Subraces of The Aarakocra

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of the

New Racial Features for the Bird-Folk
D&D 5th Edition
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

The Aarakocra 11 You are keen to communicate using your wings

and plumage.
Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the
aarakocra, sometimes called birdfolk, evoke fear and 12 When you fall, trip, or otherwise make sudden
movements - you create a trail of feathers, which
wonder. Many aarakocra aren’t even native to the
inexplicably get everywhere.
Material Plane. They hail from a world beyond — from
the boundless vistas of the Elemental Plane of Air.
They are immigrants, refugees, scouts, and A Life Of Flight
explorers, their outposts functioning as footholds in a
As an aarakocra, the idea of flight is ingrained when
world both strange and alien to them.
they are first born. However, starting with the ability
to fly at 1st level is exceptionally effective in some
Aarakocra Personality situations, while being exceedingly dangerous in
An Aarakocra may have different quirks and others. Flight is often unaccounted for in campaigns
motivations from the regular inhabitants within the at an early level, so it is recommended that you talk to
Material Plane. your DM to give special consideration to your
Use the following table to help customize your character.
character and bring an extra racial quirk that sets
As a compromise, you can start your character in
them apart from other races.
one of 2 other ways. Use one of the following flightless
options you can start as an Aarakocra character below
d12 Quirk
to trade off the loss of your flying ability:
1 You sometimes let out a loud squawk when you Delayed Flight. You are only suffering a
feel nervous or anxious.
temporary injury and will gain your ability to fly at a
2 You preen yourself and others you feel later date as determined by your DM, where you will
comfortable around, it’s an old habit you’ve had start with Slowfall, but change it to Flight once you
since you were young.
regain the use of your wings.
3 You are fixated by reflections of yourself, Flightless. You have completely lost your ability to
becoming unaware of your surroundings.
fly. You instead start with Slowfall + Racial Feat of
4 When eating, you try to eat things whole, tilting your choice.
your head back, letting gravity do the work.
5 Your pockets are constantly lined with grain and
Aarakocra are born into a life of flying, it is their
seed, which you regularly snack on.
nature, their life and they are at their most
6 You use your own feathers for arrows, quills and comfortable when they take to the air.
other crafts giving it a personal touch. You have a flying speed of 50 feet. To fly, you can’t
be wearing medium or heavy armor.
7 Being in an enclosed space makes you feel
uneasy, making you focus on ways out. The sight
of the sky helps calm you. Slowfall
If your wings are not working as they once were, your
8 You can’t help but whistle a cheery tune when
you wake up in the morning.
lightweight body and remaining wings are still able to
carry you slowly towards the ground.
9 When things get heated, you puff yourself up and You can fall from any height using your remaining
outstretch your wings until you calm down.
wings, you can't be wearing medium or heavy armor
10 In moments of excitement, your speech becomes and must have at least a 10 feet of free space to either
breathless, sometimes making chirping noises. side of you (a total of 25ft.) to make room for your
wings. (You fall at a speed of 60ft. per round.)

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

If you decide to forgo the use of your wings, you can Language. You can speak, read, and write
use the list below to help create a possible narrative to Common, Aarakocra, and Auran.
explain why you cannot use them. Subrace. There are multiple subraces within the
aarakocra, each with their own unique traits.
d8 You lost the ability to fly because...

1 It is a forgotten skill lost through generations of

your tribe living a grounded life.

