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exan prepared the most expected and often repeated 20 CHAPTERS with short notes and model questions in simple language and in fullscape papers with laser printing. . = 'HE COST FOR EACH SUBJECT IS Rs.6 UPEES. SIX HUNDRED ONL! You can ENSURE your SUCCESS by studying these 20 most important chapters / questions/ short notes, a8 we have chosen these chapters carefully by reviewing the pattern of repetition of questions from the previous years most important university questions. Orders may be placed through Draft/Cheque favouring ‘P.JAGANATHAN’ payable at Madurai. For Further details contact - UJLS, 32, Narmadha Nathi Street, Mahathma Gandhi Nagar, Madurai - 626014. Mobile No. 9944939308, 9994449005 & 9600700655} (The 20 chapters - Question and Answer Module are only expected questions and hence UJLS and the Authors are not responsible in any way if the chapters/ questions do not appear in the university examinations.) (Understand Law - Achieve Success) (onoRANcE OF LAW IS NO EXCUSE) THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 2006), THE JUVENILE JUSTICE ACT, 2000 8 THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS ACT, 1958 (Wirn Suszecr Outing anp SoLveD PRoBLEMS) & ‘Tue Prevention or Corruption Act, 1988 ‘Tu Narcotic Druas an Psvcuorroric Susstances Act, 1985 ‘Tus Prevention or Foop Apuvteration Act, 1954 ‘Tus Downy Prommrtion Act, 1961 ‘Tue Karnataka Porice: Act, 1963 Price: Rs. 180/- suonLav ‘sse0ons jo nofi ysym a “apis joununo ayz ud seqoodpD sv asyonud onYSIM OY asoip tof PUD 2m) Jo stuapms 40f oq JaSSv up 3q Ipm Yyooq sng Wun adoy op aj ‘suoysanb s0aft SuaNUN MDT] apIg DyDRLDY yss9MUT) MBT WYpEqUy Iq jano2 snyt 4ooq SRAL psuoaiuy) s10;oBuDg 2unue ayy Aquo 30u Siua|qoig uonsond finsionnin snomerd Rusu paremsun aay am “9'¢ 49 Jo fipms 2y3 fo uoyvoyddo ppousnad fo asodind ay2.of ‘fiuojuns ‘Spuaunovua aay anogn ap fo (Rumurumg) auymo uamB anzy am ‘palqns ayy fo Buspupisiapun fisee 40 ‘stueuiosunbed uowounuexe ays yout Aynf oy uuof Rossa 1 ‘um aums ayn jp pun aBonBun} a1cuns D up asim uorpas - Eg6I. ‘PY siepuas{o fo uoNDGodd 242 000E. "Spy aonstip apuannp aya “O'd 40 aur fyourou spuaunooua ay juasaid or Suoffe axoouns uaym anvy am ‘punu ut joadsn snp Bundaay uapnys my fisone sof a}qosuedsipu a.m soy any asoys fo hpmas yBnosoy 2ousy pun t2yzoun su0 ym uamorstul B10 YORUM ZL “PY 2ouaping UOIPUT ay) PUD E16 | ‘aunpadosg pDununsg Jo 2POD 4h ‘09ST ‘epop jouag WoIpUl ay jownu say RupHOdun aang 210 D9, ‘Rupssaveu hjainjosqn a10''q19 Jo suoysyaosd ayy fo dsvib pu Buypumsiapun s0219 0 ‘esodind sry; 10f pup you 10 7oH9} 2p smog poununtg 242 40 /pun sonod ayy fig pomorjof soinpooosd Bunuyo 243 4ayjo4m mouy Pinoys euo ‘esimuayI0 UaAg “apis Tounuys ay uo asponid 0 saysim oym usps mo) fimo 1of prouodun furan $1 E461 ‘eanpadoig jounuyy fo epod ayi fo pms ayy (sg6r ‘tov susanasaQ a0 Nonvaoug axv 0007 ‘oy aousap atNannp ‘EL6I ‘s009 sunaaooug aWaImnrQ) GOWAIAd IWAANAD sIoy NY YIM ponrosox © WIda0oUe: vEbTEST - TSHO = eulpuey B0E6E6rr66 $$90020096 ‘SO06brb666 : soumbug eseyamg aTIdOW/ANOHd “TpON [uy “PI0SZ9 - panpoyy ‘unbeN ypunp vunyoyoy 22.48 TION DYpOULIPN ‘SE “LOOK I ‘sauag mv] YwuDbyr nysy ‘AOLanidodd ‘Narav ‘ae WOUd GVH Fad NVO sa1doo SuOHLOV ‘uonwonqnd snyy 03 anp pesnvo aq fiow yoy sso] 40 abpurmp up 10f qsuodsai o10 sionuneg pup sioymy ayy sou si8ysngnd Oy 4oynou “ayn “uompa yx28U Ano ui po;oi09 $1.11 YR os aayou sno 07 7yBnosq aq Aiipury fiow poonou founders “SIP yons pup sn yum tMeq 0} parsanba asp suapnas sno yor sof fuateapouryooq sip) ur ude. anvy 1yBnu suos -Snuio Pup sioLia ‘uoyNND pup a1w9 3894 zno fo ands Uy ht Teaddy uy Ar asl (eeerace) ‘Tue Juvente Justice (Care Np Protection oF Cutupren) Act, 2000 As by products of economic, scientific and technological advancements, urbanisation and disintegration of family systems leading to neglect of youth at home, the present