t. After the determinaticn cf the total coefficient of heat
transfer the preliminarily taken value is checked using the formula
k (t., - r- (5)

- saturation temperature at a pressure of steam in the steam

cooler, by °C; - mean temperature of water in the steam cccler,

If the disagreement betweem the determined value 6t and that

accepted dces not preliminarily 6xceed 4-25c/a, calculation is I lved
without the changes; ctherwise are counted over values of -, and k.

For the recalculation they take value 6t, determined from formula (5)
according to the data cf the first calculaticn.

8. Heat-transfer ccefficiaent from vapor to riding-crop during

cooling of tubes with feed water for steam coolers with vertical beam
of ducts, washed by longitudinal flow of steam, is calculated
according to formula

[I +O _
___ kcal/m' hour deg, (.'
DOC = 800141105 PAGE 11.

where a. - coefficient cf thermal diffusivity cf condensate, 32/h.

Remaining designaticns - the same as in formula (4).

Speed of steam -. als in view of the insignificance of a change

in the state of the latter is determined due to the state of steam at
the entrance into the steam cccler.

According to formula (a) is ccnstructed ncmcgram XXV.

9. Heat-transfer coefficiest from vapcr to wall during cooling

of tubes with water with temperature, which exceeds temperature of
saturation of cooled varcr, is determined ca rcrogram V.

10. Heat-transfer ccefficient from wall tc ncnboiling water is

determined on nomogram UI.

11. Coefficient of of heat transfer from wall tc boiling water

for carbonic ducts on which can be formed oxide film, is determined
frcm formula

kcal/m 2 hour deg. (7)
E q . + .10-

For the high-alloyed ncncorzcsive ducts

! DCC = 80041105 EAGE

a2-,2.5p'4q0 " kcal/m2 hour deg, (Oa)

p - the pressure of water in steam cooler, atm(abs.); q the thermal

surface lcad of heating Eteam ccoier, kcal/M 2 the hour; its value
should be to preliminarily assign, and after the determinaticn of the
coefficient of the heat transfer of steam cooler k tested in the

q-k(e,-t*,) kcal/m2 hour. (9)

In the presence of the disagreement by that accepted and that

calculated of values q less than 25o/o, the calculation is leaved

without the changes; otherwise are counted cver values a2 and k. For
the recalculation they take value S, determined from formula (8),
according to the data ct the first calculaticn.

According to formula (7) is constructed ncmogram XXVI. From this

nomogram is designed the heat tsission from the ducts made of the
carbon steel.

12. Temperature head is calculated according tc common fcrmula

(7-66) or (7-67) . DurinS the ccclirg by feed hater the temperature of
DOC = 80041105 FAGI

steam always takes as the equal to saturation temperature. During the

cooling by the boiling water the temperature head is determined by
actual final temperatureE of steam.

13. Surface of heating steam coolers is determined according to

average/mean (between intarnal and external) diameter of tubes.

14. when selecting cf value of heat absorption of steam cooler

one should consider that due tc called by inclusion of steam coolers
of increase temparature head in suferheater calculated value cf heat
absorption of steam codlers, arranged/located in collector/receptacle
cf saturated steam or "into czosscut '* of superheater, must exceed
prescribed/assigned reduction in enthalpy of superheated steam.
Tentatively this excess can be taken as the equal to 15-30o/c of the
assigned magnitude.
DOC BOO41105 PAGk- **o

Pig. 8. Diagram of the averaging of sections/cuts for the pass of


B. Spray-type desuperheatars.

15. Complexity of ptenomena, which occur during evaporation of

injection water, does nct make it fossible tc at present design
spray-type desuperheaters. Uerefoze are given below the short
recommendations regarding the structural/desicn characteristics of
the basic units of spra)-ty~e aesuperheaters, developed on the basis
of the results of the tests ct the effective steam coolers.

With comparatively small drops/jumps in the Fressures which can

be used for the cooling-water suEly, the veiccity of the entrance of
the latter into the steam ccIez dces not exert a substantial
influence on the conditicns of heat exchange.

Page 107.
DOC =80041105 FArGs34

Therefore cooling water can be supi.lied into the steam cooler through

the simple drilling by Z<3 um in the wall of the inlet pipe; the
speeds of pass through the drilling must be 15 m/s and it is above.

For guaranteeing the evaicration of cooling water it is

necessary after the place c± injection tc prcside fcr the

straight/direct sections of ducts in long not less than 4 m. These

sections can be furnished both hcrizontally and it is vertical. All

over length of evaporative secticnm should be shielded the walls of

duct by jacket with the clearance between the jacket and the wall,

equal to 6-8 mm.

DOC = 80041105 FAGE

Appendix IV.



1. Under calculated temperature of metal cf ducts is understood

great local value of tenjerature ot wall, determined taking into

account nonuniformity ct beat aksorption acccrding to section/cut cf

flue and circumference cf duct, and for tubes of superheater - also

spreading heat on wall. Tne increases in the temperature of wall,

called by deviations frcm the ccmacn mode/ccnditicns of operation, in

the calculaticn are not consiaered.

The calculated temperature of the metal cf wall depends cn the

temperature of mediuv, which takes place in this section of duct, and

the value of the thsrmal load of section. Therefore during testing of

the temperature of the wall of the ducts of this heating surface

should be selected the duct in %hich the temperature of medium and

thermal load determine the mazimum valui of the temperature cf wall.

When selecting cf most dangerous pipe it is necessary tc

consider that in the ccrridor teams the greatest local thermal load

always falls to the ducts of toe first on the ccurse of gases

L . .. li - i
DOC = 80041105 PAGE 20

series/row. In the checkered teams the number of the series/row in

which are located the ducts with the greatest thermal load, depends

on the relative transverse pitch of the ducts: with s,/d>4.0 the full

load falls to the ducts cf the saccnd series/row; when sl/d<2.5 - to

the ducts of the first series/rcw; at intermediate values of s,/d

should be compared ccmputed values of the maximum thermal load of the

face grinding of the ducts of the first and seccnd series/rows.

2. In basis of ca]culaticn of strength cf ducts is accepted

average/mean according tc thicgress temperature of metal of wall of

most loaded duct:

t . . . +p~q.0. F1 + "2)

The utilized for determining maximum heat lcad i.... calculated

temperature of the metal of tfe external wall of duct, having medium

load q., is determined from the fcrmula

, ~~
-- 12 -lq C. (2)

t - mean temperature of tne tairvg place in the ducts medium for the

designed section; it is accepted on p. 3, QC; w. - temperature

excess of medium in that most lcaded of the ducts above the average;
it is determinqd on p. 5, OC; - coefficient of spreading the heat;

for the boiling and eccncaizer ducts p=1, and for the superheater

ones - in p. 6; 4.., - thermal load at the pcint of the maximum heat

absorption of the most Icaded duct; is deterainel on p. 4, kcal/m2

the hour; 6 - the wall thiCKness or duct, m; - ratio of the outside
DOC = 80041105 EAG.i

diameter of duct to the internal:


- the thermal conductivity cf the metal cf the wall; is accepted

on Fig. 9 in the dependenca on tau temperature cf wall, kcal/m hour

deg; m - heat-transfer coefficient from the wall to the heating

medium; is determined cn p. 15, kcal/mZ hour dog.

With the usually encountered thermal icads the calculated

temperature of the wall ct bciling and 9conomizer ducts is accepted

directly according to tae reccmaendations of the norms of the

calculation of the strength of the elements/cells of the boiler

aggregates/units: for ta heating pipes and the ducts of the

radiation economizers

t' - + 60' C;

for the ducts of the ccnvective eccnomizers

S-t + 30 C.
i /

(pt).-aA . ,, Zpa,

D o a a
003 4W 60
50O 00 700 T

Fig. 9. The thermal conductivity oi boiler steel , kcal/h deg in

depending on temperature 1 - st. i); 2 - 15M; 20M; 12MKh; 15KhM;

20KhM; 30KhMA; 12KhqF; 3 - 1OKhi2N (EI-531) ; lOKh2MH (EI-454) ; 4 -

12Kh5M; 5 - YalT; 6 - Ei-257.

Key: (1) . kcal/m hoatir deg.

Page 108.

With thermal loads q.... >woio kcal/mZh for the heating jipes and

q....> 300oJ03 kcal/m2h fcr the ducts of radiation economizers the

temperature of wall is designed from fornula (1).

3. Mean temperature or taking place in ducts medium for

evaporative heating surfaces takes as equal tc tciling point, and for

superheaters and econctfizers - to real temperature cf steam (water)
DOC z800141105 1 ACGE210

at output from that run cf pipes, ior which is Froduced calculation

Cf temperature of wall. kcr tracsition zcnes cf single-passs toiler

the temperature is iccepteu in the dependence on the state of medium

in designed run cf pipes: steam-water mixture cr superheated steam.

During the calculation or cutput run of pipes t s temperature

takes as the oqual tc temerature cf steam (water) at the

output/yield. In the remaining cases it is calculated on the basis cf

the following indicaticns.

The temperature of medium at the output frcm the first cn the

course of gases of run cf pipes of the superheater (economizer),

connected on the diagram of a ccnsecutive-mixed current, is

determined by the selection or tue values of the heat absorption of

the corresponding secticrs accorLarg to F. I-E7.

Upon the inclusior/ccnnection of the heating surface on the

diagram of an in parallel-mixed current the intermadiate temperature

of m~dium upcn transfer cf one course to ancther (i.e. in the first

on the course of gases series/rcw) is designed from the indications

p. 7-70.

The temperature heads for the separate ccurses of this

superheater, dasigned as straiytt/direct or ccuntercurrent, are
DOC = 80041105 PACE

defined, as usual, under the condition of the constancy of the

coefficient of heat transfer. The temperature cf the gases before the

heating surface is ccnsidered idsntical all cver width of flue. For

the calculation is accepted the value of texperature of steam (water)

between the courses. By this value, knowr frcu the calculaticn of the

entire heating surface final tEsmeratures cf steam iAn temperature of

the gases before the flue i -s deterained from the equation of balance

the value of thq temperature of gases after each course. After the
calculation of the temperature teads for the separate courses the

correctness of the value of intermediate temperature accepted steam

is checked using formula (7-7b).

Temperature of steam (water) tor output frcm subsequent runs cf

pipes is designed with the nelp cf determinatic of the total heat

absorption of series/rcwE txcu the first tc that designed

inclusively. For this it is necessary to determine average/mean

temperature pressure head in series/rows , indicated. Its lcgarithm

is calculated according to tte tcrsula
I a-- Ig .%
' ., (1ZAll _ Igal'). (.3)

at' and At" - the temperature heads upon the entrance into the

heating surface and cn tie cutput from it, with OC; m, - surface of
heating series/rows from the first to that checked inclusively,
*2; H,.... - surface of teat.rg erire bundle it section), mz.
DOC = 80041105 FAcE a ,

By the calculated value of lcarithm %t, is determined the

temperature head.

The heat absorpticn of the surface of heating series/rows from

the first to that designed is tcund from the expression

tp Hp
Q- kcal/kga

Q - the heat absorption cf the enrre surface cf heating this flue

or, with the consecutive(paralel) mixed current, the corresponding

section, kcal/kg; At - average/mean temperature head in the tundle

(section), OC.

4. Thermal load at joint of maximum heat absorption of most

loaded duct is located thrcugh avezage/mean value of thermal load at

point cf maximum thermal percepticn of ducts qo kcal/mz hour, to

determined through paragraphs 7 and 8, and coefficient of

nonuniformity of heat atscrEtica through width (secticn/cut) k.. The

latter is equal to the ratic cf the heat abscrption of the most

loaded duct to the average alcn- all ducts of the designed series/row
(shield) and is accepted acccrdirg to follobirg data:
(t, lf .I .o:nexTlnloro IyWxa HA ul WHPmo-
ll o
. 3 pKI4OCTb larpeea . aB
nCI e cr83oxoa
[ IW1plIlV .
.....C~b rd- 13
e. 3.IM.xOa,,m pe. info W.
- 30Xoia rinn WIIPlW (.10 !") 11.1" Xr'Iq
ra3 0oo:za(0o '14 l Pfi) )............ 1.2
Paaa.linioimas floepXHiOCh arpeea" . • 1,4

C= '.,4o kc4.I/%"kh. (t)

Key: (1). series/row of convection bank cr the screen heating

surface, that occupy entire width of flue. (2). Then, that occupy
middle part of flue in width (tc 2/3) or edge of flue (to 1/4
widths). (3). Radiation surface of heating 1.

FOCTNOTE 1. Coefficient considers full/tctal/conmlate nonuniformity

of the Jistributicn cf ttersal Icad according tc the screen surfaces.

For the horizontal superheaters, placed in the horizontal flue

(coils are arranged/located aczcss the flue), ncnuniformity in the

width is not considered. Variation factor in the height of the flue

before the refinement takes as the equal to 1.2.

5. Value of temperature excess of medium in most loaded duct

above average t.°c depends on variation factcr of heat absorption in
width and heat absorpticn of bund1d, for which is designed
temperature of wall.

Page 109.

It is defined as the difference

mt t-° - t C.
w ath

where t - calculated mear tempseature of medium in that run cf pipes,

DOC = 80041105 FACE

for which is designed tke tesecarure of wall, determined on p. 3,

OC; , - temperature in the most warmed duct cf the same

series/row, which corresonds tc the enthalpy of medium in this duct,

°C; the latter is designed according to the fcrmula

+(= - )(- ) kca l/kg, (S')

i - the enthalpy of medium, waich corresFonds to temperature its t,

in checked run of pipes, ical/ig; i' - enthalpy of medium at the

output from the collectcr/receptacle, connected (on the course of the

heated medium) before rc of fires, for which is designed the
temperature of wall, kcal/cy.

if the series-ccnnected collector/receptacle it is intermediate

and in it it is not ensured the tull/total/complete mixing of the
medium (there is no cverfiowing ci medium alcrg the
collector/receptacle or its crossed transfer from the
collector/receptacle tc the cc.llector/receptacle by a small quantity
of overflow pipes) value £= takes as the equal:

i.mi+ (o - I)(' - 'I +

+ , - 'i+,)kcal/kg (a

,- the enthalpy of medium at the entrance into the bundle,

connected to this collectcr/receEzacle, kcal/kg.

DOC 80041105 FACE

For the evaporative surfaces value -, is equal to zero.

6. Coefficient of sgreading p for ducts cf first series/row

nonfestooned convective superheaters (sl/d<3) with checkered or
corridor. by arrangement also of ducts of seccnd series/row of
festooned in checkcred cidar suierheaters is determined on Fig. 10a
for ducts of all subsecuent series/rows cf suFerheaters - on Fig.

During the chamber comtusticn of schists for the ducts cf the

second series/row of festcon suiexheater the spreading is not


Here and subsequently presentation, when the beam in question is

distant from previous (cc the ccurse of gases) fcr the value more
than of two longitudinal pitches of the designed beam, the
calculation of the series/rows ct team begins first. During the
smaller removal/distance the calculation of series/rcws is conducted
from the first series/rcb of the Frevious beam.

For the ducts of the first series/row of semiradiation (screen)

superheaters th9 spreadicg is nct considered; for the ducts cf all
subsequent series/rows the coeicZent of spreading is determined on
Fig. 11 along the line, which corresponds s/d=1.1,

For all ducts of radiaticn superheaters regardless of

arrangement relative tc tr1cking (e>O) the ccefficient of spreading
is determined on the ap opriatu curves fig. 11.

For the use of graphs/curves kig. IC and 11 it is necessary tc

preliminarily calculate value


7. Maximum heat atscrption at radiation beating surface always

cccurs on frcntal generatrix ct duct. The average/mean value cf
thermal load on this generatrix tages as equal tc I

Y Q,? kcal/ff~bh
B~Q, ((0)

B,Q -the average thermal Icad of the beam-receiving surfaces,

kcal/mz hour; y - variation factor of the distribution of thermal

perception in the furnace chamker/camera (see Section 6-19).

FCCTNOTE 1. With the sIields, ccupised cf the ducts of different

diameters, equality (6) is crrect only for the ducts of larger
diameter. For the ducts Ci sualler diameter irt equality (6) should
DOC = 80041105 FAGi

be additionally introduced tke value of the ccefficient of the

illumination (see Secticr 11). bowever, with the used in the toiler
aggregates/units relaticnshiis/ratios of diameters and the
steps/pitches value € fcr frcntal generatrix is close to the unit and
can be disregarded. ENECGTNCIE.

In the presence in beating of the beau-receiving surfaces with

the different values of tne ccnditional coefficient cf contamination
C the thermal load is deterained izcm fotwula (6-25a).

8. In convection banks maximum of heat atsorption falls in

different series/rows tc different points in circumference of duct.
For the standard cases the lccation of maximur is accepted onlfable

For the screen heatiny surfaces are accepted the same data as
for the corridcr Leans.
r ... .__-

DOC =8004a1105 ~ G


0 7 2 3

Fig. 10. Coefficient of spreading for the ducts of the convective

heating surfaces, a) the duct of tne first series/row of nonfestooned
beam of corridor or checkered) and the second series/row of the
festooned checkered beam; b) the duct of any third (or of that
fcllowing) series/row cf checkered and ccrridcr beans.

Page 110.

The average/mean value of the thermal lcad of duct at the point

of maximum thermal perce;iton is determined frcm forIula (7)

-4- A ) l
kcal/g2 hour (7)

- the temperature of gases at the entrance into that series/row,

for which is designed teiperature cf wall, OC; value ), is determined
either frci the heat balance by thi calculated value of the
DOC =800(41105 FAr. S

temperature of medium t or by tte prescribed/assigned final

temperatures of gases according to indicaticne p. 3; . -

contamination factor of tae designed section:

-0,25.,, M2 hour deg/kcal (8)

where ., - average/mear value ct ccntaminaticn factcr for this

heating surface, deteruired during its thersal design, mz hour


Other designations - the same as in formula (1).

9. Convection heat-transtet ccefficient -. kcal/m 2 hour dej is

determined from equalith

•,- 1 ,,o , kcal/m* hour deg, (q)

k.,- variation factor iL circumference of duct whose value is

accepted on Table I in dejendence cn shape cf beam and number of

series/row; .. e, - averaSe/mean in circumfecence of duct value of

convection heat-transfer coefficient, kcal/m 2 hour dej ; it is

determined on ncmogram 11 or by III in depending on team shape; in
this case correction fcr number ct series/rcw & (introduced instead
of correction for to numker ot series/rows C) is accepted taking into

. . .I . .. I_ "• . . . . I I R . . .i. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ..
DOC 80041105 FAC

account preliminary agltaticu of flow:

for ducts of first series/tow - in value CL for double-rcw beam;

for the ducts of tue second series/row - in value C. for the

four-row beam;

for the ducts third and sutseguent series/rows C..i.

DOC 9 0041105

a4d. 0.50 7 0,3 W. 2

Fig. 11. Coefficient of flow sEad for screer ducts (9>,O).

DOC = 90041105 FAC-B

Table 1.

A.. . .p ... O.0.. . . 3 . ....... n.....

o UTCM.b- C .0 OP I.. .hO T"n 0 PY
rile..rpIA. C'.N
P no". tp A. P

0 1,6 0 1,6
60 1,7 0 1,7
:i [33j
L,. V Hno ame 60 3.5
1.4I 0
0 1,5
eaj,uqw" pf rS30Ollro
N'p .an y ' l 80
1 1. 0 I 80 1. 0
ow 1.6
06 bcey,3 riyjO

Kay: (1). series/rov. ( Corridor beam.

C). (3). Checkered beam. (4)

Angle between front poirt and cint with maxisum heat absorption,

deg. (5). variation factcr in circumference cf duct. (6). IV and

following. (7). Latter/last series/row of beam in presence of gas

volume after beam.

FOOTNOTE 1. With the hi; -ash fuei/propellants (schists) the maximum

always at point of 1800; with witacut ash-tearings fuel (gas, layer

combustion) - at point cf UO . in the remaining cases should be

checked values of q0 fez Doth limit pints. fNDFCCTNOTE.

Page 111.

The temperature of fiow takes as equal tc #,-. Gas velocity is

designed from this temperature, clear opening cf the series/row, for

DOC = 80041105 PAGE

which is detrrmined the tamerature of wall, and to the average/mean

for this flue volume of comusticn products.

10. Radiation heat-transfer coefficient o kcal/mz hour de 5 is

determined in depending ca number cf run of pipes in beam.

For the ducts of tae first series/rcw of all beams the

heat-transfer coefficient -, is designed from the cavity emission,

arranged/located before tae ceam.

The efficient thickness of radiation layer during the

calculation of the radiaticn/emission of volufe to the beams, which

cccupy entire width cf flue or its middle part, is determined from

the formula
I 2,2
2-I2 a (10)

where a, b and c -. average/uean values of height, width and depth of

gas volume, m.

For the beams, arrarged/located on the edges of flue and

occupying not more than its 1/4 width, ard also for the ducts,
arranged/located on the end walls, numerator in formula (10) takes as

the equal to 1.8.

By the calculated tkickness of radiation layer, the average/mean

DOC - 80041105 PAGE 4 p

for this bean values of the volume fractions cf triatomic gases and

concentration of ash, tne tamperature of the gases before the beam

and the value of the teserature cf the contaminated wall accepted is

determined in nomograms the II-XI value cf radiation heat-transfer

coefficient -. substituted in equation (7). value ,. should te

preliminarily assigned aca after determiraticn of q0 calculate

according to formula (2) t,. and testsd value t. accepted on the


Value . is made mcze precise only when determined value

differs from that accepted more than by 500 C.

If gas volume is isclated from the heating ty team or scallop

with a number of runs c± pipes jcn the ccurse of gases) nct more than

four, should be considered the heat, which falls to the checked ducts

from the heating. Tn this case the total quantity of radiation

heat-transfer coefficient of vicuze and heatirg is calculated in the


BQ 4 4 - (I - kcal/mz hcur deg, (i1)

- radiation heat-transter ccetficiert cf volume, kcal/m 2 hour

deg; ao - emissivity factoL ct vclume, determined during the

calculation of value ". according to the auxiliary field of nomogram
DOC 80041105 PACE

XI; Y- thermal load of the bean-receiving surfaces in the zone

of the output window of the keatin (see Section 6-19), kcal/M 2

hour; ,.- angular coefficient of the beam, arranged/located between

the heating and the volume, determined by RN 6-02.

If superheater is isclated from the heating by beam or scallop

with five and more by rucs cf kijes , radiation/emission from the

heating is not considered.

11. For ducts of second series/rcw cf corridor beau, frcm second

cn sixth series/row that rarefied (s1 /d/>) and from second in fourth
series/row that not rarefied ot checkered beans (s1/d<2.5) radiation

heat-transfer coefficient is calculated taking into account angle of

vision to gas volume betcre beau.

The coefficient of illuminaticn for the point with the maximum

heat absorption is determined by yr.aphic construction (Fig. 12). For


a) on the arbitrary scale are drawn the checked duct and ducts
in front of the lying/horizcntal series/rows (alcng three ducts in
the series/row on the cne band cf that checked);

b) from point 0 with the maximum of heat absorption on the

DOC = 8004~1105 FAIGI

checked duct (see Table 1) is carried out the semicircumference,

limited by diameter **, ky tanSert to the circumference of duct at
the point indicated;

c) from point 0 are conducted rays/keais, tangents to the ducts

in frcnt of the lying/I.crizcntal series/rows; these rays/beams must
not intersect one in frcnt of the lying/horizcntal duct;

d) the sections of the arc cf semicircumference, included

between two adjacent rale/oeams, waich limit free from the ducts
space, are projected/designed tcr diameter AE.

I I- . . .. . . . -.. . .. . -.. . .. ... l .. l .. .Il. .

DOC *80041105 FACE w


th duc of3 t'e secd eie/oy


Fig. 12. Construction ct the coefficients of illumination, a) the

coefficient of illuminaton fort
checkered beam (face grirding); b) the coefficient of illumination
for the duct of the second series/row of corridor beam (point,

I misaligned from the frcntal by EOO).

Page 112.

e) the coefficient cf illuninaticn for Ecint 0 is equal to the

ratio of the su2 of the irojecticas of the secticns indicated to the
length of diameter.

Radiation heat-trarsfer c¢efticient

.=.. +(I-f06)d.4. kcai/u2 hcur deg. (IL)

Radiation heat-trazater coefficient of volume and heating z..

is determined from formula 111).

DOC =80041105 FIGE

For determining the aeat-transfer ccefficient with intertube

radiation/emission 3.... the taickness of radiation layer they
calculate according to fczauld (7-48) or (7-49) cn actual spacings
between tubes in the checked secticn; the temperature of gases accept
equal to .'.. and remainan values - on the indications p. 10.

12. For ducts of serLJes/Cows, arranged/lccated afterward

indicated into p. 11, radiation heat-transfer ccefficient it is
determined only on between pipe radiation/emission in accordance with
indications p. 11.

13. For ducts of lattea/last series/row of beam after which is

arraaged/located gas vcluae by depth not less than three longitudinal
pitches of beam, radiaticn neat-transfer coefficient for point,
misaligned by 1800 frcu frontal, is determined on radiation/emissicn
of this volume. The value of tna heat-transfer coefficient of volume
is calculated according to indications p. 1G; the temperature of
gases takes as the equal to teaperature after the beam.

The coefficient of heat transfer for the face grinding cf the

duct of latter/last series/row is calculated according to the
indications p. 12.
DOC 80041105 PAGE

14. For ducts of first series/row of screen heating surfaces

radiation heat-transfer coefficient

YBpQ, kcal/s 2 hour deg. (13)

Cesignations the same as in ±craulas (10) and (11).

For the ducts of the subseguent series/rcws

BQ. !
Y-JH-- -O- 3 +(-,I)o.. kcai/m 2 hcur deg, (#)

where = - coefficient ct the illuminaticn cf pcint with the maximum

of heat absorption frc the keating, determined in the indications F.
11; for the ducts of the saccad - the fifth cf series/rows it is

accepted v. 0A4,- calcuiatea temFerature of gases in this series/row,

A.6 - radiation heat-transter coefficient cf the volume tetween

the screens with the temferature or gases 0O,

C and the efficient

thickness of radiation layer, tae specific according to formula

(8-11) kcal/m2 hour dec.

15. Heat-transfer ccetficient from wall to internal medium a2

kcal/m 2 hour dpe5 for smLerheater is determined cn ncmogram V. I11

DOC 800411105 EAG& V

initial values for deternining the heat-transfer coefficient are

accepted according to the calculated temperature of steam t__ (see
p. 5) in that duct, for bhich is checked the temFerature of wall.
Pressure of steam takes as the equal: for the initial sections - to
pressure in the drum, fcr the final ones - to pressure after the
steam cutoff catch, for the intermediate ones - to average between
these values.

For the evaporative surfaces the coefficient of heat transfer is

determined with the cxidazing ducts on ncmcgram XXVI, and with the
high-alloy noncorrosive ducts - according tc formula (7a) of Ippendix
III. For determining a2 prelimunarily shculd ke taken value
value a2 it is designed again only in such a case, when taken and
calculated values , they are separated to more than 10o/o.

16. When pressure ditterential in distributing and asseibling

collectors/receptacles ct burdli c superheater ccmmensurable with
resistance of ducts, whica ccnncct collectors/receptacles, that most
frequently can occur with rree-coil superheaters, large diaueter of
coils and at comparatively small length cf ducts between
collactors/receptacles, lor exasple, in radiation superheaters,
especially at reduced pressure cf steam in ciler, should be
calculated hydraulic ncnuniormity of distributicn cf steam cn the
basis of coils.

, t. , in i .... . ..... i'iklli ~ ~ ~~~A

. .,I. - . . . . . ii . . . . . . .
DOC = 80041105 FAG, 4l4,/

The value of nonuniformity, other conditions being equal,

depends on the connecticn of collectors/receptacles. By the greatest

nonuniformity is characterized ciagram Z (Fig. 13), smaller have

diagram II and diagram H, which is the dual diagram P. With any

quantity of supplying and outlet pipes ccllector system can te

represented in the form cf several systems, ccnnected on the simplest

diagrams indicated. Diagram with the supply ard the diversion/tap of

pair by a large quantity or ducts is characterized ty virtually

completely uniform steas suE~iy and does not require testing.

Degree of irregularity is characterized by the value of the

ratio of minimum expenditure/consumption on the coil to the average:

and it is calculated acccrding to the formulas:

for diagram Z 2

for the diagram P, if a change of the pressure in the assembling

collector/receptacle is aore tnan in that distrituting,

+ I/ =-j PC- ' (7

then, if a change cf the pressure in the distributing

collgctor/recentacle is more tnan in that assembling,
,- ] -p . p, (
3+ P+

ap+ A~pe
DOC = 80041105 TAr.F

Page 113.

Diagram H they conditionally divide/mark cff into two halves

(Fig. 13) and each desigrs as diagzam P. So they enter the cases of
more compound circuits.

In the latter/last forsulas: 6p - full/tctal/complete calculated

loss of pressure in the ccil ot bundle, calculated according to the
common formulas, kg/9 2 ; AP, - iressure drop in the assembling

collector/receptacle, kg/ma, determined according to the formula I

w" - the speed of steam in the section/cut cf collector/receptacle

after the latter/last dcct, m/s; T - specific gravity/weight of

,1p, lift of
steam in the assembling coilectcr/receptacle, kg/ -

pressure in the distrituting ccllector/receptacle, kg/m 2 , determined

according to the formula a

a,- C,--7T, kg/M 2 ; (a0)

wl - the speed of steam in the section/cut the ccllector/receptacle

DOC 80041105 W/ 1AGE

before the first duct, a/s; . specific gravity/weight of steam in

the distributing collectcr/receEtacle, kg/m3.

FOCTNOTE I. If in the initial section/cut of collector/receptacle

speed wo=0. into the numerator ct zormula (19) is substituted value

W" -w$2,

2. If in final section/cut cf ccllector/receptacle speed v, 10, into

numerator of formula (20) is substituted value w'2 -w" 2. ENDFCOTNOTE.

Coefficient C1 takes as the equal te: O.e2 - during the end

supply by the total crcss secticn cf collectcr/receptacle, 2(1-O.09 -

during the znd supply tj branca with the diameter smaller than the
diameter of collector/receptacle, and 0.96 - during the side supply

(Fig. 13).

Enthalpy of steam at the output frcm the ccil with the minimum
expenditurq/consumption is aesigned taking intc account determined
degree of irregularity:

sg i torukcal/kg.
its (1)I

Designations in this fcruli see tcraulas (5) and (15).

DOC 80041105 HBt

Since the nonunifcxnity of heat abscrpticn in the width,

considered on the indications j. 5, leads usually tc an increase in

the temperature of steam in the average/mean in the width of flue

coils, the combined effect of tnersal and hydraulic ncnuniforuity

should be considered wker in the bundle, which cccupies entire width

cf flue, coils with the uinimuu expenditure/ccnsumption of steam are

placed in its middle part. In tnesa cases into formula (5) instead of
value i is substituted value .. In the remaining calculation of the

temperature of wall it remains bithout the changes.

Minimum expenditure/consumition of steam corresponds to the

coils, connected between those sections/cuts cf the

collectors/receptacles, for waich iressure difference in the

distributing and assemhliny collectors/receptacles is smallest. The

location of these secticrs/cuts is determined in accordance %ith the

diagrams/curves of the aistributicn of pressures along the

collectors/receptacles, given in Fig. 13.

During the arrangement/Ecsiticn of coils with the minimum

expenditure/consumption cn the edges of flue (at the removal/distance

from the walls to 1/6 widths) is ccnsidered cnly that form of

nonuniformity, which causes a larger increase in the temperature cf
wall. As a r'ile, should te calculated only the ncnuniformity of heat

absorption on the basis cf the hldth and conducted calculation,

DCC =8004i1105 P AEF

disregarding hydraulic rcnuniiccuity.

with a noticeable difivrence in the configurations of the in

parallel connected coils due tc their different resistances appears

the additional nonunifcraity, nct considered in the calculation

prccidure in question. Ibis additicnal ncnunifcrmity must be

introduced into the calculaticn, 4x the specific resistances cf the

in parallel connected ccils are dastinguished between themselves to

10c/o or more.
DOC =80041105 PAGE.

Fig. 13. Connections of collectcrs/receptacles and curves of

i Fressures.

I Key: 1). In the distritut.Lny ccll~ctor/recetacle. (2). In


assembling collector/rEcEjtacle. (3). Side su Fly. ({i}. Distributing

collctor/receptacle. (5)1. nd su~iy. (E)1. Assebling

~collector/receptacle. 1)1. iayrau.

h _ ... . ....... -,
DOC = 80041106 FiAGB

Page 114.

Appendix V



Present recommendations relate to the design/projection of

combustion systems and surraces cz heatirg staticnary boiler

aggregates/units with the water-tube boilers, in essence with the

gravity circulation. Partially zhese reccmmendations can be used also

for other types Cf bcilex a~grcates/units.

aecommendations regarding the design/prcjection contain guiding

indications for the designers ard designers, tut they are not norms
and their fulfillment i- nct ccpulsory.

A. Combustion systems.

a) General consideraticrs.

1. Selection of coukusticn system is determined by

physicochemical properties of fuel/prcpellant, by steaming capacity

DOC =80041106 FAGZ S

and construction,'design ci t~ciier aggregate/unit.

Chamber furnaces tcr coubusting the fuel/propellant in the

powdered and suspensior can be used, as a rule, under the ball solid

fuels, with exception cL lump peat, firewood and wocd

DOC =80041106 PAGI

'Table 1. Recommended typ~es cf chamber furnaces.

(i) j~ fl:Pneo ~ma T.. onoqoro yevpogcs

g yraH . ; 12 fl.eyrojibiaN TonKa'
SKahieuie yram. V'<30/-. 12l fl1i.icyro.msiiaa TOnKa
Kamesitibie yrjTI4. V'Zz-3OV. 1'2 nwfiAeyrojibitaI lolia (0WaXT10Aio.Jc~mnqq4aR

11)OTMorM~ yrnleo6oruC- ln
"N~ flbineyro:IbInaf TOnKa 7
(~ypue yr.Th V IZ . 612 .1Ixio-eIiqlkTff lI.eoba'Tfkl
ypbie yr.oH. W"-15+i30 -o 5( flhlcB%1aTI~qeCCXaTonKa UIKTH
ciICTemwb Uepuuieaa
(1fJTo we .. .. .. . ..... >12 (.i)ToliH" C NL1!oULHM BeHTIIJIR- IUflXT11lo.MCJlbIIjH~jljv(i 7)

(1$pbe yroHi W'-20-'.30 >35 I lbp,4eyroihiag TonKa' WaXT11o-MelbIMMahan l

6ypie yra., W'>30 . - AI jlwjieyrO.Ibnas TOnKaG WIaXTH.- aw

ULaxmrao-Mc.UHIqnaa TonK, flaaieyrojib11a$a T~flK&k.

' '"I;P2
BixptaIwe TorMIQ4)
. ... 4~ .....
' )iie9ATaraCCX3I Tonea LUKTI WaXT1o-mecbu1HeH;II(
CICTemIbi [Lepwijea ToflX3
&To M.. .. .. .. ..... >204.7 i [Ila xvio-MtenbulN uraa TOnka rlHeSBMTHqeCXIR T~flIC
(2 KTII cncTemw Wepw-.
4/,, HelaO
-r Ae.....................) >75 W
UaXrfoIuejtbmkqqn ranKa
Y.:Mo.3) r n r83 . . . . . . orpa. KAMCPH2R Tonxat ,)


Under the coal-dust beatings are understccd the beatings,

equi)ped by coal-dust turners, including with the grinding of

fuel/propellant in the unit type ua.11s. nine-gill are named tte

beatings, supplied with tae open embrasures cr to embrasures %ith
different dividers , etc.

Ke: (1).ZFe/oe ant. (2); steam caracity :f bciler, a/h.

ll:: :2).

recom mended. (5). substituting. (6). Anthracite fines. (7).

Pulverized-coal combustcz A
DOC 80041106 EAG 354

FOOTNOTE 1. For ASh and lean coal with the tciler steam capacity is

above 35 r/h is recommenaed the suEply tc dust into the heating by


(8) Lean coal. (9). Bituinous coal. (IC) . mine- mill furnace 2 .

FOOTNOTE Z. It is adapted when Uith D>35 m/h are adapted


coal-dust burners. ENDECCINCE.

(11). By-product coal 3.

FOOTNOTE 3. For the wittdrawals/deFartures cf enrichment, with

V1 .o
k 0 .2 and the bciler steam capacity tc 35 u/h, sometimes is

allowed/assumed the use/application of mine-mill heatings.

FOOTNOTE (12). Brown ccal. 113). Tine- mill heating. (14). Pceumatic
heating of TsKTI system cr Skershnev. '

FCCTNOTE 4. It is reccsmended ±cr the earthen brcwn coal with

WP<52o/o. Must be provided for toe preliminary splitting of

carbon/coal to the on-screen residue 5x5 not acre than 5o/o.

DOC 80041106 FAir 3(

(15). Then. (16). Heatings with grinding fans. (17). %ne-ill


FOOTNOTE s. With the preliminary arying (to the grinding) on the

locked or extended diagram. ENCCINOTE.

(18). Pulverized-coal ccabustcr *.

FOOTNOTE 6. With the extended diagram of pulverized coal preparation.


(19). mine- mill heating '.

FOCTNOTE 7. With the preliminary drying (to the grinding) on the

extended diagram. ENDFCCINOTE.

(20). Pneumatic heating Cf IsKII system of Shershnev. '.

FOOTNOTE 8. It is adapted in the absence of the need for work on the

substitutes of cut peat. ESDFCCINCIE.

(21). Schists. (22). Milling peat. (23). There are no limitations.

(24) 3wirl furnaces; (25) Chamber furnace.
DOC 80041106 PicE

FOOTNOTE ". Sometimes is allowed/assumed use fcr toilers D=20 u/h.


Page 115.

The joint combustion of Fouaered fuel with the tlast-furnace gas is

not recommended as a result of the significant growth of furnace

Concrete/specific/actual indications atcut the selection of

chamber furnaces in deFErdazg cn the fore cf fuel/prcpellant and
steaming capacity cf bciler aggregate/unit are given in Table 1.

2. Layer heatings fcr run-cf-the-mine ccal, as a rule, it is

expedient to use under tcilers ty steaming capacity to 20 m/h.
Sometimes layer combusticn can &rcve to be cf expedient and for the
boilers larger steaming cafacity.

The beatings with chain/circuit lattices/grids, equipped by

Frecombustion chambers, can be used for couausting the lump Feat
under the boilers by steaming caFacity tc 23C */h.
DOC z 80011106 ra3I4e

Layer beatings do act ensure the satisfactory combustion of the

anthracite fines, emaciated ncncaking and high-icisture brown (W",.15)

carbon/ccals, milling peat and fine/small production wastes (husk,

sawdust, etc.) ; therefcre for tnese fuels/prcpellants they are not

recom mended.

Concrete/specific/actual indications about the selectica of

layer beatings in depending ca the form cf fuel/propellant and
steaaing capacity of bcIler a§gregate/unit are given in Table 12.

3. then selecting ci type cf beatings fcr tcilers by steaming

capacity below 20 u/h shculd ce ccnsidered need for mcst complete
mechanization of all prccesses. in connection with this the
use/application of heatirgs with the manual maintenance/servicing can
be permitted only for the bciiets by steaming capacity to 1 and only
the substances in individual cases to 2 a/h.

wG)Heatings for the chamter ccmtusrion.

4. Selection of type of chaajer furnace in depending on form cf

burned fuel/propellant ard steasing capacities cf bciler assemlby is
recommended tc produce according tc data offable 1.

5. During calculatica of furnace chambers/cameras with dry and

DOC 80041106 PAGE

liquid slag disposal teujeratures of gases at cutput/yield from

heating start frcm conditions of warning/preventing slag fornaticn ca
Table 2. These temperatcres ace assigned fcr those cases when the
following after the heating ccnvective surfaces have the rarefied
part (for example, festccn and rarefied first runs cf pipes cf
superheater), which recuces tte texperature cf gases not less than on

The screens with tuc tiers ct windous and the screen heating
surfaces can be arrangeo/lucated in the 2one cf the temperatures,
which exceed those indicated by Taule 2; the distances between the
screens must be with this not less than 700 at.

6. For carbon/coals, shown in Table 2, temperature of gases at

output from heating teEtatively can be taken as equal to temperature
cf beginning of deformaticn/strain of ashes (see pH 2-01) but not
more than 1150 0 C.

7. Quantity of turners in depending on type and their lccaticn

is recommended to select in acccrdance with data, given in Table 3.

8. As circular turtulent burners are reccmmended burners of type

of ORGRES ( oprp3c - State Trust for the Crganlzation and

Rationalization of Regicnal Electric Power Plants and Networks] or

DOC = 80041106 Ih.i 1 30


During the angular locatica adre reccmmended slit type burners.

Slit burners is expedient tc carry out by rctary cnes I for the

possibility of flame centrol in the heating.

FOOTNOTE I. Besides ASh and caxkonaceous coal. ENDFCOTNOTE.

During the angular locatico of turners the relationship/ratio of the

sizes/dimensicns of heat ig in the plan/laycut is desirably oct more
than 1-1.2.

As the outflow burners are recommended the burners in the form

of the nozzles of rectangular cross section with the location of the

larger side of burner cc the teight of heating.

9. Selection of distances tetween burners, and also from burners

to enclosing surfaces fcllows it produces in accordance with data,
given in Table 4.

During two-next the locatica cf burner it should be plac'ed on

the triangle by apex/vertex upward for the frct or dcwnward tor the
lateral - counter locaticn.

** . ,', , . , '
DOC 80041106 FAC_

jable 2. Maximum permiss±ole the temperatures of gases according to

the conditions of slag tuiiduj.

(I) ~D C2
on... ,.26

n'T9WA I ISO 1100
TOUHe yrall
.. . . . ... 100 1050
(( Apam.iia extu ..... . 1150 1 1O0
W7iKaMenHue yram
(SIKaprawaRHcxI . . . . 1150 1 100
-Q Ke e o 1,1... '100 0

(IiBopRyTCKi, ...... . . 1100 1 050

( 6 or.
(}oT ate-
(LJiVoneuxam flrIM . . . . 1 100 1050

ji'fJypmhe yru
(lo oco ........... I 1o I 050
adi-eA1.H6HCX. .....
: .. . 00 I 050
1 150 1 100
' Borocoacx...........
(14)C .1
a.H i
[41)3CT0C p4rooome 900 850

TOPI0 I000
1.. 950

Note. For the bcilers ty steazing capacity not above 120 m/h

with the difficulty cf cco.lfl gases by wall screens down to the

indicated in Table 2 values of tae maximum permissitle temperature is
allowed/assumed an increase in the temperature cf gases at the output
frcm the heating against the values, indicated in Table 2, but not
higher than on 503C.

Key: (1). Fuel. (2). m/b. (3). Anthracitic coal dust. (4). Lean coal.
(5). Donets. (6). Aral. (7). Bituunnous coal. (8). Karaganda. (9).

Kemerovo. (10). Kizelcvskiy. (11). Vorkutskiy. (12). By-product coal.

DOC = 80041106 A.

(13). Donets PPM. (14). Erown coal. (15). Moscow. (16). Chelyabinsk.

(17). Theological. (18). Schists. 119). Estcian and Gvodskiy. (20).

Volga. (21). Peat. (22). HillinS peat.

Page 116.

During the locaticn of turners on the triangle the distance

between the adjacent burners on the horizontal is received as 2-3.2 a

when o.<25 m/h and 3-4 1 bben D,>2540 m/h.

10. Length of flame& snould be selected not less: for bcilers by

steaming capacity 20-50 i/h of I-I( m; fcr tcilers by steaming

capacity 75-120 m/h cf 11-13 a; for boilers by steaming capacity

150-230 m/h of 14-16 m.

FOOTNOTE 1. Under the leogth ot torch is understood its conditional

trajectory, planned alcnq the axis of burners frcm their mouth to the
vertical axis of heatirg, then along the vertical axis - from the

plane of the location of burners to middle cf toiler beam, or festccn

and - with the lateral yield of yases - from the vertical axis to the

encounter with the tube kan. witn layer firing the calculation is
conducted from the axes of the upper row of turners. ENDFOOTNCTE.

The upper limits are reccmeended for ASh and lean coal.
DOC 8001106 IG34'!

11. Furnace depth du.irg ficat location cf turners or eabrasures

should be selected in accordance with data cf%able 5.

12. Exit velocities of dusty mixture and second and outflow air

from burners are selected tcr rated steau capacity of boiler in

accordance with data ofa cle 6.

