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1 - Observe the picture and answer:

A) The dog is under the table. Jade loves her school because
B) The dog is on the table.
C) The dog is next to the table. A) her friends like there.
D) The dog is in the table B) her friends love there.
C) her friends hate there.
2 - Complete the dialogue entre Kate e Tom, com o D) her friends study there.
verb to be (am, is, are) necessário:
4 - Quais palavras são do mesmo grupo de “sports”.
K: Where ____ you from?
T: I ___ from Brazil. A) volleyball, writing, running.
K: And, Sara? Where ___she from? B) volleyball, swimming, listening.
T: She ____ from United States C) having, swimming, running.
K: Ok, thank you! D) volleyball, swimming, running.

A) am, is, are is. 5 – Leia a frase: “Silvio Santos is very rich”. Agora
B) are, am, is, is. assinale a opção que apresenta o sentido contrário do
C) are, is, is, am. adjetivo grifado:
D) is, am, are, is.
A) gordo
3-“I love my school because my friends study there. B) pobre
My favorite subject is English. Our english teacher, Ms C) rico
Sandra, is very intelligent and very nice too.” (Jade,14) D) feliz

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