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Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

Provenance and tectonic development of the late

Archaean Gawler Craton, Australia; U–Pb zircon,
geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic implications
Greg Swain a,∗ , A. Woodhouse b , M. Hand a , K. Barovich a ,
M. Schwarz b , C.M. Fanning c
a Continental Evolution Research Group, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
b Office of Minerals and Energy Resources, PIRSA, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia
c Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia

Received 8 September 2004; received in revised form 2 August 2005; accepted 23 August 2005

Integrated Sensitive High Mass Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb zircon, geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic data
from the late Archaean Gawler Craton, southern Australia, constrain major basin-forming and magmatic processes to the interval
2560–2500 Ma. This terrane represents a convergent margin associated with the second half of a full global Wilson cycle, during
which continental fragments formed between 2780 and 2590 Ma amalgamated with younger cratons, perhaps forming the Earth’s
first supercontinent.
Metasedimentary rocks in the central and southern Gawler Craton deposited between 2535 and 2500 Ma, have dominant detrital
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages, geochemical and εNd signatures which reflect input from predominantly felsic, juvenile to moderately
evolved late Archaean crust. Geochemical patterns in ca. 2560–2500 Ma felsic to intermediate igneous lithologies that in part were
produced during on-going basin development, suggest affinities with an arc-like environment, and have a range of εNd values that
indicate variable crustal contamination of primitive arc components. However, approximately coeval komatiites have geochemical
and εNd signatures consistent with a mantle–plume origin.
We envisage a tectonothermal regime for development of the late Archaean Gawler Craton that reflects interaction between a
convergent margin and mantle–plume, in which sedimentary deposition occurred during active basin development in a back-arc or
arc-rift setting. Basin formation and associated magmatism was terminated by regional granulite grade metamorphism and crustal
thickening during the ca. 2500–2400 Ma Sleafordian Orogeny, which was proceed by ∼400 Ma of tectonic quiescence. This suggests
that the Sleafordian Orogeny was driven by collision between continental components, leading to the formation of a continental
interior. While the late Archaean Gawler Craton is younger than prodigious late Archaean metallogenic provinces associated with
the first half of a full global Wilson cycle (ca. 2780–2590 Ma), there are important lithological and tectonic similarities to those
mineralized systems.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gawler Craton; Late Archaean; SHRIMP U–Pb zircon; Sm–Nd; Geochemistry

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 83034971; fax: +61 8 83034347.

E-mail address: greg.swain@adelaide.edu.au (G. Swain).

0301-9268/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 107

1. Introduction 2. Geological setting of the Gawler Craton

Major periods of crustal growth during the late The Gawler Craton, south Australia (Fig. 1), is a late
Archaean are thought to reflect plate tectonic processes Archaean to Mesoproterozoic province that preserves
during which various geological assemblages were col- a protracted history of tectonothermal events including
lectively stabilized as complex cratons such as the Yil- the ca. 2500–2400 Ma Sleafordian Orogeny, ca. 1850 Ma
garn Craton, western Australia and Superior Province, Neill Event, ca. 1730–1700 Ma Kimban Orogeny and ca.
Canada (Taylor and McLennan, 1985; Barley et al., 1992, 1690–1540 Ma Kararan Orogeny (Table 1; Parker, 1993;
1998; Ayer and Davis, 1997; Choukroune et al., 1997; Daly et al., 1998; Ferris et al., 2002). Late Archaean
Vogel et al., 1998; Henry et al., 2000). Importantly, lithologies of the Gawler Craton out crop in the Mul-
these late Archaean Cratons are host to highly miner- gathing Complex (Fig. 1a) and the Sleaford Complex
alized terranes such as the Norseman-Wiluna Belt of (Fig. 1b), which are two spatially separate terranes that
the Yilgarn Craton and the Abitibi Belt of the Superior comprise the oldest regional basement within the craton.
Province, and are interpreted to belong to the first half The existing age framework for which is summarized in
(ca. 2780–2590 Ma) of a full 2780–2400 Ma global Wil- Table 1.
son cycle (Swager and Nelson, 1997; Barley et al., 1998;
Wyman et al., 1999; Barley et al., 2005). In recognition of 2.1. Central Gawler Craton: Mulgathing Complex
the importance of these mineralized terranes, there has
been an enormous effort expended in trying to under- The Mulgathing Complex, central Gawler Craton
stand their evolution (e.g. Barley et al., 1998). Recent (Fig. 1a), is comprised of the Christie Gneiss, the Kenella
studies have highlighted contemporaneous development Paragneiss, mafic/ultramafic rocks of the Harris Green-
of arc-related felsic volcanic rocks and plume-related stone Belt (HGB), calc-alkaline Devil’s Playground Vol-
komatiites, suggesting interaction between ascending canics and the syn-tectonic Glenloth Granite (Daly and
mantle–plumes and adjacent subduction zones (e.g. Fanning, 1993; Daly et al., 1998; Ferris et al., 2002).
Superior Province, Canada; Campbell et al., 1989; Xie Metasedimentary units of the Christie Gneiss include
et al., 1993; Dostal and Mueller, 1997; Hollings and banded iron formation, carbonate, calc-silicate, quartzite
Wyman, 1999; Hollings et al., 1999; Wyman et al., 1999; and aluminous metasediments (Daly and Fanning,
Polat and Kerrich, 2001). A number of studies have 1993; Daly et al., 1998). The aluminous metasediments
also demonstrated the importance of deciphering the ter- are coarse-grained granulite facies plagioclase–K-
rane provenance preserved in sedimentary rock systems feldspar–quartz–garnet–cordierite–biotite–sillimanite
(e.g. Taylor and McLennan, 1985; Maas and McCulloch, gneisses, with localized garnet–cordierite-bearing
1991; Lahtinen, 2000). leucosomes. Daly and Fanning (1993) interpret the
This paper presents U–Pb zircon, geochemical and mesoscopic compositional layering to reflect the
Sm–Nd isotopic data from late Archaean metasedimen- original sedimentary sequence. A zircon U–Pb age
tary and igneous lithologies of the Gawler Craton in of 2437 ± 11 Ma (Fanning, 1997) is interpreted to
southern Australia (Fig. 1). Mafic–ultramafic and fel- record peak granulite facies metamorphism dur-
sic volcanic, plutonic and metasedimentary rocks of ing the Sleafordian Orogeny, with calculated peak
the proto Gawler Craton are comparable to other late pressure–temperature conditions of 4.5–5.5 kbar and
Archaean Cratons (e.g. Superior Province, Canada; Yil- 750–800 ◦ C (Teasdale, 1997). Depositional ages for the
garn Craton, western Australia), which have been inter- Christie Gneiss are unknown, however, the presence
preted to have evolved via processes that were simi- of Sleafordian-aged metamorphic zircon indicates that
lar to modern plate tectonics (Ayer and Davis, 1997; deposition must have occurred prior to ca. 2500 Ma.
Champion and Sheraton, 1997; Barley et al., 1998; The Kenella Paragneiss is a K-feldspar–quartz–
Hollings et al., 1999; Toulkeridis et al., 1999; Henry plagioclase ± garnet ± biotite ± sillimanite gneiss. Daly
et al., 2000; Lahtinen, 2000; Lahtinen et al., 2002). and Fanning (1993) interpreted this rock unit as meta-
Despite deformation and metamorphism associated with igneous, either as concordant sills or metavolcanics.
the ca. 2500–2400 Ma Sleafordian Orogeny and subse- However, limited outcrop, drill–hole intersections and
quent tectonic episodes, the isotopic and geochemical retrogression during the ca. 1730–1700 Ma Kimban
compositions of the late Archaean lithologies still con- Orogeny (Daly et al., 1998) does not rule out the like-
tain critical information regarding the depositional and lihood of a sedimentary, or interlayed sedimentary and
tectonothermal evolution of the late Archaean Gawler igneous origin (Daly and Fanning, 1993; Fanning, 1997).
Craton. The age of the Kenella Paragneiss is not constrained, but
108 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

Fig. 1. Distribution of late Archaean rocks in the Gawler Craton, south Australia. Interpreted solid geology of the: (a) Mulgathing Complex, central
Gawler Craton (modified from Cowley and Fanning, 1992; Daly and Fanning, 1993; Hoatson et al., 2005) and (b) Sleaford Complex, southern
Gawler Craton (modified from Schwarz, 2003).
Table 1
Established age framework for the late Archaean Gawler Craton
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon age Sm–Nd isotopic analyses Reference
Sm Nd 147
Sm/144 Nd 143
Nd/144 Nd Age, t εNd (0) εNd (t) TDM
(ppm) (ppm) (Ma) (Ma)
Mulgathing Complex
Christie Gneiss
Cordierite garnet gneiss 2447 ± 9 (interpreted Fanning (1997)
Garnet gneiss 2437 ± 11 (n = 13, Fanning (1997)
interpreted metamorphic)
Harris Greenstone Belt

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

Komatiite 2520 +2 to +4 Fanning (2002)
(n = 8)
Rhyodacite intrusion 2509 ± 3 (n = 23, Fanning (2002)
Interbedded metasediment 2522 ± 8 (n = 14, Fanning (2002)
magmatic inheritance)
Rhyodacite intrusion ca. 2500 (crystallization) Zang et al. (2002)
Hopeful Hill Basalt 2520 +3.20 Fanning (2002)
Devil’s Playground Volcanics
Rhyodacite 2553 ± 9 (n = 9, Fanning (1997)
ca. 2510 (n = 4) Fanning (1997)

Rhyodacite 5.0 23.9 0.1273 0.51152 2558 −22 +0.81 2879 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Rhyodacite 3.8 17.6 0.1287 0.51150 2558 −22.5 −0.14 2970 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Rhyodacite 5.6 27.0 0.1266 0.51158 2558 −22.9 +0.22 2929 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Rhyodacite 4.9 22.9 0.1301 0.51155 2558 −21.6 +0.38 2930 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Rhyodacite 5.0 24.1 0.1245 0.51144 2558 −23.6 +0.19 2923 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Andesite 4.6 20.8 0.1341 0.51171 2558 −18.3 +2.37 2757 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Andesite 3.7 17.4 0.1272 0.51161 2558 −20.3 +2.61 2720 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Andesite 3.5 14.4 0.1467 0.51175 2558 −17.6 −1.10 3190 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Andesite 3.3 14.7 0.1359 0.51161 2558 −20.3 −0.25 3019 Cowley and Fanning (1992)
Glenloth Granite
2499 ± 11 (n = 2, Fanning (1997)
Sleaford Complex
Carnot Gneiss
Cd. Gt. paragneiss ca. 2300–2850 (continuum Fanning (1997)
of data)
ca. 2950–3150 Fanning (1997)
5.9 29.4 0.1220 0.51123 ± 5 2520 −27.5 −3.50 3213 Schaefer (1998)
Hyperthene gneiss ca. 2400 (interpreted Fanning (1997)
ca. 2500–2600 Fanning (1997)

Table 1 (Continued)
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon age Sm–Nd isotopic analyses Reference
Sm Nd 147
Sm/144 Nd 143
Nd/144 Nd Age, t εNd (0) εNd (t) TDM
(ppm) (ppm) (Ma) (Ma)
Wangary Paragneiss
ca. 2480 (interpreted Fanning (1997)

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

2679 ± 9 (n = 3) Fanning (1997)
9.9 53.1 0.1120 0.51106 ± 8 2520 −30.7 −3.40 3140 Schaefer (1998)
6.2 35.6 0.1000 0.51096 2520 −32.8 −1.40 2938 Rich (2000)
7.9 41.3 0.1200 0.51123 2520 −27.5 −2.70 3131 Rich (2000)
Hall Bay Volcanics
2527 ± 5 (crystallization) Fanning (2002)
2524 ± 5 (crystallization) −1.15 Fanning (2002)
2519 ± 11 (crystallization) +2.73 Fanning (2002)
2523 ± 6 (crystallization) +3.02 Fanning (2002)
ca. 2560–2720 and up to
3200 (inheritance)
2520 ± 7 (crystallization) Teale et al. (2000)
ca. 2720 (inheritance) Teale et al. (2000)
6.6 41.3 0.0960 0.51077 ± 7 2520 −36.5 −3.90 3085 Woodhouse (2002)
3.8 24. 0.0980 0.51082 ± 1 2520 −35.5 −3.60 3072 Woodhouse (2002)
Coulta Granodiorite
Coulta Granodiorite 2517 ± 17 (crystallization) Fanning (1997)
Coulta Granodiorite 6.5 31.1 0.1267 0.51136 2517 −35.2 −2.40 Schaefer (1998)
Kiana Granite ca. 2460 (crystallization) Fanning (1997)
Kiana Granite ca. 2550 (inheritance) Fanning (1997)
Kiana Granite 8.6 49.4 0.1047 0.51113 2558 −39.5 +0.90 Schaefer (1998)

Deformation History
Sleafordian Orogeny ca. 2500–2400

Neill Event ca. 1850 Ferris et al. (2002, and reference
Kimban Orogeny ca. 1730–1700 there in)
Kararan Orogeny ca. 1650–1540
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 111

