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Here's a simplified budget breakdown for the SoCal Swim Project with a total budget of $1000:

Personnel (Instructors and Staff): $300

Compensation for part-time swim instructors to lead swim instruction sessions and provide
support to participants.

Equipment and Materials: $300

Purchase of basic swim gear such as goggles, kickboards, and swim caps. In the “Bowl bench,
and bucket” exercise, participants will also be provided with the aforementioned equipment and

Transportation: $100
Covering transportation costs for instructors to travel to and from swim instruction sites.

Administrative Expenses: $100

Covering administrative costs, including office supplies and basic utilities associated with project
management and coordination.

Evaluation and Assessment: $100

Implementation of basic evaluation and assessment processes to measure the effectiveness of
the SoCal Swim Project. Conducting simple pre- and post-program assessments to evaluate
participants' progress.

Contingency: $100
Setting aside funds for unexpected expenses or emergencies that may arise during the
implementation of the SoCal Swim Project.

Total Project Budget: $1000

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