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Name:______________________________ Grade&section:_____________

I. Modified True or False. Write TRUE on the space provided if the statement is
correct. If not Encircle the word, and write the correct answer on the space
provided. (2 pts each)
______ 1. MDGS aims to ameliorate the lives of the world’s poorest people
through eight specific goals with quantifiable targets and deadlines.
______ 2. The Eight(8) MDGs were set in 2000 and achieved in 2019.
______ 3. Human capital emphasizes on improving nutrition, health care, and
______ 4. The SDG has 17 goals and its No. 1 still is to eradicate extreme poverty.
______ 5. The MDGs deadline was in 2015 and its replacement was SSDGs
______ 6. MDG also focuses on human capital, productive life, and human rights.
II. Define the following acronyms
1. MDGs =__________________________________________________
2. SDGs =___________________________________________________
III. Enumerate two(2) SDGs
IV. Identification (2pts)
________________1. People who are poor may experience high amounts of
stress, which may prompt them to steal, rob, or engage in other violent crimes.
________________2. It started its course in 1990 and ended in 2015.
________________3. The historic millennium declaration was signed by leaders of
189 nations at the________ in 2000.
Name:______________________________ Grade&section:_____________
I. Modified True or False. Write TRUE on the space provided if the statement is
correct. If not Encircle the word, and write the correct answer on the space
provided. (2 pts each)
______ 1. The Eight(8) MDGs were set in 2000 and achieved in 2019
______ 2. MDGS aims to ameliorate the lives of the world’s poorest people
through eight specific goals with quantifiable targets and deadlines.
______ 3. MDG also focuses on human capital, productive life, and human rights
______ 4. The MDGs deadline was in 2015 and its replacement was SSDGs
______ 5. The SDG has 17 goals and its No. 1 still is to eradicate extreme poverty.
______ 6. Human capital emphasizes on improving nutrition, health care, and
II. Define the following acronyms
1. MDGs =__________________________________________________
2. SDGs =___________________________________________________
III. Enumerate two(2) SDGs
IV. Identification (2pts)
________________1. It started its course in 1990 and ended in 2015.
________________2. The historic millennium declaration was signed by leaders of
189 nations at the________ in 2000.
________________3. People who are poor may experience high amounts of stress,
which may prompt them to steal, rob, or engage in other violent crimes.

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