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Bianca B. Yeban. Dr. Julieta Z.


Summarize the experiments that he did with garden peas.

● With the use of garden pea plants, Mendel discovered that crossings between
parents who varied in one attribute resulted in F1 offspring that all shared the
qualities and traits of one parent. The dominant qualities are those that are
apparent in the F1 generation, whereas the recessive traits are those that are not
obvious or seen in the F1 generation. After self-crossing the F1 plants in Mendel's
experiment, the F2 progeny showed either the dominant or recessive trait in a ratio
of 3:1, indicating that the recessive trait had been passed down from the original P
parent reliably. The ratios of F1 and F2 offspring were identical in reciprocal
crosses. When Mendel looked at sample sizes, he discovered that characteristics
were inherited as independent events.

Seven traits (7) of garden pea

Mendel used seven pea plant traits in his experiments which include:
1. Flower color (purple or white)
2. Flower position (axial or terminal)
3. Stem length (long or short)
4. Seed shape (round or wrinkled)
5. Seed color (yellow or green)
6. pod shape (inflated or constricted)
7. pod color (yellow or green).

Gregor Mendel. (2021, November 14). Wikipedia.

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