day youngsters are risked for exposure to the temptations of modern life to which they succumb ‘and fall an easy prey, thereby giving way to criminality. This criminal tendency in the youth is a serious concern and threat to the society and unless such tendency is curbed in time, many youths may become habitual. offenders. sucha precdrious situation, many nations have awakened to tackle this problem of juvenile delinquency on priority basis. Thor gh the early penology did not discriminate a juvenile delinquent fron an adult offender so far'as the aspect of punishment was vancerned, it is obvious as per the reformative and rehabilitative ‘Reory that juveniles, no doubt, need special care, protection, qreatment and rehabilitation unlike the adult criminals, ‘Such consideration for juveniles have led to the enactment of the Juvenile Justice Act, 1986. Since the Act had many lacunae, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 was ‘enacted- its main aims rather rehabilitation and social reintegration. than mere reformation of a juvenile in conflict with law. | This Act is precise and lucid in its aims and objectives in ‘accomplishing the desired results. From the academic point of view, this book aims to satisfy the requirements of law students who shall find the chapters relating to’ Juvenile Justice simple, easy and ‘examination oriented. 5 AUTHORS vii PREFACE ‘Tue PRopation or Orrenpers Act, 1958 {Act No. 20 or 1958) Great ideas often have modest beginning. This is true as far as the genesis of the Probation of Offenders Act 1958 is concerned. In 1841, when John Augustus, a U.S. shoe - maker stood bail for a drunken conviet for his release and rehabilitation, would not have least expected that his act would, in the long run, pave way for the evolution of one of the most celebrated legal principles namely reformation of juvenile delinquents and first offenders through an opportunity of ‘Probation’. Every natio n system’ through without exception, have adopted the Jactments. weir legal Probation, together with Juvenile Justice, have helped in creation of new attitudes towards offenders and have extended the function of criminal justice beyond ‘Traditional Sentencing’ Probation law crept into India, through the Probation of Offenders Act 1958, and Children’s Act 1960, (which was tater repealed and substituted by the Juvenile Justice Act 1986). Probation of Offenders Act 1958, forthe purpose of conven study, is divided into three chapters - introductory, objects and finally main provisions. The study would enable the reader to have a wide vision about the reformative laws in India. AUTHORS 6g we SL 89 £9 (pZ1 01 901 998) MNOIAVHAA GOOD Nod CNV SOVad AHL ONIdTTA AOA ALRANDAS (ASOI 04 VSOT “99S) ALATAONd AO TANLIGIAO GNV INSIWHOVLLY Aos TINAADON ‘NV SUGLLLVIN NIVINGO NI ONVISISSV ‘Od SINGINTONVAMY TVOONdIO (sol © £6 99S) SLNVANVM HONVES (co @ 16 998) SONIHL 40 NOLWONdoNd AHL WddWOd OL SassaDO¥d {06 08 zg -9as) INGHOVLIV CNV NOLLVINVTOOUd (18 93.02 998) LSauaV a0 INVER {69 01 19 ‘09g) SNOWWAS 40 anssi SONVEVGddY TadOO OL SASsHOONd {09% Tz 99S) SNOSMaid AO LEAMA (ob 01 Le 998) aOrIOg GH NV SELVALSIOVW AHI OL av SOL By wee we ve a) as Ons) 8 w (og 99g) SYAOIAO AOYTOd NORIAANS {g¢ 01 9¢ ‘99g) SLND JO SUAMOd fy SZ 03.9 09g) SJANOO ‘TVNINIED JO NOLLALILSNOO (z 298) (SNOLLINIAG) SWYAL WASNTO INVINOdNI 800% IO JOV LNGINGNGINY AE, €L6T AGOO BANGOR “TVNINRIO GLAS LNOKV LHONOYA SADNVHO S00% - SINEWANGI LNVLAOdNI ONG £161 “AAO RANGAOOAT TWINK AHL AS LNOAV LHDNONG SADNWHO WS ON'd ‘SOMOL ‘ONS €L6L ‘AANGIOOUd TWNIWIAO AO AdOO AHL I- Lavd X@aNI ma 10." 12. 13" 14. 