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KIRUNA is without a doubt an exci-
ting and different Swedish town. 200
km north of the Arctic Circle, and
yet not remote. The flight from
Arlanda airport in Stockholm takes
ninety minutes, and you land in the
last wilderness in Europe. There,
with the mountains and wilderness at
its doorstep, lies the young town of
Kiruna, marked by the world's lar-
gest underground iron mine.
But there are more ingredients in
the character of the town of Kiruna,
for example space, culture and of
course, the climate. Kiruna has the
midnight sun, Saami culture,
Kiruna Town Hall, designed by
Artur von Schmalensee, won the Europe´s biggest snow festival,
Swedish Architects´ award for the Esrange space research centre, the
most beautiful public building in ICEhotel in Jukkasjärvi, the home of
1964. the northern light, and many other
unique and characteristic features.
Kiruna counts 1900 as the
year of its birth. Naturally, The personality of the town resi-
the year of the millennium des in the people who live and thrive
rollover will be a grand here and make Kiruna a vital and
jubilee. hospitable town. With good reason,
Kiruna has become the major tourist
Kiruna is Sweden´s premier
destination in Norrbotten County.
winter city. Here, even the
kick-sleigh drivers have their own lane
on the streets of Kiruna town centre.
THE CITY of Kiruna was given a that today Kiruna operates from a
special status right from the start. For thousand metres below the ground to
thousands of years the Saami, our thousands of metres above the
indigenous population, moved across ground.
the mountainous regions, unaware of Kiruna counts the year
the fact that they were above one of 1900 as its year of
the world´s biggest ore deposits. At birth. Hjalmar
the end of the 19th century the first Lundbohm became
test drilling was done near what the first manager
would become Kiruna, and in order of the mining
to realise the wealth that lay under- company and he
ground, it was decided to build the also took it upon
life-giving nerve thread through the himself to create
wilderness - the Ore Railway, as it is the model town of
officially called. It links Kiruna with Kiruna. He invested
Luleå on the Gulf of Bothnia to the in culture and architec-
east and with Narvik on the ture, and Kiruna city
Norwegian Atlantic coast to the west. has done its best to per- A dogsled ride
in the park.
Much of Kiruna´s business life has petuate the heritage of
been centred on the mine, but today Hjalmar Lundbohm,
Kiruna is in equal portions the Space his intentions and deeds. You will
Ralph Erskine´s ‘Brutal Functionality’ in central Town, Tourist Town, Future Town as notice this when you encounter
Kiruna, loved and hated, but above all, characteristic. a Mine Town. It is sometimes said Kiruna.

View from the summit of Luossavaara towards Kiirunavaara – the ore mountain that gives Kiruna its characteristic profile.


… the name Kiruna comes from the Saami word ‘Giron’
(also the town´s name in Saami), which means ptarmigan. The
crest of Kiruna bears a ptarmigan and the sign for iron. The first
child born in the town was christened Kiruna Söderberg.
… on 20 October 1899 the first ore train rolled out of Kiruna.
The Ore Railway from Kiruna to Luleå was complete. By
1903, the whole Ore Railway between Narvik-Kiruna-Luleå
had been finished.
… Kiruna´s town plan is climate-adapted. As the town is built
on a mountain slope, the streets are built in the same plane as
terraces, to reduce wind speed.
… Kiruna has more hours of daylight than Stockholm for
seven months of the year. From 3 March to 7 October we enjoy
a longer day than our compatriots in the capital and from mid-
May to mid-July, the midnight sun shines.
…space-related activities in Kiruna began back in the 40´s,
with the setting-up of Kiruna Geophysics Institute. Kiruna also 540 metres below ground lies LKAB visitors´ mine, which
has Esrange - the only non-military rocket and balloon base in has become a hit with tourists since opening in summer
Europe. 1998. It shows mining from the turn of the century to
today´s high-tech operations. There is also a café, infor-
mation centre and film auditorium.

