AG09 - A-7 D-K Corsair

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(COPYRIGHT © 1950 By VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS 2. Verinden & Sk ne Divison Ondemenst KO Zone Malet 132500 LERIBELGIUM Al hs ene No prt ol ths bck maybe rod n any form, or i a etal spe o onsnel say loom by aby any means et toc mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, ito the wien person of ahr VVERUINDEN PUBLICATIONS VERLINDEN & STOR NV Pablshed in Belgum by \VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS nv Ondememersrat 4 KMOZone Malekot 8.2500 LIER/ BELGIUM Pubihod aod dtibted in the United Slates by VLS CORPORATION ‘Wes Pt lndustial Park 804 Fee Fee Road “Maryland Heights, Mo 63045 usa Profs Manage & Gh ace: Fangs VERLINDEN US Eazor Bob LETTERMAN Tost & reach: Wily PEETIRS Layout Waly PEETERS Phojeating + SCANBOY Boa Begum Pred by: Daler) DE PEUTER rw 1 Hern Begum SBN 9070932229 DEDICATION To all men and women of the Air National Guard who are always prepared to answer the cll of duty, even if t means leaving behind the fail to preserve world peace in a far away land, halting okoshioned world conquerors and making sue history, once agsin, dosn't repeat bel ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Toall who made it possible to compile ths book ona fascinating aircraft, I would like to xpress my sincere gratitude. Especially to the folowing persons To L.ColPJanssens de Vaerebeke, VSI/IRP Belgian Air Force Staff, Ohef Patemote and Ad.C. Duchenne (his assistants) for coordinating my visi lo Brusem air base To Colfrederick W.Butlr, USAF, US Air Ataché in Brussels fr his cooperation. To all the men and women of the 174th TFS, 185th TFG of the Sioux City based Air National Guard unit in general and tothe following individuals in pacular : Col Lilie)DCS PRO olfcer, Col.Dennis Swanstrom, LCo.Les Jensen, MSgtRon Hahn, SegtJim Wych, Sg.Susan Lehr and Amn Brian Smith for their kind astance during the photo-sessions, To Antoine Roel, VSWVIRP, Belgian Air Force photographer for sharing some of his valuable infght shots which make this book so much more attractive. Las, but definitely not least I woul who proudly showed ie around ‘Thanks to him this book is what i. fo thank Lt.Col. Wied Tesago of the BAF base and who made the impossible passible. To those I forgot to mention, my sinoere apologies, it was unintentional The author ‘All photos in this book were taken with the MINOLTA 700%, loaded with Kodachrome Ké4 sides, except forthe inflight shots. Lenses used are 135-105 zoom and 70-210 zoom. Most were taken withthe aid ofa las, except for the overall views. Centerspread A-7D BuN®70-008 high above the ouds, overtvng Be gin tertory, The badge of the 174th TE, iusrting a Sioux war, is proudly displayed on the lt fuselage {Photo Antoine ROELS VSUIRP). Back cover: The same aircraft banking for Brustem air base alter comple- ting a succesful photosession tour. (Photo Antoine ROELS VS1IRP). The A-7D Cora. Although the FA-18 Hom ha placed the A-7E as an tack fighter with active NAVY unis the Corai’s active duty lle not over yet.’ te, the Air Force no langer tse hs sturdy leaking aia, but many Air National Guard pilot appreciate the capabilities ofthis 1965 design The Chance Vought A-7A completed i's maiden fight on September 27, 1965, merely 4 yearand-half afer the company was assigned the mul-mlon dollar contac The A-7s eat le went smochly, navy pts had no problems converting tothe new design which proved to be a sophisticated and relableatlack ara. Combat losses in Vieinam were few dept it's dative low speed ‘This appealed so much tothe Air Fore, who already had the F-4 Phantom (another navy desgn) in use, that they dacded to purchase the A? as wel In order to "de naval” the A-ZA, improvements wer incorporated into the type res ting in the development ofthe A:7D. In return, the Navy was impresed with these improvements, most of which were used to update the A-ZA, resulting in the final A-TE Navy type Cosa These improvements ined lager main wheels, improved brakes with antskid system, replacement of the two M12 20mm cannons by a single M61 Vilean gun