it is intruded by the ca. 2500 Ma Glenloth Granite (Daly with associated mafic and felsic orthogneisses. The
and Fanning, 1993). paragneisses yield U–Pb zircon ages between ca. 2850
The Harris Greenstone Belt is a sequence of and 2300 Ma with a few analyses at ca. 3150–2950 Ma
mafic/ultramafic basalts and komatiites with interbedded (Fanning, 1997). Medium to coarse-grained concordant
metasedimentary and volcaniclastic units, which have bodies of opx-bearing gneiss intrude the Carnot parag-
been metamorphosed to middle amphibolite facies dur- neiss supracrustal sequence (Daly and Fanning, 1993)
ing the Sleafordian Orogeny (Zang et al., 2002; Hoatson and yield U–Pb zircon ages from 2600 to 2500 Ma with
et al., 2005). Fanning (2002) and Zang (2002) report a a dominant metamorphic peak around 2400 Ma associ-
late Archaean age of ca. 2520 Ma for the HGB komati- ated with the Sleafordian Orogeny (Fanning, 1997).
ite, constrained by SHRIMP U–Pb ages of felsic igneous The Wangary Paragneiss consists of amphibolite
and metasedimentary rocks associated with the komatiite facies K-feldspar–plagioclase–quartz–biotite ± garnet
and intrusion by a rhyodacite dyke dated at 2509 ± 3 Ma ± muscovite gneisses that outcrop along the western
(Table 1). The HGB komatiite is also intruded by a coastline of southern Eyre Peninsula (Fig. 1b), and are
quartz diorite vein which has a U–Pb zircon age of interpreted as a possible lower grade equivalent to the
2499 ± 11 Ma, interpreted to belong to the Glenloth Carnot paragneisses (Daly and Fanning, 1993). U–Pb
Granite (Fanning, 1997). Geochemical and Sm–Nd iso- zircon analyses at ca. 2480 Ma are interpreted as meta-
topic signatures indicate a depleted mantle source via morphic (Fanning, 1997), while analyses at 2679 ± 9 Ma
mantle–plume activity in an extensional environment have been interpreted as detrital, possibly volcanic in ori-
(Hoatson et al., 2005). gin (Fanning, 1997).
The Devil’s Playground Volcanics are a relatively The Hall Bay Volcanics (Fig. 1b) are a comparatively
undeformed bimodal suite of calc-alkaline rhyodacite recently recognized unit within the Sleaford Complex
and andesite volcanics that were erupted at around and consist of low-grade aluminous and sub-aluminous
2558 ± 6 Ma (IDTIMS) and 2553 ± 9 Ma (SHRIMP) metapelites interlayered with interpreted felsic volcanic
(Cowley and Fanning, 1992; Fanning, 1997). Initial εNd and volcaniclastic units (Teale et al., 2000). U–Pb zir-
at 2558 Ma range from −1 to +3 (Cowley and Fan- con data from two samples of the Hall Bay Volcanics
ning, 1992), and are interpreted to reflect material that suggest an extrusive age of ca. 2520 Ma with significant
had either little residence time in the continental crust, inheritance at ca. 2720 Ma (Teale et al., 2000) due to
or mixing between older continental crust and depleted either involvement of ca. 2720 Ma crust in the genesis of
mantle at ca. 2560 Ma (Cowley and Fanning, 1992; Fan- the volcanics, or in the provenance of the volcaniclastic
ning, 1997). The relationship between these volcanics rocks.
and the other late Archaean lithologies of the Mulgath- The Dutton Suite (Fanning, 1997) consists of the
ing Complex is not constrained. high crustal-level Coulta Granodiorite, Kiana Granite
The Glenloth Granite is the youngest identified com- and Whidbey Granite (Daly et al., 1998; Daly and
ponent of the Mulgathing Complex, which ranges in Fanning, 1993). The Coulta Granodiorite is the oldest
composition from granite to granodiorite (Daly and member of the suite with a U–Pb zircon intrusive age
Fanning, 1993). It is poorly to well-foliated, medium of 2517 ± 14 Ma (Fanning, 1997; Table 1). The Kiana
to coarse-grained with an interpreted U–Pb zircon crys- Granite has an interpreted U–Pb zircon intrusive age of
tallization age of 2499 ± 11 Ma (Table 1; Fanning, ca. 2460 Ma with significant inheritance around 2550 Ma
1997). (Table 1; Fanning, 1997). Outcrop of the Kiana Granite
is widespread throughout southwestern Eyre Peninsula
2.2. Southern Gawler Craton: Sleaford Complex where it intrudes the Coulta Granodiorite and the Wan-
gary Gneiss (Daly et al., 1998). The Whidbey Granite
The Sleaford Complex (Thomson, 1980), south- outcrops exclusively offshore on islands off the west-
ern Eyre Peninsula (Fig. 1b), consists of late ern coast of the southern Eyre Peninsula and contains
Archaean medium- and high-grade metasedimentary enclaves of possible Coulta Granodiorite, however, rela-
rock sequences of the Carnot Gneiss, Wangary Parag- tionships between the Kiana Granite and Whidbey Gran-
neiss, Hall Bay Volcanics and high-level intrusives of ite are not established (Daly and Fanning, 1993).
the Dutton Suite, unconformably overlain by Palaeo-
proterozoic Hutchison Group metasediments (Daly and 3. Analytical methods
Fanning, 1993).
The Carnot Gneiss includes a layered sequence of Samples for elemental and isotopic analysis were
intensely deformed and metamorphosed paragneisses jaw crushed and splits pulverized in a tungsten-carbide
112 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

mill. Major, trace and rare earth elements (REE’s) 4. Results

were analyzed at Amdel Laboratories, Adelaide. Major
element oxide analysis as well as Cr, V and Sc 4.1. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon data
use a 0.1 g sub-sample of analytical pulp, fused with
lithium metaborate followed by dissolution to give a SHRIMP U–Pb zircon data for zircons from Kenella
total solution, which was presented to an Inductively Paragneiss, HGB metasedimentary and volcaniclastic
Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP- rocks (stratigraphically bound by komatiites), Wangary
OES). Rb, Ba, Sr, Hf and Zr analysis were deter- Paragneiss and Hall Bay Volcanics samples are presented
mined by presenting the same solution to an Induc- in Tables 2–7. Results are displayed on probability den-
tively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). sity plots (with stacked histograms), coupled with indi-
The remaining trace and REE suite was determined vidual spot Th/U ratios (Fig. 2). Data in Fig. 2 are filtered
by dissolution of a 0.2 g sub-sample of analytical to 10% concordance and <2% common Pb (f206 < 2%)
pulp in hydrofluoric/multi-acid digest and presented to avoid incorporation of U–Pb zircon isotopic data that
to an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer. had undergone either significant post or pre-depositional
Amdel Laboratories work to documented procedures in isotopic modification. Analyses preferentially targeted
accordance to ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems zircon cores, using optical and cathodoluminescence
standard. imagery, with less emphasis on overgrowths (Fig. 3).
Sensitive High Mass Resolution Ion Microprobe Zircon U–Pb data from previous studies are presented in
(SHRIMP) U–Pb zircon analytical techniques used in Table 1.
this study follow those given by Williams (1998) and
references there in. Zircons were separated using stan- 4.1.1. Kenella Paragneiss, samples 494305 and
dard heavy-liquid and magnetic methods, and hand 494306
picked to obtain a representative selection of the zir- The dominant U–Pb zircon age population from
con population. Zircons were mounted in an epoxy the Kenella Paragneiss (494305 and 494306) ranges
disk together with reference zircons, sectioned approx- between 2720 and 2400 Ma, with minor older inheritance
imately in half, polished and imaged using optical (Fig. 2a and b). Both 494305 and 494306 have compa-
microscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) on a scan- rable age populations; however, 494305 displays a more
ning electron microscope. Twenty to 30 ␮m areas of dominant peak between 2600 and 2560 Ma (Fig. 2a) rel-
cores and rims that were optically clear, crack free and ative to 494306, which has a dominant peak between
representative of a single domain in CL, were ana- 2720 and 2650 Ma (Fig. 2b). CL imagery shows that
lyzed on SHRIMP I and II at the Research School 2600–2560 Ma zircons are mainly euhedral with oscil-
of Earth Sciences at the Australian National Univer- latory growth zoning, while 2720–2650 Ma zircons are
sity, Canberra, under standard operation conditions (e.g. less consistently euhedral and display a range of growth
Compston et al., 1992; Williams, 1998). Data reductions zone patterns (Fig. 3a). Zircon grains older than 2720 Ma
were done using SQUID 1.02 (Ludwig, 2001) and age appear round to sub-round with simple zoning of light
calculations made using Isoplot/Ex rev. 2.49 (Ludwig, CL cores and dark CL rims (Fig. 3a). The youngest con-
2001). cordant analysis from the outer edge of a zircon with
Analytical techniques for whole rock Sm–Nd isotopic oscillatory growth zoning has an age of 2536 ± 8 Ma
data have been detailed elsewhere (e.g. Barovich and (spot 43.2, 494305), while the core of that zircon has
Foden, 2000) and are only summarized here. Samples a concordant age of 2544 ± 6 Ma (spot 43.1; Fig. 3a).
were spiked with a 150 Nd–149 Sm solution, evaporated Analyses from dark CL zircon overgrowths (Fig. 3a)
in HF/HNO3 , then with fresh HF/HNO3 , sealed in high yielded ages that range between 2500 and 2420 Ma and
pressure Teflon bombs for 4 days, evaporated in HCl, are generally characterized by Th/U ratios less than 0.2
and sealed again in bombs overnight with HCl before (Fig. 2b). Two near concordant analyses (spots 24.1
final evaporation. Sm–Nd isotopic ratios were calculated and 30.1, 494305) from dark CL zircons gave ages
by thermal ionization mass spectrometry on a Finni- of 1747 ± 24 Ma and 1729 ± 10 Ma (Fig. 3a) and have
gan MAT 262 mass spectrometer at the University of Th/U ratios of 0.23 and 0.02, respectively.
Adelaide. Reproducibility is monitored by procedural
analysis of an in house standard, average = 0.511598 ± 4 4.1.2. Harris Greenstone Belt metasedimentary
(2σ; n = 23). The long-term average for the La Jolla Nd rock, sample 495628
standard is 0.511838 ± 5 (2σ). Total blanks for Sm–Nd CL images of zircons from the HGB metasedimen-
are 100–200 pg. tary unit (bound by komatiite flows) display dominantly
Table 2
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon isotopic data for Kenella Paragneiss sample 494305
Grain spot U (ppm) Th (ppm) Th/U Pb* (ppm) 204
Pb/206 Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios r Age (Ma) Disc (%)
Pb/238 U ± 207
Pb/235 U ± 207
Pb/206 Pb ± 206
Pb/238 U ± 207
Pb/206 Pb ±
1.1 409 173 0.42 170 0.000031 0.04 0.4834 0.0062 11.267 0.157 0.1690 0.0009 0.922 2542 27 2548 9 0
2.1 235 96 0.41 101 0.000057 0.08 0.4990 0.0071 11.807 0.235 0.1716 0.0024 0.712 2610 30 2573 23 −1
3.1 118 76 0.65 57 0.000248 0.33 0.5631 0.0101 15.293 0.367 0.1970 0.0031 0.751 2879 42 2801 26 −3
4.1 313 171 0.55 116 – <0.01 0.4317 0.0058 9.988 0.148 0.1678 0.0010 0.908 2313 26 2536 10 10
5.1 144 48 0.33 56 0.000005 0.01 0.4541 0.0077 10.584 0.341 0.1690 0.0046 0.525 2414 34 2548 46 6
7.1 132 68 0.52 67 0.000087 0.11 0.5891 0.0101 17.817 0.373 0.2194 0.0027 0.816 2986 41 2976 19 0
8.1 241 115 0.48 108 0.000077 0.11 0.5224 0.0072 12.896 0.200 0.1790 0.0013 0.890 2709 31 2644 12 −2
9.1 591 410 0.69 252 0.000043 0.06 0.4952 0.0061 11.335 0.163 0.1660 0.0012 0.853 2593 26 2518 13 −3
10.1 478 166 0.35 197 – <0.01 0.4794 0.0063 11.206 0.164 0.1695 0.0011 0.899 2525 28 2553 11 1
11.1 449 104 0.23 207 0.000006 0.01 0.5378 0.0086 13.715 0.228 0.1850 0.0008 0.965 2774 36 2698 7 −3
12.1 510 94 0.18 206 0.000028 0.04 0.4693 0.0057 10.155 0.158 0.1569 0.0015 0.780 2481 25 2423 17 −2
12.2 670 575 0.86 276 0.000065 0.09 0.4783 0.0117 11.224 0.278 0.1702 0.0008 0.984 2520 51 2560 7 2

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

13.1 1366 1749 1.28 592 0.000014 0.02 0.5044 0.0058 11.871 0.140 0.1707 0.0005 0.973 2633 25 2564 5 −3
13.2 753 30 0.04 306 0.000030 0.04 0.4725 0.0058 10.772 0.138 0.1653 0.0006 0.959 2495 25 2511 6 1
14.1 175 135 0.77 66 – <0.01 0.4393 0.0062 9.623 0.155 0.1589 0.0012 0.875 2347 28 2444 13 4
15.1 829 592 0.71 384 0.000003 <0.01 0.5396 0.0067 15.078 0.723 0.2027 0.0094 0.257 2782 28 2848 75 2
15.2 754 115 0.15 311 0.000010 0.01 0.4799 0.0056 10.600 0.131 0.1602 0.0006 0.953 2527 25 2458 6 −3
16.1 273 244 0.89 109 0.001030 1.37 0.4607 0.0061 12.868 0.235 0.2026 0.0026 0.721 2443 27 2847 21 17
16.2 662 66 0.10 171 0.000345 0.50 0.2989 0.0036 6.190 0.089 0.1502 0.0012 0.840 1686 18 2348 13 39
17.1 164 61 0.37 69 0.000076 0.10 0.4852 0.0068 12.049 0.195 0.1801 0.0015 0.864 2550 29 2654 14 4
18.1 1744 17 0.01 685 0.000009 0.01 0.4569 0.0052 9.691 0.124 0.1538 0.0009 0.897 2426 23 2389 10 −2
19.1 133 87 0.66 59 0.000512 0.72 0.5127 0.0088 11.629 0.411 0.1645 0.0051 0.487 2668 38 2503 52 −6
20.1 374 192 0.51 161 0.000006 0.01 0.4997 0.0063 11.988 0.163 0.1740 0.0009 0.927 2612 27 2596 8 −1
21.1 141 78 0.56 63 0.000011 0.01 0.5246 0.0076 12.704 0.218 0.1756 0.0016 0.848 2719 32 2612 15 −4
22.1 685 251 0.37 286 0.000002 <0.01 0.4866 0.0058 11.252 0.139 0.1677 0.0006 0.956 2556 25 2535 6 −1
23.1 189 140 0.74 89 0.000194 0.27 0.5463 0.0076 13.411 0.225 0.1780 0.0017 0.833 2810 32 2635 15 −6
24.1 204 48 0.23 53 0.000098 0.15 0.3026 0.0059 4.460 0.106 0.1069 0.0014 0.829 1704 29 1747 24 3
25.1 221 155 0.70 101 – <0.01 0.5310 0.0097 12.898 0.250 0.1762 0.0011 0.946 2746 41 2617 10 −5
26.1 413 407 0.99 167 0.000027 0.04 0.4695 0.0062 11.121 0.157 0.1718 0.0009 0.930 2481 27 2575 9 4
27.1 378 55 0.15 169 0.000005 0.01 0.5203 0.0069 12.924 0.415 0.1801 0.0053 0.416 2701 29 2654 48 −2
28.1 54 28 0.52 27 0.000105 0.14 0.5769 0.0125 15.108 0.382 0.1899 0.0025 0.857 2936 51 2742 21 −7
29.1 512 75 0.15 167 – <0.01 0.3796 0.0061 8.110 0.137 0.1550 0.0007 0.959 2074 29 2401 8 16
29.2 868 657 0.76 408 0.000021 0.03 0.5464 0.0064 16.589 0.202 0.2202 0.0007 0.966 2810 27 2982 5 6
30.1 941 22 0.02 238 0.000014 0.02 0.2943 0.0035 4.294 0.057 0.1058 0.0006 0.909 1663 18 1729 10 4
31.1 47 26 0.55 19 0.000321 0.45 0.4797 0.0099 10.743 0.316 0.1624 0.0034 0.704 2526 43 2481 35 −2
32.1 631 563 0.89 263 – <0.01 0.4857 0.0059 11.270 0.143 0.1683 0.0007 0.949 2552 25 2541 7 0
33.1 310 264 0.85 130 0.000040 0.05 0.4898 0.0063 12.169 0.170 0.1802 0.0010 0.922 2570 27 2655 9 3
34.1 131 136 1.04 56 – <0.01 0.5033 0.0083 12.061 0.224 0.1738 0.0015 0.890 2628 36 2595 14 −1
35.1 124 58 0.47 46 0.000171 0.24 0.4292 0.0066 9.322 0.285 0.1575 0.0042 0.504 2302 30 2429 45 6
36.1 502 145 0.29 300 0.000021 0.02 0.6966 0.0089 30.115 0.397 0.3135 0.0010 0.971 3408 34 3538 5 4
37.1 388 234 0.60 147 0.000014 0.02 0.4413 0.0056 9.551 0.130 0.1570 0.0008 0.923 2356 25 2423 9 3
38.1 958 262 0.27 324 0.000075 0.11 0.3940 0.0047 8.737 0.110 0.1608 0.0007 0.943 2141 22 2464 7 15
39.1 153 44 0.29 64 0.000072 0.10 0.4889 0.0078 10.840 0.198 0.1608 0.0014 0.875 2566 34 2464 15 −4
40.1 366 198 0.54 163 0.000086 0.12 0.5188 0.0067 12.802 0.185 0.1790 0.0012 0.889 2694 28 2643 11 −2
41.1 1225 230 0.19 521 – <0.01 0.4950 0.0058 11.942 0.177 0.1750 0.0016 0.789 2592 25 2606 15 1
42.1 445 373 0.84 191 0.000038 0.05 0.5001 0.0063 12.043 0.161 0.1747 0.0008 0.936 2614 27 2603 8 0
43.1 1130 1396 1.24 466 0.000023 0.03 0.4799 0.0057 11.159 0.138 0.1686 0.0006 0.956 2527 25 2544 6 1
43.2 505 191 0.38 213 0.000039 0.05 0.4894 0.0060 11.325 0.150 0.1678 0.0008 0.934 2568 26 2536 8 −1

