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1. Rahel
2. Umil
3. Clara
4. Julfia
5. Meilina
6. Syawal
7. Dafall
8. M. Adji
An explanation text is text that explain how or why things happen.
usually by describing the processes that lead to the formation of
natural, social, scientific, and cultural phenomena. It’s often found in
science, geography and history books.
1. Sequential Explanation Text
This text explains a process based on sequence and time.
Contoh: How a rainbow forms.
(Bagaimana pelangi terbentuk.)

2. Cause and Effect Explanation Text

This text explains the causes and effects of phenomena.
Contoh: Why people feel sleepy after a meal.
(Mengapa seseorang merasa ngantuk setelah makan.)
Provides an introduction to the topic such as an
explanation of general information.

a statement that explains how or why something

Contains a closing paragraph or sentence that combines
the general statement and previous explanation.
Rainbows are one of nature's most enchanting optical phenomena, appearing as colorful arcs across the sky after a rain shower. Understanding how
rainbows form involves the interaction of sunlight and raindrops.

General Statement:
Rainbows are a meteorological wonder created by the dispersion, reflection, and refraction of sunlight within raindrops. To grasp this beautiful
spectacle, we need to look closely at the process it entails.

Sequence of Explanation:
1. Sunlight Dispersion:
It all begins with sunlight, which is a mixture of different colors, each with a unique wavelength. When sunlight enters a raindrop, it slows down and
bends, a phenomenon known as refraction. The amount by which it bends depends on the wavelength of the light, causing the different colors to spread
out or disperse. This separation of colors is essential for creating a rainbow.
2. Internal Reflection:
Inside the raindrop, the light continues to refract and undergoes internal reflection off the inner surface of the water droplet. This reflection causes
the light to change direction once more and head back toward the other side of the raindrop.
3. Exit and Refraction:
When the light exits the raindrop, it refracts again. This bending of light as it exits the droplet causes the colors to spread out further. The different
colors are now arranged in a circular pattern, with red on the outer edge and violet on the inner edge.
4. Formation of the Rainbow:
Finally, the separated colors exit the raindrop and form the iconic semicircular shape that we recognize as a rainbow. The sunlight has been dispersed,
reflected, and refracted within the raindrop, resulting in the beautiful spectrum of colors we see in the sky.

In conclusion, a rainbow is a stunning meteorological phenomenon that occurs due to the intricate interplay of sunlight and raindrops. The dispersion,
reflection, and refraction of sunlight within these raindrops combine to create the vivid and captivating colors that grace our skies after a rain shower.
Understanding the science behind rainbows adds to the appreciation of their natural beauty.
language features
1. passive voice is used to
show interest in the person example:
or object that experiences 1. The house was built in
an action rather than the 1654. (= kita tertarik dengan
person or object that rumahnya, bukan siapa yang
performs the action. In other membangunnya.)
words, the most important 2. The road is being repaired.
thing or person becomes the (= kita tertarik dengan
subject of the sentence. jalannya, bukan siapa yang
melakukan perbaikan.
2. Sometimes we use the passive voice because we don't know or do not
want to express who performed the action.
I noticed that a window had been left open.
All the cookies have been eaten.

3. The passive voice is often used in formal texts. Switching to the active
voice will make your writing clearer and easier to read.
Passive: The car was repaired by my father.
Active: My father repair the car.

4. If we want to say who or what is doing an action in a passive sentence,

we use the preposition by.
The movie ET was directed by Spielberg.
This house was built by my father.
Thank you

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