1437556116.partran Wispsdaychapter2

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Wisp’s Day - Part 2 of 3

By: Partran ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/partran/ )

The door closed behind Wisp with an audible click as he stepped out of the Master’s study and
into the hallway beyond. The stallion’s hooves trod on soft carpet as he made his way along the
corridor. He felt clumsy as he walked, the ache under his tail and the heavy sloshing in his gut
making him tread carefully along the hallway. He could feel the slick cooling stickiness of the
morning’s activities making his panties cling to him. He blushed at the thought that the delicate
scent of his perfume would be overpowered by the reek of sex, lust and altogether absurd
amounts of tiger semen. That thought didn’t linger long, he knew he had work to do before the
tiger could do his part of Mike’s collection and he smiled in anticipation of the work he had to do.
As he passed through the great hall towards the front doors, he paused only to retrieve his coat
before stepping out onto the flagstones and into the afternoon light.

It was chilly and the wind had a sharpness to it promising a late frost. He breathed deeply, the
crisp air a refreshing change from the cloyingly humid scents the study had been given. His hide
gave a pleasant shiver under the coat and he turned to walk down along the winding cobbles
through the expansive gardens the tiger cultivated year round. Many of the raised beds were
still covered over from the winter, shielding the plants beneath from the worst of the snow, but a
few hardier plants and most of the orchard were starting to show signs of waking from the winter
slumber. Wisp enjoyed the gardens, especially during warmer months. Even nowm as he
passed through it en route to the stable house, he enjoyed the curving, looping pathways
between the beds and different portions of the garden.

The slim pony stallion walked down along the many wide, shallow steps and onto the packed
gravel leading towards the huge stable house. The manor, up on the hill behind him, was a large
well cared for building abutting an ancient castle tower and wall long bereft of its original
structure. The majority of the Master’s manor had been constructed out from the ancient grey
stones and the one circular tower left when the castle was there. The tiger had taken great
pains to renovate what remained and shore it up, restoring what could be restored. But here,
down along one side of the massive rolling fields of the estate, was the stable house. It was a
large two story building of new construction. It was square with steep arched roofs, built of huge
blocks of stone and thick oak beams with scrollwork carved along the sides. While the manor
house may be the official seat of the beneficium, here was its heart. The tiger’s great works
centered around what lay within the stable and his workshops.

Wisp approached the side of the building, the massive double doors at the front barred heavily
to keep the chill out. The small stallion’s hooves left faint crunching sounds beneath him as he
walked along the side of the long wooden building towards a side entrance, he could hear the
sounds of work within.

He had to pull back suddenly as Maximillian opened the side door a moment before Wisp
touched the handle. The startle changed quickly to a smile as Wisp looked up at the large
alabaster stallion.
“Oh hullo, Wisp.” Max said in a deep pleasant tone, the stallion slightly taller than even the tiger.
He wore a pair of loose workman’s breeches today and his bare chest was glossy with sweat
that steamed faintly in the chilly air. The stallion held in his hands the wooden frame of a plow
and the weight of it made the thick muscles of his upper body and arms bulge impressively. The
only other apparel Max wore was the familiar style of that simple black leather collar with the
gold trim.

Wisp smiled up at the large stud, flicking his ears a bit and fighting the natural deference he felt
towards Max by his size and masculinity alone. “Hey Max.” He said as he stepped back a
couple of paces. Here in the shadow cast by the tall building the air was colder and he could
feel a faint chill even through his jacket. That wasn’t what caused him the pleasant shiver along
his spine, though. The scent of that stallion, sweaty and virile, and that alabaster hide with black
skin made him huff faintly and a faint tremble of arousal begin once again despite his earlier

Max stepped out through the open door, pushing a large loose stone up against the open door
with a dinner-plate sized hoof to hold it open, then stepped a few paces to set the large wooden
plow frame on the grass. He turned back and stepped towards wisp, wiping his huge, calloused
hands on his pants.

“Going to go tease Mike?” He asked, giving the smaller pony stallion’s soft mane a genial ruffle
with his huge, calloused hand.

“Yeah, Master wants him edged and ready to give a lot today. There’s two clients who have
requested him.”

Max nodded at this and lets his large hand stroke along the pony stallion’s cheek, chuckling,
“Your lipstick’s smeared. Did you leave some of it somewhere… or on someone as usual?” Max
asked as he stood close enough that Wisp’s nose was almost pressed to his abdomen.

