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SOP for testing of Pickling tank parameter

1. Take the 250ml sample from each pickling tank of galvanizing plant.
2. Check the specific gravity of degreasing tank with the help of hydrometer. Hydrometer
dip in the solution of degreasing the Specific gravity of degreasing tank should be in b/w
1.09-1.25 .
3. Check the acid content and iron content of pickling tank by titration (see annexure “A”).
Acid content and iron content of pickling acid should be in b/w 180-40 grams/litre and
120 grams/litre(max) respectively (see annexure “A”)
4. Check the Ph value of rinsing water, pre flux and passivation solution. Ph value of rinsing
water should not be less than 3. Ph value of pre flux and passivation tank should not be
less than 4 and not more than 5 respectively
5. Check the temperature of Zink bath by thermo-couple. Temperature of zinc bath should
be in b/w 445 to 455 degree centigrade
6. Measure the temp. Of quenching tank and passivation tank also. Temperature of
quenching tank and passivation tank should not be more than 65 and 40 degree
centigrade respectively
7. Record all details and make a daily process parameter report (see annexure “B”)
8. For titration follow IS 2629 (see annexure “C”)
Annexure “A”


1. Take a 25ml of pickle liquor into 250ml measuring cylinder

2. Make it up to 250ml by adding distilled water by adding distilled water mix
3. Pipette out 25ml of this solution in a 250ml conical flask
4. In this solution Add a few drops of methyl orange indicator
5. Titrate this solution with the standard sodium carbonate solution to yellow end

Mass of HCL acid in g/l= (AxBX36.5)/2.5

Mass of sulphuric acid in g/l= (AxBx49)/2.5


A=volume in ml of the standard sodium carbonate solution required

B=normality of standard sodium carbonate solution

Annexure “B”
Annexure “C”

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