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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL- Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Student’s Name: _________________________Grade and Section: __________

Teacher: ________________________________Date Submitted:_____________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Formulate clearly the statement of the problem.

B. Objectives
1. Identify possible issues/topics for the formulation of the statement of the
problem of a research study;
2. Create a statement of the problem on the possible issues/topics of a
research study.


The following terms will be encountered in the lesson:

Causal Question is when a study is designed to determine whether one or more

variables cause or affect one or more outcome variables.
Conceptual Definition is one that is found in the dictionaries. This is also called
constitutive definition.
Conceptual Framework refers to the research paradigm that sets out the
constructs important in the research area and the relationships between these
Definition of Terms is an alphabetical list of the important word acronyms that
researchers define, particularly those used in a special way in the study so as
to avoid ambiguity.
Delimitation is the part that establishes the boundaries of the study.
Descriptive Question is when a study is designed primarily to describe a
particular phenomenon.
Framework is a set of concepts that serves as scaffolding to something. In
research, it serves as the building foundation.
Limitation is a statement that lays the weakness of the study. An honest
acceptance of the limitation brings more credence to the study.

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

Operational Definition is also known as functional definition. This refers to the
definition of a term as used in the study.
Paradigm of the Study refers to the presentation of a study in a form of diagram
to summarize it.
Problem Statement is the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of the
paper. The problem under investigation offers occasion for writing and a
focus of what the researcher wants to know and impart. It represents the core
subject matter of scholarly communication, the means by which we arrive at
other topics of conversations and the discovery of new knowledge and
understanding (Alvesson, 2013).
Research is an investigation following ordered steps leading to the discovery of
new information or concept (Sanchez, 1999).
Relational Question is when a study is designed to look at the relationships
between two or more variables.
Scope refers to the part of the research that defines where and when the study
was conducted and who the subjects were.
Significance of the Study is written as part of the introduction section of a thesis.
It provides details to the reader on how the study will contribute such as what
the study will contribute and who will benefit from it. It also includes an
explanation of the work's importance as well as its potential benefits.
Theory is an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events. It is an
idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or
Topic refers to the guiding principle for the analysis of a research paper. It provides
avenue for writing and a focus to what one intends to communicate. It is the
center of scholarly communication.

Research Problem

A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly
literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding
and deliberate investigation. It is typically posed in the form of a question.

What are possible sources of research topics? Here are some questions that
may serve as your guide to generate ideas that may lead to your possible research
a. Do you have a strong opinion about a current issue?
b. Do you have an interest that you would like to know more about?
c. Are there aspects or concerns surrounding you that you are interested in
learning more about?
d. What are the current concerns or stories you want to learn more about?

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

To make research more manageable, the following shall be considered:
Selection of research topics is one of the most challenging tasks in research
and very important as well. This phase may be easy for some researchers by doing
brainstorming. Research topic becomes the basis of the time, effort and resources that
the researcher will invest through the journey. Careful attention in choosing the
research topic will work to your benefit. Thus, the following must be considered in
deciding a research topic.

a) Aspect - Choose one aspect through which you look at the research problem.
To put it more simply, look at just one facet of the issue or problem. E.g. A study
about the effect of the Corona pandemic to the life of the people is just too broad
and has multiple aspects which will be complicated for a student researcher.
b) Components - determine if your initial variables or unit of analyses can be
divided into more particular parameters which can then be analyzed more
precisely. For example, a study about vaping will be too broad. Topic is too broad
when there are so many different ideas about it. [e.g., a study of tobacco use
among adolescents can focus only on vaping among male adolescents rather
than adolescents in general or focus on female adolescents of a certain age. )
c) Curiosity - Choose a topic that you know a little about, however you have the
desire to explore and learn more. There is no point in studying something you
already knew as there will be no place for finding new knowledge.
d) Interest - Choose a topic that seems interesting to you. If you do not have any
interest in a topic , you will not be able to do the study with passion and probably
you will not duly devote time to it. As a senior high school student, what are the
most interesting topics in your field that you want to explore? But remember that
apart from your interest, the topic you chose must be objective and
researchable. Moreover, your interest must be about a novel topic. Avoid overly
discussed or explored topics.

e) Time and Place --Remember that the smaller the area of analysis, the narrower
the focus. Moreover, the shorter the available time period, the narrower the focus
should be. Narrow down your topic and review it several times. Get feedback
from your teacher about your chosen topic.

e) Type -- Focus your topic in terms of a specific type or class of people, places,
or things. Otherwise, the conduct of the study will not be manageable.

g) Availability of Resources - Check the availability of references by visiting

online libraries, journals and research gates. Once you realize the non-
availability of resources, change the subject.

h) Significance of the Topic - The research topic chosen must be significant, and
must address a particular problem that will impact the life of the people in

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

Conceptual Framework

Researchers create conceptual frameworks that include a philosophical and

methodological model to help design their work. The data collection and analysis are
also based on the theoretical and conceptual framework. Miles and Huberman (1994)
defined a conceptual framework as a visual or written product, one that ‘explains,
either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studied—the key factors,
concepts, or variables—and the presumed relationships among them. One of the most
important things about conceptual framework is that it primarily becomes the model of
what is out there that you plan to study.

