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Submitted to: Prof. Akin Odebunmi, Faculty of Religious Education,

The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary,

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Seminar

Language of Academic Discourse
(GES 911)

Shem DanlamiGumap
Matric No. 22/0366

November, 2023
The Concept of Confidence in 1 Samuel 17:44-46

According to Cuncic A. (2020) “Confidence is a belief in one’s own abilities, qualities, or

judgments. It is the state of feeling self-assured and having a positive perception of oneself.” As

for David and Goliath, 1 Samuel 17:44-46 describes the encounter between the young shepherd

David and the giant Philistine warrior Goliath. In these verses, we see David's confidence, but it's

important to note the source of his confidence. David is not relying on his own strength or

abilities; instead, he places his trust in the Lord Almighty. He acknowledges that Goliath is a

formidable opponent with weapons of war, but David's confidence comes from his faith in God.

Key points about confidence in this passage:

Confidence in Gzod: David's confidence is rooted in his faith in God. He declares that he comes

against Goliath in the name of the Lord Almighty. His trust is in the power and protection of


Defiance of Fear: Despite the apparent mismatch and the intimidating threats of Goliath, David

does not show fear. His confidence allows him to stand firm in the face of danger.

Outcome Assurance: David expresses a certainty about the outcome of the battle. He believes

that God will deliver Goliath into his hands and that the victory will not only be personal but will

also demonstrate the presence and power of God to the entire world.

Therefore, the concept of confidence in 1 Samuel 17:44-46 revolves around trusting in

God's power rather than relying on personal abilities. It illustrates a deep faith that empowers

individuals to face intimidating challenges without fear, knowing that their ultimate reliance is

on a higher power (God).

The Confidence from Goliath and David (1Samuel 17:44-46)

David's and Goliath's confidence was based on different factors.

Goliath's confidence stemmed from his physical strength and military experience. He was a

Philistine giant, described as being around nine feet tall, and his armor and weapons were

intimidating. Goliath trusted in his size, power, and battle-tested abilities. He was confident that

no Israelite soldier could match him in combat.

On the other hand, David's confidence came from his faith in God. When he heard

Goliath's taunting, David was not swayed by appearances or intimidated by the giant's size.

Instead, he had a deep trust in the Lord's power and believed that God would deliver him from

his enemies. David's confidence was rooted in his personal relationship with God and the many

victories he had experienced while shepherding his father's flock, including defeating a lion.

Ultimately, Goliath's confidence was in himself and his physical prowess, while David's

confidence was in the power and faithfulness of God.

What informs their confidence (Basis).

Goliath's confidence can be seen in his words and actions. Goliath confidently taunted and

mocked the Israelites, boasting of his military might and challenging them to send out a

champion to fight him. He believed that no Israelite warrior could defeat him and was confident

in his own strength and stature.

David's confidence stemmed from his belief that he was not relying on his own strength

or skill, but rather on the power of God. His unwavering faith in God's intervention empowered
him to approach the battle with courage and certainty. David's confidence, therefore, resided in

his untiring trust in God's power and assurance that He will deliver him from his enemies.

Manifestation of David and Goliath’s Confidence

In the biblical story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:44-46, the manifestation of David's

confidence and Goliath's overconfidence is evident in their words and actions. This passage

describes the manifestation of confidence between the young shepherd David and the giant

warrior Goliath.

1 Samuel 17:44-46 states; "44 "Come here," he said, "and I'll give your flesh to the birds

and the wild animals!". “45” David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and

spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the

armies of Israel, whom you have defied. “46” This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands,

and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the

Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a

God in Israel."

In these verses, Goliath boasts confidently about the fate he plans for David, expressing

arrogance and contempt for the young shepherd. However, David responds with a different kind

of confidence. His confidence is not in his own strength or abilities but in the name of the Lord

Almighty. He acknowledges the apparent advantage Goliath has with his weapons but

emphasizes that he comes in the name of God. David's confidence is rooted in his faith and trust

in God's power and deliverance. He believes that the battle is not his alone but the Lord's, and he

sees himself as an instrument of God's will. This contrasts sharply with Goliath's reliance on his

physical strength and military equipment.


Cucic, A. 2020. The link between self-confidence and success. Retrieve from

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