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WORKSHEET 2023-2024



Chapter 3: Variables Using Block Coding

Q.1. How do you check the data type of a variable in python?

(a)type( ) (b)data-type( ) (c)data( )

Q.2. How many different values can a Boolean variable hold?

(a)Three (b)Two (c)One

Q.3.Which data type has the minimum storage size?

(a)Character (b)String (c)Boolean

Q.4. Scheme to the naming of variables in a program helps in

______________________ of the program.

(a)Execution (b)Compilation (c)Unerstanding the logic

Q.5.Which of the following operations is NOT relevent for numbers?

(a)Addition (b)Division (c) Concatination

Q.6.Which of the following languages is complex and evolving?

(a)C (b)Python (c)C++

Q.7.Which of the following programming languages from below has

the tuple data type?

(a)C (b)Python (C)Java

Q.8.Which of the following is NOT an actual programming language?

(a)Pseudocode (b)C++ (c)Java

Q.9.Something that can change with time is____________

(a)Variable (b)Data type (c)Variable names

Q.10.The data type that stores all kind of names that exist in the
programming space.

(a)Character (b)String (c) Boolean

Q.11.The operator for storing a value within a variable

(a)Arithmetic operator (b)Assignment operator

(c)Division operator

Q.12.Which data type hold single character vale in it.

(a)String (b)Character (c)Boolean

Q.13. x= x*11 means

(a) x+11 (b)x++ (c) x*=11

Q.14.If x = -4 , y= 6 then x= (x+y)/2 is

(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) -1

Q.15. ++ is called _______________ operator.

(a)Addition (b) Increament (c) Decrement

Q.16. -- is called _____________ operator.

(a)Increment (b) Subtraction (c)Decrement

Q.17. If a=-5 , b= -8 then a++ and b-- is

(a)-4, -9 (b) -6,-7 (c) +4,+9

Chapter 4: Control with Conditionals

Q.1. A table in programming language is known as ____________

(a) Time table (b) Truth table (c) Logic table

Q.2.The name of the algebra that studies the behavior of 0's and 1's with
operators is :

(a) Cool Algebra (b) Drool Algebra (c) Boolean Algebra

Q.3.Which is the unary operator:

(a) AND (b) OR (c) NOT

Q.4. The output of a NOT operator is always:

(a) FALSE (b) TRUE (c) Depends on the input

Q.5. The execution of a program conditionally is:

(a) Compilation (b) Conditional execution (c) Logic

Q.6. The output of a AND operator is TRUE if :

(a) Both inputs are TRUE (b) Both inputs are FALSE

(c) Any one input is TRUE

Q.7. The output of a OR operator is FALSE if:

(a) Any one input is TRUE (b) Both inputs are FALSE

(c)Both inputs are TRUE

Q.8.A control structure in programming that lets you branch to different

sections of the code depending on a decision made :

(a) Execution (b) Conditional (c) Compilation

Q.10. True OR True will give the output of:

(a) False (b) True (c) Cannot be said

Q.11.OR operator canapply to :

(a) One operand (b) Two operand (c) Two or more operands
Q.12. What is printed in the below code? A=2 , B=3

If A < 5 and B > 4 Then

Print "Good"


Print "Not so good"


(a) Good (b) Not so good (c) Nothing is printed

Q.13. What is the value returned by NOT(False)?

(a) True (b) False (c) Cannot be said

Q.14. Which of the following conditions gives rise to the most complex
logical expression?

(a) Field at slip if you are a good fielder, otherwise NOT

(b) Play as attacker if you can pass and dribble and kick powerfully,
otherwise not

(c) You will compulsorily bat, unconditionally

Q.15. What is printed in the below code :

If (Intelligent ) AND ( Hard working )


Print "You will be successful"


Print "You will not be successful"


(a) You will not be successful (b)Nothing is printed

(c)You willbe successful

Q.16. In programming language, the OR operator is denoted by

(a) && (b) || (c) !

Q.17. If A =11 ,B = 8 then A > = B is :

(a) True (b) False (c) None

Q.18. If A = 6, B =7 then A!=B is :

(a) True (b) False (c) None

Q.19.What is printed in the below code :

Read " Age of person :" ;Age

IF Age >= 21 AND Age <=48 THEN

Print "You areeligible for recruitment"


Print "You are not eligible for recruitment"


(a) You areeligible for recruitment (b)Nothing is printed

(c)You are not eligible for recruitment

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