1s. vs TOPICS CHILDREN AND PARENTS (Sec. 125 to 128} MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC ORDER AND TRANQUILITY (Sec. 129 to 148) PREVENTIVE ACTION OF THE POLICE (Sec. 149 to 153) INFORMATION ‘TO POLICE AND ‘THEIR POWERS TO INVESTIGATE (Sec. 154 to 176) RECORDING OF CONFESSIONS AND STATEMENTS (Sec. 164) JURISDICNON OF CRIMINAL COURTS: (Sec. 177 to 189) ESSENTIAL. CONDITIONS FOR INITIATION OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS (Sec. 190 to 199) COMPLAINTS TO MAGISTRATES (Sec. 200 to 203) SIN ORDER FOR MAINTENANCE OF WIVES, 119 128 130 152 g & 165 170 xi S.NO ‘TOPICS P.NO 18. COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS BEFORE MAGISTRATES (Tria. Berore, Maaistrates) (Sec. 204 to 210) 176 19.* CHARGES AND JOINDER OF CHARGES (Sec. 211 to 224) 182 20.** TRIAL BEFORE SESSIONS COURT (Sec. 225 to 237) 191 21,** TRIAL OF WARRANT - CASES BY MAGISTRATES (Sec. 238 to 250) 198 22,** TRIAL OF SUMMONS - CASES BY MAGISTRATES (Sec. 251 to 259) 208 23.* SUMMARY TRIALS (Sec. 260 to 265} 214 24. PLEA BARGAINING (Sec. 265A to 2651) 218 25. ATTENDANCEOF PERSONS CONFINED OR DETAINED IN PRISONS (Sec. 266 to 271) 225 26. MODE OF ‘TAKING. AND RECORDING ~ EVIDENCE IN ENQUIRIES AND TRIALS (Gec.. 272 to 283} ante Bse (6b LZ% ‘SIT ‘6S '99S) BDUVHOSIA "9-0 (egy 928) (INGO HOTA AO SAAIMOd LNGNAHNI +'a-0b sse {Lb 998) {NOO HOIH dO AAMOd ONDIVIN TINY “V-Or ese (pepo b1y 99S) SNOANVTTSOSIN, = “OV abe (eLb 01 294'90g) SHONALIO NIVINAO 4O GONVZINDOO ONTIVL YOd NOMVLINTI + 6 she (99b 0109p 99g) SONIGTADONd AVINOGNA! “BE Tee (6sr 03 Th 02S) MAGdOUd AO TWSOdSIA “LE see {ost 01 9¢h '99S) SGNOA CNV STIVE ++ “96 ste (cer 01 eT 998) SAONGLNAS 40 NOLLVLOIWWOO ONY NOISSINGRI ‘NOISNGdSNS ‘NOLLNOEXE «SE ore (Ziv © gor 228) SASVO TVNINTAO AONTISNVAL «be ona ‘So1dOL Ons: SS Tx gor (sor 0 s6¢ 098) NOISIATA GNVASNGIGTS “ee 8c (bee &1 zz¢ 0g) . SIVdddV TVNINIO / SIvVaddV te v8t {LZ€ 01 99€ 98) NOLLVWNATINOO HOt SGONSLINGS HLVad JO NOISSINEGNS “Te ble (sog ese 29s) LNGWOGnr ‘og 29% (ese & ove 99g) aoMsAr 40 NOMLVALSININGY GHL ONILOSeav SAONTUIO OL SV SNOISIACNd —-6z. 19% (oe © eve 29S) GNIN GNNOSNA WO SNOSUGd GUSNOOV4O WR sz 4 (ue ® OZE “29S) SHONTAAO ONIGNADAWOD NON CINV SAONGO ONIGNNCENOD +'9-1z ove, (6T€ © O0€ “99S) STVRIL ANY SALHINONG OL SV SNOISIAONd TWHANGD «'a-2z. eet (66 9 ¥8z ‘98S) SASSANLIM. dO NOMWNINVXG NOd SNOISSINWOD «'V-Lz wa ona ‘SOWMdOL On's) -_ eS THe SHORT NOTES =<———————______ 5 Pa Abatement of appeals 2.* - Acquittal us 3. Alteration in maintenance a allowance 4.** Alteration of charge ies 5.** Anticipatory bail 230 &* Appeal ie 7" Appeal against acquittal ae 8.* Appeal against conviction ee 9.* Appeal against inadequacy’ of Ill sentence 10. Appeals from conviction — 11. Arrest by Magistrates fe 12. Arrest by police without warrant i 13.* Arrest by private person 33 14, Arrest of persons pI 5 15." Assistant Public Prosecutor 28 16. Attachment of absconded ir person’s property 17" Autrefois ‘ convict/Autrefois a acquit : 18. “Bail and bond oes 325 19.* Bailable and Non bailable offence rs ‘S.NO TOPICS P.NO 20.* Bailable offence 6 2i% Cancellation of bail 338 22,* Cancellation of order of maintenance 116 23." Case diary 148 24.* Charge 8, 182 28. Charge sheet au 26. Chief Judicial Magistrate 33 27.* Cognizable offence 9 28. Cognizance 166 29, Commission to record evidence 239 30. Commissions for examination of witnesses 233 31.* Committal proceedings 14 32. Commutation of sentences 323 33.* Complaint : 12 34. Compounding offences and Non-compounding offences 254 35.** Compounding of offences 254 36.* Conditional order for removal of nuisance 121 37.* Confirmation of death sentence 284 275 38.