1557350107.raiwrites Gorm2

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"You know how to put on a good show," Raiko twitted, steering Gormur with the leash

wrapped around his wrist. The arctic fox whined behind his panel gag and twisted
against the cuffs that bound his hands and ankles. It did little more then make
Raiko smile. In truth, the pair of foxes were twinks at best, if not femboys
outright. But Raiko's prickly temperament and confident veneer made him a hunk in
comparison to the pathetic boytoy struggling to keep pace.

As they strolled down the sandstone corridor, the clamor from the meeting room grew
louder. "Hope you're ready to apologize to my fine guests," Raiko said, loud enough
that his words traveled down the hall. His guests must have heard, because the idle
chatter had silenced by the time the pair slinked into the ostentatious chamber. At
least two-dozen sets of eyes fell on them from species, genders, and backgrounds of
all types. As diverse as these dictators all were, they shared one thing in common:
They [I]despised[/I] Gormur.

As unlikely as it seemed, the arctic fox was a bounty hunter. And he was damn good
at his job. Gormur had placed countless men behind bars, most of whom employed by
the present company. From others, the bounty hunter had also stolen research and
trade secrets and sold the information for a quick buck.

"My most esteemed guests, I thought it wise to bring a humble gift to the
diplomatic summit. Gormur, please introduce yourself to these familiar faces." With
a firm tug, Raiko pulled Gormur in front of him, in plain view of some of the most
notorious criminal leaders this side of the galaxy. "Go on. Say hello, little toy."
The arctic fox writhed, twisting his shoulders as if, with the right angle, he'd
pull his wrists free from the hardlight cuffs. Raiko snickered. "Nhm. Must have
stage fright."

A few men laughed at that.

A wolf huffed on a cigerette that let off blue smoke. "Damn. He's a lot cuter when
he's not fucking with my operations. Do I get to keep him? He's fucked with me the
most. I definitely get to keep him."

"You caught him? Truly? Then thissss bitch is mine," hissed a cobra.

Raiko snapped his fingers. A guard stationed at the door stomped into the room and
placed a duffel bag by the fox's feet before promptly returning to his post. "Now,
now. There's plenty to go around. Continue mingling. I think our little toy isn't
quite ready to offer his apologies to you all."

Gormur's blush radiated through his fur. With a firm grip on the base of the
collar, Raiko pulled the bounty hunter down to his knees. He tried to crawl away,
but a sharp high heel pressed into the small of his back and pinned him to the
floor. Still Gormur squirmed and whined. "Heel, bitch." Within the duffel bag was a
hoodless orange bitchsuit. Raiko placed it beside Gormur, unzipped its back, and
knelt down to start guiding the bounty hunter into his new second skin.

But the arctic fox put up a fight, thrashing, shaking his hips towards the criminal
overlords who most assuredly were no longer fixated on idle chatter. Raiko beckoned
the guard to return, who used both hands to keep Gormur pinned down. Now it was
safe to remove his cuffs. "You'll crawl like the pitiful mutt you are." With four
short coils of hempen rope, Raiko worked one around each of his limbs, all of which
he folded back until his hands were flush against his shoulders and his heels dug
into his ass. Gormur was now trapped to waddle on his knees and elbows.

"Look at you, trying to bark like a good boy. You'll be ready for walkies in no
time. Maybe your new friends can take you." There was no choice but to waddle into
the embrace of the cool latex bitchsuit as Raiko tugged the bound mutt by his
collar. At least the inside of the suit was padded, taking some pressure off his
limbs. His ears flattened submissively against his head as his captor pulled the
suit tight around him. It hugged him like a glove, completely creaseless once Raiko
zipped it shut -- and fit the pull tab with a miniature heart-shaped padlock.

The bitchsuit ended at his neck, but there were holes elsewhere: a small one
between his cheeks, for easy entry; and another for his cock, which currently poked
free and dribbled precum along the rough-hewn stone.