and impeoved ECM equipment (active & passive The avionics ofthe A-70 were realy sophisicated with the fist HUD ever tobe installed in any American combat aizat An advanced Navigation and Weapon Delivery Syste (NWDS) was isalled which included a doppler radar syste, air data computer, actical ‘computer and a proster moving map diay All this gave the A-7 a really improved weapons delivery accuracy. To some, i asthe best atack airrat inthe Air Force However, one ofthe bigest changes implemented was the replacement ofthe Prat & ‘Whiney TF-50 engine with the much more powerful Alison TT-41-A-1 with increased rte of thst (sme 14,250 pounds) ‘The fac the A7D i sil yng today gives cet tothe Chance Vought engines, who developed yet another suc gh. a Moments before leaving fora cross county fight over Belgian and German tio A-7D Cons pit s monitoring hs fight struments. The ara’ crewchi, sian on the faldable side plates, holding frm on the canooy fame while supervising 2 \gound crewmember inthe pros of removing all aleey pins. Afial check on the light systems and ccut breakers inthe avionics compartment at ‘ght i executed prior to giving the final go-ahead signal Several cewmembas are on "sandby” in case they are called upon to peform ation al chedcups. The markings sighly af and bei the cockit denotes which lowa High Schoo! is sponsoring this A aia, a customary’ procedure with Air National Guard nis. A7D apparent (Previous page, tp row) The right side avionics bay. Various control boxes are neal stowed inside the bay. Nate the circa breaker panel on the righ. Theat st brace has it’ own housing anda separate retracting door. (Previeus page, hotiom row) The inside ofthe main whee! withthe brake dsc asembly clearly visible Note the red bracket securing the main wheel strut. When tis nt removed, the main whee! will nt ‘eta. 1 side vew ino the main wheel well, Noe the hydraulic reservoir and the various insirution placard, typical foe the AT. (This page, op lel) The af fuselage area showing the various panes andthe underside ofthe wing Nas. The hole atthe botiom fuselage blow the nabonalinsgna is the engine starter exhaus. (This page, tp right) The forward whoa! wel bulkhead. Of interes in ths pictures the partly opened aitrakes which can oaly be fully opened when in fight (ef) The same well king tothe aft bukhed. Too pages istrating that members ofthe Air National Guard ae equally qualified to maintain high lech tara as well as her ar force collages This A? retumed fom an alersoon ete wih some minor engine poblems. Minutes afer engine shut cf the place was swarming with mechanics dsnanding fall ofthe A-7s airame The af fuselage ring (sen ao the acral in the top pcre, previous page) was removed Kellowed by the lower fuselage segment which was covering the complete undesdof the engine. Tis enabled ‘acces othe most ill organs ofthe Allon TE-A1-A-1 engine which able o provide 14,250 pounds ff thnst. The A? engine has no afzbames Diorama builders wil love these views on irra, men and the tok of the wade "Note the Air National Guard hauled thir owm service cars acras the Aatic rater than relying on ser ‘ie cats not suited fo the type of ara they are fying (Previous page, top) The belly of the A-7D withthe aresing hook{wsel for emergency Arai 69-215 in alis splendor with the outer wings folded. Abough intentionally Tanding) inthe stowed poston, The bottom let picture reveals the hooks postion when developed for is navy counierpan, all ait force A's rained the ability o tow some engage to catch the wire. The dean appearance indicates hardy served i's pupese on 15 fet (5 meters) of winggan ths machine Fully extended, the A-7's wingspan s 38,75 f (1180) but filly up and sowed (Previous page, baton right) The at lower par of the fusclage holding the chal and wingpan i reduce (C24), Fare dispenser boxes has completely been removed to faciate maintenance athough it The “SLUF” isnot a small ara judging fom the se ofthe mechanic inthe font, an be hinged as indicated bythe hinges on the upper framing. Photo Acne ROTLS NST IRP Bn Face (Above) The A-2D viewed from below giving agp impression othe cation of