Wisp looked up and gave Max a sly smile and blush, knowing that Max was teasing him and
thinking it’s more than fair that he tease back. He let his small hand reach to stroke the slight gut
the stallion had. It was hard muscle under that white fur and Wisp loved to tease this big stud.

“You know I can’t stay and play with you, right?” Wisp asked casually as his fingers lazily tugged
at the cord holding Max’s breeches up, drawing it slowly loose as Max watched, grunting quietly.

“Yeah, you have to go take care of Mike. Which leaves me more than a little pent up. I get to
strap down my husband, rub my balls all over his face, then leave him there while I take care of
getting the plow ready for the field. Where’s the justice in that?”

Wisp tilted his head down and chuckled, this stallion was pent up that he didn’t get to fuck his
husband this morning. Wisp let his hand slip down into the stallion’s breeches, soon finding the
ample black-skinned sheath and giving it a slow rub as he looked up at Max through his long

Max’s saw that smoky half-lidded gaze up at him and he huffed, spreading his thighs a bit, but
not reaching to stop the smaller stallion. He did want to pin him to the wall and fuck him, but he
knew he couldn’t interfere with Wisp even if the little pony was teasing him. Max’s dark shaft
began to swell and droop slowly from his sheath while his huge fists balled and his knuckles
popped quietly.

Wisp smiled, stroking that fat sheath until the glans popped free of the prepuce, then let his
fingertip caress the faintly sweaty skin of that glans and flare. His brown eyes never left Max’s
face as the huge white stallion shuddered and gave Wisp a dirty look.

“You’re a right bastard, you know?”

“Yeah,” Wisp said as he prodded that fat urethral process with a fingertip, feeling blood flow into
that dark skinned prick, “But you love it.”

Max shuddered and reached down, finally having had all he could take of the pony’s teasing,
“Gods, boy, you’re going to force me to either ruin you or go back in there and wreck Mike.”

Wisp’s wrist was caught in that huge grip but his fingers still played at the larger stallion’s glans,
“You could always go find Layla, you know? She’s recently been bred and that always puts her
in the mood.”

Max considered this, huge hand around the slender wrist drawing Wisp’s hand from his pants.
He coughed some, regaining a bit of composure. “You think I’d go fuck my husband’s pregnant
sister while he was tied up getting teased by some little filly of a pony stallion? That I’d ask if
she’d enjoy a rough romp with her gay brother’s husband?” The mock indignation lay heavy on
Max’s relaxed drawl.

“Yup.” Wisp said with a smile, “And she’ll thank you for it.”

Max stared down at the little pony stallion in his red skirt and corset, then smirked, “Yeah, she
probably would.” He let Wisp’s hand go and tied up his breeches again before adjusting the lay
of his half erection. “Go take care of Mike before I change my mind. I gotta go find Layla or I
ain’t gonna get any work done this afternoon. Let’s hope she’s interested like you said.”

Wisp grinned and pulled his jacket closed as he headed towards the open door, “She’s up in the
baths I think, or at least she was earlier.”

Max grunted his thanks and turned to head the way Wisp had come down from the manor
house, walking with an awkward briskness born of purpose.
Wisp chuckled to himself as he pushed the large stone holding the door open aside and pulled
the door closed behind him. He’d spoken with Layla this morning and she’d already confided in
Wisp that the pregnancy was making her rather excitable. Wisp had helped take care of two
friends with one teasing and felt proud of this as the heat of the stables engulfed him. The
scents of the stable were warm and rich, the smells of leather, horses and honest sweat. He
savored the welcoming warmth and slipped out of his jacket, hanging it on a hook by the door,
then looked down the wide, central corridor. He glimpsed Irene in the far corner adding wood to
the fire and saw the door open into Adrianne’s room but didn’t see the gypsy vanner anywhere.

Wisp turned without bothering Irene and walked the opposite way from the den, to a heavy door
that separated this section of the stables from the work rooms. Wisp opened the tall door and
stepped in. The sound of his hooves changing as he stepped from wood to polished tile floors.

Mike was kneeling in the middle of the large tiled milking room. His arms were held behind him
in heavy leather cuffs connected by a short length of chain. Kneeling, arms behind him and
chained to the post, he shifted a little uncomfortably against the restraints. His long pale blond
mane lay over his face as he hung his head down. He felt an uncomfortable ache in his cock as
it bobbed between his spread thighs. The dark skin of his erection bulged from the combined
pressures of his arousal at being chained down as well as the cock ring at the base of his shaft.
Mike’s thick body was tense as he imagined what was to come this afternoon. He huffed and
shifted on his knees, his cock aching and his short tail flicking agitatedly, only to bump against
the wooden post. His ears perked up as he heard the latch on the door. He tilted his large,
heavy muzzle up to see a slender silhouette in the doorway.