* Contents of a judgment oder jo uM! OUP Jo MOHEUTUTEXS TeOIPSW “6 L posnooe jo uoTeUTItEXs PRORPIW «BL saouayo upeyz99 Jo souezrufoo Supe, 10} uoneUy “LL, yuouuosudum op] | ."97, pre jedoy SL, symop yeunmg jo uoHoIpsEMe “bh qyuouspnp “EL soBreYO JO JOPUIOH ye TL jeodde pee TL sBurpaasoid xenBarsy OL uonesysaauy 4°69 JeHL pue uoyeSysoauy ‘Ammbuy ,"g9 Aambuy 19 qsodar ysanbuy 44°99 pmog YB Jo sramod qusroyU] 44°S9 sqmog sonasU, bo Syumoas: jo ynejep ur quouruosuduy “go Ss} [eurwHD Jo AyDIeIOIH | ¥'Z9 xopugyjo Tenyqeyy y4°T9 postiose oy) o1 pre jeBay very 09 Jopudyo ISIE “6S qrodoy uoneMosuy IS Lg so1doL ON's: AX 1% 6be +le ‘9g ore ore eet 09 eer oe Itt as gL Ive PLT 9% 8se quodas jeury sossouzim Pure syweurejduos jo sosuadg srensisey oannooxg Seouajues jo uoREMUNUCD pue vossiiaey ‘uorsuadsng ‘uopnooxy Soousqtes yIwep Jo uoTNoOKT SisuoIssnum0g YySnomm Sessoum jo uoneunirexa, souonnoesg peorpayy £q Suosied poysoe jo uoneurinexs, ‘Ula Jo anes Arequepig sarenseyy Seannoexg oy jo song Apredoaf a1qnoq Ayrodoxd iqeaourmy 0} se soyndsiq Syzedoud Jo uonrsodsrq &ysodoxd yo pesodsiq yurduzo Jo Tessnusiq 3M 24) Jo uoHsIO8Iq oareyosig uonnossord Jo oper0i9981q suorssag jo yop sousyo Bumunueg LS ‘os Ss “bs es ¥tS Is 0s 6b 8b “Lb “Ob “Sb bb ver ox OS xviii Pee eee rere eee eee eee ere SNO TOPICS nS a eeeconnn nme nnenetnnaeernene nnn NO BB. “89, 90.* 91. 92.* 93.* 94, 95.* 96. 97." 98.* Memorandum of arguments Metropolitan area Metropolitan Magistrate Non bailable offence Non cognizable offence Non compoundable offence Offences committed outside India Officer in charge of a police station Pardon to accomplice Parents’ right to maintenance Period of limitation Person arrested to be informed of grounds of arrest and right to bail Persons of unsound mind Persons to whom maintenance is payable Plea bargaining Plea of guilty Pleader Police diary Police report 250 253 163 19 246 112 348 56 263 105 218 208 20 148 21 xix S.No. ‘TOPICS P.NO 1, \< JAAMRRRAMMRRRROn 5)" TRERRERRSSSARASSRRRARRERRERS Tt 99.* Power of Criminal Courts to order compensation 100. Power to examine the accused 101. Powers of Courts 102. Powers of the Appellate Court 103.* Powers of the Executive Magistrate 104. Preventive action of the police 105. Previous conviction 106.* Private complaint 107. Private person’s rights to ini criminal proceedings 108. Proceedings in wrong place 109.* Proclaimed offender 110.* Proclamation and attachment 111. Prosecution for contempt 112. Public Nuisance 113.**Public Prosecutor 114.* Public servant 115.* Recording of confession 116. Recording of evidence in enquiries and trials 117.* Recording of FIR 278 249 41 296 128 195, 12 167 163 78 75 268 120 37 362 152 227 135 seBimeyp Burureuror Jo TeawespUM “PST yureydutoo jo feMLIPUIM EST uoKnoososd woxy TeMLIPWM .ZST aoueusjUTeU 0} 14S SAM “IST qsoure jo yuesTeM “OST sod - yueuey “6b1 Ud jo enreA “srt qo8uep popusyeidde 40 oouesTnu Jo soseo 3U93IQ “LbT Aiquiosse nymeyun .ObT sosvo JueIIEM JO TEUL 4'ShT sasvo SuOUTUMS Jo [ELL “bbT pura pumnosun jo suoszed posnoov jo [eral «EbT yuneg, suo}seog alojaq TEL ¥TbT TeeL ‘Itt saswo [eu jo rosueIL OPT aousyuas jo uorsuadsng ,6€T 490yJO eorfod sonedng .8ET quoumsop eonposd 0} suowumg “LET ‘SOdOL ONS Bx & ble 99 $8E ve 29 +8. 16 16 £6 £8 9s sse seo juBLeMm pue ose suoummg 4-967 Sera Areuumg ..-cey SuOUTEIS Jo 21198 ponnsqng -pey uoneurnyti0s 205 » SeouaItes-tnesp jo uoIsstuqng “gey siensiey qe MPNE Tepeds -zey asod 4q suournms jo elas “Tey Stoumums jo aora10g “ogy PINZIES .6ZT SBuppoooord Arimoog y-gzy eoved Burdeay so Sumo9g eLEL * moreyeg poos soy Sumoag y-9¢ 7 swueiem yoreog y-szy 20%Id Jo yoreeg y-pzy : unog, 48H 9m Jo romod Supreur amma vec wosied paisone ue jo sugar .-¢zy AMCO WAH JO siomod peuorsmoy .-1zy worstaay OST Seousiuas Jo worsstmay |-6T] HMOD YB on sotd19oy SIT So ‘ToPIcs P.NO Se ae DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 155.* Acquittal and discharge 204 156. Appeal and Revision 308 187.* Bailable and non bailable offence 6 158. Cognisable and Non Cognisable- Offence It 159.* Complaint and First Information Report 13 160. Complaint and information 132 161. Composition and withdrawal 258 162.* Inquiry and Investigation 7 163.