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VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS Mc DONNELL DOUGLAS FI5C/D Eagle Introduction 4 Vision capability beyond compare and fangs which can be deadly accurate Aayone wo tus eves a the cance (and who aut nomaday) Io take a cle ‘otis jsp mc laine iiner pilot deeant " ety bit el grlened bch will convince you thats exactly Development contracts were awarded to most of the leading aiveraft manufacturers she wernt a gutng easements ta sy see han On thisbook Instead of repeating all gata on the F.t>, extensively covered in every other evel! Douglas, who finaly, after thousands of hours of elaborate pubetion, we manta take you on tour and show yy im fall efor 8 profound to'many air foree questions They famed it the FA *Eagie™ a hams well-tosen About the LockOn-series Ever since the first Lock On book was published, it's main Parpont was 10 Serve the modeler who, ih ctder to Build. an [ecarate ‘replica of hie iavorite aieplane, would find enough Information in jst one, reasonably. priced book To 80 So. ln fact, tis series was born out of frustration, the day ve Ulseovered shat, with 3 huge ple of backs, worth over 200 USS Goior of the litle oval valve insge the port wheel wel NiMjoking spar, the extensive wee of larg, cee calor pictores Im combination with some’ usefal information onthe subjects proved to be succesful {tis true that the first two Lock On's neatly showed every part Cf the siplane in detatl an thet Ralf of these. potos were St lene value’. the. average ‘modeler gr even ¢0 the: more “demanding airrafe builder, unless they were planning.» carece Sean aureratt engineer Upon receiving comments tom you, modelers as well as aieratt ‘hihusinsta, we recomidered he Cola setap of the series of SIhich Lock Gn Ned "The 2130 Hercules" wat the first example You are now fooling at sts successor Cork’ On Rod The FES Eagle, a book full of cole, showing enough detail to build an Sckraie! model providing some, general“information on. its Systems and it's performance which we foe! are of sone imere {2 most modelers ang all th for 3 rearonable- pric. If yoo foe! this tobe truc ar you have any comments, we sl be glad to hear teom you. Enjoy reading this book ight © 17% by vesuiyoen PuaLicartons Copyright © ot. thats a Sra bimen or Ruder tlc esto Tet eS Aitrwtcreneds Ae is Sl tc may repo nay eee ere Einy am oy oy ee ee eee Meath” Alecagsrecidng or ihe TeesCiaa the eet perms of the pi Sia ENS NSMRE SS ERNE & STOR Published in Belgium by Published ang sisteibuted in VERLINDEN PUBLICATIONS the United States by VERLINDEN & STOK me ¥LS.CORPORATION Bi2500 Tiek/ BeLCiuae Maryland Heights, Mo 63043 tise IBN 90-70992-12-1 Project Manager Chet editor’ + Francois VERLINDEN US Editor: Bob. LETTERMAN Text & eescatch: Willy PEETERS Layout Willy PEETERS Seale drawings: Willy PEETERS Protosettings : SCANBO /Beerze! Belgium Primed by 3 Dekker BE REUTER Dedication tld so deaate in book 6 all USARE pete! jcneral and t0 she pilots and crew of the 36th Tacteal Fighter {Ging 7 Altburg Air'Sase for their commitment is keeping he peace ‘Acknowledgements [A book like this ean not be published without the Help of so many. Fist you need the authorization of “Yop ranked USAF Stall members, the commitment of Base Commanders tne dedication of Public Affairs Officers and heir cvitan erployees nd then there is tye helpful amstance of pilots grounderew, escort people, MP's And even gate. guatds to get you where you have fo be and to peevent you Irom cing to places"you are aot authored 10 visi Sree again, all these people went beyond the call of duty and it would be impossible ro lise them all, uel would ike them so know am very geatell for thelr cooperation: | vey special tanks is due to te following persons frst to my friend Col. Donald 0 WERIEES, USAP Air Attache! in Brusels 15r introdacing me tthe: Pentagon PA Sid for backing my request: to LtCol. Eduard Ni NEUNHERZ, USAFE Chiet Media Relations Divalon”/Mamstein ‘Air Bove and. his aenstant Ar Moore for author‘sng fay sit: to. Mrs, Tina CORCMRAN and Capt. Phil MILLS, USAFE Bitburg Public [ilais tlie for their patience in answering my epalee phone-cals nd Yor rans fhe visita on besey which were without doubt prepared n'a very profesional way Furthermore 1 woutd like t0 thane the following persons for their asitance im king the photoprapies Capt. Ronald RLATT, Magi Seven BAIR, AIC Douglas Ay WASKAN, SitA’Stophante A. JOVCE, Tage Dana ROZELLE, Sgt Erie DAHLSTROM, Sek’ Domine PAMDA® and’ May Mike MALONEY, Maintenance Stpervisr. 1 would also like to thank McDONNELL DOUGLAS for providing me with first-class Bstouap wich ere of gos erest and which te pies sore tn thik USet'but not least a special thanks to another friend, Paul VAN HERCK, for letting tne have some of his precousiy-kept sides for publication. {o all who 1 forgot te mention, my sincere apologies: |All photographs were taken by the author unless otherwise indicated. They were taken using Minolta70U0 Autofocus, Canon FT ané Mamiya ZM cameras with 35-103" mm enter. Kodachrome. 