YOU COULD EASILY THINK it was a your soul, which here finds calm and
vast area without content. But in reali- harmony. But there are also challenges
ty, Kiruna Municipality offers perso- for those who seek adventure.
nality, vitality, and not least of all, a What otherwise attracts and spell-
magnificent landscape. And it is all binds the visitor is the pure air, it is
nearby - the landscape, that is. In prin- the clean water and the awesome
ciple, it starts the moment you arrive, beauty. In Kiruna, you can be your
by train, plane, or car, and it stretches own pathfinder and tread ground that
far out in every direction. Kiruna´s has never felt a human foot before.
countryside and mountains have In these parts, you are more likely to
something for each of your senses, but meet an elk or an eagle than a human- Here you will find pure water, clean air and vast
perhaps it is mostly an experience for beeing. open spaces.

A region with a long history – Lainio, east of Kiruna. Sunbeams on the slopes of Björkliden. Arctic Cotton Grass at Mertajärvi.

KIRUNA MUNICIPALITY covers nearly 20,000
km2, and crossing it from Riksgränsen in the
west to Saivomuotka in the east entails a car
journey of 370 km. Make the trip, and see the
gems of the tourist attractions in Kiruna
Municipality. Start in the north-west at the
Norwegian border. The North Scandinavian
Highway (Nordkalottvägen) runs from thebor-
der, past the classic ski and hiking centres of
Riksgränsen, Björkliden and Abisko. To the
west of the North Scandinavian Highway, the
mountains stretch off into the distance. Abisko
marks the start of the mighty hiking trail,
Kungsleden, which is the best-known of all
the Swedish trails. You will also see
Lapporten, the Gateway to Lapland, two
muontain tops shaped as a U that has become
a symbol of the mountains of
Lapland and a doorway to their
70 km by car from Kiruna town
centre in a westerly direction, we
find the other gateway, to
Kungsleden and the mountain
regions of Kiruna - Nikkaluokta,
a classical starting-point for
mountain tours both in summer
and winter. The jewel in the
crown in this region is of course
The Pältsa district.
(above) the Kebnekaise massif, the hig-
hest in Sweden.
If you face east, you have
almost two-thirds of Kiruna
Municipality before you - older
settlements, traditions and vast
‘Suptallen’, a
expanses of countryside. You will find classic among
fishing eldoradoes, white-water rafting picnic spots in
and canoeing waters. Mining actually Kiruna district.
started in this part of the munici-
pality in the 17th century, more precise-
ly in the villages of Svappavaara and
Masugnsbyn. But the river valleys were
inhabited far earlier. In Piilijärvi, at the sout-
hern edge of Kiruna Municipality for examp-
le, archaeologists have made finds that sug-
Map Copyright: InfoNord och Mr Map gest that this part of the world was already
inhabited when the ice cap retreated, that is,
at least 7000 years ago.
The road leads northwards, taking you past
Vittangi, which was the administrative centre
THERE ARE SIX free-flowing rivers, over 6,000
of Kiruna local authority in the 19th century.
lakes and vast areas of untouched nature in Kiruna
In the northern parts of Kiruna Municipality
Municipality, which is half the size of Switzerland.
you can see quite exotic and beautiful land-
Here we have nearly one square kilometre of space per inhabitant.
scape around the towns of Övre and Nedre
We could actually place the world´s entire population in Kiruna
Soppero, Lannavaara, and Karesuando and
district, without it getting particularly crowded. In addition, we
eventually, Sweden's northernmost settlement,
have Sweden´s highest mountain, Kebnekaise, and the largest cave
Kummavuopio and finally Treriksröset
system in Europe, at Björkliden, among other unique features.
where Sweden, Norway and Finland meets.
Kiruna Municipality borders both on Norway and Finland and was
Make a note of these place names and visit
long the world's biggest municipality by area. Nowadays it´s
them when you come to make an exciting
‘only’ second largest, since a municipality in Australia grabbed the
journey - the tour of Kiruna Municipality.
title in the mid-70´s.

