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HUW Fairchild Republic (i RU WillyPeeters COPYRIGHT © 1990 By VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS 2 Velinen & Siok av Daison Onememersat 4 KMO one Maletet 8.2500 LICRIBELGIUM. Al is ere No pat o ths book may be regrodvn! in any form, sored in a reival stem or arsed in any er by and by any rans be & enc, mechanical, potonaping, recording or cherie, ‘shout the wien penmision ofthe publisher \VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS! VERLINDIN & TOK NV bla in Begum by \VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS av Pabst and dtd in ‘he Unie Sats by ‘VIS CORPORATION ‘Wes Por Indra Pak 0 Fee Fo Rood Maryland Hogs, Mo 65045 USA Prot Manus & (Qhel Edie: Fangs VERLINOEN US Fator Bob LETTERMAN “Tat & rewarch ; Wily CEETERS Lay Waly PETERS Phetseing © SCANBO! Beer Beli Pri by ruler) DE PEUTER mw 1 Herenils Belgium ISBN 90.70952:122 DEDICATION ‘othe pls fhng he A-10 at RAF Bentwates and RAF Woodie, er doing 2 magia and for being ready whenever we wil al them ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, ‘Seve pple have agin bam ive in the mango hs Lack On. Wihou ther permison land tha wings to as, we would me have ben able fo pubis and you woul! not be ‘ergy ckng forward to nally sting that AO mel which has bon gathering to the top shelf of your mode colton. So, my dapet speciton fr ther astance is gringo tC Robe A. BRUS,fomer Dror (of Public Asi, HO 3 Ar Forc(LSAFE) who ince Benwaers o make my vila smooth tee haslesee a tum out to be. To Lt Col GIEMMO, his sixesor at HQ Sed Ait FeredUSAFE), Midenhl er talking over the ment L.Col BRUS le fice My sincere thanks to Caps BOYLE, Chie of Pubic Abs t RAP Beware who, despite is TDY garaged vt est and they hy sf who ea ws ‘sah a Mas of al would ke to hank Migf Dominic DONELLI who, in is on poe way ofhaning ‘manage oat the unforseen analy ot us what we rs to make ts bok lo walt 1€T wuld lio congatat him on ajo wel done Fre my thanks fo Col. DEMBROWSKI fr allowing me to sips ara or he photo sesin and to bth Si Tn Kruger and Sgt Wil G.- DEMERS forth astance dang the ‘etal shooting ofthe pores “Thanks tomy asian onthe tp wo dos wan! o be mentioned bat who, newts provel tp bea gea help To thse | have fat to mention, my snare apologies. “The autor ‘SCALE PLANS ‘We reget to announce the deltion ofthe 72nd and 1/48 cae plans fom this book on lea ave where nearly each treed is of such high standard, we oped forthe mision ofa worknenave sale plan in favor ofa more equ! publishing schedule ofthe Lock On books. For these who have appecioted tse ae lars in tise, we can only olf you the same amount of ull coor pcre, mos ly lager and rit cetanly on a more frequent ass. [Eke we have sid Bere, we do’ pretend opus the mos cole book on a ibe, bu we belo we flr a comprhersive ful-olor coverage which sil enables every erst to i 10 ow the alae bet and whieh enables every rede o pase a gade of auhenticty, even without the incon ofa see plan ‘We hope you fe ths way to. 8st Tactical Fighter Wing, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge ALIOA Thunderbolt I 78th TIS, 91s TRS, 92nd TIS, 510th TFS The twin bss of RAF Bentvaers nd RAY Woodbine othe 814 Tac Fgher Wig re xt some 87 neat cf Lond, The wir, wich operas te C10 and the F-16 aa, has ppecnimaty 4,520 rata and ‘Silas aged ofall theme ak othe 8 TFW, close a sunt and dan combat taining, The Bt TEW coms of ur gions 18 AAD aia excandoneepatono 12 dns the 7h and 915 TFS, a aed at Woedbieg The remain he. te 92nd and 510th TFS and the 527th Ages Squadron, are hte at RAF Bente The 0 suns te scr tothe se kev pli cans in Gemnany: Sank, Lege and Noreich, The A10 sna ae ogni der the concerto ward ely ment ened arvard nner AO ing conduc dung deleyments to a haes in Genny fanart is wth the ces spt ernment in shh they would oprte case of his The hentag ofthe 