13. Selection of sieeds in euhrasures and nczzles of mine-mill

beatings is recommended to iroduce according to data ofjTable 7.

14. Embrasures of mine-mill beatings one should to establish as

near as possible to cold iunnal. leaving on front wall under

embrasures only place fcr distribution cf Icer nozzles. minimum
distance from the lateral face cf extreme emtrasures to the adjacent
malls must be not less than 400 m.

With the open embrasures the angle of the slope of upper nozzles
to the horizon is reccmended with 45-550, and lcwer of -25-3-o.
DOC = 8001106 PAGE 3i

-fable 3. Quantity cf dust buzmers.

(i) ~~
C PacTIOoCII e uCrmnC ropeAoR
laponpo. - 7 3/Ipo.,oo, ' r"'
'10CT b .0ITAS.l -
m, a opyrnse
7 pflywet T- ~
Mfro- ~ py rCNe.
M* os.

_ _ -2.30
150 3+4
- -4 6 4-- -64-8 8

Key: (1). Boiler steam capacity, m/h. (2). Lccaticn and type cf

turners. (3). front. (4). lateral - counter. (5). angular. (6).

circular turbulent. (7). multislot '.

FOCTNOTE 1. They are adajied scuerimes fcr cczbusting rock and brown


(8). slit. 9) To.

FOCTNOTE 2. During the installaticn of two turners one should

establish/install the third reserve feeder cf dust with the chutes to

both pulverized coal ccnmaits.

DOC 80041106 EAG 344~

lable 4. Arrangement/pcsitict ct burners in the pulverized-ccal

combustors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

\ YCAOSM&A rope....
no nany.
WToI >265i-so-125

rope,1oc 1o SepXa Xoo0luoA an.

I . .. .X -2,2 12-,1A 1,4-1 6

.1 nP1%19aIUIm CIei .5~-
.8.i.8 -2.2 - -
rope .1oi do roJ)0I3OHT.I IH .eAy
pv.asii Ur e.i1oKno SePT11IN~a 16 2.0 1 2.0 2,5 1.4-1.6 1.6 1.8

K(ey: (1). Dimensionalit. (d.) Ccouitional Frcdicctivity of burner on

steam, a/h. (3). circulat turruient during frcnt cr counter Iccaticn.
(4). slit during angulaL lCCatiCQ. (5). Distarce from axis of lover

row of burners tc top ct cold tuanel '

FCCTNOTE 1. During the iccaticn cf burners cr the triangle by

apex/vertex downward the diastance is received as C.7-1.2 M; with

location by the apex/vertax upward 1.2-1.5 a for the turners by

productivity D'<-23 m/h an 1.4-i a to D,>A- 40 *,h on steam.


16). Distance from axes cf extreme burners tc adjacent walls. (7).

Cistance between centers c± adjacent burners cn horizontal and

between rows of burners ca vertical line.

DOC 80041106 PAG 7

-able 5. Furnace depth.

I) rlaponP°3oa;A"Te bIaocTb KOTeibNoro arperaTa,

m/.ae...................12 120 230
(1PeKolmeIayemam ray~isnii lI ne mene, At.
M 4.0 4.5 6,0 7.0

Key: (1). Steaming capacity ot toiler aggregate/unit, 3/h. (2).

Recoimended furnace deEtt is not less, m.

Page 117.

Nozzles on the rear furnace wall should te arranged/located at

the level of embrasures borizcntally or %ith the inclination/slope

downward to 150.

The use/applicaticn of tte cpen embrasures in the shaft-mill

furnace ensures the sufticientiy effective ccmkusticn of brown coal

and milling peat under the bcoilers of small and average/mean power.

For the boilers of large power, and also during the combusticn of
bituminous coal for the pupcse of an increase in

efficiency/cost-effectiveness and improvement of the adjustability of

turning process is reccasenued the use/application of special burner


15. To speed in burners for blast-furnace gas it should be

selected according to data ofable 8, and fcr flameless burners -

DOC =80041106 PG

according to data of'Vatle 9.

16. oil sprayers fcr constant combusticn of petroleum residue

must, as a rule, be used with mechanical atcaization/pulverizaticn.

For the bcilers of snall stealing capacity (tc 2C m/h) are

allowed/assumed the sprayers vith the steam atomization/pulverization

cf petroleum residue. FExendituze cf steam fcz

atomization/pulverizaticr is 0.3-0.35 kg/kg.

17. To air speed ir mazut and gas burners it should be selected

according to data of fatle 10.

Outlet gas velocity frcm the slots cf gas and gas-oil burners

starts within the limits or 5-150 a/s in depending on the available

gas pressure.
DOC 80041106 F.G

lable 6. Speeds of primary, seccad and outflow air on leaving from

the burners into the heating, 3/8.

[)A .. "6... . 3),.u .

yrAs .q ,O
K........ .
Ton .1) ,rpuok
i ( rop1o0 e)Tun
nlppq- Stop1.. IlepIo. enp nq fl*P
. 6t.-aUtpi.

(?)Kpyr.bie typdv.,e:Tmehe TK3 (y.11-

ro oro THnI) AN'OPrP3x. . 12+6 18+22 16+20 ..-25 20+620-30
j IGJQU ropetAR np yr.losao pac.
no MIeu..
N . ........ 27-32 27+32 27+32 27+32 2'1+3! 32--37
Copocmus rop..... ;10,,40 - 30+40 - 30+40 -

Key: (1). Type of burners. (2). Anthracitic. (3). Lean coal. (4).

rock and brown coal. (5). irimazy. (6). Seccnd. (7). Circular

turbulent TKZ (spiral tyie) cr CRG5ES. (e). Slit burners during

angular location. (9). Cutficw turners.

... .. . . , _ ...
... .. ... ....
DOC = 80041106 Fifif

fable 7. Exit velocities of air mixture and air in shaft-mill furnace


, I €one., IS= Is ......- T~On~l II. l~Nroo
Trn...... , ._ , NM... O ,Mi... .. .. MI Ic
6aAO. pa- MO jIMC pace

aypM C ropHeOIsTaJebHMII
a,.e ...
au6pa3yp 4+6 - 20±40 - - 35-,-45 56
i.LKTI1 .o Am . 4..6" - - 15±20 25-30 35-45 -
A C b
B6pT3YPi aiem
811. - 30-35 30-35 - 5.6


I. Upper limits relate to toilers cf larger steaming capacity.

2. Downdraft throuck mouth cf cold funnel is adapted only during

combustion of milling peat. A guantity of air, applied in the mouth,

gust compose 10-15o/o cf tbe quantity of air, supplied tc the


Key: (i). The types of embrasures it puffed. (2). Dusty mixture. (3).

Nozzles above and under embrasures. (4). Nozzles of ejecting

embrasures. (5). Nozzles cn rear wall of heating. (6). Mouth of cold

funnel. (7). Front iccation o± catasures. (e). Angular location of

embrasures. (9). upper (10). lower. (11). Hcllcw emtrasures and

embrasures with horizctal ty teakvaters. (12). Ejecting emtrasures

of TsKTI. (13) . Embrasures lthb nozzles in the form of vertical slots.

t . .. .... . .. . . . H
DOC = 80041106 PAGE

-fable 8. Air speeds and tiast-turnace gas in the burners.

TonI ropoax no
T,,, rEopealm |mI t *3 ,
rMNOZ I m *w x~ U
umeiel ropeu.
| lu. "'a' I =,oa

\(%yr.ionwe rope.IKH

r0Urw qarme rope.K 030 "U 30

K H .. ...: 25 25

Key: (1). Type of burner. (z). Air speed at output from slots of

burner, m/s. (3). Speed of tlast-furnace gas at cutput from slcts cf

burner, m/s. (4). Tangential turaers of 1hZ. (5). Slit burners. (6).
Tubular burners.

Page 118.

18. During arranqement/pcsiticn of cil sirayers productivity

500-1000 kg/h on front wall ct teating distarce cf their axes of
lateral walls must be nct less that 1-1.2 m, tut frcm lower rcw of

sprayers to hearth - nct less than 1 m. furnace depth with tte

productivity of sprayers 20C-250 ky/h must ccuprise not less than 3

a, but with the productivity 50C ky/h and atcve - not less than 4 a.

19. Fcr normal cperaticn of oil sprayers is necessary preheating

petroleum residue to temleratures, which prcvide required
viscosity/ductility/tou~tness (see RN 3-C2).
DOC = 80041106 3Ac

For the mechanical kurners maximum permissitle

viscosity/ductility/tougtness 6 recommended -,.5oUV (relative

viscosity). For the steaz jets the maximum permissible
viscosity/ductility/tougtness 15, reccmmended with -70 UV.

20. During calculaticn of turner devices quantity of primary air

for carbon/coals, schists and ailling peat is reccamended to select
in accordance with data c± fale 11, connecting it with results of
thermal design of dust-s~sten.

For the petroleum residue and the gas entire organizaticnally

applied into the heating air shculd be supplied to the root cf torch.

C) Heatings for layered comausticn.

21. Selection of tyie ct heating for layer combustion in

depending on form of fuel/propellant and steaming capacity of boiler
aggregate/unit should be produced in acccrdance with recommendations
given in Table 12.

22. In cases of installaticn cf layer heatirgs under bcilers by

steaming capacity more tkan 2C ./h recomsendaticns remain the same as
fcr boilers with D=20 a/h.
DOC - 80041106 FhC-B 3)
23. Height of heating for toilers with steaming capacity 4-10
@/h one should assume/take i.5-4.0 m, for bcilers by productivity

20-35 n/h - not less than 4 a.

24. Active length ct grate tar fabric/bed must be: a) with

manual fueling - not are more than 2.3 m;

ja) with manual loading of fuel/propellant - not more than 2.3 m;

b) with mechanized load to rigid lattice - not are more than 3.5

c) with mechanized load tc acving lattice/grid - nct are less

than 4.5 m.

25. Furnace chambers/cameras ¢f layer mechanical and

semimechanical heatings, designed for coubusting cartcn/coals,
anthracites and schists, it should be equipped highly raised with
front/leading and low that omitted by rear with arches/summaries,
which overlap about half grate tar fabric/bed.

In the upper graphs,/counts on each positic are shown the

recommended types of ccatusticn systems, intc the lower ones - those


DOC =8001106 EAGE

(Mable 9. linimum speeds cf a-ir mixture (cn volume of mixture with

COC and 760 mm Hg) in the nect/tbrcat of the flameless turners for
the blast-furnace gas, na/s.

rNO 1_ 200 (,
opwoS.... x.
ZO 4 I

H 4% 2o.e 2 4 0
Lo Wy. .. 3:6 4:0 4.3 4:. 4: 5.0

Key: (1). Content of hydrogen in the gas. (2). Ciameter of

neck/throat, mm. (3). Fniaua speed, nm/s. (4). Not more. (5). To.

Table 10. Air speeds ir sazut and gas burners in the narrowest
section of embrasure

DNA toan u * rum ropejRx

(3) Ma3w1T et-amw~etoe pcrnw.ii.

waHHe, 9eTImuT.opiioe .lyTbe) 20-35
4) .%a.Y (naponoe pacnblaaHjte,
66e3 BeHTA.NTOporo 2'rbTR) 5 8
()fpHpOAHwi ra. (raoe~e
rao.-a3yTHmbe rope.Ke) . 20+35

Key: (1). Form of fuel/Fropellart and type cf turner. (2). Speed,

a/s. (3). Petroleum residue (sechacical atomizaticn/pulverization,

ventilator blowing). (4). Rstzcleum residue (steam

atomization/pulverizaticc, withcut ventilatcr blowing). (5) natural
gas (gas and gas-oil burrers).

gas., ,
DOC-- 80041106 of:zu

(0A0W 11 2 9o no-IY3HeAUoro

(?oaIH -Ie 8 73 7r.- 7

q ) o uKpa.p
ai, yr.l
i. . . .(..
. . . 30 50 e 30 4dc17e30
5 30 4 -45

90t n 50 -60
40he 40- 60
50 50 .
raYp " ,.=lr .5
10ft . .
tO--1 - 50-+ 70
' 41 p e(7TulevH.....i
, ep . , ,ATo p10 . . .

Key: (1). Fuel/propellant. (2). lield of volatile components to

combustible mass. (3). kercentage cf priary air frcm quantity of

air, supplied for heating. (). ulverized-ccal combustors. (5).
Jhaft-mill hearings. (6). ASh aad ¢arbonacecus coal. (7). Lean coal.

(8). Bituminous coal. (S). Then. (10). Brown coal. (11). Schists.

(12). milling peat.

FOCTNOTE 1. Recommendaticns aro given for the diagram with the supply

of dust by hot air. Durirg the suilying to dust by mill air a

quantity of primary air must ke rGduced to 15-20o/o for ASh and

DOC = 80041106 rPAGB

e 119.

Table 12. Recommended types ot layer heatings.

i) TanPasso S@*AUvre~bHOC?b
Tonns f21 4-10 12+20.

(3)AiiTPSUic (APW, ACl], (9J Tongas C 3adpaCbI8aTetIeM (S)Tanxa C ueniial

AC, AM) Tongs C UeMuo PeweTmo

Tongas c pyqichM
7)38, POCOM I

(f)Touiice yrami (TOJIbcO 113 (3Tongsa C 3t6PaChWsa~ejIeN

11151?,DMB5IOULHX C.1860
cnelcaSIMNee, yrIl) cpvit4-

(q KameHHL.IC yrrne cuca- Tnia C 3a3p8CI@8mTe.Ie.W Tongas c 6uentool pewet-

MesiHbie IUeneicsoIUeCSm *Tongca c tuvpyow~eA MANOcS~eot icOf i 38 p c bins reJieu.
Tongas c ueni'og pewet-

Tongas c pyqiiim
)Kamernimde yr.cic' nJis- (L) Tongcs C 3a6pacbINSTe.lem ( ) Tonis C iienrjoR pewueT-
memichie creicatowmeex Tongas c tuypytote A njisucoA icOOii a6PoCW.ITeeM

Tonoc C pvY~

I/)9)BYpbie yrO. I yw4epemioR 0 Tonics C 3adPsChass?eneM 8

CtenjioA petueT-
5s38mNOCTU (WAi~6) 'oina e WYPYIolteA 0.ialiKOA KcOOm 336pacwssre.eM.
Tc uenmoa pewsT.
_ __ _ _ _KOO

Tonics C pv4,11M Tonic 8C HS%.'10tIH0-nteTalcHSabOUeA pteemoA

U Fypwe iFJIm noohiweli-

Tongcs c 385pAeM.ITe.iem
c uiypyiowea n.iaHMiOR3
0 Tongas c itenifoA pewer.
"R i
KO S(PacMaTealem

Tones c pyqHIm JTongc axmonofnepe-

386POCOM 8I4KsI~ApewerhOR
(7)op xcroso~ (ipJ Waxt~st tonics ( WamiUIo-atuehsw tonics

IBsuu Tonics C 3a6pach1. I Tfia, ivsicollo-nePtTIJIi;ainueiI peujetcoR

4( flpeeui.,e orXOnAM (p3) Copocrman Tonga LLKTH ccv flomiepsrnies

*sIVOcicaa pejeraoA)
TOnics (C HMIKAommod

Key: (1). Fuel/propellant. (2). Bciler steam caFacity, a/h. (3).


(5). Heating with chair grate. (o). Heating with chain grate 2.

FOCTNOTE 2. For the boilers by steam capacity of 10 mth. ENDFCCTNCTE.

(7). Heating with manual thiow/excess/overshcct. (8). Lean ccal (only

from mines/shafts salient weas1y caking coal). (9). Bitumincus coal
ardent not caking. (10). deatng with spreader. heating with the

poking lath 3.

FOOTNOTE 3. For the boilers by steaming capacity to 12m/h.


(11). Heating with chain grate and ejectcr. Heating with the chain

grate. (12) . Bituincus coal arent sintering. (13). Beating with

caint grte and spreader. je). Bcwn ccal ce mcderate humidity.
(15) . Heating with ohli uatly ushing latticegrid. (16). Heating with

obliquely pushing lattice/grid. (17). Peat ct lump with. (17a). and.

DOC = 80041106 PAGE

(18). Nine/shaft heating '.

FOOTNOTE 4. For the tcilers by steaming capacity to 6.5 a/h.


(19). Wine-chain/catenary turnacGs.

FOOTNOTE 5. For the toilers ty steaming capacity 10-230 m/h.


(20). Schists. (21). Heating with spreader. (22). Wcod

withdrawals/departures. (2J). tiigh-speed/high-velccity heating of

TsKTI system of Pomerartsev. 4'4). Finnish heating (with inclined


Page 120.

In torch- layer heatings and beatings with the manual

throw/excess/overshoct cf chamber/camera one shculd perform cpened.

26. In the case of supply into layer heatings cf secondary air

quantity of it must compose 8-15c/c of necessary for combustion. The

exit velocity of this air frcm the nozzles sl.culd be assumed/taken

40-60 i/s. For torch- la)ar teatinys a quantity cf seccndary air can
DOC =80041106 PAGFS~'

be increased to 20-25o/c.

E. Heating surfaces.

q) General consideraticns.

27. Temperature of stack gases boiler unit should be selected

from consideraticns abcut sufficiently effective use cf heat cf

fuel/propellant with relatively ich experditure cf metal for

construction of tailed heatin surraces. This temperature for the

powerful/thick boilers is located on the lower level than for the

low-power reactors.

For the boilers with prouuctivity D>12 z/h at the assigned

values of the temperatuifs cf teed water and air at the entrance into

the air heater the temuerature ct stack gases should he determined,

assuming/taking thermal heads at the cold end cf the economizer about

40-50OC and at the hct esd cf the cold step/stage of air heater (cr
entire air heater with its single-stage laycut) about 30-40 0 C.

Temperature of air at the inlet intc the air heater for the

purpose of averting chcking by the ashes of the heating surface must

he selected to the apprcxiaately equal temperature cf the

condensation of water vaors, which corresponds to their partial
DOC 80041106 PAC-F

pressure in the gases.

For the solid fuels to this ccnditicn ccrrespond the temperature

of airs at the inlet 4rtc the air heater, shcwn in Table 13. For
these temperatures and two assused values cf the temperature of feed

water are calculated at zeccamerdEd values indicated abcve of thersal

heads of the temperature cf stack gases, also given in Table 13.

For the sulfurous fuels/izcpellants the dewpoint of flue gases

considerably exceeds the t mpezattLe of the ccrdensaticn of

pure/clean water vapors, determined on their partial pressure in the

gases, since in this case on the cold surfaces is condensed the

solution of sulfuric acid. With the given content of sulfur- in fuel

).-.5-2o/o/thcus. kcal/ky, temieaature cf the dew point ccmposes
120- 1500C.

Under these conditics the Fictecticn cf air heaters frcz the

gas corrosion by an increase in the temperatcze of the wall higher

than the dew point vculo lead to the inadmissibly high temperature of

outgoing gases. Therefore teast the combustic cf sulfurous

fuels/propellants of the temperature of air at inlet into the air
heater and stack gases is reccmuenJed tc select without takirg intc

account an increase in tke debpcint. Consequertly,oable 13 must be

used also for the sulfuLcus fuels/iropellants.




DOC - 80041106 r-Ac-.

For warning/preventin of gas corrosion cr weakening of its

harmful consequences ir this case should be taken the special
measures: the guarantee cf lignt replacement cf the corroded
sections, the use/applicaticn of the corrosicc resistant materials
and coatings, the use/apFlicaticn of special schematics of layout,
which prevent most the ccrrosively dangerous tenjeratures of wall,
close ones to the dewpcint, and using a range of temperatures of wall
with the relatively low speed of corrosicn at lower temperatures,
use/application of special cccstcucticns/designs cf the
series-connected air heaters, etc.

For the low-power reactors (D.<12 i/h), which have the tailed
heating surfaces, the tnEuerature cf stack gases must start by higher
than the values, indicated in lable 14.

28. Preheating air, supplied to heating during chamber

combustion, is recommended in limits, indicated inlable 15.

For the layer heatirgs of tcilers by steaming capacity less than

12 m/h preheating air is not requared, with exception of the cases
when work on cold air dces not ensure stability and effectiveness of
the burning process (see av 5-03).
DOC = 80041106 AG S i

'able 13. Temperatures ct stack gazes and air at the entrance into

the air heater fcr the tcilers bith D>12 a/h/

X -L Te~flep.TYPS Y.u
raa. s.
AY0IIA He s e
NaTe~b. UIl.-|"~
i... -I5 'C)

(4CYxoe.Wn-2 .... 30 120- 1.)0 110-120

()Liatotooe, V -a5 i-20 45 55 140-+-150 120- 130

('6kAjabNO saamlioe, W-">251 60 65 160-, 170 130-140

Key: (1). Fuel/propellant. (2). T:operatureof air at the inlet into

air heater, °C. (3). Tejeraturra ci stack gazes, oC. (4). High

pressure. (5). Mean pressure. (6). Dry. (7). Ecist. (8). Strcngly

Table 14. Temperature cf stack gases for the tcilers with D.$12 a/h.

(1) Tonrn.,o 1 IW I" TY- 1.

c W"<6 . 160-180
Yr,1,c W -6+16 . 180--'200
('1ka3VT i npopoHi. ra3 1 -+-180
• (yTop*. .... ........ 190 210

Note. The upper limits relate to the bcilers of smaller steaming

capacity and the higher temperatures of feed water.

Key: (1). fuel. (2). Tenerature or outgcing gases. (3). Cartcn/coals

(4). Petroleum residue and natural gas. (5). Peat.

Page 121.
DOC = 80041106 PAGE -1

29. ihen during chambez ccatustion cf fuels/propellants with

given humidity >6-8 and schists according tc drying conditions of

fuel/propellant is not r*4uired bigh preheating cf air (for example,

in individual extqnded diagram cf pulverized coal preparation), it is
expedient to limit its *l0-2700C, bhich will wake it possible to use
single-stage layout of tailed heating surfaces.

30. Gas velocities acccrdieg to conditicns of averting drift of

heating surfaces start bith ncinal load not kelcw 6 u/s for
transversely washed beans and not telow E r/s for tubular air

The upper velocity liait c¢ gases is determined by conditions of

ash wear. The maximum Feimissi~le jas velocities I at the entrance
into the first on the uction of gases packet cf convective mine/shaft
(temperature of gases cf -600-7000 C) with the ncainal load start in
accordance with Table 16.
FOOTNOTE I. The speed of gases, achieved by wear conditions, in
the case when the diagonal section for the passage of gases is
smaller than transverse (in contrast to computed speed during
calculation of heat emission, is determined by the diagonal
For the coal-dust slag-tap'boilers, and also for the boilers
with the layer heatings, the maximum Vermissible gas velocity until
further refinement of the data about the fractional composition and
the coefficient of the atrasiveness of ashes is determined
approximately by the method of the conversicn of the value cf speed
for the boilers with the dry slag disposal inversely prcporticnal to

I DOC = 800I41106 FIGS,

root cubic from the relation of the values cf t1he extension cf ashes

from the heating.

The values of the aaximu Feraissible speeds fcr the bciler

beams of the multidrum kc±lers c¢ cld ccrstructions/designs with the

pulverized-coal combustcxs shculd be determined according to

application/appendix tc the circular technical instruction RES No T13

"About varning/preventic¢ cf esergencies with the bcilers because cf

damage of the heating surface as a result of cinder erosion", but in

this case they must not exceed values indicated in Table 16.

.... ... z ,,,, .,: , ..

DOC = 80041106 FiGE

fable 15. Temperature ct preheating air.

(1 ~eTOOTK (; c instuMI ~two re~nas 1yp ro9.%..

(II r T

c cyxm juasKoyaaJeeeM (OJKame.iwe yr.I,,, c.lASuh cesepo-1aia*-

4 Toni
)Ke cy11
, J~~ocxeMe
H'Ton. lp -ecTopomAete
mbix ,AeJeiioA Bajan(HOCTM O 8%Tonrn6ls1 C
A II Apyre

T WO0 KCK e 320-0500

).),rpautonbiA uvIGO u toute y r.1H 380-i- 420
k)To xKe
*P t Ap r~e 380420
0)5%!pwe )rail, (Ope3ephA TOP
R11eeMATHINqecKIero.119a C npISeAeiHoA oo. -
u e 8'/. 380--420
(gIrongH C MHAKHM WA1aKtoyAJIMeHe, I aHe3asHc"0o oT iIIAlI c uremoroTona.I"Oa
a Tom q mH
c e IitUKJtOIIHbie 'PA 83yT K np pOAHiA r0 -
KamepHbe TOflnK

Note. The recommended values cf the temperatures of preheating

air, supplied to the layer beatings, are shcbr in BN 5-03.

Key: (1). Characteristic of heating. (2). Type cf burned

fuel/propellant. (3). Eeconmended temperature cf hot air, oC. (4).

Heatings with dry slag disposal in locked diagram of drying cf

fuel/propellant. (5). Eituaircu.s ccal, schists cf northwestern layers
and other fuels/propellants with given humidity to 8o/o. (6). Then.

(7). Volga schists. (8). A-rhracite fines and lean coal. (9). Then,
including pneumatic heatings cf UskTI. (10). Ercwn coal, milling peat

and other fuels/propellants witt given humidity are more than 8o/o.
(11). Liquid-bath furnaces, incluaing cyclonic. (12). Independent of

form of burned fuel/prciellant. J13). Chamber furnaces. (14).

Petroleum residue and natural gas. (15). Blast-furnace gas.
DOC - 800411106 FA G1-31-

Table 16. maximum permissible gas velccities according to the

conditions for cinder excsi.on.
CaFo cnoann rPeht.1%MORY.
iJcop? TOWN

()rioamocxcaaua yroji (ViflIJe0HUjMA, U18pomwe 6apa~mu,4me 10.0

SUN r'jj flAwe..k;H W, e 6 AP 68 H
apo eM e 10 5

Key: (1). Type of fuel/Fropelat. (2). Ignition method. (3). Maximum

permissible speed, u/s. (4). IMcsccw carbcn/ccal. (5). Pcvdered, ball

rattlers. (6). Then. (7). .ihait- sill heating. (8). Anthracite fines.

(9). Powdered, ball rattlers. (10). Donets emaciated. (11).

Chelyabinsk carbon/coal. (12). bizelcvskiy caxbcn/ccal.

Page 122.

31. Spacings between tub~es in convective surfaces of heating

should be assumed/taker in accordance with litts, indicated in Table

aecommendations by choice cf steps/ritches for the air heaters

are given in the appro~xIiate division.

32. To tailed surface of heating low-pressure tcilers by

DOC = 80041106 PAGE 340,

steaming capacity less than li m/h it shculd be made by that

consisting of elements ct teed-hater economizer, and of separate
cases of elements of air heater.

With the boiler steam capacity D),12 m/h it is usually expedient

to perform "tail" by that consisting of the feed-water economizer and

the air heater.

with the nondeaerated feed water for the kcilers with the

pressure of steam to 22 aI(gage) irclusively is reccmended the using

of cast iron ribhed eccncmizers. The start cf boiling of water in the
cast iron feed-water eccnomizers is inadmissitle. The maximur
temperature of the heated in thee rater must te, in accordance with
boiler code, at least cn 400C celcw boiling pcint.

In the boiler ir.sta1laricn cf small pcwer, which work with the

frequent stoppages and changes cf the loads cver wide limits, is
usually expedient installation of cast iron air heaters.

b) 4 ter shields and bciler beating surfaces.

33. Spacings betweer tubes fox screens should te selected

according to data of Tatle 18.
DOC = 800411106 itGjq9
34. Screens of unilcculaL ligcid-bath furnaces in part, which
adjoins hearth of first chaabar/caaera of dual chanter beatings, and
also precombustion chauters or cyclonic heatirgs should be studded
with coating with their tize~rocf mass.

35. For guaranteeing steady propellant ignition with small

/yield of volatile ccamcrents lanttracites, carhcnaceous coal, and in
completely slag screened firetcxes of boilers with D<75 m/h and
sometimes larger productivity - lean coal) in chamber furnaces must
be established/installed igniting kelts/zones.

36. Warmed pipes cf screens and convective evaporative surfaces

of heating boilers it is exjedient to make with inside diameter not
nore than 50 am.

c) Superheaters.

37. Diameter of piles cf superheaters can been selected cver

wide limits; it should te by z8-42 mm.
DOC = 8oo01106 FAGE

'able 17. Spacings betbeen tubes.

(41 eCTO, H 4eCTo.KponaH;We RacTH KOTeJnbHbiX nyq-

Kos I w neperpeeate.eA ........ .............. WaxuaRHoe .4,5 ;'3i5
W6)KoTeJbff.e nyqUH H )iUjfoflaA3epb. ............. 2.04-3.0 1 041 .5,

Key: (1). Designation cf surface. 42). Run cf pipes. (3). Transverse

relative step/pitch sl/d. 14). festoon and festconed part cf kciler

beams' and heaters.

FOOTNOTE 1. In boilers by steaming capacity 5C u/h it is above for

the part of the lateral screens, tc the adjacent the rear wall yes

length of 1.0-1.5 a, one should assume/take relative spacing between

tubes s/d<1.3. ENDFOCTICIE.

(5). Chess. (6). Boiler teams and economizers.

POCTNOTE 2. Preference shcuid te returned equiFass teams with

(s,-d)-2 (s'2 -d), where V2 - diagcnal spacer. ENDPCOTNOTE.

DOC = 80041106 4 FAG
Table 18. Spacings between tubes of screens.

n.s .o..X,. ...... " b H#NI io ' ° ...........

' l.&' xawepoa,-.. "tenxamm

12 ll0 .ntac P)3aa6A 3xpaH <1.3

ok)I!3pa.l cSo~a, 60oBosel H
sOpoNToaoA Kp8HM2 *.-I,8-i-2, 0
110 mmqac H "a~me [9qRce rnias o y6Hte HaCTeHube Up8HUS s41,25
ZAL.xcse'rnbje H 0Hp14oee ')kpQaH, *,. 1,2

2. KOT.1 W CO C.lOe WMIH TOflKa H

110 10 1?'qoC I B C3KpaHb TOIKH <2.5
12 To me --.0

Key: (1). Boiler steam capacity. (;). Designaticn of screens. (3).

Relative spacing between tubesa (4). a/h. (5). Boilers with chamber
furnaces. (6). Rear screen. (7). Screen cf arch/summary, lateral
and front screens 2.

FOCTNOTE 1. In boilers steamling capacity 5C u/h it is above for

the part of the lateral icreens of that adjcining the rear wall at

the length of 1.0-1.5 a, is reccumended to assume/take relative

spacing between tubes s/d$1.3.

For strongly slagging iuels/,rojellants spacing between tubes of

screens of arch/summary, frcrt and lateral sbculd be decreased to

s/d(1.3-1.4. ENDFOOTNOE.

(8). a/h it is above. (S). All Flain-tube wall cf shield 3.

FOCTNOTE *. For few slagging fuels/propellants spacing between tubes

DOC = 80041106 EAGL 47

of screens can be allowed tc s/d<2. ENDFCOTNCIE.

(10). two-light and screen screens. (11). studded screens. (12).

Boilers with layer heatirgs.

Page 123.

when selecting of diameter and muster of pipes cf superheaters it is

necessary to ensure saxiwally icssible speeds pair in those sections
of the superheater, where the safety factors are minimum, i.e., where
the temperatures of the ball or pipes, checked using the indications
cf Appendix IV, it is mcst clcse tc the maximum permissible
temperatures for this metal. In this case the hydraulic resistance cf
superheater (from the cutput/yield pair from the boiler barrel to the
main steam cutoff device/equiEaect inclusively) must not exceed 10o/o

cf operating pressure Fair.

38. For guaranteeing reliatle work cf superheaters with

temperature of superheated steas of 500 0 C or above is compulsory
division of superheater intc series-connected (cr pair) parts with
not less than by two-fcld mixing pair in gaps/intervals between them.
For overcoming of the aftereffects of gas misalignment should be also
produced the transfer pair of cre Fart of the flue to another. mixing
pair can be produced witt the aid cf the mixing
DOC = 80041106 :AGE '-

collectors/receptacles vith the end hearth cr ty outlet, in
spray-type attemperator, etc. At temperature cf
overheating/superheatirg 450-5LCOC is also desirable the mixing pair.

39. At average/mean and lcw pressures, ard also usually in

radiation high-pressur.c superbeaters to avoid ncnunifcrm distributicn
pair according to in parallel included coils is recommended the
making of supply pair tj run of pijes of small diameter all over
length of giving out ccllector/receptacle. Te use/applicaticn of a
diagram P is not recommended, and diagrams Z is not allowed/assumed.

40. Boilers, which have regulation cf overheating/superbeating,

must ensure nominal temperature cf superheated steam with steaming
capacities 75-I00c/o cf zominal.

41. For guaranteeinS of reliatility and improvement in

self-regulaticn of heater it is exledient at temrerature of
superheated steam of 5COC cr tc atove use two-step regulaticn of

overheating/superheating. As the second step/stage should be used

spray-types attemperatcr.

42. For regulating cverkeating/superheating in bcilers of mean

pressure it is pcssible tc use surface/skin steam ccclers, placed in
collectors/receptacles c{ saturated steam or intermediate. Hcwever,
DOC = 80041106 TAG w-r'-

in this case the use/aF~licaticn of spray-types attemperator has

advantages, since it isfroves the condition fcr automatic regulation.

During the setting up of surface/skin steam coclers the feed

water, which goes througk tne steam ccoler, should be returned to the
feeder line to the econcuizez.

43. Surface of heating superneater during calculation of boiler

aggregate/unit without rctary burners for nominal lcad is determined
taking into account heat abscrptiLcr in steam cooler, equal to 10-20
kcal/kg pair. Lower limit is shown for the superheaters the part cf
surface of which is placed in the beating, or, fcr the case cf
positicning/arranging the entire surface after the festoon, the
working at temperature gases at the entrance it is higher 10C0 0 C. The
upper limit is shown fcr the purely convectivE superheaters, bhich
work at temperature cf gases at the entrance cf lower than 9C0OC.

Steam cooler relies on beat abstraction cf approximately 25-30

kcal/kg pair under standard conditions. Circuit diagram and
construction/design of steam cooler must prciide the possibility of a
peak increase in the heat remcval to 50-60 kcal/kg pair.

DOC = 80041106 rAra

44. Outside diameter of pipes of steel economizer is reccamended

in limits of 28-38 mu. Ike use/akflicaticn cf pipes of smaller
diameter is acre expedient.

45. Vith U-shaped layout ccils of econcsizer should be

arranged/located in parallel back ball of bciler. In this case the

intensive wear, caused by an increase in ashes ccncentration on

external generatrix cf rctaticn, undergo not all coils, but only
adjacent to the external wall sines/shafts.

The transverse locaticn ct coils is allcwed/assumed during the

combustion of liquid and gaseous fuels, and alsc during the
use/application of heatings with the high ccefficient of slag

46. Distance. between adjacent steps/stages of economizer and air

)eater should be not less tnac 6O mam for guaranteeing possibility of
inspection and surface claaning of heating.

Between the separate packets of the coils of the econcmizers cf

the boilers of average/ean and large power scst be provided for the
breaks/ruptures in height act less than 550-fCO sm. The height of
packet must be noct acre than 1 a with clcse run of pipes (s2 /d(1.5)

and nct more than 1.5 v during the rare location.

DOC = 80041106 A. "

Breaks/ruptures in teight tot less than !50-600 mm must te

provided for also between groups of the cast-ircn pipes of

economizer. In each grcuE is desirable to have not more than eight -

ten rows on the height.

47. With layout of econcaizer "into splitting" from air heater

for guarantee is possitle smaller exapnsicn cf temperatures cf water
cn separate coils is reccamended tte achieving cf its
full/total/complete mixing with transfer from first stage of
economizer to upper.

48. Speed of water in steel "nonboiling" economizers or

"nonboiling" part of "tcaling" eccromizeis scat not be less than 0.3
m/s with nominal load cl bciler. In the "toiling" part cf the
"boiling" economizers to avoid cverheating/superheating pipes with
the stratification of steam-water mixture the speed of water must not
be less than 1.0 m/s. In this case the isolation/literation cf part
from the increased by speed water is produced so that the
underheating up to the Lciling in the beginnirg cf it would be not
less than 400 C.

For maintaining sutficient speeds of water it is possible to use

DOC 800141106 AGE L.

serpentine steel economizers with the bends it several planes instead

of the usual simple coils with the bends in cre (vertical) plane.

Page 124.

49. When selecting cf diameter and number of pipes of economizer

it is necessary to ensure value cf hydraulic resistance of economizer

for boilers high (ly)-that oa pressure not acre than 5o/o and for
boilers of mean pressure not more than 8c/o pressure in boiler

o Air heaters.

50. Tubular air heaters shculd be made fros pipes with a outside
diameter of 40-51 mm in taickness cf wall 1.5 mm. The use/application
of pipes in outside diameter less than 4C am is heat-technically

expedient, but yet was rct ctaiaed sufficiently wide operational

checking. Is reccmmendec chess run of pipes.

For decreasing the overall sizes it is expedient clearances

between the pipes of air heater in the diagonal direction to make
with minimum ones. Acccding ,c the conditicns cf technology
minimally permissible caF length is approximately/exemplarily 10 am.
The transverse pitch of Fipes is selected frct the conditions of
DOC = 8 0 0 11 0 6 1 A,r 1 --

cross-section equality fcr the Eassage of air in the transverse and

diagonal directions.

51. Are recommended fcllowing exemplary/approximate

relationships/ratios of air sieeds and gases:

for tubular air heaters ... .

for ribbed- toothed ot air heaters ... o,-0,7;

for lamellar and rikbed air heaters o.. -10.


Exemplary/approximate thermal design is given for the purpose of

showing, as should be used the materials of standards, and tc

illustrate the order of Fertcxtance of calculation. For this is

selected check calculaticn as as acre complicated.

For fulfilling the calculation is accepted a contemporary Soviet

boiler aggregate/unit cf the tie EK-10, they are represented in Fig.

DOC = 80041106 PA.

Eoiler steam capacity (Ncainal) ... D=230 /b.

Pressure of steam at the out'ut frcm the superheater (after steam

turbine throttle) .. -o ats(ats.).

Pressure in the boiler karrel P,.-oio atu(ab-o).

Temperature of superheated steam t,-5I0.

Temperature of feed watex t,.o-215'C.

Percentage of scavengi9 *oon ga*,= zo/

Fuel/propellant - withdrawals/depaxtures of the enrichment of

carbon/coals of the donets icnd of brand PPM.

System is dust-prepared - ShEM1, locked diagram cf drying.


a) Furnace chamber/camE.a (Fig. 15a).

DOC = 80041106 iAGE

Surface of the wall* of the furnace chamber/camera:

Side wall
F, --4"20 2. 21S - 13,4A

F- 7.600- 11.235 - 85-5 s

F.. 2904 - 6,95Ak.

F4 2- 0400-= 17.6 A

0,8+05 0..-0,A.
F, .t- AO

Frcnt wall (with the ceiling and the adjacent part of the cold
F,.0 - 9.785 (2.20 + 2.705 + 12.175 + 7.20) -
- 238 At.

Bear wall (with the adjacent part cf the cold funnel)

F = 9.785(2,250 +2,705+ 11,235)- 158 All-

Note. Linear dimensicns start with an accuracy tc I mm, if they are

shown on the drawing. Ihe sizes/dimensions, nct indicated on the
drawing, but determined cn the scale or the calculaticns, start with
an accuracy to withir twc-cne signs after ccuma.

F0 - 9,785.5,84 - 57,1 As.

summary surface of the balls of the furnace ctamber/camera

- Fc..a+ F,.. + Fc.. ,+ F0=
= 2.123.7 + 238+ 158 + 57,1- 700 .s.

Not shielded of surface it is net, occupied vith burners,

F., = 9 A'

Surface of walls ct heatinc, closed with screens,

DOC 80041106 EIGE 4W

Diameter and spacing between tutes of all screens are identical.

7herefore the beam-receiving surface of screers is calculated
together from one value cr anyular coefficient.

Diameter of screen Fipes d=76 mm.

Spacing between tutes s=95 an.

! 95

DOC - 80041106 EAE


Fig. 14l. Longitudinal sEczLcnO ot Lciler EK-10 (to

exemplary/approximate thersal desJ Sn).
Key: (1) Brickwork clearance.
DOC =8004I1106 r-Ari

Page 126 elative distarce ofj ies from the wall

a 57,5
-- 0.76 - O.S.

Angular coefficient x-0.S8 (cu RN 6-02).

Beau-receiving surface of the screens

0.98 .634 - 620 A.

Beam-receiving surface of the festccn

H..,- xF - 1.0-57.1 = 57.1 ii'.

Summary bean-receiving surrace cf the heating

H, - 620 + 57.1 - 677 A*.

Degree of the screening cf the heating

I H, -= 677
-- , =o. 9.

Volume of furnace chantex/camera (work of the area cf lateral wall to

the width of heating)
V.,=" 123.-9.785 ..I 210 ui.

b) Vestoon (Fig. 15b).

Diameter of pipes 7bx6 sm. Bun of pipes - chess.

Spacings between tutes sl=.180 mu; s 2 =3C0 mm.

Number of rcvs on tke actic cf gases 2a=4.


DOC 80041106 EAFE

Wumber of pipes in the first and third rcws - on 26, the

secondly and the fourth cn i5. length of piFes: first row 6.9, the

second - 5.7, the third - o.0 a,, the fourth - 6.1 m.

Surface of heating the festcc-

H$ - (26.6.9 + 2-5.5.7 + ?6.6.0 + 2?6.I) 3,14 >C
X 0.076 - 150 A'.

Sections fcr the passage of the gases:

" ,,76 - 48.3 At,
F"-5.6-.900,76-46.2 AO.

In view of the insignificant difference ketween F' and F'

calculated clear openirS is defined as mean arithmetic

F- 48.3 - 46.2
2 -47,2.
DOC 80041106 r-A G

zo .


[I -s~

I k, 'I . b )"
jIO *

Fig. 15. Diagram of gas conduits of boiler EX-t0 a) the furnace

chamber/camera; b) festccn and superheater; c) the diagram of the

superheater: d) econcmizer s-eccnd step/stage).

Key: (1). entrance of steam . 4i). entrarce cf water. (3). tr.

Page 127.

Belative spacings between tutes:

transverse ,_S 76 0o_,

DOC = 80041106 FAGI *4,,

longitudinal ----
d '7 a. .

Average/mean effective thicines. of radiatica layer

- - (,.2 !L4 - 10.6).d=

12.82 (_00+ 3.95) - 10,61 0.076 - 1,1| a.

Angular coefficiert of the row of festocn without taking into

account the radiation/exissicn cf rrickbcrk xv',-U29.

Angular coefficient of the festccn

-I-(I- s)'= 0,746.

Beam-receiving surface cf the team of the festccn

H., - U,746.57..l - 42,6 A2.

Q) quperheater (Fig. 15t and c).

Superheater consists cf twc consecutively/serially (on the

gases) arranged/located Earts ard has the cce~ound circuit of steam


The saturated steam frcm the drum is sent for the steam cooler

along 103 ceiling warmed pipes .,42x5 A. which close ceiling all
over length of superheater in the yaps/intervals between the coils.

From steam cooler the vajor is atstracted/remcved by twc runs of

DOC = 80041106 PAGi .

pipes 0 3*X4. A- along 104 pipes in the row; these pipes partially

overlap the ceiling cf rctary cbamter/camera and then they directly

pass into the coils firstly on the motion of steam on the part of the

superheater. Steam in this Fart moves always ccuntercurrent with

respect to the gases.

The coils of first steam stage of superheater are introduced

into the intermediate ccliectcr/receptacle. Prcz this

collector/receptacle of steam with ten times cverflcw pipes is

supplied into the inlet effusor cf second steam stage. For acre

uniform distribution cf tezfezatures cf steaz cn the ccils it with

the bypass is redistributed alcng the sides and in the width ¢f the

flue: steam from the middle part ot the left half flue it is supplied
into the extreme part cf the right half, and vice versa.

The first on the action cf gases part cf the superheater

consists of two consecutive.Ly/serially (on steam) included parts:

first, that consists of two extreme sections on 28 dual coils of

each, and the secondly, average, section of 4E dual coils. Circuit

diagram with respect tc the gas flow for all three sections is

identical: steam enters the latter on the motion it is single dual

run of pipes, are sunk acwnuard and it passes into the first on the
motion of gases four runs of jipes. Further steam moves with

unidirectional flow with respect tc the gases.