Guide on How to Make the Conceptual Framework

1. Pick your research topic. Remember the considerations in choosing the
research topic. You may refer to the previous discussion in this learner’s packet.
2. Do a literature review. Read relevant and updated research on the general topic
that you decide to work on.
3. Identify the important variables. Find studies with the same variables and
figure out how these are related to your study. You may go over the abstract of
the published research. Some abstracts contain the variables. If variables are
not apparent from the abstract, you may do a skimming of the discussion.
4. Then build your conceptual framework using the variables from the related
studies you have read.

IPO (Input-Process-Output) is one of the most used paradigms that seek to

understand a factor or variable that causes a problem or change in the subject.

I Process Output

Example of a Conceptual Framework

(Process) (Output)
Effect on:
Manifestation of
Perceived a. Appearance
Narcissism Concern
a. Selfie ire
b. Academic
b. Photo Interview Performance
lation Focused c.
group Interpersonal
Posting discussi Relation
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2
Writing a Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research. If you
want to test a relationship between two or more things, you need to write
hypotheses before you start your experiment or data collection. Hypothesis states
a prediction about what the study will find. It is a tentative answer to a problem that
has not yet been tested.

Variables in hypotheses
In experimental and correlational research, hypotheses propose a
relationship between two or more variables. An independent variable is something
the researcher changes or controls. A dependent variable is something the
researcher observes and measures.

Developing a Hypothesis
1. Ask a question. Hypothesis begins with a research question that you want to
answer. The question should be specific and researchable.
2. Do some preliminary research of the previous studies. Your initial answer
to the question should be based on what is already known about the topic. Look
for theories and previous studies to help you form educated predictions.
3. Formulate your hypothesis. Foresee the idea of what you expect to find. Write
your initial answer to the question in a concise sentence.

Writing a Statement of the Problem

After identifying a research problem, the next step is to write a problem
statement. It has to be concise and concrete. Writing a problem statement can help
the researcher put the topic in context and have a deeper understanding of its
significance. A problem statement may be written in several paragraphs or in
several sentences incorporated in the introduction.
For practical research, look at the concrete details of the situation and ask
yourself these questions:
a) Where and when does the problem arise?
b) Who are affected by the problem?
c) What attempts have been made to solve the problem?

Problem statement should also address the relevance of the research: why
is it important to resolve the problem. The problem statement need not lay world-
changing impact. What is important is that the problem statement should lay how
you intend to address the problem. Your goal should not be to find a conclusive
solution, but to seek out the reasons behind the problem and propose more
effective approaches to understanding it. So, a researcher must set the objectives
of the study. You may start with the following phrases:
a) The aim of this study is to determine…
b) This project aims to explore…
c) I aim to investigate…
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2
The following are tasks that may help a researcher enhance skill in
discovering and identifying a research problem

a. Refer to related literature.

b. Attend webinars.
c. Be observant of the situations around you.
d. Visit libraries and online research gates.
e. Subscribe to research journals.
f. Conduct mini researches and note the gaps in the findings.

General problem statement is usually followed by specific problems which

are in a form of a question. There are two types of questions: Researchable
questions and non-re searchable questions. Non-researchable questions are
those answerable by yes or no. Researchable questions are questions of value or

Researchable question:
a. What are the effects of internet accessibility in the campus to the
academic performance of the students?
b. What learning enhancement project may be implemented to improve
students’ academic performance?