* Summons and warrants 73 164. Trial of Summons case and Warrants case 212 xxiii CASE LAWS S.NO ‘TOPICS P.NO S20 ee 1. A. Heyabai Vs. Secretary of State 79 w ‘Abdul Karim Vs. State of Karnataka, 2000 "AIR scw 3980 287 3. Amresh Diwari Vs. Lalitha Prasad Dubey, AIR 2000 SC 1504 126 4, Anil Rai Vs. State of Bihar, AIR 2001 SCW 2833 135 5. Arun Vyas Vs. Anita Vyas, AIR 1999,SC 2071 350 6. Balbir Vs. State of Haryana, 1999 189 7. Central Bureau of Investigation through SP, Jaipur Vs. State of Rajasthan, AIR 2001 SCC 668 143 8. Chandraswami Vs. Central Bureau of Investigation, (1998) (SC 2679) 333 9. Dhananjaya Reddy Vs. State of Karnataka, AIR 2001 SC 1512 156 10. Dukhishyam Benupani Vs. Arun Kumar 333 Bajori, (1998 SC 696) SOT %S6 OS 000% MIV ‘TypuouTeY “FWS'sA YBUIS YseIyoY “TE 9st wurysey pue nuraep “sy eT wey TE Coe Tez OS 100 NIV ‘ureesy Jo o9eIg “SA UeYNeYD cog wey “oF BOL ZZ OS 666 AIV “wesowey “Oo “sa MEeA “Ot tre aroshw Jo are1g “SA ley “8Z eer LOSI OS 100% Av “‘uoneasrurapy TYIPd YBne1yy FIFIS “SA HEM WO “LT GIL . losze Os L661) ‘wIsend “pyoW “SA wooTeYy eqes 00N “OT SST fessu9) 062% CT 10 ‘0661 ‘eSSUO Jo eIBIg "SA NIBYY UeluENN “Sz wer SLZE OS 0007 UIV “eAvTeYysoy Jo ereig “SA eATURIfeW “N PIPUBYD U220PN “PT BAT 6bTh MOS NIV TOO “eIPUT jo worun ‘SA yes YyBuIg HlsspulseN “ES ost €0Sz OS 100z aly ‘vuedrey Jo areig “SA YSUIS TAeqeN (ZT on SST ORS "axa o8 uog TeuOReN 2y3 “SA TeeAEY “TT 6et T8EE OS 000T UV ‘vreIoy Jo VIG “SA Tereyeunreyy OT fang WEN beg weyouRY SA WEN “NH “6T eee (peetos) (s66r) ‘yreBipueyo rows worun ‘sq WEP YM “BT £6%, 8TPT OS 666T AV ‘ETeIOH Jo oreig “SA UeYIUUN UeUYsENCUTEY “yy “LT us TeBudg 9M Jo oFMIg “SA NEVA WC pure ‘d'p Jo oeIS “SA TeWMY Topusop “oT emt (cée OOS (5) cooz) “ereT nfueyy “sa emeisne ysop3ep “CT 661 (6661) weseqeidvhmg “sa peqviepsH ‘neaing uondniz09 -nuy o1e3g Ul “pT TIT (2661) oq eTery ‘sa fey woH “eT 00% eS OS 000e HIV “arm Jo o7eIS “SA UeUS PIPeYE TUpUeY “ND “ZT 201 Stee OS 6661 NIV PEC eaeig Inspig “SA Auvedieg peseig WIEN TT ON a, SOIdOL ON's ‘AOC | — ravi S.No ‘TOPICS P.NO 33, Samirmandal Vs. State of Bihar, 2001 (3) Pat LUR (SC) 80 107 34. Sathindra Singh Vs. Ranjith Kaur, AIR 2001 SC 784 244 35. Sham Sahab M. Multtani Vs. State of Karnataka, AIR 2001 SC 921 187 36. Smt. Akhtair Bi Vs. State of M.P. AIR, 2001 SC 1528 333 37. State Anti Corruption Bureau, Hyderabad Vs. Suryaprakasam (1999) 199 38. State of Karnataka Vs. M.M. Manikandan Nair, AIR 2001 SC 2145 281 39. State of Rajasthan Vs. N.K. (Accused), AIR 2000 SC 1812 & State of Himachal Pradesh Vs, Gianchand, AIR 2001 SC 2075 139 40. State of Rajasthan Vs. Sanjay Kumar, (1998 Sc 1919) 350 41. State of Tamil Nadu through Superintendent of Police Vs. Nalini, (AIR 1999 SC 2640) 244 aowii S.No ‘TOPICS P.NO 42. State of Tamil Nadu Vs. Rajendran, (AIR 1999 SC 3535) 285 43. State of U.P, Vs. Sant Prakash 16 44, State of U.P. Vs. Shambunath Singh, AIR 2001 SC 1403 248 45, State of Uttar Pradesh Vs. Chandrika, 1999 AIR SCW 4251 201 46. Sudeep Chaudhary Vs. Radha Chaudhary (1998) ql 47. T.N. Dhakkal Vs. James Basnett, 2001 (1) scale 492 307 48. TT. Antony Vs. State of Kerala, AIR 2000 SC.2637 137 49.” Vijaya Manohar Arbat Vs. Kashik Rao Rajaram Sawai 114 50. Zwinglee Ariel Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1954 SC 15 156 ly {@ “°8) . SNOWING INVINOINT —*& vor NOMoaLONa NV daVO TTINGANL ONIGUVOAN SNOILNLILSNI/SAILIMOHLAV AO 000% ‘LOV (NANCIHO JO NOMOGLOYd ANY aavo) aousar ATINAAN SHLAO SIRINLVAAINGITVS aE woe (MV'T HLM. LOTIANOO NEGTINAANS, dO SASNVO ANV 000% (NEYATIHO AO NOILOGLONd ANV gavo) Lov dousar aTNaAar do SNOSVEY CNV SAALLOGPAO “SIV +S use AWTSONSAL aTINGANE dO LNENdOTGATA GNV NIOIWO {Tt ‘ON'd . SOIdOL on’s — Iv-9ge ‘on o6eg 49f0u) (0007 50 9s “on 30v) 0002 ‘LOV (NaAATIHO JO NOILOTLONd GNV FAVS) AOLLSAL ATINGANC FHL I - Lava oxpex 89 OF SOE zoe ole ose ese poe Sle ese sue oot Toe ee & & sanfeuog pue sadueyo queateg oGNd syssqeuy onqnd soyedsuy poo uomiqnyjord Aimoq, so8pne jepedg jo younttoddy uonesornpy SALON LUOHS T961 “LOV NOILIGIHOUd ANMOG bS6t ‘Lov NOLLWaaLIAGV dood dO NOMN@Adaa S861 ‘LOV SHONVISENS DIdOALOHOASA GNV SONA OLLOOVN BR6I “IOV NOWANAAOD dO NOMNGATYd SoIdOL, - Lava Hwee ee ve +t S.NO ‘TOPICS P.NO SHORT NOTES DETERMINATION AND PRESUMPTION ‘S.NO TOPICS P.NO OF THE AGE OF JUVENILE IN CONFLICT WITH LAW (Sec. 2 (1 1.