the various antennas under the fuselge The triangular device in the center of the betom useage the ANIARN-SBA Marker Beacon ILS, Te snl square in font of isthe lower AN/ARN-118(V) TACAN antenna. Note the “wrap-around! ‘amouilage scheme andthe smal fuselage Hoodights under the wings (not found on navy A's), (Lefy Detailed shot ofthe wing folding mechanism, 5 ae inthe ion. Ako note the litle "zap" marking a bal) inside the forward s{V) VHF antenna marking Antenna locations on the tal are UH COMMIEF antenna ‘within the black fa locales ILS antennas extending from th sides ofthe RHAW radar homing and ng anicnna faring, Tal post mounted inside this fan of the RHAW on panel is located vs" national insignia n) An aver side view ofthe A's ot sie looking towards section Note the fuel vent aft ofthe landing gear housing and the slate dscharger line at right Par ofthe feselage sidewinder launching rail and the The center and outer wing pylon viewe: ae sowed inthe front ho the inboard (Sation 3) and center (ation 2) spot. Note the “dog tooth inthe wing leading edge. as demonstrated by this ANG crewmember. Surface dtl ofthe center wing pylon withthe main ear downlock stowage housing in the pylon leading edge. The downlock device i shawn on page 6, bottom le pc~ leading edges ture Nevertheless, they al feature the same attachment racks Beet » Fail Air Force shel se these" hard 10 of the Sioux City ANG unit in front of a Bel tothe BA Brustem air hae, the As wereen a is spoted with a thee hunded gallon extemal flank attached lon. ar directing handle andthe towing winch cable protruding ed to pull the A ino ts hiding the sheer which The 300 gallon fuel tank features ony thre slailzng fins, lacking one on top. Note Obscured when viewed from ade, the inboapyion ite has some deal wort show the reinforcement/inge atthe lower part othe tank. ing. Note the A7 pylons are ily attache to the lower wing surface, leaving no aps at all ‘The port main wheel well deal diflers from the ‘oppese side. The reservoir situated on the well of is much smaller and pipe ines run in dlferent dire: tons. ‘The singe point ground refucing receptacle is loca ted inside the port wheel well. Refeulng i in pro- ges. The A-7 can hold as much as 1,425 gallons (9,262 pounds) of JP-4 fue internally and can cary as much as four eternally mounted fuel tanks (1,207 gallons totaling 2,652 gallos of “juice 6 Rghy) The cowie! is insalng safety pins to the ‘ation seat, demonsratng the ality to board the AT without the need of an auxiliary ladder or sep. Gotior lef) The avionics bay on the port side ‘which dlrs sihly from the opps bay. Note the color of the bay interior and the avionics boxes, Ako the technical manuals attached tothe bay door Just infront ofthis bay is located the LOX or Liquid (Oxygen Bote which provides the pt breathing ait for his oxygen mask. Without it he woul be forced to lly “low and sow Note the 174th TFS badge at let (@otiom, righ) The M61 Vulcan gun muzleon the lek side, immediatly below the step housing. Noe te landing and taxi lights mounted on the nose sear The similarity between the A-7 and a sharks emphasie by this quarter headon view: Dual pitt tubes are located on each side ofthe radome. Antenna loca tions nthe intake lips of the A-? are two ECM antennas (at about 3 ‘lock and 10 o'clock poston) and the forward ANIARN-SBA gle slope antenna (6 o cock postin). (Tep right & far right) The A-7D is equiped with an ANIAPO:126 (V) forward adar undemeath the lossy black radome which is hinged on top. The bulb undemeath the 4-7’ chin ithe TISL po or Laser lumi nated Target Detertor. Although installed on all A-7D's and A's, fw carry the actual equipment If carried and in use the front cover would be of glass and the equipment would show (Right) When ground testing ofthe engine is required, the FOD screen is attached tothe intake. I prevents things ike light equipment and even prope from being sucked into the large gaping mouth ofthe SLUF = ‘The names on the nose below the windscreen do nt necessary mean these pesons ae Bing the ac cat Allemate sores ae fown with available aircraft. Ths 70 is scorching in the