2 A horrific accident disabled the use of both of

your wings. Aarakocra Subraces
3 You were born with a rare genetic defect that left The Aarakocra are a mysterious race, their sighting in
you without fully formed wings. the Material Plane is rife with tales and
misconceptions about them.
4 You suffered a grueling punishment and exiled
One of the biggest misunderstandings of the
from your tribe, leaving your wings clipped up to
the elbow.
Aarakocra peoples is that they all look alike - that they
are all of one species, which is reported as an
5 Your wings can only truly carry you while within eagle-like humanoid. However they are but only one
the Elemental Plane of Air. Outside of it, flying is subrace of the birdfolk, the Alia’eet who are tasked as
both too strenuous and exhausting. scouts and military forces that lay on the outskirts of
their civilization - and therefore - the most likely to be
6 You have suffered from debilitating nausea and
seen by outsiders.
disorientation when flying since you were young.
Other subraces exist, tending to keep to their own
You’ve never learned to fly because of it.
realm, guarded from all possible fronts by the Alia’eet,
7 A dragon scarred your wings with its magical who are described as eagle-like. Most subraces
breath, the wounds will mysteriously not heal, commonly band together into their small tribes, with
still emitting a subtle glow from residual magic. multiple subraces only likely to mingle together
within their home cities within the Elemental Plane of
8 A curse was laid upon you and your tribe by Air.
some force of elemental evil.
The Aarakocra consist of many subraces, each with
a specific speciality within their society. The following
are some of the main subsets within the culture:
Aarakocra Traits
Your aarakocra character has the following racial
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Age. Aarakocra reach maturity by age 3. Compared
to humans, aarakocra don’t usually live longer than Alia’eet
30 years. Bald Eagle

Alignment. Most aarakocra are good and rarely To most other races, the Alia’eet are reported to be the
choose sides when it comes to law and chaos. Tribal only known subrace of Aarakocra, they make up the
leaders and warriors might be lawful, while explorers near entirety of their military might. Their scouts and
and adventurers might tend toward chaotic. fighters are seen almost exclusively with all
Size. The Aarakocra range from about 3 to 5 feet encounters with other races. They are typically the
tall. They have thin, lightweight bodies that weigh only subrace of the Aarakocra that bleed into the
between 50 and 100 pounds and sizes ranging from material plane, and as such, they are easily mistaken
Small to Medium.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

as the only Aarakocra archetype to exist within texts, Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
eyewitness reports and lore books. increases by 1.
Appearance. They are commonly mistaken for Talons. You are proficient with your unarmed
eagles given the height that they fly, with white strikes using your hands or feet, which deal 1d4
feathered heads and strong curled yellow beaks. The slashing damage on a hit.
core of their bodies are brown plumage with some Darkvision. You are able to see in the dark, up to
extremities containing more white feathers like their a range of 60 feet in shades of gray.
posterior crest. Naturally Perceptive. Being able to rotate your
Size. Alia’eet are around 4-5 feet high, your size is head almost completely around, you are naturally
Medium. proficient in Perception.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
increases by 1.
Vicious Talons. Your talons are particularly
vicious, which deal 1d6 of slashing damage when you
attack with them.
Eagles Scream. As a bonus action, you let out an Anocetta
intimidatingly shrill scream at a target within 60 ft. Blue Jay
The target must make a Wisdom saving throw with a Colorful, upbeat and driven, the Anocetta are known
DC 8 + strength modifier + your proficiency, on a for keeping spirits high, expressing their inner soul to
failure the target is frightened as long as it can see you provide entertainment and boosting morale within
or is within 60ft. The target can make saving throws Aarakocra culture. If something is colorful, musical or
at the end of its turn. You cannot use this ability again artistic, the equally expressive Anocetta are sure to let
until after a short rest. their boastful presence be known. They are regularly
patrolling to be the life of the party or vying for
attention, and can sometimes be garrulous in their
ways, but they are eager to please and see cheering-up
others as a challenge to always accept.
Appearance. Anocetta are predominantly blue
Bubo Vir with a white chest and underparts, and a blue crest.
Horned Owl They have a black, U-shaped collar around the neck
The wise sages of the aarakocra family, these birdfolk and a black border behind their crest. They can also
are seen as the elders of their tribes. Often they are be found in an assortment of other colors ranging in
skilled healers, well versed in the druidic arts and red, orange and green, sometimes being darker or
have a quiet respect for nature. The Bubo Vir convey more mute in females.
themselves with a proud sense of decorum when Size. Anocetta are 3-4 feet high, your size is Small.
conducting their affairs. Not much can get under their Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
feathers, always seemingly calm and collected, even increases by 1.
within times of duress. Birdsong. Your natural morning birdsong can
Appearance. Bubo Vir have tawny plumage, flat bestow tranquility to those around you. After a long
pale feathered faces, prominent ear-tufts and barred rest you can choose one ally within 60ft. to gain
plumage that distinguishes them from other advantage for their first roll of the day. This must be
Aarakocra. They are slightly smaller compared to done once in the morning and lasts until mid-day.
other birdfolk and also have large yellow eyes and a Natural Melody. You are a natural when it comes
short black curled beak. to creating songs and tunes at a moment's notice. You
Size. Bubo Vir are 3-4 feet high, your size is Small. are proficient in Performance.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