DOC = 80041106 EAGE 5&'

The diagram of mutcaL low direction of steam also of gases both

parts of the superheater does act make it possitle to calculate

thermal head for entire sukerheater as a whcle, if it fails ccndition

(7-68) about the relaticasnii/ratic of the values of thermal head,

calculated for pure/clean anti- and unidirecticnal flcw.

In the case of separate cdlculation the first according to the

motion of gases part is calculated as heat exchanger with an in

parallel-mixed current Mitn tbc motions cf sultipass medium, moreover

both motions with the ucidirecticnal flow with respect to the

single-pass medium (see curve 1 cf nomogram XIV). The adopticn of

this diagram is admissible because ratio between areas cf top and

bottom wings of both mcticns c¢ steam (bcth extreme sections should

be considered as one mcticn with respect to steam) (2e28/48)=1.17<1.5

(see Section 7-63); the fractica/pcrtion of heat abscrpticn, which

falls to last on the mction of gases dual run of pipes (which on the
location does not corresiond to the diagram cf unidirectional flow),

it is small, and this deviaticn frcm the diagram accepted is nct


The second on the action of gases part cf the superheater is

countercurrent. In view cf tte tact that the beat absorption cf steam
DOC 8001106 FAG 11"

cooler is great in relaticn to the heat abscrpticn of this part of

the superheater, should ke expected the nonfulfillment of condition

(7-82), in this case it is necessary to separately determine thermal

heads of the sections ct evapcraticn and overheating/superheating.

without depending ca that now is determined thermal head (for

entire superheater as a whcle cr fcr each part separately), the
coefficient of heat transfer cue should calculate for entire
superheater as a whole. theretcre, besides the structural/design
characteristics of eact lart, are calculated the summary and averaged
characteristics for entire scearneater.

Second (course of steam) step/stage of superheater.

Diameter of pipes 4 X 5 ma. Sun of pipes corridor, with

exception of those chess arranted/located rarefied of the second -

the fourth of the rows (first row bith the steep pitch works equally
with the corridor and staggered arrangements). Since the share of the
surface of heating these rows in the total surface cf heating entire
superheater (second on the ucticn of gases part also with in-line
position of pipes) is insigniticant (10o/o), for the calculation it
starts that all pipes are airanged/located corridor.

The surface of heating tirst four' rarefied runs of pipes (length

I I .. il ill ...
I I .. .. . ... . .. . ..
DOC 80041106

of each of first two rcbs 6.3, each of second two 6.1 n; since ccils
partially they go in the overlaE ot ceiling, their length it is
measured to the axis of ceiling FiFes)
Ht - 104 (6,3 + b,1) 3.14.0,042 - 170 Ms

Surface of heating the fcllcwing tcur rows wIth the increased

steps/pitches only along the lcw cf gases (summary length of first
and fourth rows L,.2.5.6+,.I4.o +o.2II.o. the same of second and third

rows 1 -25.6 + 3.14.0,085 II.5.a)

Ht,= 104 (11,9 + 1 1,,5)3.14.0042 -- 321 jO
DOC = 80041107 PAGE #4

Page 128.

Surface of heating zemainicq nonrarefied runs of pipes of the

first on the course cf gases 1axt Ctotal length
1=4*5.1.2*6.5+3. 14 (0.075+0.130) =34.0 a]
tl3 . 104-34,. - 466 ,.

Full/total/coaplete surface cf heating the ccils of the seccd on the

course of steam of the jart

H11 .. H, +11 2 4- H, - 170 + 321 4- II -R97 .%.

The surface of heating the ducts, which pass in the limits of
this part (length of ducts is determined frce the beginning cf the
warmed part to the middle cz the gap/interval between both parts of
the superheater; the heating suiface is designed from the

semicircumference of ducts) ,
1 3.3 = 22 0.

Since the surface of heating these ducts is less than 4o/o basic
heating surface, it is irciuded in the surface consecutively/serially
cn of vapor of connected with these ducts (hy the first on tte course
of vapor) part of the sulerbeater.
Section/cut for the ass of gases in the rarefied in the width

part jin view of the insignificant difference in the heights cf

section/cut at the entrance into the rarefied part and the
cutput/yield from it calculatict it is carried out through medium

F - 7,32 9.900- 52.0,0125,4 - 57,5%2.

Section/cut for the pass of gases in the remaining part

F 6,5- 5.3
S .* 9.900 - 104.0,042.5.5 - 34.4 A..

Spacing between tubes in the bidth of the bciler:

rarefied in the width part ,i-90u:

of basic part ,,.,-.9sx.

The longitudinal pitch ct the ducts:

rarefied part .,- 7oM,,

cf nonrarefied part s.E,7sx

First (on the ccurse of vaFor) stage cf superheater.

DOC 80041107 E

Surface of beating ste/staq* (total length of ccils)