afemoon sunlight ‘availing ancher goto ake i ino the wid Bue yonder. Parked A-7's almost abways have the avionics bays open, (Lef) L.Col. Les JENSEN is seen unbucking his parachute hares. He just retumed from a sues familaraton fight over freign countryside. His parachute hamess fers sightly fom the ones used by 16 pls in tha it has a padded lover back. The crewchie s holding the airral’s logbook which is signed by the plot belore entering the cockpit ensuring him ofthe serveabilty ol the ara, and by the erewchiel a con as he lakes over the aircraft from the pilot afer e has landed " L “The upper surfaces of the starboard wing show litle detail, The carnage pate The upper fuselage with the upper TACAN antenna (ar ight), the iflght refvelng re however be datingushed. Note the pate integration ofthe leading ege dat inthe tac (ar force A? lca, replacing the navy’s semounted nose probe). and th wing upper antcalsn light. The white light justin Font of the later isa formation light An A-7D (72-190) sen taxing towards ful crosscounty ght. An andi flaps and the le se shows inthe down post infght refueling rcpt NNole the through-hewing spoiler justin font ofthe lowered fap in instrument panel viewed from the kt wih a god view runt al the far right. Note the two pouches mounted sment cover on each side ofthe HUD (see alo ) anak or ocasonally an issue of the est Playboy or Penthouse can be sowed here (Top righ) The area aft ofthe eeton seat withthe emergency oxygen bol tached to the seat launching ral. The canopy actuator can be seen in the back. Note the cat breaker panel decy behind the actuator (Right) The right console holding most ofthe navigaton conta inst tment, Pat ofthe eat can also be seen as well asthe oxygen hase coming from behind the seat, « ‘An overall view ofthe ESCAPAC 1C2 ejection seat and the area behind the seat The ‘oxygen hote and voice connertor cable can be seen aside the eston seat launching ascombly The rubbercovered outlet on the at cockpit framing i pr ofthe canopy clmatsation and deogging system. Note the al iner bulkhead of the raised canopy and the canopy ‘el. Uh ‘Sgt Westing and Sle Schreck conducting lesson the airaf’s navigation sytem Most interesting inthis view isthe canopy ner fame and the canopy piecing knife ‘mounted on the frame. When looking through the perspex windscreen on can see the pouches mentioned eaier fom above Note the yellowish canopy scl (Previous page) The let sie ofthe cockpit completing the roundup, Note he distinctive Two A-7D’s on take. Despite the lack of an afetumer, “dean” A-7s dont ned Shape of the aft canopy framing and the ange of attack vane inthe top right photo, much runway to get aitbome, Notice the rain wheels fold forward into the well while The let como wih a deed view onthe throtle quadrant canbe tui in he two the nose gear reac backwards int t's housing The wingman s watching bs "lead! batt pictures. Note the remove before fight tag atached tothe cancpy emergency prepared to take evasive ation incase somthing goes wrong during take-of actuators. Unik what mest people thnk the A-7K isnot the trainer version ofthe A-7D in the tue sense of the word. In ac, the A-7K (no T precedes the designation! an updated ver Son ofthe singe seater but especially intended for use withthe Air National Guard unis to tain newcomers on this type of ara, Bu, unlike any "normal" rainrairerat the ATK retained fll combat capabilities making it ease io convert new pls and make them familar withthe onboard weapon systems. Soy) The A-7K is stetched by 16 inches forward ofthe wing to take the extra eetion seat and by 18 inches nthe at section fo estore the enter of gravity. Engine, fight systems and landing ger remained the same but larger night reeling reeptace was installed fn top ofthe spine Total fuel capacty remained 1,425 gallons inteally and when aed othe four exter tal tank load o 1,207 gallons resulted in an overall tal of 2,652 gallons of fel being A7K (Top et) The cewcie is making su the backseat, paserger or Chad sight the second ot sometime i calle ouch the ih tutors belore cing the hood. Tn ths cae Ue balsa Began Air Force potogepherAnoine