WHEN AUTUMN COMES to have this wonderful place all
Kiruna, you often hear it said to yourself.
that ‘there's no time like the Autumn brings glorious
present’. And you cannot help hues and harmony, but also
agreeing. A spectrum of mystery and excitement.
colours, clear broad sky, and When the evening sun has set,
freshness in the air. Now is you creep onto a reindeer fur
the time to put on a pair of in a ‘goahti’. The smoke from
hiking boots and take to the the fire curls up toward the
mountains. Enjoy the glowing hole in the ceiling, and tales
colours against a white snow- and legends are recounted
covered mountains. The mos- around the fireplace, firing
quitoes, and most of the tou- your imagination.
rists, have already gone, and There is no time like now.
you almost feel as though you


and hunting, autumn is the per-
fect season. Several guide
firms arrange wilderness tours
with those two main ingredi-
ents. Now is the time to gather
your winter store of nature´s
treasures: mushrooms, berries,
fish and meat.
If you wish to learn more
about Saami
(Lappish) cul-
ture, you have
The Silver Falls at Björkliden are right next to the North an opportunity
Scandinavian Highway – an easlly-accessible place for calm to visit a Saami
reflection and meditation. village and see
their daily rou-
tines. Among
the Saami, one
of the world´s
peoples, many
still make their living from
reindeer herding and handic-
raft. Saami handicraft has an
international reputation.
Máttaráhkká is Saami handi-
craft center, five kilometres
northwest of Kiruna. Several
of the best Saami craftsmen are
Hospitallty and community around the árran – the Saami word represented here.
for the fireplace in a ‘goaht’.

THE NAVVY FESTIVAL at the end of October is a tribute to the men and
women who came to Kiruna at the turn of the 20th century to construct the
Ore Railway, and who then settled down in Kiruna. They were pioneers,
full of the strength and coura-
ge needed to survive in the
harsh wilderness.
The Navvy Festival is also a
tribute to the cultural diversity
in Kiruna: to Swedish, Saami and Finnish cultu-
re. It features music and dancing - a real carni-
val. The Navvy Festival goes on as October
turns into November, when Mr Navvy and Miss
Navvy Cook are chosen.
There´s more in the way of culture, for when
the dark of late autumn descends and the cold
drives us indoors, the importance of culture
seems to grow. Kiruna has its own film festival -
the Arctic Light Film Festival - in November. In
addition to the ordinary cinema auditorium,
films are screened in the mine auditorium, 540
metres below ground, and at the Icehotel in Building a railway through the wilderness
Jukkasjärvi. of Lapland was no job for weaklings. The
Navy Party is a tribute to men and woman
Art has always had a special place in Kiruna,
who did it.
largely thanks to the founder of the town, Hjalmar
Lundbohm. He himself was interested in art and socialised with the cream of the Swedish
art world. Some of them visited him at his home, Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården in Kiruna, and
left works of art that are now in the Kiruna City Council collection and may be seen in the
Town Hall, which by the way was voted the most beautiful public building in Sweden in
1964. Kiruna Church is another architectonic experience, designed in the style of a Saami
‘goahti’, and with an altar painting by Prince Eugen.

Feel the power that nature brings – through the wind in the mountain birch, the unending autumn heavens, the colours, the freedom.


Exterior of the ICEhotel at Jukkasjärvi.