818 Tact Fir Wig dts fo 1 any 1942, whe he Bt iter Gcup was fi activate Since then the Group, and er the wig, aslo adver aed exci een te deseo the wt eel Ding, ‘WAIL the Bi was ace in toh the Lacoxan ae Pa Heats The goup was active Noth Alc am & November 1942 unl anaary 1943 when spared gud cpstions dig the Alles dive against Aus fr in Tusa, Tron Ap oul 1943, the Blt pl he coat ol Ali nd ror Aled shir in the Maienansn Se. The Bi moved to the Pane theater n February 1944, where thy row for the deseo nda ad mainland Chi, They cman in China ale the War unl 27 Osan 1945, ode on moves fork he wing om Hawa to New co, Washegen and inal the Unie Kingdon. The wag ard at RAT Bntwates in Sqtemer 1951 and RAP ‘Worse was used bythe 8s TFW in 1988, The tanton fam Ft AO bain in 1978 and wt Xe he chee ar spt mision 3 ew suk a 4 orwatd pera locos in Gea signal tothe Bist TTW son Feb 18, 1918 at Waco, Tew, Over 9, Po, £86, F84, 01, FAC and FAD edhe Stl conte on Jan 13,1942. Or WILT 80,861 ' rao . they tea the pao ne fal spatkon Shing he Hog en RAF Ben 510 TFS, “The Buca. For eb 24, i lida ying the A24 wii the 4051 oben 1 yn the ony aden at Bera fh se Vina they lew ote han 27 200 cos pescnd peasl A-10 suadion at RAF Bena I you wore ak! when he ecto is Fic Repent on, wou your zs ave ben 1972? is amanng hs hil ew an ecg lake aching 20h ada eo ys fy na The AOA "Thunb I" or "Wath" (no alan can d without a ikea) sa singe se, tn tuboln sat evloed to eet 3 oil enemy sound et. lhe sey tues in poring he ce a supp msi a bul ro the A-10 sch as sponses, Hehe, split and ta vay Vesatty ad Hey a the A-10 ae bet dglayed by 2 le paid. lang ater tie ac ‘wide radus capable. can lor or hous wh he ble aea where wan opt under 1, 000t cage wth shan orm vibe. Ths ase 810 igh espero the inmedse neds cf an ay combat commande. Sh takeof ad landing tae en oper thn nad out ef frat coating laos nar the fet is ‘The AI cancany up 10 16.00 ls of med converte and ls gated weapors, ck laser rb munis ad dead Maveick mises. Adie, conti dea outer mere devi, cal and reps. Mure neal aor the ara’ cene ee el busines eno ths mighty machi, 2 Ga A gin sien capable leg at tr 2,100 4.200 rounds) per meses 30a shal, which enue a high pcbaby ofa nk lon angle rang pa. Many of us ve sen the vdeo eel by Fasc, here the 8-10 desta! sain ait by dering gauie 742 ank wih ona twoecond bass. [pain othe ace pcg rate whch opal ol pnt ashum and easy an the gin Bes high evgeave ammunton whch sextmmely eee agin a wide arty cher lags thas teks, armored prone cis and cr eis, Who wast tat said ‘aber be ing Add to that the ere mancaverbilty ofthe A-0 allowing the pt to diver is ordnance ‘pik, even under atone ener and oor vst The Ho s poured by two que sokeless Gar et 1134-100 tubolan egies each gern 9.000 ls of us Rgalns, ail and eof martentoe have ben pinay cries inthis glee sg The sracure sceeveonal wih approxima 95 pret the asm consrce fom aluminum. Nareas ara pas ar inlachangable let andr cud he ee, main lnc ear and eric abies The A10 achieves is surat rough a cobintn oh maneuver twa ss sed ald pi a tanium aerate “ti wtch ens he lt nd whch aso pcs ‘he tal ements of the at cota sem. Redundant psa src ements can Suvie ima damage Selle fl eae rece wth smal ard exam. The rinsry hyo ig contol ye unher entanced by a manual ackp ser which al he plot fy al and he ara when al hydra ar et. A pl cote ad: "Even it ad no tase wings one eng and thers of my tal gone I eg it be | The iron of be AFLG Apahe eg to the ate se ems to ave number he ays ofthis magnicert ara bu no doubt wl ly a vil ein gourd gt srucion oe ome The oot hon he Easy have dined bts ays beter be anf be eos ales. ACCESS DOORS & INSPECTION PANELS . Theriht lorward nose section where the plot tans hs pre-figh walkaround. Prior o srappin in ad cranking up, afll exter chck-up s executed bythe lt, accompanied by the cew chi. Ie pilot i convinced the air sill