Notes: (1) Uncertainties given at the one s level. (2) f206% denotes the percentage of 206 Pb that is common Pb. (3) Correction for common Pb made using the measured 204 Pb/206 Pb ratio. (4) For

% Disc, 0% denotes a concordant analysis. (5) Ages in bold (<10% Disc and <2% f206%). (6) 206 Pb* denotes radiogenic Pb.
Table 3

SHRIMP U–Pb zircon isotopic data for Kenella Paragneiss sample 494306
Grain spot U (ppm) Th (ppm) Th/U Pb* (ppm) 204
Pb/206 Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios r Age (Ma) Disc (%)
Pb/238 U ± 207
Pb/235 U ± 207
Pb/206 Pb ± 206
Pb/238 U ± 207
Pb/206 Pb ±
6.1 549 643 1.17 226 0.000023 0.03 0.4800 0.0060 11.285 0.150 0.1705 0.0008 0.933 2527 26 2563 8 1
1.1 228 172 0.76 106 0.000039 0.05 0.5419 0.0074 14.207 0.265 0.1902 0.0024 0.731 2791 31 2744 21 −2
2.1 137 142 1.04 60 0.000025 0.03 0.5117 0.0077 12.795 0.236 0.1814 0.0019 0.814 2664 33 2665 18 0
3.1 146 105 0.72 62 – <0.01 0.4959 0.0099 12.649 0.275 0.1850 0.0016 0.915 2596 42 2698 14 4
6.1 275 33 0.12 101 0.000077 0.11 0.4267 0.0060 9.409 0.152 0.1599 0.0013 0.873 2291 27 2455 13 7
7.1 282 141 0.50 106 0.000033 0.05 0.4369 0.0057 9.459 0.137 0.1570 0.0010 0.900 2337 25 2424 11 4
8.1 578 440 0.76 233 0.000029 0.04 0.4687 0.0056 11.127 0.141 0.1722 0.0007 0.947 2478 25 2579 7 4
9.1 188 167 0.89 81 0.000089 0.12 0.5007 0.0069 12.586 0.198 0.1823 0.0014 0.882 2617 30 2674 12 2
10.1 91 87 0.96 38 0.000015 0.02 0.4924 0.0079 11.960 0.223 0.1762 0.0017 0.863 2581 34 2617 16 1
11.1 227 176 0.77 111 – <0.01 0.5701 0.0076 15.937 0.266 0.2028 0.0021 0.795 2908 31 2849 16 −2
12.1 55 33 0.60 25 – <0.01 0.5325 0.0097 14.354 0.321 0.1955 0.0025 0.819 2752 41 2789 21 1
13.1 292 37 0.13 126 – <0.01 0.5001 0.0068 11.247 0.165 0.1631 0.0009 0.926 2614 29 2488 9 −5

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

14.1 116 215 1.85 58 – <0.01 0.5757 0.0086 14.371 0.240 0.1811 0.0013 0.898 2931 35 2663 12 −9
15.1 381 43 0.11 157 – <0.01 0.4814 0.0062 12.760 0.175 0.1923 0.0009 0.944 2533 27 2762 7 9
16.1 390 19 0.05 164 0.000047 0.07 0.4884 0.0069 10.715 0.160 0.1591 0.0008 0.945 2564 30 2446 8 −5
17.1 649 31 0.05 237 0.000010 0.01 0.4240 0.0051 8.971 0.132 0.1535 0.0013 0.826 2278 23 2385 14 5
18.1 573 182 0.32 230 0.000026 0.04 0.4671 0.0055 10.427 0.135 0.1619 0.0009 0.904 2471 24 2476 9 0
19.1 212 50 0.24 86 0.001444 2.03 0.4614 0.0068 10.556 0.267 0.1659 0.0034 0.582 2446 30 2517 35 3
20.1 115 29 0.26 44 – <0.01 0.4484 0.0071 9.661 0.174 0.1562 0.0014 0.876 2388 31 2415 15 1
21.1 147 38 0.26 52 0.000110 0.16 0.4088 0.0058 8.785 0.158 0.1559 0.0017 0.792 2209 27 2411 19 9
22.1 207 97 0.47 97 0.000063 0.09 0.5443 0.0069 13.842 0.193 0.1844 0.0010 0.915 2802 29 2693 9 −4
23.1 82 67 0.81 41 – <0.01 0.5841 0.0091 17.809 0.333 0.2211 0.0023 0.836 2965 37 2989 17 1
24.1 380 161 0.42 163 – <0.01 0.5009 0.0060 12.469 0.178 0.1805 0.0014 0.845 2618 26 2658 13 2
25.1 467 35 0.07 191 0.000032 0.04 0.4761 0.0057 10.525 0.134 0.1603 0.0007 0.938 2510 25 2459 7 −2
26.1 102 83 0.82 45 0.000048 0.07 0.5103 0.0075 12.396 0.211 0.1762 0.0015 0.866 2658 32 2617 14 −2
27.1 410 49 0.12 157 – <0.01 0.4463 0.0056 9.358 0.124 0.1521 0.0007 0.942 2379 25 2370 8 0
28.1 395 35 0.09 156 0.000003 0.00 0.4593 0.0062 10.239 0.146 0.1617 0.0007 0.951 2437 28 2473 7 1
29.1 198 111 0.56 87 – <0.01 0.5085 0.0066 11.877 0.173 0.1694 0.0011 0.898 2650 28 2552 11 −4
30.1 241 158 0.66 108 – <0.01 0.5200 0.0065 12.776 0.171 0.1782 0.0009 0.929 2699 28 2636 8 −2
31.1 76 40 0.53 30 0.000029 0.04 0.4527 0.0079 10.156 0.221 0.1627 0.0021 0.798 2407 35 2484 22 3
32.1 168 49 0.29 75 0.000020 0.03 0.5225 0.0069 13.228 0.192 0.1836 0.0011 0.909 2710 29 2686 10 −1
33.1 598 85 0.14 230 0.000019 0.03 0.4477 0.0051 9.682 0.136 0.1569 0.0013 0.817 2385 23 2422 14 2
34.1 323 109 0.34 142 0.000071 0.10 0.5097 0.0064 12.245 0.165 0.1742 0.0008 0.934 2655 27 2599 8 −2
35.1 80 71 0.88 38 – <0.01 0.5482 0.0082 14.498 0.251 0.1918 0.0017 0.866 2818 34 2758 14 −2
36.1 121 150 1.24 57 0.000034 0.05 0.5479 0.0081 13.721 0.225 0.1816 0.0013 0.902 2816 34 2668 12 −5
37.1 548 41 0.07 213 – <0.01 0.4526 0.0051 9.676 0.116 0.1551 0.0006 0.951 2407 23 2402 6 0
38.1 139 138 1.00 63 0.000158 0.22 0.5246 0.0074 12.989 0.338 0.1796 0.0039 0.545 2719 31 2649 36 −3
39.1 303 195 0.64 127 0.000006 0.01 0.4864 0.0058 11.496 0.146 0.1714 0.0008 0.935 2555 25 2572 8 1
40.1 119 68 0.57 57 0.000062 0.08 0.5532 0.0075 14.637 0.271 0.1919 0.0024 0.729 2838 31 2758 21 −3
41.1 204 122 0.60 87 – <0.01 0.4968 0.0061 11.905 0.160 0.1738 0.0009 0.915 2600 26 2594 9 0
42.1 109 57 0.53 52 0.000002 <0.01 0.5599 0.0078 14.444 0.227 0.1871 0.0013 0.892 2866 32 2717 12 −5
44.1 615 27 0.04 216 – <0.01 0.4093 0.0046 8.388 0.100 0.1486 0.0006 0.948 2212 21 2330 7 5
45.1 197 164 0.83 90 0.000047 0.06 0.5333 0.0069 13.428 0.236 0.1826 0.0022 0.740 2755 29 2677 20 −3
46.1 114 120 1.05 53 0.000026 0.04 0.5358 0.0084 13.617 0.239 0.1843 0.0015 0.891 2766 35 2692 13 −3
47.1 236 267 1.13 110 – <0.01 0.5447 0.0067 14.999 0.198 0.1997 0.0009 0.933 2803 28 2824 8 1
48.1 567 369 0.65 345 0.000009 0.01 0.7088 0.0083 28.608 0.342 0.2927 0.0007 0.979 3454 31 3432 4 −1
49.1 394 200 0.51 138 0.000010 0.02 0.4082 0.0053 8.061 0.112 0.1432 0.0008 0.922 2207 24 2266 9 3
50.1 418 58 0.14 168 0.000059 0.08 0.4668 0.0056 10.134 0.174 0.1574 0.0019 0.700 2470 25 2428 21 −2
51.1 54 40 0.74 24 0.000411 0.57 0.5219 0.0097 12.384 0.325 0.1721 0.0032 0.709 2707 41 2578 31 −5
53.1 132 70 0.53 58 0.000030 0.04 0.5110 0.0116 13.117 0.314 0.1862 0.0014 0.952 2661 50 2709 12 2
Notes: Refer to Table 2.
Table 4
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon isotopic data for HGB metasedimentary rock sample 495628

Grain U Th Th/U 206 Pb* 204 Pb/206 Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios r Age (Ma) Disc
spot (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (%)
206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/235 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ± 206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ±

1.1 125 54 0.43 48 0.000149 0.21 0.44982 0.00779 10.464 0.225 0.1687 0.0022 0.804 2394 35 2545 21 6
2.1 142 93 0.66 56 0.003123 4.40 0.44333 0.00821 10.066 0.810 0.1647 0.0129 0.230 2366 37 2504 132 6
3.1 181 122 0.67 73 0.000080 0.11 0.46682 0.00680 10.874 0.183 0.1689 0.0014 0.865 2470 30 2547 14 3
4.1 142 135 0.95 57 0.000000 0.00 0.46426 0.00759 10.717 0.222 0.1674 0.0021 0.789 2458 33 2532 21 3
5.1 325 210 0.65 120 0.002907 4.06 0.41299 0.00587 9.736 0.356 0.1710 0.0058 0.388 2229 27 2567 56 15
6.1 207 169 0.82 76 0.002260 3.14 0.41334 0.00656 9.837 0.328 0.1726 0.0051 0.476 2230 30 2583 49 16
7.1 208 193 0.93 64 0.001602 2.16 0.34776 0.00549 9.284 0.290 0.1936 0.0052 0.506 1924 26 2773 44 44
8.1 160 144 0.90 65 0.007597 10.38 0.42354 0.00820 10.824 0.929 0.1853 0.0155 0.226 2277 37 2701 138 19

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

9.1 266 336 1.26 73 0.002514 3.45 0.30956 0.00468 7.778 0.264 0.1822 0.0055 0.446 1739 23 2673 50 54
10.1 216 294 1.36 82 0.001908 2.66 0.43115 0.00685 10.237 0.337 0.1722 0.0050 0.482 2311 31 2579 48 12
11.1 253 112 0.44 104 0.000058 0.08 0.48044 0.00753 11.072 0.193 0.1671 0.0013 0.901 2529 33 2529 13 0
12.1 190 127 0.67 68 0.000832 1.16 0.40901 0.00632 9.732 0.220 0.1726 0.0028 0.685 2210 29 2583 27 17
13.1 176 69 0.39 45 0.000994 1.36 0.29003 0.00477 7.289 0.183 0.1823 0.0035 0.654 1642 24 2674 31 63
14.1 176 154 0.88 60 0.003306 4.63 0.38195 0.00660 8.865 0.458 0.1683 0.0082 0.334 2085 31 2541 82 22
15.1 194 135 0.69 75 0.000890 1.24 0.44393 0.00756 10.415 0.260 0.1702 0.0031 0.681 2368 34 2559 31 8
16.1 290 342 1.18 73 0.007095 9.75 0.26402 0.00492 6.612 0.536 0.1816 0.0143 0.230 1510 25 2668 131 77
17.1 231 171 0.74 94 0.000567 0.80 0.46938 0.00737 10.780 0.221 0.1666 0.0022 0.766 2481 32 2524 22 2
18.1 152 69 0.45 60 0.000421 0.59 0.45500 0.00807 10.407 0.251 0.1659 0.0027 0.734 2417 36 2517 28 4
19.1 235 214 0.91 95 0.001524 2.14 0.46018 0.00744 10.654 0.303 0.1679 0.0039 0.568 2440 33 2537 39 4
20.1 207 117 0.56 79 0.000874 1.22 0.43932 0.00743 10.143 0.253 0.1675 0.0031 0.679 2348 33 2532 31 8
21.1 247 296 1.20 100 0.002163 2.99 0.45790 0.00846 11.159 0.389 0.1768 0.0052 0.530 2430 37 2623 49 8
22.1 176 261 1.48 69 0.000990 1.37 0.44630 0.01280 10.837 0.395 0.1761 0.0039 0.788 2379 57 2617 37 10
23.1 152 86 0.57 62 0.000492 0.69 0.47093 0.00811 10.614 0.248 0.1635 0.0026 0.737 2488 36 2492 27 0
23.2 215 121 0.56 77 0.001541 2.16 0.40515 0.00651 9.332 0.268 0.1670 0.0040 0.559 2193 30 2528 40 15
24.1 196 292 1.49 72 0.003784 5.33 0.40432 0.00687 9.201 0.520 0.1651 0.0089 0.301 2189 32 2508 91 15
25.1 225 154 0.68 82 0.001088 1.49 0.41957 0.00637 10.425 0.237 0.1802 0.0030 0.668 2259 29 2655 28 18
26.1 374 286 0.77 132 0.000927 1.30 0.40606 0.00552 9.468 0.186 0.1691 0.0024 0.691 2197 25 2549 24 16
27.1 226 118 0.52 89 0.000096 0.13 0.45775 0.00677 10.743 0.182 0.1702 0.0014 0.874 2430 30 2560 14 5
28.1 144 60 0.42 58 0.000658 0.93 0.46640 0.00767 10.520 0.247 0.1636 0.0027 0.700 2468 34 2493 28 1
29.1 174 110 0.64 68 0.001145 1.59 0.44757 0.00716 10.579 0.264 0.1714 0.0033 0.639 2384 32 2572 32 8
30.1 144 176 1.22 56 0.002167 3.05 0.43971 0.00833 10.021 0.380 0.1653 0.0054 0.499 2349 37 2510 55 7
31.1 162 133 0.82 62 0.002851 3.93 0.42585 0.00753 10.437 0.422 0.1778 0.0065 0.437 2287 34 2632 61 15
32.1 115 70 0.61 42 0.000138 0.19 0.42699 0.00765 9.965 0.227 0.1693 0.0024 0.786 2292 35 2550 24 11
34.1 189 94 0.50 71 0.000995 1.37 0.42864 0.00683 10.640 0.255 0.1800 0.0032 0.665 2300 31 2653 30 15
35.1 130 78 0.60 52 – <0.01 0.46913 0.00920 10.761 0.241 0.1664 0.0018 0.875 2480 40 2521 18 2
36.1 152 120 0.79 62 0.000850 1.18 0.46874 0.00816 11.355 0.300 0.1757 0.0035 0.658 2478 36 2613 33 5
37.1 136 100 0.74 52 0.000103 0.14 0.44391 0.00854 10.528 0.234 0.1720 0.0019 0.866 2368 38 2577 19 9
38.1 143 76 0.54 58 0.000161 0.23 0.46890 0.00830 10.777 0.232 0.1667 0.0020 0.823 2479 36 2525 20 2
39.1 97 50 0.51 36 0.000561 0.79 0.42539 0.00807 9.541 0.265 0.1627 0.0033 0.683 2285 36 2483 34 9
40.1 223 139 0.63 80 0.000422 0.59 0.41452 0.00672 9.704 0.202 0.1698 0.0022 0.779 2236 31 2555 22 14