WHEN THE MIDWINTER dark descends
and Everyman goes into hibernation, the
city of Kiruna comes to life. Here, win-
ter is anything but a run-up to next sum-
Although the sun does not make it
over the horizon for a few weeks around
the New Year it is not pitch black. The
white snow lights up everything and cre-
ates a bluish sheen at dawn and dusk in
the middle of the day, that has prompted
many to speak in poetic terms. Kiruna
has learned to love the winter and that is
reflected in the ability to make use of
this, in the eyes of many, so bleak sea-
son. The ICEhotel in Jukkasjärvi and
Kiruna Snow Festival are two examples
of this.
When winter has us in its grip the
The Railway Park becomes an art centre during the Snow Festival.
people of Kiruna take to the streets and
celebrate winter with a week-long festi-
val. The snow-sculpture contest takes
place in the town centre and fills the
squares and parks with beautiful works
of art. The centre is turned into an arena
for reindeer and dogsled races and
snowboarders compete on a gigantic
ramp which uses the roof of the commu-
nity centre as its starting point. Music
and drama performances are other
important contributions to the festival. Headlong reindeer races on the streets attract vast num-
bers of spectators to the town centre during the festival.

The northern lights.

IT BEGAN AS a giant igloo with a floor space
AURORA BOREALIS better known
of 60 square metres. Even then it was the
as the Northern Lights, offers a
world's largest. Today, the floor space of the
sparkling light show, free of
ICEhotel in Jukkasjärvi is 4,000 square
charge, on clear winter evenings.
metres and the Icehotel is one of the biggest
And Kiruna is an excellent site to
winter-time attractions. About 30,000 tons
study the Northern Lights from,
of snow are used to build the hotel, which
since they are concentrated to the
melts every spring, to rise again in a new
68th parallel, where Kiruna is
shape the following winter.
located. The Institute of Space
The ICEhotel is a creation that attracts
Physics, IRF, in Kiruna, is a
people from all over the world. With its bar
world-leader in the field of
and sauna, art gallery and chapel, suites and
Northern Lights research.
halls decorated by our most prominent ice
The winter climate is seldom
and snow sculptors, the Icehotel leaves
harsh and bitter in Kiruna city
nobody untouched. World-class architecture.
A tiled stove of snow and ice. entre. This is because Kiruna is
Nothing is impossible in Jukkasjärvi.
built on a mountain, and the cold
seeks out the low-lying places
KIRUNA has made a name for itself around the town. The low humid-
world-wide as the skiing metropolis ity also contributes to keeping the
above all others. Many of the world´s fore- bite in the cold to a minimum.
most cross-country skiers come here to the But there is an exception to every
countless kilometers of prepared trails as rule. In January 1999, a tempera-
early as October, to begin training for the ture of almost 40° C below zero
coming season. The snow guarantee means was recorded in Kiruna city cent-
that many choose to locate their training The world´s cross-country skiing elite al- re. Very extreme and unusual, but
here and a number of international competi- ways comes back to Kiruna; partly for also different and an attraction to
tions take place here during the season. Kirunaspelen – the skiing contests in April. some.


SPRING IN KIRUNA - do not think of ane- warmth of the spring sun, are an unbea-
mones and daisies. Think of a sun-dren- table combination.
ched snowdrift, with you stretched out on When the mountain resorts open their
it on a reindeer fur, relaxing after a skiing doors at the end of February, one of the
tour. Think of winter's most enjoyable most intensive periods in the Kiruna
activities beneath a warm sun. mountains begins. The body and soul
The snow remains for a long time up start longing for the wide open spaces,
here and there is no room for an ordinary for the sparkling landscape and the sun,
spring - it's straight on to summer. But which gives just as much energy and vita-
that is exactly what people up here live mins as a complete balanced diet does. Go on a tour from Nikkaluokta towards
for. Because despite the lack of early ver- In the northernmost mountain areas Kebnekaise Mountain Station. On Lake
dure budding in March, April and May, you can enjoy winter sports right up until Ladtjojaure there is a café in a ‘goahti’.
this is the time of year that the ‘Kirunese’ midsummer, in mid-June. Slaloming,
love most of all. The opportunities for telemarking, snowboarding, cross-country
winter activities on the mantle of snow, skiing - the Kiruna mountains have it all.
while at the same time enjoying the

