Topics For Speaking

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1. Describe the process of finding a job and give some useful advice.

Job hunting (or job searching, job seeking) is the process of trying to get
employed. Firstly, you must get to know what you have and what you need.

After spending time on yourself, let’s do some researches on your career. It is

better to identify what kind of job you want before preparing yourself to apply for

You should consider these things:

- Researching career type: What kind of job do you want? A job related to
training? Finance? Writing? ...

- Researching industries: You must understand the industry that you want
to work in. How it works? How you can be involved in? What types of jobs it
offers? What it is like to work in the industry?

- Researching locations: Where do you want to work? Can you take a job
away from home? Do you intend to move to a new place?

- Understanding career requirements: You should have a list of experience,

skills, knowledge required. What you need to improve? What you need to learn?

Step 3: Finding an employer

After getting to know clearly about the type of job you want, you need to find an
employer that offers that job. So, what are the best methods to find the right

Here are some advice that you can use:

- Using your network: Ask a friend, a family member or use your business
network to find job openings that match your skills and needs. Many jobs are
found through networking.

- Looking through employment website

- Using newspapers: Some employers still post their open positions on

traditional newspapers.

- Research the company’s website to see if they have the job you want.

2. Factors which make up job satisfaction

The top 10 factors are:

1. Appreciation for your work
2. Good relationships with colleagues
3. Good work-life balance
4. Good relationships with superiors
5. Company's financial stability
6. Learning and career development
7. Job security
8. Attractive fixed salary
9. Interesting job content
10.Company values

3. CV and Cover Letter. The essence of these documents.

A CV (Curriculum Vitæ, which means course of life in Latin) is an in-depth

document that can be laid out over two or more pages and it contains a high level
of detail about your achievements, a great deal more than just a career biography.
The CV covers your education as well as any other accomplishments like
publications, awards, honours etc.
The document tends to be organised chronologically and should make it easy to get
an overview of an individual’s full working career. A CV is static and doesn’t
change for different positions, the difference would be in the cover letter.
Cover Letter
● General Rules
• Your CV should always be accompanied by a covering letter.
• The cover letter “covers” your resume and is an additional opportunity to sell
• DON’T merely repeat what is on the resume.
• You should use your cover letter to tailor your experience to the position or
organisation to which you are applying.
• Make verbs work for you. Your best friends are active verbs and your worst
enemies are passive verbs.
• Realize that the employer may view this letter as a writing sample, so your
grammar, spelling, punctuation and style must be perfect!

● A cover letter should:

• Highlight particular points in your CV that give evidence of your suitability for
the position.
• Demonstrate your interest in and knowledge of the company.
• Be no longer than one side of A4 or electronic equivalent.

4. Possible professions for a philological graduate. Give your attitude to

each of them.
 English as a foreign language teacher
 Primary school teacher
 Publishing copy-editor/proofreader
 Speech and language therapist
 Teaching assistant
 Digital copywriter
 Public librarian
 Social researcher
 Translator

5. Types of job interviews. Possible tricky questions and ways to disentangle

oneself. Behavioural Interviews. Behaviour-based interviewing (BBI) is used to
assess how you have handled specific employment related situations in your
previous job which will help them evaluate your future performance. The
difference between a behaviour-based interview and a traditional job interview is
that you are asked to describe, in detail, how you have dealt with a certain
situation in the past that is similar to the ones you will be encountering in the role
you are interviewing for. Case Interviews. During a case interview you will be
given a situation and asked how you would manage that specific situation and/or
solve a business problem. Stress Interviews. A stress interview, as the name
indicates, is used to assess how you respond to stress and under extreme
pressure. In contrast to other interview types where hiring managers will make an
effort to make you feel at ease, this is not the case during a stress interview.
During this type of interview hiring managers will be trying to gauge how well (or
badly) you would handle certain stressful situations at work. The key to handling
this type of interview is to remain calm. While it can be challenging to remain
calm during this type of job interview as it feels like the interviewer is personally
out to get you, there are a number of techniques that you can use to ace a stress
interview, such as clarifying the question, requesting more details or telling a
story that makes your point. Group Interviews. As the name indicates, this type
of job interview means multiple candidates are being interviewed at the same
time and is often used if the company is hiring for more than one position. Video
& Remote Interviews. Video and remote interviews, when the applicant and
interviewer are separated by distance, have become much more common. Video
interviews can either be with the hiring manager or a recruiter and they can be
either in person or ‘on demand’. On demand means you will record your
responses to a number of interview questions for the hiring manager to review.

6. Strategies to keep your job

7. English as a global language. Pros and cons.

English is the language of the modern world. All people around the world know
the importance of the English language in our life, because we need it in our work
and sometimes when we meet other people from other cultures, maybe they are not
from Britain or America but we almost think they are talking English. That doesn't
mean our language isn't important. Sure all people love their language, but the first
language now used as a global language in the world is English agree or disagree.
Talking about advantages of studying English is that your career prospects and
employment opportunities can vastly increase. People who can speak English
fluently (possibly together with a first language) are highly sought after by
companies of many types, including international companies. English Unites the
World: Having a universal language brings everyone together. We can understand
people and this allows us to move in the same direction. A good example is the
partnerships we see between companies in different countries. The result is people
get great products and services. Sometimes, it makes things less expensive for
everyone due to cheaper raw materials. Also, it eases communication. People can
overcome language barriers by speaking English. This means they can travel,
work, and interact with other cultures. It Allows People to Engage and Share in
Art and Science. Using English as a universal language allows cultures to share
the arts and sciences. People watch movies and TV shows from different nations.
Others share scientific ideas that lead to great breakthroughs. It Is Simple to
Learn. English is easy to learn due to the lack of complicated symbols used in
other languages. Also, it doesn’t have strange characters, which change the
Here is the negative side of English: It Affects Local Languages: The more
people speak English, the less they speak their own languages. This leads to the
loss of these languages. Sometimes it’s difficult to Pronounce: Pronouncing
English words can be difficult for foreign learners. This makes it hard to listen,
understand, and communicate. It Hinders Cultures: When speaking a different
language, you notice that your expressions and behavior change. Foreigners make
great attempts to fit in the new culture. Unfortunately, this affects their own

