S Shangase

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Durban University of Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanics of Machines 3


Practical Assignment:

Linkage Analysis

Name: Sibusisiwe Shangase

Student Number: 21914340

Durban University of Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Declaration (to be submitted with reports)

1. I confirm that I know and understand what constitutes plagiarism.

2. I confirm that the report which I hereby submit for assessment is my own work.

3. I confirm that I have properly referenced the work of other people that I have used.

4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off
as his or her own work.

Name: Sibusisiwe Shangase Student no: 21914340 Signature: S. Shangase

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Assessment Rubric



Surname: Shangase Student Number: 21914340

Date of Submission: 17 April 2023 Date of Resubmission (if applicable):

NC = Not yet competent, CAC = Competent after corrections, C = Competent, AC = Average competence, GC = good
competence, ECR = Exceeds competence requirements
Assessment Description
0 5 5 6 8 10
An appropriate mix of knowledge of mathematics, numerical
analysis, statistics, natural science and engineering science at a
fundamental level and in a specialist area is brought to bear on the
solution of broadly-defined engineering problems

* The student has analysed all questions clearly and accurately. All
diagrams are appropriately scaled and labelled.

Theories, principles and laws are used

* The student has calculated all solutions required in each question.
Eg. Accelerations, velocities, forces etc.
Formal analysis and modelling is performed on engineering
materials, components, systems or processes.

* The report presents both a graphical and simulated solution to

each question.

Concepts, ideas and theories are communicated.

* The report applies context to linkage design through background
research and discussion of an actual linkage example. The student
uses information from appropriates sources, such as books and
journal articles
Reasoning about and conceptualizing engineering materials,
components, systems or processes is performed.

* The discussion and conclusion show appropriate arguments

Uncertainty and risk is handled.

* The student has fully reported and discussed the differences
between the simulation and graphical results obtained.

Work is performed within the boundaries of the practice area

*The student has demonstrated an ability to model, analyze and

interpret simulated performance data.
0 0 0 0 0
Mark (X/70) 0
Percentage 0
To be submitted with your report Year: 2023

Determine your unique question analysis conditions:

Apply the last 4 digits of your student number to the questions in number order.

Surname: Shangase Student Number: 21914340

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4

Angle of DH Angle of AB Angle of OS Angle of AO
to to to to
Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal
(Degrees) (Degrees) (Degrees) (Degrees)
0 55 65 95 15
1 30 45 100 20
2 25 40 135 40
3 10 30 140 55
4 10 15 155 70
5 -15 0 170 100
6 -25 -25 210 120
7 -20 -30 235 130
8 -35 -45 250 155
9 -40 -60 260 170
Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................6
Linkage Overview ...........................................................................................................................................7
Graphical and Simulation Solutions.................................................................................................................9
Results and Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 21
1. Introduction
Graphical and simulation techniques are to be used in this practical assignment to look at the kinematics present
in linkage mechanism. The graphical technique is used to analyze a mechanism at a single orientation and instance
in time. The simulation technique, however, gives results for the full range of motion of the mechanism. One can
verify the model's accuracy as a representation of the linkage under examination by comparing the graphical
solution to the output of a simulation. In this practical assignment several mechanisms are to be analyzed and
each analysis is to be performed using the two techniques and the results are to be compared, discussed, and
come up with a conclusion.
▪ Velocity and acceleration diagrams are to be drawn from the space/configuration diagram of the
▪ The acceleration and velocity values are to be calculated for each link.
▪ Space diagrams are to be drawn using Libre-cad and the x, y coordinates are to be obtained for
each configuration diagram drawn.
▪ The coordinates are then to be used on GIM to get the velocities and accelerations of the
mechanism using simulation.
▪ Comparison of the results, the simulated and the graphical to confirm the validity and the accuracy
of the presentation of the linkage being tested.