MANY ALSO LOVE the spring in
Kiruna for the ice-fishing. Ice-ang-
lers make the pilgrimage to Lake
Rautasjaure for the ice-fishing pre-
miere every year in mid-March. In
small ice-houses on skis, called
‘ark’ in Swedish, which are towed
out onto the lake behind snowmobi-
les, the fishermen have shelter all
spring. There is also good ice-
fishing on Lake Torneträsk, Kiruna´s
‘downtown lake’ Luossajärvi, and
on Lake Råstojaure, where the
fishing is usually at its best in the
weeks before midsummer. Lake
Torneträsk also sees a big annual
ice-fishing contest around the turn
of the month, April/May. It usually
attracts over a thousand competi-
tors. If you enjoy competing, you
can take part in ice-fishing contests
all over Kiruna Municipality all
through spring, as many villages
SEIZE THE OPEN SPACE with the arrange their own events.
help of a team of dogs. On a sled There is an ‘Orange
behind a team of dogs, you can Tree’ growing in Abisko
National Park. But the
experience the tranquillity of the
only fruits it bears is
wild. The sled dogs, often Alaskan pine cones. The name
or Siberian Huskies, are keen on ‘Orange Tree’ comes
everything from leading enchan- from the skiers who
ting tours, on their best behaviour, enjoy an orange, plucked
from an anorak pocket,
to marathon treks in extreme weat-
when they reach it.
her conditions.


KIRUNA LAPLAND is a fisherman´s paradi- can make sure that you get the most out ming on the water surface, in the light of
se. Every summer, an estimated 25000 of your fishing adventure. For fishing the sun hovering low over the mirror of
people come here to fish. That may sound really has something magical about it, the motionless lake. The feeling of setting
a lot, but when you consider that there are mainly to do with the excitement. Will it off on a fishing trip on a summer´s eve-
6200 lakes and six free-flowing rivers in take the bait, will that shimmering salmon ning is like nothing else. For many it is so
Kiruna Municipality, the picture is a diffe- trout grab my hook? But it´s also to do special that it makes an indelible impres-
rent one. There is room for everyone, and with the countryside, and these lovely sion that gives birth to a yearning that
our many experienced guide companies summer evenings. The mosquitoes skim- brings them back, year after year.

MIDSUMMER has a strange attraction,
and is just about the most Swedish of
the Swedish traditions we Swedes
celebrate in Sweden. Naturally, it is
celebrated in Kiruna Lapland too: both
in a traditional way and in our own
way. Farthest north, at Riksgränsen, for
example, the ski lifts are still in opera-
tion at Midsummer weekend, and here
there is ski-boot dancing round the
But down in the villages along the
valleys, there is celebration without
snow, and with maypoles, dancing, sack
races, singing and music. The long,
light midsummer night spellbinds us all,
no matter whether we are wearing a ski-
That most Swedish of tradition, Midsummer, is good to celebrate in Jukkasjärvi. suit or a summer dress.


middle of July, the sun never sets in
Kiruna. The midnight sun has
always been, and still is, the greatest
tourist attraction. It is a very special
There is a perfect vantage point
for watching the midnight sun at the
summit of Luossavaara mountain,
just outside Kiruna center. Up past
the old mine, now a slalom slope,
winds a road which continues right
to the top. There, a panorama awaits
you, of the town of Kiruna, the
mine and the expanses stretching
away to the mountains in the west. From the summit of Kiruna´s slalom slope, you can witness the beauty of the midnight sun.