has both is wings. al and engines, he takes full esponbilty over the a cat by signing the leghook This side view ofthe nose Seton shows the remarable side-mounted pylon o hold the Pave Penay laser designator (no instal here). The belom right picture shows the quick-release hatches ofthe rht ‘letronics bay which can be opened lor ligh-ine rspnton. Note the cooling ai intakes and exhausts Three siall BDU:33 practice bombs attached to a TERS or Triple Ector Rock which is mounted to underving Staton number 8. Note the diferent color of the TER-9 and the red and white stencing Pylon station number 10 and, the later being the out ‘most hardpoint. Noe this pyon' lacking the bulb just undemeath the wing surface andthe Boocligh aft on the same pylon, This foodlight is we to illuminate the cock pit area during nigh time operations. Left and right view ofan ine version of the dreadful AGM.65B Maverick missle. The mises moun ted to a sgecial launching ral undemeahhardhoint number 9. Although not anmed and lacking the motor and the guidance fn, this mise provides the plo with TV images for simulated mise runs The color ofthe mise ad launch alls simar othe TER-9 described above. The blue bands indicate ths Maverick is weal only fr practice pups. A diferent look atthe underwing sores. Note the aero actuating rod prirading fom the rear of pylon 11, making the rear endl of hs pyion much wider than pylons 9 and 10. The picture at right shows the covered fare digensr and wingtip navigation igh. Par ofthe wingtip ptottatic boom can sil be seon at ‘ight. Both botom pictures show the ight upp wing fom above. Note the alron taling ede ichup and the drooped wingtip EXTERNAL LIGHTING (Geary US fir Fo) f a 22 The General Ecc TF34-100 tubolan engines ae mounted inside two huge engine nacelles placed on either se of the fuselage, above and behind the wings. A very’ disincive A-10 characters which ‘made this airat eam nickname. Nevertheless, lacing the engines way above goundcrew hand ling level has the great advantage of being ks vulerable to FOD (Foreign Objex Damage) when taking of rom rough aids. They can aso be le running while the ground crew refuel and reload the ara without the danger of being sucked in by the lage ai intakes The let picture provides 2 close look atthe very od shape veil tail with the fulength rudder Note the frmaton light andthe colorful fin band, “The picture below shows the elevators and their tim tabs on either side ofthe taeone on which the Fight radar warring recever and the center navigation lig are evident. Looking forward though the engines atthe open canopy. The two re crc in front ofthe egies and on top of the fu in fc call npn hates. Nove the way the rel ofthe right engine. Nearly 85 percent ofthe A-10s Thrust comes fram cold fan air which freely bypasses the combustion chamber. EXTERNAL LIGHTING (Cosy US A Fa Bote view ofthe fuselage with trom le to ight the VHEIEM antenna, the off-center fuel dump and the \VEFAM radio anienna. Note the concave shape of the swing and flaps. (Gator sgh) The tapered fairing ofthe landing gear spenson hal fur chafflare dspensing units which are sill covered here. The sponson is undercut for fap clearance CHAFFIFLARE DISPENSING SYSTEM Sil one ofthe main countermeasure devices uscd by the USAF on many aircraft is the Wesinghouse bulk AN/ALQ.131(V-9) ECM pod seen a both sds here Even the 8-10 uses them to god advantage Color and marking of this ECM device dearly show Note the angle aack sensing vane onthe lading edge l the wing in the bitom picture. AO on ths view can be seen the much mexe pointed shape ofthe outermost TS pylon compared tothe to inner hardpoin Canney TS Fa A singetube boarding lider stowed behind panel 69, enabling the pilot to board his aircraft even at remeke landing ies with ite or no equipment avaiable Very rarely, the inside of this door is lft unpainted as with this