- 4.3.65 + 2.3.20+4- 2.3,15 - 4.2,95+
+ --... (0,075 +- 0,130) 3.14 - 58.6 A;
~~~~H, - 11,..,,,6.3.14.O,., - - 9.'

Surface of heating the ceiling ducts, which ass in the limits of

this part before and after steam cooler, switching cn the ducts,
which close the ceilinqct x taxy chamber/camera,
3 1 " '' 4
4 1 ,14.0382.4

Since ducts are ccnnacted tota on the vapor and cn the gases
consecutively/serially ct tarst stage of su;erheater and the surface
cf their heating is less than ICo/o H,. they directly are switched cn
in the surface of heating tais steE/stage.

Section/cut fcr the pass of gases (alsc it is designed acccrding

to the average data)
F, - . )900-4-OI00A.-3,5- 24.6 At.

Spacing between tubes in the width of bciler s1=95 as;

spacing between tubes in the deFth of step/stage s=1250/15=e3 am.

Structural/design characteristics cf superheater as a whole.

Calculated surface cf 4eating second on steam step/stage H,, =957

DOC = 80041107 EAGE 0/3

Then of first on steam sta+e

H, + 46 + 22 - 797
72'9 Ask

Then of entire superheater

H - 957 +I 797 ,- 1 754 All.

Calculated cross-sectic- icr the pass cf gases [see formula

(7-22) ]
P 0 + 456 7 29
975+ 34.4 +±L

The calculated diameter ci ducts in viev of its small difference for

both steps/stages is received as the average: d=40 as.

Run of pipes - corxidor, number of runs cf pipes - 26.

Calculated spacings between tubes [see formula (7-30) ]

190.170 + 95 (321+466+729)
== 957-+ 729 - 10;
170_(l -- 311) + 75.466 + 83.729
2p - -9.7 +,'24 -

- 106 Am.

Efficient thickness of radiation layer within the limits cf the tube

U1.87 4,1)0.040 - 0.23 1 .

Computed value of efficient thickness of radiating layer is

determined with the radiation ccrrection of the gas vclumes (see
formula (7-51) ].
DOC = 80041107 FoG"

is considered the radiation/emission of two volumes: betcre the

superheater with a deptt of t1,-i.uA (average cn the height cf coil

size). also, between bctk stejs/stages i 2 -u'S*. General/common/total

depth of tube banks cf tca steEs/stages of the superheater
Z.J- 1,73 +i 1,25 - 2,98 A*.
I 2,98 + 0,15(IMo
+ 0,8)
i ~s' -0,231 2,d =0,301 .

Sections/cuts for the pass ct vaicr:

first on the vapor stage

, -
2WI'0,029'0,785 0,137 ,;

the extreme bundles of tke seccnd cn the varcr step/stage

1t - 112.0,032'.0,785 - 0.090 us,

the average/mean bundle cf the seccnd on the vapcr step/stage

t2u - 96"0.0322'0.785=0,077 w.

Page 129.

Calculated clear openirg for the pass of vapcr

957 + 797
797 112 957 9b 957
1 + RW + !-O,7
- 0.102 At.

d) lhe second (on tke course cf water) step/stage of eccnomizer

(Fig. 15e).

Diameter of ducts JSX4.5 as, run of pipes - checkered.

DOC 80041107 IGE

The heating surface is determined taking into account the fact

that the part of the length of ceils is clcsed with antivear sheets.

In this case it is accepted that in the heat exchange particitates

only the half the surface of heatizg the clcsed sections.

The overall lengtt ct ceils in the limits cf the flue

1- 4,700-10 + 4,675.4 + 3J4 (0,075.11 +
+ 0J00.2) + 2.0,125 + 0425 - 69.6 AL

Lengths of the secticns cf cczis, closed with anti-wear sheets,

1"'P- 3.14 (0,^'5. II + 0.100-2) + 0,010.14 +
+ 0,020-12 + 0,425 - 4.02 A.

Calculated surface of beating the step/stage

1 4.0
H- (9.o - !) 2.3.4 -952 A .OX8

Section/cut for the pass of gases is alsc determined taking into

acccunt the coverage of the part c± the length cf flue by antivear

sheets. The calculated length of flue is accepted average/mean
betwen the length of free frcm the sheets part and entire length of

Calculated cross-sGcticn tcr the pass cf the gases

/, 9.900 - 0.270 -.4-2-0.11 16 4

- 2.4,670.0,038 .. 19,8 m.

Spacings between tubes:

sl= ,,u _s = 105
S,-105 mm; - 2.77:

2 75
DOC = 80041107 PAGE

Number run of pipes cn the course cf gases - 28.

Efficient thickness ot radiation layer within the limits of the

team itself
l (2.77+ 1,97)- 4.1]0.0380-, 181 A.

Computed value of the efficieat tbickness of radiation layer with the

radiation correction of the ictary chamber/caiera with a height of

3.1 a [see formula (7.!I)]

2.02 0.2 8 N.
-0,181 0 - 6

I where 2.02 a the height cf the tube bank of economizer.

Section/cut for the pass of water (with 118 parallel connected

t - 118.0.785.0.0
0 - 0.0779 A.

e) air preheater (cacn of the steps/stages).

Two-pass by the air. Diameter of ducts 51X1.5 m, run of pipes -

checkered. It consists of eigat sections. Cuactities of the ducts

z-85.28+ 14-26) - 6 2.

Surface of heating air ireneater (at the vashed ty air lengtb of

ducts 1=5.552 a)
H - 3,14.0.04955.552.6 272 5420 Al.

kL . ......
. . ....
. .....
DOC = 80041107 PA/7

Section/cut for the pass of the gases

F - 0,7850.048.6 272- 11.3 ,.

Section/cut for the pass o the air

1-2(4.956 - 4--L
.01s 2.772-
-- 0..06)
- 10.1 A
Spacings between tubes:

s 1 - 80 mM; - 1.57;

,- 55 AA: -

A number of runs of pipes cn tne ccurse cf air (for calculaticn j-

are considered the series/rcws cnly of ore course)

i2- 55.

f) first (on the course of water) stage cf economizer.

Diameter of ducts 36X4.5 sa, run of pipes - checkered.

Arrangement and sizes/disensicas cf antiwear sheets the same as in
the second step/stage. Ika determination of the surface of heating
and section/cut for the pass cf gases is conducted with the same

The overall length of coals in the limits of the flue

I- 4.900.18 + 4.875. 10 + 3.14 (0,075.2? +
+ 0.100.5) + 2.0,125 + 2.0,425 - 145 A.L

Length of the sections cf coils, closed with antivear sheets,

13d# - 3,14 (0,075.22 4,0.100.5) + 2.0.425 +
+ 0.010.28 + 0.020.2 6 8.40 AL

Calculated surface of heating the step/stage

f. (145 - 3.14
4.o..-.2.51 -1 7M0 .
DOC= 800411107 FACEi

Calculated cross-secticr fcr the Fass of the gases

" ''6
,-(,o .2 70 + 24 7 -
2 27"
SI -
- 2.4,870.0,038 -' - 18.0 m .

Spacings between tubes:

=10 L- .h05

s, 75
=-75 .m.; A -- L -- 1.97.
s2 ~5 d 38

Page 130.

Number of runs of pipes cn the ccuzse of gases - 56.

Efficient thickness of radiaticn layer

S- 1.87 (2.77 + 1.97) - 4,11 0,038 - 0.181 v.

Section/cut for the pass of water (with 102 in parallel connected

I - 102.0;785.0.029= - 0,0673 A.i.


Withdrawals/departures cf the enrichment of carbcn/coals, brand PPM.

Calculated propellant ccapositicn (see AN 2-01):

DOC 80041107 ,aL

.~ ~ W, - 11.0%

$ (1) 3l- A - 40.1%

(I)Cepa S, 4 9 -3,8%
rpoA C,' - 38.6%
(BoAopoa H' - 2.6%
06) Azor N' - 0.6%
(7) Ksic.ioo O - 3.1%

Key: (1). Moisture. (2). Ash. (3). Sulfur. (4). Carbon. (5).

Hydrogen. (6). Nitrogen. (7). Cxygen.

Fuel heating value Q.' -3650 cal/kg.

Cutput/yield of volatile com~cnets to ccmbustible mass v, =30.0o/o.

Excess air ratios, volumes and enthalpy cf ccmbusticn products in the


The excess air ratic at the output/yield from turner

. =1.20 (it is accepted on bb 5-0').

The excess air ratics in other sections cf the gas circuit are

cbtained by the methcd c€ additacn to ., the suctions of air, taken

on RN 4-06.

Volumes and enthalpy at aiL and combustion products.

DOC ,80041107 EA ,0

Since propellant ccaFositicn is accepted tabular (on RN 2-01),

volumes and enthalpy of air and rcducts coptustions are determined

with the help of RN 4-Ci and 4-C5.

The results of calculaticn axe reduced in Tatles 1 and 2 (see RN

DOC = 80041107 EAGE IPI

T ble 1. Average/mea. characteristics of combusticn Froducts in the

heating surfaces A-40.,1o.

V--4.15 '.M/,cl VR),-0,7S M.-Ixz:

VN, - 3,28 .V -0.49.. lfx

t -4ueTH30bITK 8103flyX 33 ra3oXO- - 1,20' 1.25 1,27 1,32 1,34 1.39

( K, 4 T 3
IM HT 3sIe 00asoAYxa cpeAHHA a 1.22 1.26 1,295 1,33 1,365
V. +/00
0 ) 0,0505W 500. 0512 0

V. Vp 0 , + V04 , 11,0~
VH 0
~) I)V4V I 5,36 5,47 5.62 5,76 5.91 6,06

RO, -V, - 0,140 0,138 0,134 0,130 0,127 0,124

V 1 ,O
rt:0 = V- 0,094 0.0925 0.0905 0,0885 0,0865 0,085

r, - rfZ
+ ..
0 0.234 0,230 0.224 0,218 0.214 0,209

._- 67,0 65,7 64.0 62,5 61,0 59,5

Key: (1). Designation c values. (i). Dimensicnaity. (3). Heating

and scallop. (4,). SUperheater. (5). Economizer cf II step/stage. (6).

Atir preheater of 11 stel/st~ageo (7). Economizer of I step/stage. (8).

Air preheater of I step/stage. (9). Excess air ratio after flue a''.

(10). Excess air ratio average/seat (. (11). nm3/kg. (12). g/nm 3 .

DOC 80041107 EAGE f)
Fage 131.

Table 2 (13- table). Enthalpy of ccmbusticn Fxcducts.


-C~~I, I~ .xx1!aIa,1.34-1

-1.2D ,-.2
99Afl9449 r ' ? -I3 *- 3
CA _____ l I j & Il i

100 ISO 131 19.3 7,0 08

200 304 40.4 14,6 403 209 408 212 421
300 462 399 63.0 22.8 612 620

400 624 536 86.0 31.0 800 214 827 22! 837 217
500 792 677 109,5 39.5 1014 1048 1061
600 963 821 133,8 48 1216 1233
223 225
too 1 140 969 158,2 57 1391 2 1415 1439 2 458
228 222 226
So 1319 1I81 1832 66 1609 222 1637 226 1665 231
900 1 502 1 ':'70 209 75 18 31 21 186,3 1896

1000 1688 2423 235 85 2058

1 100 1877 1579 162 95 2287
1 0W 2063 1736 288 104 2519
1600 28X 2'379 14 162 34: 247

1700 3050 2542 493 178 3 "35 I I

110 3253 2 703 522 189 3980
'2000 33G54 3 035 WO~u 216 4477

Key: (1) kcal/kg.

DOC =80041107 Ito

Page 132.

Cj)1 0 (o'(" )j P c .r m. , p, ,v Am M v .)
()TenAOaOdl G&aaNC NtPICXOA TO rJa

(7) Pacnoaaraeitoe TenJVo- Q

8 ai&3650
iopuo a I
STexanep3T3pa ByJxYI- ililiXa C ' 160
(Atux raos ULIU yTo 4 eIIIml4
(ien.icoacp)aHe yxo- I, nio I 4-Trn64rniue xcacj~

( enaioceaepmuene Tco- 10.. iz To xe 39,2

ro Ko.lHqCCTsa xojioAUo-
ro 303Avxaz
f13JloTepg TonA2 0T Mte- q4 rio P11 5-02 0/0 2.5
xn'CiecKorO ticiomora

ANIIIHUit ra3amt
- p
I)(I 00-"4) 9
-3 65T)
6 Qp -7.5
(16P) rioTpga Tenfia 0? XH- qs 'f1' PH-.5-01i 09 0.5
uIqCCKorO lHe~lOAora
07$ rioTepR Terviia a o~py- qs lo rpa~mKy PH 5-01 0/. 0,5
QSJKoq4npFIuII'earcoxpa. 7 q-5 0,5
INCI1HS 100-' 1OU 19%___
(WUAoTeps C 4na3HqeCairm
qG6 a., (d). A' 0,1.134.40,1
Tet.aom uIJaxonl ,p 0/650 -0,1

al)CuMlca Ten oehax no- Eq q 2 4+q+qq+q@A 0/* 7,5±0,5I+2,5+ 05--

4X)Koxp4Fsttuitr nOJle3- 'i,~ 100-1Eq a,,, O-IJ,J-88.9

aoro 31ACT8119 arperara ri lvJOa'hI I. AI 1,
perpevoro napi
(S)rn.ic!.lcpmaiue t- t, he220,6

6 1)(,- ,) rKairvac 230 000 (813,1-220,6)-
iioc a aj peJTe TerI.10 - 136,3,108
4In."APICKO o~rt- B Q,. 100 136,.010- 2

0 2
Qpri 320o(' 9 -42000

p.c,.B, 0-- 0 ,960-2

(30"monomd a V .. crpygulsuhim AS 1 210

-mua bA'c17 xapaklcpl

flo.,.l Jmpallcnpplsn- HATo wce 0776

", Bp1O1
DOC 800'41107 FAG-E

Key: (1). Designation ct value. (2). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteralraticn. (4). Dizersicnality. (5).

Calculation. Heat talancr anG fuel consuxpticn. (7). Available

(8c). Temrnerature of departinr gases.
heat of fuel/propellant. (8). ical/kg. (ea). kcal/h. (8t). kg/h.,(9).

It is accepted with sutsequent refinement. (lC). Enthalpy of stack

gases. (11). Enthalpy ct theoretically necessary quantity of cold air


FOOTNOTE 2. In view of the abserce of special indications it is

accepted , ENDECCTNOTE.

(12). Then. (13). Heat lcss from mechanical incomplete burning. (14).

Cn RN 5-02. (15). Heat Icss with stack gases. (16). Heat loss frcm

chemical incomplete burning. (1). Heat loss into envircnment. (18).

On graph/curve RN 5-01. (19>. Coefficient of the

retention/preservation/maintainiag heat. (2C). Losses with physical

heat of slags 3.

FOOTNOTE 3. It is consioered, since,,>- ENCFOCTNOTE.

421). Sum of heat losses. (22). Efficiency cf aggregate/unit. (23).

Enthalpy of superheated steam. (24). On appendix 1I. (25). Enthalpy

of feed water. (26). Usefully used in aggregate/unit heat *.


DOC 80041107 FAGI

FOOTNOTE 4. Thp heat, returned tc tlowoff water, is nct considered,

since ,., <2o/o. ENDFCOINCIE.

(27). Full rate cf proFellant flcw. (28). Calculated consumption of

fuel (actually/really turned dcbn). (29). Calculaticn of beating.

(30). Volume of furnace chamber/caaera. 130a). According to the

structural/design characteristics. (31). Full/tctal/complete

team-receiving heating surface. (j3),.Degree cf shielding of turner.

FOOTNOTE 1. Since wp the bat cf fuel/Frcellant is not

considered. ENDFOOTNOTE.
DOC 80041107 FIGE 0

Page 133.

(1) .no~a,.e mmnu j3HG~~ .. j ifaa~m ________

001) rionPaaoqnbu* 1902("N- pPH 6-02 -0,65

(7) 34xpeKT~amas CTefl~b a- P 0,65.0-0,65

qepuoi *Oahema
(Ycaossib. K0344u. ( )no PH 6-02 -0,7

A~I 3ar iieHmH (, I

()Crest. . qepH0TW Ton- a, To me -0,60

C3J oy nxT esnic e a ( )n,,o PH -2 -1 .20

0)Tesm~epair!pa ropn,.e 1. fp~raeTCsu C nOCOC
j um YTOaueHem
C34 4
ro ao3AYoa
(15.JriP~coc ao0,iYXa a . WIro PH 4-06 0.1
B CH- a,4.1
n"pfoanfyx3 W o PH 4-07 -0,07
Cremy n&IwenpuroroRie-
f70I0eICK:jIII'tcr- - I2-0.1--0,07=103-


a)Tell,,conepxanrne Teo-
pNetunecinc meo6JcoauMo-
rio IO.?a6iinue IxxaAlX3 461
ro rop..sero Bo3AY18 nP..
ilpunAlol 1'
(i)To me moioossoro no3- in A .e 39,2
~Syxa X.0
Terujo, anr(cumoe 0l03- Q. ';" .10 + (3o.La. y)1 037
-94614 .1
B TOIIKY n.0 is ,0739,21-O1482
TONKIla I X2 TOflls
a Q. i0q
360 +8241
Tcoper..qeCK3XnTemne- 44, 'fl, 15 ajuue -c I858

(25)p TonpnoebuaeAemis "a - (2Ce 41000-4112

= 56.103~
1 il noaep...oCTH 113- XZAmta -- U -
0H,7.677 -
(,rpr A I II.
(i) £,2einep1Typa r3308 Sa rio Hmtorpomme I
Tenc~iaferi- f" 10I-Tacinue Ycatjx3 2326

C UTenfio,nepc.:a wie Q.~(4 112-2 3:6) 0. 99-17VU

U.)Tem~oax learpY,3ea Ay. B, Q, 41000.1 7f

iUce ofloqHoro o~b- B,'T SmaA A-qC

_7_210 14-J
emal' V--
DOC = 800411107 EACG 1e

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruinatica. (4). Dimersicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Correcticn tactoz. (7). Efficient emissivity factor

of flame. (8). Conditional coefficient cf pcllution/contamination.

Degree of blackening of 2 fuel.
(9). On RN 6-02. (10). A (11The sameJ1 ). Excess air ratio in

heating. (13). Temperatuxe cf nct air. (14). It is accepted with

subsequent refinement. (15). Sucticn of air iEto heating. (1f).

Suction of air into system cf kulverized coal Freparation 1*

FOOTNOTE 1. Individual diagraz with the dust bcpper. ENDFOOTNOTE.

(17). Relation of quantity of air at output/yield. (18). Heat content

cf theoretically necessary hot air with that accertedt-,.. (19). On

i)-table. (20). kcal/kg. (z). Ihen of ccld air. (22). Heat,

introduced by air intc heatin4. (23). Heat release in heating cn I kg

of fuel/propellant. (24). Tnecretical cowbusticn temperature. (25).

Heat release to 1 m2 of keating surface. (26). kcal/m 2 h. (27).

Temperature of gases at cutout/yield frow heating. (28) . On rcmogram

I. (29). Enthalpy of gases at output/yield frcm heating 3.


(30). 4o Key. (31). Heat, transsitted by radiaticn/emission in

DOC = 80041107 .

heating. (32). Thermal lcad ot team-receiving heating surface. (33).

Seen thermal stress cf fcrnace cavity '.

FOOTNOTE 4. It lies/rests witair the limits cf the recommended with

FN 5-02 values. ENDFCOINCE.



FOOTNOTE 3. Excess of the reccumended limit irsignificantly and can

be allowed. ENDFOOTNOTE.
DOC = 800411107 PAGE

Page 134.


(1losl~an IIouepHoCb H 0 KOflCtpyKTNaMM15

liarpes IalITep cTu u
IIosepXHOCTb CeC?0K8
H *).ome. 42,6
(ii ,W3.MeTp Tpyd d A^
M 76X6

(ijOTyuOCUe. bIM War sjd 5.0

3) OmnocjrrenifA w
arn s.Jd * 3.9i

e)14.0P08TPY.I no Z, 4

q~jicmoe ceqeliue Ansii All 47.2

ripMona raios

93.7pabow~ero cAox
ROCTbIlarpesa rao
nosepx- H, A-1.flI
M 107.4
Tounep~vpa 0, )H3 PaVCqea TOnXH 117

To me W S22
(oei.locO01cDaIie ra-
30 epeA ipelcTOHO~A
Zz epaTypa. raaom 39 " Tpraec c flocie. Q
STOllo.4 AYI.OLnK4yToa~e"He.,4
2. ennocoaiepmaiine ra- V b ISTa6qIILe
fIno A lmsX 2241
0133 4)eCTOIIO4 flPH

('nCnpHRme *pe. Q, ('.." 0.995(2326-2241)--4.5

soita (no 6anaicy) (u
(zI Te~tepaTypa xifrTCKHN 1fV, no npnzoieeeulo I 317
Ip aaazeIIII a dapafa-

I CO)CcxI1n1 TCmnepa-rp-
C)0-ie.i r.1308 HI5I xZ


1 098-317781
Tomi!Ban fpe *-1,20

~S)Ofs-e-4a Ao.-S
TowIIux rajos
TpeX- *
N~1onITIi~p 114 30fibM *L 7.0
Cp~eifl c~opocb ra. UP 8, V, 04273 (ii41000-5,16(1098+273)
203 3 *CTOIIA6001 F 27J ~ e 3 600347,2-273
F0Y11c1lnr'eflo. an no~worps'we2III '("DR 39.0
n1AI~~~~It'a oaeuiA p'vJ
f3)Ho44ni~~~~~~iee~~tq' f~opme .0058.2 .O.I,04.0,002m
K0"~teT3ap3 a 0soop/m 1 -0,0136
Cv~~lpllRPs lorTula F Aamo; 0.2341.11I-0,260

Ten i*7O4N thoUoior

..... ...... ...... .....

DOC =80041107 11GE

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (i). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deterainaticn. (4). Disensionality. (5).
Calculation. (6). Calculatica ct scallop. (7). Full/tctal/complete
heating surface. (8). Accozding tc structural/design characteristics.
(9). Beam-receiving surface of scallop. (10). The same. (11).

Diameter of ducts. (12). aelative step/pitch transverse. (13).

Relative step/pitch loritudinal. 114). Number of runs of pipes on

course of gases. (15). Clear clening for pass of gases. (16).
Efficient thickness of radiation layer. (17). Calculated heating
surface. (18). Temperature cf gases before festccn. (19). Frc
calculation of heating. (20). Entbalpy of gases before scallop. (21).
kcal/kg. (22). Temperatuia cf gases after scallcp. (23). It is
accepted with subsequert retireaent. (24). Enthalpy cf gases after

scallop when .. (2c) On ia-takle. (26). Heat absorption of

scallcp (on balance). 1,7). Eciiing point at Eressure in Lciler
barrel p*=110 atm(abs.). (28). Co appendix II. (29). mean temperature
of gases. (30). Average/uean temierature head 1.

FOCTNOTE 1. In scallcps t. it is always less than 1.7 and

calculaticn at always can be conducted according to a mean arithmetic

difference in the temperatures. ENLFCOTNCTE.

(31). Volume of gases cn I xq or fuel/prcpellant with a=1.20. (32).

DOC =80041107 EAC.I

On Tables 1. (33). nm 3 /kg. (34). Volume fraction H2 0. (35). Volume

fraction of triatomic gases. i3ej. Ash ccncentration. (37). g/nmJ.

(38). Average/mean gas velocizy in scallop. (39). a/s. (40).

Convection heat-transfer coeffiient. (41). Cm Dncogra2. (42).

kcal/m 2 hour deg. (43). Contamination factor. (44). m2 hour deg/kcal.

(45). Total absorptivity of triatcoic gases. 146). m atm(abs.).

DOC 800L41107 EG


6P) Ko144ietrer ocAa6.. k, no -lrseI 0.90

Ae"HE .iVqcf Tpe.~a?o.
mbimm ra.ta.,Hx .00
1)Ko$4u tinciit ocja6- k i oopmeX000
Ae"H nAdoel 30A0Su.i3I

(5Cusa noriiowerne 38- kps (h, f.4 + k. 1)P - (0.9.0,234 4-0,0102-67)X

amizewutm norOIComs Xl'II-099
(00)emncpaT Pa 33rp*3. to Q6BT 31+84,5.41 00 3
"eHIIOA CTSIIKH TP 0 I +-- a74c 37 10. ,18
011 Kos{~,usfeorr ?enjyO- CA 110ll0mlOm3I X1 gcKa.20
OFAININ k3jIy~eHwei 341- mla zpad
nwA linoro nOl'osca
(1)Kos4,,.uneirr TenAio- k E*r+2s _________39.04-20
nepenAqH -- (a,+GA) APa pdIOU, (39,0J-705)

(14) Tenaosocnipwiume i$e- Q, ('5)t 56,5.107,781

CTna (no0 ypa@HetHKIO - 116

t re411"TnAoxocnpinE. 1..00 845017

(171 TaK XMIK 3maqenns Q,,, I Q4 paSIIETC 6OJAbWO Rem NE SV. (AnycTM3oe PvcXow(Aernie AAR
i*KCOhNoi). reodXoICInoM yl'oRFun~ pacqeT (cia. a. 8-04). AARusTor0 npEnIMsMeIcs Mosoe 3naqeniie
TCxnepnTypw a1301 3a c*ecToioi.-4

1reneParyps r338 33 61" ripxHsra 16

33 0VCO-10OM
ro- I" n15 xbtx 2209
(231 TenAosocripusTre *pe- Qjr
5 W(I-0" - 0,995 (2 326-2 209)-116
COaia (no Gaiiaticy)
(114) CpCJIHRR TemnIeparypa '. T 1 117+1 066
2-- C 2, 1091
()CpeAmPA Temnepal'yp- at 0-11111 1091-317-774
(25Tenuosocnpnwme (0e. Qm 11 *a .o 56,5.107,4.774
cToHE (no ypasehieHao K41 001

not PM 3H@
15SqeRQ MI Q6 P83E1fTeX MEH&.E Rem as 5*/. ai VIosromy JIepeclC me
DOC = 80041107 PAGE

Key: (1). Designation of value. (2). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruizaticn. (4). Diuersicnality. (5).
Calculation. (6). Coefficient of weakening rays/beams by triatomic

gases. (7). On noaograi. 18). Coetficient of weakening rays/teams ty

ash particles. (9). Abscrpticn ctrength ty dusty flowt

FOOTNOTE 1. Total pressura in the beating p=1 atm(ats.); therefore

subsequently factor p in the formulas is absent. ENDFOOTNOTE.

(10). Temperature of ccntaminated ball of ducts. (11). Radiation

beat-transfer coefficient of dusty flow. (12). kcal/uZ hour deg.
(13). Coefficient of heat transfer. (14). Heat absorption of scallop

(according to equation of beat exchange). (15). kcal/kg. (16).

Relation of calculated values of beat absorption. (17). Since value
QGandQ 6 it is separated more than for 5o/o (permissible
disagreement for4econ5 ), it is necessary tc make more precise

calculation (see Secticr 8-C4). for this is accepted the new value cf

the temperature of gases after the 4'esjoc'Ci. (1E). Temperature of

gases after Z..

FOOTNOTE 2. Since Q.,>Q.P in the second approximaticn/approach is

accepted smaller than ic the fizst. ENDFCCTWCIE.

DOC =800141107 FAGI

(19). It is accepted. (SC). Enthalpy of gases after scalle-a (21). Cn

io-table. (22). No Key. 12j). Heat absorpticn of scallop (on

balance). (24). Mean teaFarature or gases. 125). Average/mean

temperature of smok. (b). Heat atsorption of scallcp (according to

equation of heat exchar&e) 3.

FOCTNOTE 3. Value k is accepted according tc the first calculation,

since the difference betueen tcth values ,'8<_COC ACCEPTED.


(27). Relation of calculated values of heat atscrption. (28). This

time of value Q, andQ 6 iz is se~arated less than fcr 5o/o and

therefore recalculatico is nct iroouced.
DOC 80041107 -

Page 136.


lime vo onoe,en Id ~pHOCTbW ill,

P&CqCT neperPeuaTOeI0

(7)CpeAiiH4 Aua!.uCTp Tpy6 dc, na.~rymu~a 40

(R)CpeaIHCe mnl8ee qe- To me (10) v2' 30,4

Hoe a npOxoja ma30
II t(PeTH~ana To.Iivia s, 0,301
K3.Iy~aioLuLcr0 - 30
Oz) P1)rosepAIIOCT16
tImCAO p~f.IOR Tpyi"
it N7 797
nepogi qaCTfl (no Xway
(pf)To me STOpORil acTH H11 As* 957
S *ifBoe ceqe- AsN 0.102
lime 22218npoxoza fl2p2
(/1)Yr.108011 KOa4wiii!C-T~ X, 0,746

114-0 57,1
I9TenAiO8ocnp~lRme ne-
perpenae22ff n3JAYqe.
Q. 1A11
-ff-(-0 xmls450
18.0 57,1

(Z9)Te~trepaTvp3 Mo3n 113 0' H13PaClqe~a OCCT1I oa 0 6675

Bnlepwiaocnb I' To xce K
xAIxa19 2 209
300 lc3 vxOAe "p,~x % 1,
,ieayaneperpe. 1,, PO3a10 i- c5

B.~Rayeaawciemis (1.) pitkeTCR C nocite- % 5,')
npa a napoox.1aa31ITC.le xl100 AyiowinU Yro'iieliueM
(22I)TenAoTa zlapoocpa3o-.. r fo npuaomelio ii IcBv~I%2 302,9

L3.)Tenmo, nepceanIHne 9lx B 15.1

CATcnarncoaepnKaiime ma2. i.. ro npn~laehm1 647.1
ef7Tc.neiocnrpilll,,ie ne- Q6D (813,1-647.1 +15,.1) X
perpcBlaePIn (no (aacy) x1~-*f+io
-ow -2230900

3a rieprCan3Te.ii
30n . 2 209 - 0.95
308 2 I'
npercna~~w\ -~-k~o,, l~*+0,05.39.2-1 220
(p)Tei-ieparypa ra308 3a 0" rIo 10-Ta 6AH8ugc 601

(37)pe-itiw TemnepaTypal '40 c 1066+601 _

racos i-*2 2 63

emepsTypa L ~ 2
tn*~n 414

K (-e raija 11 I V. ilb Ta(.J. I npit H

DOC 80041107

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (i). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of determination. (4). Diueesicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Calculaticn of superheater. (7). Mean diameter of
ducts. (8). According tc structural/design characteristics. (9).
middle clear opening fcx pass c± gases. (10). Then. (11). Efficient
thickness of radiaticn layer. (14). Number cf runs cf pipes. (13).

Surface of heating first jdrt (ca course cf vapcr). (14). Then of

second part. (15). middle clear opening for Fass of vapor. (16).
Angular coefficient cf scallop. (17). Beam-receiving surface of
scallop. (18) . Heat absorption of superheater ty radiation/emissicn

from heating I.

FOOTNOTE 1. Value a acceted from the calculation of beating.



(19). kcal/kg. (20). Temperature cf gases at entrance into surface.

(21). Enthalpy of gases at entrance. (22). TesFerature of superheated

steam. (23). On building. j24). Lnthalpy of steam. (25). on appendix.

(26). Value of moisteninc vaptr in steam cccler. (27). It is accepted
with subsequent refinement. (i8). heat of steam fcrmation. (29). Cn
appendix. (30). Heat, tiansaitted in steam cccler. (31). Enthalpy of

saturated steam. (32). Cn apjandix. (33) . Heat absorption of

superheater (on balance). (34). Inthalpy of gases after superheater.
DOC 80041107 PAGE:

(35). Temperature of gases after superheater. (36). On io-tatle.

(37). mean temperature ct gases. (38). Mean temperature of steam.

(39). Volume of gases cn I kq ct tuel/prcpellant. (40). On Tables I

with a=1.225. (41). nS31ky.
DOC =80041107 PAGE J

Page 137.

1111ZR cao(06 onPeIA"aonm 0 ta@Th

(06beia .10 OAR. i

f04R o I-P 0,092
flux napos - 1.225
($76-eMtin tAiAR Tpex- r. c To ac (q) 0,23
IommuHIra3309 ini 65,7
z)TKo~ue TP8AuHN3OJAN9 1
(I) CpeMHRnu C'COPOCMra- 8V, 1 0+273 (1) 41000.47 (8334-273)
308 B fleperptflaTcaI -Y7-3 AlMctic 30W.4.3160273
T~lO ~i 6; orai 1 IG =8,3
0q)o jfi0&p ___.__P___

Ko44pniifeT 3arpN3- £ Io INomorpam24 X11 .'aa'4C pact 00751.1I,.0+40.002-
(7rien)joneI~ K _aA 0,0102
('4) OtsbemanaPa ropITCPeA- v,, ro IIAICN0 3K U 0.0265
eIOflCpTI,~ napa
0-LB~AH W., D 0. 1 230 000-0 , 02654
~L,~pe~aR (W60f0 3600-0,102=1,

T.oraqm OT CTenifl
m2 rio nomorpam~me V XX4
.m'we ?pad

(214) Tecineparypa C~HH _s____B__ C 414-t+(0.0102-4-0,0004)X

neprpsae2 t + l1I+ C X 986.41000_65
OZ5"Xyimmapliam norjouza- P,, S re,'i', 0,230-0,301-0,069
TellI"ag CffOC~d1tOCtb
1pellaro4lbx ra3306~
~)Kor4qo"arniir oc.nad5- k, ro tiamorpawme IX - 2,1
ACIIJI Jyqen TpexaTom-
KIowrmer oc-la6- k,, n~o ;;omo-pa.mwe X - 0,0118
cmi,,1 ~IyeRi 30A01NI4

(2t$~ norjloutemtff 3a- i (k.',+,,~ - (2,1.0.23 40.01 18X

nwibcimoru nO0TOKa 0,30)1-0,376

oTAaqH 1H3JlyWlleM 2
Ri vac rpuo!d .
O)30LL11T TeJIO- a+ - -
(1I'V qlf a nepepesT '2.02 -~.6 06

Oz)Te~mnepa-rypbI Hanop FnM 'i,,I065t=6

",a excone rains npt Oipo-
13)iO ae ' UOC *m si,'c 601-.317-284
1110 fp ________ 4pmylbl 55G-284 40
nlpH npoTII*aUroie 5&j-40
2.1 1 i
CJ5)rerfrTe1YPHWA M1a 1'
ma B101W rai')"HBpm
~TO e ii ,ioe I",J 601-310-91

8puDpuio~~e2.3 Ig 2.3 It -9j

at,. P

DOC 800141107 TICE 3!

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of determination. (4). Dimensionality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Volume fracticn cf water vapcrs. (7). OnTatles 1

with. (8). Volume fractica cf triatcmic gases. (9). Then. (10). Ash
concentration in flue gases. i11). g/nM3 . (12). Average/mean gas
velocity in superheater. (13). m/s. (14). Convection heat-transfer
coefficient. (15). On ncmogram. (It). kcal/M 2 hcur deg. (17).
Contamination factor. (IE). m2 ncur deg/kcal. (19). Volume of steam
at mean temperature '.

FOCTNOTE 1. According tc mean temperature, rcunded to the nearest

smaller value, multiple ct 100 C.A(0) . on appendix. (21). m3/kg.

(22). Average speed of staam. g423). Heat-transfer ccefficient from

wall to vapor. (24). TPnmerature of wall of superheater. (25). Total

absorptivity cf triatomic gases. (,6). a atu(abs.). (27). Coefficient

cf weakening rays/beams ty triatosic gases. (28). Coefficient of

weakening rays/beams by ash Farxicles. (29). Atscrpticn strength of

dusty flow. (30). Coefficient of beat emissicr by radiation/emission.

(31). Coefficient of heat transfer in superheater. (32). Temperature

head at entrance of gases with courtercurrent. (33) . Then at

output/yield. (34). Temjezattre bead with ccuntercurrent. (35).

Temperature head at yield ot gases with direct flow. (36).

Temperature head with direct £lcw.

.. . . ... . . .. . . . a d . . .
DOC z80041107 FAI

Page 138.

con t infued.

U) I acqp..; lpooAaoemue
0) cuocf.l* ONMHAOU PSSH~povx
a~* Pcqe?


(7'TaK KK OTomemmhe a INPA <092. Temnep8Typubie 'eanopb fl*R aGeH CTyneHel nepetpeaa-
Te.3X npNzonurcs paccq.Tbl98Tb Pa3AeJlbHO

p racsHa()PC46T ropoA (RD ROPY) CTYUeH4
ra0SH r1
0'Tmeprp paCqeT2 (bcCTOHI c 1066
axocie so OTOPY10 cTy-

(I)Ten.1ooaaeeme rm. 4 moae xxaAIN. 2209

30 m HIo~3*00 -. (US)T
I) Temnrepa~ypa r2308 HM
sBaXo11N3 5Topol cr'y-
* ripHHHMa~cre c UocJ!C- C788
AYKUaMM YToq1temmem
fleNN ~ n10
f)Tcnaioconcpmamee ra. P, n~o 1-I e 9( 6
C303 MSe
V Ten5usocpeaTme Ty. Q# , ~ I 0,995 (2 209-1 603+1)-
neet. no Oa.:3HCYy P--+ 2 0 _ 4
(i)Te.io0C0AepcASHe via- C' 41000
Ra tea soesomoya aaQ+Q) 813.1-(604+29) 0-0-
clye. (P -INs ama) (all -700.5
(7p)Tenepaypa ampsIHa I' fla npnlocseoI 11 35
42) Temanepai'ypmboAe
Hilop .19 l 066-.510-SM
NO310*0 taSOS
(j )TevaneP3TypaHWAio
NSU W" Ta 785-355-430

4jCAlliA Temnepatyp- .Pf

1,,At+S 5564. 430
emA sanop nponp' m 2 2 49

q yapasierp p ,-'510-355
IO106-355 -0,218

a 7.pSMeTp R ~ ''1 066-785

510-M 1.8
(20Ko3"imemH.H i o5 Homorpsmue XIV. -0.95

(L)TemneparypowA nanop 49~S4T7'' HT. Pce 0,95-493-468

(ITfne tpa h.ira~n flpurrAsec

B" c6 410
.10c)6 elst~

(3Teaioouepianc. o. Q, N 14TXotAec
fl0. e a2/ WEAXI 648"b U
DOC =80041107 PAGE a

Key: (1). Designation cf vaiue. (2). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruiraticn. (4). Dimersionality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Relaticn of temierature heads. (7). Since ratio

S<0.92, temperature heads for both steps/stages of superheater

it is necessary to design separazely. (8). Calculaticn of seccnd (cn

vapor) step/stage. (9). Inl e temperature intc second step/stage.
(10). From calculaticn ct scallcp. (11). Enthalpy of gases at

entrance. (12). Then. (13). kcai/ky. (14). Temperature of gases at

cutput/yield from second step/stage. (15). It is accepted with

subsequent refinement. (16). Enthalpy of gases at output/yield. (17).

On i*-table. (18). Heat abscriticn of step/stage on balance. (19).

Enthalpy of steam at outlut/yield into second step/stage (p=105
atm(abs.)). (20). Temperature cf steam at entrance. (21). On

appendix. (22). Temperature head at entrance cf gases. (23).

Temperature head at exit ct gdses. (24). Average/mean temperature

head with countercurrent. (25). Earameter. (26). Coefficient. (27).

Cn nomogram. (28). Tempezature Lead in second step/stage. (29). Heat

absorption of step/stage according to equation of heat exchange.

(30). Since valueG 6 andO it is separated fcr more than 2o/c,

calculation is repeated at nebl) adopted value 8',. (31). Temperature

of gases at output/yield frcm seccrd step/stage.

DOC = 80041107 EAGt

Page 139.


/eatonUTM6CY (J 0.995(2 209-I 648+1-j-

ne~m no /.. x/K e -360
J)Tennoccaepnisuuc na- 1' 8 41000
pa No sione so sropylo I,-( 4 Q) . 813.1<S560+29) 000
cTylAHb (4-700.3
M~ Te..nepaType naps Fla rt Io paoxellue AI 364

(II )Te~neps'YPIIman aillO

.1L 066-510-556
"a Bxone ra3a@
(13)Te.inepsarypHuAt nanop At" T"- 805-364-441
O'3)cpcnwc* remnepaTyp p. at At" T 55 - 4 96
RUA 11811OpflpN npOTHBIO 22 -49
64dInapameTp ________l 510-364
-b'-i. - 7f(366-364 - 01208
0haPSL.erp R 1-"2066-805 17

I g5~curzer,(I)vo
(r,)TenepaTYpmAI 111111p
ro nomaorpamue XIV


(,I2TenAasocnHRTRne CTY. Q, kat51,4.957 478

newt no YPamceRNIO Ten- XOD 421000

T,Ka8N aB $TO? PMa3saeri Q6 P93HRTCR 60AbmweqeM us 2'/,pacqeTuoe 3"aqellue

onpeae.lNOTCA Al1tcpnO~ltleA
(Z0)P2c'lr.emo 3ilaqeile *" o+(c) 785 4-(805-785) X
,t..rePalp 18311 38 604-561
(G)TOPOB CT)IIGHbIO x Al(Q.)I X (604-5b2)-(530-574)
(Q~r~rQc C)8w
(l)TenAoconepscaume r- I', (3) no Ja-T26drnueL XKOA/Xa 1637
(3N1 38 cryflelbIO
Vi I.enaobocnpmse CTY. Q6 1 (2 209-1 637 4-1) 0.995-
'5)TenatoconepamN.e no- 421000
pa ie alne Q1-Q)-813I-(57+29) --

(zA)TemivepsaTyps naps Fa ri' N0 nH.ouesio 62

(17) PACqeCT
nepacA eTYBNesi
(21h)Tilnocclnepwuamxe N.Telinepatyps rM30B Fa axone a cTynexb. a rommce renitocosepluaHwe v
Te" nepaTyp& Flops Fla AbIxoAe H3 mce oflp@eAcmm~s npw pacqeTe aTopofl cTvnemm. Tn.,ocoj3e pma_
Mile 1 TCe%.neparvpa inI3OS 38 fleprol clyfleablo R CooT~eTCTseHaO aechl4mms nallHI.lbaolro
YedAsmieama nsps I lPOOX~AAlTCei 1Ilhtb OpA COCT111ASGIN1 6mnaaRCS Bcero neperpeealenh
a en.oo. necaa~o
(247Tx lyaTclca
, 8 D 6D
5.1 ---- S5

(30) Tenmc. nepenasmeo Q. D 000

r238w. as Y-IaCTK * (1"LO,) (706.1-647,2) -jj-0 00
perpsa m3312 1O
DOC =800141107FA

Key: (1). Designation cf vdlue. (i). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruinaticn. (4). DimeEsicnality. (5).
Calculation. (6). Heat atsorpticn cf step/stage cn balance. (7).
kcal/kg. (8). Enthalpy ct steam at entrance into second step/stage.
(9). Temperature of steam at inlet. (10). On appendix. (11).
Temperature head at entrance cf gases. (12). Temperature head at exit
cf gases. (13). Average/mean telferature bead with ccuntercurrent.

(14). Parameter. (15). (cafficient. (16). On ncmogram. (17).

Temperature head in seccnd steF/stage. (18). Beat absorption of
step/stage according tc equaticr of heat excbange. (19). Since this
time of valueQR andO. it is separated more than for 2c/c, ccrputed
value% is determined ty interpolaticn. (20). Computed value of
temperature of gases after seccrd step/stage. (22). Enthalpy of gases
after step/stage. (23). On i*-table. (24). heat absorption of
step/stage. (25). Enthalpy of steal at entrance. (26). Temperature of
steam at entrance. (27). Calculaticn of first stage. (28). Enthalpy
and temperature cf gases at entrance intc step/stage, and also
enthalpy and temperature of steam at output/yield from it are
determined during calculaticn of second step/stage. Heat content and
temperature of gases after first stage and respectively the value of
additional moistening ct steam in the steam cooler are accepted
during the composition ct tue talance of entire superheater as a
whole. (29) . Heat, tra.,szitted by yases in section of evaporation.
(30). Heat, transmitted Ly gases in section of superheating.
DOC =80041107 jAG

Page 140.


QL .... -~l 3o11411-n Pc'em.T. 'balm"y. UJI P8:.CpRCTh a

qo.IR0I~eCrnaS Ten- -mc 85___ ,0

JA. nepeIaHInoro ma ywa HH--H 8+3
8t3 ,0
Cyice ItCnapeffrnn. OT noja-
RIOM Tena~osocflpHlTHSl

ITa K KancSTa An rofibWe 0.12 (cm. n. 7-71), TemriepaTypif~e Raflopm An IcnapwyouleA m

neerpesaloue qacTefi CAenyeT PaCCqHThI~aTb Pa3ACJtb4O
(j enAoConep)KaHIe ra- lap Q 2' (q) 1I30
303 32 neperpeaaioucei I' +- - 100 xxaA/K8 I1637- 6',
waCTbIo (nPOM.CACYTOW1oC)l 2 i5e101304
(IO)Temneparypa rJma s lap, 0') fIb IS-Tadasue 'C639
STOR q2C~bIO (npff Qz
m 1,25)
01 )Te. nep3TvpimAl Iganop at' (I-T 800-361-439
a sxoa3e Ta3bs 9 nepe-
r~e ammuyio qaCTb
03r 0 e as *oimonen3 lAtp T~~ 639-317-322
(J4)To we cpeZHHmt ua Wa, AI. -a11. 322-1-439 8
YqCTKC neperpes C~'8 2
c6s)To we ma ahaXOne Ta- at" O"tHC601-317=284
,, CTyInemtI
fIDJTo me cpeaR"A Abl iIm af.p+a c1 3224-284-
vqacrKa NCnapewSIi C1 2 0

47 wmmB T~np~p
1nanop c~ylhHR tp Qn "Q QEcH 3313--5U 85 362

6I)eNH (noacPlAe CTY- ,,

Q. hi- 1 1 . 51.4.797-362
(n ypseHa ~ ~ lz 4e
1 -000 -36
QY) ORowcie snaqeRniB QH Q., 342 .100 - 87
?enA02aoCnp"HEXIE Q.C-QHIt .100 e/9 15+331

2* 9Kan 3"aqeHHE QM,11Qd pa3HITaCX 6Obtue HeM Hs 2v/@,neodxoA'l'o fpl]IIeCCTH nepecqeT.

A.STMoT caleaye? RPII*Tb 11080e 3HaqeRI~e cTenemm yoelamcimeml a napoaiaahrre.le H nlepe-
cqnlTaTb Te~rlepaiypllbiii Hanop a nCnapweoume 'I3CTII nepmoil clynemm; pacweT nepcrpC9arelL'oA
Qi)Be. i mma yozamme~uE I-x flpuwlplRnuaCM nROBTpio 0,025
sapa a napoouam-leale
ytTen.losocnpRUThre nS line r ([-X) 9912.211a 302,9.0,0,25-7.6

6 #)T e na co ep~ am e r 3 - .
~Q23mc 0 4 - -1 - - 26 1
lap 6 0009
TmnarIao ny,a b-(I -T&) um ' 600

~~ineprvp .im IflI

42a Teunoay~i Rano TS60-31-3-
u 001411 0 M CY
DOC = 80041107 FAGE 4

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deter5araticn. (4). DiNersicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Fracticn/pcrtica of quantity cf heat, transmitted

in section of evaporaticr, trOt full/total/cciplete heat abscrpticn

of step/stage. (7). Sirce this fracticn/forticn is more than 0.12

(see Section 7-71), temiErature beads for vapcrizing and superheating

parts should be designed separatelj. (8). EnttalFy cf gases after

A. Fcr the simplification it is
superheating part (intexrudiate).

accepted that the sucticm of air cccurs cnly in the superheating part
of the step/stage. EtDYCOIN IZ.

(9). kcal/kg. (10). Temperature ct gases after this part (when

O nt: .2 5 (11). On i8-tatie. (1.9. Temperature head at entrance of

gases into superheating Fait. 413). Then at cutput/yield from it.

(14). Then average/mean in sEcticn of superheating. (15). Then at

exit of gases from steF/stage. (16). Then average/mean for section of

evaporation. (17). AveraSe/mean temperature bead of step/stage. (18).

Beat absorption of step/stage (acccrding tc equation of heat

exchange. (19). Relaticn of values of heat absorption. (20). Since

valueQr, andQ 6 it is separated more than fcr 2c/o, it is necessary

to manufacture recalculaticn. (21). For this shculd be taken new

value of degree of ucistening in steam ccoler and counted over

temperature head in varcrizing part of first stage; calculaticn of
DOC = 80041107 FAG, 1

superheater part is not cuanged. (22). Value cf moistening steam in

steam cooler. (23) . it is acceited repeatedly. (2I4) . Heat absorption

of steam cooler. (25). Heat, treasmitted in evaporative part. (26).

Enthalpy of gases after superbdater. (27). lesperature cf gases after

superheater. (28). Teu~erature keao at exit cf gases frcm steF/stage.

DOC 30041107 FiaG

Page 141i.

Hgmu..emuqu soqe palmvu 11.14

()Cpezm.I tetp3Typ. .,, i,,+ 322+303

IOWAHihlop AAQ Y-qaCTUS c 2 312

0Pe.00fpfecTy- Q,4 kXZAX 42F7 31

(/)OrVroueH4n 3,,aqefIHB Q. Q. p 371

Ten.I0R0<rpmR?3IN -2- 00 14- .100-99

(I) Tac "aw 311flMCNIIH

Qw Qd paslf*TCX %tHbwe Rlemna 2"4. paCqeT neperpesaTe.isC-naa c
(A) PsceTHene Ten.0oc- I Q, Q.0 + Qwcq
xx~~z 331 -H3-374
naceet cryyneo~uaep

llmm?p y6 d4 flo Ic-pyKTNSHbU L41 3SX4,5

Ce'enite 1.ix To me (i7) 2A.8
()THvC~fel.HWrAI none.- s 5 d .2,77
e4 ll ar 1pv8
(Mi Tw0R.~T.mfllA~ npo. sjhf . .97
,10M.11NA war Tp)6
(~~3~p~in TO.ILUII. S' *A 0.236

(I) psans Tpyd f2 28

)i IT00epXICTb, "arpefas If .. M
x3i 952
,bTevnraTypa r8303 S 6' 113PaCqeTS neperpena. *C 620

alone Tiee4 1 p iin xaropm3 ixpi- Ay av 13,O1 - (1I7ehi

'.B H iN'lae ii .. 34,0 3 4 ,

tTi'nnocnpmate ra- IQ6 (

o IMA) 6-86)0937

3on "a INXOe0 10 !V

DOC 3 0041107 FAGE

Key: (1). Designation ct value. (i). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of determina.icn. (4). Diuensicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Average/mean temperature head for section of

evaporation. (7). Average/mean temperature head of step/stage. (9).

Heat absorpticn of ster/stage 1.

FOOTNOTE 1. Since the tenjerature cf gases differs from that

previously accepted less tnan ty 5 00C, the ccefficient cf beat

transfer for the superheater is not counted cver. ENDFOCTNOTE.

(9). kcal/kg. (10). Relation ct values of heat atsorption. (11).

since value and a6 it is separated less than for 2c/o, calculaticn

of superheater is consicered ccupleted. (12). Calculated heat
absorption of first stage. (13). Calculation of second step/stage of
economizer. (14). Diameter of ducts. (15). Acccrding to
structural/design characteristics. (16). Clear opening for pass of

gases. (17). Then. (18). delative transverse Fitch of ducts. (19).

Relative longitudinal pitcn cc cucts. (2C). Efficient thickness cf
gas layer. (21). Number Cf runs ct pipes. (22). Heating surface.

(23). Temperature of gases at ectrance. 124). From calculation of

superheater. (25). Enthalpy or gases at entracce. (26). Enthalpy cf
water at output/yield tic. eccncsizer (tentatively) z.
DOC 80041107 FACE

FOOTNOTE 2. Q.Q.Q and Q- - beat sensing on the balance in the heating,

the scallcp and the superaeater; a. - heat sensing cf steam ccoler.

ENDFOOTNOTE. (27). TemFerature in at output/yield from econoizer.

(28). On appendix II at Fressure p.. (29). lemFerature of gases at

output/yield from seccnd step/stage. (30). It is accepted with
subsequent refinement. 131). Fntbalpy of gases at output/yield from

step/stage. (32). On i3-tanle. (33). Heat atscrFtion of step/stage cn

balance. (34). Enthalpy cf water at entrance into second steF/stage.

DOC = 80041107 EIa1

Page 142.

HauweuOsa..e 2C,.mmmnu 3mle CnOC06 anWRe., Pasuepmoc P~bf

Ol' Te'mneparvpa Roam Hs t, C unpilaoxteaio if 'C 239

exo.aC 0 CTyfl-Mb
LI.)maTemnepaT'.pbil rajoe
matiop Ar1 0'-l" 'C 6' -295-325

(q) To meB
Ha BbIxofl il"1WI 440-239-201
(j#cpeHH0 Tesfnepa?yp. 41,,,,, (&'-4' 3251-201_
2 ----- 263
(i peflHHH remffeparyp a 0 '4.IB" c62_0 440
mos 2 2 -530
(11)cpeltlllf?eianepa~ypa t t14 V,' 2194..295
eo.-m - 267
13)emneparypa 3Rrpmfl t, f+100 *C 267+100-367
HeHHioll CTe".K
)O..mraion Ha I K& V, 5 oT6i X1;56

(116)O1ihe"all A0,19 BARg- rHO0 (17)To mce -0.090

ai apos
(m"'%e IH3N OAw Tpez- r,
&TOjiA..x raov ,2
iqKo~ue rp-UHR 30AbU32 FL
& a2mms 64.0
(Aal'400oux r33aX( )
(20309Cpeaman c*Kopoc~b ra F B ,023 (OL 1000.5,62 (530-4-273)
0 -i-r 273e 3600-19,8.213
3IU -

(21)K44111e" Tr o 19 * Homorpammde III T____74_0

nor-motal. Pas,, s
amald 0.224.0,236-0,053
lC.ibttan cflocO6"OC~b
1peXATO!.Ibix ra3o8
(zt lo~~H~eITo.,a6- A 0 HoJ4orpawme IX -2,9

-1 'efl rpelaToM.
(H11,H ra,3R'4H
l5Ko~oi Runeiir oc~a6- k,, @no Homorpamme X - 0,0147
or~ii~eHHl 3a-
flXmis As (k, r,-+ k, j,) s 2.9.0,224 + 0,0147.64?)X
flb~nIOO MSa(j~* XO.236-0.376
o3,1 si~~ ?RJIn- MA O onomopamme X1 Ka.n 21,1
qyzwirpw3 Hm~oe 0 HO -7-.c
I)OPPUPH ap-- a onmorpamme XII
ml WC ~pOi .f0036.I.0.I,04.0,002-
KICI -0.0056
07K09(piummrTCIJI- WK" J- 74,0+21.1
flepeflVI It (l+lv aczpad l-j0.0U56(74.0*j21.1)_
6, - kAQ'*). 6,
wo.lSeps no vPasH0-
IC'ooppww Qm ~ 01 62.0.152-263
HH0IOTefl~oflepefisqH - CcAIa 41 ow

N .fo~cox6%~y pacxomneHC HeKAc~YQ6 0 Q,, Wnbihw 20/t. PSC'eT Hi 3ToM S4%AHnHISCkTC%,

44 Ce ?q cyynenu soaaylonomiorpemaTeAll
Aamerp ipyd6 KOCpWIBUm *A 51K 1.5
r ~~XapaK~p.'~fa
I 31)OmoHresbnwi none- slid 4-7) To wce -1,57
pe,,nid war rpyj
DOC = 80041107

Key: (1). Designation cf valua. (A). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteainadticn. (4). Dimersicnality. (5).

*Calculaticn. (6). Temperature ot water at stage inlet. (7). Cn

appendix. (8). Temperatire head at entrance cf gases. (9). Then at

cutput/yield. (10). Aveiage/mean temperature head. (11). Mean

temperature of gases. (12). Mean tamperature cf water. (13).
Temperature of contamirdted wall. (14). Volume of gases on 1 kg of
fuel/propellant with x=1.2o. (15). On Tables 1. (15a). nM 3 /kg. (16).
Volume fraction of water vapors. (17). Then. (18). Volume fraction cf
triatomic gases. (19). Asa concentration in flue gases. (19a). g/nm 3 .
(20). Average/mean gas velocity. (1). Ccnvection heat-transfer
coefficient. (21a). kcal/mJ hcur dog. (22). Cn nomogram. (23). Total
absorptivity of triatcalc gases. (d4). Ccefficient cf attenuation of

rays/beams by triatomic gases. (;5). Coefficient cf weakening

rays/beams by ash particles. (A). Absorption strength cf dusty flcw.

(27). Radiation heat-trarsfer ccetticient. (28). Contaminaticon

factor. (29). m2 hour deS/kcal. (JC). Coefficient of heat transfer.

(31). Heat absorption ct eccncmizex according tc equaticn of heat

transfer. (12). kcal/kc. (33). Since disagreetent between Q6 and Q

less than 2o/o, calculation on this is finished. (34). Calculation of
seccndary air heater. (J5). Diazeter of ducts. (36). Accordirg tc
structural/lesi 3n charactaristics. (37). Relative transverse Fitch cf

DOC =80041107 ~ G

Page 1143.

Q ~S' PGCee*aa 4.ornNIAM
Hauau..*Al~ ** ecoE*0ftP9eAe*NvA* pawlo~ Pecacq

C1-6.l.Hoe'eJbRU npo. s,/d flo KOHC~pTPTsHUUl - 1.06

AflOiAd war rpy6 "ipi TepHCThRMM
(IN~ao PRAoS ?py6 S2 C)To sc. - 55
(Jey~csio xoAom no 0oAzy. X - 2
QI?'(..Oe CeqeHue ASAR F*i'1.
npoxona r83o6
())Ktc~oe ce1c14Ke Ann I 10,1
H 0 A 5420
Pr3) floseP'!IIOCyb zlarpesa
wI.Temneparypa r3300 4a 9' SA3 pacqey 8TOpoA * 440
alone cTyneasi aaOHo.%taAaeps O
TROOeanera- I'To 02f) Ate gAZ86
30. Ha axone
Ph)emnepaTypa ao3.iyxa t l- IloACTaA~tyc Temne- c345
-t:.@ PaTypM 3Ayxa. fiPH-
Ta 8paCqCet
O a Bmofe TOne LH 4
Q'enioconepcaiane Teo. J o 1#6.dlwtte
nQO' ~ t41 461
to xoJI~qeCTBB :1:YX

Tll0ot'nHII Kosia'aecT- a H3 PaCqeTB TOnCH - 1.03
KIIleoJper~ilvecKff HC06zo-

r~'pHeoc moanjyxa so
( lH ~
0TSOA. 1 ~ 0.05
- Top.A cTyflCHN (ab)
))Teanep&Typa *O3AYMa IfpwnmaaeTcX c rnocAae- C160
"a e~one 00 BTOPYIO AymwkuN YT em~H
0-yflno 1-aAUS 1Pa 1
411) TervioIcoiepwa~ift Teo 10'-tdnue Xa(X
pe~l9Ie ;x me,)dxoafmo. a
tO 9R111,-eCT9a 8oanyla

*ft)T !uoeo80Znpffnea.
30-__.3+ (6-1
Ayxa niodanaaacy + 2
(?-q)peNN Tmnpeyp +t*C 160 +- 345
B.IYK 6Z -Y 252
(3O)ennocoiepmalmne TCO- 1 Qa ~1 -3A~e ka1g 3
peTlH'.eIH meo3xon.o aPC 8i~iu ,ga 3
ro c01HeCCTaa 8oanyxa
ri7p cpcsier reullepa.

Tensioronepwmwe ra + KQ4K 264 -63

30. Ila am 886 ___+1763

xonoAorpeaa Teng
DOC = 800141107 EIGIE'

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of detesiavaticn. (4). Diersicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Relative Icngitudinal pitch of ducts. (7).

According to structural/design characteristics. (8). Number cf runs

of pipes. (9). Then. (10). Number cf courses ty air. (11). Clear

opening for pass of gases. (12). Clear opening for pass of air. (13).

Heating surface. (14). Temperature of gases at entrance. (15). Frcu

calculation of second step/stage ci econcmizet. (16). Enthalpy of

gases at entrance. (16a). kcal/kg. (17). Temperature of air at

output/yield. (18). Is suostituted temperature cf air, accepted in

calculation of heating. (19). Erthalpy cf thecretically necessary

quantity of air with t'". (20). On i*-table. (21). Ratio of quantity

of air at output/yield tc theoretically necessary 1.

FOOTNOTE 1. In view of the small given humidity cf fuel/propellant

the recirculation of air is nct Erovided for. ENDFOCTNOTE.

(22). From calculaticn ct heating. (23). Sucticn of air in second

step/stage. (24). on Tables 1. (25). Temperature of air at the inlet

into second step/stage. (2o). It is accepted ?ith subsequent

refinement. (27). Enthalpy cf theoretically necessary quantity of air

at entrance. (28). Heat absorpticn of air or balance. (29). .ean

temperature of air. (30). Entnal~y cf theoretically necessary

I DC 80041107 ;AGE ~

quantity of air at mean teakiexature. (31). Enthal~y of gases at

output/yield frcem air Freheater. 132). Temperature of gases at

output/yield. (33). Mean temperature of gases. (34). Volume cf gases

cn 1 kg of fuel/propellant bkenGOCp

.. , .. . _.... Jr
DOC =80041107 TG

Page 14&4.


(p)OdbeMNIX AoJRuIon.- fH,0 110 TIGO. 1 0.088

( CpeAHXS CKtopOCb rs- ID B , V~: +273 41)~t000.5.76 (375{.273)

0 3 600 r 273 Nlcerc 3600-11.3.273
( 411o30Kmrienr reffio. at
lomrsm IV XXGA

Cpnwc2pc 03 U 1) B,VO(t+273) A'c (2
_________________41 49 O 1 125~24-2731
3 60-73f x 3 600-V73.10.1 -
renAO. 3t 17o siomorp8mm 111 X9 66,0
ornAqig C R03.'o Atva zpad,

(14)(oa"4r1weKT mCIIO.Ib- noT11JI. I4omorpsImmM 0,75

3001aiY noxflocpXlOm xII
mar peem
ft 4bitef ______ 36.1.66,
(I qc~)Ko,~~tnw el- h___ 0.75 172,5

fq)Temnep&TYplM Hanop 1i 440-345-95

(,0)TeInepsypnwA iianop W1 T- 311-160-151

193 IbwxoAe t
IZTemnepSTyprNaA KHflOP l npM T~~ 96±1-5'
IIfI IIpoTHGO?0M6 2 2 - 123

6'4 B6,ThwHI nepen&A TeM- 1, 345-160-185


03)le.bujuanepenaA Tem- "IN 8--b\ 440-311-129


O riapas.eTp R *185

17, o eoopawe XV -0,93

( V~na cn~ew so-(Z-) 7L 2 -14 .

AS~ N (L

DOC = 80041107 [J1

Key: (1). Designation ct value. (2). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteraizatica. (4). Dizersicnality. (5).

coefficient from gas side. (11). On nomogram. (12). kcal/aZh deg.

(13).Theoretically necessary vcluse of air. (14). Average/mean air
speed. (15). Heat-transter ccefficient from air side. (16).
Coefficient of use of heating surface. (17). Cn tables cf noacgram.
(18). Coefficient of heat transfer. (19). Temperature pressure head
at entrance of gases. (20). Tenjerdture bead at output/yield. (21).

Temperature head with cccntercurrent. (2;). Larger temperature

differential. (23). Smaller tezierature differential. (24).
Parameter. (25). Coefficient. (,t). Temperature head. (27). Heat
absorption of air preheater acccrding to equaticn of heat transfer.

(28). kcal/kg. (2-9). Q Of d 0 .00' ce,.

DOC = 80041107 piaC.

Page 145.


I(6)PaC4*t flepio CyNGIIH 3KoIEGuAi3epa (no zoAy soLM)

(1 laame?p Tpy6 d ' 0XaPOKTCPNCTURSM

I~ IAmoe ceqceme Aim IF fayro me as 18.0

1u) OHcuRefibli none- s, Id -2.77
rfLM ANWA - apo- Sid -1,97

f' 56
t oucpXH')CTb Harpe9S H HI720 1j*
bTe Mneparyps r8301Ourn 8 H. pece1'e-a aoaayxo. C 311
acone noitorpena~eJI STOPOA

305 NOiSXone
& To me XNOA/XC

(I) Temioco.tepmaameI o " i.206+ -2,

~)Te.nePaTYPa DOnAM
Its nfo npuitomeuuio If 222
Z)Temnepsarypa r8309 HS
e PHmHmaecxC c fl0c~e 270
(W)Ten3ocoAep.arnme 1. oyaaue u aj 5
303 NO iwlOAt ~ ~ lH ~ , 2.~I -4.

(1aITennoeo nipsanme SK0-
Q I-"+6I~.
y (637-557+0)0,995-81

2.5oTenaioconRepmanee so. ilB410

AM NO shiloa U3 riep. p 2.+1 - 24.
80* C?~fl6HH D'PD
LI) Teumneparypa soAbI NO t" ip lCn235

(L1Teune paypmHhaanop 81, PC 311-235-76

NOa exoze raice
(2.9)Te~nepaypmiha.Hanop AIt" 8"- 270-222-48

4~c peANuA lemnep8Typ- it C 76+lt"

_ =62
NO 231O 2=6
(Pkeew tenpnya:p'6 311+4270
IIIOH -2 2
(31pneew Temnep*Typa I t'+9r. 222+4 235-
RAM 2l 2
O0enepavyps 3&rpifa- 1, t4 25 ( ) 225+425-253

-bem r*306 US I NJ V, no Tami. I IfAS,N 5.91

= N90
.anAofi gro)NO0,087

~eX r,0.214
(1111)016CIIIIII 0AA

1;otueenpau~m am 61,0
DOC = 80041107 PAG

Key: (1). Designation ct value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of determinaticn. (4). Disersicnality. (5).
Calculation. (6). Calculaticn of irst stage cf economizer (cn course
of water). (7). Diameter of ducts. (8). According tc

structural/design characteristics. (9). Clear opening for pass cf

qases. (10). Then. (11). Relative transverse pitch. (12). Relative

longitudinal pitch. (1!). Number cf runs of pipes. (14). Heating

surface. (15). From calculation of air preheater of second

step/stage. (16). Terperature of gases at entiance. (17). Enthalpy of

gases at entrance. (17a). Kcal/jg. (18). Enthalpy of water at

entrance into economizer '.

FOOTNOTE 1. The heat atscrpticn of steam cooler m. is taken according

to the calculation of sclerheater. ENDFOCTNCIE.

(19). Temperature of water at entrance into economizer. (19a). On

appendix. (20). lemperature of gases at cutput/yie.ld from eccrcmizer.

(21). It is accepted with sune.auent refinement. (22). Enthalpy of

gases at output/yield. (23). On ia-table. (24). Heat sensing of
economizer on balance. 125). fntbaipy of water at output/yield frcm
first stage. (26). Temperature cf hater at cutput/yield from first
stage. (27). With. (28). remperature head at entrance of gases. (29).
Temperature head at cutpur/yield. (30). Average/mean temperature
DOC 80041107 PIGE 0,

head. (31). Mean temperature Ct gases. (32) . Mean temperature of

water. (33). Temperature Cf contaainated wall. (34). Volume of gases
cn 1 kg of fuel/propellant. (34a). on Tatles 1. (34t). mu'/kg. (35).
volume fraction of water vapors. (36). Vclume fraction cf triatomic
gases. (37). Ash concentraticti in flue gases. (38). g/n. 3 .
DOC = 800141107 FAG F

Page. 1146.


c,,moelmmme"InM1.P. POCTb ~ c0

(f)Cpen14m cxopocrb ra- a B, V, *-+273 A 41 000.5.91 (290+273)

3 360-0)7
F 'x7
23 3600-18,0-273 -.
(AKoifttneH? Tenno- m,, 4)n. liomorpumme 111
*rotaqii %oIISeKUuieI ^2 ft
(141 Cymmapuax nornoma- p,,s ra (W. ama 0,213.0,181 -0,0386
reJ~buss cflocodnoCb
?peXaRTAI.HUX ra30S
(j3))(o*1tiu,,em7 ocma&5 k, fAfo mom~orpomme IX 3.7
ACHHS .iyze4 TpeX3?OM.

09KN(OLMToc~ia6- k., (Pnfo Homorpaume X 0.0185

ianrtaelX38. ks (k,-f+k.,A)s S ~ (3.7-0,214+0,0185.61) X

XO. 181-0,36
ljaacHoro nOox~a
IIK o mmI:eHT TenAO- %A So~ flouorpauue if w
K ~ad 8.4
o9inaqi H3.1yqe4Hem aSsc a ) 0
(KOVui4iAem1 sarpa3- a & 0 Ho~orpumme XII 0.045

nepeoa4MnHnn +g .
Ie~O taA) +0,0045 (65.0+F:,4)-
(17 - 55,2
(~ TenmosocnPsUXTe CTy Q=. MAI* ,caAlia 655,21;72.62
nerni no ypRB~eHHIOTen- 41 00 1-44
'2onepe.72a 91

(22) rIoCKO0lhKy Q. 0 Qd 32MeTmo pa3ANK9ao104.H9110b 3aA~aeMCX 3Haemeu 0

(2,I)Te&Ineparypem ma~ 0"

I,. pmomms4eTlCRcflocACt 250
SblXOfl AytoUmiM y-ro.HeIImem Xal)51
,k15*)TenJ1oCoiiepjaaune ra- r, 0)Eo I9.admiue COAwi54
300 S 143U0'~Ae
(01Ter1"AoGCnpHiR~me "ax- Q4 ~ ~(637-514+1) 0.995-123
(iOV.A13epa no0 Oaiacy
L51)Ten-1oCoAePac"Nxe Do- B, 41 000
Abd Ha muIXoic ill "+.D.28213n -o-5

(VOefreparyps 8OAN IN8 t flo OPaao0menwo If *C 242

I)Temneparyp4uA KlI20p at' c't 311-242=69

Na scOne r3306
() TemineparypuAaf Haflop at" T"- 250-222-28

0qC 1-00"RTeCY QM, kni t 55,221720.45 24

A 0 6 e S- IT 0~A4
(3S)DT£owe11Xe Woo~CI4UI Q. !20 -
TenlA0GOCflpRMT?3 .200 /12

()PaciomAe'ue imemAy Q6 a Q, tazze 6owbme 26/. orm paeisTmnaysrg,

.MOIIINwvpnaum(im. 6
DOC 6003O41107 EG

Key: (1). Designation cr value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of determiraticn. (4) . Dimersicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Averace/mean gas velocity. (7). m/s. (9).

Convaction heat-transfer coefficient. (9). Co nocmogram. (10). kcal/m z

hour deg. (11). lotal absorptivity of triatcaic gases. (12). a

at.(abs.). (13). Coefficient ct weakening rays/teams by triatcmic

gases. (14). Coefficient ot weaening rays/beams by ash particles.
(15). Absorption strength of dusty flow. (16). Fadiaticn

heat-transfer coefficiert. (17). kcal/kg. (18). Contaminaticn factor.

(19). m2 hour deg/kcal. IiO). Ccefficient cf heat transfer. [21).

Heat absorption of steF/stage according to equation of heat transfer.

(22). SinceQLA andS6 ncticeably are distinguished, we are again

assigned by value 3'1. j,3). lemerature of gases at output/yield.

(24). It is accepted with subsequent refinement. (25). Enthal~y cf

gases at output/yield. lio). Co i3-table. (27). Heat sensing cf
economizer on balance. (18). Entnalpy of water at output/yield. (29).

Temperature of water at cut ut/)ield. (30). Or appendix. (31).

Temperature pressure head dt entrance of gases. (32). Temperature

head at output/yield. 133). Avezagi/msan temperature head. (34). Heat

absorption of step/stage acccrding to equaticr cf heat exchange.

(35). Relation of values or heat ansorpticn. (36). Disaqreement

betweenQ 6 andQ,is alsc more tua 2o/o. Therefore the calculated

temperature of gases aftir tke stej/staqe is determined with the help

cf graphic interpelation (i 9. Io).

DOC = 30041107 IFAG E

Page 147.


Hommew~s..m a4,-iuu INj

uma...j " Pf16ThJ -tee."A

Temnepar) pa r33011 114 n"()foVnru.16 25C

SeWL0Ae W3 neP4104 Cry- f4
'JI Ten.ioC0AeP)1Maelee r3- n"fo !S-TIRAP.,LLS XG~t 523

bWite cry-

(II) TenaioconCP*~W8He so- 1 *1 41 000-4.

s~mno~e ~ Pavei ne peog cTyneeen B03AY £oaoAof~RS.3 e"

15 114Sed ho X0eCTPyTK8 Ihm A SX1 .5

(II) Flenepeqeeeil OTtiociv- S1/d To we (j)1.57

r.t,1b1,111 Udr TP'.6

remmuga-sr py
W)"J 1 O no so,-
x1e.onuv m 2

AM"0.1Keso ce-l"eeee .1% At* 11,3

npoioaas r1'os
m14.eoezeqeneee .i Al 10.1

kl liusep u-OCTI etarpes 554M0 5f

(;j)Tefeieparyps ratos J. UI pacel 240110i se C 255
(11 enooipaH r I To mes(j1A K 525
esNo awfle
t{toveneptityps swayt (7.1 lpURITa ' 30

L3 eloccepaeee reo- 10' nlo iD.Ta.,vies MKIIAIKS 39,2

PeTH.mecxs meeo6tonsumoro
11oiecma sosjylas nip.S I
DOC = 8004J1107 1AGE 1A( t03

Key: (1). Designation of value. (2). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruinaticn. (4). Dixersicnality. (5).



I~~1 1 I/I NII

s- - I I

V3520 25 270 321C

Fig. 16. Graphic determindticn cf temperature of gases after first

stage of economizer.

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

(6). Temperature of gases at output/yield frcu first stage. (7). On

Fig. 16. (8). Enthalpy ct gases at output/yield from step/stage. (9).

on i6-table. (9a). kcal./kq. (10). Heat abscrpticn of step/stage.

(11). Enthalpy of water at outjut/)ield. (12). Temperature of water

at output/yield. (13). Cn appendix. (14). Calculaticn of first stage

cf air preheater. (15). Liameter ct ducts. (16). According tc

structural/design characteristics. (17). Transverse relative spacing

between tubes. (18). Then. (19). Lcngitudinal relative spacing
tq- ,&*n tubes. (20). Nuater of runs of pipes. (21). Number of courses
DOC 800411107 SG

by air. (22) . Clear cpening for pass of gases. (23) . Clear opening
for pass of air. (24). beating surtace. (25). Temperature of gases at

entrance. (26) . O)f calculat.Lcn cf economizer cf first stage. 127).

Enthalpy of gases at ertiance. (i8). Temperature of air at the inlet.

(29). It is accepted. (3C). Ecthalpy cf thecretically necessary

quantity cf air with t'.
DOC 3001O41107 p Ati is 4o '

Page 1481.


- y -

0l4 .1IVk " N 01

1~je0 I,4e1 d 44

r.'~~~~~7 3~j 30'144CT4

hIS ~ ~ 44 44.-
Toi I,hiA
1." k

,t .4 0

II~. 4,1 -- - M

1*'1. t. It4 18.4'e,1


W k % po4r41.1+ :4..i it, tit, 41 041 (4 t-.11

ev I s-

A \* % A""
044*4IS11 ! ! 3
,11 ~b.1NSI4A I. spa----- 0
DOC 8004&1107 SAGE L

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (.). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deterainatica. (4). Dimensicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Temperature ct air at output/yield. (7). It is

accepted with sutsequent refinement. (8). Enthalpy cf theoretically

necessary quantity of air with t'4. (9). On i&-table. (10). Satio ¢f

quantity of air at outrut/yield ±rcm first stage to theoretically

necessary.,%(11). Heat at-sozpticm ct air en balance. (12). Mean

temperature of air. (1-3). Entaaljy of theoretically necessary

quantity of air at mean teuieratuxe. (1I). Inthalpy cf gases at

output/yield from air rreheater. j15). Temperature of gases at
output/yield. (16). Mean temperature of gases. (17). Volume of gases

cn 1 kg of fuel/ropellart. (18). onTables 1. (19). nM 3/kg. (20).

Volume fraction of water vapors. (21). Average/mean gas velocity.

(22). mis. (23). Heat-transfer coefficient from gas side. (24). On

nomogram. (25). kcal/m bour (e. 126). Average/mean air speed. (27).

Heat-transfer coefficient zrcm air side. (28). Cn ncmcgram. (29).

Coefficient of use of heating surrace. (30). Cn tables cf ncwcgram.
(31). Coefficient cf heat transter. (32). Temperature head at

entrance of gases. (33). Iemjerature head at output/yield. (34).

Temperature head with ccuntercurrent.

DOC = 80041107 PAGE

Page 149.


066 ' eftpnc~ * Po

(05jn16tm rneptemn 'rem- v,, .- 91 173-30..143


(i Menbfnhi nepellaA 7Cm- r. c'8 255-154-101


(g')rlpaiverp AD- 101

,55-JO - 0.449

&Iapaerp R 143

- 01
i3~ ,4

Kos~anetir . r lo ioMvorpaume XV -0.9.1

OTemnePSTYPHRn~f 1llifop I't -apmc0.94.103-97

0")e-noffoctipittire isoj. kH it 16.1-5 420.97
AyxonloforpenaTe.A n KftOA/KJ 42 OW00 =1

(13)DINowe"Ite 3HaqACA Q. 10-6.

-. 2i~~npwJJ % 2I09 S

04')lOccOJlbiy pacxomoenhite MtemnY Q4 i 0., meiwe 2%4. pactiet nepsoft elynen *O0flVfl-

rN'i)eaet almet3via mewhy iposlecyronlimmif 3Hiefilttisal Te3nepa~yp4 soiayn. npeae14

UIU pacyeirs o(eiix cryneuief enflvxonoL~oI'Pe0T.19. npeautuaer 20*C. meo6%ona"t npoH3-
mCCli. nepecqver. Ontiaco. floCKO.lbKy O;npeflnhstueeca iv3 paieT3a 1iCisie remftPhTYPU Yld-
flNIitH ra3(18 oTnwiaerC% Or npritirxoro %teithine-temsi C.Aocrarolao
Fac flepeCqnraTb T0.1bO

~ ~xhOcTosble
lloaefl~Xoc~l Har pes
Te~carp oi, 4 uSTOpoa fp~l~s~ec pl~~l "4)Pa'ieT
cry!~ey ,icO11oMai~eps (no tony uoxtu) 24

atone n0Soeto YI yloCT1iib ?lepnoA cT) nellt. oripeat

(Tew.10Onep~Hieuncxw R- no. pa.4c,2

no~m xx x
AM ita nxone 8 CT)flellb L, paciet y
(a1ITen,,oconepwaiic ra- P 13 pacflelf lClilrptan. I261
303 nepeA CllIellblo Team
(17)TcUITOpelVpa rn~on (14 To we OC620

(15 ~ncprvpraloaa l pitinixield,1 c noc.le. 442

clyvie~bio A ILURIA YlO'llilCM &
Wenocoitepwaie ra.
I1 1" 615 flo IO-TaiS.iitue KxaAIXS 9
'0. ja evyncuklo
[t~helAOnOf npITneCT Q6 (1,'-_Jr +ial (1261-80 4-P 0. 995-370

(3I0rCTI~lOCOAeP)KRHH,0 DO ill.df 000.3I.

70 44.232

r y em
0t o n e

(3?'remieparyptibit "sap It" O"c 442-240-202

Cpeanxi remnepetypt- 4t1 .i' +: t" c3254- 202

nhtiwnap -- 2 26 3
DOC 800141107 F1.

Key: (1). Designation cf value. (2). Designation. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruinatica. (4). Dimersionality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Larger temperature differential. (7). Smaller
temperature differential. (i8). Earameter. (9). Coefficient. (10). Cn

nomogram. (11). Temperature nead. (12). Eeat atscrpticn of air

preheater accorling to eiuaticn ct heat transfer. (13). Relation of

values of heat absorpticn. 414). Since disagreement betweeng 6 and

Qwiless than 2o/o, calculaticn of first stage of air prebeater is

finished. (15). Since ciscxeparcy tetweer ittersediate values of
temperature of air, determined trcs calculaticn cf both steps/stages
cf air preheater, exceeds 10o, it is necessary to manufacture
recalculation. Hcwever, since tke determined cf the calculaticn value
of the temperature of stack gases differs frc that accepted less
than by 100 C, it suffices to count over cnly the tail heating
surfaces. (16). Calculaticn ct seccnd step/stage of economizer (on
course of water). (17) . lesaerature of water at entrance intc second
step/stage. (18) . Is accqjted equal to t'' first step/stage,
determined in basic calculaticn. 419). ErthalFy cf water at stage
inlet. (20). Also on basis. (11). knthalpy cf gases before
step/stage. (22) . Frcm calculaticn cf suferheater. (23). Temperature
of gases before step/stage. (4). Ihen. (25). Temperature of gases
after step/stage. (26) . It is accepted with subsequent refinement.
(27). Enthalpy of gases after stei/stage. (28). On i3-table. (29).
DOC 80041107 FAGE

Heat absorption of steF/-staJe cu -alance. (30). Enthalpy of water at

output/yield from step/stage. 131). Temperature Cf water at

output/yield from step/staye. (32). Temperature head at entrance of

gases. (33). Temperature head at entrance of gases. (34). Temperature

head at output/yield. 135). Average/mean temperature head.


DOC BOC41107 FA 1


C?4WeR.Ioe0CnpnRne sKa Qm Wijt '- 62,0-952.26

HoMab3epa no0yp8UHOINio 41 000
Ornaellife 3"@CMaeli - 378
renitoaocnPllBTlK 100 V..
0/ D 12

(4JoColAbity paiComflCHN6 me.mAy Q0 mIQ. H~enpelsuuzle 2 y.. pacqei ma *Tom 3aihIleumseOCa

60 ~Pacle? a opom CjV)SeHH uo3AYxomoA~lpeflaTeAM

(iaTme3yp ra13os "la W' cry-
113 Pa.qeO STOPOA C442
meoae n KoS oM34ZI3eps
(0ITenmocoiAepmasume.e 1 qoi 9

(i,,)Tes4nepaTypa so3AYza It wmaTMPaRAi T17

"I RXO~eneso c~yleH"ln.

Ten.1vocozePA(irn~e Teo- IT' no ocmoiy wxaAIKS 228

periiqece~il ICO6AOAIwMO PaCq:T;
ro KomlleCT11a 803AYXa

41TneaysB03AYXa i flpM.aeTCs C noC. e- 350

periiqchh ueo xcaO.IKM

(,oXKo.1o80lCnPlaa 9To3-e 1
(p~.olcnlurcao no 6a c +, -)(467-
- -228)-- 52
T2)p.i~ 4-
+ r' 350 + 173 26

peT~eCR r~o10-atioue ra~mir346

ro KojvlmqeCT03 9034yXi
tu~BOO~fell 8O~j~+l-
BW 252

(21 Tenoepiateli lao Qa1

8' 1"

'JD .nPOAryembl
CIaTemneparypiMMA II8E0p all 01-11" 42-350=9

wamlinoTHOe m 2 119:A


(1;9fla PONeTP p 123

42 -i-73- 0.457
Key: (1). Designation cf value. (i). Deslgnaticn. (3). Calculation
formula or method of detersinaticno (4). Dinersicnality° (5).o
Calculation. (6). Heat atsorpticn cf economizer according to equation

of heat transfer. (7). kcal/kg. (8). Relatica cf values of heat

absorption. (9). Since cisagreezent betweenQ6 andQij does nct exceed
2o/o, calculation on tkis is fivished. (10). Calculation of secondary

air heater. (11). Temperature of gases at entrance. (12). FreE

calculaticn of second stEp/stage cl econcmizer. (13). Enthalpy of

gases at entrance. (14). Then. (15). kcal/kg. (1E). Temperature of

air at the inlet. (17). Is acceited equal tc t'' first step/stage,

determined in basic calculazica. (18). Erthalpy cf theoretically

necessary quantity of air with t'. (19). Also according to basic

calculation. (20). Temperature cf air at cutput/yield. (21). It is

accepted with the next refinement. (22). Entbalpy cf theoretically

necessary quantity of air with t*'. (23). On ia-table. (24). Heat

absorption of second stsi/stage cn balance. (25). Mean temperature cf

air in step/stage. (26). Enthaljy cf thecretically necessary quantity

of air with t. (27). Entbalky cf gases after second step/stage. (28).

Temperature of gases after seccnd step/stage. (25). Temperature head
at entrance of gases. (30). TEalerature head at cutput/yield. (31).

Temperature head with ccuntexcurrert. (32). larger temperature

differential. (33). Smaller teamerature differential. (34).

DOC 380041107 FACkE J4 L

Page 151.


&'faae~R 177n

KoImmei t"obloMraae XV 0,3

(g'ATemnepSTYPehhl manop at '4,p
C 01935-119 -11)
()Tenruosocnpewrxe no Q.kit 0) 17.5-5 420-111
yp .HCHNIo TeIIAOnepe- XpA X 6
ONL5 0JI5OCNPKUH U~em Q. .100 0/0 25 0I0

t ObGo14.11Y paxoj
&MII14 ems. QmQe apeswnaeT 2'/. paceT NOSTOu 38axahqussetc

6 4
("Sie BePso CfYueRN SUoa~Ma&§epa
1 emuep1ya80 a 8 f,piqr so 319
OXone CTyneIN *O3AYXOnOAo-

(10) TemlIocoAepatme rv- I'W

r f29 5
TejOOpan No 04 OECHOONOMY psceeTy *228.2
AN Ha sOXne
(2@)Teun~~p8TYpa 80oM H To xc 222
( xoxe
)1dTemnepaTypa maoll HS I" Fp HieaeTCn C rioca- ,,C257
C MXofl
2V1)TenwocOAepmatif. FE*
P, (*O'4lo I*.yatdjIur.0 IXGA/X353
30O S 5sdXoAe
(25rIAJ6osCnpHme nep- Q6 (rI±a + 0 ,995(64-53+1) 124
AqCrmmei fro 6atnancy
2(,Je..ocoae~pmaiie No. 1' 4B)0
22 2 24
AMi v 501114 t" i'+ 8, +1 nomuo -250,3
" lbPCnPTpaNW"
n flpmnJoNCinis 11 -* 242
(31TeMnlepsTYPRWui "anop all *'.."c 319-242-77
(3dTemnepm~ypkml .eanop 'it'. O"-t 257-222-35

(Ten~osoCnpNmTme ____Q._fAt55,_1_7__5

80 ~nm
oysm- Bp, 1234--o 2

,eIIAtOsocnIIpHTHU Q 0 Y.10-

(140rnocnOjRy PSCXOiuAeHus 1453117 Q6 Q., -weiNbe 2YV.. PftcleT 9RNafoIaep3 NO MINm


fis 'Pacqei sepsaA cyuemm *OSAYXlouOA~rpemayeXV

Temnepaiyps rM3011 NO IP H = CT 5
(3 eNaocoxe Naems ra To mce Sm~
4 DOC = 80041107 FA.IG

Key: (1). Designation ct value. (2). Designaticn. (3). Calculation

formula or method of deteruanaticn. (4). Diuersicnality. (5).

Calculation. (6). Parameter. (7). Coefficient. (8). Temperature head.

(9). Heat absorption acccrding to equaticn cf heat transfer. (10).

kcal/kg. (11). Relaticn cf values cf heat atscrption. (12). Since

disagreement betweenQ 6 andQ^ does not exceed 2o/o, calculation on

this is finished. (13). CalCulatoCn of first stage of economizer.

(14). Temperature of gases at datzance. (15). Frcm calculaticn of

secondary air heater. 116). Entbaly of gases at entrance. (17).

Then. (18). Enthalpy of water at entrance. (19). Acccrding to basic

calculation. (20). Temrezature cf bater at entrance. (21).

Temperature of gases at cutiut/yield. (22). It is accepted with

subsequent refinement. (s3). Enthalpy of gases at output/yield. (24).

On i3-table. (25). Heat anscrpticn of first stage on balance. (26).

Enthalpy of water at outiut yield. (27). Temperature of water at

output/yield. (28). On appendix. (-9). Temperature head at entrance

of gases. (30). Temperature head at output/yield. (31). Temperature

head. (32). Heat abscrftacn of tirst stage acccrding to equation cf

heat transfer. (33). Relaticn ct values cf heat abscrption. (34).

Since disagreement betumenQL 6 andQ^ less than 2c/o, calculation of

eccnomizer on this is finished. (35). Calculaticn of first stage cf

air preheater. (36). Teujeiaturi or gases at entrance. (37). Of

calculaticn of first state cf econcmizer. (3e). Enthalpy of gases at


- ati
DOC =80041107 ~ G

Page 152.

- Pas~vw. 4PNYAG 11,

H....oase..*C.s4NM .e CneCOo Ofpq#5t4ONN3 PasutpIIOC PICwOT

Te~.neNutp Ion~ l~uwa3 I I

ofiX l () (o30
(*ri nixooaepmmwie Ten iOl 110 IS-T46a,.#Ue gxxA/XZ 39,2
peT-tecxit meo06xoafo4-
to KOJU~qeCTRA 8OSAyX3 i

N. :renep.fypa no,.Iyx& g' lprniiaeTCR c nocnie. 173

(m3'.eAcoconePwanSHe Teo. 5Am 0" 1S'aflnuue x#xajgz 228

peTliqeCl HCO45XOAUMO-
to KnA114CeTtp. 803lyxa

TenosociPRIuTue ci~v.
(Q. 0 s05)
fel lo 6ailaigcv 10
5I4 illf Ci.-~p l -39.,2)-.20g
901.Iie '41 73+-3o
(4IXdl 9 CT\ fli 2 2 101
()eni)coepBAHHf! Ten. 10 Wflo 10.iatsimue 2," 132
to en.,uqeiRA~ 1mn3.ixa
npH t
)Ten.iocoaepaine Q 0 0
108 Ha sib[Uae 11 103
5 p- + .1 10.p 53o 09 +7-327

CelflC3aTypa raios ma by f)l IO.Ta6AIrlle 156

(4eoepap10M leanop .c'.'t 257-173-84

VreypaTpia ifanap If" *".. C 5 302

(2Jlr':rlTpNhlfl I'op .1fpm '+10' 84+126

2 , 105
neesa e "-'' 173-30-143

@12rnapme~p p 101
- 25.30 -0.445
0rlp1SfTp R 143

~ rfo Hotiorpautie XV -0,94

(If')ren.,on,cnp,,.,nue o3 Q, H3 6.. 409

A 113 n) ypallieb 6BT 16.1.5 420 -2

.io neza i e nr
: 1 Te,# - , 210'X
4 oo 1

-*1 TOu paCqeT nepnkofl cynen. mo3ixofnoorpemaTe.If 3asaitNBSaCTCfl.

PStXoxAriNe IIp*WI
K N onlpeAeABMXstC. 3,haOewifl Teunepa~yp nonorpesa 803-
aixa n yxonuwmx r230f, a raxxce itesm3K14 hmemii npomemuyro~itamm 3*faqelflInl TemnepaTYP sllm
onpeae~iemimm m3 paCqela U6eiil cineueA sKolbomafleps H 8o3ltyXon0AorpesarTe.
0 @aoa1axa.31ony'cTHmx
.leMST npeafiax, pac14er XOTJAOrperal cqwiaeTCX 3asoiqenHlu. Heooxoamiuo
TOX&NO YTOqwRKb 60ASHaCOahe SCAKWHl#M H npObepiirb CXOAI4MOcM 62Mwca
DOC =80041107 FAGE

, Key: (1). Dlsignaticn of value. (2). Designation. (3).

Calculation formula or metnod or determinaticr. (4). Dimensionality.

(5). Calculation. (6). leaperature of air at the inlet. (7). It is

accepted. (8). Fnthalpy cf tkeoretically necessary quantity cf air

with t'. (9). On i3-tat1e. (10). xcal/kg. (11). Temperature cf air at

output/yield. (12). It is accepted with subsequent refinement. (13).
Enthalpy of theoretically necessary quantity cf air with tel. (14).
Heat absorption of step/stage cr talance. (15). fMean temperature of

air in step/stage. (16). Entnaipy cf thecretically necessary quantity

of air with t. (17). Ertbaljy of gases at cutput/yield from air
preheater. (18). Temperature cf gases at output/yield. (19).

Temperature head at entrance or gases. (20). lemierature head at

output/yield. (21). Temperature bead at cutput/yield. (22). Larger

temperature differential. ('3). Smaller temperature differential.

(24). Parameter. (25). Ccefricient. (26). On ncmcgram. (27).

Temperature head. (28). Heat abscrticn cf air according to equation

of heat transfer. (25). Belation ct values cf heat absorption. 30).

Cn this calculation of iirst stage of air prebeater is finisted.

(31). Since disagreemert or taxen and deteruired values of

temperatures of preheating air acd stack gases, and also discrepancy

between intermediate values of terameratures water and air, determined

from calculation of totk steps/stages of eccrcuizer and air

preheater, lie/rest within permissible limits, calculation of boiler

unit is consilered completed. it is necessary tc only make more

precise balance values ard to test the ccnvergence cf balance.

DC 80041107 FAG E

Page 153.

(k TtesrcuypaP yzOAN- 0 RpqeTa nepso ~ 0

W.14Xrm"o 73 nel s o3.iyxonao~
Apm~x rvio
y~co 1,3 1. Fzlo.6ILEx./c
(1i')iloTepq Teflaa c yxo- 42 j . _______

01 Cymeua 1Tenroebix no. 2+ q3+q
4q 4+ q.*+qa WA % 7.34-0,5+2,5+0.5S+

0liKo30uctvr nojie3. 1,6 l00-tL

7 100-10,9=89.1
Hoqro,,eglcTBnifi arperara
* rIOA~bnik pacx('a ron- B f~oo CIS~) 136,3.1001.100
(A.'IRpac';erois Ton-
AM"~s P sl-tc 3650-89,1 - 41".01
* 0.onoai'll! If nbJae-
0lnsp)scTiibi paxoHlTon B9 1__"__
41188 IleACSHN~~t 41 9(00,.975-40 WO
crope awero) Aa1RTefo-
soro if aspoak~amHqe.
cKoro pflcneTOI

Tolft (-) ,,. + xAfKftK 31650 00 ,,o 03

. .. ? (4 QM- 32410 ,9 95 - 1l 78 7
A O c n pr QA(

T.ia ~e QIR Q I. -(,.+0+ 6I45.0,891-(1 ',9 -

fenjaonoroIf 360814(t 774
+ 114a+571+

+.if+Q.,.; +Q.. u+ 100-25 .

DOC = 80041107

Key: (1). Designation cf value. t2). Designatico. (3). Calculation

formula or method of determinaticn, (4). Dimersicnality. (5).
Calculation. (6). TempeLatuxe ci stack gases. (7). Of calculation of

first stage of air preheater. (E). Enthalpy of stack gases. (9). On

i8-table. (10). kcal/kg. 411). heat loss with stack gases. (12). Sum

of heat lcsses 1.

FCCTNOTE 1. q 3 , q4, qs and . are accepted accczding to the tasic

calculation. ENDFOOTNOII.

(13). Efficiency of aggregate/unit. (14). Full rate of propellant

flow (for calculations cf fuel feed and Fulverized ccal preFaratica).

(15). kg/h. (16). Calculated consumption of fuel (actually/really
burned down) for thermal ana aercdynamic designs. (17). Useful heat
release in heating. (1e) . Quantity of taken in heating heat 2.

FOCTNOTE 2. The enthalpy of gases at the output/yield from the

beating is determined in the calculation of beating. ENDFCOTNOTE.

(19). Calculated discrepancy of heat balance 3. ENDFCCTNOTE.

(20). Relative value of discrepancy. (21). Since discrepancy is less

than 0.50/o ofQ9 calculaticn cf kciler unit is finished.

DOC = 80041107 FEJrf
(1) Caoxaun TaGnua Tenomore pacqeTs KO m

L 'JHaWu..NOs.M~s
uE.@JwYW P83Itel4- I|J.
o ,.= CS = b
it* C
e. =q

('efnpa'rypaefeAoocTenHa xoe oC 317 361 o317 oi1er. (2).

0a1'TemopoTn'a o.T
, US DROSS . . .
0 me US SaXo4e......... *C.
" --
I 1068
800 0
620 620
257 19;
eIAOmOCnPHXTHe...... :........xaA,'Sg 116 571 374 370 252 124 209

Designation Of flues. 13). Desagnation of values. (4).

Dimensionality. (5). ScalloF. (6). 11 step/stage of superheater. (7).

I step/stage of superheater. (8). Economizer, II step/stage. (9). Air

Frehaater, II step/stage. (10). Eccnonizer, I step/stage. (11). Air

;reheater, I step/stage. (12). Tenjerature cf gases at entrance.

(13). Then at output/yield. (14). Beat absorpticn. (15). kcal/kg.

(16). Temperature of heat-transfer agent at ectrance. (17). Then at

output/yield. (18). Gas veiccity. (19). a/s. (20). Speeds of water,

vapor, air.
DOC = 800411108 P1GB 'E9

Pages 1 54-155.

e) T
P&6oq..,m unces

(b ) H,,..,,omu. Map... (,) Coo . % -,T

paos paN..
*MOUOPINAelaNaa MtIPcopOnaesIa a cop,

W APP I S.Pp cp P NpD OQ


i. lonem.a6mdICCe - A 13.0 19,6 2,4 1.6 50.6 3,7 1,1 8.0 4840

2. . r T" i5a 19 1.4 62.1 4,2 1,2 6,45900

3. . ,x 6.o is. 3, 6 62,4 ,.I , 8

4. - T 5.0 16.7 1. 0,9 70,5 1. 1,8 615W

1. - AAA 1 ,0 3.3 1. 0,.7 76,4 3,25 0 3 50

- HA 5. 11, 0 1,3 0.7 32,6 2 ,0 ,83 6570
7. - APW 0I16,5 1, 2 0 ,6 71,0 1,.4 0, 1,4 6701

S. • - 8,0 14,7 1.1 0,J 70.0 , 3 0,8 2, 630

9. -- imI tr40c1 3,3
0,5 386, 2, 0, 7 60
10. o I 9 0 ,0 I .6 0, 7 54, 6 ,2 . 6 60
11I.Kysse-imA 6ACCeAa A~wepo-CyA)tH'- iC 6, 1 , 06 74. , 5 ,.764
4) cKoe

12Keieposcxoe KCC 7,0 75. 0, 64,91,4,8 52.0 664


3. .e C- .60 30,3 0.5 70. 3.3 1,8 4,4660

12. , I1I1obo O

4. *.*en , cxoe 1 0, 5, 0 0,4 67,2 3,6 2 , 3 68300

49. 1 . r 9,0 17 0.6 6.3 4 . 52,2 6 630

0. 0 5ORO4 ,638KO-
K, ce.'ese
yrojib, Karamosn- CC 7, 7. 04 71, 4,( , 7764
17. , ,?, To xte CCI 6, 1. 0.4 73.2 , ,8 446
8.. CC;;_,, 5"."0C11i4 0.4 74.2 , ,.306 3

19 .. ApUMOSe T .0o6, 0, 683 3. 152.,63

20. .n 4. 250 0. 5060, ,75

O aI1 air. (0) Trnuupavypu MiIaDAeum Sao."

yOCyb In g. t I s

"a soi -(F) - -- "
. p O ,oro
,,-- +--- p"

i,*C c 9.'

I 1 050 1 150 I 200

22,5 20 30 4.5 43.0 7730 on2u I060+>1400 1 0"I> 1400 cA.nwmflcs sam
I060 1159 I 220 .&aCneupllc.
17.0 12 25 3.0 39.0 8100 s+1o I 020100+- 300 I050+1 370 cnaaeaeummIl,
: t HiornAS OCnYIle:HuA
I lot) 1 120 101 0 "3 CliCK Ul" ACN..

20,0 10 30 1.0 320 8400 1000+>I

1I060 400 1 050+> Cn.aS.2le HbIA (4a)
12930 405iI150+
120 400 opo +IIKOO~pI3HMA.
16.0 9 27 1.0 13.0 8550 990-117 1040+1 440 1060-- 470 cAMIIIKaCs njil
c.iafo cneimuAcs
1060 1240 1290 (TA.) ,
16.0 10 27 1,2 8,0 8450 970-1 120 1 0704->1 500 I I M- ,-1500 rlopow.%oo6p&3fl
1060 1 1-10 1200
14,0 8 25 2.0 4.0 8150 970--1200 1030-1400 105f)(-1430 '")Tomc.
1070 1200 1250
18.0 10 27 2.0 4,0 8130 .30.-1 260 1000-1 450 1040 . 501 ) ,
1670 Ix2o I 250
18,0 10 30 2.0. 4,0 8090 9)-1260 1000-1450 10.0- 1500 W'r.
45.0 IS 50 1.0 30., 8050 1 000-+2 I O-- 1 420 1 140+-1450 rpCaequm'Ac
20,0 30 30 1,0 30.0 8500 1 000- 150 I 100-+-1350 1 150-1400 i,
To me
1 15o I 34 1 1440
13.0 10 18 1.0 15.0 8600 1050-1209 1200.-15001250+ -1500
29.0 10.) 1 200 12.10
17,0 13 22 1.0 23-018300 1030+1 150 1 120-,-I 300 I16U-- 350 ,
16.0 1 100 1240 1300 e134.-)
16,0 11 26 1,0 11-18 8550 1030-1 140 1 120+1[490 1 160+>1 500 Cnewwmc. Pla
1200 1 260" f60powtROO°Pa3ut
1 13.I
5.5 - - 3,5 40.0 7800 I1030-1 1 050+-1 3 100-.. 1400 (/'-0) To me
1100 1200 1250 ,
12,0 12 I5 2,0 39.0 8200 1050+1 250 1 100-+-1370 150-1 430 ( 52 exmutes

8.0 t0 12 1.2 26+3580 810
- Tm se

1180 9 21 1.0 I8+258400 0 10"+>1500I1240"!> 15001280"5

S81. 145000+ 1350 1260-+5001 320+I 0 fopom.ooipani4
28 1090 1300 1350
26,0 7 35 1,0 21+f-31
8300 1 000-i-I
190 1 130.1 500 I180-I->
I j 'Caeu ics
DOC = 80041108 FAGI

Key: (a). Design characteristics ot solid and liquid propellants.

(b). Region of fields. (c). Man* of deposit. (d). Brand/mark and

type. (e). Working mass of fuel/prcpellant. (f). Composition, o/o.

(g). Ash content to dry sass. (h). Maximum. (i). Lowest heat of

combustion. (j). huuidity. (f). ash content. (1). Moisture of

analytical test/sample. (u). output/yield of volatile components to

combustible mass. (n). Heat o coabustio, in tomt kcal/kg. (o).

Melting points of ash. (E). it tegan strains. (q). began softenings,

t2 , with oC. (r). the beginning cf fluid state. is). Characteristic of

nonvolatile remainder/rer-aue. it). kcal/kg. (u). Coal. cI Donets

basin. (1A). Powder-like, that fixed or sintered. (2a). Sintered,

alloyed, sometimes distended. (3a). Sintered, alloyed. (4a).

Powder-like, that fixed cr weakly sintered. (5a). Pcwder-like. (6a).

Kuzngtsk Basin. (11a). AnzehGc-Sudzhenskiy. (11b) -t w.,.(1 2 a).

Kemerovo. (12b).a . Sintered or pcwder-like. (14a)

Leninist. 1a S1b.
intared. 416a).

Prokol'yevski-Kiselevskiy (Stalinugol', ProkcF'yevskugolI,