Still kneeling beside him, Raiko tapped the dangling cocklett with his pinky and
laughed. "I see someone is excited for playtime! We can't have you making a mess
though, can we?" In Raiko's grasp was a petite pink chastity cage, no longer than
the first joint of his thumb. When Gormur caught sight of it, he made his best
effort to scramble towards the door. And he actually managed a few wobbling,
humiliating steps, before an invisible force yanked him back. Raiko had stomped on
the leash and now tied it around the leg of the round meeting table, allowing
absolutely no give. Gormur’s face was pressed up against the metal support.

He could feel a pair of slender digits caress his dripping cock, and fruitlessly he
yanked back against the pink leash, going nowhere. Laughter filled the room.

"I can't believe this girlyboy caused us so much trouble," mused a hare with a
holographic eyepatch.

Gormur squeezed his thick thighs together to shield himself, but Raiko effortlessly
parted them to take hold of the half-limp dick dangling beneath. The metal ring was
freezing cold to the touch as it slipped over the fox's cockhead and balls. With
the anchor ring in place, Raiko was patient. Gorm's tip struggled to worm into the
lubed cage, but with enough force it soon slid in with a wet squelch. [I]CLICK![/I]
Another heart-shaped padlock snapped shut, securing the chastity cage for good.
Just to ensure it was a tight fit, Raiko bounced and groped the caged toy until
Gormur shuddered.

But still, Gormur wasn't quite ready. From his collar, the leash was removed and
replaced with a pink sharpie which dangled from a short chain. And for even more
convenience, Raiko clasped an identical one to the ring of his chastity cage. From
either end, a writing utensil was in convenient reach. Gormur's heart jumped when
Raiko unlatched the straps to his panel gag.

"Please, I'm--" The bounty hunter managed just a few words before Raiko squeezed
his jaw and jammed an accommodating ring-gag past his lips. Of course, it was
accommodating in the sense that it was very large, ensuring his hung guests
wouldn't struggle to take advantage of those fat, troublesome lips.

"Please? All you had to do was say so. You can please anyone you'd like, little
slut. Just try not to sully my meeting room." By now, all of Raiko's criminal
guests had come near, ready to stake their claim. Raiko wasn't on great terms with
these bad boys, but already a gift of bound and vulnerable vulpine ass seemed to be
winning their hearts and minds. Or at least their cocks, which was good enough.

Gormur’s transformation was almost complete. But his white head clashed garishly
with his new peaches-and-cream suit, shaped in Raiko’s image. The despot remedied
this by pulling the last of the latex garments from the bag: A full vulpine hood.
It caressed every curve of Gormur’s visage, sealing away the white of his fur for
good. Thankfully Raiko had been generous. The hood had holes for his eyes and
mouth, which was propped open and eager. A zipper ringed his neck and locked the
mask to the rest of the bitchsuit.

With a firm swat to Gormur's latex-clad derriere, he herded the slut away from the
table and into the middle of the gathering crowd.

"Go on, boys. Savor this gift. I'll have my own go at him after you've had your
fun." Raiko emptied the remaining contents of the duffel bag onto the oval meeting
table: vibrators, wands, dildos and more. And then he hopped up next to the toys,
one leg crossed over the other, and inspected his fingernails with an airy sigh.
"Don't let me keep you."

Gormur ambled towards the doorway. A thick claw grabbed the base of his tail and
yanked it upwards. He squealed and looked back over his shoulder to spy Aoiffe, a
scarred white wolf, grinning around his cigarette. "Remember me, pipsqueak? You
fucked up my ship so bad, the bitch is still in the repair bay." He unzipped his
leather trousers. His cock flopped into the cradle of his cheeks. "It's only fair I
fuck you back."

The fox squeaked struggled against the grip on his tail. But Aoiffe didn't give him
an inch. He knelt low, draped himself over Gormur's backside, and didn't bother
lining himself up before humping away like an untrained mutt. Aoiffe grinded all
eight inches of his wolfcock between those plush cheeks. The latex squealed, and so
did Gormur each time the turgid cock slid over his sensitive, discolored ring.