Secretary Bird
Highly intelligent, stark creatures with a propensity to
The Tarius are known to be skilled runners with very
be overly curious. Their love to harvest arcane lore
capable ground movement, and capable fighters able
serendipitously dovetails with an almost unnatural
to exploit enemies when they are knocked down.
affinity for shiny objects. They have a knack for
They are skittish and quick to run, but typically
finding mildly interesting magical trinkets and turn
towards the direction of danger and not away. Tarius
them into personal collections.
are eager to put a plan into action, usually as there is
Orvids are often magic users by consequence of this
never a plan to begin with, getting frustrated when a
wanton lust of pretty devices and - despite their
situation isn’t dealt with immediately. They are quiet
wandering eyes and meandering mind - are still
and speak in short bursts and are surprisingly quite
considered the smartest of their kind.
pleasant to engage with when they have nothing
Appearance. The head, neck and breast area of
important on their minds, which are often racing with
Orvids’ are glossy black with a metallic green and
violet sheen, the wings are black glossed with green or
Appearance. Tarius have stunning facial features,
purple striped with white and the legs and bill of the
with distinct quill-like black feathers protruding from
Orvids are black; the iris is dark brown. They are
behind their heads and striking featherless red faces.
sometimes incorrectly identified as Kenku.
Their bodies, however, have mute gray feathers and a
Size. Orvids are the smallest of the Aarakocra and
strong border to black plumage on their wingtips and
are not much larger than 3 feet high, your size is
exceptionally long legs, which tend to give the Tarius
more height over their other Aarakocra cousins.
Ability Score Increase.Your Intelligence score
Size. Tarius reach up to about 5 feet high, with
increases by 1.
most of it made up by their legs, your size is Medium.
Trinket Horder. You start with 2 additional
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1.
Investigator. You are naturally proficient in the
Talons. You are proficient with your unarmed
Investigation skill
strikes using your hands or feet, which deal 1d4
Shining Example. You have an eye for finding
slashing damage on a hit.
shiny objects, gaining advantage on trying to find
Ground Rake. If a creature is prone on the
items or objects that can shine or glint in the light
ground, you can move across, over its space and use a
within 20 feet of you.
reaction to make a talon attack on it using your feet.
Bounding. Your legs are built for speed, your base
movement speed is increased to 35ft.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

● Kickup Dirt. Given the right conditions, you blow

Racial Feats dirt, sand and other detritus into a target's eyes
These feats are associated with the Aarakocra and within 10 feet. The target must make a DC 8 +
their subraces: strength modifier + your proficiency Constitution
saving throw or be blinded for 1 round.
Wind Walker
● Blowback. You exert such force from your wings
Prerequisite: Aarakocra, Flight
that you push a target in the direction that you are
A master of the wind, you can pick up subtle changes
facing them. The target must be within 5ft of you
in the air, able to adapt to sudden changes.
and must make a DC 8 + strength modifier + your
● Your flight movement is increased by +10 feet.
proficiency Strength saving throw or be pushed 10
● You gain advantage on any saving throws to do with
feet back. You also move 10 feet back in the
air or wind spells cast on you (including
opposite direction. Neither of these movements
environmental hazards). On successes you are able
provoke attacks of opportunities.
to use a reaction, using the air on your wings and
move up to your flight movement speed in any
direction (including vertically) you wish to.
Grounded Senses
● In windy and stormy conditions you are able to use Prerequisite: Aarakocra, Flightless