~~~Kaganovichugoll). (6).Ii u 1a.P. .1b.t,_o .(9)

Aralichevskiy. (19b) . Fcbaer-like. (20a) . Sintered.

DOC = 80041108. . r•

Pages 156-157.

Continuation RN 2-01.

22. To me 5 26,0 17,0 0,6 41,9 2,7 0,5 .11 .313620

6acceim ri]

23. nloAocxosmuA '5B 33.0 23 9, .7 1,2 , 2.2 0.6 8,7; 310

24. r eopinA cceft - l)K 7,0 18.6 0,4 05162. 9 1,7
24. fleqo)cH1 d..eA.
25. - ,l. 11,0 24.9 1,9 0,6 47,4 3.2 1.3 9.7 4340
26. YCCP lpasode. AjtexCAHnPltcKoe. S 53.0 14.1 0.7 1,9 21.1 1,9 0,2 7.1 1650
peme 3acmiropoa.coe,
$1fp. 4XM7.
27. 3anapnaxY 3ojoqeuc'oe
-pamma 5 37.0 19,9 1,2 2,4 28,2 2.3 0,4 9.6 2420
* Ka.1 MA8CKOel1X2 5 20.0 24, 0_. 2,4 . 37.5 3,1 0.6 10,9 3410
6 45.0 24,8 0,4 19,6 1.4 0.3 8,1 1500

2.9. 3amcApnaTeaR YK-
(lI. bHIIX(oe)
Vwxipcffam ACCP Sameocome (Epmo-
2.(.)acrcWl pa3pe3)

52,0 9,6
0,31 04 26,1 2.5

3,2 1.9 50,9 3.7


8.3 2240

, 4j

32, A
J 5,5 26,5 4,6 51,1 3,8 0.91 7,0 500

3.3 (;nn)IfM 11.0 35.6 8,01 1,5 37,9 2.9 0,9 2,2 3860
34. .oroc.ioncxoe 1 28,0 21.6 0,3 34,3 2.4 0,6 12.8 2840

35. v e.aaf6"Icxoe 5 17,0 24,9. 0,7 0.5 41,8 3,0 ,0 11II, 3770
3b.y-aaucioe 46 10,0 18,0 0.5 0,6 58.0 4.0 1,1 7,5 460
37. EropwHrc'CKoe A 5,0 20.9 0,4 66,7 2,7 1,0 58M0

3$.rp1~kNCKAII CCP Txmnnp'e.?bcxoe fl)* 10,0 34,2 2.3 0,5 44.1 3,3 0,93 5,7 4 180

39. * Tinnl6.mbC'oe r I1,0 26.7 0,7 0.7 48,0 3.6 0.9 8,4 4470
40. , . ./.)rejaix 5 11.0 40l, 1.5 0.5 34.2 2.5 0,7 0,5 3070
' 2.4 9,5 2470
41. . C. ,dt) 5 2u00 38,4 0,6 0,5 28.1 0.5
41. Kna3casi CCP IpTMImcKoe CC 8,0 ;36d 0,4 0,4 44,2 2.9 0,8 6.5 4050

43. . Jemre oec oe 6 27,0 14,6 1,3 0,8 44,4 2,6 0,4 8,9 3850

44. Yaf.excxam, CCP .Arpem 5 35,0 11,0 0,7 07 41,9 2,0 0,4 8,3 3450

45. Kspri3caX. CCP K3ba'.Kome 5 .27,0 11,7 1.4 0,4 46,0 2,6 0.6 10,314000

46. CY..a-a 5 21,0 11.,9 0.5 0, 1,.7 2,7 0,5 401,04o

27.0 12 32 2.0 28.0 825e1 I I50+> 5001 4004> 500 I450+>l 500 CIICKInNCX
1 o0 1200 i223 'a. .
23,0 32 30 10,0 40,0 6900 I 090+1 1201 160+1 240 1 175+1 27o nlopoluoo6p3Nli*
I 5 .- 15
I- 0 > f.>m . ....
35.0 37 45 8,q 45.0 6650 I000+>I 500 050+>I 500 Iluo+>I 500 7,- 'roMe
1050 1I225 1280 .
20.0 12 33 1,5 31,0 8350 1050150 I00-1300
1000-1 1 130 hS 403
1 150.1l
1I5 ;'ACneKW#AcN
28.0 IS 35 6.0 39,0 7250 1000- 1125 1060+ 200 I125-I 240 nopou1Roo6pa3NlM
30,0 60 40 1, (0.0 6400 1050+1480 100+> 1500 130+>500 ( b)To me

1050 1120 1I50

30.0 45 40 9,0 57,0 6450 100044-I0+ 1060-1180 1090+-I1210
30,0 - - i0,0 53,0 6700 1030 1050 1070
I 121) 1280 1310
4509,E . 6200 1 000+ 2101 1200-,-1390 12391410
20,0 60 30 7, 307050 100 1 0 251
115-I.5 1 1e1220
170--1 260
1 S 1201I 200
150 960---1470 1 150+> 1 061500- /Z
31,0 10 40 1, 84. 115) 4 1500
13 1200"1> Ltnexw.Rcn
113 1410 1440 (
28,0 33 37 7850 990 l12201 300+>1500 350->1500 lnoqoLaKoo6pa3mbA
MAN c.a6o cneK-

40,0 15 45 75 43,0 8000 1 01* 1 140" 1 170--;,l.Cnepai,

30,0 33 35 1
0 150 1350 1400
2,0 6250 1050+>15 00 1370+>I5001 130">I 500oo WKOO6p83uA
1050 1 160 1220 1
30,0 24 40 ,0 40,0 7200 1 11 5 00 10150-1400 r-
1000150 To
20.0 Is -25 0.40 7050 1002 I - I1300 3 - .a1_s,.exo
115 &1

1430 00 >1 2Soo

1350> 500 1370"-> 0
48.0 -
45.0 15 - 40
- 3,0 3
1. 4906600
754 70
6,068W' 3O+>1500
29 1380o 40 i~~-O06
40.0 - - 133, 7 750 130D+> 1 400 1 375+> 1SW0 1450+ >I 500 flbpoW9oo6pS3u,..ii
JlUca86o CneR-
38,0 32 25 1,20 3,0 700 1020 1
104-I 030+>1
1 100 050>
1 150 35 0130=,il .. ^
20,o 33 27 8, 007 200 1 000 1050 1050--4 200 1 050@.'1 2-70 f'lopomxo..((0P..W
1 120 1 210 1 240 o
17.0 40 25 9, 407050 1040-4-1240 IIOD--1360 1 130-.1375 0 Wet
1050 I 100 1 ISO
1 n0
I 21 lo3807 100 1 000--I 2.501030-1- I1300 1 050-1I350
1 130 1250 1280
130 25 20 0, 3607000 1 030-- 31101 120-41360 1 180"-1I380
DOC = 80041108 PAGE

Key: (21). Karaganda basin. (I). .... -

S0ntered.(22. L.(22a) .

Powder-like. 23. Moscow basin. 423a). 4

-NIt a'-.2 . Pechora basin. (24a).

Sintered. 25. Pechora basin. (;5a). Powder-like. 26. OkrSSR C

Ukrainian SSR] right bank. (26a). Alexandrine, Svenigorodskiy,

Korostyshevskiy, etc. 126a) ,27 Western Ukraine. (27a) .

Zolochevskiy (Trostyanetskiy).449) Transcarpathian Ukraine. (29a).

Mukachevskiy (Ilnitskiy). 0 Bashkir ASSR. (30a). Babayevskiy

(Yermolayevskiy section,/cut).0 orals. (31a). Kizelovskiy. (32a).

Powder-like or weakly sinrered. (33a) . Kizelciskiy. (35a).

Chelyabinsk. (36a). Bulanashkiy. 136b). Veakly sintered. (37a).
Yegorshinskiy. (38) Georgian SSH. (38a). Tkvarchel'skiy. (39a).
Tkbivul'skiy. (40a). Gelati. (41a). Akhaltsikhskiy. 42. Kazakh SSR.
(42a). Irtysh (Ekibastuz). (4.3a). Lengercvskiy. 44. Uzbek SS. (44a).

Angren. (45 Kirghiz SSR. (45a). Ytyzyl-Kiya. (46a). Sulyukta.

L . . ... .. .. .. . . "u ". .. , , ..i • .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .__ J

DOC = 80041108 EJGE

Pages 158-159.

comNlu-al.v R

47. Knprx3cman CCP Koic-lura. n1 15.0 17.0 1,21 0,4 52 ,7 3,5 0.7 9.5 4880
48. Tawityup 1 13.0 11.3 0,8 59,4 3.8 0.9110.8 5450

49. TaAiHXCXA3 CCP 5B'ypa626.0 12,6 0,7 46,7 2.5 0,5 11,0 3950
50. KpacuoRpciIu KaucKoe (Hpma- 5 32.0 10,2 0,3 0,2 41.6 2,9 0.8 12,0 3570
XpaA Bopoa,.IacKoe)
51. XaKaccam A. 0. bhHyCmHCKOe f%)A1 13,0 10.4 0.2 0,4 67.9 4.8 1.9 1,4 6340
(40 4_0_1 . I.1055.
52. HpKyTcxam O6A. tepemxoscxoe A 14.0 21,5 0.5 0,5 50.0 3,7 1.0 8.8 4660
53. BypuT-Momrojib- rycHO-O3epCKOe B 21.0 15,8 0.6 47.4 3.2 0,6 11,4 4240
cxa. ACCP (.Sqa-
54. qmTuHCxa o6d. Tap6araTafctoe 9 25,0 13,5 3.11 0,6 45.,5 3.1 0,8 8,4 4050
55. * * epmoscicoe B 33,0 7,4 0.5 44,7 3,0 0,8 10.6 3910

56. Apa6arapcKoe B 25,0 15.0 0.21 0,5 42,6 2.9 0,8 13,0 3720

57. Byxaqaqmucxoe r 8.0 12,0 0.6 65.6 4.4 0.9 8,5 6140

&58. 'a 12.0 10,0 0.5 60,8 4,3 0.9 11,5 5610
59. XamaposIeh xpal PoftiiimcKoe • B 37,0 9.5 0.2 37.8 2,3 0.5 12.7 3070
60. * KHoIIcxoe 5 37,0 13.2 0,2 . 38.8 2,1 0.6 8,1 2840
61. f./JYpra.mcCoe r 5,0 31,4 0.3 50,9 3.8 0,8 7,8 4860
(5y pe,,)
62. ripuuopcKIiN KpaA £2(IyqaHcKoe r* 7,0 27,9 0,5 54.7 3,4 0.9 5,6 5030
63. nfl)K 6,0 21,6 0.4 61.9 3.6 1,0 5,51720

64. . . . T 6.0 23.5 0,4 63.5 2.8 0,7 3,1 5720'

65. ApreMoecxoq B 28.0 21,6 0.3 35,5 2.9 0,8 10. 3120

66. . TaspiqaHcKoe B 14,0 21,5 0,5 47,7 3,5 1,0 11,8 4350
67. *loAroponAeucxoe T 5.0 38.0 0.3 49,9 2.6 0,6 3,6 4520

68. BDopowaoacxoe CC 5.0 39.9 0.2 46.3 3.0 0.6 5.0 4310
GIL nnoetmoe A 8,51 27.5 0.3 48.6 3.8i .60. 530
1100 1250 1350 rlopoM%oo6paau
20,0 18 25 6.0 37,0 7600 I 00+>I 500 1 080+>1 500 I I00i->I 500 HANC-a6o CUe9-
11200 1300 1350 ,,AC,
13.0 18 20 6,0 37,0 7600 1050+15001 150->I 5001 170,>1 500 To ae

1 120 1200 1230

17,0 32 25 11,0 35,0 6900 1050-1.350 1 100-1400 1 130-4-1 420 1lopouzwo panuB
5150 1250 1270
15.0 37 25 11,0 49.0 6800 1000+1300 I 100.1375 1130-.-1 400 To we
1 150 2 300 a50
12,0 20 20 3,5 42,0 7700 1100 I200 1 2801 380 ,0
3200+1350 Cnesmaltc
2 130 1240 1275
25,0 IS 30 4,0 45.0 7700 F(o-+>I 500 100+>15001 120-- > 50 To me
1050 160 10 0 20 J
20,0 25 30 5 0 43,0 7200 1000---1 1601 050-1350 1507-1450I3 opo,-too6pxeU I
18.0 30 25 8,0 43,0 7 150 1050 120 1040--1
.1I000-1 1200 330 1050.-1
1240 450 To wKeQ4
1050 150 200
11.0 40 18 11,0 42.0 7200 100+,-1080 1 00.... 1200 1130.L-1!280
1070 1 16) 210
20.0 30 30 11,0 45.0 6750 10004.1 130 1150-1 175 1160-1250
13.0 1 200 1300 1 350
12 20 3.0 38.0 8050 2 400
050. 1350-L-1
500 1370>1 500 CneKmHACX 4w

1050 1150 1 ISO

11 opo0ncoo6pasUbaI
11,0 17 15 5,0 42,0 7600 1000+1 110 I 100- 250 1 120+1 270 .lamc.aro cnek--.,
2 090 . 240 2275 tuffMics
15.0 45 21 10.5 43.0 6400 1000.-1 180 I 130-1300 1200-.1310 (IOpoWKoopa3,n,
1 050 1200 12,5o
21,0 42 30 10.5 41,0 6400 1040-+1060 1 100-1250 120C..pi300 To me
1370 >1500 5,40
33,0 8 40 1,5 42,0 8000 1 00+>1 5001 400,+>1 500 1450+>I 500 CnTCKMUIICM!t
30.0 - - 2.0 35.0 800 - - - To me
1130 1300 1359
23.0 10 30 1,5 29,0 8250 1950-.1221 1250+1500 i 2C0-i- >1500 CneKmaflcw, "
25,0 10 '.
30 1.0 11,0 8400 I00= 2250' I 28* rlopoxoopa3uM
h -
i 125 2240 1280
30.0 32 35 9.0 49,0 6850 1 0:(- 350 1110-"1450 1 125-1475 To me(
i75 1400
25,0 17 30 8.5 45.0 7200 1054-1400 1100+>
10 i 1400I O1200+>100
1 430"
40,0 - - 1,0 17,0 8250 12.120 140 430 CAvNAMUIcH
051. 42I 3+I50I20I50
42,0 - - 0,7 25,0 4 5 >1)500 >1So0 CneRMWuzcu4s )
30,0 - - 3.0 50.0 7500 - - Cu46o cael-cm
Kigi (48:). Tashkumyr.(49

Irkutsk Oblast'. (52a). Chereokhcvskiy.(y3> Buryat Mongolian ASSR.

(5a.Gusino-Ozerskiy. 54> ht bat.(~) abgtyky

(5.hrosi.(56a). Aratagarskiy. (5a.Bkcahnky(59.
Khabarovsk edge. (59a) . Saychikkinskiy. (60a) . Kivdinskiy. (61la).

Urallskiy (Bureya). (64 Seaside sage. (62a). Suchanskiy. (63a).

Sintered, alloyed. (65a) . Artauovskiy. (66a) . Tavrichanskiy. 467a).

Podgorcdnenskiy. (67b) . Fixing. (ba). Voroshilcvskiy. (69a).


70 CTICanC
P15,0 +13,8 1,1 0.4 25,0( . , , 27202I
S71. JC~ieHrCam '// roP 15.0 +I14.9 1,0 0,3 19,3250,31 20803

o .1
Kvi6_ueca_ ', --
__72. _
Kawn-pcoe - 20, 454-81 13,[ 1.8 0.8 I5101
43.8' 1,2 1,7 14,0
73. CapatocSaaH
74. 0&1. O•. 06A. 7,CaeAbecKoe
e... .
OWpccKoe -
(74-) 20,0 +-8,0
2150 .+551 1.,3 1, 25 0.4 3, 143
.2 0.3 4,1 1470 1

75. T o pK " n Kyco- 40,0 6,6 01. 300 1,2 0,3 3,8 560

76 .' BOA
,4pe.eCp- 50,0 5,5 0, 742,1
25. 0,3 2030

77..A p-ov8xa- 40,0 0,6 0,2 30,3 3 1,3 1 2 440

78. 7..
Koxcosa me-. -- 7 ^e. 20,0 12.0 I'l 62.6 1,4 1,0 1,9 5220 1'
K o . o a

79. Ma Iy 't Ma.1o- 3,0 0,3 0.5 85,3 10.2 P.7 9310
so. . - bCOKO. 3.0 0.3 2.9 3.4 100 0,4 . 9170
cepmH- J
uon a e m w e
yrAm HOsbiX
meCTOP oNAeHHH(m a-
81. 3anan.aaP ,IbsoeCICo-BOAhH- r 10,5 22,4 0,5 0,5 54,0 3,5 0.91 7,7 4950
82. Ka3axcxan CCP KywmyypvHceoe 5 35,0 13,0 1: 37: 2, 0.6 9,4 3230
43. Kemeposteam o6i. J. )Hl'TaTCKOe 5 45,0 8,3 0. 32, 2,3 03 10.6 2675
84. KpaCHOXpccNi rHa3apoacKoe 5 40,0 7,2 0,6 37,2 2,61 0,4 12,0 3060
1 psia)

DOC =800141108 PIGI

46,0. l0 1220 1
400 3430
53.51 18 +85- 0.6 90.0 8 940P +- 40031275>3
I1250 ! 3751500 flapouR96uucVdAs
1 3601500 1300>3
4-17. 18 -20 0.6 90.0 8870 I 140-- 1430 1220 > 1500 1230->1500 ( To me
61,01 ..651 1050 1 120 1 140
+12.0 25 +13 3.0 80.0 72101 980--1090 10201 170 1 040-.3I 180 .
646t 1120 1200 1230
-0.0 25" +13 3.0 80,0 7200' 1000--13201 1060-13901 140,4.1400 .
65.0 .681,
+7.0 25 +9 3.0 80.0 71802 30750 1 170* 190' .
1.0 53 - 11.0 70.0 5580 800+4400 1000-15001010->1500

f1.0 55 - 1'.0 70.0 5580 800-.1400 1000.1503 010>1500

1.0 45 - 7.0 85.0 4850 - - - CJnUnmIC,. piXXW#
15.0 30. 30 1.0 6.0 8000 - - " lopoWKrodpanuil
0.3 - - - - 10210 --

0.3 - -- - 30060 -- -

25.0 - - 2.5 38.5 7800 L 100 180 1 210 0" nopoweoodpas.

noro £0 tAqfnWe-
20.0 - - 9.0 50.0 7000 1070 33155 85
33' r[P011106*U
15.0 - - 9.0 49.0 6600 1 150 1270 -3280 me
12.0 - - 33.0 4,,o 650 3250 1350 1360*

FOOTNOTE First term - ash, the second - cartonic acid of



2. Heat of combusticn fcr schists is given without takirg intc

account negative thermal elfect at expansion cf carbonates.

3. Indications in accordance with recalculation cf propellant

DOC = 80041108 IFAGII*9

properties from one mass tc another see pp. 2-05 and 2-06.

* Data given according tc the unit analyses. Chain wheel in the

designation of deposit cz bran/mark indicates the fact that all

propellant properties are given in the limited quantity of data.

** Numerals in the designation of brand/mark indicate the

output/yield of voltaliles v,,o/c.

DOC =80041108 F A rs#

Key: (v). The bituminous shale. (74) Estonian. (4. Leningrad Obl.
(71a). Gdovskiy.(7* Kuytyshv cbi. (72a). Ka-chpirskiy.73) Saratov
Obl. (73a). Savel'yevskiy. 4 a). Czinskiy. 5 Peat. (75a). Cake.

(76a). Pilling. I7). Fireuood. (77a). Fixed, lcose. 7 8 Coke breeze.

9. Petroleum residue. (79a).* Lcu-sulfur. Ccl fne dpsis

(80a) . Nigh-sulphur. ( iestern Uxraine. (ela) . Lvov-Volyn. (81b).

From the powder-like tc that fixiag. 82} Kazakh SSB. (82a).

Kushmurunskiy. 34 Kemercvo obI. (83a). Itatskiy.8). Krasnoyarsk

edge. (84a). Nazarovskiy.

DOC = 800(41108 PAGE

Pages 162-163.


(.C- CoctSM r.s a , noa06I.-MV

m ( croanRysMU.. BeaTo0
ran lHene b- cyxo---
r ryione'rpeCT@
HS co HeipejyrA*- 0 . Ht CH. CH. C.Ho C.H 1. C.H Mt i

I. ra$ ;tometwwx

.- 12.0 - - 0 8 1 - - 51.4 1 7
2. Koccosnx ........... 3 10.2 - 28,0 27 0.3 - - - 5-
157 1
IL reepaopHut
lb KMCXOSOZO monAuga
3. KOKCOIsi meioqb . . . 0,2 5.0 - 0,2 2s,5 13.0 0,7 - 52.4 1265 1.136
4 AiNTpIUNT AOeuKuA . . 0.2 5.5 - 0,2 27.5 13.5 0.5 - 52.66 23 1.131
S. C uoKTEHcuA yro.ib . 0,2 5.0 0,1 0,2 29.0 14.6 0,8 - 50,1 1343 1.116
6. Boroc.,wlos . - 8,0 0.3 0,2 24,0 13.6 2,2 - 51.7 1303 1,142
7. raoetMA oHeLLK;Ayroib 0.3 5,0 0.2 26.5 13.5 2.3 - - - 51.9 1402 1.122
1.AucuqaicvKf . . 10 7,0 0.3 0.2 25.0 15,0 2.5 - 49.0 1451 1,119
9. qepexo.cKkA"t 0.1 7,0 0.4 0.2 25.5 15.5 2.6 - 48,7 1452 1,110
10. eAn6duCmmi . 0.2 5 002 0.2 30,0 13.0 2.0 49,4 449 I 1.28
II. fO11 O KiealA . . 1,2 6.5 0,3 0,2 25.0 14.0 2,2 - - 1,130
12. Top*
U .MSMmHsoOop,,ooq.
. . . . . . . .. 0,1 8,0 0,4 0,2 2840 15.0 3.0
4 1 4,121
13. rnnpowopo ...... 8,5 0.4 0,2 27,5 15.0 2,5 45,8 1491 1,127
14. Alpe (mena)
ilcum . .. - 0,4 0.2 29,0 14,0 3.0 46,9 1547 1,122
AuaW(0-i6 Am)
tautmso #3oenmm
IS. 0peaepIMA TopC) . . . 9.8 0.7 0.2 20 3 10.9 1,9 56.2 1 154 1,188
16. rIOZNOCKOSHMA yronb" . 0.4 6.9 0.4 0,2 2127 7.1 1,1 62.2 1010 1.217
II. Bojitoiio rasi
17.H oca ....... 0.3 6 .. 3.0 ... 5.5 2486 0.715
18.. aTpauwr ..... ..... 5 6,0 - 0.2 38.5 480 05 2471 0.736
IV. ria 5sAYWmOA
Inpo~tyml,, alpf na
qeANuN iO.13 ao,14
19. H3 CC *"cc..... ...... 0.1 17,5 - 0.2 5:0 1:3 -------------- 75.9 190 1.366
20. . &UTpaUaT; .... ... 0,1 14.5 - 0.2 8,8 2,3 0,2 - 73.9 348 1,332
v. railNfOKK&QH
ra noA3eaoA

21. H3 £~eHnoro yrix . 0.6 1,3 - 0.2 18,4 11.1 1.8 - 57,6 1027 1,191
22.. Uo cKo3Horo yrn 0.6 9.3 - - 10,0 14.5 3.8 - 63.6 861 1.146
vi. rM3: XKCos ,X
23. Oqlumeiu ......... 0,4 2,3 1.9 0.8 6.8 57.5 M.,5 - 7.8 3958 0.483
24. HeoqUer*HN. . . ... 0.:4 2.3 2.7 0.8 6.8 57,0 22.3 - 7,7 4196 0.507
VIL ras aepepadoTKU
2& apo . . . 0.5 31.O 1 4.0 41.0 12.0 - 0.2 11322 4,996

VIIL fIpupoIma rQa

qiCTO raaoabx
26. Y a .0......3-eH 03Selo 9 02 03 0 93 7946 0.89

27. Byrypyc.,iScxA .... 10 0,2 76.7 4,5 1,7 0,8 0,6 14,5 8109 -0,884
28 06 - 0.1 0 6g 8039 0.759
29 .KypAO 4cKi
LulascKI9 . ... 1eziu
(C&tpaTO,,- I

CxA). ........ .... I 0.2 94.0 1,2 0,7 0,4 02 3,3 8560 0.765
30 MemiQio.Tcn A . 0,2 01
0979 18 8391 0,729
31. Allnamasc' (3an. Ycp-
S..) . . . . . 0.1 97,9 05 0.2 0.1 0 1,2 8523 0.730
32. CTaapono.abcHfl " 01 8 0,4 0.2 - - 1,3 8489 0,730
.13. We em .a . 0.3 0,2 89,9 3,1 0.9 0.4 - 5.2 8472 0,790
DOC = 80041108 FACE

Key: (a). Design characteristics of gaseous fuels. (b). Designation

of gas. (c). Compositicn of gas in percentages ty vclume. (d).
Unsaturated hydrocarbors. (e). Heat of ccmbusticn lowest of dry gas

kcal/nm 3 . (f). weight cf ncrzal cubic meter kg/mm 3 . I. Gas of

blast furnaces. 1. Charccal. 2. CoKe. II. Generator went out. From

the cake fuel/propellant. J. Ccke treeze. 4. Anthracite (donets. 5.