Analytical Process
For Simulation:
Co-ordinates were obtained using the configuration diagram on Libre-cad. To get the co-ordinates the length and
angles of the space diagram were used in the Libre CAD applications. The configuration diagram was drawn the
same way as it is shown on paper, then the x-y coordinates are taken down to use for the simulation part. The
co-ordinates were then inserted into GIM the simulating application. The co-ordinates joined in order and fixed
points, 8 sliders were inserted at their locations then the simulation runs to get the simulated values of the
velocities and the accelerations. Simulated values were then tabulated in comparison to the calculated values.
Where there was a difference between the simulated and calculated values the difference percentage was noted.
For Graphical:
The configuration diagram is drawn using a specific angle of rotation. For each link the perpendicular lines were
constructed to help draw velocity diagrams to get the velocities of the links. One of the values of velocity is given
while the others remain unknown, and the unknowns had to be calculated using velocity diagrams. To construct
the acceleration, parallel lines and perpendicular lines were drawn on the space diagram to find centripetal and
tangential accelerations. Centripetal accelerations values were calculated using the measured velocity values
from the velocity diagram, then construct the acceleration diagram using the calculated acceleration values.
2. Linkage Overview

A linkage mechanism is a system of mechanical components that are connected to each other in a specific way to
transmit motion or force. These mechanisms can be used in a wide range of applications, including machines,
vehicles, and industrial equipment. A linkage mechanism typically consists of a series of interconnected links, each
of which can rotate or translate relative to the others. By controlling the motion of these links, it is possible to
achieve a wide range of different motions, including straight-line motion, rotary motion, and complex motions.
Linkage mechanisms can be designed to perform specific functions, such as converting rotary motion into linear
motion or amplifying force, and they can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, from simple manual operations
to complex automated processes. In this way, linkage mechanisms are an essential component of many
engineering systems and are used in a wide range of industrial, commercial, and consumer applications.

Kinematics is the study of motion and its causes without considering the forces or torques that cause motion. In
linkage mechanisms, kinematics is used to analyze the motion of the mechanism and predict its behavior. Below
are some key concepts related to kinematics in linkage mechanisms:
▪ Degrees of freedom: The number of independent ways in which a linkage mechanism can move is called
its degrees of freedom. Like a two-link planar linkage mechanism has three degrees of freedom, which
corresponds to the rotations of the two links and the translation of one link relative to the other.
▪ Types of motion: Linkage mechanisms can produce a wide range of different types of motion, including
straight-line motion, circular motion, oscillatory motion, and complex motion. The type of motion
produced by a mechanism depends on the design of the links and the way in which they are connected to
each other.
▪ Velocity and acceleration: Kinematics can be used to analyze the velocity and acceleration of the links in
a linkage mechanism. This can help designers optimize the mechanism for speed, efficiency, and
smoothness of motion.
▪ Linkage synthesis: Linkage synthesis is the process of designing a linkage mechanism to achieve a specific
type of motion. This can be done using graphical methods, such as the Freudenstein's equation or the
Burmester theory, or by using computer-aided design software.
▪ Mechanism simulation: Kinematics can be used to simulate the motion of a linkage mechanism and
predict its behavior under different operating conditions. This can help designers identify potential
problems and optimize the mechanism for performance and efficiency.
Figure 1: two-link planar

Linkages are used in a variety of applications, from simple mechanisms such as door hinges to complex machines like
industrial robots. Mechanical linkages in automobiles are widely used to convert the motion of the driver's foot on the
accelerator pedal into the opening of the throttle valve in the engine. This is achieved using a throttle linkage, which
connects the accelerator pedal to the throttle valve.

Figure 2: Mechanical Throttle Linkage

Suspension linkages in vehicles are used in vehicle suspension systems to provide the necessary range of motion
for the wheels to move up and down over uneven surfaces. Suspension linkages typically consist of a series of
interconnected links that allow the wheels to move independently of the chassis. Linkages are used extensively
in robotics to provide the necessary range of motion for robotic arms and other moving parts. Robotics linkages
typically consist of multiple joints that allow the robot to move in a variety of directions. Linkages are commonly
used in industrial machinery to provide the necessary range of motion for moving parts. For example, linkages
are used in milling machines to move the cutting tool along multiple axes. Linkages are used in agricultural
machinery such as tractors and harvesters to provide the necessary range of motion for moving parts such as
plows and cultivators. Linkages are used in various applications in the aerospace industry, including control
systems for aircraft and spacecraft, as well as in the landing gear of aircraft. Linkages are used in medical devices
such as surgical instruments and prosthetic limbs to provide the necessary range of motion for the device to
function properly.
3. Graphical and Simulation Solutions

