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Dog Park (Part 1)

By Dirt

Jake sat uncomfortably inside of his car, not really sure if he wanted to go through with this

anymore. Patrick, his malamute boyfriend, convinced him that it was going to be fun, but now that they

were in the car together he was having second thoughts. He was a fairly athletic kangaroo, trimmed and

sculpted in every way that shouted hunk. Jake was dressed for a workout, a tight fitting blue athletic t-shirt

and loose fitting black running shorts. He also had a new article of clothing that made him a bit

uncomfortable about the ride to the park. It was a tight fitting black nylon collar.

It scratched against his neck roughly and made him reach up to tug at it every minute or so. He

was not quite sure whether he truly wanted to go through with this type of play. The fantasy had always

been firmly attached in his mind, but the reality of the situation was causing his heart to race. He turned his

head over to Patrick, who was focused on driving the car. He still noticed the glance, but did not say

anything. Instead, he reached his hand over to the kangaroo’s head and gave it a long stroke. The stroke

was enough to reassure him that everything was going to be okay, even though the natural of the situation

said it was not going to be.

It was not long until they reached the park where they planned to have their fun. Just as Jake

dreaded, the park was filled with different groups of people. There was a set of cubs and their parents

playing around the playground. There was a large set of college students who were doing various activities

around the park. Some of them were playing basketball on the court, while some of the more proactive

students were having their Frisbee competition in the more open area of the park. There were even some

people walking around the cement path to hopefully lose weight this year. Jake did not like any of it, and as

Patrick unlocked the door so they could get out, he locked his own door.

“Seriously? We’re already here.” Patrick said, hitting the back of his head against the headrest.

“There is too many people. Heck, there are kids out there. I don’t want them to become all messed

up because of me.”

Jake protested and even tried to reach up and grab his collar to yank it off. Before he could though,

Patrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a trainer clicker. Jake knew what it was, and he was about to

say something until the loud snapping noise filling the car. The kangaroo had gone through enough training
to know exactly what to do. He arched his muzzle straight and shut it, keeping his eyes forward like a good

dog. It was terribly ironic that the ‘dog’ was not the malamute in the car. Jake let out a gulp, confused at

how well he was trained, but not enough to break it. Patrick smirked at the obedience and gave Jake another

pet on his head.

“Good boy! Now who’s ready for the park?” Patrick said in an extremely patronizing tone.

Jake was not allowed to answer like an adult. He knew that from his training, but his natural

instincts fought with him. It was wrong to want to do this while so many people were present. He wished

that his first time in a public place would be like the times in his backyard: empty and free. Course, he also

knew that this was something that he shared with his boyfriend. He told him countless times that he wanted

to play in a park with people around, wanting to absorb both the freedom and the humiliating aspects of the


“There we go. Now let’s get this show going.” Pat said as he reached into the back seat and

grabbed a paper bag.

The malamute hopped out of his car and walked around to let his boyfriend out. Jake was hesitant

to unlock his door, but he knew that Pat was not going to be patient if he was waiting outside of his own

car. Patrick reached for the door handle just as Jake was unlocking it. He opened the door slowly and raised

his eyebrow to the kangaroo with expectations. The kangaroo had trained months for this. He knew it was

going to be different than the night runs that he was used to, being that it was broad daylight. Still, he was

able to picture himself like there was no one around and stuck his neck out of the car.

Patrick reached his hand into the paper bag and pulled out a long nylon leash that was black to

match Jake’s collar. He snatched the hook on the Kangaroo’s collar and gave it a tug for good measure.

Jake’s head jerked with the tug, but he followed it as though it was an actual command. He never expected

himself to ever go this far with his fetish. The feelings left a thick rock of guilt that dropped into his

stomach and weighed him down like a boulder. He wanted to defy the malamute, but he would only be

defying himself if he did.