Sulyutinskiy carbon/coal. 6. Ecgcslovskiy cartcn/coal. 7. Gas

Donetskiy carbon/coal. B. Lisichanskiy carbcn/ccal. 9. Cheremkhovskiy

carbon/coal. 10. ChelyatinsK caztca/coal. 11. Mcscow carbcn/ccal. 12.

Peat machine-formed. 13. Hydzc-feat. 14. wood (chips). From the

fine-grained fuel/propellant 40-6 am) (gasification in suspended

bed). 15. milled peat *.

FOOTNOTE *. Data accordirg to the data of unit analyses. ENDPCCTNCTE.

16. Moscow carbon/coal *. i111 kater gas 1.

FOOTNOTE 1. For the larye/ccarse stations of water gas, equipped by

gas generators in diametex or mine/shaft 3.6 a. ENDFCCTNOTE.

17. From coke. 18. From anthracite. IV. Gas cf air blasting in
obtaining of water gas. 19. Frcz coke. 20. Prcu anthracite. V. Gas of

subterranean gasificaticn. i. fEcm coal. 22. free Mcsccw

DOC =80041108 FIGE ~,94

carbon/coal. VI. Gas of coke ovens. 23. Purified. 24. Not refined.
VII. Gas of petroleum re±izing. 25. Gas cf fyolysis. VIII. The

natural gas of purely gas fields. 26. Ukhtinskiy. (26a). Traces. 27.
Buguruslanskiy. 28. Kurdyumskiy. (28a). Iraces. 29. Yeshlanskiy

(Saratov). 30. Melitcpcllskiy. 31. Dashavskiy (W. Ukraine). 32.

Stavropol. 33. Shebelinka.

FOCT14OTE 2. Among other things ct tenzene C,H6 0.8o/o.

. Among other things C2h, 17.Uc/C, C,H3 5.0olc. EN 7F00TN0T7.

DOC =800141108 PAGE# S0

Page 1614.

Average/mean heat capacities of solid and liquid propellants, ash and

combustible gases. HN-3-C1.

Solid fuels.

The heat capacity ct the dry mass of fuel/propellant c, kcal/kg

hail is accepted: for the anthracite and the lean ccal - 0.22; for

coals - 0.26: for the krcwn coal and the milling peat - 0.27; for the

schists - 0.21.

Heat capacity of the working mass of the fuel/propellant

w .,-W' kcal/kg deg.

Heat capacity of petroleum residue.

.-. 4,5+o,oooI kcal/X9 deg.

The heat capacity of gaseous fuel, in reference to 1 n23 of dry

gas, is determined from the fcrmula

*IDOC =80041108

-CHH +
+CeCH. CH4 + co,d%+-

~s.+O.00 124cHod,.,. k ca1/uaa 3 doga

The heat capacities of ccstuscible components cf fuel/prcpellant

are given in this RN, incombustitle compcnents in Table 3-1.

DOC = 80041108 SG

eat capacity of the ash cf sclid fuels (averaged date).

. _ _ V

i00 0,193 1 100 0.238

200 0,202 1200 0,24

300 0.210 1300 0.25

400 0,215 1400 0,27

S0 0.219 I500 0.28

600 0,223 1600 0,28

700 0,226 1700 0,29

80 0.229 1800 0.29

900 0.232 !900 0.30

1000 0,235 2000 0.30

Notes: 1. The values of the heat capacity of ash at high

temperatures are given with consideration of the heat of the tran-
sition from the solid to the liquid state.
2. The values of the heat capacity. of ash at t,16000C were
determined approximately by the extrapolation of the experimental data.
Key: (1) kcal/kg deg.

Heat capacity of combustible gases,
(0 C. wm"IMAS spe

0 0.310 0,305 0,370

100 0,311 0.308 0,392

200 0,312 0,310 0,420

300 0,314 0.310 0,450

400 0.317 0,311 0.481
500 0,321 0.312 0,511
600 0,324 0,312 0,540
700 0.328 0,313 0,568

800 0.331 0,314 0,.95

900 0,334 0.316 0,822

000 0.337/" 0317 0.645

. a)D C R SAI A teO
11,3 1 CH. CHe (CH,. CsHw

0 0,360 0,52 0,728 0.986 1,225

1®Wo.6 .59 0,3 1.124, .3
200 0,373 0,663 0,947 1,255 2,56
300 0.381 0.727/ 1.044 1.379 1,704
400 0,390 0.,7WJ 1,137/ 1.497 1,849
500 0.399 0.849 1,217 1,508 1,972
600 0,408 0,902 1,297 1.699 2.098
70I 0,417 0,95,2 1,367 1.788 2.205

800 0,426 0,999 1,430 1.865 2.299

900 0,434 1.042 1,488 1,938 2,386

1000 0.442 3.062 1.53 2,007 2.471

Kef (1) s, kcal/nS3 deg.

DOC =80041108 FIGF49

Physical characteristics of petroleum residue. FN 3-02.

........ - ) Maop.. Ml. - _______

0} n OCT 10-U- [ _ 0 _ _ _


ycJIOBHO 993KOCT (OT-lO) 2.5-5.0 5,0-8,0 8.0--11,0 11.0-+-13.0 13.0-i-15.5
TemnepaTypa acn.M1w1 Ie HR-
i.} me, *C... . . . 80 00 I10 120 125
Temneply 31CThISUNIS He
.e, .. ......... ..... +5 +10 +15 +20 +25
'9) m,.

Key: (1). Physical properties of petroleum residue on GOST 1501-52*.

(2). Brand/mark of petroleum residue. (3).

Viscosity/ductility/tougbness with 800 C in relative viscosity

.(from-to). (4). Flash Eclat is act below, QC. (5). Solidification

0 C.
point is not above,

3; on the average
Specific gravity/weight 12o.=920-1010 kg/M
1TO,-990 of kg/M 3 .

New GOST 1501-57 Frcvides for petroleum residue cf brand 200,

supplied to users only cn the ccnduits/manifolds directly frcm the

oil refinery. The physical ;xcEceties of petrcleum residue cf brand
200 following: viscosity/ductility/toughness with 100 0 C in the

degrees of relative visccsity 6.5-9.5, flash point is not lover than

140 0 C and solidificaticn point is not higher than +36 0 C.

DOC = 80041108 FkGR 'O

The dependence of the ccefficients of the

viscosity/ductility/touykness of Fetroleum residue cn the



- XC--

C it oft i- !F8

() (1) "all" - o- s

~ DI

Key: (1). Tiemeatce icc atrcv.1 resu. (2). Ptoemrsdeo

MSSY Ipt 2 .. . .. XX04AIA : .sptW 0.:030 0.:02 0.101 0.0M 0.099

&gy, 40. 60. Wo
. .Jl
.. .. ... . gx a wt xpedZ 0.16 0,11 0 14 0.113 0.112

brand 20. (3). Petroleus residue ct brands 40, 6C, 80 and 100. (4)
kcal/m hour deg.i
DOC = 80041108 PAGE

Page 166.

Calculation of volumes acd ertaalpy of combusticn prcducts. RN 4-01.

The calculation of vclumes ana enthalpy cf combustion prcducts

is recommended to take shape in the form of the follcwing tatles.

Volumes of gases, volume fractions of triatcuic gases, concentration

of ash.

- aa.m ... l ,,ew., ,ooo

k-a) HAuuewesas rs,..oAo.

CpeA aqv imR xo ueT 30-................

vlioH- V0,o+OO61 ('- ) VO ....... .

V, - VRO,+ V*,+VHo+(6_ I) 'V . . . .
- RO,
RlO 17....................

14 - rRO,+rH. 0 ... ............. ...

-- 0 V. .. .............. ...

Key: (1). Designation ct values. 1'). Designaticns cf flues. (3).

Average/mean values cf ccetricients a in flues. (4) nnS/kg. (5)

g/nha o

Inthalpy of combusticn ixcducts. L *-table.

DOC = 80041108 EAaGi

* * --
i : I Aj l I I t

(1) kcl/g (2 kcal/k deg.*I~ uolK
- I
wae vaosv,.
te voum
The enthalpy of iah is ,.atmi
ccnsPdered.,,, only
v enthalpy,,fth
ith 1000 -e-sa.

Key: (1) kcal/kg. (2) kcal/-kg deg.

The values of the theoretical volumes cf air V0, nitrogen v and

water vapors VAo. volume ¢i~triatouic gases v, 0 . enthalpy of the
theoretical volume of flue gases "' and theoretically necessary

volume of air i. for the fuels/Irojellants wbcse compositions are

given in RN 2-01 and 2-C2, are placed in BN 4-02, 4-03 and 4-05.

If calculation is ccaducted fcr the fuel/Fropellant of non-table

composition, these values are calculated accczdirg tc the formulas,

led in chapter 4.

7..- the share of the ash of fuel/Eropellant, taken away by gases,

takes as the equal: for tae julverized-ccal ccmtustcrs with the dry
slag removal - 0.9; for mine- mall heatings (tesides the case of

combusting the schists) - 0.65; the same during the ccmbusticn of

schists - 0.7; for the lijuid-bath furnaces - on RN 5-05; for the

heatings with heated slag funnels -0.8-0.85; for the layer heatings -

Cn RN 5-03 and 5-04.

DOC 800411108 rP1G.Br

Page 167.

Volumes of air and comtuzzica p.cducts of solid and liquid

prcpellants with a=1.

(,.) v. Va

Hcxona. me yra.
I. dacceh - 5.35 0,97 4,23 0.66 5.86
i.- , 1" 6,53 1.18 5,17 0.66 7.01
3 6.53
6" 1.19 5,17 0 .60 6,96
4 T 7.21 1.34 5.70 0.56 7,6
5. : - 5"frlojyaHTps. 7.20 1.36
AC 7.21 1.44 5.70 0.34 7.48
AM wp
5.69 0,50 7.55
6. AP ' 0 76 1.35 5.35
5.25 0.34
0.35 7.04
S. _A 6.63 1.33
9. . - ' 4.15 0.75 3.28 0.49 4.52
10. le - o.alUnax 5.66 1.03 4.48 0,70 6.21
I. Kysme"xl Gacce& AIHmKepo-CyAtXeHCKoe fC 7.47 1.39 5.91 0,59 7.89
Kemeposcaoe .- &-/' K-nC-CC 6.64 1.22 5.25 0.64 7.11
12. 556 0.58 7,47
13 " nC-T 7,05 1,31
14. .J*fleffKcoe A. 6.8 1.26 545 0.76 7.47
15. * r 6.90 1.24 5,47 0,73 7.44
16. . ipoK "nbeaCKO-Kme. Cc.- i 7.26 1.33 5.75 0,70 7.78
iteacKoe (CTAAH.N-
yroJlb, nlpoKonbe$cK-
yrOJb. Karaomq-
37. To Mte C7s-cc 7.41 1.37 5.87 0.63 7.87
8. c"-',- 7,52 1.40 5.95 0,53 7.93
I9. . 1
A'pa.n'aescaXoe Ir 6,82 1.2A 5.40 0,54 7.22
20, -- ric 6,19 1,13 4,90 0,55 6.58
| 21.KaparaAU.CKNI dac- nKC.1Tc 5,2 1 07 4,60 0.56 6,23.

22. To mKe - 4,09 0.79 3,23 0.69 4,71

23. IOMOCKOSaMA 6"c- - 5 2.9d 0,56 2.36 0.70 3.62
24. fleqopcxuf 6accef, - H)K 6,44 1,17 5,10 0,62 6,79
25. - 4.82 0,90 382 0 .57529
26. YCCP1'paao6epembe A.eccaIoApoAcKoe, 39e- 5 2.23 0.41 1,76 0,91 3.08
Hropoacgoe, Kopo-
jTmwescicOe H p.
27. 3anazsme Yxpplnaa 3otoqeecioe (TpocTa- 5 2,92 0.55 2,31 9,76 3.62
28. KoIomoacKoe
) -...- s 3.94 0.73 3,12 _01&_4..151
29. 3&RapnatCKS% YKp- %jyKaqeacKoe (Habunat- -T i _--T37 1,55 0,79 2.71
Nba Koe) .9A='
.30. fiawupcxaz ACCP l.moaeacmoe (EpoAaes. 5 2.78 0,50 2.20 0,97 3.67
Cats'0Pa3peal) Ve4a-
31. YpaA K113erjoUcKoe 3/.- r 5,52 0.99 4.37 0.57 5.93
32. . a 5.52 3.00 4,37 053 5.95
33. nIIniM 4,3d 0.77 3,47 0.53 4,77
34. * loroc.ioacoe 34(' 6 3.27 0.64 2,54 0,67 3,90
35. . 4e.,tl6HHceoe Ilo"a- 6 4.18 0.79 3.33 0,61 4.71
36. By.13HaOlacicoe 5 4 r 5.99 1.09 4.74 0.66 6.49
37. * ErnpwnmNcxoe 34 , A 6.55 1,25 5.38 0.47 6,90
38. rpy3HNcKaN CCP TKfaP'CebcKoe 31Pa_ nWK 4.67 0.84 3.69 0.57 5.10
39. . . TKrHdybC9Oe 5 0 r 4.99 0.93 3.95 0,6 5,45
4u. . . reaar, ye ..-- 5 3,45 0.65 2.73 0,47 3.85
+ ,
41. AxuAumtXCeoe V /0- 5 2.86 0.53 2.26 0.56 3.34
42. Ka samcata CCP Hpamteucoe (3XsudCTy3) --
CC 451 0,83 3.87 0.50 4.90
DOC = 80041108 F ....

Key: (a). region of decsit. (b). Designaticn of deposit. (c).

Brand/mark and type. (d). nm3 /'g. (e). Coal. (f). Bituminous shale. 1.

Donets basin. (5a). Cartcnaceous ccal. (6a). Ae and AS. (lOa). sludge.
11. Kuznetsk Basin. (Ila). AnzhEro-Sudzhenskiy. (12a.). Kemerovo.
(l04a) . Leninist. (16a) EzokoplyfvsKo-Kiselevskiy (Stalinugol',

Prokop'yevskugol', Kagancvichugcl'). (17a). ?ben. (19a).

Aralichevskiy. 21. KaraSanua LaE1n. 22.-t%Ls&A.23. Moscow basin. 24.
Pechora basin. 26. UkrESB rigat tank. (26a) . Alexandrine,

Zvenigorodskiy, Korostystevskiy, etc. 27. Western Ukraine. (27a).

Zolochevskiy (Trostyanetsa1)). (28a). Kolomyyskiy. 29.

Transcarpathian Ukraine. (i9a). dukachevskiy (Il'nitskiy). 30.
Bashkir ASSR. (30a). eabayevskiy (Yermclayevskiy section/cut). 31.
Orals. (31a). Kizelovski. (34a). heological. (35a). Chelyatinsk.

(36a). Bulanashskiy. (37a). Yerorstinskiy. 38. Georgian SSR. (38a).

Tkvarchel'skiy. (39a). IkviLuulskiy. (40a). Gelati. (41a).
Akhaltsikhskiy. 42. Kazakh SSH. 14.a). Irtysh (Ekibastuz).
DOC 80041108 EAGE

Continuation RN 4-02.

43. Kamaxcxam CCP )IenrepoacKoe 5 4,41 0,84 3.49 0,70 5.03

44. Y306MCKII CCP AHrpem 4.a- 5 4.03 0.79 3.18 0.72 4.69
45. Kmpruacxam CCP KHK3W--KHX /trp- 5 4.50 0,87 3,56 0,70 5.13
46. Cy.o.CTB 4/6..- 5 4,95 0,97 3,91 0.64 5,52
47 . . Kox-gir' /174. A 5.35 1,00 4,23 0.66 5,89
48. , 4 5,'&.. ,. 5.96 1.11 4.71 0.68 6.50
49. TBaACIKCKaX CCP Wypa6 419a-" 4.47 0.88 3.54 0,68 5.10
50. KpacNoapcKMA Kpaf Kaitcxoe S-o a- 4.09 0,78 3.23 0.79 4,10
51.XKacacxam A. 0. MHWIyChtcKoe 9'/2 A 7,28 1,27 5.77 0.81 7,85
52. HpKyTCK1I o6A. 4epemxoncKoe 1-
1 5,17 0,'4 4.09 0.67 5.70
53At)pn'.Mo~ro.ibcuam ryca.o3epcxo. 53 i. 4,70 0,89 3,72 0.69 -. 30
54. 'MtrNca&N o6.. Tap6arsTaAcKoe "3 4.71 0,88 3.72 0.73 5,33
55. '. epnoacmoe 9574.- 5 4.43 0,84 3.51 0,82 5,17
56. ' . Apa6arapcKoe '5 - 6 4,15 0,80 3.28 0,70 4,78

57. .BYKaqaIHcKoe r-'

" 6.74 1.23 5.33 0.70 7,26
58. .A . 6.18 1,14 4.89 0.73 6.76
59. Xa6apoczul4 xpaAl PS8.qHXHHCKOe 5 9a0- 5 3.56 0,71 2,81 0.77 4.29
60. . Km8HCXoe 600., 5 3.74 0,73 2.96 0..5 4.44
61. Ypracscoe (Bypem)4/, , r 5,28 0,95 4.18 0,57 5,70
62. lpmuopCxmA Kpas CyqaHcKOe 6X, - r 5,60 1,02 4.43 0,56 6,01
G3. . . f 6.29 1,16 4,98 0,58 6.72.
64. T 6.30 1.19 4,98 0.49 6,66
65. .APreaocCKoe 6 b-4." 6 3,57 0,66 2.3 0,73 4.22
66. Taap, aocKoe ( 5 4,79 0.89 3.79 0.64 5.32
67. floropoAmeHcKoe (7 T 5,02 0,93 3,97 0,43 5.33
6d. Bopou.Imoscxoe C r'a. CC 4,75 0,87 3.76 0,47 5,10
69. . A.Inooeuxoe ( 2o.. .1 4.98 0,91 3,94 0.61 5,46
) ropeoqie caoHum

70. 3CTOHCXan CCP - - 2.99 n.55- 2.36 0.59 3,50

71. .'1e)iirpaACKa. o6. r2oscKoe 7/ " - 2,32 0.45- 1,83 0,50 2,78
72. Ky11(WemcKMM o0,. Kawnnpcxoe 'k. - 1.80 0,35* 1.42 0.48 2,25
73. CapaMoacUa o6A. CaeeAbescKoe 7 3 0 - 1,70 0,33* 1.35 0.48 2.16
74. * 03WmCKOe 700- 7'A-;- 1.73 0.32* 1,37 0,50 2.19
75. Topc - K)cKosu4 3,01 0,9 2.39 0.99 3,87
76. - 7 'bpe3epmm1 2,51 0,48 1.99 0,96 3.43
77. poa - - 2,81 0.57 2.23 0.95 3.75
78. Koscomsa e o - . 5.01 1,18 4,68 0.50 6,36
19. Masy -- Majocep- 10.28 1,60 8.12 1,34 11.06
80. II- -. ,moo-
"cepxmcfei 10.15 1.58 8.02 1.32 10,92.*

* During calculaticf vmo, tor the schists the coefficient of the

expansion of carbonates k IS accepted equal tc unit.

I DOC =800(41108 PAGE ~4

Key: 43. Kazakh SSR. (43a). Lenaercvskiy. 44. Uzbek SSR. (44a).

Angr3n. 45. Kirghiz SSE. (45a). Kyzyl-Kiya. (46a). Sulyukta. (47a).

Kok-Yangak. (48a). Tashkuayr. 4 . ladzhik SSB. (49a). Shurab. 50.

Krasnoyarsk edge. (50a). Kanskiy. 51. A. 0. Kbakasskaya. (51a).

Minusinsk. 52. Irkutsk Ckl. (5a). Cherevkhcvskiy. 53.

Buryat-Mongolian ASSR. (53a). Gusino-Ozerskiy. 54. Chita Obl. (54a).

Tarbagatayskiy. (55a). Cbernovskiy. (56a) Aratagarskiy. (57a).

Bukachachinskiy. 59. KIatarcvck edge. (59a). Saychikbinskiy. (60a).

Kivdinskiy. (61a). Egal'skiy (Bureya). 62. Seaside edge. (62a).

Suchanskiy. (65a). Artemcvskiy. 166a). Tavricbanskiy. (67a).

Podgorcdnenskiy. (68a). Voroshilovskiy. (69a). Lipovetskiy.A71.

Leningrad Obl. (71a). Gdcvskil. 72. Kuybyshev Obl. (72a).

Kashpirskiy. 73. Saratcv Obi. (73a). Savellyevskiy. (74a). Ozinskiy.

75. Peat. (75a). Cake. (76a). Milling. 77. Firewood. 78. Coke breeze.

79. Petroleum residue. (79a). Lcw-sulfur. (ECa). High-sulphur.

DOC = 80041108 FAG!
Page 169.

Volumes of air and comicsticn ixoducts of gasecus fuels with a=1. RN


(b) kt aAnuionsa ngaeqyTduu 38 I .- 6 cyxoro rose


3 3 4 5 6

i. r 3 AOMeIIguuX neqe&
1.flpeseceoyrobx ........... 99 0,41 130 013 1.84
2. KoxcoMx ................ 0.78 0.39 3.20 0,05 1,64
ri.reHePGTOPHIll rIs
J. KoKcoaaa MeJoqb ...... ........... 1,06 u.34- 1,36 0.6 1.86
4. Awrpaurr one"tKnA .............. . .03 0.34 1.34 0.16 1.84
5. CyAIOKTHI.CKHA yrojtb. . .. . .. ......... 13 0.35 1,39 0.18 1.92
6. Borocaoscn.. •.............. ,14 0.35 3.42 0,20 1.97
7.ia-oniaA ole-cxu .yroAb......... . 3.23 0,35 3,49 0.21 2.05
8. IIcHqaIICKH"A yrojib. .......... . .. . 30 0.36 3.52 0.24 2.12
9. qepexsx.cKA ...... .......... 32 0.36 3.50 0.24 2.10
10.4e.ROHHCKH.A . ...... ......... 3125 0.38 3.48 0.20 2.06
Ii.flonocxoa .....
.A ........... 26 0.36 150 0.22 2.08
12.TopI Marunx.o OpmoaoqI. ........... ,37 0.40 1.54 0,24 2,18
13. fiponp . .............. 3 039 49 0.23 21
14. eesecmca (uera). ........... 0,39 1.54 0.23 2.16
H3 meJIxo3eptttpc?oro ,onriua (a
6 m) (rascHapSxaMH no 83SeWe-
MoM caoe)
35. pe3etI Top ............. .0 0.33 .36 0.8 1.87
16.rlOAMOCKOHIA yrOJb .......... ,87 0,3 01.3
2 ,74
Ill.BOARHoA ra3
17. H3 Oxca .............. .......... 2.13 0.44 1.74 0,55 2.73
is8. . .. . .............. 2.13 0.41 I,7 0.53 2.73
IV. r83 5o3AYWIHOR npoyBKK rcpN
noJ[yqexa BOANHOrO rasa
19. 113 WONCS......... ............... 0.35 0.23 0.88 0.02 1.13
20. . awTpawUml.. ..................... 28 0.24 0.96 0.03 1.23
V. ra3 flOA3eMoft ra3ENcRKeuxn
21. H3 xa.eN.oro yrae 9
....... 0.31 3.30 0.17 1.18
22.* noAuocxRsxoro yr.%%
............. 0.80 0,22 1.27 0.20 1.69
VI. r43 KOxCCOUiX neqeA
23. OqqueHNull ....... .............. 3.93 0,36 3.38 3.3 4.67
24. Heo4rnoeH"Wil .. . .... ............. 4.19 0,40 3.39 4.94
VII. r03 nepepa6oTie IlIT.
25. rs3 nkieoJ'38. .. .............. . ... 2.05 147 9.52 2,32 13.31
VIll.rIlpApoAnbA raX qNCO
ra3'nbX MeCTopOX(Aeleln
26. YXTIHCKHIA ........ ............... 83 0.94 7,07 1,98 9.99
27. rvrypyc.lanc l ... ............ 0 0.98 7,27 1 7 10,22
28. KypAM... ................ 4 0,94 73 2.02 10.09
29. EnuMa.x1aA (CapaT0c8CuA)........ 9.53 303 7.54 2.13 10,bs
30. MeA"NfonoaReCxnl.. ................. 9.34 0,98 7,40 2.11 10.49
31.flamamczul (3enuan Yxpana.)..... 9,48 3,00 7,50 2,34 10.64

* The volume of water vajocs is calculated without taking into

account the moisture, wbica is ccntained in the gaseous fuel.
DOC = 800141108 AG.a

Key: (a). Designation ct gas. (r). All values are calculated on 1 Km3
of dry gas. (c). Lm3/m. 1. Gas o± blast furnaces. 1. Charccal. 2.
Coke. II. Generator gas. Fxc the cake fuel/propellant. 3. Coke
breeze. 4. Anthracite dcnets. 5. Sulyutinskiy carbcn/coal. 6.
Bogoslovskiy carbon/coal. 7. Gas Dcnetskiy carbcn/ccal. 8.
Lisichanskiy carbon/coal. 9. Cheremkhovskiy ccal. 10. Chelyabinsk
carbon/coal. 11. Moscow carbcn/ccal. 12. Peat machine-formed. 13.
Hydro-peat. L4. Wood (chips). (14a). From the fine-grained
fuel/propellant (0-6 m) (gasification in suspended bed). 15. Milling
peat. 16. Moscow carbon/coal. II. Water gas. 17. From coke. 18. From
anthracite. IV. Gas of air tiasting in ottaining of water gas. 19.
From coke. 20. From antbiacite. V. Gas of subterranean gasification.
21. From coal. 22. Frc Bcscow carton/coal. V1. Gas of coke cvens.
23. Purified. 24. Not retined. VII. Gas cf petroleum refining. 25.
Gas of pyrolysis. VIII. The natural gas cf purely gas fields. 26.
Ukhtinskiy. 27. Buguruslansxiy. 28. Kurdyumskiy. 29. Yelshanskiy
(Saratov). 30. Melitopcl'skiy. 31. Dashavskiy (Western Ukraine).
DOC = 80041108 FJG 0

Page 170.

Enthalpy 1 anm3 of air and gases and 1 kg of ash. RN 4-04.

1 [ (C O. ( CONl ( ef)0(9ki 0 (c %( j,

100 40,6 31.0 31,5 36.0 31,6 19.3

200 85.4 62.1 63.8 72,7 63.6 40.4

300 133,5 93.6 97.2 110.s 96.2 63.0
400 184,4 125.8 131.6 149,6 129,4 86,0
500 238 158,6 167,0 189.8 163,4 109,5
-600 292 192,0 203 231 196.2 133,8
700 349 226 240 274 234 158,2
800 407 261 277 319 270 183.2

900 466 297 315 364 ,. 306 209

S000 526 .333 353 412 343 235
I 100 587 369 391 460 381 262
1200 649 405 430 509 419 288
1300 711 442 469 560 457 325
14UO 774 480 508 611 496 378
1500 837 517 548 664 53 420
1600 9 ..... 55.. . . . .. 588 71..W 574 __ 44
1700 964 593 628 " 771 4
1 800 1028 631 668 826 652 522
1 900 1092. 670 709 881 692 570
2000 1 157 708 750 938 732 600
2100 3222 747 790 994 2 -
220 1287 788 832 1061 812

Key: (1) kcal/nm3. (2) kcal/kg.

DOC = 80041108 FAG2F 3. "

Page 171.


Pat &NOO r (-- 7euneperype. 'C

1) HcKonaeMwe yrisu
10 194 394 599 810 1027 1250 1478 1711 1948 2190 2435
I. oietILKS 6aCCeI- 1 169 340 514 692 874 1060 1249 1442 1637 1835 2036
4 232 470 714 966 1225 t491 1763 2041 2323 2612 2904
2. - r 1 207 416 628 845 1067 1294 1526 1761 2000 2242 2488

/ 230 467 709 959 1217 1480 1751 2026 2307 2593 2883
207 416 628 845 1067 1295 1526 1762 2001 2242 2488;
414 251 509 774 1047 1327 1615 1910 2211 2517 2829 3145
14. 228 458 693 932 1177 1428 1684 1943 2'207 2474 2745
rlo.yarpa- /0 250 506 770 1041 1321 1607 1900 2200 2504 2815 3129
•L i 228 458 692 931 1176 1426 1681 1940 2204 2470 2741
1!A 2475027631033 1310 1595 1886 2183 2485 2793 3105
. 228 48 693 932 1178 1428 1684 1943 2207 2474 2745
7 - 233 472 718 972 1233 1500 1775 2054 2339 2627 2922
APII 1 214 430 650 875 1105 1340 1580 1824 2071 2321 2576
L 229 465 707 957 1213 1477 1747 2022 2302 2587 2875
AW 210 422 638 58 1084 1315 1550 1789 2032 2278 2527
1, 1450 304 462 624 792 963 1 140 1319 1502 1688 1877
. , 131 264 399 536 677 821 969 1118 1270 1423 1579
10.. (0oa.) 10 206 417 634 857 1087 1323 1.565
1 -U 1812 2063 .;Z319 2579
10 -179 360 544 732 925 1121 1322 1526 1733 1942 2155
10 261 529 804 1 087 1379 1677 1984 2296 2614 2938 3266
I 10 236 475 719 967 1221 1480 1746 2015 2288 2565 2846
Key: (a). Enthalpy of air and comoustion prcducts on 1 kg of solid
and liquid propellants %ith ==i. EN 4-05. (b). Regicn of depcsit.
(c). Designation of depcsit. (d). Erand/mark and type. e).

Temperature, OC. (f). Ccal. 1. Lcoets basin. (5a). Carbonaceous coal.

(6a). AN and AS. A11. Kuznetsk Basin. (11a). Arzhero-Sudzhenskiy.
DOC = 80041108 FAGE ;A--

Page 172.

~jHezousemha yr.7u, 6ac,' 1, 2683 2933 3187 3441 369a 3957 4217 4479 4741 5003 5268
I. 2239 2444 2651 2859 3068 327S 3488 3701 3914 413A 4344

2. r ° 3199 3496 3799 4101 4407 4715 5024 5335 5647 5960 6273
2. -- r I 2735 2986 3239 3493 3748 4005 4r262 4522 4782 5044 5306

3. .ul 1 0 3175 3470 3771 4071 4374 4679 4986 5295 5604 5913 6225
to. 2736 2987 3239 3493 3749 4005 426Z 4523 4783 5045 5307
4. -T 1, 3464 3786 4113 4.440 4770 5103 5436 5773 6330 6446 6785
10 3017 3204 3573 3853 4135 4418 4701 4989 5276 5565 5854
I° 344 3766 4093 4417 4745 5075 5407 5741 6077 6411 6748
5. 1' 3013 3290 3568 3847 4129 4412 4695 4982 52681 5557 5846
6. 4-
419 3736 4059 4381 4706 5034 5362 5693 6024 6355 6688
6.>M . AC 303 32I37
10-. 3018 3295 13573 13853 4136 44t9 4702 4989 5276 5566 5855
7. . APZ f10- 3218 3516 3820 4123 4429 4737 5046 5358 5670 5931 6295
10. 2832 3092 3353 3616 3881 4147 4412 4682 4951 5223 5494
. - AW 1.
j 3167 3461 3760 4053 4359 4662 4967 5274 5531 5888 6196
1. 2778 3033 3290 3548 3807 4069 4329 4593 4857 5124 5390
9. nm 14 2068 2263 2457 265a~ 2850 3050 3250 3452 3654 3857 4060
9. 173 189 20fflM6 2217 2379 2542 2705 2870 3035 320 3368

14 - 2370 2587 2806 3026 3247 3469 3692 3917 4143 4370 4597

11. KYSH~tunmi 6acceim AwxepO-Cyvizemcxo* nc 1, 3598 39"2 4272 4611 4954 5300 5648 5996 6346 6696 7048
14 3 128 3415 3704 3995 4287 4581 4874 5172 5470 5770 6069

Key: (f). Coal. 1. Donets basin. (5a). Carbonaceous coal . .- (.tCOa.s\ktxe.

A uznetsk Basin. (11a). AnzhEro-Sudzhenskiy.
DOC = 80041108 FAG I

je 11T3.
Continuation R4 4-05.
11X~wv -CC 235 477 725 980 1243 1512 1789 2071 2357 2649 2946
K ccea Keiepo,,.oe K-nCcc 4 2210-. 422 638 M9 1084 1315 1550 1789 2032 2278 2528

. 247 501 761 I13d 1306 1589 1879 2175 2476 2784 3095
1 223 449 678 912 1152 1397 16471 1901 2159 2420 2685
1-, 247 501
S. 218 438
661 f1030
187912175 2477
1607 1855 2106

Sr , 246 499 758 1025 1300 158 1870 2165 2465 27701 3080
218 439 663 I 892 1127 1366 1611 1865 9 1 2 112 3 6 27
16. lpoiconbescxo-Knce'les- CC
1 257
"30 522 793 1 073 1361 1656 1959 22-67 Zi 3 V2
citoe (CTa&Hxyrojib.
flo rab,
)Xnbescx - i 462 699 S40 1187 149 1697 198 2224 2493 2766
I 260 527 801 1084 1374 1672 1978 2289
- 2606 2929 3257
I. Toe . 234 471 713 959 1211 1468 1731 1998 2269 2544 2822

10° 262 532 808 1093 1387 1687 1995 2310 2629 2955 3285
Is. . CCIt.t 1 238 478 723 973 1229 1490 1757 2027 2303 2581 2864
T, 239 484 736 996 1263 1536 1817 2103 2391 2691 2992
9. Apuuescoc T 216 434 656 883 1 115 1352 1594 1840 2089 2342 2600

217 441 670 907 1150 1399 1655 1915 2!80 2450 2724
20. -1 rlfC 4 196 394 595 00 1011 1226 1445 1668 1894 2123 2356

21. Iaparazniucxxi 6ac. wr -nc 1 206 418 636 860 1091 1327 1570 1817 2068 2325 2585
coin - 1 184 370 560 753 951 1153 1359 1569 1782 1997 2216

157 318 484 654 830 1010 1 9J51384 1576 1772 1971
2L. To nit 1 129 260 393 529 668 810 955 1102 1 151 1402 1556
23.rlonmocsoamai Cec. - 104 121 246 373 505 641 780 923 1069 1217 1369 153
coin 94 189 286 38 486 59o 695 1 S 911 1022 11 34

Key: 12. The Kuznetsk Fasin. 1I,4a), Keuerovc. ( 1 4a). Leninist. (16a).

Prokop'yevskiy-Kiselevskly (Stalinugol', Prckcp'yevskugol',

Kaganovichugol'). (17a). &So.w.. 15a). Aralichevskiy. 21. Karaganda

basin. 22. iM5&-j-23. Mcacow tasin.

DOC = 80041108 FAGE

Page 174.

Continuation RN 4-05.

S 4 3245 3547 3854 4161 4470 *85728 6051 6369

ie. 2779 3034 3290 3548 3808 4068 4329 4594 4858 5125 5391
1 3409 3725 4047 4369 4694 5022 5351 5682 6013 6345 6679
1, 2952 3223 3496 3770 4046 4322 4600 4881 5161 5445157-17
1, 3410 3728 4051 4374 4699150 535 5691 6024 6357 6692
14. o JIOsUCRoe , I0 2880 3144 3410 3678 3947 4217 4487 4761 5035 5312 5587

1, 3393 3709 4030 4350 4675 5002 5330 5661 5992 6324 6657
. r5 10, 2888 3153 3419 3687 3957 4228 4499 4774 5049 53-6 5602

16. i/&' tp1otneb*CKo-Kxce.lee. 1. 3553 3883 4220 4556 4895 5237 5530 5926 61272 6619 6967
cxoe (CTa .mmyro.
c'noeoCbenexyroah. C.A 1 3041 3320 3601 3833 4168 4453 4739 5028 5317 5609 5900
Karmoenqyrojib) I
0, alsmyob 101 3587 3923 4260 4599 4940 5285 5631 5 9"15329 6679 7030
17.-1 ao . C _ 1 285 3139 38733 39324 52 453 434 5 130 5425 5724 6019
18. *- o meC O2 1, 36t9 3955 4297 4638 49353 5679 6031 63M 6,3 708
I& ,""CC"'t 10. 3149 3437 3728 4023 43N5 4610 4906 5205 5505 5808 6108

I101 3296 3602 3913 4225 45.8 4855 513 5493 564 6134 6457
1 .Apa,qesc o * T 10. 2857 3 119 3383 3648 3915 41 .3 44 1 723 4995 5271 5543

• c 0n 3000 3279 3563 3 M46 132 4 4. 4710 2 50 529 5 & $88 2

21. KaparaxAmrncxdaad. 1? 2848 3112 3382 365W 3923 4 1971 4472 4749 5027 5304 5584
o,c 2436 2660 2885 3111 33393 W 3 40274259 4494 47r-6
1, 2172 2375 2531 2787 2906 3207 3419 3633 3846 4060 4275
22. To Me . 1711 1868 2026 2185 2341 2505 2665 2828 299 3156 3319

23. f"ozmocoixoule fac. -, 1679 1836 1997 2157 2320 2483 2648 2814 2980 3147 3314
CI 1 6 10, 1246 1361 1476 3591 1708 18251 1942 2061 2179 2299 2418

Key: 12. The Kuznetsk Easin. (lja). Kemerovo. (14a). Leninist. (16a).

Prokop'yevsko-Kiselevskiy (Stalinugol', Prokcf'yevskugoll,

Kaganovichugol') . (17a).IVL s&.t.019a)o Aralicbevskiy. 21. Karaganda

3 . mcscCV tasin. 24. Pechcra basin. 26. UkrSSR
basin. 22.-N&5&Y%.2
right bank. (26a). Alexardrine, Zvenigorodskiy, Korostyshevskiy, etc.

27. Western Ukraine. (27a). Zoicchevskiy (Trcstyanatskiy). (28a).

Koloayyskiy. 29. Transcaxpathian Ukraine. (29a). Mukachevskiy

(I1nitskiy). 30. Bashkir ASSE. (30a). Babayevskiy Yermolayevskiy

section/cut). 31. Orals. (31a). Kizelovskiy. (34a). Theological.

(35a). Chelyabinsk.
MK 10 228 463 703 951 1206 1468 1736 1737
2009 1973
2287 2212
2571 2454
24. neRopcMd ;acceAN 10, 204 410 620 834 1053 1277 1505 1737 1973 2212 2454

10 175 356 541 732 928 1 129 1336 1546 1760 1979 2201
2. 1
1. 153 307 464 624 788 956 1 127 1301 1477 1656 1837

2. YCCPrlpaao6epezbe AAeKcamu2pulcKO. 3se- 10z 104 211 320 433 550 669 792 918 1046 1 177 1310
amropoAcxoe, Kopo- 601 683 766 849
CTLU'eCKOe u Ap. 1o 71 149 222 296 372 449 521
.O7 "/" 1 121 246 374 506 642 781 924 1070 1219 1371 1526
r. 3anuuas Yxpamea 3o,oqeacRoe (TpocTy- i
eUtKoe) 92 186 281 377 477 578 682 787 893 1001 1 111
rjL.-,1, 150 304 462 625 792 964 1 141 1321 1 505 1691 1881
23. KoxomulcKoe 5 J0 125 251 373 510 644 781 920 1062 I 206 1352 1 501
29. 3azapna'rcxau %yae"
,MyxaqeacRo.e (IdJbn-,-- 5 : 92 186 2- 382 484- 589 696 808 921 1037 1 154

Yap¥sa Zoe) 5 1 62 125 189 254 321 389 459 530 602 674 748
30. Bawxepczau ACCP X304.,- (Ep-oalaea.
Sa~aelcxoe 5 1 123 250 380 515 653 794 940 1089 1241
5 1396 1 554
CKA p&3pe3) 1. 88 177 268 360 455 552 650 751 852 955 1060
31.Yp K,0e 1% 397 603 816 1034 1258 1488 1722 1961 2204 2450
3 oo 175 351 531 714 902 1094 1290 1488 1690 1895 2102
32. p 1 ' 197 ; 399 606 820 1040 1265 1496 1732 1972 22161 2464

1A. 175 351 531 715 903 1095 1291 1490 1692 1896 2 104

I1 158 320 486 658 834 1015 1200 1389 1582 1778 1977
a lm
1". 139 279 421 567 716 868 1024 1181 1342 1504 1669

10o 130 264 402 544 689 839 993 1 150 1310 1473 1638
34. roctoscxo e 5 1. 103 208 315 423 534 648 764 882 1002 1123 1246
157 318 483 653 829 1008 1193 1381 1573 1768 1967
A •,law.cgoe 10, 132 266 402 541 684 829 977 1 128 1281 1 436 1594

24. rietopcxmI 6acceau -D 1, 3149 3441 3740 4037 -4338 4641 11045 5251 5558 5866 6174
1'u 2698 2943 3195 3445 3697 3350 4203 4 460 47171 4977 5 34
- 10 2425 2650 2880 3110 3341 3576 3810 4047 4254i 4521 4760

10, 2020 2205 2392 2579, 2763 2958 3 147 333913531 3726 3918
26. YCCPfrlpabo6epecbe ekcmip cioe. 3se- 1O 1445 1581 1720 1 860 2001 2144 2237 24321 2577 i 2723 2870
6 o
uhropoI KOe , Kupo.

27. 3sna#uau Yppamma .

liCKOe (Tpmct.- 1o 1682 1840 2001 2-162 2324! 9489 2654 2821 2988 31551 3323
settgoe) 1 1222 1 334 1 447 1560 1674I 1739 1903 2020 2136 2254 2370
10 2073 2266 2463 2661 2S601 3060 3262 3466 3670 387414079
. s 1a. 1650 1801 1953 .106 2261 241 '5701 2727 2884 3043 3200

1393 I 2
Myaqemecxoe (Himnum- -* 1273
29. 3aSKpnaTcwa*
Ygau a......1, 823 898 974 1050 1 1127 1 M4( 12821 1360 1438 15181 1596
30.5amoma10 1713 1875 2039 2 204 i 2371 2539 2 7091j2980 3051, 322,3396
30 hwpxaA C Sadern
KH pOaein to 1 166 1272 1380 1488 1597,( 1707 1816, 1927 2033 215012261
( j 2699 2959 3206 3461 3719 3979 t 4240 4503 4766
4 5030
'6 5294
31. Ypaa Kimeao,:ose r
10r 2311 2523 2737 2951 3168 3384 1 3601 38214041 42641 4484

32.1, 2715 2967 3224 3481 137401 40021 4264, 452-91 47944 5059 5326
32. 2314 2526 2739 29c54 3170, 3 605 3825 4045 4268 4488
o 4 2 76
.0ll j 2178 2381 2588 2794 300213213 3423 3636 3849 4062.
. 1 35 2003 2173 2343 5! 4 2686 2.859 3033 32081 338513559
3 56 1
34.o o 1 1806 1975 147 2320 2493 2669! 2846! 3024 32021 3381
10 1369 1 495 1622 1 749 1 8771 2005 2134 2264 2394 252612657

X j1,O 2167 2369 2575 281 3198 3408 3621 3 &3140461426M

Ee 1752 1913 2074 2236 2401 255 2729 2S96
DOC 800411108 PAGE .,6J

Page 177.