ara. Graf ofall kinds usually "admis inner suace, Note the 813 TFW badge af ofthe cockp ‘The let main landing gear sit and pat ofthe TER 9, When flly dosed the trees aiding gpar door only cover the st, leaving the tite exposed to the elem ‘The shallowness ofthe spanson does not allow for the ear to be fuly reacted, ceine mounted GAU8/A The business end of the A-10 “Wane 30mm “Avenger” gun caused the repostoning othe nose landing gear to the lar right fl the fuselage. Note the way’ the gun mule incorporated in the nose section ofthe areal, reaming the A-10's pointed nose singe point in fight reuingdooe on top ofthe nese sec tion, with a wite "H marking in ont of i Ths marking & a reference pint forthe bhoon-gunner in the tanker aitra. Because the rfveling boom would renee mest of the paint anyway, this panel let unpaired showings bare metal sac Two more ANIALR-69 radar waming antennas can be seen on ete ide ofthe nose The nose landing gear ae the inside ofthe nose gear wel Alhough inlueced bythe canoutage color ofthe a cra the landing gear Sut andthe ss o the whee well re pared white. Note they are kept extremely ean for easy spting of yea eal, The nose gear door splits inlo two segments, one pat bing mechanically linked to the nose gear strut while the ‘lhe door halls Sde mounted fo the haseage. ‘Two tailghlandngight unit are mounted onthe sin The bottom le picture shows part ofthe Pave Penny pylon from below ANTENNA LOCATIONS - ] Al quires ores pana tthe gun ull. Ample dais vise tse tress “Te two rearward fang scaops in ot ofthe boarding le using the batery compa rent coolant exhast (mos war) and the ammo lading compact vention coe The amma i aded tough the lage doe shown atk af of he noe landing gear. (Qpposie page) The Auiomatc Diecion Finder, a fs dis: below the gun cooling intake, ‘The mide picture shows al access haiches in cesed postion with two addtional antennas clearly visible. The hott fermation light and the "oped" homing aniena are shown i the third picure: Note the two vera sakes aside the fuselage hatiom ede P Trurher lookin af across the “belly of th the center pylon in the fest picture eal Inspartion hatches, servicing poi, ar ventilation holes and more anlennas are located here, factatng servi and mainienanve by ground crew mem All serdcng can be done without the we of supporting stands or plata, unlike aking the pictures as show in the front ofthis book, fr which a soli maintenance pla fom was mobilize, Note the nteral surfaces ofthe A-10 are painted inbro- mate yelow while the inside of the panels i painted whi A-10A COCKPIT INSTRUMENT PANEL (TYPICAL) The font winds! and the isirumet cove rm the le IUD or head dla, developed by Kaiser Berni, can be seen under the windscreen, Note te inflight refueling panel a ont and the rased asembling bolts onthe cockpit ang. Side view of the ACES Il eeton seat mounted in the ALIOA. Noteworthy are the two canopy pierces atop the seal headrest, not found on the F-15 and the F-16 ACES lea. The angled canopy linkage am ataches lo the canopy inner fang. Quite an unasual canopy loeking sytem, ‘unique for this aia A.cooul "name tag” on the canopy framing makes very dear who acualy “owns” this araf. Beware the one who dares dsputethis dain, The cockpit rang mechanism i tached to the wear of the eection seat sappoat structure The bronze and yellow sna potting fon the hoe af of the can raising mechanism i used to etson the canopy in case of an emergency balou The windshield frm the oppaste side, Minor diferences ccrur betwen the let and rght sd. The main instrument pane! ofthe A-1OA shown here and on page 23 isola conventional layout, the oly sophisicated in Strument being the Maverick TV display to the ght side othe cockpit ike inthe F15, a dual set of gagesis provided to monitor the proper funetionin ofthe TTS34 engines. Engine insrumens «an be found on the sight while ight