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Essay: If you wwork hard and focus on your goals, your dreams will come true

In this modern time, in order to turn dreams into reality, people have to be dedicated and goal-
oriented. From my perspectives, I agree with this statement for these following reasons.

First of all, concentrating on your goals is likely to clarify your direction and decrease distractions. In
stead of being overwhelmed with too much information, we can determine our own direction and
goal. In addition, many people today tend to waste their time on social media; hence, focusing on a
specific goal can help us spend time more efficient like doing daily tasks or find solutions to our

Second, a goal can be considered as a motivation. On the way to success, facing challenges is
unavoidable; therefore, the motivation and optimistic thoughts will help you get over these
obstacles. In addition, with the hope that you are able to achieve some great things in the future, you
will also do daily tasks more dedicated.

Third, working hard plays a major role in improving themselves. Setting a specific goal will be nothing
without practicing if people want success. Working hard allow you to face challenges, make mistakes
and after all acquire lessons through experience, which makes you outstanding with each others. In
fact, it goes without saying that practice makes perfect.

To summarize, working hard and focusing on your goals will make your dreams come true.

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