41.1 350 161 0.46 102 0.003689 5.13 0.32160 0.00491 7.657 0.352 0.1727 0.0075 0.332 1798 24 2584 72 44
116 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

euhedral morphologies with oscillatory growth zoning



(Fig. 3b). Fig. 2c depicts the age distribution, charac-

terized by Th/U ratios of 0.33–1.48. With the excep-

tion of minor older analyses (ca. 2630–2610 Ma), 27


analyses yielded a weighted mean 207 Pb/206 Pb age of

207 Pb/206 Pb

2530 ± 7.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.12; Fig. 4).


4.1.3. Harris Greenstone Belt volcaniclastic,


sample 495643
CL images of zircons analyzed from a komatiite-
206 Pb/238 U
Age (Ma)

bound volcaniclastic unit within the HGB show con-


sistent euhedral morphologies with oscillatory growth

zoning (Fig. 3c). Th/U ratios range from 0.32 to

0.98, with zircon ages clustered between ca. 2535 and


2510 Ma (Fig. 2d). Fourteen analyses yielded a weighted

mean 207 Pb/206 Pb age of 2522 ± 7.9 Ma (MSWD = 1.2;

Fig. 5).
±207 Pb/206 Pb

4.1.4. Wangary Paragneiss, sample 445519


The dominant U–Pb zircon age population of the

Wangary Paragneiss ranges between 2580 and 2480 Ma

with minor older inheritance (Fig. 2e). CL imagery show


that zircons are sub-angular to rounded, have distinct

207 Pb/235 U

oscillatory zoned internal morphologies and dark CL


overgrowths (Fig. 3d). Zircon analysis between 2580

and 2510 Ma correspond to Th/U ratios of 0.29–1.09
(Fig. 2e) and vary from sub-angular/fragmented to round

with oscillatory growth zoning and dark CL overgrowths

Radiogenic ratios

(Fig. 3d). The majority of zircon analyses with Th/U


ratios less than 0.2 range in age between 2508 and

206 Pb/238 U

2482 Ma, and correspond to dark CL overgrowths or


elongate featureless zircons (Fig. 3d).



4.1.5. Hall Bay Volcanics, sample 432967

U–Pb zircon analyses from the Hall Bay Volcanics
204 Pb/206 Pb

show a dominant age population between 2540 and


2520 Ma, with minor older inheritance (Fig. 2f). Six-

teen analyses yield a weighted mean 207 Pb/206 Pb age
of 2529 ± 3.6 Ma (MSWD = 0.72; Fig. 6). Th/U ratios
range from 0.3 to 0.9 (Fig. 2f).
206 Pb*



4.2. Geochemistry

Major, trace and rare earth element data are given


Notes: Refer to Table 2.


in Table 8. Due to the protracted history of medium

Table 4 (Continued)

to high-grade tectonothermal events, which affected the



late Archaean Gawler Craton (Daly et al., 1998; Table 1),


geochemical characterization focuses on trace element

(for igneous rocks suites only) and REE chemical sys-


Table 5
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon isotopic data for HGB volcaniclastic rock sample 495643

Grain U Th Th/U 206 Pb* 204 Pb/206 Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios r Age (Ma) Disc (%)
spot (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/235 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ± 206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ±

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

1.1 138 57 0.41 55 0.000052 0.07 0.4652 0.0065 10.634 0.168 0.1658 0.0012 0.885 2462 29 2516 12 2
2.1 103 35 0.34 44 0.000034 0.05 0.4956 0.0074 11.446 0.194 0.1675 0.0013 0.880 2595 32 2533 13 −2
3.1 374 176 0.47 126 0.000052 0.07 0.3907 0.0046 8.690 0.110 0.1613 0.0008 0.925 2126 21 2470 8 16
4.1 103 33 0.32 43 0.000016 0.02 0.4823 0.0072 11.168 0.192 0.1679 0.0014 0.865 2537 31 2537 14 0
5.1 137 72 0.53 56 0.000182 0.26 0.4753 0.0067 10.849 0.179 0.1655 0.0014 0.851 2507 29 2513 15 0
6.1 73 24 0.34 31 0.000166 0.23 0.4889 0.0144 11.152 0.350 0.1654 0.0018 0.937 2566 62 2512 18 −2
7.1 350 343 0.98 142 0.000056 0.08 0.4708 0.0058 10.734 0.142 0.1653 0.0008 0.938 2487 26 2511 8 1
8.1 603 297 0.49 188 0.000297 0.42 0.3613 0.0058 8.076 0.151 0.1621 0.0015 0.863 1988 28 2478 16 25
9.1 116 54 0.47 50 0.000000 0.00 0.5007 0.0080 11.613 0.206 0.1682 0.0013 0.904 2617 35 2540 13 −3
10.1 203 121 0.59 83 0.000049 0.07 0.4748 0.0062 10.940 0.157 0.1671 0.0010 0.906 2505 27 2529 10 1
11.1 99 33 0.33 39 0.000080 0.11 0.4634 0.0065 10.715 0.170 0.1677 0.0013 0.879 2455 28 2535 13 3
12.1 44 14 0.32 17 0.000237 0.33 0.4545 0.0080 10.128 0.231 0.1616 0.0024 0.770 2415 35 2473 25 2
13.1 214 155 0.72 87 0.000056 0.08 0.4700 0.0057 10.638 0.140 0.1642 0.0008 0.931 2484 25 2499 8 1
14.1 139 98 0.71 56 0.000141 0.20 0.4694 0.0062 10.697 0.158 0.1653 0.0011 0.892 2481 27 2510 11 1
15.1 80 32 0.40 32 0.000028 0.04 0.4703 0.0070 10.972 0.185 0.1692 0.0014 0.878 2485 31 2550 14 3
16.1 101 38 0.38 42 0.000156 0.22 0.4815 0.0068 10.932 0.178 0.1647 0.0013 0.874 2534 30 2504 13 −1
17.1 134 93 0.69 55 0.000000 0.00 0.4807 0.0064 11.021 0.163 0.1663 0.0010 0.906 2530 28 2521 10 0
18.1 393 279 0.71 147 0.000040 0.06 0.4358 0.0050 9.443 0.115 0.1572 0.0006 0.945 2332 22 2425 7 4
19.1 275 163 0.59 102 0.000000 0.00 0.4339 0.0054 9.967 0.133 0.1666 0.0008 0.935 2323 24 2524 8 9
20.1 56 20 0.36 23 0.000224 0.32 0.4701 0.0084 10.646 0.239 0.1642 0.0022 0.793 2484 37 2500 23 1

Notes: Refer to Table 2.

Table 6
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon isotopic data for Wangary Paragneiss sample 445519
Grain U Th Th/U 206 Pb* 204 Pb/206 Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios r Age (Ma) Disc
spot (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (%)
206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/235 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ± 206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ±
2.2 382 321 0.84 194 0.000008 0.01 0.5899 0.0076 19.599 0.287 0.5899 0.0076 0.884 2989 31 3126 11 5
4.1 550 29 0.05 221 0.000074 0.10 0.4666 0.0057 10.673 0.141 0.4666 0.0057 0.926 2469 25 2516 8 2
4.2 199 90 0.45 86 0.000005 0.01 0.5007 0.0068 12.067 0.189 0.5007 0.0068 0.874 2617 29 2604 13 0
5.1 506 79 0.16 182 0.000082 0.11 0.4174 0.0051 10.042 0.132 0.4174 0.0051 0.926 2249 23 2601 8 16
7.1 298 84 0.28 106 0.000114 0.16 0.4115 0.0054 9.194 0.136 0.4115 0.0054 0.878 2222 24 2477 12 11
8.1 300 164 0.55 120 – <0.01 0.4647 0.0060 10.743 0.153 0.4647 0.0060 0.910 2460 27 2534 10 3
9.1 78 57 0.72 34 – <0.01 0.5123 0.0088 13.181 0.270 0.5123 0.0088 0.840 2666 38 2712 18 2
10.1 363 285 0.79 141 0.000021 0.03 0.4513 0.0062 10.219 0.152 0.4513 0.0062 0.923 2401 28 2500 10 4

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

11.1 362 245 0.68 142 0.000050 0.07 0.4573 0.0062 10.319 0.153 0.4573 0.0062 0.916 2428 27 2494 10 3
12.1 335 158 0.47 134 0.000065 0.09 0.4641 0.0060 10.593 0.149 0.4641 0.0060 0.911 2457 26 2513 10 2
13.1 212 190 0.89 89 0.000018 0.03 0.4854 0.0068 11.528 0.184 0.4854 0.0068 0.882 2551 30 2580 13 1
15.1 162 54 0.33 82 0.000054 0.07 0.5851 0.0093 18.144 0.323 0.5851 0.0093 0.898 2970 38 3016 13 2
16.1 636 33 0.05 230 0.000037 0.05 0.4210 0.0054 9.466 0.132 0.4210 0.0054 0.922 2265 25 2488 9 10
17.1 138 151 1.09 53 0.000077 0.11 0.4488 0.0081 10.557 0.223 0.4488 0.0081 0.857 2390 36 2564 18 7
18.1 157 112 0.71 71 – <0.01 0.5244 0.0095 13.463 0.285 0.5244 0.0095 0.857 2718 40 2709 18 0
20.1 539 36 0.07 204 0.000073 0.10 0.4408 0.0049 9.876 0.116 0.1625 0.0006 0.947 2354 22 2482 6 5
22.1 288 206 0.72 119 0.000018 0.03 0.4826 0.0057 11.141 0.140 0.1674 0.0007 0.941 2539 25 2532 7 0
24.1 542 71 0.13 194 0.000266 0.38 0.4146 0.0046 9.359 0.114 0.1637 0.0008 0.911 2236 21 2495 8 12
25.1 399 115 0.29 161 0.000028 0.04 0.4708 0.0055 10.933 0.133 0.1684 0.0006 0.951 2487 24 2542 6 2
26.1 717 73 0.10 292 0.000043 0.06 0.4741 0.0051 10.661 0.119 0.1631 0.0005 0.966 2501 22 2488 5 −1
28.1 595 90 0.15 201 0.000234 0.33 0.3924 0.0043 8.531 0.102 0.1577 0.0007 0.919 2134 20 2431 8 14
29.1 239 159 0.66 103 0.000016 0.02 0.4992 0.0070 11.415 0.169 0.1659 0.0008 0.948 2610 30 2516 8 −4
30.1 160 80 0.50 64 0.000024 0.03 0.4676 0.0063 10.918 0.160 0.1693 0.0010 0.916 2473 28 2551 10 3
31.1 191 115 0.60 81 0.000038 0.05 0.4908 0.0061 11.640 0.157 0.1720 0.0009 0.925 2574 27 2578 9 0
33.1 262 55 0.21 106 0.000042 0.06 0.4701 0.0056 10.701 0.137 0.1651 0.0008 0.931 2484 25 2508 8 1
34.1 444 131 0.30 155 0.000184 0.26 0.4059 0.0046 9.253 0.115 0.1653 0.0009 0.904 2196 21 2511 9 14
35.1 209 137 0.66 79 0.000033 0.05 0.4423 0.0054 10.191 0.136 0.1671 0.0009 0.915 2361 24 2529 9 7
37.1 92 109 1.18 38 0.000144 0.20 0.4845 0.0086 10.857 0.213 0.1625 0.0013 0.908 2547 37 2482 14 −3
38.1 76 30 0.39 39 – <0.01 0.6014 0.0091 18.161 0.302 0.2190 0.0015 0.915 3036 37 2973 11 −2
39.1 306 45 0.15 120 0.000001 <0.01 0.4559 0.0053 10.374 0.128 0.1650 0.0007 0.939 2422 23 2508 7 4
40.1 158 85 0.54 66 0.000025 0.03 0.4877 0.0063 12.000 0.169 0.1784 0.0010 0.916 2561 27 2638 9 3
41.1 363 53 0.15 138 0.000074 0.10 0.4433 0.0051 10.086 0.122 0.1650 0.0006 0.946 2365 23 2508 7 6
42.1 224 194 0.87 80 0.000067 0.09 0.4169 0.0051 10.486 0.140 0.1824 0.0010 0.909 2246 23 2675 9 19
43.1 194 100 0.51 79 0.000122 0.17 0.4711 0.0060 11.089 0.154 0.1707 0.0010 0.916 2488 26 2564 9 3
23.2 405 227 0.56 173 0.000094 0.13 0.4974 0.0056 12.504 0.147 0.1823 0.0007 0.952 2603 24 2674 6 3
44.1 412 68 0.16 147 0.000221 0.31 0.4151 0.0046 9.377 0.114 0.1639 0.0008 0.917 2238 21 2496 8 12
45.1 373 235 0.63 143 0.000239 0.33 0.4455 0.0050 10.945 0.134 0.1782 0.0009 0.920 2375 22 2636 8 11
46.1 515 491 0.95 185 0.000328 0.46 0.4155 0.0046 9.637 0.118 0.1682 0.0009 0.902 2240 21 2540 9 13
47.1 293 117 0.40 127 0.000054 0.07 0.5036 0.0058 11.950 0.147 0.1721 0.0007 0.943 2629 25 2578 7 −2
Notes: Refer to Table 2.
Table 7
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon isotopic data for Hall Bay Volcanics sample 432967