Continuation RN 4-05.
36.- B ..=.ot '. r 215 436 6863 897 137 1333 1636 1894 2156 2424 2695
.0. 190 3 77 776 ;9 1 188 1401 161.7 t 836 2053 223

37. Eropwa4cxoe 37&. A 1 228 ,63 703 951 206 1 46S I73q 2010 2288 2571 2859
/0 417 630 548 1070 1298 1531 1766 2006 2249 2495
1283 1486 1691 1901 2114
A rpymmexaq CCP TxmmpqeJ~bCKn~ 14-1 r IK 1, 169 34. 520 703 892 105
to. 148 297 449 604 3 25 1031 1259 1 429 1602 1 ,,S
39. TKUw6%,avcxoe '3 r 0 181 367 55) 756 95, 1 166 1379 1597 1818 2043 2272
158 317 480 645 815 969 1 166 1345 152S 1712 1900

3) 534 678 825 975 129 1 446 1608

reasT. I1 128 260
'. 1 20 332 447 564 684 307 93 1185 13;5
I E '/
41. AMIxAl xoe 1. 112 = 345 466 591 719 S51 985 1 12 . 6 0
18122 1262 1404
41. A.V 182 275 369 467 566 667 770 874 90 1 088

10 162 329 500 672 157 14 1234 1428 1626 1828 2032
42. K8aasulv CCp HpI,.uWctoe (30408CTy) cc ) 143 287 434 U.84 737 894 1054 1 216 1381 154 1718

43. AteureposcKot 4'3 L., 5 1? 167 339 516 638 885 1073 1275 1476 1681 1 1890 2102
1 140 281 424 571 721 874 1031 1 190 1351 I 514 I 680
44. Y,6.cxai CCP A15rpe7 ./4.Z, B 1e 5 318 433 654 830 1010 1i95 1384 1576 772 1971
1 27 256 387 521 653 798 941 I086 1233 1382 1534

t,° 171 346 526 712 903 1 100 1301 I 506 17151 1 923 2 145
45. Kprmexan CCP Kw3m.1-KI..
142 2S6 433 582 735 891 1051 1213 137-1 1544 1713

Cya1?xtr " 183 372 566 73072 1 183 1399 1620 1 845 2074 2306
1O 1'6 315 476 640 S03 180 1156 1334 1515 1 1698 1864
1,o 195 396 602 814 10.23 I257 1487 1721 1960q 2203 245W
. /o 93 357 515 693 874 1060 1250 1 443 I 63 1837 2038

Key: 36. Urals. (36a). Eulanasis~ia . (37a). Yegorshinskiy. 38.

Georgian SSR. (38a). Tkvarche1's, ,. (3Ia). Tlvibul'skiy. (41a).

Gelati. (1a). Akhaltsikbsxiy. 42. Kazakh SS . (42a). Irtysh

(Ekibastuz). (43a). Lergerotsk.y. 44. Uztek SSE. (44a). Angren. 45.

Kirghiz SSR. (45a). Kyzyl-Kiya. (4ca). Sulyukta. (47a). Kok-Yangak.

DOC = 80041108 EIG.

Page 178JContinuaticn EN 4-05.

YpxSymamucom '
10 2969 3246 3527 3806 4091 4378 4665 4954 5245 5535 5 8A
j 2510 2741 2972 3 205 3440 3675 391! 4150 4388 463! 4870
3?. Eropwwncxoe 374 A 1 3149 3441 3739 4036 4335 4638 4941 5246 555,3 5859 6 t66
1o 2743 2995 3248 3 503 3759 4016! 4274! 4535 4796 5060 5322
f1q. ~ C0 ~ ~ I 2329 2546 2767 2988 3210 3435 36038841 43441 4 573"'
S 1G55 2 134 2314 2496 26791 28621 30451 3231 3417 36061 3792
39. , Txsady.mbcxtoe e 2503 2737 2974 3211 34511 4119 4425. 4669 4916
9.. 2089 2281 2473 2667 28631 32551 3453 3652 465914916

40. reJqa-r IS I T7 1372 227324221 2786 2959133 330613481

4.1r) 1 446 1579 1712 I 847 198 2 2253 23911 2528 26681 2805
41. , .xaauuxcxoe S .1,e 547 1692 1 839 1987 2136 22861 2437 25901i 2743 2895 3049
!0.96 1305 1416 1527 t 6Z~'5I 1863 31977j 2C9 0f 2 206 2 3-20
CC(Ka3 1? 2239 2447 2659 2871 30851 3301 3536 7 3955 41731 4393
Kaz,.cx CCP p,,=oe . CC I 1 888 2062 2237 2411 25M 2 9765
2 3124 330! 3 4

it? 2316 2533 2753 2973 31951 34201 3645 3872 4100 4328 4,57
Jeieoco .1847 2017 2187 '25 .5212,528781 3053, 3-30; 3408, 3584-
( 1?fl2173
/°. 1686
278929993 3209 20942 3 3635!
2153 2311 24691262712788!
5 3844 4 ~ 4T
29483 3211
j 2809
3260 3489 3719 3950 4183 4415 4649
251 27581 2934 31143 3474 36,
46. C , 44 4n, ,o 2541 2778 3019 3260 3503 37491 3995 4244 4493 4742 4092
. • C10 2071 226! 2453 2645 2839 3031 3227 3424 3621 382! 4019

47. 1 i 2699 2951 3207 3463 37211 3981 4243 4506 4770 5035 5301
, Kos-5aran LL . 2241 2446 2653 2.861 3070 3280 3491 3704 3917 4133 4347

DOC =80041108 FAG .J

Page 179.

Continuation RM 4-05.

K~r83XAXamxmwp 1r41 1 216 43 665 '900 1141 1388 1642 1901 2164 243312705
188 379 573 771 973 1I 1392 1607 1825 2045 229
10)92 1292 149 103 11 2260
49. Taiamcxam CCP tiypas 5?- A 169 344 523 707 897
49 13
* 142 285 430 579 731 886 1045 1206 1 1370 1 W55 1704
50. KpaCHonpCXR11 icpai KRHKcoe - 6o 1,I 160 325 494 668 847 10o31 1220 1412 16091 180 2012
1, 129 260 393 529 668 310 955 1102 12511 1 02I1 556
51. XaXaccan A. 0. NIM~CaKOe it~ - 2 1' 526 799 1031 1371 hTM 1972 2283 2599~ 2921 13243
lt230 463 701 942 1190 1443 1702j 1964 2231 25601 2774

52. IHpxyrCxan o~a. rqepeuxoncxoe 11 10 1Q 383 532 787 999 1215 :1437 1664 1894 2130 2358
A 163 329 497j 669 844 1024 1207 1393 1583 1774 19M
S3. SvpxT-Moifro.rbcxam 10 176 357 543 735 932 1134 1342 1554 1769 1939 2212
ACC. 299
149o-~pco 452 609 769 932 1099 1268 1440 1615 IM9

54. '4umnexaa 05A. T61~~~o

177 3W9
149 300
1999 222
1617 1795
q I0, 172 349 530 717 910 1107 1310 1517 1727 1943 2161
S&jl0toco.5 1 140 282 426 574 72-4 879, 1038 1196 1358 15221689
36 p1aacoej 159 323 491 665 843 1026 1214 1406 1601 1601 2002
to, 131 264 399 537 678 822 969 1118 1270 .1 424 1580
57. ~ r 1 240
to~aaqoioe 486 73 100OiI268
1 1 543 1825 2112 2405 2703 300
10, 13 429 648 B721 101 1335 1574 11816 2063 2312 2566
to, 224 '54 690 93.3 1011 122
4 40 97 9
2 23 2354
to, 1951s383 1440 I70
44f 1 2 '6825 22 2306
I e :44i2
10,ea 91 443 600 7 '926 1095f 269 I4451 2110

Khakasskaya. (51a) . lMinusinsk. 52. Irkutsk Obi. (52a).

Chereukhovskiy. 53. Buryar.-MG4clian ASSF. (5.3a). Gcose-ozerskoe. 54.
Chita Obi. (54a) . Tarbagatayskiy, 155a). Cherlnovskiy. (56a).
Arabagarskiy. (57a) . Bukachacklirskiy. 59. Khatarovsk region. (59a).
DOC = 80041108 AG it

Page 180.

Continuation RN 4-05.

/, 2980 3258 3541 3823 4107 4395 4683 4974 5-65 5557 5850
48. 2495 2724 2954 3186 3419 3653 3887 4124 4362 4602 4840
49.. 6 1, 2347 2566 2789 3012 3237 3463 3692 3922 4153 4384 4616
1c 1873 2045 2218 2392 2567 2i42 2918 3096 3274 3455 3633
10 2218 2425 2636 2848 3061 3277 3493 3712 3931 4139 4370
1711 1863 2026 2185 2345 2505 2665 2828 299 3156 3319

.1 3578 3911 4230 4569 4930 5275 5622 5970 6320 6670 7021
50, "3330
.c .c. 3611 3895 410 4466 4752 5042 5333 5627 59

52. HpKyTCK2405.1. miep coe(u 2. 2509 2S52 3100 3347 3597 3349 4102 4357 4612 4868:5125
. 2164 2362 2562 2763 2965 3168 3371 3578 3763 3992 4198

53. 5vn',IToKroaJbcban rymo-Osepc4oe(! 10 2438 2665 2897 3129 3362 3598 383. 4073 4313 4552 4793
ca 10o 1964 2150 2332 2515 2699 2884 3069 3256 3444 3633 3821
10 2449 2678 2911 32143 3378 3616 3854 4094 433 457 481
54. '4yimicxzq 0Ad. TapdarraaACKOe B
1973 2154 2336 2.19 2704 2889 3,074. 3262 3449 3640 382

( r 10 2382 2604 2831 3059 3237 3513 37 5 1 3985 420 4455 4691
5& 4ep.o oe
10. 1857 2027 2198 2371 2544 2718 2693 3069 3246 3425 3602
56. Ap.6arapcxoe 5 i0 2207 2413 2623 2833 3045 3259 3474 3691 3908 4125 4344
10eo 1737 1896 2057 2218 23b0 2543 2706 2871 3036 3204 3369

[r 10 3311 3619 3931 4245 4563 4880 5200 5523 5846 6169 6494
57. Syxaqaqvc~oe(
10 2821 3079 ,240 3602 3865 4130 4395 4663 4931 5203 5472

3091 3379 3672 3965 42601 4559 4858 5 16GI 5462 5765 6069
2825 3064 3,304 3546 3789 4032 4278 4524 4774 5020
192259 23142830 297 3305 33 3932
59. Ws6poscxmA spag P3aq0=0~lle 1993e 2 180 2 370 2 56W 275 947 1233 5533 9.
10, 1489 1625 1763 1901 24,2180 2=0o 246=1263 27471 2aM
DOC - 80041108 FIGS

Page 181.

Continuation RN 4-05.
6 oa.-1
m60. KAUC 1, 148301 458 619 785 956 1131 1309 1491 167,11866
/ IM 238 360 485 612 742 875 1010 1147 22851 426
a1 189 382 581 786 997 1213 1435 1661 1891 2125 2363
0. 1r7 338 508 684 863 1047 1 235 1425 1618 1814 2013
(2.rlpamopcitmA xpaA
6 Cvqaiucxoe r to, 199 403 612 828 1050 1278 2512 1750 1992 2239 2490
12 177 356 538 724 914 2 109 2307 1 509 1 714 1921 2 131

925 1173 1428 2689 1954 2225 2501 2781

3. 10aaK29
19 40 60S4 814 1024 1246 1469 1696 1926 2159 2395

64. . T ,r.0 446 679 918 1 165 1 417 1676 1940 2.09 2.482 2760
0 199 401 606 85 1029 1248 1472 1929 262 239

241 285 434 587 744 906 1071 2 241 14131 2539 1768
1.., Ap1eoacgoe 13 227 343 462 584 708 834 963 2094 126 360
10, 177, 359 545 738 936 1139 1347 159 1775 1996 2219
66. Taspoquazoe 5 252 305 461 620 783 9.50 1 120 1292 2468 1645 1826

87. roitraoitme~cxoe T 6 357 544 735 932 1135 1342 t553 1768 1937 2210
.A- 259 319 462 649 820 994 172 1 353 2536 2722 1910

68 . o jO 1ruo 342
268 519 703 891 2084 1282 1484 1689 1899 211
. 2c0 302 457 615 777 942 1110 282 1455 26311810
so. ZoeO 181 367 354 754 956 163 1376 2 593 2814 2039 2267
14 58 3 7 479 645 814 987 1 164 1344 2526 1710 1896

.I ropioqIe C. IH M-
Oucgaa C - - to. 27 237 360 486 617 750 888 1028 1171 1317 14G3.5
0. - .... .. 902S7 386 488 592 696 8M 915 025I 1138

Key: 60. Khabarovsk regica. (bUa). Kivdinskiy. (61a). Urgal'skiy

(Bureya). 62. Seaside rEc.1cn. (02a). Suctanskiy. (65a). Artemcvskiy.
(66a). Tavrichanskiy. j67a). Pcdqorodnenskiy. (68a). Voroshilovskiy.

(69a). Lipovetskiy. (g). i1tuuincu - shale *. 70. Estcnian SSE.

DOC 80041108 FAG8 AV

Page 182.

Continuation RN 4-05.

%Po 2056 2249 2445 2641 2839 3039 3240 3443 3646 3849 4054
1568 ,,10
172 18S7 2002 21491 2296 2443 2592 2741 2893 3042

1 2603 2845 3092 3331 3587 3837 4039 4343 4597 4851 5107
Ypratcioe (ypeu)2213 10.I. 2415 2620 2325 3032 3230 3447 3653 3868 4032 4292
1 2741 2996 3257 3517 37,6! 4043 4307 4575 4842 5110 5379
62. l"p.,uopcaii mpaA CyRaSciKo r 0 2343 2553 2774 2992 3211 34321 3651 3874 4097 4323 4546
1 4
10t~ 3063 3348 3637 3925 4221 4514 4810 5103 *5406 5704 6005
1, 2633 2875 -3118 3363 3609 3856 4103 4354 46041 485S 5109
0 3040 3322 3609 38 n6 4186 4478 4771 5066 .5352 5657 5954
14, 2638 2860 3124 3368 3651 3862 4 10 4361 4612 4867 5118
1 1982131 2316 2502 2 691 2 *49 30r0 3262 3454 3647 3 841
6 9ApTeo0
1O96 1633 1771 1910 2049 21901 2330 2473 2615 2759 2901
66.Tapmqmcoe 2452673 2S05 3138 33721 3608! 3845 40S4 4324 4564 4dO5
Saspqa1cKoe1 2376 2563 275012031 3127 3318 3509 370213b93
! 2434 2660 2890 3120 3352 3536 3821 4058 4295 4532 4770
67. oropoHecKoe T 1 2100 2293 2487 2632 2878 3075 3272 3472 3672 3675 4074
10 362542 2762 2932 3220 3 423, 3653 3 879 4 106 4333 4561
68. BopomioscKoe cc 2173 2357 2541 2727 29141 303290 3479 3 38 61

0 2 2731 29683 3204 3443 3684 3926 4170 4414 4659 4905
69. JAnnoseuoe 1 2086 2278 2470 2664 2859 3055 3251 3449 3648 3849 4046

t__p ropione c.ana"2 2

1 1614 1765 1919 2073 2228 2335 25431 2702 2861 3021 13181
-0 - oca10 1251 1365 1481 1597 1714 1831 194 2067 2186 23072426

DOC 80041108 FIGE jW

Page 183.

Continuation RN 4-05.

71. enmrp.cKaA od. rAomcioe (7/4)

4* 93
388 492
1051 -1 169
796 . 883

72. Ky(AmeaIN od.. Kawnxpcxoe(7j- ) I0 76 154 234 316 401 488 577 6E9 762 857 954
1" 57 115 173 233 294 357 421 485 551 618 686

73. Caparosciaw 0do. Caae,-eackoe 71 72 146 222 301 381 464 549 636 725 815 907
0 54 108 164 220 278 337 397 459 521 584 648
74. j 73
149 226 306 388 473 559 648 738 830 923
10I 56 110 167 224 283 3143 405 467 531 595 660
(7 t i) 130 264 401 542 687 837 990 1147 1307 .470 636
75 To p95 Kycuomo 192 290 390 492 597 703 I 812 922 10.3 1147
. 1? 116 235 357 483 612 746 883 1022 1165 1311 1459
OpeeptwI 1 79 160 241 324 410 495 586 676 768 861 955

77. a p a 4 126 255 388 525 667 812 960 1113 1268 1427 1588
7.- . 89 179 271 364 460 558 657 759 862 966 1072

1, 211 427 650 880 1116 1358 1607 1860 2118 2381 2647
78.Kocnd %I -

Kon10. I8.1 187 376 569 765 966 1171 1381 1594 1810 2029 2252
(7 f 4)
Manocep. 1 365 738 1121 1516 1921 2337 2763 3 19 3641 4092 4550
7 eHITR 1. 325 654 989 1330 1 680 2037 2402 2772 3148 3528 3915

81 Bicoxocep- jO 360 728 1107 1496 1895 2306 2727 3156 3592 '4038 4489
MICThA 4 321 646 976 1313 1658 2011 2371 2736 3107 3483 3865

Key: 71. Leningrad Obl. (71a). Gdovskiy. 72. Kuybyshev Obl. ('72a).

Kashpirskiy. 73. Saratcv Oti. j73a). Savel'evskiy. (74a). Ozinskiy.

75. Peat. (75a). Cake. (16a). Milling. 77. Pirewood. 78. Coke breeze.
79. Petroleum residue. (79a). Lcw-sulfur. (80a). Eigh-sulphur.
DOC - 80041108 PAGE 4&r'

Page 184. Continuaticn BN 4-05.

1* 1289 1410 15 16 1780 1 906 2032 2159 2 IS 2414 2543
71. Aearpa~czan odt. FAoC- 1. 971 1060 11 1 240 1331 1 422 1513 1606 1698 1792 1884
7 K - Ip, 051 1150 1251 1351 1 453 1 556 '1659 1764 186S 1973 2078
72 KyAS1u.escau oa. anupcxoe - O 754 823 8,3 963 1033 1104 1 75 1246 1313 1391 1462
M r.2P40o..aM o,6.3. Ca9*A.,.~eo 1/, 1000 1094 1190 1286 1383 1 4S0 1579 1678 17781 1 577 1 978
3- 712 777 843 909 976 1042 1 109 1 177 1245 1313 1381

74. 0saeUNC.oe ~ ?o
J~ 1018
132 2014
13 3107
'7 1, 1804 1974 2147 2320 2495 2672 2849 3029 320) 3389 3570
5.Topo K 0 1. 1261 1376 1493 1610 1728 1846 1964 2084 2204 2326 2446

I1.' 1610 1762 1916 2072 2239 2387 2547 2708 2370 3 032 3194
lope3eptim I.
[1 1050 1146 1243 1341 1439 1537 1636 1736 1636 1937 2037
77. a I* 1751 1916 2084 .2253 2423 2535 2768 2942 3117 3293 3469
I '- 1178 1286 1395 1504 1614 1725 1836 1948 2060 2173 2235

7 Koxcosas me- 10 2916 3187 3463 3738 4016 4297 4578 4861 5145 5429 5715
. oqb I4. 2476 2703 2931 3161 3393 3625 3857 4093 43,28 4567 4802

79. M&3yi MaAocep. 1? 5012 5479 5954 6429 6908 .7393 7878 8368 8839 93350 9844
NUCmAB 1" 4304 46S9 5097 5496 5899 6302 6706 7 116 7526 7941 8351
. colocep. I 4946 5407 5875 6344 6817 7294 7774 6257 8741 9215 9713
80.. aCTh i 4249 4639 5031 5426 5823 6222 6620 7025 7429 7839 6243

* During calculation A* for tne .chists the ccefficient of the

expansion of carbonates a was taken equal tc cne.
DOC =80041108 PAIGEz

Page 185.


- (1) 1Be (§..
(~) ra~zoA PNCOCS

Tono-man womepa KnuePuhble TOTIKIVrip" ofit.iqriof or6.Ijpo3Ke If OTC'.TCTaHmIreifps. 0.1

8jI:qeCkoro Y111iOT~IeIR WAlaKoS0A wail, a TameCcnoC*
Bbie Toflem

Kamiepnbie TOnxH nipm noanectiofi od~4vpoaoce if runpaaAecxou 0.05

yflAoTiiill wiaxonoil waxybi. ea*IepU C reltAkMer Ifl. OKO-
YA&AeHieIfC 14 araepuA fa30.%a3YTHWXj ToflOK

rasaOzNm KOTOJ~b.
MUX flyqKos
neperpe93Terb if ncpnif xo-rejbitbiA ny) oK'IOCTH

r iepobn xoTejlbmbhA flyqoK xol'.rn D<12 ,nqac 0.05

P;BTOpOA if TpeTHA KOTe~ibeHbi nyqace novice 60.IbWOI m4cpeA- 0.05

()BTOPGA KOTCerlfbill ny'aox Kovion D<12 m,,ac 0.1

rasoxoA nenerpeaaleehn 0,05

rasonox aTopmeeeora neperpeeaTeZAN qcti nepaeqnlloro. pacnojiffixeerol a icon-
e 4i 0.03
rmoXA nepexoAHOA 30fila 0.03

rasoxoAm. sKotqo- 3Mccnll-

lbepon Konowe - rlpe nzhoC~ylerqil'Oi qMfolOlIeptuf 0.03
N cpelnneg nPOH3n 0i43,noJ!ieiCI
lp" AIRYNCTYFVI7IIf1TW i Kam.C 0.02
(/f) C73.1bywe 3XM.1H.1ah~ ICON4IUi3iepbP xoraona D £1 2 m,wac 0.08
YYHMbIC SKaH101131Aepbi - 0.1

80aAYXono0AorP4. Tpydqai'me r1pH Oal11oCTynitilaTOU sbovomien#IH 0.05

rlpa AsyxcryneiilaTOHW st~iemoiii n NO KOMI- 0.05

(At) AIOCyeb(,; -/) _ _

11HAYC~nn8* a bitojeain e xam- 0.07

tinacmmqe fy6, onuoct ~yi ynemba~

~fl~~~W 0.07
44YHUS H13pCOPECThIx nw, j
_________ Pe rene pamtime .2

BcrpIOeeea.. r3JIIOJIln~AH mo xlylOItCibep 0.05

CTSJAbHIO 033J01__
rnluqu dopes. (3 Y'
DOC = 80041108 FAIG 1W

Key: (1). Suctions of air Ln the flues of bciler aggregates/units.

(2). Flue. (3). Value ct sucticn. (4). Furnace chamber/camera. (5).

Chamber furnaces ,when ccmcn bricking and hydraulic seal of slag

mine/shaft is absent,, and also layer heatings. (6). Chamber furnaces

with suspension brickirg and hydraulic seal of slag mine/shaft,

chamber/camera with liquid slag rezoval and chamter/camera of gas-cil

beatings. (7). Flues of toiler tundles. (8). Scallop, screen

superheater and first kciler burdle of bcilers cf large and average

efficiency. (9). First tciler bundle cf boilers D412 t/h. (10).

Second and third boiler bundles of boilers cf large and average

efficiency. (11). By the seccnd tciler bundle cf boilers D<12 t/h.
(12). Flue of superheater. (13). Flue of seccndary superheater or

part of primary, arranged/located in convective mine/shaft. (14).

Flue of transient zone. (15). Flues of econcmizers. (16). Steel
continuous-tubes econoiizaZ 0± tcilers of large and average

efficiency. (17). with single-stage execution. (18). With twc-stage

execution to each step/stage. (IS). Steel continuous-tubes economizer

cf boilers D12 t/h. (2C). Cast ircn economizers. (21). air
preheaters. (22). Tubular. (23). aith single-stage execution. (24).
With two-stage executicn to each step/stage. (25). Lamellar. (26).

Cast iron. (26a). From the tinned tubes, to each step/stage. (26b).

From the ribbed slabs. (27). ReSenerative. (28). Ash catchers. (29).

Electric filters. (30). Cyclonic ash catchers or scrubbers. (31).

Built-in louvered ash catcer. (3j). gas conduits (to 10 running a).

(33). Steel. (34). Brick flues.

DOC 80041109

Page 186.

Calculation of a quantity of air, which emerges from the air

Freheater. RN 4-07.

The ratio of a quantity of air at the output/yield from the air

preheater to thecretically necessary is detersined from the formula

where ,. - excess air ratic in the heating, determined in RN


- suction of air ir the keatiny, determined on RN 4-06;

- value of the sucticn of air in the dust-preparatory

installation, referred tc the theoretically necessary quantity of the

air; in general it is designed in accordance bith indications p.4-17.

In the absence of the calculation of dust preparation values

,,.., are accepted on the icllcwinS table.

DOC =80041109 EhGI -e

Average/mean values for Qiftersnt systems of pulverized coal

preparation. ________________

(O ~a.Tp..
.P Pll R.141cNC~emm
D475 uIeac jD>7S lea

I. CUCreMih C wjapoeu'4u dapa~aiiiibist

C caea8tdU
I i. V

flpc Cvuz~eropaqc~ nojiyxo,.t in rcepooR It NTGO Crneie

so3.lvuornaorpeilarefn ,Ai CcucIIoo rupitliero 5O3AYXa C esp
XYAJUjl4 areiraci. Ton.inao - Ka~lcdemhe yrais .. .. ....... 0.08 0.06
2To Mae, NITO n. 1. To"cAH111o- 6VPu yr1ca YMepeCH11o4SJIQiIlOCTOf 0.12 0.90
3. ripm cywice C 4eCb: o ronutI~ ra~ios c 'opicec4 flO3AyXoN, a
Taarme nbi.ieciiCTecga C n1pelcaetqen.ioil TPY6oA-CVuIIiiiOA ripm
cyuiW AyC cytti.hfit~s COCVORUIliK
1110bbllllTo(a.Aff, R3 C.MeCH
ronoqhi4x ra3aa1wi ropacrero R03AYXa .. .. ............. 016 0.()M

(d)lhaec"Cr;'.M4C 113.1ru~INmehc.Hzamm

1. Cyuzwca ropaiqci eqiayxo .. .. ...................... 0.03

5. CYIUca CN~eCbcoropecero so3ayna 9 T01110411il~ ra830o...R 0.05

9. IV. 5rI o.sM0Xe1e HF11bca

/ (IN
7Cvcuima r6pgqefg 903AYXOMwc flpslCOAK4 xo.loAHoro 903AYIS . 0.042
. . .. .. . . . . .0,05
Il. IV. 5fl C
eaio0M hie 6u.ub R...................................0,08

Key: (a). Characteristic ot dust system. (h). Ocilers D475 t/h. (c).
1. Systems with the spherical rattlers, individual diagram with the

dust hopper a

FoCTNOTE In the diagras cf EuJlverized coal preparation with the

straight/direct injecticr ct value L~., are acltiplied by coefficient


(1). With drying by hot air from tirst and secondary air heaters or
DOC - 80041109 FhG!

by mixture of hot air tzcm recirculating agent. Fuel/propellant -

coals. (2). The same as F. 1, fuel/propellant - brown coal of

moderate humidity. (3). kith drying by mixture Cf flue gas frcm hct

air, and also dust-system with teries-connected duct- desiccator with

drying by two drying flcws, which consist of mixture of flue gas and

hot air. (d). II. Dust-systems with the unit type mills. (e). During

combustion of brown coal. (4). Drying by hot air. (5). Drying by

mixture of hot air and flue gas. (t). During ccmtusticn cf ccals.
(6). Crying by hot air. (7). Lrying by hct air with additive cf cold

air. (8). II. medium-sieed mills. (9). IV. Pneumo-mills. (10). V.

High-speed hammer mills.

FOOTNOTE 2. The value cf the additive of cold air is calculated

separately and it is adjcined tc , ENDFOCINOTE.

II .. . i n nrh
. .. .. ..... ..... .. -. . .. . ...aii ini ]. . ... .. .
DOC = 800141109 F1& k

Page 187.

The heat balance of boiler aggregate/unit. AN 5-0.

1. Available heat cf fuei/ircpellant:

Q'I- Q.1+Q..., + ,Q,

+ -Q. kcal/kq;

for gases of different fuel/tzopellant

Qp*-Qcn +@.s +I..... kca l./c 3.

- heat, introduced bizh the ertering the bciler aggregate/unit

air during preheating cf the ldtteL out cf the aggregate/unit,

kcal/kg or kcal/nM ;

, - physical heat of tuel/prcleliant, kcal/kg cr kcal/nM3; in the

absence of the qxtranecus preheazing of fuel/ropellant value '

considered only with

Q# - the heat, intrcduced into the aggregate/unit by steam which

proceeds with blasting and pulverization kcal/kg.

Q., -the heat, s-ent on deco!nos!tion ol carbonates; kcal/k-.
DOC 8o411o9 FAG!I

2. Heat loss with stack gases

(1 - 6 10°)(100 - -q4)

- enthalpy of stack gazes, kcal/kg cr kcal/nm3;

- enthalpy of theoretically necessary quactity cf air, kcal/kg or

kcal/nm 3 ; temperature ci ccld air takes as equal to 300 C.

3. Heat loss frcm cleaLcal incompleteness cf ccubustion q3 is

determined on RN 5-02-!-G5.

4. Heat loss frcm mechanical incompleteness of ccmbusticn q4 is

determined on RN 5-02-5-05 or j. 5-09.

5. Heat loss frcm external cccling qs fcr staticnary boiler

aggregates/units is acceptea cn graph/curve.

DOC 80041109 EA G -4-

3.2 ,

~~~2 4 $ O9 1IZMI4D 0 508 1 030 ,5D

O75W m/w

i "[The rated steam capacity ox kCiIEL -

Key: (1). Strictly2--4bciler without

-- the tail surfaces. (2). Sciler

aggregate/unit vith tail surfacEs. (3). t/'h.

With the loads, which dift r from nomainal it is more than by

25o/o, value qs is counted cver according tc the formula

Coefficient of the reteticnlje .servatior/maintaining the heat

6. Loss with physical haa of slags


where a., 1 ip is deter~mined cn ib 4-01 ;

enthalpy of ash and slay, determined cr

- N 4-OL,, kcal/kg.
188. -Page
DOC = 80041109 PAI~

The temperature of slags wita the dry slag remcval takes as the
equal to 600 0 C, and witk the l1uid - temperature of the fluid state

cf ash plus of 100 0 C.

During the chamber comtesticn with dry slag remcval qe., it is

considered only with

During the layer ccsbustion or schists instead of A' is

substituted value A+0,3(CO,)Z%.

7. Heat loss to ccc]ing Cf nct connected with circulation of

boiler panels and beams/gullies

Q - heat absorpticr tc 1 nz cf beam-receiving surface of

beams/gullies, taken usually ( 0,000 kcal/uZh;

-... beam-receiving surface ot beams/gullies and panels, m2; for

latter is considered orl3 lateral surface, ccrverted into heating.

8. Total heat loss in tciler aggregate/unit

S4 - q + q4 + %+ .4 + 6eoA I,*
DOC - 80041109 -AG 4

Efficiency (efficiercy) cf Lciler aggregate/unit (gross weight)

10. e&lb

9. Total quantity cf beat, usefully returned in boiler

QN.4 - DR (1.8 - 1,.s) + O., (I... - I..) +
D., (i... - i..) + D..., (i",. - i
+ Q.0 d K~f(Aj'4aC
Key: (1). kcal/h.

D- quantity of manufactured superheated steam, kg/b;

- enthalpy of the suferbeated --

team, kcal/kg;

- enthalpy of feed hater ca the entrance into the aggregate/unit,


-quantity of the saturated steam, returned besides the

superheater, kg/h;

D.,- expenditure oxen ±cr tke blasting cf the boiler; is considered

with the value of blasticg cf acre than 2o/c, kg/b;

'mn- enthalpy of watEr at a tciling point, kcal/kg;

DOC = 80041109 FAG 1

,,- expenditure/consuipticn of steam through the secondary Cf

superheater, kg/h;

',,.. and , - enthalry ol the secondary steam at the entrance into

the superheater and cn leaving trcm it, kcal/kg;

- heat absorption of the later or air, prebeated in the tciler

aggregate/unit and Icosered tc the side, kcal/t.

10. Consumption of fuel, suplied tc heating,

Q- - - ., kg/k.

Calculated consumpticn cf fuel

BP, _B , - kg/h.
DOC 80041109 PAIG U-

* Page 189.

resign characteristics ct chauter furnaces with the dry slag removal

1I RN 5-0 .

FOOTNOTE 1. The led in Bb characteristics of Fulverized coal and

mine- mill heatings are given icr installaticcs with the closed

diagram of dust preparation. For guaranteeing the characteristics

indicated the fineness cf dust lust correspcnd to the recomendations

of standards of pulverized coal Exeparaticn.

In the extended diagram ct pulverized coal preparation are

accepted the following chazacteristics:

a) the excess air ratio in the heating: fcr the Volga schists in
milled peat ,-. fcz brcvn coal .-.

b) value q 3 - the same as for the closed diagram;

c) value q. in size/diiensicn of 50c/o from values of q. for the

closed iiagram.
DOC =80041109 PArE 4

St X .
Ta Veit .emeOe'ewTGA.@c.
.21 c ~ ,ftr ONA

5 ~ . *~ru qa

T 0W
yEoorue . .0 0. 2,5 3.5

Bypue~ ~ , 0 , ' 2r4

A a ;irombiyram. ' 301 1,25 125 0' 4 5'

j OtYhipalIbu1.25 141 2
L iaoiub yr'ii,
aeme rJlH, S~2o,
fhlleyo~ba~eKaellepji vr.,it V'1,/
q~of 1.25

Ia~cIIrbj -(M
yrJ.W . V'>0.-
1125 13 P
, 2
)Max 1AmwuN
nplionc'H MeO10. 1.251 20 0.IIs
e . aiiIii aOmcos1,5 40 I

HeKpIIIPOAOI .. vr nppnnf uc$ 1.15 0

D<2 Dm.lciiiA 33115 20

Key: (1). Type of heatirc. (2). Designation cf fuel/propellant. (3).

Excess air ratio in beating. (4). Eermitted according to coatusticn

conditions thermal stress or furnace cavity 8910/VM1403kcal/m3h. (5) .

Heat losses. (6). from chemical incompleteness cf CCOL-UStiCn g.3 , C/C.

(7). from mechanical inccmpleteness of ccubusticn 2 q,, 0/0.

FOOTNOTE 2. During plarnlny ot tcilers D)50 t/h with the increased

DOC 80041109 FAG I I.i-

against those indicated in the table thermal stresses of furnace

cavity (but not more ttar tc 15c/c) or fcr the increased against the
tabular values ash ccntent of the fuel/propellant of value q, are

accepted the same as fcz tcilers C450 t/t. ENELCCTNOTE.

(8). Boilers D>50 t/h. 4S). Pulverized ccal. (IC). Anthracite fines*.

FOOTNOTE *. Values q4 are given fcx the heatirgs with the supply tc

dust by hot air and inclined-bcrizcntal heartt for the liquid slag

removal (also with the heated funnels); in the beatings with the ccld

funnels q4 by 1o/o it is higher. EIDFCOTNOTI.

(11). Carbonaceous coal*. (12). Lean coal. (13). Coals. (14).

By-product coal. (15). BLown ccal. (16). Nine-mill. (17). Schists
Gdovskiy and Estonian). (18). Schists (Vclga. (19). milling Feat.
(20). Pneumatic TsKTI system cf Shershnev. (21). Shielded. (22).
Petroleum residue, natural and jetroleum gases. (23). Not shielded.
(24). Torch combustion. (25). Blast-furnace gas. (26). Flateless
combustion (for boilers L420 t/b).

FOOTNOTE 3. For boilers D>35 t/b; bith D435 t/h cf value q, they are

accepted to 2o/o above.

DOC = 80011109 PAGE

'. For by-product coal fxom v. value of q. are accepted to

C.5o/c above.

'. For boilers D),20 t/b; with L<i0 t/h value q4 it increases by

1-2o/0 and q 3 by 1-20o/c. With C<b.5 t/h is accepted .,-: and

O.V.. ., kcal/23h.

6. For boilers D46.5 t/h.

7. For automated boilers with the iresence cf pressure regulator of

gas before each bciler is adgissitle decrease -m tc 1.1.

S. For natural gas with 9of kcal/nm 3 of value q 3 are accepted to

0.5o/o above.

9. During increased pressure heads of blastirg and use/applicaticn of

special registers of theraal stress of heatings can he increased

several times without reducticn in efficiency/ccst-effectiveness of

burning process.

Io. In the unshielded beatings is admissible fcr the prctecticn of

bricking the increase .. EbrCCINCTE.

DOC =80041109 PAGR I'

Pages 190-191.

Design characteristics ci layer mechanical and semimechanical

beatings 1. RN 5-03.

FOOTNOTE 1. Characteristics rel.ate to crushed series brown and coals

and anthracite with the ccntent ct trifle 0-6 am not more than 55oc
and by the maximum size cr pieces 30-40 mm. The combkustion of
fuel/propellant with the ccntent ct trifle cf more than 51Eo/c in the

layer beatings is not recommenaed, since in this case noticeably is

raised q,6, especially fcr ARSh. LBEFOOTNCTE.

1To... ~f~~ pow.,,co*
..IsNa I AM,.T. cc
o~~~~~ ?~K8 C me
01 t9) I! , 64 '

Semaqn" not HOCTb I ~ ~ ~ .


BwAmmoe TC"z.10.
~apH.. a.,
"ep '10-3
9A~ 1 000) 900 1000 700-. 1500+900+900+ 900+
800 19004 120051 40W 14006-
~BIaMMOe Tenjao-
reanpn,.cemhse To- BQ.P xwaai
. ~I0 ~ -200-250-- 250-i0025

'ilblTcA B03AYXa B
.. -~.e 1.3 1.3 1,3 1,3 I'5 1.3 1.3 .1,3 1,3!

qecxoll meflOJHOTF

. .. ~ 0j 0 1 0.5 0.5 0.5

5 7 14 2 9 6 6
45 6
~oep4camIeA ro.
pl0'IIx 8 W!IOKe if ~ 6 12 20 2d1 25 - 7 6 20

p x nc , ~ . 20 30 35 50 55 - 20 20 30
L0A,30Abl TO"-
Awaea B iu.18Ae m
n-sn 0.8 0,8 0,8 0.75 0.7 - 0,75 0.75 0.75
d~.930.1W TOOl -1
0.2 0,2 0.2 0.25 0,3 - 0,25 0.25 0.25
0 aa y~oce .. ay.
0lasAeHHe 1103.
A'* BO~As. 84) 80 PA) 200 200 80 80 80 s0

m310C 250 2 5- 25- 25+ 250 230 25*-2;.
Sl200 200 150 150 2,% 200
DOC 80041109 FAGE .&


TlJKNfa8G. C .
- UIHM1 PC. TP" 'ORR" eueVKa
5ypme yram y yrA, le....... (@NM€K&*!
am _ _ __e~
a bsypc

t @. ; O
"-; h
...... ,-
I I I I .3

goo- 800t 900 800- 900 900 80 700 800 2100 5000-- 2000+. 500
800W 900 80.00 4000'

200+*250 - -
~~ - -
,. I U
200.- 3004.
300+1 200-
250 400 400 250

1,4 1,4 1.4 1,4 1,4 2.4 1,6 1.3 1.4 1,4 1,2 1.3 2.4

1 1 2 2 1 1 0.5 1 3 2

9 6 ' I 7 7 18 5+73 2 J
6 6 15 10 10 Is 25 5 . . . . .

20 20 30 20 20 30 65 20 - -

0,75 0.75 0.8 0,75 0.75 0,75 0.7 0.9 - -

0.25 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.25 0,25 0,3 0.2 - _ _

1000 0t 00 60 SO 60 200 60 60 60 '70 to00 90

200-+20 25-2G 25 25-+200 25-200 251 25 200 200 25-200 25 250 25250 25..-20o

Key: (1). Designation cf value3s, 1). Designaticn. (3).

imensionality. (4). Heatings with chain grate. (5). Brcwn ccal of

type of Chelyabinsk cnes. (6). Sonsintering ccals of type D and G.

(7). Mildly sintered ccals of type. (8). Antbracite. (9). and. (10).

ine-chain/catenary leating. (I0a). Peat of cake. (11). Heatings with

chain grate and throw/excess/cversbcot of fuel/propellant to layer.
DOC = 80041109 FIGE -

(12). Brown coal. (13). type cf Moacow ones. (14). type of

Chelyabinsk ones. (15) . Ccals s. 116). Heatings with poking
bar/plate. (17). Heatings with sireaders and fixed bed. (18).
Anthracite. (19). Heatings inclined-foil shaking grates. (20). Brcwn
coal s. (21). Estonian and Gdovakiy schists. (22). fine heatings.
(23). Peat. (24). High-speed/hSb-velccity are thin. (25). Chopped
chips. (26). Crushed sittings and turnings. (17). Heating with
inclined grate (Finnish). (i8). moocd withdrawals/departures and
filings. (29). Seen therual stress of mirrcr cf ccmbustion. (30).
kcal/mZh. (31). Seen tternal stress of furnace cavity 2.

FCCTNOTE 2. Vhen afterburner i.s Fresent, ccaFuted value of the

thermal stress of furnace cavit) can be somewhat increased.


(32). kcal/m 3 h. (33). Excess air ratio ir heating. (34). Loss from

chemical incompleteness c ccattsticn 3.

FOCTMOTE 3. For the heatings with the moving layer the values cf lcss

q3 are given in the presence ct seccndary blasting. ENDFOOTNCTE.

(35). Loss from mechanical inccsFleteness of ccbustion. (36).

Content of fuels in slaG and faalure/dip/trcugh. (37). Content of
fuels in escape. (38). Share ot asa of fuel/prcellant in slag and
DOC = 80041109 FA1E

failure/dip/trough. (39). Share ot ash of fuel/propellant in escape.

(40). Air pressure under grate. (41). Temperature of tlast air '.

FCCTNOTE 7. Indication akout tie temperature cf blast air, equal to

250 C, is given for thocs cases bben preheating air is undesirable on

conditions of the work cf grate bar fabric. ENDFCCTNOTE.

(42). mm HzO.

FOOTNOTE 4. Smaller values - tor the boilers with D<35 t/h.

s. Smaller values - fcr toilers with D<2C t/h.

6. Smaller values for tcilers wita D<10 t/h. Beference area cf the

mirror of combustion is detined as Frcduct frcm the distance from the

hearth of mine/shaft tc the narrowing to its bidth.

S. For cannel coal is allowed/assumed preheating air to 1500C.

*. It is accepted tentatively. kNDEOOTNOIE.

DOC 800141109 PAGI M1

Page 192.

Design characteristics cf layer neatings with the rigid lattice and

the manual throw/excess/cversbcct cf fuel/prcpellauit. RN 5-0"t.

I Bypue yr.a'.aj~

'.0 "4 -
reue - A PL

3ann oop.ce4n n :.1 K~~ 80 700 900 too 700 900 800)

01 OnOS
Y~p _ _ __ _ _

1 oro .. 0~ K~ 50+300

ec 1,4 1,4 1,35 1A4 1.4 t,3 1.5

Ika' 1.~1 0ICe .Il r2U

4 Lu3e n n.0..,,-.5 0 08 08 .T,7 06

ie o p_ Olt
K toln;J.1w1
% I T11:1 100 100 I0 10 x 00 O

sona 0im Vt. (4) . Ir~ (

isal 15 25 n45nocs (6)
Anthracite.~~~~(7.I1it.Pr ae
-cert ash cctn n hmdt
type .3,. Hhlybnsk cnle~ 7d) .ui .f8o
8eie as-rc (t0
DOC = 80041109 PhC.,E

ones). (9). sorted (type 11oscow region). (10). s. (11). lean. (12).
sorted AS and AM. (13). lisible stress/vcltage cf mirror of
combustion. (14). kcal/m2 h. (15). Eermitted thermal stress of furnace
* cavity. (16). kcal/u3h. (17). Excess air ratic in heating. (18). Loss
frcm chemical incompleterabs of ccobusticn .

FOOTNOTE 1. Taking intc account the soot formation. ENDFOOTNCIE.

(19). Loss from mechanical inccmleteness of ccabusticn. (20).

Content of fuels in slag and Lailure/dip/trcugh. (21). Content of
fuels in escape. (22). share cL asa of fuel/FrcFellant in slag and

failure/dip/trough. (23). SharE ct ash cf fuel/Frcpellant in escape.

(24). Air pressure under grats. '5). mm H2 C.

DOC 80041109 PAGE ;0-

Page 193.

Design characteristics cf liquid-kath furnaces'. RN 5-0%.

FOCTNOTE 1. In connection wita the limitedness cf data on the

liquid-bath furnaces gven in present RN data shculd be considered as

the tentative. For the heatings with an inclined-horizontal hearth

for the liquid slag remcval |bitb the heated funnels) the design
characteristics are rece.ived I y tne same as fcr the heatings with the

dry slag removal, with exceiticE ..- 0. EIDFCOTNOTE.

The magnitude of lcsses of heat from the chemical incompleteness

cf combustion q 3 for the sangia-cbamber beatings is received by the

same as for the beating ith the dry slag removal, on RN 5-C. Fcr
two-and the multichamber earias and cyclonic type eaings

magnitude of losses frcm the mechanical incompleteness cf

combustion q, is decreased in ccjarison with that recommended for

the heatings with the dry slag removal propcrtional to a change of

the share of ash in the escape - fi 4-01.

Remaining characteristics are accepted cn the table.

DOC =80041109 PAC-E *.r

( )K0in4niuxe.? H$dnarin8 .3
Cooniome. ninMAY ZII MOAW
Toa..M. yinO.
Tnn TOWIKH 'I Y . 08,.,,,a TROK C mint- CinMO ra
'a ..

11'aaepmue TOflKII .1,15-1.2 1.2 0,6-0.7

(&,)13 TOM -"c.1e oUIIonORaKHflf 3n& 9KPSHOR .. 5,0
I amtepi'we ronK ... . .. .2.3 04..

a TOM, 4HCAi ne an~eX3epI
. . .- 1. ,152 5.0) -

rnnit c RIcoKor ..
1IIJIKortiSietmem .2.5.0.,. 15
(9)0,1 Pa3mepM nwhit~pa.
a) neTnHTormO BTTI ipwist em
(LI D z=5, 0) Ix. pilotly
6 (I5-
02) 6) Ii) ,ca,ii~z-tac
6 TOM 111C.Ie! 1.12 o ;e 11 8
RomyI tiIO1pRAeHIxo
G) UII.xoxxnre ripelonKIV ce'IeTf~lxexxon
1" Y

heating. (3). Relaticnskij,-ratic ktvteen therial stresses of volume

of heatings with liquid and dry slag remcvall.

FCCTNOTE 1. The thermal stresses at the voluffe cf heatings with the

dry slag removal in derevaing ci the type of fuel/prcpellant are

acceptel on RN 5-02. EECCINGOU.

(4). Share of ash of fueIl/propellant, taken away by gases. (5).

Single-chamber heatings. (o)* AIcZny other things pinned zcne of

shields. (7). Twc-chamter hbiatirgs. (8). AMCDg cther things first

chambers/cameras. (9). meatjnys with high slag removal. (10).

DOC = 80041109 PAGE lf

Sizes/dimensions are selected by thermal stresses of section/cut,

equal to (15-16) 106 kcal/mEh. (11). precoakusticn chambers cf

heatings. (12). Among ctier things. (13). cyclcnic precombustion

chambers. (14). Then on thermal stresses of section/cut, equal to
(12-13) 106 kcal/m2h.

FOCTNOTE Z. The excess air ratic at the output/yield from the heating

(frcm the second chamber/cauera cr cooling chamber) is determined

taking into account the sucticn Ln these chamters/cameras. The value

of suction is determined cA BN 4-06.

*. For ASh - upper limit. ZNDEGCINCTE.

VDOC =80041109 16F
£AF ;

The calculation of heat excoange in the heating. RN 6-01.

The temperature of gases at the output/yield from the heating is

determined on ncuogram I.

Note. The pneumatic neatings cf TsKII the system of Shershnev

with the shielded ejectcz fumnels and anthracitic layer heatings are
designed act cn nomogran I, ut according tc fcrmula (6-04).

For using nomograv I is calculated value

B a/Q

, - a calculated ccnsuxjticn cf fuel, kg/h cr nmJ/h;

Q. - useful heat release in tte heating, kcal/kg or kcal/nn 3 :

- IO
O s -O q _ ,,,

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

Q1,- available heat of fuel/Ercpellant, kcal/kg;

q3 and q& - heat loss fica te chemical inccirleteness of combustion,

with th, physical heat ct slags and the cooling water, c/o:
DOC - 80041109 PAGr i

Q....- the heat, intrcduced bith the coming the aggregate/unit air

during its preheating cut of toe aggregate/unit, kcal/kg;

,'..u heat of the recirculating gases, considered only in the case

of return into the heating cf Fart of the gas, selected not cf the

heating, but from subsEguent flue, kcal/kg;

Q.- heat, introduced into the beating ty air, kcal/kg:

Qe - (a. - 3.- w~My 10 +
~~~~+ (a.4. + ...)P,, aAll,.