navigation insrument and weapon selecor panel ate located on the let side of the instrument pare Note the auxiary landing gear extension handle and the rc ‘er pedal adjustment handle on the let and the right side of the center console, The yellow ejection seat "pull to eject handles dominate this inside view ofthe cockpit Ako pay attention to the fire pul hands integrate in the a ding edge ofthe instrument panel cover and the postion of the HUD contol panel 25 (Gout US i a (Canty RIGHT CONSOLE (TYPICAL) = ‘The cockpit asing merhansm fom the right side. Note the lines of the cocipi’ delogging syste andthe two recangular hols he cockpit bol- tom oe af he cacy’ ein mechan, ich ae te cc’ “The “probe” which can be seen jus af ofthe cockpit inthe bottom right pictures indicative for A-10'scarying the inertial navigation sytem (INS) Note thatthe cewchies name is carried on te right sof the canopy Framing. Each crew-chie aims to have the best-kept &-10 in the squadron and afer having seen the ara at Bentwaters, we have no reason a alio doubt it og. “The angled canopy linkage arm viewed through the perspex hood. The ist impre a hospi ately dean, handle here, He who, a we rer to do thet the nigh who tak with the panels descibed on the p he canopy actual ate over the 10. The small exhaust at righ and ont GAU BIA AVENGER GUN Loading the linkless A-10 ammo is done with this special piece of equipment, the Ammuntion Loading Sysem (ALS) platform “The principe the same as that ofthe GAUIBIA gun itll It loads rounds on one sie and extracts empty cases simultaneously A fll ood of 4,200 rounds can be change in less than 12 minutes under forced loading condos. TF-34 ENGINE mee he TF34-100A engine inside ts nacelle. The lage acnss doors are pede open and are secured sideways and outward to face maint hance and check ups of th The engines are tached to 2 top mow they can be id epaced inno time, Wiout any 2 ines can be changed from lt to right nacelle and vie versa, Engine components are described in the draving a igh 36 Kit Review ‘The AAO never was very popular with modelers worldwide, judging from the scarce number of ‘eniries in modeling contess. Areal shame, because several good kis are avalable of this magnificent fighting machine. Mony yeas ago, Tamiya reeased the AAO in 1VA8ih ‘scale (omy knowledge the fist “quater inch” scale release). A great box at and a. good uaty plastic replica of the A-10 should have con- Vinced the modeles to buy the Ki Although they may have dane so, few of these kis reached com: peton. Pethacs the lack of convincing, rekrence mata was the main cause ofthis However, this id not change the mind of the Hase- wa people, who produced a nice sale md on Titnd and. hod released wih an even, more appealing box at by the mater himsall Shigeo Koike. It mus, be sid, what ths man i capable of with single brush and some paint is beyond belt The kit isl is no less impressive. Good, csp mou ding and fine deta have become the Hasegawa trace mark over the years. If 1/?2nd i the sale you _ne looking fx, thi the bit to buy. Some years ago, Monogram believed they were able to reeawe an even beter 1/48 it of the “Warthog” and soon ths kt was stored in the shel vs of many hobby shops. Molded in. dark green Basic, overall shape 1s period, nicely deta parts ae numerous and the canopy is the best we've ever Maverick miss, exteral fuel tanks, ECM pods and eight cer bos are inluded to doa the finished model. Markings are for aircraft BDI79-147 ofthe A7ITES, 917IKTFC. of the Ai Tome Reserve, with the very diincve and aac Ave Warog makings onthe nose One major dawback though tbe pan ines and riveing, which 16 Beauly tooled, are raise and wil ted ty ter wen‘, joins. Repiong i posible, bu wil tke some time 2nd flo. ‘Anyway, if 1/48th is your scale, don't lt anything ‘top you fram buying thik.

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