Grain U Th Th/U 206 Pb* 204 Pb/206 Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios r Age (Ma) Disc
spot (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (%)
206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/235 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ± 206 Pb/238 U ± 207 Pb/206 Pb ±

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

1.1 88 42 0.47 39 0.000063 0.09 0.5179 0.0063 13.209 0.188 0.1850 0.0013 0.863 2690 27 2698 12 0
2.1 95 35 0.37 43 0.000100 0.14 0.5212 0.0064 13.922 0.196 0.1937 0.0013 0.870 2704 27 2774 11 3
3.1 253 86 0.34 102 0.000068 0.10 0.4695 0.0042 10.768 0.111 0.1664 0.0009 0.868 2481 18 2521 9 2
4.1 139 131 0.94 56 0.000217 0.30 0.4649 0.0056 10.766 0.157 0.1680 0.0014 0.833 2461 25 2537 14 3
5.1 276 94 0.34 113 0.000053 0.07 0.4763 0.0038 10.957 0.100 0.1668 0.0007 0.886 2511 17 2526 7 1
6.1 244 94 0.38 100 0.000038 0.05 0.4782 0.0058 11.019 0.142 0.1671 0.0007 0.944 2520 25 2529 7 0
8.1 192 143 0.75 72 0.000116 0.16 0.4338 0.0039 10.053 0.107 0.1681 0.0010 0.845 2323 18 2539 10 9
9.1 264 78 0.30 104 0.000087 0.12 0.4585 0.0038 10.564 0.100 0.1671 0.0008 0.877 2433 17 2529 8 4
11.1 244 79 0.32 98 0.000085 0.12 0.4659 0.0039 10.766 0.104 0.1676 0.0008 0.878 2466 17 2534 8 3
12.1 271 99 0.37 101 0.000065 0.09 0.4343 0.0035 9.997 0.092 0.1670 0.0007 0.877 2325 16 2527 7 9
13.1 128 118 0.92 65 0.000125 0.16 0.5870 0.0062 18.104 0.210 0.2237 0.0011 0.903 2977 25 3007 8 1
14.1 98 85 0.87 43 0.000230 0.31 0.5109 0.0059 13.172 0.183 0.1870 0.0015 0.826 2660 25 2716 13 2
15.1 184 163 0.89 71 0.000113 0.16 0.4523 0.0042 10.455 0.112 0.1676 0.0009 0.860 2406 19 2534 9 5
16.1 243 79 0.33 100 0.000036 0.05 0.4771 0.0041 10.950 0.102 0.1665 0.0006 0.913 2515 18 2522 6 0
12.2 306 105 0.34 127 0.000040 0.06 0.4814 0.0040 11.073 0.101 0.1668 0.0006 0.910 2533 17 2526 6 0
17.1 198 61 0.31 81 0.000005 0.01 0.4779 0.0063 11.023 0.152 0.1673 0.0007 0.952 2518 27 2531 7 1
18.1 249 108 0.43 97 0.000075 0.10 0.4542 0.0038 10.504 0.099 0.1677 0.0007 0.889 2414 17 2535 7 5
19.1 190 58 0.31 78 0.000021 0.03 0.4770 0.0042 11.056 0.109 0.1681 0.0007 0.904 2514 19 2539 7 1
20.1 36 24 0.66 17 0.000195 0.27 0.5520 0.0075 14.001 0.246 0.1839 0.0020 0.777 2834 31 2689 18 −5
21.1 285 91 0.32 116 0.000035 0.05 0.4758 0.0039 10.907 0.098 0.1662 0.0006 0.920 2509 17 2520 6 0
22.1 257 85 0.33 101 – <0.01 0.4582 0.0038 10.607 0.098 0.1679 0.0007 0.906 2431 17 2537 7 4
28.1 95 54 0.57 50 0.000150 0.19 0.6109 0.0081 19.907 0.286 0.2363 0.0013 0.919 3074 32 3095 9 1

Notes: Refer to Table 2.

120 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

Fig. 2. Combined histogram and cumulative Gaussian distribution curve showing zircon 207 Pb/206 Pb ages (Ma) vs. measured Th/U ratios for: (a)
Kenella Paragneiss sample 494305; (b) Kenella Paragneiss sample 494306; (c) Harris Greenstone Belt metasedimentary rock sample 495628; (d)
Harris Greenstone Belt volcaniclastic rock sample 495643; (e) Wangary Paragneiss sample 445519; (f) Hall Bay Volcanics sample 432967. Data
are filtered to exclude analysis >10% discordant and that have abundant common Pb (f206 > 2%).

4.2.1. Trace element systematics of igneous rock basalt (613125) samples. The combined trace element
suites signature for the HGB komatiite shows a near flat pat-
Primitive mantle-normalized trace element pat- tern, while the trace element signature of the Glenloth
terns for the Devil’s Playground Volcanics, HGB Granite is relatively fractionated with Nb and Ti deple-
mafic/ultramafics and Glenloth Granite from the Mul- tion anomalies.
gathing Complex are presented in Fig. 7a. Pronounced Primitive mantle-normalized trace element patterns
depleted Nb signatures mark the trace element pattern for the Hall Bay Volcanics and Coulta Granodiorite
for the Devil’s Playground Volcanics. Rhyodacite sam- are presented in Fig. 7b. Both the Hall Bay Volcanics
ples (613120 and 613123) have significant Ti deple- and Coulta Granodiorite trace element patterns are frac-
tion anomalies relative to less pronounced Ti depletion tionated, and display significant Nb and Ti depletion
anomalies in the andesite (613119 and 613124) and anomalies.
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 121

Fig. 3. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of representative zircons analyzed from: (a) Kenella Paragneiss; (b) Harris Greenstone Belt metasedi-
mentary rock; (c) Harris Greenstone Belt volcaniclastic rock; (d) Wangary Paragneiss. Analyzed spots (white circles) and obtained 207 Pb/206 Pb ages
in Ma are shown on the CL images. Errors are 1σ. Spots numbered as in Tables 2–6.

Fig. 4. U–Pb Concordia diagram of zircon analyses from Harris Green- Fig. 5. U–Pb Concordia diagram of zircon analyses from Harris Green-
stone Belt metasedimentary rock 495628. Essentially concordant data stone Belt volcaniclastic rock 495643. Essentially concordant data
yielded a weighted mean 207 Pb/206 Pb age of 2530 ± 7.5 Ma. Age yielded a weighted mean 207 Pb/206 Pb age of 2522 ± 7.9 Ma. Age
means calculated by data-point errors only. means calculated by data-point errors only.
122 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

4.2.2. Rare earth element systematics

Chondrite-normalized(CN) REE patterns for litholo-
gies from the Mulgathing Complex are shown in Fig. 8a.
The Christie Gneiss has a strongly fractionated LREE’s,
but weakly fractionated to flat HREE’s with (La/Yb)CN
ranging between 11 and 29. Sample 506600 has a signif-
icant Eu depletion anomaly relative to the bulk trend. In
contrast, the Kenella Paragneiss has strongly fraction-
ated LREE and weak to strongly fractionated HREE
patterns with (La/Yb)CN ratios from 9 to 75. Interlay-
ered metasedimentary rocks (495628 and 506635) and
volcaniclastics (495643) from the HGB have fraction-
ated LREE and weakly fractionated HREE patterns with
(La/Yb)CN ratios from 9 to 14, which differ from the
unfractionated average HGB komatiite REE pattern with
a (La/Yb)CN ratio of 1. The Devil’s Playground Vol-
Fig. 6. U–Pb Concordia diagram of zircon analyses from Hall Bay Vol- canics have moderately fractionated LREE and unfrac-
canics 432967. Essentially concordant data yielded a weighted mean tionated HREE patterns with (La/Yb)CN ratios from 2 to
207 Pb/206 Pb age of 2529 ± 3.6 Ma. Age means calculated by data-point
5. The Glenloth Granite displays a fractionated REE pat-
errors only.
terns with (La/Yb)CN ratios of 20 and 38. Sample 505725

Fig. 7. Primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams for: (a) Devil’s Playground Volcanics, Harris Greenstone Belt komatiite (average,
Woodhouse, 2002) and Glenloth Granite from the central Mulgathing Complex and (b) Hall Bay Volcanics and Coulta Granodiorite from the
southern Sleaford Complex. Shaded fields are representative of typical late Archaean arc-related felsic volcanics (data from Dostal and Mueller,
1997; Hollings and Wyman, 1999; Hollings et al., 1999; Wyman et al., 1999) and typical late Archaean komatiites (plotted against the Harris
Greenstone Belt komatiite) from the Superior Province, Canada (data from Hollings and Wyman, 1999; Hollings et al., 1999). Normalizing values
after McDonough and Sun (1995).
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 123

Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element diagrams for the: (a) Christie Gneiss, Kenella Paragneiss, Harris Greenstone Belt metasedimentary
and volcaniclastic rocks and komatiite (average, Woodhouse, 2002), Devil’s Playground Volcanics, Glenloth Granite from the central Mulgathing
Complex and (b) Carnot Gneiss, Wangary Paragneiss, Hall Bay Volcanics and Coulta Granodiorite from the southern Sleaford Complex. Normalizing
values after Taylor and McLennan (1985).
124 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

from the Glenloth Granite has a distinctive positive Eu 2500 Ma Glenloth Granite. TDM model ages range from
anomaly. 3178 to 2968 Ma for the Christie Gneiss and 2992 to
Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for lithologies 2801 Ma for the Kenella Paragneiss. Initial εNd(2530 Ma)
from the Sleaford Complex are shown in Fig. 8b. values for the HGB metasedimentary and volcaniclastic
Selected paragneisses from the Carnot Gneiss have mod- rocks are −1.4 and −1.2 with TDM model ages of 2947
erately fractionated LREE and flat HREE patterns with and 2915 Ma. Initial εNd(2500 Ma) values for the Glenloth
(La/Yb)CN ratios from 4 to 16. The Wangary Paragneiss Granite at a crystallization age of 2500 Ma (Fanning,
is characterized by an overall steep REE pattern with 1997) are −0.2 and −0.1 with TDM model ages of 2867
both fractionated LREE and HREE signatures having and 2818 Ma, respectively. At a crystallization age of
(La/Yb)CN ratios from 47 to 59. The Hall Bay Volcanics 2553 Ma for the Devil’s Playground Volcanics (Fanning,
are marked by fractionated LREE and flat HREE patterns 1997), initial εNd(2553 Ma) values range from −2.29 to
with (La/Yb)CN ratios from 7 to 12, while the Coulta +3.06, with TDM model ages from 3237 to 2685 Ma.
Granodiorite displays moderate LREE fractionation and Initial εNd values for the Carnot Gneiss and Wan-
flat HREE signatures with (La/Yb)CN ratios of 3–4 and gary Paragneiss from the Sleaford Complex are cal-
moderate Eu depletion anomalies. culated at an interpreted depositional age of 2520 Ma.
Selected paragneiss samples from the Carnot Gneiss
4.3. Sm–Nd isotopic results are characterized by initial εNd(2520 Ma) values of −4.1
to −0.68 with corresponding TDM model ages rang-
Sm–Nd isotopic data for rock units of the Mulgath- ing from 3357 to 2884 Ma. εNd(2520 Ma) values for the
ing Complex and Sleaford Complex (Table 9) are plotted Wangary Paragneiss range from −2.27 to −1.27, and
on a εNd versus time diagram in Fig. 9. Depleted man- correspond to TDM model ages from 3057 to 2961 Ma.
tle model ages (TDM ) are calculated using the model of At a crystallization age of 2517 Ma for the Coulta Gran-
Goldstein et al. (1984). Sm–Nd isotopic data from pre- odiorite (Fanning, 1997), εNd(2517 Ma) values range from
vious studies on the late Archaean Gawler Craton are −0.17 to +0.51, with TDM model ages from 3004 to
shown in Table 1. 2875 Ma.
The Christie Gneiss and Kenella Paragneiss of
the Mulgathing Complex are characterized by ini- 5. Discussion
tial εNd(2530 Ma) values of −3.3 to −1.8 and −1.8 to
+0.6, respectively, calculated at 2530 Ma based on the 5.1. Evaluation of the effects of high-grade
youngest interpreted detrital zircon components in the metamorphism on geochemical systematics
Kenella Paragneiss, and intrusive relationship of the ca.
Before considering geochemical characteristics to
differentiate both the source regions of late Archaean
igneous and metasedimentary lithologies, and consider
the variable sediment input from compositionally dis-
tinct terranes, it is necessary to consider what impact,
if any, partial melting during later metamorphic events
may have played in modifying the original sedimentary
Fluid present partial melting in upper amphibolite
facies rocks of the Wangary Paragneiss is inferred
by the presence of locally derived leucocratic melts
and tourmaline-bearing pegmatites (Rich, 2000). Fluid
present partial melting is characterized by the generation
of small melt volumes that are likely to have concentrated
incompatible trace and REE’s (e.g. Ayres and Harris,
1997). However, given their comparatively small vol-
ume, these melts are unlikely to have removed sufficient
Fig. 9. εNd vs. interpreted crystallization/depositional age (Ma) for concentrations of trace and REE from the rock system
Christie Gneiss, Kenella Paragneiss, Harris Greenstone Belt metasedi-
to drastically change the residual rock bulk composition
mentary and volcaniclastic rocks, Devil’s Playground Volcanics, Glen-
loth Granite, Carnot Gneiss, Wangary Paragneiss and Coulta Granodi- (e.g. Ayres and Harris, 1997; Bea and Montero, 1999).
orite. Therefore, the REE compositions of the Wangary Parag-
Table 8
Representative chemical compositions of late Archaean rocks from the Gawler Craton (oc: outcrop; dc: drillcore)
Mulgathing Complex
Christie Gneiss—dca Christie Gneiss—oc Kenelle Paragneiss—dc Kenelle Paragneiss—oc Harris Greenstone Belt—dc Devil’s Playground Volcanics—dc
506598b 506600 506606 505729 505730 505731 505732 506608 506613 506614 494305 494306 505726 505727 505728 495628 495643 506635 Komatiite 613119 613120 613123 613124 613125
CD1c CD1 CD2 Christie Corner DDH 1A DDH 9A DDH 9A DDH 1A DDH 9A South Lake TAR 85 TAR 85 TAR 92 Ave. DP1 DP1 DP1 DP1 DP1
SiO2 54.8 71.5 69.2 68.4 66.4 58.8 69.3 64.9 63.8 64.1 67.5 67.5 75.3 39.4 57.8 63.2 70.2 49 43.74 53.1 71.7 76 57.7 47.4
TiO2 4.28 0.48 0.54 0.68 0.63 0.95 0.36 0.69 0.63 0.82 0.60 0.58 0.04 1.17 0.62 0.47 0.49 0.26 0.37 0.72 0.32 0.27 0.75 0.35
Al2 O3 15.9 12.2 15.5 15.3 16.1 18.7 14.6 17.5 17 17.8 15.6 14.3 14 33.8 16.3 12.4 11.9 6.94 7.45 15 12.8 11.4 14.4 14
Fe2 O3 16 7.29 5.2 5.11 6.47 8.85 6.85 5.52 6.83 5.74 5.77 4.65 0.51 13.5 7 8.39 5.69 18.9 10.73 7.06 4.01 2.12 8.38 9.06
MnO 0.13 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.1 0.12 0.12 0.03 0.09 0.1 0.08 0.09 0.02 0.19 0.14 0.1 0.23 0.22 0.17 0.19 0.07 0.05 0.13 0.17
MgO 6.13 2.55 2.24 2.36 2.68 4.17 2.62 1.96 3.3 2.91 2.63 3.08 0.08 4 3.49 4.05 2.12 6.41 22.99 6.96 1.63 1.7 6.01 7.45
CaO 0.63 1.51 1.67 2.21 2.19 1.43 1.8 0.83 2.42 1.17 0.85 2.1 0.69 1.98 11.4 2.15 3.16 6.34 5.93 3.28 1.11 1.08 2.25 7.87
K2 O 1.42 1.86 3.47 2.76 2.46 3.7 1.85 3.47 2.14 2.89 3.03 2.29 3.65 3.52 0.66 1.66 2.24 0.61 0.67 0.2 2.37 1.57 3.08 0.78
Na2 O 0.26 2 2.04 2.98 3.07 2.11 2.69 1.07 1.36 2.29 1.39 1.85 4.65 2.06 2.98 2.08 1.81 0.99 0.07 5.25 3.24 3.7 0.06 2.53
P2 O5 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.13 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.15 0.06 0.12 0.13 0.04 0.12 0.05 0.04 0.17 0.03
S 0.04 0.22 0.18 0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 0.27 0.22 0.09 0.07 0.05 <0.01 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.18 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.11