*. Abandoned child 413 Sec. 3 & See. 49) 416 | 2, Adoption of juvenile 461 3. Adoption of the child 408 6** JUVENILE JUSTICE BOARD i 4 After care organisation 409, 464 : (ovens Courr unper J.J Act, 1986) 426 { 5.* Appeals 468 {6 Bail of juvenile 438 7.* OBSERVATION HOMES AND SPECIAL | 7, Begging 4ll Homes 433. 8. Best interest principle 409 9.* Causes of juvenile in conflict t \ 8° JUVENILE IN CONFLICT WITH LAW 436 i with law/ Delinquency 304 i | 10. Child Welfare Committee 407, 454 ie eet ieee ones ani) | 11. Child/Juvenile in need of PROTECTION peat care and protection 411, 453 | 12. Children Act, 1920 390 10.* REHABILITATION (REFORMATION) | 13. . Children Homes 408; 457 AND SOCIAL REINTEGRATION OF 14.* Contribution from parents 471 nei et 15. Cruelty to juvenile or child 451 16.* Delinquent juvenile 393 1L* © MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 466 aoe ecRateed ange trensicr juvenile or child 469 18. Employment of juvenile or 7 QR LR. child for begging 451 19. Escaped juvenile 450 6bb afuaanf jo “939 ‘oureu jO uonwoHIqnd Jo uoMqryord “Ob J 89b ‘BIb aprueant jo o8e jo uoneupmeip pux uondumsa — “6€ : stb Ayes Jo s0v[d “BE | 66€ Aouenburjsp apusant gee sonsnf apruoanf jo uiSuQ LE ToRUo. oF suCTsoB3ng 4-Zg orb otusanf ysupese sepsQ “OE €€h ‘SIb suroy woRwAIesqQ 4 SE eon diysiosuodg —~ if seictaned Itt atueant parersen +" bE ST ‘60% sureaoad drysiosuodg —-9g. ae Daeoi a ohusnanit ee OL» ‘Lov arm soyod armuaanf peradg “gp 90% pieog sonsne epfueane Ze veh ‘90h sowoy jepodg gp | TOE 000% “OV soNSNP sfUSANE = OF 2 | 06s 9B6T IOV eoNsNP sTTueANE “6 6sp TUBIPUe VOOS © “Lb | a sousnp epueane 48% 6S¢ ‘g0r sowoy reeysS Sp oe mel UWA joryuoo wt ofMOAnp “Zz ore senrmumog uonoseg “sp Orb . yeoqOQ UoTeqorg Jo ueIprens | quered 0} uoneunroyuy oop oqusanf jo vonwroisoy ep ere . Hf : é cLy pund bo i i TQb ‘gop o]tueanf yo uopessoyuter ' op axes 18IsOt "ET Tepes pue uonempqeyoy p> | vip uosied WATT ' vip vonninsur ai “IZ Lor a zsb sofkoydune. JO peau ur ply jo uonsa}01g “Tp atfuoanf jo wonewoldxa 0% J r a ee eee Qua soon ons ona SOO ‘ONS poor 1 EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE Eres i : i xoxxiv CASE LAWS S.No ‘TOPICS P.NO 1. Amit Vs. State of U.P. 439 2. Anitha Vs. Atal Bihari 419 3. Amit Das Vs. State of Bihar, AIR 2000 SC 2264 424 4.. _B. Singh Vs. State of H.P. 421 5. Balbir Singh Vs. State of Rajasthan 430 6. Bandela Vs. State of Andhra Pradesh 423, 431 7. Bharathanatyam Vs. State of Madras 423 8. Bhola Bhagat Vs. State of Bihar, 1998 Cri.L.J. 390 (SC) 425 9. — Dalijit Singh Vs. State of Punjab, 1992 Cri.L.J. 1051 (P & H) 446 10. Dayachand Vs. Sahib Singh 419 11. Fanu. Vs. State of U.P. 421 12. Gopinath Ghosh Vs. State of West, Bengal, AIR 1984 SC 237 430, 443 13. In Re Sessions Judge, Kalpetta, 1995 Cri.L.J. 330 (Ker) 445 ov, s.NO ‘TOPICS P.NO 14,. Kamala Devi Vs. State of Rajasthan, 1992 RCC 5 439 15. Lakshmi Vs. S.1 of Police, Madurai Dt. 1991 L.W. (Cri) 417 440 16. Lallan Singh Vs. State of U.P., 2002 CriL.J. 1242 (Al) 449 17. Mata Prasad Vs. State of Rajasthan 439 18. Mayank Rajput Vs. State of U.P., 1998 Cri, LJ. 2797 (All) 421 19. N.H. Halder Vs. State of West Bengal 420 20. R. Khatri Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh 420 21. R. Rathinam Vs. Kamala Vaiduriam, 1991 L.W. (Cri) 433 458 22. Rahul Mishra Vs. State of M.P., 2001 Cri.L.J. 214 (M.P.) 439 23. Rajinder Chandra Vs. State of Chattisgarh, AIR 2000 SC 748 424 24. Ram Deo Chauhan Vs. State of Assam, 2001 Cri.L.J. 2902 (SC) 424 ele ANGNONITAC AHL OL NOMVaONd AO ALITILA - 8Lb NOLLVGOUd AO AONVINOGWI HL - Llp IOV SAACNGAHO AO NOLWACNd IHL : i I } Ole MV'T NOMLWAOUd NVIGNI HL 7 | az Nouvaoussonaisss = | i ely NOLLVEOad JO ONINVAIN : i ely : . NOLLVEOUd OL i ONILVIGY