Rocks pearing for photoseon on board the ATK I wl take him over the Began Ardennes and ‘over the bravifal German Rive vale. Some of he sha aken are inde in is book (Top) The inlight refueling receptacle on the A-7K is much larger as ‘onthe A-7D ands located onthe centeine and not oft to the let as on the A7D. Three air reeling lod lights are located jus at of the cock of which one canbe sen hee. Note the white dretion marking to lp the boomer in the tanker air, [Nate the uperant-clision ight is mounted on top of the reoeptack (Let) An overall view ofthe windscreen and nate secon of the ATK. Note the pats name infancy leering below the windscreen and the handhold above i 2 ‘scan be seen here the front cack of the A-7K is exactly the same as the A-2D. Afr al isan A-7D conversion, Modeler have been kaown to argue about this. (Top righ) The emergency oxygen botle So the frontseater i mounted on the same spot asin the A70. Note the map holder sowed undemeah the canopy rl (Rh) The gh cence ine font xt ol the A 7K Insane ae he same, colors are the same. 30 The cover over the aft instruments has the same two pouches asin the front codpt. The box wth the handhold on top of it houses the standby pas. 7 thickness f the sass window between the cockpits is quite vider Instead of having two separate hoods ttng backwards ike the Phantom) the A-7K has one lage sie swinging canopy which s hinged onthe right sie ofthe ara (whereas F-104 hoods were hinged on the le). This made photographing the let coasole not easy Te lange pespex hod is hae in an upg postion rather than swinging al the way through. The four hinges can clearly be sen. Notice the "West High Wohserines” sponsor bad. 92 (Bottom) Not that much diferent bul the projected map dpay is msl has fll ying controls front cockpit instrument pane din the alt cockpit, Note the or able Ay the ara when. 1 ght console i misng the navigation instruments as can be is view, Also apparent here isthe dflerence in texture of the sea's parachute pack and the seat cushion, (Bottom nigh) Another picture aken through the canopy showing the ‘way the eeton seat launch ais are mounted again the ea bulktiead, (Let) The sea viewed from the right se ofthe icra. This time it an C5 ESCAPAC which was developed to fit n the rear cockpit Te pos Hn ofthe thee réueling odlghs can be determined (Below) Let ofthe rear cockpit seats seat salty pin sowage box which Features a seat pe-fight checklist, Note the various salety pin installed to the seat and to the rest ofthe cock o.Denris Swansrom and Antoine Reels going through the pre fight check procedures When all systems are explained and the pasenge knows what to d the moment Col ‘Swarstom yells "FECT EJECT, JECT” it's time to st back and check ll photographic ‘equipment. Returing rom a one-hour fighi and discovering you forgot to lad Your ‘cameras somthing you don't wart your ids to know, fl alone tl your superiors “Anyway, the fight was nat pec” as canbe judged rom te beaut nigh shes in ths book 38 KIT REVIEW Tetunaty for Ue A? freak, ear some very ood kis aval, both in 1/48 and 1/72nd sale. We have to esapcn the 12nd bil, because to our knowlege. no thas ever ben released in this scale. Sstchbuig one & que an endeavour ad likely some manufactur ris going to ease 0 152 A. the moment you have finshed tht ‘model which took you two yeas to bil For these who are sated wih a quarterinch cae model, we can highly recomend, ‘ace agin, Hasegawa’ beaut A7E and A-7D. Varous boxes have been relaxed including the ery sy camenlaged nay art, theater "low-isilty” syle pin ing aswel as the At Fore A-7D inthe gay-geen wraparound scheme. ‘While this book was in preparation, an A-TE & D Update Set was planned with Vetin- den Productions which is due to be released ealy 1991. This among other things wil sate Se SCADA cs sx = Te 1?2nd mote wl hve te dice betwen te Hg as nde ler oma Pa id sete ot er ols ne ee Se Se rane sate aia nn ween Theta afore A7D nen: ae wei singe ‘in artdg how ewes tose lll and hn dw yon be nei ese OMly Freres /Besum ‘Have fun and happy modeling! 26 21/92 6

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