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

LOI 0.64 0.47 0.91 0.53 0.68 1.2 0.56 3.62 2 2.4 2.91 3.24 0.82 1.5 0.86 4.73 1.94 10.3 7.30 7.31 2.81 2.59 6.73 9.86

Total 100.29 100.22 101.08 100.46 100.84 100.08 100.79 99.90 99.92 100.35 100.46 99.78 99.78 101.16 101.45 99.33 100.08 100.19 99.48 99.22 100.13 100.54 99.71 99.61

Trace elements (ppm)

Th 28 3.6 22.5 14.5 20 13 14.5 6 17.5 10 11 9 0.4 17 3.4 6 6 3.6 0.29 6 11.5 10 2.7 1.25
Nb 64 4 6 4.5 3 6.5 3 8.5 5.5 7 9 5.5 0.5 10.5 5 4.5 5.5 2.5 0.88 5.5 11.5 9.5 4.5 1.5
Zr 50 360 220 220 180 200 280 190 160 160 150 130 40 120 120 120 120 60 11.99 100 230 220 90 20
Hf 1 9 6 6 5 5 8 5 4 4 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 1 0.41 4 8 6 3 <1
Ti 25659 2848 3207 4079 3756 5699 2186 4137 3747 4886 3567 3477 242 7003 3735 2818 2938 1529 2227 4316 1888 1589 4496 2068
Y 25 33 14.5 20 55 81 39 3.3 6.5 3.2 6.5 10.5 <2 94 34 6.5 14 7 1.88 16 35.5 31.5 15.5 9.5
Ni 44 73 52 12 20 14.5 25.5 35 70 54 61 57 4.9 36 17 195 66 88 973 41 4 6 84 220
Cr 120 210 160 160 160 270 150 50 190 90 140 130 <20 350 70 550 140 200 1296 120 50 20 130 320
Cu 37 340 49.5 18 35 31.5 38.5 21 46.5 28 41 37 4.5 7.5 5.5 23 31.5 23 83 120 20.5 32.5 22.5 125
Co 69 65 46 41 50 53 58 29 45 34.5 40.5 45.5 53 56 45 42.5 44 24 33 34.5 4.6 2.5 27.5 38.5
Sc 20 20 10 10 15 20 20 5 15 10 15 10 <5 45 15 15 10 5 25 20 8 6 18 24
V 170 70 40 100 110 180 70 80 110 110 110 90 <20 290 100 110 70 40 146 120 <20 <20 120 120
Zn 250 74 65 63 71 125 72 120 72 69 89 77 21.5 650 73 74 47 47.5 74.21 170 49.5 39 100 140
Ga 29.5 14.5 17.5 18.5 18.5 25.5 16.5 22 21 22 21.5 19 20 31.5 19 15 15 8.5 8.33 19 20.5 17 18.5 14.5
Ba 210 400 850 650 490 750 360 550 700 650 600 420 600 800 310 600 220 90 37.65 40 600 310 420 200
Rb 76 57 69 83 76 110 53 86 72 76 120 90 49 150 24 73 90 21.5 2.4 3.5 64 42.5 92 17.5
Sr 20 145 190 340 270 250 240 85 250 175 90 145 220 105 440 175 130 45 22.27 52 46 48 10 105
Pb 6 180 30.5 24 21.5 26.5 32.5 23 28.5 22.5 94 42 23.5 8.5 6.5 12 14.5 7.5 4 8 4 4.5 6
U 1.3 0.9 1.2 0.97 1.35 1.45 2 0.88 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.85 0.4 1.35 0.94 0.8 1.7 1 0.12 1.2 2.7 2.5 0.74 0.32

Rare earth elements (ppm)

La 41 18 46 50 51 47.5 42.5 27.5 50 33.5 35 27 7 57 24 12.5 25 13.5 1.60 13.5 13 24 13.5 5
Ce 84 30.5 86 83 85 79 67 48 93 62 62 51 10.5 98 46 21.5 44.5 24.5 3.84 25.5 26.5 48 26 9
Pr 11.5 3.5 10.5 10 10.5 9 8.5 6 11.5 7.5 7.5 6.5 1.45 12.5 6.5 2.7 6 3 0.57 4.7 4.9 9.5 4.9 1.6
Nd 40.5 11.5 35.5 35.5 37.5 34 30 20 40.5 27.5 25.5 23 5.5 46 28.5 9 20 10 2.64 19 19.5 38 20 6.5
Sm 7.5 2.6 6 5.5 6 5.5 5.5 2.9 6.5 4.5 4.2 4.1 0.81 8 6 1.5 3.8 1.75 0.84 3.7 4.7 8 4.3 1.4
Eu 0.2 0.83 1.2 1.6 1.55 1.65 1.2 1.25 1.55 1.05 1.05 1.2 0.42 1.15 1.4 0.69 1 0.43 0.32 0.68 0.73 1.15 0.65 0.41
Gd 6 4 3.8 4.1 5 4.3 5 1.8 3.6 2.4 2.5 2.8 0.75 6 4.9 1.2 3.1 1.3 1.15 2.5 3.9 5.5 2.8 1.15
Tb 1.05 1 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 1 0.21 0.41 0.25 0.31 0.43 0.15 1.05 0.74 0.21 0.49 0.2 0.21 0.4 0.73 0.84 0.41 0.2
Dy 5 6 2.9 3.1 4.7 3.3 6 0.85 1.55 0.88 1.3 2 0.97 7.5 4 1.2 2.5 1.1 1.53 3 6 6 2.9 1.6
Ho 0.84 1.15 0.52 0.6 1 0.73 1.25 0.13 0.24 0.13 0.22 0.36 0.23 1.8 0.83 0.23 0.48 0.2 0.32 0.59 1.25 1.15 0.55 0.32
Er 2.5 3.9 1.65 1.5 2.7 2.1 3.3 0.35 0.7 0.3 0.7 1.15 0.65 5 2.2 0.75 1.6 0.7 0.92 1.8 3.9 3.7 1.7 0.95
Tm 0.3 0.55 0.25 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.45 <0.05 0.1 <0.05 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.75 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.14 0.3 0.7 0.65 0.3 0.15
Yb 2 3.5 1.55 1.15 2.2 1.7 2.6 0.35 0.6 0.3 0.8 1.05 0.5 4.2 1.55 0.9 1.5 0.65 0.88 2.1 4.6 4.2 1.95 1.05
Lu 0.27 0.51 0.24 0.2 0.38 0.29 0.43 0.06 0.1 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.09 0.69 0.27 0.13 0.22 0.1 0.13 0.32 0.72 0.63 0.3 0.15

(La/Yb)CN 13.9 3.5 20.1 29.4 15.7 18.9 11.0 53.1 56.3 75.5 29.6 17.4 9.5 9.2 10.5 9.4 11.3 14.0 1.2 4.3 1.9 3.9 4.7 3.2
Table 8 (Continued)
Mulgathing Complex Sleaford Complex

Glenloth Granite—oca Wangary Paragneiss—oc Carnot Gneiss Hall Bay Volcanics—dc Coulta Granodiorite—oc

505724b 505725 445519 5056776 5056777 5056778 5056779 5056786 5056787 5056788 5056789 433005 433006 433017 433023 433029 433044 621275 621276 621277 621278 621279
Glenlothc Goldfield Frenchmans Shoal Point Linc 29 Linc 30 Linc 31 Linc 32 Linc 33 Linc 36 Drummond Point
SiO2 68 72.9 54.2 64.7 70.9 68.3 64.8 49.7 47.5 49.7 57.4 76 71.4 65.4 62.7 73.6 68 71.5 68.8 67.7 70.2 67
TiO2 0.33 0.09 0.76 0.63 0.65 0.49 0.92 1.13 0.74 1.06 0.76 0.64 0.73 0.60 0.68 0.42 0.57 0.42 0.53 0.55 0.40 0.60
Al2 O3 16.7 16.1 21.6 16.8 12.6 16.1 16 22 27.2 20.8 20.9 15.3 16.8 15.5 18 14.6 15.5 14.1 14.4 14.6 14.4 14.4
Fe2 O3 3.04 0.89 9.21 6.61 5.42 4.2 6.12 11.9 10.3 14.4 8.27 1.59 1.33 7.62 5.29 2.37 4.13 3.84 4.82 4.86 3.66 5.36
MnO 0.06 0.01 0.1 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.12 0.12 0.22 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.08
MgO 0.85 0.25 3.81 2.86 2 1.82 2.17 5.8 5.47 5.13 4.11 0.21 0.91 2.2 3.27 1.73 2.7 1.03 1.13 1.33 0.92 1.25
CaO 3.14 3.47 0.48 0.9 1.37 0.99 2.54 1.39 2.17 2.23 1.44 0.17 0.09 0.17 0.25 0.05 1.62 2.21 3.23 2.9 2.5 3.48
K2 O 2.5 0.87 5.31 3.48 2.61 3.54 2.95 3.86 2.93 3.16 2.86 1.38 4.71 3.1 5.23 4.11 2.29 1.93 2.4 1.97 2.13 2.46
Na2 O 4.85 5.29 1.22 1.96 2.92 1.76 2.9 2.55 2.37 2.4 2.29 0.92 0.27 0.2 0.21 0.21 2.63 4.05 4.03 4.28 4.31 4
P2 O 5 0.11 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 <0.01 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.14 0.03 0.12 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.11
S 0.01 0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 <0.01 0.27 0.06 <0.01 0.3 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02

LOI 1.07 0.96 2.43 1.78 1.31 2.21 1.26 1.18 1.13 0.52 1.35 2.49 2.95 3.4 3.56 2.88 1.88 0.78 0.71 0.96 0.79 0.88

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

Total 100.66 100.86 99.19 99.82 99.92 99.48 99.75 99.90 100.03 99.65 99.76 98.71 99.22 98.34 99.43 100.05 99.46 100.01 100.23 99.33 99.45 99.64

Trace elements (ppm)

Th 8.5 1.75 11.5 13.5 15.5 20 15 9 10 6.5 15 12 7.5 14 17 21 9.5 9.5 11.5 9 11.5 10.5
Nb 8 1 12.5 9.5 8 7.5 10 11.5 5 22 6 <10 <10 10 10 <10 <10 7.5 8.5 9 8 10.5
Zr 150 60 140 140 270 160 260 240 210 270 170 200 150 140 140 150 160 130 160 130 110 140
Hf 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 3 3 4 6 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 6
Ti 1992 559 4526 3747 3897 2938 5515 6774 4406 6355 4526 3837 4346 3597 4077 2518 3387 2518 3177 3267 2398 3567
Y 4 <2 7 7 8.5 9.5 10 34 35.5 63 27 18 15 23 22 41.5 11.5 18 29.5 31.5 25 35.5
Ni 11 1.4 62 58 28 25 30 130 90 88 115 6 40 53 55 42 65 10 12 12 9 13
Cr <20 <20 220 210 160 90 100 310 280 270 200 50 70 200 180 110 150 40 20 30 <20 30
Cu 6.5 17 37 78 38 39.5 36 140 46 120 120 3 13 35 21 6 38 5.5 9 8 7 3
Co 43.5 49.5 32.5 39 36 41.5 34.5 56 49 52 54 2 29 22 21 32 21 32 42.5 40 35.5 44
Sc <5 <5 20 15 10 10 15 30 25 35 20 15 10 15 15 10 15 6 10 10 6 12
V 30 <20 180 120 100 70 100 250 190 200 160 24 4 25 44 15 49 40 40 50 30 50
Zn 64 18 135 110 84 71 80 130 340 430 130 39 53 1400 290 135 34 37.5 52 48 52 47.5
Ga 22 15 39.5 30.5 21 27.5 25 38 39 42.5 36 23 25.5 23.5 28.5 21 25.5 22.5 23 23 23 24
Ba 550 165 350 350 155 390 440 700 370 600 600 230 270 290 500 550 500 240 370 370 320 390
Rb 89 17.5 250 130 125 150 120 51 67 125 49 41.5 100 93 140 84 79 62 78 60 68 88
Sr 440 450 160 110 240 115 250 85 130 125 160 145 30 25 25 15 200 135 145 150 165 145
Pb 19 40.5 15.5 23 24.5 31.5 23.5 13.5 28.5 62 14 <3 <3 6 24 12 4 11 12 10.5 14 7
U 0.66 0.4 4.8 3.3 3 4.4 2.7 0.38 0.87 0.44 0.64 2.9 3.1 3.6 3.7 7 3 2.8 2.5 2.3 3.7 2.4

Rare earth elements (ppm)