Definition of Terms
Definition of terms is an alphabetical list of the important word acronyms
that researchers define, particularly those used in a special way in the study so as
to avoid ambiguity.
Your proposed study will likely include words that are not widely known
outside your discipline. It may include constructs, formulas and operational
definitions that differ from colloquial definitions or other schools of thought. This
part of your study provides the reader a list of definitions of these terms. Your
definition can considerably affect how the reader understands your thesis. Be sure
you use these terms in a consistent manner from the start to finish of your study.
In writing your definition of terms, make an introductory sentence or
paragraph. It must also be noted that a word may be defined conceptually and
operationally in the study.
The following words defined are used in this study:
Photo Manipulation. This refers to editing of the pictures using the
different features available in the mobile phone or computer. Its purpose is
for the person to look better and beautiful and handsome before they post it
on social media platforms.
Self-esteem. This is operationally defined as the manner the students
value themselves through the affirmation and motivation they get through the
posting they make in the social media platform.
Selfie. This refers to self-portrait photographs typically taken using
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2
mobile phones and shared on social media such as Facebook and
Instagram. To some people they consider it as vanity and to some it is the
best way to share the both important and unimportant things about

Significance of Study
Significance of the study answers the fifth W of an academic quest. That is
the WHY. Why do you think your study is significant? When discussing this, you
deal with the general contribution that your study makes.

According to Unite for Sight, the goal of research is to inform action. Your
study must contextualize its findings within the larger body of research. It must
have a high quality that is applicable outside of the research setting.

Dissemination of the research outcomes is the expressed contribution of

the researcher. Leann Zarah in her article offered 7 reasons why research is
They are as follows:
1. Research is a tool for facilitating learning.
2. It is a way to understand various issues and it increases public
3. Research leads to business success.
4. It is a way to negate fallacious claims.
5. It finds and seizes opportunities.
6. Research is a key to love reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing
valuable Information
7. Research nourishes and exercises the brain.

To be guided in drafting your Significance of the study, ask yourself these

Q1: What is the specific significance of your research to yourself or other
Q2: Why is it important to communicate the value of your research?

A study without sharing its findings is a mere brain exercise and will never
give an opportunity for more learning discoveries. If that is the case, it may not be
considered significant.

Sample A
Significance of the Study
The study is beneficial to the following people:

The Students. This study will give awareness to students on the effects
of social media addiction on their behavior. Moreover, they can be enlightened
and may practice using social media in an appropriate way.
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2
The Parents. This study will help the parents to understand why their
children are being addicted to social media. Through this study, they can think
of some preventive measures to help their children control the use of social
Future Researchers. This study may benefit future researchers since
this will serve as a blueprint of the findings and conclusions which may lead to
further studies.

Example B

Significance of the Study

This study is considered beneficial to the following:
Community. This study will benefit the community in general as the
findings will give the people better understanding of the millennial and their
manner of boosting self-esteem through the use of social media platforms.

Teachers. This will help them understand the developmental, social and
behavioral effects of using social media to their students. The results of this
study will be their basis in incorporating intervention and strategies on how to
enhance the teaching and learning process and promote and develop students’
interpersonal skills.

Students. This will help them realize the positive and the negative
effects of selfie, photo manipulation and posting in the social media with their
self-esteem with relation to their physical appearance and academic
performance and interpersonal relationship skills which make them more
responsible, sociable and content with their self-worth.

Parents. This will make them aware of the positive and negative effect
of selfie, photo manipulation and posting to the self-esteem, academic and
interpersonal skills of their children in order to guide their social networking
behavior and help them become better and responsible individuals who know
how to prioritize their time in studying and household duties.

Researchers. The knowledge derived from the study will lead them to
have a better understanding of the personality and social network behavior of
the millennial students on how they will promote and present themselves in
social media to become likeable. Further, this study will help them recommend
some possible solutions to mitigate the negative effects of selfie, photo
manipulation and posting on their self-esteem, academic performance and
interpersonal skills.

Future Researchers. This will serve as their guide in making further

studies and provide related reading materials and additional information for
their own investigation.

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

Scope and Delimitation
Everything must have limits. Government, politics, power, rights and
sports have its own bounds. Conduct of a study must have bounds as well. It is
necessary to narrow down research topics and limit its bounds. Otherwise, it
will not be manageable and your study will go nowhere. Readers of your
research must know these limits. The scope identifies the boundaries of the
study in terms of subjects, objectives, facilities, area, time frame, and the issues
to which the research is focused.

Given here are examples of opening phrases to express the scope of

the study:

The coverage of this study _

The study consists of ____________________________________________
The study covers _______________________________________________
The study focuses on _

The purpose of the delimitation of the study is to delimit by geographic

location, age, sex, population traits, population size, or other similar aspects.
Delimitation makes study more manageable and feasible. Part of it sets the
constraints or weaknesses of a study which are beyond the control of the
researcher. An example of limitation is accessibility of data. The quality of the
research findings will depend upon the ability of the researcher to access
information from people or organizations. Another example of limitation is the time
that a researcher has to devote in the conduct of the study. So, the researcher
must be careful in deciding on a research problem. Interest over the topic will not
suffice. It must be practicable within a manageable period of time.