“Hey Mike.” Wisp said as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. The smaller
equine took in the brawny stallion. Amber colored hide, kneeling, cock erect, naked and bound
to the post. Mike was a good bit shorter than Max, but still would loom over Wisp were he not
currently bound. Mike was considerably more broadly built than even Max was, though. Thick
muscle and a slight gut, a plow horse through and through. The bound stallion’s hide was a
deep brass color and his fur shone healthily. His tail and mane were a pale flaxen shade and
while his tail was wrapped and bound, his mane hung over his face in an attractive way.

Wisp looked about the room, seeing the small suction pump and the collection jars already lain
out. Max must have already done some of the setup. Excellent, Wisp thought, that will save
some time. His small hooves clopped faintly on the tile floor as he walked across and began
assembling the collection jars and the lids, moving the suction pump into position near where
Mike knelt and attaching tubing appropriately. The large stallion watched Wisp work, straining
erection growing somewhat more uncomfortable as the anticipation grew.

Wisp busied himself, despite the overfull ache in his gut and the shifting weight of that brass
plug, and soon had the tubing attached and the prepared bottle in the machine. Finally he took
the special condom and fixed the suction tube to it, then laid it out flat so it would be ready for
the Master when he arrived.
It was no surprise to Wisp that Mike would attract attention from certain mares. It was common
enough for sufficiently wealthy mares in mixed species marriages1, or in marriages that could
otherwise not provide young, to find acceptable donors for their needs. Mike was a fantastic
example of a strong draft horse and had quite likely sired a good many foals he’d never meet.
The fact that he was almost utterly disinterested in females of any species meant that gathering
his contributions provided an amusing challenge. It was quite likely that his proclivities weren’t
ever mentioned to the prospective dams to be. Mike’s husband, Max, on the other hand, could
readily be hired to do the deed in person or a sample could be taken and delivered via a stasis

Finished with the setup, he approached Mike with more than a little swish in his hoofsteps, lewd
thoughts playing their cabaret across his mind. After all, he thought, what’s the pleasure in doing
the bare minimum of a job?

Mike’s watched Wisp approach, the corseted and skirt-wearing pony drawing near as his
nostrils flared. The draft horse could smell the clinging reek of sex on the smaller equine.
“Shit…” Mike muttered as his mouth went dry.

Wisp grinned at Mike’s flared nostrils and sudden intense look, “Oh, yes. Master worked me
over a bit before sending me down. Is it noticeable?” Wisp teased as he walked slowly in front of
the bound stallion, feeling that tingle in his groin and the excitement of having that kind of ability
to affect the powerful male. Wisp twitched his skirt some, ostensibly trying to get it to lay
properly as it was somewhat matted with the earlier meeting, but this only served to fan more of
that rich stink over Mike.

The draft stallion shivered and glanced up, “A bit.” He mumbled, mouth dry and cock raging
hard under the stricture of that cockring at its base.

Wisp gave a nod and stepped forward, stroking his delicate fingers around the back of Mike’s
ears, brushing through that silken mane. “Oh just a bit? Care to get a good whiff?” The pony
stallion, so small and slim compared to this hulking stud, simply lifted the hem of his skirt and
pressed the crotch of his panties to the flat muzzle. His rewarded for this was a shudder and
throaty moan from Mike. Wisp gasped a bit as he felt the broad tongue of the draft stallion lick
across the tented cotton pouch of his panties.

“Mmmm, someone’s found something they really want, but that end’s almost all me.”

Mike mumbled something against the fabric and hidden, modest endowments of the pony that
could have been “don’t care,” but it was hard to tell. Wisp reached to stroke Mike’s ears and
mane as he continued to grind his swelling, captive arousal against Mike’s muzzle and eager

Mixed species coupling, save for the cases where the species are very closely related such as tiger/lion
or horse/donkey do not routinely produce offspring. Magical assistance is available but very costly. It is far
more common to simply find a donor or surrogate.
tongue. The sticky clinging cold semen smeared over the eager stud’s face as Wisp’s erection
grew and for comfort’s sake he had to push the front of his underwear down to free himself.

