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IGCSE PE Chapter 1 – Skeletal and Muscular System

The Skeleton Joint Types, Structure and Formation Muscles

A point in the body where two or more bones are joined in a

way that permits movement

Fixed or Bones cannot move at all, Between plates

immoveable joined by fibrous tissue of the cranium
Irregular Flat (Fibrous)
Slightly Small amount of Between
moveable movement, linked by vertebrae
(Cartilaginous) ligaments and cartilage
Freely Greater amount of Ball and socket –
Long moveable movement shoulder & hip

Hinge – elbow
and knee

Antagonistic Muscle Action

-Shape and support Agonist: the muscle that contracts to create movement
Movement at Joints
-Movement Antagonist: the muscle that relaxes during movement
Antagonistic: pairs of muscles work in opposition to
-Blood production
create movement

Muscle Fibre Types Origin: where a muscle joins a stationary bone

Insertion: where a muscle joins a moving bone
Slow twitch (Type I) Fast twitch (Type II)
Contract slowly Contract quickly Isotonic contraction: where muscles change length as
they contract
Produce a little force Produce a large amount of
Concentric contraction: muscle contraction where the
High fatigue tolerance Lower fatigue tolerance muscle shortens
(Don’t tire easily) (Tire quickly) Eccentric contraction: muscle contraction where the
Good for endurance Good for strength and muscle lengthens
sports power Isometric contraction: where the muscles contract but
stay the same length

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