the extra power in the air to your advantage, While grounded, you are naturally more alert for
gaining a flying dash movement as a reaction. dangers and can spot potential dangers at a moment's
● Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of
Emergency Landing
Prerequisite: Aarakocra
● You gain +1 passive perception and +2 to
You become better at using your wings to slowfall
perception checks.
more effectively, as long as you are wearing armor
● When you are surprised in combat, you gain a
that you are proficient in flying in, you are able to:
reaction at the start of the surprise round to move
● Automatically as a free-action slow-fall safely by
away from the initial threat.
yourself from any height when you are knocked
● Your effective slowfall wingspan requirement space
Silent Glide
is reduced to 5 feet on either side of you. Prerequisite: Aarakocra, (Subrace: Bubo Vir)

● You are able to consciously slow-fall while holding The Bubo Vir are well renowned for their ability to
on to one additional creature of medium size or glide silently through the air, leaving nary a wake to
smaller for 100ft. Both taking 1d6 damage after that detect.
distance and another 1d6 for every extra 100ft Your glide rate is your flight move speed, dropping
thereafter, up to a maximum of 10d6. After taking by 10ft for that distance traveled.
damage, both creatures are knocked prone. ● Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of
● When you glide through the air, you gain advantage
Winged Combat
on any stealth checks related to sound during the
Prerequisite: Aarakocra
day and gain advantage on stealth on both sight and
As an action on the ground, you beat your wings with
sound during the night. You make no noise while
such force that you are able to do one of the following:
● Kickup Dust. Given the right conditions, you can
● If you attack during a glide, on a successful stealth
kick up a cloud of dust covering a 15ft by 15ft square
glide you can add +2d4 to your attack if the initial
immediately in front of you. The cloud blocks sight
attack is melee.
and remains in the air for 1 round.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

Binocular Vision Leaps and Bounds

Prerequisite: Aarakocra, (Subrace: Bubo Vir) Prerequisite: Aarakocra, (Subrace: Tarius)

You are able to focus on intricate detail from a long The Tarius become veterans at bounding combat,
distance. If you spend a 1 minute focusing on an learning to use the weight of their enemies against
object or small area that you can see: them and use them to increase your movement.
● You focus on a single object or creature within 320 ● Your long and high jump distance is doubled
feet, you can make out detail as if you were only 15 ● You can jump down from a height of 30 feet without
feet away from it, and at 120 feet you can make out taking any fall damage as long as you are not
detail as if you were 5 feet away. If you are within incapacitated.
60 feet, you are able to read regular text on the ● As an action, you can attempt to jump onto a foe of
pages of a book clearly. size large or smaller, using your inertia to leap off of
● Focusing on minute movements and unnatural them. Your acrobatics must beat their AC score, on
shapes, you can analyze a relatively clear area 50ft x a success you can make a free Ground Rake attack
50ft from an adequate range of 120 -320 feet that as you leap off the target, causing it to go prone, and
you can see to check for hidden creatures, traps or you can travel up to a distance equal to your
features that use non magical means to hide or acrobatics roll in any direction (rounded down to
disguise themselves. Removing advantages on their the nearest tile square). Your acrobatics do not
rolls to hide and disadvantages on your rolls to provoke attacks of opportunity.
While doing any of these actions you suffer from Dive Bomb
disadvantage on any perception checks outside of the Prerequisite: Aarakocra, Flight, (Subrace: Alia’eet)
target area. If you are flying, you dive at least 10 feet directly (in
straight line) towards a target and as an action, can do
Ground Stomp either one of the following:
Prerequisite: Aarakocra, (Subrace: Tarius) ● Attack. Use your feet talons to make an attack,
You are able to use the force from your powerful legs doing 2d4 of slashing damage on a successful hit.
more wisely during combat. You can do the following Adding +1d4 damage for every extra 10 feet you
additional actions during the same Ground Rake moved towards the target in a straight line on the
movement reaction: same turn to attack.
● Spending an action you can attempt to stun a target ● Pin. Attempt to pin a target of large size or smaller
by kicking it while it is prone with both feet. If the prone, the target must roll against a DC equal to 8 +
attack is successful, you deal 2d4 + your strength Your strength modifier + your proficiency. Adding 1
modifier of damage and the target must make a DC to the DC for every extra 10 feet you moved on the
8 + strength modifier + your proficiency Wisdom same turn straight towards the target. If you decide
saving throw or become stunned for 1 turn. to remain on the target after a successful strike,
● You are able to get a free Ground Rake action on they are considered restrained by you.
every prone creature that you are able to move If you miss any of the above actions, you instead pass
across during the turn (providing you spend the over the target and then an additional half the
reaction for using Ground Rake). distance you traveled, not provoking attacks of
opportunity as long as you remain in the air.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