bathing - well, so do quite a display of flowers in Kiruna. Of course,
adults for that matter. the size of our birches lets you know that it´s not
‘Kiruna is no place for an that easy for them to grow here. Sometimes
outdoor pool’ is the summer gets off to a late and cold
something you´ll hear start, which puts a strain on the plants,
some people clucking at least in the mountain regions.
about - but they do not But the mountain flora is surpri-
enjoy bathing anyway. singly hardy and some plants can be
Certainly you can bathe found at over 1000 metres´ altitude.
here. There is a heated There is a wealth of rare plants to interest
outdoor pool in the centre the botanist, including orchids.
of Kiruna. And you do not When summer gives way to
have to be a Viking to autumn, it is time to pick different
take a dip. species of berry as they ripen in turn.
But if on the other hand The most popular of our berries is the
you want to prove your- cloudberry, Rubus chamaemorus, the yel-
self, try a dip in the Torne low gold of the wetlands. Tasty and rich in
River, preferably while vitamin C, it is a delight to the palate when
you are taking a sauna. for example tasted as warm jam with ice cream.
Chasing each other down the waterslide cal-
There really is no experi- led ‘Moutain stream’. The heated outdoor Those who have no time or wish to pick and
ence like a cold dip after pool is our salvation when we feel the need prepare the berries themselves can find this deli-
a hot sauna. for a dip, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle. cacy as a dessert at many of Kiruna´s restau-


Explore The Norht Scandinavian Higway by car, grandiose scenery awaits you on the road from Kiruna to Narvik.

There is a lot to see in and around Kiruna. It´s hard to know where to start.
Kiruna´s location makes it easy to visit our lovely neighbouring countries.
These are some suggestions for those who want to take the opportunity to bro-
aden their horizons even further.


One excellent way to explore and discov- driving eastwards towards villages such
er places that you´ve never even heard of, as Vittangi, Lannavaara, Soppero and
at your own pace, is by car. You are then Karesuando. At Karesuando you leave
Children have a good time in nature and if
free to stop where you choose and have Sweden and continue driving on the you are motoring, it´s easy to make a stop
an adventure that suits you, without any Finnish side, where you follow the border and have a little look around.
advanced planing. If you have come to river northwards as far as Kilpisjärvi.
Kiruna by rail, air, or by bus, you can rent Here we recommend that you leave the mountains landscape of Lapland. You will
a car. One popular road route that will car for a few hours to enjoy the countrysi- pass the resorts of Riksgränsen,
allow you to see de and hike the few kilometres to the Björkliden and Abisko, and Abisko
a large portion Three Nations Marker, where Finland, National Park. Along your route you will
of North Norway and Sweden meet. After this find accommodation of many types,
Scandinavia is refreshing tour, you then drive on nort- including youth hostels, cabins and
this round trip hwards toward the stunningly beautiful hotels. There are also activities of all
(at least three Norwegian coast, which you follow sout- descriptions: you can try botanical walks,
days), with hwards to Narvik. If you have more days rock-climbing, fishing trips, or why not
Kiruna as your at your disposal for the trip, you might try your luck at gold-panning? Once back
start and fini- make an excursion, to Harstad for examp- in Kiruna, you will have unforgettable
shing point. le, or Lofoten. On the last stage, back to impressions of three different nations and
Keep a lookout for the The journey Kiruna, you leave the fjords behind, gra- even more varied landscape - all from one
beautiful reindeer. starts with you dually making your way to the beautiful journey.

Throughout the year, Kiruna hosts across the wilderness, Sweden´s
a series of conferences, fairs and best cross-country skiing, Sweden's
congresses, large and small. most exciting white-water rafting,
This is an ideal location for your game fishing along our free-
company to gain strength and flowing rivers and 6 200 lakes,
inspiration. Conferences here rest Sweden´s highest alpine region
on the strong fundaments of mag- including the Kebnekaise massif, a
nificent countryside and cultural snowmobile safari off the beaten
history, in combination with good track? Add to that accommodation
communications and good confe- and conference facilities to suit
rence facilities. This guarantees an every taste. The total experience
experience, and a rewarding confe- you are looking for can be found
rence. Can we tempt you with here in Kiruna Lapland, where the
experiences such as a dogsled tour opportunities are numerous. A snowmobile safari is both exciting and fun, and suitable
for large groups. A team of experienced guides can teach
even absolute beginners to drive a snowmobile. Correctly
used, with consideration to nature and other people, the
snowmobile gives a sense of freedom and independence.

