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Zoe Christine L.

De Guzman

The seminar at AVR FEU Diliman Main Building, titled "Innovate and Captivate:
Shaping the Future of Advertising," highlighted the critical role of innovation in
marketing. The discussions emphasized that in today's fast-paced business
environment, innovation is not just a trend but a necessary strategy for brand survival.
The art of innovation was described as a delicate blend of creativity and strategic
thinking, where success goes beyond novelty to bring tangible value to both brands and
consumers. The seminar showcased diverse innovation techniques tailored to the
unique needs of each brand and illustrated the transformative power of successful
marketing innovations through real-world case studies.

While the event acknowledged the challenges of incorporating innovation, such

as resistance to change and budget constraints, it reframed these obstacles as
opportunities for creative problem-solving and improvement. The seminar stressed the
importance of aligning innovation with long-term goals in a visionary marketing strategy
and building a team with diverse skills and a shared commitment to innovation. Looking
forward, the discussions explored future trends in marketing, from augmented reality to
artificial intelligence, highlighting the need for adaptability and a forward-thinking
approach in the ever-evolving advertising landscape. In summary, the seminar inspired
participants to embrace challenges, foster visionary strategies, and stay attuned to
dynamic trends in shaping the future of marketing.

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