“Dammit, if you’re going to lick you can at least clean me up a bit.”

Mike didn’t hesitate as he felt the pony stallion free his small cock, he closed his eyes and let his
thick lips caress the pale skin, then he curled that thick tongue along the hanging length. He
could feel it thicken and twitch to life against his muzzle and he reveled in it. He loved being for
other males to tease and use. He wallowed in this perverse delight of licking this smaller
stallion’s cock clean and tasting the leftover cum there.

Wisp had to back to pry off his clinging underwear, sliding the striped panties off his slender legs
and kicking them into the corner of the room with a flick of a polished hoof. Then he stepped
forward again and, hands guiding the stallion’s heavy muzzle, let Mike draw the pony’s pale
testicles into his muzzle and gently nurse on them. Wisp’s knees felt weak and he had to
concentrate on breathing for a moment at the sudden warmth engulfing his scrotum. Mike,
obviously, loved the taste of sweat and cum and even the tiniest trace of what perfume
remained after the tiger had his way with the cross dressing stallion. His slender pink cock grew
quickly and soon lifted his short skirt as the unflared knob of his shaft protruded out from the
edge of that pink fabric. The dainty prick lay along the length of Mike’s roman profile, stroking
along the amber hide as Wisp reached down and took hold of the sides of Mike’s muzzle. He
felt the Mike’s flat tongue curl and stroke those captive orbs as Wisp’s tail flagged and the heavy
brass buttplug threatened to slip free.

Rocking his hips and humping the air above Mike’s face made that plug and the still present
weight of the tiger’s cum in his guts shift uncomfortably as his cock waggled erect over Mike’s
face. The vague discomfort woke Wisp from his lustful reverie and he drew back from the bound
stallion. Reluctantly Mike let the now glossy pony balls slide from his thick lips. He licked over
his thick lips as he looked up at Wisp, proud of himself for getting the girly pony so stiff.

Wisp returned that gaze and smiled, “You want a real treat?” he teased as he stroked his dainty
prick slowly, fingers playing along the soft skin from the base, up over the medial ring, and to the
unflared glans.

Mike nodded and muttered, “Yes, sir.” obediently.

With a sly smile Wisp turned and pulled the back of his skirt up, leaning over to reveal the oval
base of that heavy brass buttplug inside his still tender ring. “Master gave me a good fuck.
Would you be a dear and give me a massage?”

Mike gave a shiver at the sight of the base of that brass plug and the matted and streaked fur on
the pony’s ass. Then, gingerly, he leaned forward and let his flat tongue stroke at the perfect
bubble butt. Wisp obliged the bound draft horse by stepping back to keep Mike from having to
stretch too far against the heavy cuffs and chain holding him in place.
Arms bound behind him, Mike leaned into the task. His flat tongue began to sweep over the
small male’s rump, tasting traces of a salty pungent flavor he knew so very well. Master’s cum
caked this pony’s ass and Mike worked to lick at the cheeks and then stroke his tongue from the
back of Wisp’s still spit-shiny scrotum to where the base of that heavy plug lay. He worked
diligently, wide tongue grooming that toned rear. Eyes closed he shuddered at the taste of
second hand tigercum. When the pony’s upturned ass was clean, if a little wet, Mike, with
exquisite care, bared his flat teeth, turned his head, and gripped the base of the plug. Wisp
groaned and relaxed his hold on the heavy knob inside him as Mike drew slowly back against
the tension of Wisp’s thick pucker. He watched that meaty ring bow out, bulging as the knob
inside the pony pulled at the well fucked equine’s innards. That muscular ring began to spread
over the wide base of this heavy metal plug and within a blink of an eye that knob drew from
Wisp’s warm rear and dropped from Mike’s teeth with a loud thunk onto the tile floor.

He saw that ring gape, the normally pale skin blushed from use, and the bulk of the Master’s
cum began to ooze from Wisp’s thick ring. Without pausing to think Mike lunged his huge
muzzle forcefully between Wisp’s spread buttocks, licking at that sore ring and suddenly
shuddering against his bonds. His erection flared and oozed in a slow torrent as the huge
golden stallion pressed his face wantonly under Wisp’s hiked tail and tongue fucked the pony for
the reward of the tiger’s heady second-hand load.