8. Reasons for and results of English being a world language.

Here are 5 Reasons Why English Has Become Today’s Global Language:
1) The British Empire. The first, and most obvious reason that English became
widespread in the first place is because of the British Empire. Before colonizing
around a quarter of the planet, Britons were the only ones speaking English, and
the language was confined to the British Isles. But once they started doing trade
with places like Asia and Africa, colonizing and settling around the globe, the
language naturally spread.
2) Post-war USA. The world after the first two world wars was a vulnerable and
changing one. American businesses were booming and started doing trade all over
the world, much like Great Britain had done in the previous century. This bolstered
the use of English as the language of global trade. But at the same time, American
culture was being exported heavily through music and film. The advent of jazz,
rock n’ roll and other popular music from both the USA and UK infiltrated the
culture of people everywhere, making English more than just the language of
business, but the language of entertainment for the masses
3) Technology. At the same time that the USA was becoming the world’s
business superpower, the internet was also invented in the USA. This created an
entire lexicon for computers and technology that was invented in English.
Computer keyboards are suited for writing languages using the Latin alphabet, and
the hardware for all our smart technology uses English words that have become
commonly used around the world. The world of science is also dominated by
English for much the same reason: historically, universities publishing important
research were doing so in English, and as a scientist today, any serious publication
must be done in English. With science and technology playing such a big role in
our lives today, English won’t be going anywhere soon.
4) The snowball effect. Now that English is so widespread across the internet, on
the radio, in schools and in the business world, it is hard to escape. It is well known
that in order to get a good job in today’s global market, speaking English is
becoming a requirement more often than not. That’s why students and more adults
than ever are taking private lessons, taking language immersion holidays and
studying English to become as fluent as they can. It is not a guarantee of success,
but it certainly does help!

5) English is Also the Unofficial Language of the Internet! There are billions

upon billions of websites on the Internet nowadays, and it’s estimated that more

than half of the entire online material is published in English.

9. Endangered languages. Artificial Languages.

Artificial Languages

There have been over 1,000 artificial languages proposed since the 17th century. The
oldest known invented language, Lingua Ignota (Latin for "unknown language"), was
devised in the 12th century by the German nun and mystic Hildegard von Bingen; its
purpose has been lost to history.

The most famous and most widely spoken constructed language is Esperanto, an
international language developed to achieve world peace. It was invented by the Polish-
born doctor L. Zamenhof in 1887. It has no irregular verbs! Between 2 million and 8
million people can speak this language. Most of its roots are also from Romance

Endangered Languages

Now 7000 languages exists in the world. But statistics says that half the population of
the planet speaks 50 languages and the other half of the population speaks the other
6950 languages. One language disappears on average every two weeks, taking with it an
entire cultural and intellectual heritage.

There is another phenomenon and it`s what we call the language shift. It is a process
when people switch to another language and it`s usually a major language and give up
their mother tongue language. This happens when people are displaced, when they
adapt to the violent environment. And the speed at which people shift from their
languages to another is incredible.

More than half of the word`s 7000 languages are in danger of extinction and will most
likely disappear in this century. What this means is not only the cultural loss but a
historical one as well. Written records are the only reason we have been able to learn so
much about what has happened in the last few thousands years. So by letting a language
die we are risking the potential loss of significant historical knowledge. The identity
issue will also only get worse. Understanding where you came from is a major part of
understanding who you are.

11.The Place of the Ukrainian Language in the Cultural Heritage of


Preservation, study and development of culture are impossible without studying

the language code of the nation, the role of language as a form of self-expression

of culture.Language express cultural heritage of each nation, because it reflects

ethnocultural, psychological and mythological ideas and experiences. Languages

serves as a link between nations.

Ukrainian is one of the oldest, richest languages in Europe. It is one of the most
melodic languages in the world. The history of our language contains many tragic
pages. By the early 1990s, the Ukrainian language had been oppressed, banned,
and brutally repressed. It also did not have state status in those neighboring
countries, which temporarily included Ukrainian lands. Insult to the Ukrainian
nation has always been accompanied by a ban on the Ukrainian language. But
today the Ukrainian language is the only state language in Ukraine. Today we see
that the state is actively defending Ukraine by adopting the necessary laws. People
are also actively switching to the Ukrainian language. Language, writing,
education - this is what forms the national identity, society, state institutions.
Under the current Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Ukrainian language is
one of the foundations of statehood. The Ukrainian language is the history of our
people, their worldview, it creates a person, culture, history. Without its language,
its original culture, there is no nation.

First of all, through language, and not through clothing, wealth or other external
signs, a person shows his individuality, spirituality, culture, attitude to his people,
to other people and to the world.

The Ukrainian language is an important social factor in the preservation and

existence of the Ukrainian ethnos and its culture in the age of globalization.
Language is not only a means of communication, but also a way of self-

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