Meals in Lapland are a treat for all the senses – especially in a Sami goahti,
around an open fire. Sailing with sales.


The train is an unbeatable means of transport when you here remains until midsummer and you can slalom in the
really want to enjoy the scenery while relaxing. No matter light of the Midnight Sun. You need not wear anything but
whether you arrive here by train or some other way - air, shorts and a T-shirt. Riksgränsen was home to the legendary
car, bus or whatever, you can make Kiruna your starting photographer Sven Hörnell. Here you can see his unique
point for the following route, adapted for rail travel: slide show ‘My
Start with an overnight stay at a hotel or youth hostel in Lapland’, visit an
Kiruna, have a good breakfast, and spend the morning on a exhibition of his pic-
guided tour of the world´s largest underground iron mine. tures and buy souve-
Back in the daylight, take the train to the hiker's paradise, nirs in the shop. After
Abisko. From Abisko Tourist Station, you can wander a litt- Riksgränsen comes
le way along the trail Kungsleden with its view of perhaps the most
Lapporten (‘the Gateway to Lapland’). When you later turn beautiful part of the
back, you will have a magnificent view of Lake Torneträsk train journey. Having
in front of you. Round off by visiting Abisko Canyon. At the crossed the bleak
end of the day, take a ride in the cabin lift to the top of landscape at
Mount Nuolja to see the wonder of the Midnight Sun. Bjørnefjell, you
The next day before lunch, catch the train to Björkliden. descend to the verdant
Here you can play golf on one of the world´s northern most green fjord, Rombakk,
Take the opportunity to feed your senses
courses, go on a tour of the caves or on a historical walk to and the train eventu- with a Norwegian fjord. Norway and its
Tornehamn and the Navvy Graveyard. It is said that the ally rolls into Narvik lovely fjords lie within easy reach of
legendary Svarta Björn (‘Black Bear’) – a nickname for the station. In Narvik you Kiruna. Above, a view of Lyngen Fjord,
a navvy cook – lies buried here. From Björkliden it is a can visit the War North Norway.
pleasant hike to Sweden's highest mountain chalet, Museum, buy fresh
Låktatjåkko, which is surrounded by glaciers, high summits shrimps at the harbour, or take a ride on the ‘Fjellheisen’
and frozen lakes. Björkliden offers good standard accommo- (‘Mountain lift’) to enjoy the view of Narvik and surroun-
dation, whether you choose a hotel, youth hostel or cabin. dings. In Narvik you also have the opportunity to rent a car
Continuing by train you arrive at Riksgränsen. The snow or take a boat trip to the beautiful Lofoten Islands.

Production: Mediafolket Reklambyrå i Kiruna. Repro: HS Copy & Mediaservice. Picture by: Torsten Berglund, Kjell-Åke Halldén, Roland Henriksson, Sören Häggroth, Kenneth Paulsson, Lars Sjölund, Lars Thulin, Tomas Utsi, Björklidens bildarkiv.
Kiruna Lapland is near. Flying time from Stockholm is 90 minutes. By rail, the same stretch
takes 16 hours. Once in Kiruna, you will find yourself in the second largest municipality in
the world, in the last wilderness in Europe. And we are close to alpine mountains, fjords, and
the sea. Come to Kiruna and discover the spaces and the nearness.

One of the most beautiful pictu-

res of Lapland is Greta
Wennberg's oil painting
‘Lapporten’. In the late 1960´s,
the state railways, SJ, made
reproductions of the painting and In co-operation with:
used it to attract visitors to
Lapland, together with a text by
that keen fell hiker, and Secretary
General of the UN between 1953
and 1961, Dag Hammarskjöld.
Kiruna Lappland Tourist Office
This was specially designed with
Tel: +46-(0)980-188 80 Fax: +46-(0)980-182 86
the beautiful autumn month of Website:
September in mind. e-mail:
(N.B. doble p in lappland)

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