Capstone Design Project - Peer Assessment Form

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UCSI University (2021) EV412 Capstone Design Project 1

BEV4013 Capstone Design Project A



Department of Civil Engineering

Semester: ______________________________

Name: _________________________________________________
Student ID: _____________________________________________

Please rate each of your team members (and yourself) according to the criteria below using the 1 – 3 scale. Provide
comments at the bottom of the table to justify/ support your ratings for each member.

(If you award high scores to everyone regardless of their contribution, team and members who have worked unduly
hard or provided extraordinary leadership will go unrecognized, as will those at the other end of the scale who need
your corrective feedback).
Student ID:

Student ID:

Student ID:

Student ID:

Student ID:
Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Member 5





1. Contribution
to the team
2. Taking
Teamwork responsibility
3. Valuing other
team members and
(10%) quality of

(Total / 9) x 10%
UCSI University (2021) EV412 Capstone Design Project 1
BEV4013 Capstone Design Project A

Dimension 0 1 2 3
1. Contribution  Does not  Collects information  Collects basic,  Collects and
to the team collect any when prodded useful information presents to the
project/work relevant  Tries to offer some related to the project team a great deal
information ideas, but not well  Occasionally offers of relevant
 No useful developed and/or useful ideas to meet information
suggestions to clearly expressed to the team's needs  Offers well-
 Address team's meet team's needs developed and
needs clearly expressed
ideas directly
related to the
group's purpose

2. Taking  Does not  Performs assigned  Performs all  Performs all

responsibility perform tasks but needs assigned tasks tasks very
assigned tasks many reminders  Attends meetings effectively
 Often misses  Attends meetings regularly and  Attends all
meetings and, regularly but usually participates meetings and
when present, generally does not effectively participates
does not have say anything  Generally reliable enthusiasticall
anything constructive y
Individual and constructive to  Sometimes expects  Very reliable
Teamwork say others to do his/her
 Relies on work
(PLO9) others to do
the work
3. Valuing  Often argues  Usually does much  Generally listens to  Always listens
(10%) other team with team of the talking others' points of to others and
members and mates  Does not pay much view their ideas
quality of  Doesn't let attention when  Always uses  Helps them
interactions anyone else others talk appropriate and develop their
talk  Often assumes respectful language ideas while
 Occasional others’ ideas will  Tries to make a giving them
personal not work definite effort to full credit
attacks and  No personal attacks understand others'  Always helps
"put-downs" and putdowns but ideas the team reach
 Wants to have sometimes a fair decision
things done patronizing
his/her way
and/or does
not listen to

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