Key: (1). kcal/kg.

. and , - value of suctions in heating and system of the

pulverized coal preparations, determined on EN 4-06 and 4-07;

1. and '." - enthalpy ct the ttecretically necessary quantity of air

cold and at the output/yield frcm the air preheater, taken on

I*-table, kcal/kg.

The contaminaticn factor cf the heat-atscrbing surfaces C,

beam-receiving surface )1. m2 and emissivity factor heating a,

are determined on RN 6-02.

DOC = 80041109 iA .h

Page 194.

The theoretical temlerature ot coubusticn 0

0. C is
determined from an I*-takle in the value of useful heat release in

beating .' kcal/kg and according to the excess air ratio in heating
s,. The quantity of heat, transmitted in the heating cn 1 kg (nmJ) of


Q...Y(Q.-I,.) xcal/kgJ,

0 - coefficient of the retentic./preservaticn/maintaining heat in RN


- enthalpy of gases at the cutiut/yield from the heating,

determined from an IO-takle in terns of values 8 and .i. kcal/kg.

During the rational design frcm nomcgram I (for the pneumatic

beatings of Shershnev %ith tke shielded ejectcr funnels and the

anthracitic layer heatings - accciding tc the formula (6-03) is

determined eaissivity factor of heating q, fcr which preliminarily
should be assigned the value ct team-receivirg surface H, By value
a, with the help of RN 6-Us is determined value #Yi The disagreement

cf that accepted and determineu values i. must not exceed t5c/o.

DOC = 80041109 FA . B

'The determination of euis.Lv.Lty factor of heating. RN 6-02.

Emissivity factor ct shielded chamber furnaces ",is determined

cn the following graph:

/ r r K.....

47 i0 ~ 4 uS 4 ?

O.1a T1

0 0. 0,6 V go 47 g
DOC = 80011109 EAGE

Emissivity factor of layer heatings is determined from the fcrmula

0.82 [ao + (I - a) p+']

a - efficient emissivity ±actcr cf the flame:

* , a.- Fa.

The values of coefficient p are determined cn the table.

L'eceTweec nJlUn INPHc)RIrallhN4 rS3006p83HIX TOnJIIB,

a TaKme ripH eJceeoM f a.enbo-cnoenom cNera-
4. ,n a.,1punTos If TowIx yrIeA . ........ 1,00
( Cae eec n.. aun npn cmiiraflu
tH CUnl3HXTOMIrnIB . . 0,75
j s'
CeTumcec. nilam nPIf CmNra'HH TDepIaWX Tonrmse.
'.- 0orazTWX iiey)qH.n. H o1Ayn eTxieecs UnHN npx I
1k8e&PIO C3HrIHHU 2hTpnuHOS N TOMIE yraeI 0.65

Key: (1). Form of flame. (2). Ccetticient. (3). Ncnluminous flame

during combustion of gaseous fuels, and alsc during layer and torch-

layer combustion of anthracite and lean coal. (4). Luminous flame

during combustion of liquid profellants. (5). Lunincus flame during

combustion of solid fuels, rich in volatile ccsFcnents, and full heat

during chamber combusticc at anthracite and lean coal.

a - emissivity factor cf medium, bhich fills the heating; is

determined on nomogram XI in deFending on the value cf product kps.

For the heatings wita the luminous flame during the coutusticn
of liquid propellants and -clad tuels, rich in vclatile compcnents,
DOC= 80041109 FIGE 2

with s>2.5 a is accepted a=1 and value k determined must not be.

k - coefficient of weakening rays/beams in the flame:

a) for the nonlumincus flame

b) for the luminous flame

c) for the full heat

k- h,r. + k,,1.

k, and k. - the coefficients cf beakening rays/teams by triatonic

gases and incandescent Earticles oi the ash- are determined cn

nomcgrams IX and X;

- total volume fractica of the triatcmic gases;

- ash concentraticn in the combusticr Frcducts, determined on

the excess air at the end or the beating, g/r 3 ;

s - efficient thickcess ct radiatior layer, m;

s - 3.6

-. volume of furnaco ciiamber/camera, determined cn p. 6-13 in

DOC = 80041109 PAGE

accordance with 91 6-03, 03;

F,_- full/total/complete surface cf the walls of heating, m2.

Degree of the shielding of the heating:

a) for chamber furnaces *---:

b) for layer heatings -H.-R

B - area of the mirrcr ct comuusticn, m2 .

Parameter F- 77-,•

The beam-receiving surface ct heatirg

t ,
1,a - ZF.,x 12

F," - the area of wall, cccujied with shield, 22;

x - angular coefficient; it is determined can the following

indica.tions: for the plain-tube shields - on Fig. 2 present SN; for

the pinned and fin shields, the shields with cast iron plates/slabs,

and also the boiler teans, the screen surfaces cf heating and

scallops x=1.
DOC 8004&1109 IcE.V

During the determinatic- ot the quantity of heat, which passes

through the scallop cr the team tc the arranged/located after it

heating surfaces, is ccnsiderd the angular ccefficient of the beau:

.- angular ccafficierts of separate runs of pipes,


determined on curved 5 fig. 2a Fresent RN.

DOC 8004110q F AI.

Page 196.

Anqular coefficient of single-rc ilain-tube shield.





1 1 4 5 6 7

I -taking into account tad zadiation/emissicr cf bricking with

2 - taking into account the rauiation/emissicr cf bricking with


3 - taking into account the raaation/emissicr cf bricking with

e=. 5df

4- taking into account tba radiation/emissicr cf bricking with e=O;

DOC = 10041109 FAG 8 Q

5 - without taking intc account the radiaticn/emissicn cf bricking

with e:).5d.

Angular coefficient cf dcuble-rcw ilain-tube shield.

as .

e 1.*d __

Fig. it.

1-taking into account the radiatiaon,'emissicr ct bricking with

2 - taking into account thi radiation/emissicr cf bricking with e=O;

3 - without taking intc acccunt the radiaticn/euission of bricking.

DOC = 800z41109 FA(I k

'The angular coefficient cf single-row shield from the smooth Fipes of

the different diameters



I -for entire shield; il for the ducts of a small diameter.

-conditional ccrtazinataicn factor of the team-receiving

surfaces; is accepted cn the takle.
DOC =0041109 EAGe -

Tbpbirwhe /3
ugpatibi nflanHH F__ oo6pn.imoe T
T"O. 1,00
goei 4
t tbi8
3pflIM flAHBO
I1 MpOllb HIIgoe TOfJTI4HOit 0.90

C qyryniti m TBePAoe TonjIRn-

f.CIiT;.MH, a TaX- 0, CAIa eI -
mxe 1yqe9OCrjp". cjo
I .m aeoBno. nepaCI. TOnI1HBO 0.70
MepXIInCTb Ty6- rH KampI om
CKIlra nit'
. lhIX !IlyqKOB
lOea inMe
sllU 3xpalII. noiKpbiTrie 0.2
1 vPO,,TO 0Ma'cOi

.plKatr. 38Kpwrie m ol'uNMuA xmp-' 0.1


Key: (1). Conditional ccntaminaticn factcr. (1). Open plain-tube

shields, fin shields and shields by cast iron plates/slabs, and also

beam-receiving surface cf tube tanks. (3). Gasecus fuel. (4). Liquid

Fropellant and solid fuEl, buzned in layer. (5). Solid fuel during

chamber coubusticn 1*

FOOTNOTE L. The use/applicaticn of efficient Llasting, included every

shift (according to Amezican data) raises tc 0.75. ENDFCOTNCTE.

(6). Finned shields, ccvered with chromite greasing. (7). Shields,

closed firebrick.
DOC 80041109 PAGB .W

Page 197.

To the determination of the volume of heating and illuminated length

of screen ducts. BN 6-03.

i ti


Key: (1). Layer of fuel,/jroleilant.

DOC = 8001109 FAG& 4<

The fundamental equaticns of the cdlculation cf the convective

heating surfaces. RN 7-Cl.

1. Equation of heat fxchdaoe

k - coefficient of bheat tianster, kcal/mzh deq;

H - calculated surtace, tadting, m2; fcr first beams and screen

cf superheaters, which cttain beat by radiaticn/emission from furnace

chamber/camera, fcr calculated heating surface is accepted difference

betw.ien tull/total/ccuFlits keating surface ard beam-receiving


At - temperature lead, °C;

- calculated consuijticn ct tuel, kq/h.

2. Equations of heat balance

a) heat, returned ty gases,

DOC = 80041109 PAGE JI'

IQ- ("'-"+asI~ £cca/kg,

0 - coefficient of retenticn/preservaticr/$aintaining heat;

I' and I'' - enthai.j cf gases on entrance into heating surface

and output/yield from it, xcal/kg.

Page 198.

_ quantity of heat, introduced by the sucked air, kcal/kg; for

the air preheater it is determined ty mean temperature of air.

b) the heat, taken ty the heating medium:

for the superheater

D -, - ) - , cal/icy;

for the economizer and the transient zcne

Q-. D r'- ) kcal/kg,

i'' and i' - enthaipy cf the steam cr cf water on the entrance

into the heating surface and the output/yield frc. it (for the
DOC =800141109 EAG 36'a

* superheater is considerid the heat absorption of steam cooler)',


Q. - heat, obtained by the surface of superheater by

radiation/emissicn from the t~ating, by kcal/kg;

for the air preheater

-ratio of a quantity ot air at the cutput/yield from the air

preheater to thsoretically necassary;

I~I~,-enthalpy of air, theoretically necessary for the combustion,

vith the outlet temperaturas txc. the air preleater and entrance into

it, kcal/kg;

-suction of air Ileakage intc the flue cases) in the air


3. For heating surtace, 4ashed by incomplete quantity of

products of coinbusticn, iquaticr cf heat balarce for gas side is

replaced by fcllowing:
DOC 800141109 FAcI l -

,- weiht sa of(-I"
+ -aa*) g.t kc ah/te

g.- weight share of gases, passing thrcugh shunted earn,

DOC = 80041109 FACY AV'

The determination of the coefficient of heat transfer. RN 7-02.

1. Superheaters

,A -- KKflI qac :pd.

Key: (1). kcal/M2 h deg.

2. Boiler beams ard plain-tute econcuizers

- +4 .) xc¢al/ma hour deg,

- convection heat-transfer ccetficiert frcm gases to wall.

kcal/u-h deg, determined as fcllcb.s:

a) during transverse flcw arcund corridcr and checkered teas -

in nomograms I and III;

b) during mixed lcngitudinal-transverse flcw arcund tube banks -

according to formula

_____ -kcaJlumkz deg,

- convection heat-transLer coefficiert with longitudinal flow (on

DOC -80041109 FIG EW

nobogram IV), kcal/32h G;

- radiation heat-trarster ccetficient (cn ncuogram XI),. kcal/u2h


- coefficient of flow 4cr Bk 7-03);

2- heat-transfer coefficzent from wall tc the steam (cn

nomogram V), kcal/mzh deg;

- contamination factcz (cn ccmcgram XII), mZh deg/kcal.

3. Air preheaters

a) Tubular and lavellar

k"- KCa ,'.'n deg.

The coefficient of the teat transfer of tubular air preheaters

is related to middle ir the gas and air sides surface.

- heat-transfer coefficient from the gases to the wall,

determined for the tubular air Ereheaters on nomogram IV, for the
lamellar ones - in ncmcgram VII with Re<104 and in ncmogram IV with
DOC 80041109 FAGI

e,104, kcal/m 2 h deg;

a, - heat-transfer coefficient from the wall tc the air,

determined for the tubular air Ereheaters on ncacgraa III or II, fcr
the lamellar ones when 5e<104 - in ncoogram VII, when Re>/lO' - in

nomogram IV, kcal/m2h dfa;

- coefficient of the use of a heating surface, determined on

the table of nomogram XII.

b) the cast iron finned air preheaters, Ercduced by the Scviet


Key: (1). kcal/mZh deg.

.., and R., - given heat-transter coefficients from external (gas)

and internal sides: are oetermined for ribbed and finned-serrated air
preheaters on nomograms XVII and XVIII and tcx finned platy ca
nomogram 1IX, kcal/m 2 h de4.

Page 199.

- coefficient of use (cn the table of ncoogram XII);

DOC =800141109 PiF.

- ratio of full/tctai/complete surface from the external (gas)
side to the full/total/ccapiete surface from the internal (air) side.

4. Cast iron finned econosizers, prcduced ty Soviet plants.

The coefficient of beat transfer for cast-iron finned

economizers VTI and Ts'LE is determined directly cn nomogram XVI.

5. Fin econcmizers, kcal/ah deg,

where R - coefficient cf use (c¢ acmogram XII);

- given heat-transfer coefficient of pure/clean ducts (on

nomogram XX), kca/iZb deg.

6. Rotating regenerative air Freheaters

Key:I I 1cal /ac u/e.

Key: (1). kcal/M~h deg.

DO C = 80 0 4110 9 FAG E b41

The coefficient of heat transfer is related tc the

full/total/complete bilateral surface of heating all plates.

. H. H.
,: H--- shares of the beating surface, washed by gases and air;

a, and a2 - heat-transfer ccetficients from the gases tc the

wall and from wall to the air [when Re.<5200 - cn nomogram VIII, when

Re>5200 - according to the iczmula (7-38)], kcal/mZh deg.

7. For nonstandard ribbed keating surfaces coefficient cf heat

transfer is determined empicyinq procedure, presented in paragraph

7-B Section "g".

8. Gas preheaters are designed from the same fcrmulas, as air

preheaters. Heat-transfer ccetticient frc. the ball to the heated gas

is determined in this case not ca the nomogrars, but according to the

corresponding formulas.
DOC = 80041109 FIGE

Page 200.

On the calculation of ccuplicated washed surfaces. RN 7-03.

i~(I 1epmIM NOSIbNUO nlyqum[

(XUhpmolswe nOuepxbocTn Narpesa

Doc - 80041109 Fia ate

F'"AD - I



lip. oflpeAele"We cpeAHX C.OPOCTeAI i ntpeze,ax .jIIHOiI oaepXaHocTR cneayeT yMINTIMBStb

H3NeieHIe BwCortbi r330XOnA.
fleperpenaTe tH

Key: (1). First boiler teams. (d). Screen heating surfaces. (3).
Second boiler- beaus. (4). Eeams with rotaticts in horizontal plane.

(4a). Section/cut on. 15). Luring determinaticn of average sreeds

within limits of this surface stculd be considered change in altitude

cf flue. (6). Superheatars.

DOC 80041109 EA61 A-I'

Page 201.

lo the determination of ccnvEcticn heat-transfer coefficient. RN


1. Rated speed of liquid or gas.

v.. - flov rate per seccmd, u'/s:

for the flue gases

B P V, . ,t-273 3 1. -,
Veto- '" 2273

B,. the calculated hcurly ccnsualticn cf fuel/propellant, kg/h;

v, - volume of gases cc I Kg of fuel/prcpellant with the

average/mean excess air tetween the entrance a' and output/yield all,

na 3 /kg;

for the air



DOC = 80041109 FAGI 4,01"
S,' 3

.the ratic of a quantity of air, passing through the

air preheater (taking Into account the recirculation cf hot air), tc

theoretically necessary ;

for the water vapcx and the water


2. Calculated clear cpenjng.

a) With the transverse flou of the plain-tube bundles

F-ab-z4 At,

where a and b - transverse sizes/dimensicns of flue light/vorld, a;

4 - number of ducts in the series/rcv;

- length of ducts, a.

b) Vith the longitudinal fiew.

For the case of flcbing the medium tetween the ducts

F-ab__BUO s
DOC - 800411109 4.G

For the case of flcuing the medium withir the ducts

-,4 .... _ J3.

where z - a number of ducts in the bundle;

d-._ tube bore, m.

c) For the lamellax air irebeaters and the standard finned

economizers and the air Ireheaters calculated clear opening is

defined as the sum of tke cleat cenings of the in parallel ccnnected
elements/cells, for the bundles cf finned ncnstandard ducts -

according to formula (7- 1).

For the standard finned econcsizers and the air preheaters the
clear openings to one element/cell are given in nomcgrams XVI-XIX.

middle clear opening is determined as fcllows:

a) During the calculatico cf several secticns with the different

H +H.+

b) Vith the different section-4/cuts at the entrance and the

cut put/yield
2P F"

DOC - 800451109 PIGS

c) In the presence in bundle of the gas corridors or with the in

parallel connected flues - cc the indications p. 7-18.

3. Calculated temperature of tlcii

I.v~ -r_
DOC = 800141109 P1GM

Page 202.

To the determination of radiation heat-transfer coefficient. RN 7-05.

The efficient thickness of radiation layer for plain-tube bundle

is determined from the icraulas:

with L.17

with 7< d_ <13;

S,-(Z82 ,.6)d,

where s, and sz - transverse and lcngitudinal pitches of tubes of the

bundle, m.

For the banks of fin tubes obtained frcs these formulas value s

should be multiplied by 0.4.

During the calculatica of the superbeater, in frcnt of c within

which is arranged/locatod the gas volume, and also the heating
surface, which is located beycnd the rotary chamber/camera, the
efficient thickness of xadiation layer is determined from the formula

DOC - 80041109 FAGI U&

s - the efficient ttickness o the layer, calculated acccrding

to the given above formulas, a;

iA and ' - depth of the strictly designed bundle and gas volume,


A - coefficient, taken tc the equal to 0.5 during the

calculaticn of superheater and 4.2 during the calculaticn of the

surface, situated after the zctary chamber/camera.

Total absorption strength ct the dusty flcw is determined frc.

the formula
hjps - (k,r. +h. i,)p,,

k, - the coefficient c± weakening ray/beau by triatomic gases,

determined on ncuograu IX;

k. - coefficient of weakening ray/beau in the vclume, filled with

the specks of ash, determined in ncuogran X.

Radiation heat-transfer coefficient °A is determined on

nomogram XI.

DOC 80041109 PA GE

Ehe determination of the temperature of the ccntaeinated wall. BY


Boiler bundles and superheaters

.f I aB Q

Q- the heat absorption of the surface of heating, kcal/kg;

Permitted (accordinS to calculation ti) of the deviation of

preliminarily taken value C:

for the superheaters .,. X15c/o;

for the developed boilex bundles ... ±30c/o;

for the scallops ... ±5.Cc/o.


For first (on the ccurse of water) stage cf economizer and

single-stage economizer bith 6'4 400t
is - i + 2,5C.

For the single-stage economizer with 01>4000C and the second

step/stage of two-stage, and aiso transient zone of single-pass
DOC - 800411109 Pia i

toiler, with any chamber of the ccobusticn cf solid and liquid

propellants and igniticc method of the wcod
18 -1£+ foC.

for the same surfaces with layer of coubusticc of all

fuels/propellants, except wood, and with the coetustion of the gas

DOC = 800141109 IaGE &50

The determination of the temperature head. SM 7-07.

For the cases of "ccuntexcurrentw or the '"direct flow", and also

for any connections with the temperature constancy cf one of the

media, the temperature head

aid - at,

2.3 Ig

us- a difference in temperazures of both media in that and cf the

surface of heating where it is greater than it, - difference in the

temperatures at other end, QC.

At constant temperature of the heating medium

I' .C.
3.31g -Fm


. 7
+ a
M- ---- 2 " -


For the diagrams %ith tte the consecutive and in parallel-mixed,

and also crosscurrents

- the calculated acccraing to the prescrited/assigned final

temperatures average/mean temperature head with the countercurrent, .

Coefficient is aetermired in accordance mith the given below

DOC = 80041109 EAGR I

Diagrams with a consecutive-mixed current tc romcgram XIII.

Ir e

(2)flo Hedu mompjj * X.Cxcv c tapaA-

9 OAgQ-
SpIMAf B XIV" swpalilch nmudpfa.

(4pli.1614a a IMPUAaUIemcX.

Key: (1). Diagram. (2). Ca oversight in "diaqram bith in

parallel-mixed current tc ncacgcam XIV" sliped in error. (3) . Correct
diagram applies.

Diagrams with an in parallel-mixed current tc ncmcgram XIV.

#" t' 10
. 'C

2 ola Mnito~oxo*o 3 xona 2ra. 3 moas ndH~~O o xnMorxu2

CPOAMI *POTusa* V AOBOA CPcnub: Aoson cpeaw: Aosol epei~m. o6a Aov61 craw o64
IuPSMoToquMi 2 npxmo. m I npo. I npuumo- n 2 apo. nPOTHBotoq~ae nPlIMoTO'Ie
TH80TOqUAaf ynBTOINoyqw
(Vopu*~31 (WpUS. 2) (atpasa 4) (IapHMa.5 (%Pon*I I)

Key: (1). the course ot the muiiass medium: 1 anti- and 1

direct-flow/ramiet (curve 3). 12). course of rultipass medium: 2
straight/direct and 1 ccunterc'urrent (curve 2). (3). course cf

muitipass medium, both ccuntercucrent (curve 5

1 I

DOC 80041109 FAGE

fagras with crosscurrent tc ncaogran X1.

t t t' t

t '

OAoxoAaooA TrLJAo- tlyxxoomoA Tenao- TpexxoAoBoA qcTwpexxoAomoA

e o6ueuu o6wenK TenJIo6gesnR TenAoomeHnu
(KpUlea 1) (Kpunav 2) (upNU .1) (,(puR.., 4)

Note. rf with crosscurrent the general/ccumon/total mutual flew

direction not countercuzrent, but direct-flo/,raujet, calculation at

are conducted according to fcxmula (7-77).

Key: (1). Single-pass heat exchanger (curve 1). (2). Two-pass heat
exchanger (curve 2). (3), Tbree-pass heat exckanger (curve 3). (14).

Fourway heat exchanger (curve 4).

Page 204.

For the use of nomcgram III are calculated the dimensicnless


,4-j-;P m F±
- ; R= !
, and rz - the fuil/total/ccmplete ten~erature differentials,
detersined according tc dia-rau, GC;

, --- ~~~.*...........................",.
,, , . i..
IvDOC 800L41109 FAG E ara-

H. and H - surface of beatiny direct-flow/ramjet section and

full/total/complete, m2.

For the use of noamcgrams XIV and XV are calculated two

dimensionless parameters:

Pm R-

t6- a full/total/comulete temEerature differential of that medium

where this drcp/jump is greater than the temperature differential cf

second medium .. OC.

For any compound circuit cf inclusicn/ccnnecticn, different from

those indicated, the teaeratuxe head car be designed from the
at - -

if is satisfied the condition

at., and , - the calculated according tc the prescribed/assigned

final temperatures average/mean temperature heads for the cases of

straight line and the ccuntercurrest, by CC.

with the nonperformance cf the conditicr indicated the

DOC =800241109 fSAG! ,r

temperature head for the ccapound circuits, different from thcse

examined, is designed fzc. tke indications p. 7-67.

Conditional temperature of water, necessary for determining of

the temperature head and mean temperature of water in the
countercurrent "boiling" economizers with the steam content of the
cutgoing of them steam-tater mixtuxe %43Co/c

Iv-,'uagm+ C,

i' and i... - the entbalpy ot steam-water mixture at the

cutput/yield from the eccncsizez and the boiling water at a pressure

in the drum, kcal/kg.

Calculation according to t,,. to admissitly conduct vhen

differences in the temneratures of gases and rater for the "ccld" end
of the economizer or its separately designed Etep/stage not are less
than indicated in the takle.

'namse a.. ,ae p. an .4 1

TeMnepaTyps som npm a paccqnl"Tmae.

( yIQc~yneab mmoouansepa ... ....... >0 100--139 140+179 ;180

Hamieuwan p@,uocr, yeMnepaTyp ..... . 100 150 I10 ,80

Key: (1). Pressure in tciler p, atm(abs.). (2). Temperature cf water

upcn entrance into desigred step/stage of eccrcuizer. (3). Smallest
difference in temperattres.
DOC =800'41109 T16

Superheaters or their separately designed steps/stages with the

high initial humidity cf steam (1-x) are designed ncroally according
to the final temperatures bhen is satisfied the condition

r - heat of vaporizati.on, kcai/kg;

'~and -enthalpy c± overbeatfid and wet steam, kcal/kg.

with the nonperfornance ct this conditict the superheaters are

I designed in accordance bitU the incicaticns p. 7-70.
k-- Calculation ofh-ttase in there o-.rr

N- V1 y
IN:- I'l _._I_

720 140 50
ti~e~'et~tJ. b 171

Coefficipnt of heat output- by-convrectiori with- Nomogram 11
crossf'low around unstnovered ulain tube clusters
k,,al/m 2 hour degree w,,vC2 C ~kcal/m2 hour degree

1 ...

8Z .3 5 7 / 2 /3 /T1 i-05 / 7 i

I010 W 120TIdT'00 60 O10 0

tepeatr ofgaes.
veloc~~~~IA 1,r/
ofgss at

Key:~ a)d~a~ete 1, m: (i47~

TZ._ _ __ _

Coefficient of heat convection __with 'Nomogram III

qossfflow around staggered pJlain-tube clusters I______
2 degree
sm hour deg. x'AOY m2hu

S0 0 2 00 20406~ 0 0020/0 60
2 4 5 7 8 9 0 i ? 3 14 15 16 /7 1

veoiy85gss(ir ,r/

8e: ()tbedaee
0 , m b
Coefficient of heat output with longitudinal flo-w for N\omogram IV
air and flue gases (p~age 1

kcal/m 2 hour degree

48 I III 12
I. Is 1I

Veoiyo gsS(i) ,r/

eaTaln (I Iiritr'
I Coefficient of heat output-with longitudi.nal rio w 1 Nomogram IV
for air and flue gases ICpage 2)


~ 304~
U ~20ow tmprtr
0aO o0 eprauet

DuI colnTffu ae r i
I ~ c.,.
Tclm hIrdeTe
DuIn hetn ofai

(a 0
10y X'al
Coefficient of heat output with longitudinal crossrow for sunerheated steam. o10mor-a-

II I 1
1.2* .

O0 A.' Z) 9~7I1' )0 60
SIi~IC~ 00400J0 ZO /0 / 20.1 0 0 5 00 25~i '7 20'A0 SO26

~~ ,:~ub stEWertue , diaete e&an

Coefficient of heat output with longitudinal flow
for nonbolling water
Nomogram V1

kcal/M2 hour degree

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1, 11 11 1 11 111 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 11 1 11 i Z I in L111AAA -L
I I I I I I I I I I I I i t i f I T I I T T I I I I

T1 1 1 1 TA I
-1 T r I If T 1 1J
P11 ZI V- Z-1 I

T f I i I I I f :1
Ff , JFI Z , z1f
I I I I I f: V"o

13 if I 1 11111, 1, J I -I "' -
attij Ot cc, kcal/m2 hr de@r-t-
A '0 A jFI z

z Z f it
fill] 11 111 li, i li'l 71 if I -H 11111 .11' Z ff A
: I ' I ' i I I Y1 x ill A Zt
I!'! Tf I i -H- -H j, q

.....- - i I j" A Z 11 A J.
jrzlr on '.f
1T jr

I IT i r 'r Zel
IV 11iPrAA I /I I Ir 1 1 11 /if T
I I T i I I I I 11 .1, 1
if T !1 1 1 1 11-1
Y y7jr 11 ilf,

i f I I I I if

40 1 1 1 if I I T I A

45 A I I fl I A I'A
VT )1 ff f VA f I ,
ri 7: IF I

I F. A r.P A

'A f
r ,I it

I I .A ji

A I z i ri 7
1 Z, Y",
dn Y, o
J1 4- VT ;0", 1 1 T I
.1 Irv! Ill 'A PIT
I WO .11; AonI., fit ;a Z.0 -912 1014# 2,8-
f lilli !A I r,;f"If If,
PF I', jT/*.P1-.f.1' 1 1,4
40 iiiiLlIf-jr, F Jl I. .1ff ;or A
...... , ",JU
I'l LA
LZ;A ----------
ZIA 1'f Z Z ........
AULPI ---- ---
F i wriiiiii
r r

40 IT TI

TI III i I 1 0"0' 100-150- 200 250 300

me an water temperature t,00.

.5 08 0,7 0,8 0,Y 1,0 1,2 1,3

.water velocity w, m/s

Key: (a) ecuivalent diameter

2-efricient of heat output for finned 'MgmVT
air oreheaters nt Re <~ .moarn0T

kcal/rn2 hour de~'ree

-4~ +-V'
~s q -


M9- -

427 .-. ~~

-. ~104~e~r (

I . 4 S 1 7 0 g to if 12 Ij 14 Ij is 17
velocity of gases (air) j, rn/s
The broken lines serve for checkina the applicability of a
nomromram. ir the oint of int-ersp, 'ion or ' ho ,rploc!"V .4nd
temperature line3 ilez rb0ve the brok',.n line which t'-oresertb
the corresponiipl eap width the v alue or a is deterrmined by

Key: (a) gap width, mmn; (b) flow temperature; (a) air
Coefficient o-f heat output for regenerative
Nomogram VITI
air preheaters at Re 5200
kcal/r2 ho r degree
70 11 1 r YYI.F
T I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I T


. 1 ' ' I TT IT1..

v I T I
60 A
Fill I

I i T1 1 f IA I I I IT I

A I I1 11


48 T17 1 1 IT

44 1,111 1 ;,q I J,I I jl I I FITI e. I e 1111

I - I -I 1 11 r II I - T- T- 11
I A I I I f A I IA A

T I I I T 11 1 IT


38 ,;ITT
T I Y' T 1. 1
IP - -
1 11 1 1 IT 'IT I I
- .11'
, A I 1A ;I 1A
T I, . I - - I . I, :_
38 T F j IT I T- I ": - . " T.
IF, T :. , F,
IT 1 11 11 1 1, 11T

I 'A 'IT IT 1 11
38. 11 1 1, ATI 1 1 ; I 'A T
I I TI 1 11 IA . I I I A 1 "1 1 1 1
i I I I 'A
I I A i 1.
30 1 1 T'I II I I 1 1. TA : 'IT !I - FT I TI I I I I T T III
T i T i I IA 1 11 '1 1 1111 1 1 1 1T l I I I I I I I
1 1. 1 A T I T I.

47 1121 :1 111; 1 1 A, 'Al l I', I j

1. 1A 14 U 4 q M

21. 11:1H I Hii A 'I IT

velocitv of gases (alvr) w, m/s
TT 11 1

I I I I I T 11 1f I I I I I i I I I I I

'A I
I 1, 0.20


ad0 100 200 JOO 4 00 500 SOP

R 7 d flow temDerature 0,

Key: (a) kcal/m2 hour deizree; (b flow IeTn.r)er*atur--

CI air
Cofint of ray attenuation by triatomic mases J"c.-ra~m 7x

I Ite


'2+ ~"30

79 . 1.0 4..# Ze 1.j 1.E0 aal 0.7 6 0,S 9.~4 0.20 0.1 az ,vz
* rfraction of' water
Ke: a) matm. varor by ,,olu--?
Coefficient of ray attenuation in a space filled
with ash dust
INomogram X

0,0 0

0,814 - X-


M 0 MW WW005M 30AM ia

temperature of-.gases t7,2C

1 b irning coal g~cund .in rotary-bali

-wherr pulverizers;
2-when tur'ning! coal zrouhd in medium- and hiogh-sted
3-when burning coal and shale in air-swept direct-
fired pulverizers;
4 burning shredded peat in air-swept
-when dfrect-
fired pulverizer stokers.
Coefficient of heat output by radiation Nomogram XI
I (nage 1)
kcaj/m2 hour dteizree



46o TiT0 T0 100 /T0 /~O

~~- ~ Ta1enea~r 7 ie
Coefficient of heat output by radiation NooamX
(pave 2)

For dusty flow a,zrHa kcal/m2 hour- degree

For clean flow e~,skcal/m 2 hour-degree

f0, IT2 T, 1. 0T5 0. . 8 10 1, , . . 20 25 ie

1 sue r= 1Tt
ire-s fac tor -in.1
[It.rt !It 1 71 tiorr-

Dirti.ness a
o':t~ e a ters .. hen burnirg solid
:-ti!: - ess fac
Ca .1 hour degree.'kca. for star,-red clusters
rn hour d' '"


velocity at gases v, rn/s

rom2 hour degree/kca. for unstaizgered iusters
,n2 -hour dezree/'ac-J

1 I i I2.0F

22 7 4S1
7 30 40 JO M3 1 0,2 if
1 g

ve 1 1tv ofases W, 1/
Allowing ror ils
Ezonomizer fi~rs, s-.vCs anc, sin~gle- ta~e Allowinx for
economizers* wlth,.', 4000-:..................
Economizer secand stages and single- Ca n
staze economl:ers withi'#> 4001C, boiler Coale .nd .
clusters and transition zones at once-shl..10
thr-agh boilers*..........................0.0C2 Peat . ... 1.7
0When turning anthr'.aita duFat th .'11u, :,f for c
inz surfaces located behn h ai ~eha~ n-'s.
Dirtiness factor and utilization factor Nomogram X11
(page 2'

Unwound boiler clusters of low-power boil-

ers ...... ................................ 0
Steam suoerheaters ....................... 0.002

Di*rtying factors when burning liquid, gaseous and wood

Fuel Dirtiness factor E .2 hr dez/kcal
Boiler Steam Plgin- Cast ir-
use eco- on econ-
clusters suoer- nomizers
heaters omizers
Fuel oil .................... 0.015 0.015 0.020 0.025
Natural gas ................. 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.010
Wood fuel ..................... 0.010 0.008 0.012 0.020
Blast furnace gas and coke gas 0.002 0.003 ].002 0.0C4
Data applies to flue gas velocities of not over 15 m/s.
When burning a mixture of fuels the dirtiness factor of the
more dirtying fuel is used.

3. Dirtiness factor e m 2 hour dezree/kcal for tube clusters

with transverse ribs when bur'M solid fuel.

m2 hour dezree/k. i

'5 i1 3F tJ 4 11

velocity of gases w, m/s

L. Utilization factor

(b) miawma.

Fuel 'I e Ot"SP

3 M .. .
piy"O r43
rnpuponllildl ?1.......7.................
i . . . . . . . . 0,0

Key: (a)- aragraph no.; (b) air preheater; (c) tube-type;

(d plate-type. (e) cast iron rib-type; (f) finned economizer-
,) all fuels except those in paragraphs 2 and 3, (h) fue7
oil; (i) natural as and firewood.
Thermal head with series-combined current Nomozram XIIT


0-- to"

I -
AS .92s4S, AN8 4,. 4o 42 44 4o, 8 1 ,1 ,6 40
44 ZO g2la

A- heating surface of section with direct flow

total heating surface


1. The nomoiram is inapplicable for systems with series-

combined current which differ from those shown in RN 7-07.
2. Do not extrapolnte the nomogram. If when using it for
a specIfic case it is necessary in some area to zo beyond
the limits of the lines represented, the calculation of At
should be done part by part.
Thermal head with parallel combined current N>omogram XIV

O~02 ,5 0,4 A,5 a's

Hil I5II,,
I,1~~ 111 o4

Iuv I pAse
Itwo ifof H
a u1tipas meim one11 counter- and
one i direct-flow.I
L1 1,1 NNI - II H11
CurvexiP/thre paseIII of a mlipa
-1 medium twMr ~u
andil one is dAMbIrect-flow.1*MkillHH
Cuv I I bot 1ut1as
pase of a VImeiu are counter-flow.11

z 1A, A U.'
Thermal head with cross current N~omogram XV

47 0.8 As3 1.141 042 03 0,7 4 04 #Is 47 48,

I0.7 1 0. A
I I/ 2 0I
0I 4IT 01
111 1
Curve crossing

2-twps crossing
Curve i
Cuv 3 the-ps crossingIU

Curve Hilfurpsscrssn
Coefficient of heat transfer of cast iron ribbed
VTI and TsKKB water economizers* I A~omogram XVI

VTI - All Union Institute of Heat Engineering it. F. E.

TsKKB - Central Boiler Design Office

VTI economizer TsKKB economizer

~u . .ju
.500pit as.()...............0.088
C ra0omol C,)"
m~ecen0lja .ozUrig* cTop0.(,,)M .. . . 2.18
j 0.52

h-c. kcal/m2 hour degree

kcal/m2 hour degree

- - -I K

17 1 I I TI I L 1

* ]I I:t.I

-- :---------

147/0 200 300 400 500 500 70

F ItI1 gas temperature 0.6C

3 4 5 5 7 8 6
8 /a0 1
velocity of gases w, m/s

.:,te: When burning fuel oil the coefficient of heat transfer of

cast iron r!.bbed economizers is decreased by 257.
Key: (a) Characteristics of one tube: (b) unit of measure; (c) VTI
economizer: (d) TsKKB economizer: (e) Length; (f) heating
surface on the gas side; (g) cross section for passage of
Derived coefficients of-heat output on the gas
side of cast iron ribbed and serrated-rib air tNomolzram XVII

(L)Pg2cms4- , cPum.Aaam, 7?15

Value name Psau"pasT6 b'YPN*-Y68' *iCE-

610 240 1100 2410 2
AA("SAm)*p~ s
gA"OP6 1PY61A ~o..................................
uGACO PO ........ :: ;$ (n)
soywe rnpu.............IQsaa 2.17 .12 2.46 32
.,.0.rp" 00104 023 0,210
)ea" tohi R.M 2AVS M1 ...................... ' .016 OA
0.1 0.011 0.012
(N) ~RVW-A .au4 me
-Cma~Yw . .......
. .. . . . . . . . . .
7304 in I0

kcal1/m 2 hour degree

(a-n--fmau-:---ibd~be()srrtdrb ue

Cs)~almteueatr ges
I Derived coefficients of' heat output on the air
side of cast iron ribbed and serrated-rib air
KNmogramn XVIII

a) ribbed air preheater

kcal/n 2 hour degree

657 85 10/ 13 -14 /S51517 18
velocity of' air w, rn/s

rnerrated-rib air preheater
50 l/ hour deg-rEe

84 0 i 2 31 5/ 71
veoIt of I ,II rn/sI 1

Key:it air oa) wenera/i

I ribbed plate-type. air preheater of Kusinskiy Zavod 1~orogram XIX
Plate properties
Heating surface on gas side H-A~
Heating surface on air side *,'
Cross section on gas side
Cross section on air sideI*.O7 4 .
h- ~kcal/m 2 hou r degree

kcal/n 2 hour degree

*~ ... . IIc. .i
I I3

velocity of gases (air) W, rn/s

afto CV~, kcal/n 2 hour degree

zoo NO
.0 400 5M0
temperature, as'
Key: (a) on air side: (b) on gas, (c) flue gases:
(d) air.
I, -fflf-int of heat nitpi of staggered clusters of f'inned tubes ~ mor XX

b ;.., __c.1r-ee Cc*L I f.qWT

1 1, Iva *rnvrs ~ S ~ 17 w01ater

lineinr mm

IM.'~* .A4 tA
Cefficient or rtb rtficit-rcy ra XX

(C) vjb)Af A'eAmej


41 --

Key: (a) ribi wl-h ztr-,i*ht base, 1b) -caucre ribs with cyl-
tndr±cal base; Cc) circular ribs with cylindrical base.
C$?f1:!1nt of' heat cll-rUt if' urnst',rr-red Clusters of' 'ubpS with transverser- -'~omograu XXII

7cr x-es 4 ircul ar ribb ce.-Ca k I' ho,.r iewrt-e -5

7, 1Vf
'j#~ I

r, r oI

ZC et~tu fsaee e wt rn~r ~- ''o-XI


r' im ordge t3
4jLSCool/& t ''


:h 4 f~jr
IF78SI 1 21 4I
a I'm ve lociy
o f gses w, -,Is

V. iau~l
fsacrdJser ftbswt
rnirert xi
Coefficient of heat output with steam condensationNogrmXV
in a cluster of horizontal tubes :oormXI


ZO, 1,5Is ,4 1,2 /,0 0810 a. 50 7S /00 200 3,00 40 o9

AV C&I-' 0
2 .hour-dez.-ee

8 1 4 0 /T22 4 0 5 /010
k~/m hu dgre e~eatr dffrec btwe
-id4al stea
(ata+oe+par;()semmvs onad c ta
+ rsueram;('~tb imtrd m
Coefficient of heat output with steam condensat.ion INmga X
moving along a vertical tube

al/m2 hour degree"


OI 1 i


IT 7 1r1 1 ~~i
0~~~~~~~~ II I
01 A4I 82 0zO5 07 08 0
velocity~ If
Tey a Itpr ss r
1a st j, . Iat
Ib .

T Ii
Coefficient of heat output with longitudinal flowNogrmXV
for boilirg water oormXV

kcal/m 2 hour degree


183 f0 3~23~ 5 ctrgaIO20

0 40 5 0 0

ey (A)sempesr ,am; b)tm

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