Question 1

Figure 1: Graphical solutions

Point X coordinates Y coordinates

H 0 0
D -0.0167 0.00030
C -0.0284 -0.0215
E -0.059 -0.012
B -0.0287 -0.0555
Table 1: Linkage point coordinates

Graphical Solutions Simulation Solutions

Formula Magnitude Units Magnitude Units Direction %
VD 2.6 m/s 2.6012 m/s 0.05
VB 4.2 m/s 4.1942 m/s -0.14

VC 2.5 m/s 2.5349 m/s 1.38

ω EC 𝑉𝑒𝑐 92.6 Rad/s 79.1169 Rad/s -17.04

ω DH 𝑉𝑑ℎ 152.9 Rad/s 153.3097 Rad/s 0.27
ω DC 𝑉𝑑𝑐 18.5 Rad/s 11.9053 Rad/s -55.39
a_c_hd 397.6 m/s2 398.7977 m/s2 0.30

Table 2: Comparative results summary

Figure 2: Velocity of D

Figure 3: Centripetal Acc of HD

Figure 4: Velocity of C

Figure 5: Angular acc of EC

Question 2

Figure 1: Graphical solutions

Point X coordinates Y coordinates

A 0 0
B 0.9959 0.5750
C 4.5186 -0.85
D 2.8963 -0.1938
E 5 1.6541
Table 1: Linkage point coordinates
Graphical Solutions Simulation Solutions
Formula Magnitude Units Magnitude Units Direction %
VE 3.3 m/s 3.5471 m/s 7

VB 9.2 m/s 9.1997 m/s -0.003

VC 8.7 m/s 7.8228 m/s -11.2

ω DE 𝑉𝑑𝑒 3.54 Rad/s 3.4302 Rad/s -3.2

ω AB 𝑉𝑎𝑏 8 Rad/s 8 Rad/s 0
ω BC 𝑉𝑏𝑐 2.37 Rad/s 2.2616 Rad/s -4.8
aC 54 m/s2 69.8190 m/s2 22.7

aE 136 m/s2 143.166 m/s2 5

αED 𝑎𝑡 ∗ 𝑒𝑑 40.7 Rad/s2 49.6628 Rad/s2 18

αBC 𝑎𝑡 ∗ 𝑏𝑐 12.1 Rad/s2 8.3773 Rad/s2 -44.4
Table 3: Comparative results summary

Figure 2: Velocity of B
Figure 3: Acceleration of E

Figure 4: Angular acceleration of BC

Figure 5: Angular velocity of BC

Question 3

Figure 1: Graphical solution

Point X coordinates Y coordinates

O 0 0
S -0.1357 0.0633
C 0.32 0
D -0.3436 0.0922
R -0.18 0.7316
Table 1: Linkage point coordinates
Graphical Solutions Simulation Solutions
Formula Magnitude Units Magnitude Units Direction %
VS 2.83 m/s 2.8288 m/s -0.04

VD 4.3 m/s 3.9351 m/s -9.27

VR 4.4 m/s 4.0362 m/s -6.54

ω OS 𝑉𝑜𝑠 19.3 Rad/s 18.8495 Rad/s -2.39

ω DC 𝑉𝑑𝑐 6.42 Rad/s 5.8735 Rad/s -0.09
ω DR 𝑉𝑑𝑟 0.6 Rad/s 0.8469 Rad/s 29.15
aD 28.9 m/s2 24.6538 m/s2 -17.22