SINGINJOVNG IVD CNV NOLWEONd JO INGNGOTIAAC‘NIDRIOT ON ‘a SOIdoL ons WWELb ‘ON 26nd 42feu] (8S6T 30 0% “ON OV) 8S61 ‘LOV SUSQNAAAO AO NOLLVaOud Al- Lava Taso Leb euekiey pur qufung Jo ams “SA BIS “GE lab (iv) 289m “(PTH 000% “d'N Jo ereIS “SA FeUMY TENS TE cer (tv) 861 “f° “HO 0661 “an Jo avg “SA YBUIg TeSUEW sys OE oer ELLI OS 9861 AV ‘BIPUT Jo vor “SA asreg EI=ayS “6% {uog) 1S€ “"f"1 HO O66I “reIS ‘SA eILTES Be (L60r mos urv g66T) Teluog 189M Jo owig “SA eA MUONS “Zz eb Re “W's “SA URE YS -9% Loy Serpe, ‘aoyfod JO Jowadsuy “SA uvzpuRyoRUey — “gz ona ‘SO1dOL Ons ae UTILITY OF PROBATION TO THE SOCIETY UTILITY OF PROBATION TO THE PROBATION OFFICER FUNCTIONS OF PROBATION OFFICER NORK OF PHE PROBATION OFFICER DEMERITS OF PROBATION MERITS OF PROBATION SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT PAROLE AND DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PAROLE AND PROBATION OBJECTS AND REASONS FOR ENACTMENT OF THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS ACT, 1958 479 479 479 480 481 482 482 483 487 ‘'S.NO ‘TOPICS P.NO BY POWERS OF COURT UNDER THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS ACT (Sec. 3 to 12) POWER OF COURT TO RELEASE CERTAIN OFFENDERS AFTER ADMONITION (Sec. 3) POWER OF COURT TO RELEASE CERTAIN OFFENDERS ON PROBATION OF GOOD CONDUCT (Sec. 4) POWER OF COURT TO REQUIRE THE RELEASED OFFENDERS TO PAY COMPENSATION AND COSTS (Sec. 5) RESTRICTIONS ON IMPRISONMENT OF OFFENDERS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE (Sec. 6) REPORT OF THE PROBATION OFFICER TO BE CONFIDENTIAL (Sec.7) 492 498 503 504 TION LHONS LNVIAOANT SALONIG UTLAVAD INVINOAW] SALOKI ‘LON THONG INVINOEM] LSOW] SLONIC yy NQJAVHQ LNVENON] LSOWY SLONTG xy 20S uoneqord Jo suonipuos ur uoneiuea ‘s] 86b yONpUoDS poos jo ors. TOOHOS Twisuod = *S Sa oomigeleala ae e6b uonruowmpe i +s Snisnonv NHor b Joye si9pusjjo jo oskopoy “eT | zis yoda sa29yJO UONEGoId ZT | zis JAOdTA SATONAIO NOWLWAOYA cup vonvqoid Tt | 11s sonnp | ois (ot 8 et 29g} sana a19y} pue srs0yyo ueneqoig 2.0L 1 MIGHL GNV SYFOMYO NOMVvaOud = T Lib WV stepuayO Jo uoNeqeIG 6 £8b ojoreg og | 60S (1 “998) NOLLOIANOO OL GAHOVLLY Zeb uopeqoid jo sway “y : ‘NOLVOMITVADSIG JO IWAOWSE H i +s smerny uyop | | 68h dopusyo ystty bf ter uoneqara jo sued ef MAGNEAIO JO ASVO NINOMVEOd —“-D ea eee ane 208 (g 99S) NOLLWdONd eee. See #0 SNOIIGNOD NI NOWVIRIVA 3 ona SOMOL ONS Poe ee Ce eee eee eee eee eee ON ‘a ‘SO1dOL ON'S SHLON LYOHS ux sa eR SOE Sa 10. il. 12. 13. alii CASE LAWS TOPICS Abdul Quayum Vs. State of Bihar Anandhan Vs. State of Tamil Nadu Bakshiram Vs. Union of India D.S.P. Bhatt Vs. State of Karnataka Dalbir Singh Vs. State of Haryana, AIR 2000 SC 1677 Dr. J. George Vs. State of Kerala Ishardas Vs. State of Punjab J.K. Prasad Vs. State of Bihar Jawala Ram Vs. State of Himachal Pradésh, 1995 AIR SCW 4142 K.S. Ram Vs. State of Maharashtra - Kamarunisa Vs. State of Mahrashtra Masarullah Vs. State of Tamil Nadu Mohammad Alias Billiya Vs. State of Rajasthan, AIR SCW 2215, 1999 Cri.LJ. 3509... 510 501 503 494 495, 505 489, 507 497 495 506 500. 497 xiii S.NO ‘10PICS P.NO 14. Musa Khan Vs. State of Maharashtra 505 18. _ Nilgiris Bar Association Vs. TK Mahalingam, 1997 AIR SCW 4386 496 16. Ranjit Singh Vs. State of Bihar 502 17. S.A. Rao Vs. State of Andhra Pradesh 495 18. SK. Parida Vs. State of Orissa 509, 19. Sanchu Ray Vs. State of Assam 507 20. Somnath Puri Vs. State of Rajasthan 506. 