Stunned beyond action, and nearly knocked over by the thud of that muzzle between his
buttocks, Wisp steadied himself with hands on his knees. He closed his eyes tightly at the
abrupt pull of that plug from his ass only to be so suddenly replaced with the hot intimate kiss of
this massive stallion. Wisp reached down to grip his straining erection and squeeze it through
the fabric of his skirt as he struggled to not stumble forward while the larger horse ate his ass
out with passion.

The Master’s cum, still warm from Wisp’s ass, drooled over Mike’s muzzle and with his eyes
closed he abandoned any shame he might feel as he pushed his tongue against that still sore
and tender pony flesh and licked over the bare skin. Mike drooled into the messy crevasse of
Wisp’s ass as he tasted the rough, oversized fuck the tiger had given the small stallion. The
salty sharp taste and the faint flavor of bare skin mingled as Mike snorted and turned his head,
his muzzle crushed against that small horse’s ass as he licked and slurped and did indeed try to
be a good horse by cleaning this boy’s pussy.

On the floor beneath the pair a small puddle formed as Mike licked and rimmed and kissed that
pony’s rump wantonly, soon licking along the crease and down to the back of Wisp’s already
clean scrotum. So eager was Mike that his dark shaft, now somewhat flared, drooled clear pre
in a mess mirroring what was dripping from his chin onto the tile.

Several squelching minutes passed as Mike turned his muzzle this way and that as his tongue
chased the last traces from Wisp’s rump. The pony stallion’s ring flexed closed again now that
the weight of the brass plug was gone. Wordlessly, Wisp stepped forward with a shivering gait to
get himself away from the maddening sensations that tongue was causing. He stood and took
several deep breaths, his pale shaft standing out from him as he eyed the amber stallion licking
his muzzle and gazing at Wisp with hazy eyes.

“Dammit…” Wisp muttered, stroking himself through the fabric of his skirt. He watched that
blissfully submissive stud kneeling there, muzzle a mess. Wisp rarely felt this turned on and so,
pulling his skirt up and stepping forward with a hand on his cock, he asked, “You want to suck
me off before Master gets here?”

Mike nodded, saying nothing, and opened his messy muzzle again, sticking out that flat tongue
as one might lay out a red carpet for an honored guest.

“And people think I’m an eager little cock lover?” Wisp mused as he stepped forward and, hand
behind his medial ring, offered his flat glans to the eager stallion.

Mike closed his eyes again and enclosed that pale erection in his thick lips, curling his tongue
along the underside and welcoming it into his huge, heavy muzzle. With arms chained behind
him he had to rely on Wisp to step forward before he could begin to slowly bob his muzzle along
the modest length Wisp hid behind his gauzy skirts or elegant gowns.

Having been ridden earlier and having gotten as much teasing here as he’d given, Wisp knew
he wouldn’t last very long. He slid his small, delicate fingers around Mike’s upright ears, gripping
them and starting to thrust into the big, long stallion muzzle. Mike’s flat tongue rolled beneath
his stiffness and corralled it against the roof of his mouth. Wisp muzzle fucked the bound
stallion, tail flagging wildly back and forth as he thrust with a growing abandon. His skirt flapped
and half obscuring Mike’s face under the hem of the rosy fabric. Wisp bit his red-streaked lips
and with a groan he felt his balls tense up. After what had passed for an orgasm earlier and the
rimming just now Wisp felt the tense pressure build as a real orgasm, not one fucked out of him
by an ass-gapingly large prick, crashed upon him. He cried out as he thrust his small dick into
that big muzzle feverishly, the flat glans flaring into a broad pink bell inside Mike’s muzzle and
several hard bucking spurts of ponycum erupted into Mike’s mouth before being gulped down

Eyes closed and ears gripped like handles, Mike enjoyed the impassioned thrusts of the small
pony, suckling on that pale shaft as it was thrust against him. He shifted his knees apart on the
floor and his dark cock bobbed, still leaking pre. Mike felt a spark of pride that he could make
this little stallion cum again so soon after what must have been quite the meeting earlier.

Wisp’s thrusts soon devolved into shuddering, then merely clinging to the large stallion’s head
weakly in the post orgasmic haze. His cock slowly being cleaned until the pony could stand the
sensations no more and had to step back, drawing that modest pink dick from the huge
stallion’s muzzle with a faint slurp and pop. Panting, Wisp backed up and shivered and then
smiled as Mike grinned up at him, muzzle still caked in the mess of such eager antics.
Into the comfortable, warm silence, only broken by the two stallions trying to catch their breaths,
a rich, rumbling voice rolled like thunder, “Well, he seems well teased now.”

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