When he turned around to face the doorway, his face sunk into the damp warmth of a
rabbit's balls. The lanky one-eyed man chuckled. And then he grabbed the sleek
latex on Gormur's head and lined his cock up with the slut’s full lips. The
bitchsuited fox stared down the massive shaft that awaited him. It twitched with

"Hope you're hungry," the hare mused before bucking past his soft dicksuckers.
Gormur's eyes went wide, and his squeak of surprise sent vibrations rumbling down
the rabbit's cock. He tasted salty and sweet, and even the tip was girthy enough
that it kept his tongue pinned to the bottom of the mouth. He could only grind the
trapped muscle along the underside of his captor's trembling dick.

But that only spurred him forward. He gradually rocked his hips, grunting each time
he pressed back through the plush, elastic touch of Gormur's mouth. A rivulet of
drool escaped the corner of his mouth and traveled down his chin and neck. He tried
to pull away, but the hare held him firm, and already his cock was banging against
the back of his throat.

The sound of his gags must have been music to Aoiffe's ears. He leaned back and
pulled the bitchsuited slut into his lap -- and onto his knotted cock. Gormur's
eyes fell into a half-lidded trance as a good five inches of bloated wolfcock
spread his ass. The slut shook his useless padded elbows, trying desperately to
push the hare away.

A cobra woman named Nagi slithered by Raiko and sized the mountain of toys beside
him. Eventually, she decided on a massage wand. She shot Raiko a wink before making
her way over to Gormur's side, handling the toy like a police baton. "Do you know
how many of my workers had to go into hiding after you released my employment
rossster?" She tapped a few buttons on her wrist-mounted personal computer and
started recording the show. "It'sss my turn to release a little sssomething..."

Gormur could only watch her from the corner of his eyes. The hare was hilted deep
into his contorting throat, making it impossible to look at anything other than the
man’s pelvis. He bounced softly as Aoiffe bucked into him, nails digging into his
juicy thighs.
That's when he saw the massage wand. Nagi bent down and pressed the wand's bulb
against his clinking chastity cage. And with no further warning, she activated it
at max power. The buzz was debilitating, mind-shattering. Somehow, the chastity
cage made it worse. The wand's vibrations traveled through the cage, distributing
its tremulous rumblings down his trapped cocklet and along his balls.

Thrashing and twisting did little more than make Aoiffe grunt, but Gormur couldn't
help himself. The pleasure was too much, amplified by the pillar of cock rutting
into him faster and harder. [I] Clap... Clap. CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP...[/I] Meanwhile the
hare's balls bashed him in the chin over and over again. He snorted like a pig
between breaths, which just made his captors laugh further. More criminals were
closing in, some recognizable, and others completely alien. But they were all
licking their lips, adjusting their pants, eagerly anticipating their own turns.

And it seemed they'd be getting them soon. Gormur could feel the hare's cock
twitching in his mouth. The man's hands sternly gripped a latex-coated ear and
bottomed out in his spasming throat. A moment later, Gormur could feel the heat of
the rabbit’s release running down his throat like viscous syrup.

With the powerful wand driving him crazy, Gormur's constant writhing had pushed
Aoiffe close to the edge of orgasm. He grunted and sunk his teeth into the fox’s
left shoulder. His thrusts became desperate as his knot noisily slammed against his
vulnerable ring. The poor wolf couldn't even knot him before he came, swelling his
insides with swathes of opaque cream.

Unfortunately, the captive couldn't seem to find his own release. The wand had him
on edge, but he needed more. Nagi snarled, grinding the bulb from tip to balls,
pressing it deeper to force satisfying squeals from the bitch.

Aoiffe uncapped a dangling marker. He sketched [I]COCK HUNTER[/I] across his cheeks
and started what would become a tramp-stamp tally. The hare, still panting, doodled
a cock on Gormur's left cheek, angled towards his mouth which currently dripped
with saliva and seed alike. "Alright, who's next?" the wolf laughed, taking a long
drag of his cigarette before pulling out of Gormur, allowing seed to dribble free
from his stretched star.

More of the crowd began to push its way in. Nagi opted to duct tape the wand to
Gormur's cage before taking hold of his ears and grinding his snout against her
lower lips. Someone else came in behind him -- a bear, he thought, but he wasn't
sure. The bitchsuited bounty hunter couldn't keep up with everyone closing in on
him, couldn't think with the toys buzzing away.

