Chapter Air SST Class 7

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Noles (CSsT

Rimoshhere - The bonkat air thot SuOusdk the sarth

Comhosihon he hrnahbae
3|Lage amaunt -('
-9 Small amount Co2 Helium (He),a(ozone), Irgon and
SAhad Conm this Same dust hackcle, huydoe
are aso huesent in the

We take in N2 when we inhale this is Aot Consuma by the

langs,itis exhalad oud bylanga. Thus Nsnt wce
oreenhoube au,asits when sealeagrd int
9 Cor sondonde s a Enaun as cZane laer Thus it s cl
amasphee it Jong a honkd
Lagfeen haue 4ai.
cadiaions a sun cauding taegulat he tnec
9Ti helhs to trah
in axcess in the atmcshee it caui
3 When trs inazeleased Snow to melting sro in
0Ce heat tobe taned cauding the betnc sk.
cting sa loveks. This kds
cld region_andreult in
pant and animals This_hcess s knan c

Soal whch makes the N² inta usable pam

bactasas hesend inthe hlat
and qve hen ta root the

Oagen gauin de atmashhere

o sthe Second mostheatul
-9 Human and Anials hkeinotheir
-S pltssal Acoduce o2 inhe hie doing the hrcCeAS hhotsunhi
-9 The helhs the C level be constart ut the delsesblin smaka
his kalance distibed.

Cabon deoxde
SCaban dia xid is aka a inghoctonl gas in the atwoshee.
S Greenhlaats reo take o? com atmoshhere
S bAninas and huag elase co2 while doing fsahirato
Cold aic is heaier thot kst dir thes t balys at boton1
Lwhen the air sheated it meves uh the aic tt is od s
the emty hlace Ths is Rncun as Ccuoion ohair or Conectia.

Atmashhere Stcuchue he Arasthere

Ais diyided into

-s ist ad mast imhog-taet layer.

Aveage height 13km
The oic we breathe er existhare.
All he useaher phenemena hle roinhal.og and halsYom

s Second layer
3Eshuds the keight e so km.

Thsd laya
-sExtends the height o $0 km


Ther mashere
3TGnherch°e cses ridl¡m hi byer
STonashere isahad he ayer
3R_eBods the heiah Î-40kn
tansmissiog.the radia wawag
3This lauer helhh (adotaeE roclia
tansmite kon the each are rellert kackin his layer.

8Las ond yhermost layer
9Has very thin air
Slahi qose like helum and hydogr [load nths he
S Eadh íeceives cnly Lo 200000o 090_hat sun's
Weather and Clinmate
today haur ta kour choge in conditon ania
* Wen her is aday
The average wcaher coaltin faplace fo alanger haus hne
reesenk cinaBe.
Ianheratu e

deaee a hatheis aad coldneis he ar s knaun as tnhct

Seasos (Sumimers are hetb than
¥ Ulthimale Source insolcton.


Anaund deCe. buards hoka

Amant -incdawarde heegquekc
-9 Tenpasakue che is mch baighc han villaga kuz
the concre te 'amd metalg ae qel heae duing day
-9 The heat is relensd dung ngt.

* Weathec Tnstment's

3hermamcte, - Measue ke kanherahuse.

9Balomeler - Masuiea atmasheic hessie
SRan Gpuge MeosuIe he omount o saiahcal
WiadVone - Shout the direc ton shwid

-3 Standad unit 4tonacatcs deye cekis

9 Tavan ted ley Andecs Selcius
Daycu kraw
3 Mon has no airhence no an uisue so the da nat ueal
shace soat he hassue eE ted sythe kads wl make tee tad
VeSsels bleol.

Air Prsye

3 But we da not een eelit ke cause ai hresse) us promal dicc ta

Dnd auc bodccuners the fuASUe

Corhs sulace.
9 As weqe shin the atmashhere he ac heasue lihdly falls dau
a sealevel

3 Horizontad dstribaton ar hessue inluencad b the teneat

ac d the qiuen hlace
9Tn aias whE(e itis hot
he hot air fisses cratigalouw
is asgaciated by Cudy ske
9 Hah hless ue area hasd cad tealeatie a'cdd air sinks
sh and Suny day

Ihe movement d air rom high hressuse area to lbw hressur

afe is knon a wind.

SWind Con blous So kat that tmaute euen diljicu te

stand stajgbt in wind
3nds are
Peamanent oind- Thetrade uwind, wesleclies and sasteale
hat. blea uhde thaahout the yeor is knaun a4 hecmantet wi
Sea sanal wind- The wnd that change thei hirecdon in
derentsnsans is Rnawn a seLonal t9ind CMorsoon_wyala)
Local winds- These oinds are blaun onycuing apartculor
heiod chihe da oc yeas nas smd aa

ycanp in Cdicha.
Le in asst cast seacoast Inda,t pone to cackne ciqut
in Beo:
On 7-14 0cober 1999 suclene hit fue di tricb. a shte
3 othetslcuclone 2 cbæt 1499,deatatal large'fot fan
the stale
Crosono25vda Page

Wind Velcit uhaoded tees and domaged kutha houise

SRo ahs qceeral industialsheda bbued auny
BPauer suhhly cndlcom knes snohheal comlet
3 Faadedo mapciers
O he Cyclonie wnds caused tdol waJe that sweht 2okm

3molo high idal wawes were foned

Set Blair on2Soctser N99

9 Blow nodh wetunrd cirecón.

S Wite Era sama and Bali Ruda cn29 dober at lo20 Am

AstTcted Bhubaneshar andCutt ck andg Cocstaltns

aeced, orge nà, liesbcks weíe kilkd
SCqs bke hadduypeges andfeuk wse henuillacamd
dal Suge losests beween ParadeA and Kogúk Vanished.
Rangl atdi tahes
s Waer evanacaes iom Jand anddeceal ata baciea ta lacn
3 Mosue nhe ar at Gny time s kasuin ahumidty.

As the ar qts wamer the cohicts d cdoud hale utr

qeb increGsed, So it becoxne moe ánd mose huml
On ahumd doy cothe) tle mare ene to dy and swcat che

Clood are nasSEs

the meiskue omiheic Gg onden sey

the earth.

Cause locdialos laint aea.

Caedioad Aaingl
Due to herisa Eahs Suthce
larm ak e uckly, Caals Jorms clauda, and. cain fals.



Hdthens uhen mgist ac enCouters maunhiy

Arises oyeC moun tinscode fomachucà ond tainal
Resulk in wet conditors aniinddside,dey condinay an legwcd

tEontal(cbic Ranhl)
Ocus when cherent air masSeS ond Taio
whm acise ael clder ails<otmit ckuds andcald fraats
Comman ia id -lahtude segians, uith iain roals

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