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Q2: Solve the following passage by highlighting the incorrect phrase and
mentioning the correct phrase in the next column.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Paper were first made by the Egyptians _______ ________
From the plant names papyrus. For _______ ________
the long time, papyrus was used extensively _______ ________
as writing material before a Chinese _______ ________
perfected the processes. Demand of paper _______ ________
growing with the advent of books worldwide. _______ ________

Q3: Find the incorrect phrases in this paragraph and put them in the columns:

Passage Incorrect Correct

Children are fond to mango. It is a _______ ________
juicy or citrous fruit, available in _______ ________
much varieties. Mangoes grow on a _______ ________
tree over tropical and temperate climate. _______ ________
One of the best place to have good mangoes _______ ________
was Andhra Pradesh, India _______ ________

Q4: Locate the incorrect words in the following paragraph and add them to the
columns with correct words.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Ones there was a King who _______ ________
Thought only to himself. _______ ________
He only talked about her own charms _______ ________
and conquests in a court all day. _______ ________
He wants people to believe his tales _______ ________
and talk about his great to everyone. _______ ________
Q5: Solve the incorrect words in the following passage.

Passage Incorrect Correct

I had to went out despite the _______ ________
Heavy rain outside to got some medicine. _______ ________
Although the symptoms was not as _______ ________
Pronounced as they were at the morning, _______ ________
the doctor had instructs me to _______ ________
be regular with mine dosage. _______ ________

Q6: Find the incorrect words and their corrections and add them to the
corresponding columns.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Commonwealth golds medalist Heena Kumari _______ ________
used to watch her uncle repairs all kinds _______ ________
Of guns in her neighbourhood and development _______ ________
a fancy for it. When she picks up shooting _______ ________
In 2006, her family did not thinks that she could _______ ________
Represent the country or win the medal, but she _______ ________
proven everyone wrong with her skills. _______ ________

Q7: Find the incorrect words in the passage and correct them

Passage Incorrect Correct

It is true that a natural disaster was a natural process _________ _________
and we cannot stop it, but through making certain preparations, _________ _________
we can reduce the magnitude of the loss to life or property. _________ _________
First of all, we would reduce global warming which is the _________ _________
root cause from all the problems. We should _________ _________
also have insurance policies such that we have _________ _________
sufficient money to rebuilt our lives after any such disaster. _________ _________

Q8: Solve the incorrect words in the following passage.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Although Martin Luther is considered to being an icon _________ _________
for racial equal, his work exceeds far beyond that. _________ _________
As a pastor, he worked to human betterment, irrespective _________ _________
of colour or creed. He believed in a word of the lord _________ _________
and implemented his virtues like kindness on his daily activities. _________ _________
Q9: Find the wrong words in the passage and correct them.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Electricity is express by the amount of charge _________ _________
flowing through the particular area in unit time. Electricity _________ _________
is a necessity to modern civilization. It have invaded our _________ _________
lives or has become vital to many aspects of our society. _________ _________
It is a medium for the transmission to signals in computers, _________ _________
cell phones etc. In industries, manufacturing rely on electricity _________ _________
for drive virtually all moving parts. _________ _________

Q10: Identify mistakes in the passage and correct them.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Discipline is a structural and fundamental unit _________ _________
of a success person. It is essential for us at home, _________ _________
for soldiers on the battlefield, for students at school, for _________ _________
players in the playground. A team of experience players _________ _________
can also lose a match because to indiscipline in the team. _________ _________
Every tough battle can be win by a disciplined army. _________ _________

Q11: Locate errors in the passage and rectify them.

Passage Incorrect Correct

Books help us knew more about our civilization. _________ _________
Through books, we come in contact to great scholars, _________ _________
poets and philosophers. Book never misguide us. _________ _________
They help us in building their character. By reading _________ _________
books, our knowledge is elevated. If us are _________ _________
on a long journey, books gave us good company. _________ _________
Everyone, therefore, should develop the habit to reading books. _________ _________
Best English Grammar Books!

Incorrect Correct
Were Was
Names Named
The A
A The
processes Process
Growing Grew

Incorrect Correct
To Of
Or And
The A
Much Many
Over In
Place Places
Was Is

Incorrect Correct
Ones Once
To About
Her His
A The
Wants Wanted
Great Greatness

Incorrect Correct
Went Go
Got Get
Was Were
At In
Instructs Instructed
Mine My

Incorrect Correct
Golds Gold
Repairs Repair
Development Developed
Picks Picked
Thinks Think
The A
Proven Proved

Incorrect Correct
was is
through by
or and
would should
from of
such so
rebuilt rebuild

Incorrect Correct
being be
equal equality
to for
a the
on in

Incorrect Correct
express expressed
the a
have has
or and
to of
rely relies
For to

Incorrect Correct
A The
success successful
at in
experience experienced
because due
win won

Incorrect Correct
knew know
to with
book books
their our
us we
gave give
to of

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