VSS’ 1 m/s 0.8300 m/s -20.48

αCD 𝑎𝑡 ∗ 𝑐𝑑 6.59 Rad/s2 12.8049 Rad/s2 48.54

αDR 𝑎𝑡 ∗ 𝑑𝑟 21.5 Rad/s2 33.7741 Rad/s2 36.34

Figure 2: Velocity of S
Figure 3: Angular velocity of DR

Figure 4: Angular acc of CD

Figure 5: Acceleration of D
Question 4

Figure 1: graphical solutions

Point X coordinates Y coordinates

O 0 0
A -0.145 0.0039
B 0.1567 0.0596
C 0.15 0
D 0.0711 0.0318
E 0.0991 0.1173
F 0.2 0.12
G 0.085 0.075
Table 4: Linkage point coordinates
Graphical Solutions Simulation Solutions
Formula Magnitude Units Magnitude Units Direction %
VA 0.314 m/s 0.3144 m/s 0.13

VB 0.32 m/s 0.1885 m/s -69.76

VF 0.16 m/s 0.1267 m/s -26.28

ω CB 𝑉𝑐𝑏 3 Rad/s 3.1432 Rad/s 4.2

ω AB 𝑉𝑎𝑏 1.78 Rad/s 1.8963 Rad/s 6.13
ω EF 𝑉𝑒𝑓 3 Rad/s 1.8698 Rad/s -60.5
αOA 0 m/s2 0 m/s2 0

αAB 𝑎𝑡 ∗ 𝑎𝑏 3.98 4.0566 1.89

Table 2: Comparative summary

Figure 2: Velocity of B
Figure 3: Angular velocity of AB

Figure 4: Angular acc of AB

4.Results and Discussion
There are various methods to design and analyze linkage mechanisms, two of which were used are the graphical
method and the simulation method. The graphical method is a simple and intuitive method to design linkage
mechanisms. In this method, the sketches of the mechanism are drawn on paper to determine the position and
orientation of the links and joints in the mechanism, and then graphical techniques such as vector algebra,
graphical vector addition, and velocity polygons are applied to determine the motion of the mechanism. The
simulation method, on the other hand, is a more advanced method to design and analyze linkage mechanisms.
In this method, a virtual model of the mechanism was created using GIM software for mechanism simulation.
For question 1, when looking at the linear velocity of both the simulated and the graphical solutions the difference
between the values obtained is relatively small. The angular velocity of the graphical solutions are a bit off
compared to those of the simulated, the difference is less than 60%. It is possible that mistakes were made when
measuring the values from the velocity diagram. The graphical results obtained for this question were accurate
when compared to the simulation results. It is safe to assume that for this question both methods are effective
and reliable. For question 2, the values obtained for the linear velocity, angular velocity and centripetal
acceleration have a relatively small difference when comparing the graphical and simulation techniques. When
comparing the angular acceleration of BC, the difference is a bit larger than what was expected meaning that
there was an error made somewhere along the calculations. The discrepancies may be due to the human error
when taking up measurements. For this question both the techniques used were very effective and reliable.
For question 3, when looking at the comparative summary table it is visible that both techniques were effective
and reliable. The results obtained are accurate when comparing the graphical to the simulated, there are
differences that are more than 50% and that may be a result of negligence when measuring and calculating.
For question 4, it was extremely hard to interpret the diagram and point G did not make it any better. There are
some serious differences between the simulated and the graphical results. The mistakes were partially made on
graphical technique as there was trouble analyzing the motion of the mechanism. The problem started when it
was time to construct the acceleration diagram, could not identify which links were experiencing what
The accuracy of the simulated results depends on the accuracy of the assumptions and parameters used in the
model. The accuracy of the graphical results depends on the accuracy of the measurement or observation
techniques used, as well as any errors introduced during the data collection or analysis process. Graphical results
may be affected by errors in the measurement techniques used to collect data. In conclusion, both the graphical
method and the simulation method have their strengths and weaknesses in the design and analysis of linkage
mechanisms. The graphical method is useful for simple mechanisms and provides an intuitive understanding of
the motion of the mechanism. The simulation method is useful for complex mechanisms and provides a more
accurate and comprehensive analysis of the performance of the mechanism. Both methods can be used in
combination to achieve the best results in the design and analysis of linkage mechanisms.

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