La 25 8.5 40 43.5 54 57 59 57 50 40.5 58 34.5 18.5 24 34.5 50 20.5 10.5 19.5 18 17.5 24.5
Ce 37.5 12.5 57 60 73 80 78 77 76 50 79 60 34.5 43.5 66 78 36.5 23.5 38.5 36 33 48
Pr 4.9 1.4 7 7.5 8.5 9.5 9.5 8.5 9 6 9.5 8 4.2 5.5 7.5 9.5 4.6 3.4 7.5 7 6 9
Nd 18 4.7 26.5 27 30.5 33.5 34.5 31.5 32 20.5 34.5 26.5 14.5 18 25.5 30 15 12.5 30 29.5 23.5 36
Sm 3.5 0.63 5 5 5.5 6.5 6 5.5 6 4.5 6 6 3.2 3.9 5 6 3.3 2.8 6.5 6.5 5 7.5
Eu 1 0.68 0.86 1.05 1 1.15 1.85 1.5 1.55 1.2 1.6 1.45 1.1 1.05 1.45 1.65 1.05 0.53 0.95 0.91 0.7 1.05
Gd 3.1 0.45 2.8 3 3.1 3.6 3.6 4.1 3.8 5 3.8 3 1.95 2.2 2.9 3.6 1.7 2.1 4.8 4.9 3.6 5.5
Tb 0.5 0.07 0.48 0.45 0.5 0.58 0.58 0.95 0.86 1.6 0.76 0.66 0.51 0.64 0.69 0.85 0.41 0.37 0.76 0.78 0.59 0.91
Dy 2.7 0.31 2.2 2 2.4 2.8 2.7 6.5 6.5 11.5 5 3 2.5 3.3 3.7 4.7 1.95 3.1 5.5 6 4.5 7
Ho 0.55 0.07 0.27 0.25 0.31 0.35 0.34 1.15 1.2 2.1 0.85 0.6 0.49 0.71 0.72 1.05 0.36 0.65 1.1 1.15 0.87 1.3
Er 1.4 0.15 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.85 0.95 3.5 3.8 6.5 2.7 2.1 1.75 2.5 2.7 3.7 1.25 2.1 3.2 3.3 2.6 3.8
Tm 0.15 <0.05 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.35 0.4 0.55 0.2 0.35 0.5 0.55 0.45 0.6
Yb 0.85 0.15 0.55 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.85 3.6 3.3 6.5 2.5 2.1 1.55 2.2 2.5 3.2 1.15 2.5 3.4 3.5 2.8 4.1
Lu 0.14 0.03 0.09 0.08 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.49 0.4 0.82 0.34 0.33 0.24 0.34 0.4 0.53 0.18 0.38 0.49 0.5 0.43 0.58

(La/Yb)CN 19.9 38.3 49.1 58.8 48.7 51.4 46.9 10.7 10.2 4.2 15.7 11.1 8.1 7.4 9.3 10.6 12.0 2.8 3.9 3.5 4.2 4.0
a Unit.
b Sample.
c Location.
Table 9
Sm–Nd isotopic data for late Achaean rocks of the Gawler Craton

Unit sample Description Age, t (Ma) Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) 147 Sm/144 Nd 143 Nd/144 Nda εNd (0)b εNd (t) TDM (Ma)c

Mulgathing Complex
Christie Gneiss
506598 Metapelite 2530 8.46 43.2 0.1184 0.511165 ± 8 −28.74 −3.31 3178
506606 Metapelite 2530 5.24 32.0 0.0989 0.510916 ± 9 −33.58 −1.81 2968
Kenella Paragneiss
494305 Metapelite 2530 3.80 23.08 0.0995 0.511011 ± 9 −31.74 −0.12 2857
494306 Metapelite 2530 3.86 22.22 0.1049 0.511016 ± 8 −31.65 −1.81 2992
506613 Metapelite 2530 5.99 36.98 0.0979 0.511024 ± 9 −31.49 +0.65 2801
± −31.32

G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

506614 Metapelite 2530 5.26 32.03 0.0993 0.511033 9 +0.35 2825
Harris Greenstone Belt
495628 Metasedimentary rock 2510 1.50 8.86 0.1023 0.511021 ± 22 −31.53 −1.10 2915
495643 Volcaniclastic rock 2510 3.41 19.3 0.1068 0.511085 ± 12 −30.29 −1.30 2947
Devil’s Playground Volcanics
613119 Andesite 2553 3.16 16.1 0.1188 0.511483 ± 9 −22.52 +3.06 2685
613120 Rhyodacite 2553 3.76 16.3 0.1392 0.511566 ± 9 −21.11 −2.29 3237
613125 Basalt 2553 1.18 5.64 0.1269 0.511490 ± 9 −22.40 +0.49 2925
Glenloth Granite
505724 Granite 2500 4.09 22.11 0.1118 0.511238 ± 8 −27.31 −0.06 2867
505725 Granite 2500 0.60 3.93 0.0928 0.510916 ± 9 −33.58 −0.20 2818
Sleaford Complex
Carnot Gneiss
5056786 Paragneiss 2520 8.65 51.95 0.1006 0.510839 ± 1 −35.10 −4.02 3115 Ma
5056787 Paragneiss 2520 6.88 41.26 0.1008 0.511007 ± 9 −31.82 −0.77 2896 Ma
5056788 Paragneiss 2520 4.93 22.47 0.1325 0.51136 ± 1 −24.87 −4.10 3357 Ma
5056789 Paragneiss 2520 6.07 37.12 0.0988 0.510979 ± 1 −32.36 −0.68 2884 Ma
Wangary Paragneiss
445519 Paragneiss 2520 5.75 31.93 0.1088 0.511114 ± 7 −29.72 −1.27 2961 Ma
5056776 Paragneiss 2520 4.54 23.84 0.1150 0.511174 ± 8 −28.56 −2.14 3057 Ma
5056777 Paragneiss 2520 7.33 42.19 0.1050 0.51100 ± 1 −31.95 −2.27 3017 Ma
Coulta Granodiorite
621276 Granodiorite 2517 5.83 27.89 0.1264 0.511498 ± 8 −22.23 +0.51 2891
621277 Granodiorite 2517 5.86 26.08 0.1359 0.511621 ± 9 −19.84 −0.17 3004
621279 Granodiorite 2517 6.64 30.71 0.1308 0.511537 ± 8 −21.48 −0.17 2875
a Errors on 143 Nd/144 Nd measurements are 2σ (mean) and refer to the last significant figure(s).
b Measured εNd values calculated with present-day CHUR 143 Nd/144 Nd and 147 Sm/144 Nd ratios of 0.512638 and 0.1966.
c Depleted mantle Nd model ages calculated as in Goldstein et al. (1984).

128 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

neiss are interpreted to still be largely representative of of melt from the system (e.g. Schnetger, 1994; Bea and
the protolith compositions. Montero, 1999). In contrast to the stability of monazite
The preservation of largely anhydrous garnet-bearing (high in LREE) in granulite grade rocks, fluid-absent
granulite grade mineral assemblages in the Christie partial melting is marked by decreases in the abundance
Gneiss (750–800 ◦ C, 4.5–5.5 kbar; Teasdale, 1997) and of xenotime (e.g. Wolf and London, 1995), attributed
the Carnot Gneiss (Bradley, 1972; Fanning et al., 1981; to its consumption in garnet-producing reactions (Bea
Daly and Fanning, 1993) is likely to reflect substan- and Montero, 1999). This means that the HREE budget
tial (∼30–40%) melt loss during metamorphism (e.g. in xenotime is redistributed during partial melting, ulti-
Schnetger, 1994; White and Urbanczyk, 2001). This melt mately retained in the garnet restitic portion (e.g. Bea
loss could have potentially disturbed the bulk trace and and Montero, 1999; Mengel et al., 2001). The increase
REE composition of the residual rock (e.g. Johannes in modal proportion of garnet restite during melt extrac-
et al., 1995; Chavagnac et al., 1999; Bea and Montero, tion and the subsequent increase HREE concentrations
1999). A number of studies (e.g. Sighinolfi and Gorgoni, (e.g. Mengel et al., 2001) suggests that HREE’s are not
1978; Schnetger, 1994) have shown that trace elements good indicators of variable felsic and mafic/ultramafic
such as Sc, V, Ni and Cr can increase significantly (by sedimentary provenance components, relative to rocks
factors ∼2) across amphibolite to granulite facies transi- that have not undergone melt extraction.
tions, due largely to the compatibility of these elements
in minerals such as garnet which remain in the granulitic 5.2. Evaluation of the effects of high-grade
residue after melt extraction has occurred. This suggests metamorphism on Sm–Nd isotope systematics
that variations in trace element concentrations (e.g. Sc,
V, Ni and Cr) by factors ∼2 between sequences subjected Possible disequilibrium of the Sm–Nd isotope sys-
to significant partial melting/melt extraction, compared tem during partial melting must also be considered if
to sequences not affected by significant melting should accessory-phase dissolution fractionated the REE abun-
not be used as a basis for proposing different sedimentary dances (e.g. Ayres and Harris, 1997; Gao et al., 1999;
provenance. Chavagnac et al., 1999). Increased scatter of εNd(T) val-
It has been shown by Bea and Montero (1999) that ues in metasedimentary rocks with low Nd contents
the bulk of the REE budget (≥80–90%) is contained in (<20 ppm) is interpreted to correspond to the opening
accessory minerals: monazite, xenotime, apatite and zir- of Sm–Nd systems in metamorphic terranes (e.g. Gruau
con. The amphibolite–granulite transition is marked by et al., 1996). Importantly, due to mass balance effects,
dramatic decreases in the abundance of apatite (e.g. Bea rocks with high Nd contents are less susceptible to pos-
and Montero, 1999) due to the high levels of apatite sol- sible re-equilibration than Nd poor systems (<20 ppm);
ubility in peraluminous melts (Pichavant et al., 1992; as a result, the Sm–Nd systematics of Nd-enriched rocks
Wolf and London, 1995). However, the extraction of are less likely to be perturbed by metamorphic events
apatite-hosted REE (high in LREE) via melt loss will (Gruau et al., 1996). Bea and Montero (1999) established
not necessarily significantly affect the LREE compo- that the average LREE concentrations remained roughly
sitions of the residual rock, as the total REE content the same during amphibolite–granulite transition, which
contained in apatite is several orders of magnitude less further supports the robustness of Sm–Nd isotopic sys-
than the REE content in monazite (LREE enriched) tematics in high-grade metamorphic terranes. In this
and xenotime, essentially the only mineral containing context, the Sm–Nd isotopic compositions of medium to
high HREE concentrations (e.g. Bea, 1996; Ayres and high-grade late Archaean metamorphic rocks analyzed
Harris, 1997; Bingen et al., 1996; Bea and Montero, in this study are considered to largely reflect protolithic
1999). The behavior of zircon, monazite and xenotime compositions.
across the amphibolite to granulite transition is therefore
crucial in determining whether partial melting affects the 5.3. SHRIMP U–Pb zircon depositional age
REE pattern of rocks. constraints and provenance
The low solubility of zircon and monazite in melt (e.g.
Rapp and Watson, 1986; Montel, 1993; Wolf and Lon- 5.3.1. Mulgathing Complex
don, 1995) suggests that the modal abundance across the Detrital zircons from the Kenella Paragneiss have a
amphibolite–granulite transition does not change signif- lower age limit of ca. 2535 Ma, and are interpreted to rep-
icantly (e.g. Bea and Montero, 1999). This is because the resent a maximum depositional age for the protolith to
fraction lost via melt extraction is approximately com- the Kenella Paragneiss. The minimum age for deposition
pensated by the volume reduction associated with loss is constrained by intrusion of the ca. 2500 Ma Glenloth
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 129

Granite (Daly and Fanning, 1993). Ages younger than Mulgathing Complex (Fig. 7a), and the Hall Bay Vol-
ca. 2500 Ma correspond to dark CL overgrowths or elon- canics and the Coulta Granodiorite from the Sleaford
gate featureless zircons with Th/U ratios generally <0.2 Complex (Fig. 7b) are marked by significant Nb and
(Fig. 3a), indicative of metamorphic zircon (e.g. Hanchar Ti depletion anomalies. Numerous studies have demon-
and Miller, 1993; Whitehouse et al., 1999; Nutman et al., strated that marked depletion in high field strength ele-
2000), which is consistent with the onset of the Sleafor- ments (HFSE), particularly Nb and Ti, relative to large
dian Orogeny. The dominant detrital zircon population ion lithophile elements (LILE) and LREE are a dis-
in the Kenella Paragneiss ranges between ca. 2720 and tinctive feature of convergent margin magmatism (e.g.
2535 Ma, with significant peaks at ca. 2720–2650 and Pearce and Peate, 1995; Stolz et al., 1996; Eiler et al.,
ca. 2600–2560 Ma, coupled with minor older inheritance 1998; Prouteau et al., 2001; Foley et al., 2002), result-
(Fig. 2a and b). Zircons at ca. 2560 Ma are attributed to ing from metasomatism of the sub-arc mantle through
input from the ca. 2560 Devil’s Playground Volcanics, either a hydrous fluid or silica rich melt derived from
however, a source for older zircons has not yet been iden- the subducting slab. Conversely, Nb and Ti depletions
tified on the Gawler Craton. are a ubiquitous feature of continental crust (Rudnick
The dominant zircon populations in the HGB and Gao, 2003), due to the high volume of crust gener-
metasedimentary package (2530 ± 7.5 Ma) and vol- ated in convergent margin settings (Barth et al., 2000;
caniclastics (2522 ± 7.9 Ma), coupled with intrusion Plank and Langmuir, 1998), which does not rule out
by a 2509 ± 3 Ma rhyodacite dyke (Zang, 2002) sug- the possibility of crustal contamination. However, sub-
gest that the HGB sequence was formed between duction related magmatism has been documented in the
ca. 2520 and 2510 Ma (Fig. 2c and d), consistent late Archaean Superior Province, Canada, and Yilgarn
with previous interpretations (Fanning, 2002; Zang, Craton, Australia (Barley et al., 1992, 1998; Dostal and
2002). Likely zircon sources for the HGB metasedimen- Mueller, 1997; Hollings and Wyman, 1999; Hollings et
tary/volcaniclastic package include the nearby Devil’s al., 1999; Wyman et al., 1999; Münker et al., 2004). The
Playground Volcanics (Fig. 1a) and ca. 2530–2520 Ma near identical trace element signatures of the Devil’s
Hall Bay Volcanics from the southern Sleaford Complex Playground Volcanics, Glenloth Granite, Coulta Gran-
(Fig. 1b). odiorite and Hall Bay Volcanics (Fig. 7a and b) suggest
they evolved in the same magmatic system, conceivably
5.3.2. Sleaford Complex linked to a convergent margin setting. The trace element
The minimum depositional age for the protoliths of compositions for the HGB komatiites have a mantle-
the Carnot Gneisses is constrained by the growth of dominated signature, and plot within the field for typical
ca. 2440–2400 metamorphic zircons attributed to the late Archaean komatiites from the Superior Province,
Sleafordian Orogeny (Fanning, 1997). Existing detri- Canada (Fig. 7a; Hollings and Wyman, 1999; Hollings
tal zircon data from the Carnot Gneiss indicate prove- et al., 1999).
nance between ca. 2850–2500 and ca. 3150–2950 Ma
(Fanning, 1997). The minimum age for deposition of 5.5. Rare earth element geochemistry
protoliths to the Wangary Paragneiss is ca. 2480 Ma,
constrained by metamorphic zircon growth during the Steep to moderate REE patterns displayed by the
Sleafordian Orogeny (Fig. 2e), while the dominant detri- Christie Gneiss and Kenella Paragneiss from the Mul-
tal population ranges between ca. 2580 and 2510 Ma. gathing Complex (Fig. 8a), and the Carnot Gneiss
Probable sources include the ca. 2560 Ma Devil’s Play- and Wangary Paragneiss from the Sleaford Complex
ground Volcanics and the ca. 2530–2520 Ma Hall Bay (Fig. 8b) reflect a dominantly felsic source (Taylor
Volcanics. and McLennan, 1985; Maas and McCulloch, 1991;
Zircon U–Pb analyses from the Hall Bay Volcanics Rollinson, 1993). The less fractionated HREE pattern
cluster tightly to give an age of 2529 ± 3.6 Ma (Fig. 6), in the Christie and Carnot Gneisses (Fig. 8a and b) is
consistent with the previous interpreted extrusive age of attributed to partial melting, where garnet restite pref-
ca. 2520 Ma (Teale et al., 2000). erentially scavenges the HREE budget (e.g. Bea and
Montero, 1999; Mengel et al., 2001), increasing the
5.4. Trace element geochemistry modal abundance in the residual rock. Insignificant
Ni and Cr enrichments (generally <2) imply no vari-
Trace element signatures of relatively undeformed to able mafic/ultramafic provenance inputs associated with
moderately metamorphosed equivalents of the Devil’s the less fractionated HREE pattern (e.g. Maas and
Playground Volcanics and Glenloth Granite from the McCulloch, 1991).
130 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

