The End of The Beginning For The Brain

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The End of the Beginning for the Brain

Halle Mason Y11


Eschatological - Continuum -
relating to death, judgement, and the final a continuous sequence in which
destiny of the soul and of humankind. adjacent elements are not perceptibly
different from each other, but the
Rapture - extremes are quite distinct.
a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
Chauvinism -
Parse - excessive or prejudiced support for
resolve (a sentence) into its component one's own cause, group, or sex.
parts and describe their syntactic roles.
Baroque -
Phonemes - highly ornate and extravagant in style.
any of the perceptually distinct units of
sound in a specified language that Begets -
distinguish one word from another, for cause; bring about.
example p, b, d, and t in the English words
pad, pat, bad, and bat. Laureate -
a person who is honoured with an
Neocortical - award for outstanding creative or
relating to the part of the cerebral cortex intellectual achievement.
concerned with sight and hearing in
mammals. Morphology -
the study of the forms of things.
Buttress -
increase the strength of or justification for;
Transhumanists believe that the human condition can and will be improved by
the implementation of technology into every aspect of daily life. They believe that
humans have “biological limitations” and that nanotechnology and artificial intelligence
will “transcend” these limitations.

Kurzweil is an engineer, inventor, and pioneer of artificial intelligence. He has
had numerous achievements, including the creation of Deep Blue, Wolfram Alpha, and
an intelligent robot named Watson. He has many strong, futurist beliefs about the future
of humanity and technology, notably that computers will become “smarter” than
humans and that this singularity will doom humanity.

The singularity is a point in time at which transhumanists (including Ray
Kurzweil) believe computers will surpass human intelligence, hence ending human


This paper, written by Christof Koch and published in 2013, details
transhumanism itself and a notable figure at the head of the belief; Ray Kurzweil. The
main issue raised in this paper is that while Kurzweil has undeniable expertise in his
field of engineering, his knowledge of neuroscience is “inadequate” when it comes to
supporting his belief that computers will become more intelligent than humans, and
perhaps even develop feelings and consciousness. Kurzweil fails to support his theories
with scientific evidence, only citing the few papers that support his ideas. His genius in
the field of engineering does not make up for a lack of understanding of biology and
psychology, meaning many of his ideas are unsupported and/or contradictory to the
common knowledge within the neuroscience community.
This text is full of very specific terms and academic vocabulary which I had to
research in order to improve my understanding of the paper. I also learned a lot about
what transhumanism is and the beliefs of its followers, as well as the complications that
lie within the philosophy.


I do not believe that AI will soon surpass human intelligence. This is due to the
fact that it would be impossible to create technology that could simulate a human mind
when we have very little idea of what actually happens in our minds. The main issues
outlined in Koch’s paper are the reasons why AI will not surpass human intelligence in
the near future. While it is a distant possibility to take into consideration, creating
intelligent computers is not a current global focus and the existing biological hurdles
will take more than a decade or two to overcome. The transhumanists are the main
believers of this singularity, but their “prophet” Ray Kurzweil has apparent
discrepancies in his statements that further distance us from computers reaching their
“human variant” and humanity reaching its demise.

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