Jake did not get out the car like a normal person. Instead, he reached his hands out until he they

rested on the hot concrete. It was almost too hot for him, but instead of pulling back, he just quickened his

pace. The kangaroo pulled himself out of the car and got down on his knees next to the car. The kangaroo
was panting hard as though he had gone through a full workout. He stared at the ground, not believing that

he actually went through with the whole ordeal. The concrete was hot, but not nearly as hot as his head


Patrick could feel the heat coming off of the group through his sandals and jerked the leash

forward. Jake was quick to obey, following the dog onto the cool grass with a sigh of relief. The grass felt

nice, but it was also very exposing. Patrick left him alone on the ground while he closed up the doors to the

car. He could see that some of the other guests at the park were looking. Some walkers had turned their

heads and noticed the kangaroo on all fours, making faces of concern. It wasn’t until Patrick came back and

grabbed the collar that they realized what was going on.

Jake instantly pulled on the leash, wanting to dive into the car for safety. The vixen and the female

wolf wrinkled their nose in disgust, not believing that someone would be acting like that in public. Patrick

gave the leash a harsh yank, forcing Jake to straighten out and face the park gain. Jake groaned, not

wanting to face the strangers that were giving him weird glances and talking to each other. They definitely

were not discussing the latest trends in social media. Not while pointing directly at the kangaroo on all


He did not get a lot of time to wallow in his humiliation though. Patrick gave another tug and

started to walk towards the middle of the park. Thankfully, the walkers were the only ones that were paying

attention to Jake. The parents were too busy watching their cubs and the college students were too engulfed

in their games. It made Jake a bit more comfortable as he was lead into the middle of the park, knowing

that his attention wasn’t going to be focused. He followed Patrick into the middle of the field before he

stopped and reached down into the bag.

This was Jake’s most dreaded moment. It made him pant as though he was an actual dog. Even his

thick tail was catching on, drifting back and forth slowly. Patrick pulled out a tennis ball and held it up to

Jake’s muzzle. The sight of the ball made him drool from the texture and taste of the last time he had that

ball in his mouth. It was usually only in his backyard, but today was going to be the ultimate test of his

abilities. Patrick unclasped the leash from his collar before chucking the ball into the middle of the field.

Jake shot out instantly, awkwardly running across the field on all fours. He had gotten better at it

over the past months, able to run at a relatively fast speed to chase after the ball. The tennis ball landed a
couple yards ahead of him, but continued to bounce at a fast speed. Jake pushed himself to move faster,

closing the gap between him and the ball. He almost caught up to it and snapped his maw in the air. The

ball was just too far ahead of him to catch. Luckily, the ball hit a rock on the ground and bounced up high.

Jake stopped running and lifted his muzzle into the air, watching the ball closely. It fell perfectly between

the kangaroo’s maw.

Jake turned his head towards Pat, checking to see if he was watching the show. Pat was paying

attention and it made the kangaroo’s heart skip a beat. He was not sure why, but impressing Patrick by

catching a ball between his mouth seemed to be important to him at that moment. He felt as though he

made Pat proud and dashed back towards him with the ball in his mouth. He was glad that his shorts rode

high enough to allow him to run at this pace. He had tripped enough times on jeans and cargo shorts to no

better than to go to fast. The shorts were perfect though, allowing him to run straight to his boyfriend and

rub his muzzle straight into the malamute’s side.

Pat reached down with one hand and patted Jake’s head, stroking it lovingly as though he were

petting an actual dog. Jake accepted the petting, rubbing himself up and down his boyfriend’s hand. Pat

reached down with his other paw and grabbed hold of the ball, tugging at it to get it free. Jake was not as

willing to let go of the ball, putting up a fight with the malamute until he couldn’t hold it any longer. Both

of them laughed as it slipped out of his muzzle, but Jake couldn’t enjoy the experience for long. Pat pulled

his arm back far and threw the ball again and Jake darted for it as quick as he could, not realizing that a

group was heading his way. A group that was definitely going to make this memorable day even more

interesting than it already ways…

To be continued

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