5.6. Sm–Nd isotopes 5.6.2. Sleaford Complex

Initial εNd(2520 Ma) for Carnot Gneiss metasedimen-
5.6.1. Mulgathing Complex tary rocks (−4.1 to −0.7) indicate a provenance which
Less negative initial εNd(2530 Ma) for the Kenella has more evolved components compared to the source to
Paragneiss (−1.8 to +0.6) relative to the Christie Gneiss the Wangary Paraneiss (−2.2 to −1.3). However, initial
(−3.3 to −1.8; Fig. 9) suggests that the provenance εNd(2520 Ma) of the Hall Bay Volcanics (−3.9 to −3.6,
to the Kenella Paragneiss was relatively more juve- Woodhouse, 2002; −1.2 to +3, Fanning, 2002), together
nile. Initial εNd(2553 Ma) for the Devil’s Playground Vol- with interpreted ca. 2720 Ma zircon inheritance (Teale
canics (−2.3 to +3.1, Table 9; −1.1 to +2.6, Cowley et al., 2000), is consistent with the notion that these vol-
and Fanning, 1992) indicate both juvenile and evolved canics are a likely protolith to the Carnot Gneiss and
components. The juvenile isotopic signature is strong Wangary Paragneiss. εNd(2517 Ma) data for the Coulta
supporting evidence for subduction related magma- Granodiorite coupled with existing data (e.g. Schaefer,
tism and recycling of young crustal components, while 1998; Table 1) indicate both juvenile and evolved com-
more evolved signatures likely reflect varying degrees ponents, similar to the Hall Bay Volcanics. This further
of crustal contamination. Isotopically, the Devil’s Play- supports subduction related convergent margin magma-
ground Volcanics represent a possible source to the tism, involving recycling of young crustal components,
Kenella Paragneiss, previously highlighted in the detri- with variable degrees of crustal contamination.
tal zircon signature (Fig. 2a and b). Initial εNd values
for the HGB metasedimentary and volcaniclastic units 5.7. Late Archaean evolution of the Gawler Craton
and the Glenloth Granite that range from −1.3 to −0.1,
have corresponding TDM model ages which are consis- The U–Pb zircon, geochemical and Sm–Nd iso-
tent with input from recycled late Archaean sources. topic dataset suggest that the Christie Gneiss and
However, the initial εNd(2520 Ma) for the komatiites (+2 Kenella Paragneiss from the Mulgathing Complex, and
to +4; Fanning, 2002) is much more juvenile, consis- the Carnot Gneiss and Wangary Paragneiss from the
tent with a mantle source for the mafic/ultramafics of the Sleaford Complex belong to the same overall depo-
HGB. sitional system (Fig. 10). Constraints from the U–Pb

Fig. 10. Combined U–Pb zircon and TDM model ages grouped into dominant distribution ranges for late Archaean lithologies of the Gawler Craton.
Detrital zircon U–Pb age populations are predominantly younger than TDM model ages, which suggest that protoliths to the original sedimentary
sequences were derived from recycled late Archaean crustal material. U–Pb ages ≤2500 Ma corresponds to metamorphic zircon growth.
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 131

zircon signatures suggests that deposition of the pro- related komatiitic trace element fields are superimposed
toliths to the gneissic sequences is likely to have taken on the trace element geochemical data from the Gawler
place between ca. 2535 and 2500 Ma, which terminated Craton (Fig. 7a and b).
at the onset of the Sleafordian Orogeny (ca. 2500 Ma). Pronounced Nb and Ti depletion anomalies coupled
More evolved Sm–Nd signatures in the Christie and with juvenile to evolved initial εNd values in the Devil’s
Carnot Gneisses, opposed to the Kenella and Wangary Playground Volcanics, Glenloth Granite, Hall Bay Vol-
Paragneisses (Fig. 10), suggest that the protoliths to canics and Coulta Granodiorite, have been attributed
these sequences were sourced from a more mature late to an evolving magmatic arc between ca. 2560 and
Archaean provenance, but do not provide a constraint on 2500 Ma. Juvenile isotopic components of the Devil’s
the relative timing of deposition. However, high-grade Playground Volcanics and Hall Bay Volcanics (εNd ca.
metamorphism in the Christie and Carnot Gneisses sug- +2 to +3), coupled with an arc-related geochemical
gests increased burial depth, which may reflect a deeper signature, is evidence for subduction and recycling of
(older) position in the depositional stratigraphy. The primitive crust, while isotopically more evolved compo-
absence of detrital zircons younger than ca. 2535 in the nents conceivably reflect contamination by older crustal
Kenella Paragneiss, coupled with igneous style zircon material.
age populations in the HGB metasedimentary and vol- Depleted mantle geochemical and isotopic character-
caniclastic units at ca. 2530 and ca. 2520 Ma, suggests istics for the HGB komatiite (Figs. 3a and 4a) are akin to
that the depositional system may have been blanketed by documented plume-related komatiites in the Red Lake,
the greenstone sequence. Lumby Lake and Abitibi Greenstone Belt of the Supe-
Geochronological, metamorphic and magmatic histo- rior Province (Dostal and Mueller, 1997; Hollings and
ries of basement rocks exposed on the southern Gawler Wyman, 1999; Hollings et al., 1999) and komatiites from
Craton and Terre Adélie Land, Antarctica, have been the Kolar Schist Belt, India (Rajamani et al., 1995). The
used as a basis to show that large parts of the east proximal association of basalts and komatiites within the
Antarctic Shield represent the extension of the Gawler HGB (Daly and Fanning, 1993; Fanning, 1997) similarly
Craton (Fanning et al., 1995, 1996, 2002; Oliver and occur in the above terranes, and are interpreted to reflect
Fanning, 1997, 1998; Goodge et al., 2001). Rocks of the melts derived from extrusion of magma sourced from a
Nimrod Group, central Transantarctic Mountains, reveal cool part of the plume head (Dostal and Mueller, 1997).
U–Pb evidence for igneous zircons between ca. 3100 Increasingly, modern day crustal growth processes
and 3000 Ma (Bennett and Fanning, 1993; Goodge and such as lateral accretion and continental rift-drift have
Fanning, 1999; Goodge et al., 2001), igneous activ- been applied to explain the evolution of Archaean sys-
ity at ca. 2900 and 2500 Ma (Goodge and Fanning, tems (e.g. Barley et al., 1998; Wyman et al., 1999;
1999) and zircons with oscillatory growth zoning at Polat and Kerrich, 2001). Viewed in the context of
2675 Ma (Goodge et al., 2001). Sm–Nd TDM model plate tectonic-style processes, we suggest that arc-
ages for the rocks of the Nimrod Group range between related igneous rocks and mantle–plume komatiites of
ca. 3100 and 2710 Ma (Borg et al., 1990; Borg and the late Archaean Gawler Craton reflect impingement
DePaolo, 1994). Geochronological and isotopic corre- of a mantle–plume on an arc terrane undergoing active
lations between the Nimrod Group and the Gawler Cra- subduction (Fig. 11). Such a tectonic regime is consis-
ton, suggest that Archaean rocks that were once and/or tent with the style of tectonic evolution documented in
still located between Terre Adélie Land and the Nimrod many other late Achaean terranes including: the Abitibi
Group could have been the source to the late Archaean Belt (Dostal and Mueller, 1997; Wyman et al., 1999;
gneissic lithologies of the Gawler Craton. Polat and Kerrich, 2001, 2002), Lumby Lake Greenstone
Felsic and mafic/ultramafic igneous lithologies iden- Belt (Hollings and Wyman, 1999) and northern Superior
tified in the late Archaean Gawler Craton exhibit com- Province, Canada (Hollings et al., 1999); the Yilgarn
parable geochemical features to those in the Superior Craton, Australia (Barley et al., 1998); the Kolar Schist
Province, Canada, and other late Archaean Cratons (e.g. Belt, India (Rajamani et al., 1995); the ca. 2100 Ma Bir-
Barley et al., 1998; Hollings et al., 1999; Wyman et al., imian terranes of west Africa (Boher et al., 1992).
1999; Polat and Kerrich, 2001). In this context, inves- Within the envisaged tectonic regime (Fig. 11), active
tigation of the late Archaean Gawler Craton relative to back-arc rifting provides a favorable basin environment
equivalent rocks from other late Archaean Cratons may for the deposition of the protoliths to the Christie and
serve as a useful starting point to delineate the cratonic Carnot Gneisses and the Kenella and Wangary Parag-
evolution. To substantiate this, representative typical late neisses (Fig. 11a and b). Extrusion of komatiites and a
Archaean arc-related felsic volcanic and mantle–plume- thinned back-arc lithosphere would have been charac-
132 G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136

Fig. 11. Proposed tectonic cartoon illustrating processes of crustal development of the late Archaean Gawler Craton. The envisaged tectonic model
incorporates: (a) ca. 2560–2520 Ma arc-style volcanism associated with the Devil’s Playground Volcanics (DPV) and the Hall Bay Volcanics
(HBV), contemporaneous with the proposed deposition of the protoliths to the Christie and Carnot Gneisses, followed by the Kenella and Wangary
Paragneisses; (b) ca. 2520–2500 Ma arc-style magmatism of the Coulta Granodiorite and Glenloth Granite, together with an ascending mantle–plume
and extrusion of the ca. 2520–2500 Ma Harris Greenstone Belt komatiites; followed by (c) cratonization during the ca. 2500–2400 Sleafordian
Orogeny (e.g. U–Pb metamorphic zircon growth between ca. 2500 and 2400 Ma). Horizontal and vertical scales are schematic.

terized by high heat flow, creating a system sensitive to Gawler Craton, which may have occurred via the incor-
thickening if the regime became collisional (Fig. 11b poration of a colliding continental terrane (Fig. 11c).
and c), which could arise simply by shallowing of the
subduction angle or incorporation of buoyant material 5.8. Late Archaean Gawler Craton: a global
(e.g. Collins, 2002). Importantly, the generation of a perspective
collisional regime in the context of on-going subduc-
tion accommodates a long-lived collisional system (e.g. Correlation of Archaean crustal fragments separated
Eriksson et al., 2001; Karlstrom et al., 2001), allow- by younger orogenic belts is a challenging task due to
ing sediment deposition in the back-arc to continue up overprinting features imposed during subsequent con-
until orogenesis begins. Firstly, this explains the apparent tinental amalgamations (e.g. Rodinia, Gondwana and
near overlap of depositional ages of the protoliths to the Pangea), however, evolving tectonostratigraphic records
metasedimentary rocks and the onset of the Sleafordian from late Archaean to early Palaeoproterozoic terranes
Orogeny, and secondly, the apparently long-lived nature worldwide advocate a global Wilson cycle (Williams
of the Sleafordian Orogeny during which metamorphic et al., 1991; Aspler and Chiarenzelli, 1998; Sankaran,
zircon growth appears to have occurred over the interval 2003; Pesonen et al., 2003; Barley et al., 2005). Stein et
ca. 2500–2400 Ma. Approximately 400 Ma of tectonic al. (2004) provide a detailed account of the geochrono-
quiescence following the Sleafordian Orogeny (Daly et logical and geological connection between the southern
al., 1998) indicates cratonization of the late Archaean Indian Craton (Dharwar, Bastar and Singhbhum) and
G. Swain et al. / Precambrian Research 141 (2005) 106–136 133

east Antarctica (Napier complex and Vestfold Hills com- Late Archaean lithologies of the Gawler Craton are
plex), suggesting that these two terranes amalgamated consistent with a cycle of continental crustal growth
during convergence and collision at ca. 2500 Ma. The between ca. 2560 and 2500 Ma, interpreted to reflect
tectonothermal history of the proto Gawler Craton has an evolving arc environment analogous to modern plate
close links with east Antarctica (e.g. Goodge et al., 2001; tectonic-like geodynamic processes. Crustal growth was
Peucat et al., 1999, 2002), as well as India and the followed by high-grade metamorphism of the Sleafor-
north China Craton (e.g. Zhai et al., 2003; Wang et al., dian Orogeny between ca. 2500 and 2400 Ma, resulting
2004; Barley et al., 2005; Stein et al., 2004), preserving in cratonization during the second half of a global Wilson
geological and geochronological evidence for extensive cycle. However, geochronology shows that highly min-
convergent margin magmatism and high-grade metamor- eralized late Archaean terranes evolved during the fist
phism between ca. 2560 and 2400 Ma. half of a global Wilson cycle (ca. 2780–2590 Ma), distin-
Crustal growth evident in the Gawler Craton, east guished by global komatiite eruption and arc magmatism
Antarctica, India and north China Cratons are attributed resulting in abundant komatiite-hosted Ni, volcanogenic
to the second half of a full global Wilson cycle (e.g. massive Cu–Zn sulphide and mesothermal Au miner-
Barley et al., 1998; Barley et al., 2005; Stein et al., 2004). alization (Barley et al., 1998). Importantly, the proto
Late Archaean to early Palaeoproterozoic crustal accre- Gawler Craton contains equivalent lithological ingredi-
tion symbolizes the aggregation of ca. 2780–2590 Ma ents and preserves evidence of interaction between con-
cratonic fragments, conceivably forming the Earth’s first vergent margin tectonics and mantle–plume breakout,
supercontinent, Kenorland. seemingly responsible for unprecedented mineralization
in the Superior Province, Yilgarn Craton and other simi-
lar aged terranes. It is likely that the proto Gawler Craton
6. Conclusion preserves the last stage of long-lived convergent margin
tectonic processes, potentially representing the edge of
Continuity between zircon U–Pb, geochemical and an unidentified and likely mineralized late Archaean cra-
Sm–Nd isotopic data from the Christie Gneiss and tonic province.
Kenella Paragneiss of the Mulgathing Complex, and
Carnot Gneiss and Wangary Paragneiss of the Sleaford
Complex, suggest that they were formed in the same
depositional environment. Correlation between these
The authors would like to thank Primary Industries
spatially separate terranes demonstrates that the proto
and Resources South Australia, for analytical support
Gawler Craton was once a central cratonic domain to
and discussion on the Geology of the Gawler Craton.
which younger Proterozoic material has been accreted.
The authors also thank the reviewers and editor for their
Detrital U–Pb zircon ages indicate that the general prove-
valued comments and useful suggestions.
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ca. 2720 and 2535 Ma with significant inputs between
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