Strength Of The Alia’eet Colorful Charm

Prerequisite: Aarakocra, Flight (Subrace: Alia’eet) Prerequisite: Aarakocra, (Subrace: Anocetta)
Your flying is strong and powerful compared to other The words you speak are laced with subtle cheerful
Aarakocra allowing you to carry more weight during musical whistlings.
flight. If someone's attitude is not favorable towards you,
● Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of you can spend 1 minute speaking with them to try to
20. improve their mood towards you. Combine your
● You are now proficient in flying with medium persuasion + performance skill bonuses together as
armor. the save DC, which the target has to make a wisdom
● At a strength score of 16 you are able to carry a saving throw against.
small creature while flying. On a success or failure, the target is not aware that
● At a strength score of 20 you are able to carry a its mood was being affected. You can only do this once
medium creature while flying. on each target per week and its mood must already be
When you are wearing medium armor, your flight negative towards you.
movement is halved while carrying a creature.

Sky Caster
Bewildering Display Prerequisite: Aarakocra, Flight, (Subrace: Orvids)
Prerequisite: Aarakocra, (Subrace: Anocetta) While flying, you feel attuned to the flow of magic,
As an action, you attempt to use your colorful gaining some extra magical benefits as long as you are
plumage in a fascinating display to dazzle and distract flying in the air:
all targets within 30 feet of you that can see you . The ● Any spell with a range (not touch), the range is
target must make a contested Wisdom saving throw increased by 30 feet.
against the Performance you make, on failure the ● You have advantage on any spells cast against you
target suffers the effects of the confusion spell for 1 that requires a Dexterity saving throw.
If the target succeeds however, you instead become
Secret Sense
the focus of the target for the turn, paying attention to
Prerequisite: Aarakocra (Subrace: Orvids)
only you. If you move out of the target's sight, it will
Your heightened senses of magic, secrets and hidden
attempt to find you.
objects become second nature to you. Your keen eyes
You can choose to intentionally fail this feature.
and probing beak can be used to sense a feeling of
magic. You can do one of the following curious
Beak Performance detections before needing a short rest to be able to do
Prerequisite: Aarakocra, Class: Bard (Subrace: Anocetta) it again:
As both a bard and aarakocra, a wonderful synergy ● Your arcane senses can detect all magical secrets
has emerged between your beak and your musical within a 30ft radius, such as a magical trap or secret
prowess. door using magic to hide.
● Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum ● You can sense the presence of a loose magical item
of 20. in a 100ft radius around you, and can sense a
● Your beak is considered a musical instrument and general attribute of it (e.g. utility, offensive, frost,
can be used as a musical spell focus. As your beak is fire etc.). You feel a wave of relief wash over you
part of your body, you do not need to spend time to once you find it.
equip or unequip it, which leaves both your hands ● You can use a reaction to immediately avoid a
free. magical trap when wandering into it.

