Geography Week 9 - FINAL

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Form 4 (b)

Lesson Plan
Geo (IV) Topic: Effects of rotation of the earth on its axis Subtopic: Rotation and the heat of the sun Date: Day 1
Objectives Teaching Strategies Time Resources Assessment
55 min (Other than routine res.)
By the end of this lesson Elicitation of prior knowledge: 10 minutes Globe Students will be
students will be able to: Ask the students to define the following Bulb assessed on their
terms briefly to assess their understanding: Chart B8A and “Day and ability to:
 Axis of the Earth Night”
 Define Earth’s  Tilt of the Earth  Define Earth’s
axis, tilt, rotation axis, tilt, rotation
 Rotation of the Earth

Axis of the Earth: An imaginary line that goes

from the North Pole to the South Pole,
around which the Earth rotates.
Tilt of the Earth: The angle at which the
Earth leans as it moves around the Sun,
causing different seasons.
Rotation of the Earth: The Earth spinning
around its axis, causing day and night.
 Explain the Demonstration: Teacher to first elaborate
impact of Earth’s the three points (axis, tilt and rotation) using 15 minutes
rotation Globe.  Explain the impact
Turn on the bulb and begin rotating the of earth’s rotation
globe in such a manner that one side of the
globe is facing the bulb and illuminating and
the other side is facing away and dark. Rotate
from left (sunrise from east) to show the lit
eastern hemisphere and slowly turn towards
left to display how the earth rotates and the
other side gradually comes into light.

Ask the students what they were observing

(rotation of globe to show night and day).

Present chart B8A and lead students into an

impression that compares the small amount
of heat that actually reaches the earth, to the
consequences of what would happen if the
earth did not rotate.

Say that “this chart shows us how the earth

might look if it did not turn. The side facing
the sun would be so hot that everything
would be in flames. The side not facing the
sun would be unbearably cold”.

Teacher exposition 20 minutes

(annexure 1a)
Now teacher will introduce the concept of  6-
Day & Night to students formally. 9GeographyAlbum2
Begin the demonstration this time explaining 011 (1) PDF-111-
the scientific process of day and night. The 112.pdf
teacher may use the board to further  Earth’s Rotation
highlight the information. and its Impact.pdf

Written work 10 minutes

Define the following terminologies in the
 Axis of the Earth
 Tilt of the Earth
 Rotation of the Earth

H.W: Revise and learn the definitions of axis,

tilt and rotation of the earth

Evaluation of Learning Evaluation of Teaching

Annexure 1a
 Geography Folder (6-9) Pages 111 & 112 6-9GeographyAlbum2011 (1) PDF-111-112.pdf
 Impact of earth’s rotation Earth’s Rotation and its Impact.pdf
Form 4 (b)
Lesson Plan
Geo (IV) Topic: Earth and its rotation on its axis Subtopic: Written work Date: Day 2
Objectives Teaching Strategies Time Resources Assessment
55 min (Other than
routine res.)
By the end of the lesson,Revision Globe Students will be
students will be able to:In order to assess understanding, the teacher will 10 minutes Chart “Day and assessed on their ability
start off the lesson with the following questions: Night” to:
1. What is the earth's axis? (imaginary line
from north to south pole around which the Geog folder pg.  Describe the
 Describe the 112.pdf
impact of earth’s earth rotates) impact of
rotation 2. What is the result of the earth's tilt? (day and earth’s rotation
night and variation in the length of daylight)
3. How long does it take for earth to complete
one rotation? (approximately 24 hours) 30 minutes
 Illustrate
What would happen if Earth's axis were not
occurrence of
 Illustrate 4. tilted? (there would be no variation in the
length of daylight in different regions of the day and night
occurrence of day
and night world
(annexure 1a)
Next, the teacher will demonstrate the previous
day’s activity of the impact of the rotating earth
again and will explain the chart titled Day and Night
(Geog album pg. 112).

Written work
(annexure 1b)
The teacher will have the following two diagrams on
the board. The students will copy down these
a) Earth's rotation, axis and tilt (attached
b) Dawn, Noon, Dusk, Night (display the chart
sample given in Geog album 112)
After drawing, students will explain each diagram
independently in the notebook. 15 minutes
(sample diagrams and their description attached handout.pdf
below in the annexure for teachers)

(annexure 1c)
Factsheet handouts on the lesson will be distributed
to be pasted in the notebooks. The teacher will read
out the handout to summarize the concepts learned
related to the impact of earth’s rotation.
Evaluation of Learning Evaluation of Teaching

Annexure 1a
 Impact of earth’s rotation Earth’s Rotation and its Impact.pdf
 Geog folder pg. 112 Geog folder pg. 112.pdf
Annexure 1b
Draw and label two separate diagrams to explain
a) Earth’s rotation, axis and tilt

B) Dawn, Noon, Dusk, Night (Geog album pg. 112) (refer to the chart titled Day and Night on pg. 112 in Geog folder for illustration

Description: Earth spins around an imaginary line called an axis. This spinning makes day and night happen. Earth is also tilted a bit.
When one side faces the earth, it has daylight and the side facing opposite and away from the sun has night. So, Earth rotation and
tilt gives us variations in daylight from dawn and noon, to dusk and night.

Annexure 1c

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