68 K193- color sige film and Fuji 1000 Professions! color lige film were une Sxoughoute Front covert Two F-15 '¢ of the 18th TPH/KADENA AB, Okinawa [Japan heading for *horne™ The [8th TFW had the honor of receiving the fire P19 in September "1979. Airframe Bart ofthe sartneg udering section with 8 wew beard seetlon of the wing is cleat er cent of the Eaghes ara Ue of Steps and ladders. Mits'cr honeycomb cores All these materials are needt to pull more than 18 ? ne the smalter it tin is te CoM slectrone to er The port wing showing the markings to. good Ne Stara te lt tasoom fang also hoes eat. Te i ak arn SN a ‘The two upper teardrop shaped aerials on each fin The all-moving tail viewed from above. Again, the Modelers may have. prableans getting. the corceel yese aerials are located tail navigation The actual paint serves 15 purposes well in that (dete side) anda ant-clison gh ight the color scene 10 change every te Yu look at ‘with thes called "og-toot ‘The Federal Standard colors used to paint the F-1S 1) No Pa Nose landing gear Main landing gear port starboard Armament “ACESII ejection ris seat 2 € S £ ce 7Q 2 w FHS D aft 36 Kit reviews Jn ig chapter, which can nor be omitted in 2 Boo ie Uke Sher pion au policy 0 caview oly those {hs point of view but we feel modeling should be something kits hic we fel are worth buying eve ko sense in pending week of ling, sanding aed ESrctinga for aly de when tore are tpl At fie" agree tou “its are somewhat more expensive but TD FSE Fogle Haven Te gu pian INE beta a te ete Suply.oidet par Ai pane ing ae enraed Sind almost all them are corcecty aluateds The forse he ert ote pare new Kath the th BoC te vera shape f6sa0 ne ie marly perfect Ca St titan rate ti a a he be replaced by the nice Acesil seat from Verlinden Bocas LNG eS Tse aad en Sept as been made 0 got. cxrect sage OF RETRAIN BSG TA MARR fee ook pertece, A para ncey ted Band sata aplet iom Sioa! sae Ge hod Taye Eas apie coat ye fit spina ite aati a he ‘iit make Te took even better. The wheels have the fra up with four compete fuel tanks tea” many tar as comtrcting i concen, probes sy ce Rene i Scat ee eg? SLES Bier rerecin Bieta foes once again plan ey tle sana oi of epee Heals ERE TT “es Fecommend them. NO pilot figure'is Included in ts Th decal sheet nmacsately printed and ot good pak ll taee"yor'e fart your Wl Shan Fs USAr ficclandy {Stn TEW PACAE / Kadena Asana ond USAFE Ca Res ern See eA ck FSSA Boy Ieee Tenge be bid the color of he tal sand ot he Sond ee eit hate a dan a be ete intend of sey tet Sh only Seosine SEAR Seiten tae ek SATS SE wt please many modelers ew KE 130/03 Eagle Masegawa kit N'K26 1/72. feneraly te same hit except for frame’ which Fielded bye dial cockpit oustt withthe Ispanese kit manufacture Buying the it for forthe it as well Extensoe mariings om the decal Bist Sqn"2nd aw, 202nd Sg 91m Av, 2034 Sqn nna 3030 Sth AW of te ASDF 17 U3Are Irom Carp New Amsterdam/Socserberg Foltand withthe specat Woithounas™nakangs, tit time with the Cereet range talbandr and or ap 113 a rah THs inh thw PACAP Keene iM faapan 31 FASC Eagle Masepawa Kit N* PLO U0 blow-up from the previously celeased |/?2n8 seale Wg ti ret ne oe hore extensive anda plot figure, Is included Secrecy lle tar Frankenstein iook-alikes included In some mode The’ ir intake ducts rum all the way through ogee at ta ae ieee a Ee re Scrachbullding these corectly will be a nell of "on L/s8th scale with the correct jet. pipes, se ences eee at mph canna hace earercageg en esos meee cee oe Soca een aes Per it's ech cie oe Lees aimee Selaiecr ini erias Ae connec i as, me ta RRS iis eer apt Ete ne nm ea eo ieee toe a Breaier ug pacioth fists on ee iy th eg a ee Sos Imagine how much few weeks of aggravating modeling wil ‘oatyour We don't feck Fe is word going trough ll chat Eehave sled # kis of extn god quit wien ae nm Their nar wants for qaty 1 eek yeah ti rm te Soa fate eat Ser KOI” Siecle Tougher act worth Color speciication stenciling as it Speurs‘ov the aft chine on starboard PACAP (Kadena AB tapan. Flt painting instructions for the aframe as wel peut hat hich you wil joy building AT ISAIC Eagle Revell kit N'O739 1/32 SNaliabie on. U/32ng scale 0 ae Tels of good quality although the engraved panel lines srefton wide and too cep. Copracing tis fan be done butt wil Jake some time and eto eave oe year Gone ting te pass Fhe hit chy ine some” detalling and updating in ‘very part to make i into an accurate Fels This SP Eton see teu This Lock On sill prove to be a useful guide. Being impressive model because of It size and te ait masters. {ast packs included, they can be found inthe F-LIE tarot meng asp oo be fama ret i ieee eles ey Shc, veo RON eS a Seda a seal ae ae Te ee an yor ma hy ep Sa ype tr race 8 ole we Eira

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