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Splendid Expressions

Week 6
We publish a free quiz from 'Splendid Expressions' every day, Monday to
Friday. Try each quiz on the dates below.

Worksheet for Week 6 (of 26)

Monday Topic: Happy Occasions

1) We went to that new club in town last Saturday and had a ……………….. of
a time.
2) After a busy week at work the women in the office decided to go out and
……………….. the town red.
3) You've been working so hard on your revision. Why don't you go out and
……………….. your hair down.

Tuesday Topic: Food and Drink

4) There's no need to go mad with healthy eating. You just need to make sure
you eat a ……………….. diet.
5) After a long walk along the beach I was really hungry and ………………..
my dinner down when I got home.
6) We all expected the boss would ……………….. the bill but we ended up
having to pay for our own meal.

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Wednesday Topic: Relationships

7) Could you ask the children to stop arguing. They're driving me up the
8) Some of his colleagues think he's under the ……………….. and needs to be
more assertive with his line-manager.
9) I've always had a ……………….. spot for Clara. She's always been so kind
to me.

Thursday Topic: Learning

10) It took me a while to get to grips ……………….. the new DVD player but I
can operate it reasonably well now.
11) . Amelia is so rude. She needs a ……………….. course in how to treat
12) Could you ……………….. me up to speed on the situation before I go to
the meeting?

Friday Topic: Business

13) His business is struggling and he's finding it difficult to keep his
……………….. above water.
14) Several speculators made a ……………….. through buying and then selling
shares in the company.
15) Several speculators made a ……………….. through buying and then selling
shares in the company.

Just published!
Check out this new publication, a 130-page downloadable resource with all
Splendid Expressions along with activities to help you remember and use them.

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