Maybe an hour had passed before the final guest, a hyena, pulled free of Gormur's
mouth, painted white and pooling with cum. He collapsed on the floor, panting like
a bitch. Every inch of his face was drenched and glistening in strands of
gelatinous cum. So too were his back and cheeks, which still stung from the dozens
of hips that had crashed against it. Or perhaps it was mostly from when Nagi broke
a wooden paddle across his cheeks.

Weights dangled from his nipples. The wand still buzzed on and off, trying
desperately to function with drained batteries. He'd been plugged with an extra-
large pink vibrator, which Raiko had zipped away under the suit. Every inch of
gormur ached with fatigue -- or need, as his caged cock trembled for desperate

"Fuck, Raiko. I know we've had some rough spats sometimes, but I owe you one after
this. Finally, the bounty bitch is out of our fucking hair," Aioffe grunted.
"Yessss, but I'd still like a private session..." Nagi hissed, still looming over

By now, Raiko had slipped off the table. With the old leash in hand, he clipped it
to Gormur's collar and pulled upwards until the broken boy found his way to his
hands and knees. "Another time. For now, allow me to tug our little gift away.
Perhaps he can come back out to play after our meeting. Isn't that right, pretty
boy?" He looked down at Gormur and smiled.

But the arctic fox was too broken to do anything more than stare. Raiko wrapped the
leash around his wrist and sashayed out of the room. "We'll be back in just a
moment!" he called, his voice echoing down the corridor. As soon as they turned the
corner, Gormur plopped down on his side.

Raiko laughed. "Too much for you, huh? Come here, sweetheart." Wrapping his arms
around the slut, he hoisted the diminutive toy off the floor. It was a good thing
his private chambers were just down the hall. By the time they arrived, his biceps
felt like jelly.

The foot of the bed was the perfect place to drop his pet. He knelt down and
hurriedly removed the hood and unlatched the ring-gag. That’s when Gormur broke
into a gentle smile. "That was... a little scary but really, really fun." he said,
coughing. "Sorry, a bit raspy after that..."

Raiko ran a pair of affectionate fingers through Gormur's hair. "You really put on
quite a show, didn't you? Those daft idiots still don't know you work for me, and
now they think they owe me for [I]capturing[/I] you." As he spoke, he slowly
removed some of the toys that had his pet on edge, starting with the biting
weights. Although the vibrating wand had all but died, Raiko uncoiled the duct tape
to get access to Gormur's chastity cage. The padlock clicked free, and the entire
cage virtually slipped off of its own accord. Rather than removing the buzzing
virator, Raiko opted to simply turn it off. For now. Soon, his soft fingers wrapped
around Gormur’s bare shaft.

"You've been such a good boy today. I think you deserve a little reward. What do
you think?"

Gormur gasped. "Oh gosh, please! That was an hour of torture..."

"Torture that you wanted," Raiko laughed. "I don't know... Maybe you can think of
some way to convince me."

The bounty hunter knew exactly what his owner wanted. Which was good, because he
wanted it too. He nuzzled into Raiko’s bulge and whined in need. Without a word,
Raiko unzipped his pants and placed a hand on his pet's head, running his fingers
through his hair. Unlike all the delegates in his meeting room, the vixen enjoyed
the soft, warm grasp of his full lips, rather than the cold metal of the ring-gag.
He tilt his head back and gasped in pleasure.

Gormur bobbed his head and twirled his tongue, savoring the slightly salty taste of
damp foxcock. Eventually, Raiko rewarded him and pressed a foot against his cock,
stroking it between his toes. It was rough and awkward, but more than enough for
the pent-up vixen.

To push him further, his master reached for a remote control on the bedside table.
With a single click, the vibrator burst to life once again, shuddering tremulously
against Gormur’s prostate. There was little more than a quiver before his cock
blew, splattering its load against Raiko's foot and along his own thighs. A high-
pitched moan filled the air. Gormur had pulled back from his master's cock,
struggling to catch his breath.

"Good boy. Hope you’re ready for the afterparty…”

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