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson
Subraces of the Aarakocra

33-34 Kuretek 83-84 Taqui

Aarakocra Names 35-36 Kurru 85-86 Urikeer
As with much of their speech, aarakocra names 37-38 Laikei 87-88 Urreek
include clicks, trills, and whistles to the point that
39-40 Lleree 89-90 Virakeel
other peoples have a difficult time pronouncing them.
41-42 Luireeka 91-92 Veelek
Typically, a name has two to four syllables with the
43-44 Makaw 93-94 Wureed
sounds acting as connectors. When interacting with
other races, aarakocra may use nicknames gained 45-46 Moeirra 95-96 Whekku

from people they meet or shortened forms of their full 47-48 Noheehi 97-98 Zeed
names. 49-50 Nurreik 99-00 Zikeek
Family names are sometimes also integrated into
their first names, the last syllables encode their family Tribe
name in some form, often denoted with an apostrophe d100 Name d100 Name
in writing, splitting the first name into two (e.g. 01-02 Aarak 51-52 Oarrkii
Soleek is Sol’eek, “Sol” being the shortened name and
03-04 Airuan 53-54 Oorhoo
“Eek” being the family name. Other family members
05-06 Alaurial 55-56 Purarooe
tend to also share this part if they want to maintain a
07-08 Arune 57-58 Quarirah
strong family bond (e.g. A family member of “Sol’eek”
may be called “Faar’eek”. 09-10 Buviri 59-60 Queeskiir

Lastly, aarakocra may be associated with a tribe or 11-12 Cauweei 61-62 Quiexsil

clan, which leads them to have a second descriptor to 13-14 Cusoweeri 63-64 Raufreet
help with addressing themselves and each other when 15-16 Deekerirehh 65-66 Saaretikee
tribes have to seldom meet one another. 17-18 Duerrikis 67-68 Saluuris

19-20 Eura 69-70 Taalkiurl

Male or Female
21-22 Eyreekos 71-72 Tuurieka
d100 Name d100 Name
23-24 Feirekes 73-74 Uoroolu
01-02 Aeraka 51-52 Oikeer
25-26 Gaui 75-76 Urkertai
03-04 Aeirra 53-54 Oorr
05-06 Bakaw 55-56 Ouss 27-28 Haukrue 77-78 Uurohooht

07-08 Delikee 57-58 Peikhek 29-30 Irris 79-80 Vauihoo

09-10 Errk 59-60 Pitreet 31-32 Iutirah 81-82 Vourikakee

11-12 Ferreki 61-62 Quaf 33-34 Jereeki 83-84 Waahkaal

13-14 Gialoo 63-64 Queebo 35-36 Juuleeka 85-86 Whaikeeri

15-16 Heequa 65-66 Quierk 37-38 Kaucaa 87-88 Xarritteek

17-18 Hekki 67-68 Reeki 39-40 Kirrofaah 89-90 Xeekeir

19-20 Ieekora 69-70 Ruel 41-42 Kurriheer 91-92 Yeeko

21-22 Ikki 71-72 Rybleek 43-44 Kuuckoora 93-94 Yierkoori

23-24 Iorra 73-74 Saallek 45-46 Lauhhur 95-96 Zeekitoo

25-26 Jiekarr 75-76 Sarrecki 47-48 Mekierei 97-98 Zerneek

27-28 Jookuu 77-78 Skuff 49-50 Nokiraa 99-00 Zizkeereeh

29-30 Kauraff 79-80 Soleek

31-32 Kleeck 81-82 Taiealee

Design Version 1.2
By Jamie Manson

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