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I. What is TOEIC?
The Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is an international standardized
test of English language proficiency for non-native speakers. It is intentionally designed to measure the
everyday English skills of people working in an international environment.

II. Origins
Launched in 1979, the TOEIC Listening and Reading test has set the standard for assessing English-
language listening and reading skills needed in the business environment:

 Listening skills are important for face-to-face communication, meetings, video conferencing,
podcasts and telephone conversations.
 Reading skills are necessary for email, reports, newsletters and other forms of business
These are two especially important foundation skills, through which the other two skills – Speaking and
Writing – can be indirectly assessed.

III. Formats and content

. Types of TOEIC:
There are different forms of the exam: the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test consists of two equally
graded tests of comprehension assessment activities totaling a possible 990 score; there are also the
TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests. The TOEIC speaking test is composed of tasks that assess
pronunciation, intonation and stress, vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, relevance of content, and
completeness of content. The TOEIC Writing test is composed of tasks that assess grammar, relevance
of sentences to the pictures, quality and variety of sentences, vocabulary, organization, and whether
opinions are supported with reason and/or examples. Both the Speaking and Writing assessments use a
score scale of 0–200.

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is a standardized English test oriented
towards professionals and companies. The TOEIC is actually two separate tests, one which tests the
receptive English skills (reading and listening) and one which tests the productive English skills (speaking
and writing). Students can choose to take both TOEIC tests, or just one of the two, depending on their

+ TOEIC Listening & Reading Test

The TOEIC L&R test is a two-hour multiple-choice test that consists of 200 questions divided into two

 Listening Section: The Listening section tests how well you understand spoken English. It
consists of four parts and contains 100 questions. You will be asked to answer questions based
on a variety of statements, questions, conversations, and talks recorded in English.
Total time: approximately 45 minutes.

 Reading Section: The Reading section includes three parts, testing how well you understand
written English. You will read a variety of materials and respond at your own pace to 100
questions based on the content of the materials provided to you.
Total time: 75 minutes.
Listening Section (approx. 45 minutes, 100 questions). Listen to conversation and
narrations, and answer the questions.

Part 1 Photographs: 6 questions

Four short statements regarding a photograph will be spoken only one time. The
statements will not be printed. Of these four statements, select the one that best
describes the photograph and mark your answer on the answer sheet.

Part 2 Question – Response: 25 questions

Three responses to one question or statement will be spoken only one time. They
will not be printed. Select the best response for the question, and mark your
answer on the answer sheet.

Part 3 Conversations: 39 questions

Conversations between two or three people will be spoken only one time. They will
not be printed. Listen to each conversation and read the questions printed in the
test book (the questions will also be spoken), select the best response for the
question, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. Some questions may
require responses related to information found in diagrams, etc. printed on the test
book as well as what you heard in the conversations. There are three questions for
each conversation.

Part 4 Talks: 30 questions

Short talks such as announcements or narrations will be spoken only one time.
They will not be printed. Listen to each talk and read the questions printed in the
test book (the questions will also be spoken), select the best response for the
question, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. Some questions may
require responses related to information found in diagrams, etc. printed on the test
book as well as what you heard in the talks. There are three questions for each
Reading Section (75 minutes, 100 questions). Read printed questions and answer them.
Part 5 Incomplete Sentences: 30 questions
Select the best answer of the four choices to complete the sentence, and mark
your answer on the answer sheet.
Part 6 Text Completion: 16 questions
Select the best answer of the four choices (words, phrases, or a sentence) to
complete the text, and mark your answer on the answer sheet. There are four
questions for each text.
Part 7 Single Passages: 29 questions
Multiple Passages: 25 questions
A range of different texts will be printed in the test book. Read the questions, select
the best answer of the four choices, and mark your answer on the answer sheet.
Some questions may require you to select the best place to insert a sentence
within a text. There are multiple questions for each text.

+ TOEIC Speaking & Writing Test

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