Given here are examples of opening phrases to express the scope of the
The study does not cover the ______________________________.
The researcher limited this research to _____________________________.

A. Practice Tasks
Task 1: List possible concerns, problems or issues you can think of or have
encountered relative to the topics given below. The first one is done
for you.

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

Topic Issues
a. Effect of social media to the interpersonal skills of the
Social Media
b. Impact of social media to the academic performance
c. Over reliance of teens in social media



Task 2: Given the box of words, create a statement of a problem. Use a

notebook or a separate sheet of paper in answering the activity.
Example is provided below.

pandemic online learning shortened school year

travel restraint gender discrimination job loss

Topic Problem Statement
online learning Managing learning difficulties in online learning
encountered by the senior high school students.

Task 3: Write a topic and a problem statement. Use the example as your model.
Topic Problem Statement
Topic of the Study Online Gaming
Problem Statement Many students skip school attendance
because of online games.

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

Do the same in this table. The following topics are merely suggestions. You
may use your preferred topics.
Topic/Issue Problem Statement

online learning

gender discrimination


B. Assessment
Formulate a problem statement on the following topics:
● Pandemic
● Job loss
● Shortened school year


Criteria/Proficiencies Limited 1 Adequate 2 Proficient 3 Excellent 4
Structure Bad Acceptable Satisfactory Excellent
organization organization organization organization
of topic/sub of topic/sub of topic/sub of topic/sub
topic topic topic topic
Grammar Never using Sometimes Often using Always
correct using correct correct using
grammar in grammar in grammar in correct
statements statements statements grammar in
Terminology Never using Sometimes Often using Always
precise using precise using
technical precise technical precise
term technical term technical
term term
Content Never Sometimes Often Always
present present present present
concrete concrete concrete concrete
facts with facts with facts with facts with
evidence evidence evidence evidence
(Adapted from Andrade, 1997)

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2


Burkhardt, MacDonald & Rathemacher’s. October 2012. Teaching Information
Literacy: 50 Standards-Based Exercises for College Student. File
Retrieved from
Camp. 2001. Definition of Conceptual Framework. Retrieved from
Cristobal Jr, Cruz-Cristobal MC. 2017. Practical Research 1 for Senior High
School. 1st Edition. Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc. 2017
Cristobal Jr, Cruz-Cristobal MC. 2017. Practical Research 2 for Senior High
School. 1st Edition. Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc. 2017
Choosing Topic for Research (July, 2016). File Retrieved from
Definition of Research. Retrieved from
Regoniel, P. 2015. Conceptual Framework: A Step by Step Guide on How to
Make One. File Retrieved From
Robbins, S. 2000. Organizational Behavior. 9th Edition. New Jersey. Prentice
Sevilla C., Ochave J., Punsalan T., Regala B., Uriarte G. 2000. Research
Methods. Manila, Philippines. Rex Book Store
Sources of Research Topics. April, 2017. File Retrieved from
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2
Strategies to Help Focus on Your Topic. File Retrieved from

Prepared by:
DEVIE A. BATANGOSO, Master Teacher I
Pamplona National High School, SDO Cam. Sur

Quality Assured by:

GEMMA A. REALO, Principal II
Don Mariano C. Veneracion NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


Homobono H. Gonzalez NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


Visita de Salog NHS, SDO Cam. Sur


SDO Camarines Sur

EPS- English SDO Masbate City

Layout Artist:
Fundado ES, SDO Camarines Sur

RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

A. Practice Tasks
Task 1
Topic Issues
a. Effect of social media to the interpersonal skills of the
Social Media
b. Impact of social media to the academic performance
c. Over reliance of teens in social media
a. Gender Discrimination in the society
Gender b. Effects of Gender Discrimination to concern
Discrimination individuals
c. Advocacies on Gender Discrimination

a. Psychological Effects of Bullying

b. Various incidents of Bullying

a. Best practices on Disaster response management
b. Programs on Disaster response management

Task 2
Topic Problem Statement
Travel Restraint Managing various travel restraint amidst the
pandemic situation in every municipality’s border

Task 3
Topic Problem Statement
Topic of the Study Modular Learning Delivery
Problem Statement Many students encountered various
difficulties in the modular learning
delivery modality.

B. Assessment
● Pandemic
- Learners in the learning process adopt to the modular learning delivery
modality amidst the pandemic situation.
- Learners encountered difficulties in their academic performance
brought by the pandemic restrictions.
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 2

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