21. Srimathi Devaki Vs. State of Haryana 502 22, State of Gujarat Vs. Honourable High Court of Gujarat, AIR 1998 SC 788 496 23, Staté of Haryana Vs. Prem Chand, 1997 SCC (Cri) 1176 497 24, Sunna Vs. State of Orissa 496 25. T.K. Mahalingam Vs. Nilgiris Bar ‘Association, 501 Vv wv : yimog oy Jo sromod auoroyuy << spuog pup Tea < i aousi9joy pac peddy Guem8pur < a @& & &q s98xeY9 Jo rapuyoe pue saFxreyo so Bururesy < qunoD suoIssg ee ; 8861 ‘LOV SUACNGAAO AO NOLLVGONd £ ai0joq [eI pue osvo yUeIIEM\ ‘osuO suowUE : ur soqensrSey os0jaq Buypasoosd yneg peur << : i uonesyseauy pue 0002 ‘LOV aOLSar aTINaANr w i ysoure Bujuourams jo siomod xp pure S199IJO soHOd < ; SHO Ac €L61 ‘“AGOO BANGAOONd IWNINRIO 1 Teurung jo uoporpsunp pue siemog ‘uopnysueD < :s8urpeoy Sumoyjoy ayp spun parsseys aq wes “O'd4D. JO jpalqns om ‘Surpueyssopun reap Jo asodmd oy 204] Gala eaiaoe one samog routes | ' | 1 | a | | | [ i SWA1d@0ud GAATOS L61 ‘ANNAGIOONd TVNIWIAO AO Ado AHL, OL ANTILAO NV I- aava A> Lavd ted resem xlvi From Chapter 1 to 40-C deal with the above headings in detail. Cuarrer 1 - deals with the important changes brought about by the Cr.P.C Amendment Act, 2005. The most important arnendment is the prohibition of arrest of women after sunset and before sunrise except under exceptional circumstances, that too, with the prior permission of First Class Judicial Magistrate. Further, any Police Officer making any arrest of any person must give information of such arrest to his (acoused) friends, relatives or other nominees. This chapter deals with as many as 16 major changes brought about by the Cr.P.C. Amendment Act, 2005. Cuarter 2 - deals with the important general terms like offences, bailable and non-bailable offences, cognisable and non-cognisable offences, charge, complaint, etc. Cuarrex 3 - deals with the Constitution of Criminal Courts both in Metropolitan City and in other Moffussil places. The designation of the Court is different between Metropolitan City and: the Moffussil places. xlvii The general hierarchy (upward) is - Executive Magistrate Courts, Second Class Judicial Magistrate Courts (In some States, Second Class Magistrate Courts are abolished), First Class Judicial Magistrate Courts, District Magistrate Courts (Chief Judicial Magistrate - Courts), Court of Sessions, High Courts and Supreme Court (the Constitution and Powers of High Courts and Supreme Court are dealt under Indian Constitution). CuarTer 4 - deals with the Power of jurisdiction of each Criminal Court as stated above. Cuarter 5A - deals with the powers of Superior Police Officers to the officer of a police station and such superior officers can exercise all the powers of the officer in charge of the police station. Cuarter SB - deals with duty of every person to assist a Magistrate or a Police Officer in preventing the escape of any alleged offender from arrest. Cuaprer 6 - deals with the powers of the police and the Magistrate to arrest a person without warrant and also thé circumstances when a private person can’ arrest an alleged offender: # -moraeyoq poo8 Surdeoy 30; osje pue coved Suideay 10y sopuoyo ay wos AyM998 Joy 9pso Ker jN0 oy} ‘seouaIJo Bamps voy wossod v quaeid OL — 6 AaLaVEQ ‘oe ‘steurmt hi The chapter deals with the procedure of dealing with the above offences by Criminal Court iri detail. Cuarter 12 - The police and public have powers to prevent the commission of cognisable offences. The police can also arrest a person to prevent the commission. of the cognisable offence. Cxarter 13 — Every criminal proceeding start with the information to police. The investigation commences on the hasis of First Information Report (FIR). The chapter deals with the rules of FIR, information in cognisable and non-cognisable cases, procedure of investigation by police, police diary, etc., in detail. Cuaprer 14 — Some times, the accused even during investigation by police, may confess that he has committed a particular offence. In such cases, the confession of the accused must be fecorded only by a Judicial Magistrate and not by police. The chapter deals with the rules and procedure of recording the confession of the accused by Magistrate. Cuarrer 15 - The general rule is that every offence is enquired into and tried by a Court within whose local jurisdiction the offence is committed. This is called rule of Lex Fort.

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