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Proposals to the New Philippine

If you were given the chance to
contribute to craft the New Philippine
Constitution, what
would be your proposals?
a. On the first column write the
original provision from the 1987
b. On the second column write what
you would want to be changed, revised
or replace
on a per item basis.
c. On the third column write your
d. Provide your reason/s for your
revision or proposal
NAME: Lorenzo, John Derrick I. DATE: February 23, 2024
I. TRUE or FALSE. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is not.
True Bill No. 1425 is an act to include the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal in the
in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges and universities
__________2. According to Claro M. Recto and Jose P. Laurel, “Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo must be read by all Filipinos. They must be taken to heart, for in
their pages we see ourselves as a mirror, our defects as well as our strength,
our virtues as well as our vices.
__________3. The enactment of Rizal Law seeks to rededicate the lives of the youth to the
ideals of freedom and activism, for which our heroes lived and died; to pay
his life and works in shaping the Filipino character; to gain an inspiring source
of patriotism.
__________4. It shall be obligatory on all schools, colleges and universities to keep in their
libraries an adequate number of copies of the original and unexpurgated
editions of the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works and
__________5. It is by reading and studying Rizal’s life, teachings and writings that the Filipino
youth will be able to gain incorruptible confidence, direction, courage and
determination to move forward in our people’s journey towards an abundant life.

II. ENUMERATION. Provide what is being asked for in each item.

What are the objectives of the Rizal Law?
7. Promoting Nationalism because the law aims to foster a sense of nationalism and pride among Filipinos
by studying the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal, who is considered a national hero.
8. Preservation of Cultural Heritage because by requiring the inclusion of Rizal's works in the educational
system, the law aims to preserve and promote Philippine culture and heritage.
9. Inspiring Patriotism because the study of Rizal's life and writings is intended to inspire patriotism and a
deeper understanding of Philippine history and society among students.
What are the goals of the Rizal Law?
10. Educational Mandate because the law mandates that all educational institutions in the Philippines
include in their curricula the study of Rizal's life, works, and writings, particularly his novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
11. The Rizal Law encourages students to critically analyze Rizal's ideas and the historical context in which
he lived, fostering intellectual growth and development.
12. Through the study of Rizal's life and writings, the law aims to help Filipinos develop a strong sense of
identity and a better understanding of their place in the context of their nation's history and development.
13. Rizal's life and writings often advocated for social reform and justice. The law aims to inspire a
commitment to positive change and societal improvement among the youth.

III. SHORT ESSAY. In your own words, do think it is important to study Rizal’s life and works?
Yes, it is important to study Jose Rizal's life and works. Rizal played a pivotal role in shaping
Philippine history and identity through his writings, activism, and advocacy for social reform. By studying
his life, we gain insight into the challenges faced by Filipinos during the Spanish colonial period and the
values that drove Rizal to champion their cause.
Rizal's novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, not only serve as literary masterpieces but
also as powerful critiques of the injustices and abuses prevalent in society at that time. They shed light on
issues such as colonial oppression, social inequality, and the struggle for freedom and dignity.
REFLECTION. Describe the kind of curriculum that your higher education institution offers its
students in your course. Does your school comply with R.A. 1425? Do you think it is effective to
include the Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among students like you? Why do you say so? Provide
examples if you can to justify your claim. Write your reflection below.

Yes, my school does comply with R.A. 1425 and I think this is effective to include the Rizal Law in
instilling patriotism student like me because studying Rizal's life and works helps students understand the
historical and cultural forces that have shaped the Philippines as a nation. By delving into Rizal's writings,
students gain insights into the struggles and aspirations of the Filipino people during the colonial period.
Studying Rizal's works fosters an appreciation for Philippine literature and cultural heritage. It allows
students to explore the richness and diversity of Filipino identity and to take pride in their heritage.
Incorporating the Rizal Law into the curriculum can be an effective way to instill patriotism among
students by connecting them to the shared history, values, and aspirations of the Filipino nation. Through the
study of Rizal's life and works, students are not only equipped with knowledge but also inspired to
contribute positively to the ongoing development and progress of their country.

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