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What are the benefits of doing exercises and sports ?

Topic: physical health and mental health, develop yourself

Detail#1: physical health
- Stronger, stay fit
- Scientists/ study ..reduce blood pressure, some disease
- Sleep well
Detail#2: mental health
- Less stress, relax
- can train some skill, like be patient, have goal, concentrate
Details #3: with the social
- be more confident, optimistic
- have new and healthy relationships
Nowadays, it is widely believed that exercising and playing sports brings numerous
advantages for the development of ourselves and our communities. First of all, exercising
may improve our physical health. In fact, when we do exercises, yoga, riding, playing sports,
etc., they help us develop stronger bones and muscles, lower blood pressure, control
cholesterol. Hence, we can stay fit and sleep well which help we maximize development in
teens and have longer longevity. The second benefit is that exercise and sports can make our
mental health greater. The more we exercise, the fewer stresses, depressions and pressures
we have, which means more happiness, relaxation and positive emotions will increase. In
addition, we could train some essential skills in daily life such as patience, concentration,
hard work, that are required to achieve your goals. Lastly, we will be more self-confident,
sociable and useful to the community because we can have new relationships while
connecting to people who have the same hobbies in exercising. Besides, we can inspire more
people in our families or neighborhoods to exercise. In summary, exercise and sports
provide plenty of benefits for both ourselves and our communities.

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