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Put the correct forms of the words below in the sentences that follow. All are used more than once!



1. She was named the new _____________________________________________ Director last week.

2. A head of industry is often called an ___________________________________________________.

3. He couldn’t give a ______________________________________ excuse for his absence from class.

4. The discovery of the polio vaccine was a major ______________________________ development .

5. The dry weather led to a ________________________________ of many fruits and vegetables in the stores.

6. There are _________________________________________ desserts to choose from on the menu.

7. If you tell the truth, people will admire you for your ______________________________________ .

8. If your essay is too long then you need to _____________________________________________ it.

9. The bank has a ____________________________________ interest rate which means it can change or alter.

10. One of the subjects they studied at business school was __________________________________________ .

11. Would you like to taste this new ______________________________________________ of apple?

12. The large building that houses a telescope is called an ____________________________________?

13. The recruiter is running a bit late but will be with you ____________________________________?

14. A ____________________________________________ person is someone who cannot be trusted.

15. The _______________________________________ is in the laboratory working on an experiment.

16. The _________________________________________ of the store was in charge of hiring the staff.

17. _________________________________ relations are the relations between management and workers.

18. It is hard to have job ______________________________ if you are unhappy with your working conditions.

19. It is very _____________________________________ of you to notice that. You do pay attention!

20. I ___________________________________ do not understand what you are saying. Could you repeat that?

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