Lec 5 Entrep. Activity

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Taylors University’s

Understanding Entrepreneurialism
Lecture 5 – Entrepreneurial Activities

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Defining entrepreneurial activity/ies
Entrepreneurial activity is the enterprising human action in pursuit of the
generation of value, through the creation or expansion of economic
activity, by identifying and exploiting new products, processes or markets.
Entrepreneurship is the phenomenon associated with entrepreneurial
activity. – OECD.org

Entrepreneurial activities are the various task that an entrepreneur needs

to accomplish in order to realise their dreams.

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A Day In The Life Of A Busy Entrepreneur

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Day in the Life: Steve Jobs
6 am: Wake Up
6:30 am: Work
7:30 am: Breakfast with Family
9 am: Arrive at Office
9:30 am: Meetings
Noon: Lunch
1:30 pm: Visit Design Lab
3 pm: Emails, Meetings & Phone Calls
6:30pm: Walk w/ Laurene
8:00pm: Family Dinner
10pm: Music, Meditation & Spirituality

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What a Day In the Life of Entrepreneurs Actually Look Like

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Entrepreneurial Activity Mind Map


Business Ideas Entrepreneur

al Activity

External and

https://www.mindmeister.com/3 Business Plan Intrapreneurship
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Entrepreneurship journey
“Entrepreneurship is often painted as a glamorous line of work. Instagram is
full of “want-repreneurs” posing in front of luxury cars or expensive homes in
designer clothing (none of which they actually own).
But that public persona does not reflect the dark reality of the
entrepreneurial journey. Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly lonely,
especially in the early days.
I say this not to discourage or rain on your parade. In fact, if you want to
embark on the entrepreneurial journey, I’ll be right there rooting for you.
However, it’s important to know what you’re up against and how to combat
it. I had to learn for myself that the world is not always kind to those who are
driven and dare to take an nontraditional path. I had to find ways to make
sure I didn’t let myself be completely consumed with loneliness while I
fought like hell to do what I loved.” - Mike Speer an entrepreneur

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It’s a lonely journey
1. No one works as hard as you - It isn’t enough to simply have a great idea.
Hell, you don’t even have to be all that original to start a business. You just
need to be willing to work harder than everyone else. Its not a 9-5 job.
2. Your friends make way more money than you - You’ll probably be broke
for a long time before you’ll make a living. To start a new business venture,
you need to be willing to invest your savings and give up material comforts.
3. You don’t have as much time for socializing - Because at the early stages
you’re probably working harder and making less money than all your
friends, you will miss out on a lot of social opportunities.
4. Nearly all your attention is focused on your business - You can never “turn
off” the entrepreneurial mindset, and even your free time will often be
spent daydreaming new ideas for your business. Since most of your waking
thoughts are dedicated to your business, you might find that you have
trouble talking with people who don’t share the same lifestyle as you.
5. The buck stops with you - ultimately, you are responsible for everything
your team does.

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Quotes to Inspire Your Entrepreneurial Journey
1. “My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one
long university education that I never had -- every day I’m learning something
new.” -- Richard Branson
2. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent perspiration.” -- Thomas Edison
3. “Fear is the disease. Hustle is the antidote.” -- Travis Kalanick
4. “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of
failure.” -- Bill Gates
5. “Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” -- Gloria Steinem
6. “The question I ask myself almost every day is, ‘Am I doing the most important
thing I could be doing?’” -- Mark Zuckerberg
7. “You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing, no one
to blame.” -- Erica Jong
8. “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” -- Albert Einstein
9. “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” -- Winston
10. “The way to get started is to quit talking and Private
begin doing.” -- Walt Disney
& Confidential
Additional reading
• A Day in The Life of Jeff Bezos (Richest Person In The World) -
• A Day in the Life of The Most Successful Entrepreneurs -
• The Daily routines of 7 famous entrepreneurs -
• What a Day In the Life of an Entrepreneur Actually Looks Like -

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