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CAMBRIL SECOND EDITION ered Cees Herbert Puchta - Peter Lewis-Jones - Giinter Gerngross - Helen Kidd =a GAMERIDSE iy ining He, Cal C88 Ue gm Ly a ho Noro 1 USA {7 ¥tansn Rk eth 1627, aaa 31-0 el a es err ol tse DB =D ad ‘eg et 047, nc Conte Sepa 67 Cambie Cav Pro pt othe Unverty of ante. ‘nuts the Unisys mi hy dieing nowt prt flan, Ieumingaodrsvarcha high teats, scabegong Info tee casi or11090590 © Cambie Uiventy Pres 202 ‘Ths pons copra Saft waaay een {nd he province colt ee sgrermenh, ‘reo fy pray ke ae woe he wen emo of ambi Ue Pree tpl 012 Scocien a ww wir 1s 29876543 Your activation code ‘red in Pann Oplt for the Digital Pack Ale nd fr tiple he Bh ary ISBN 9781088124 Stadt Bok th eon Isix ore -on05-0 Wonton Dig ack amid hive ait spa te perience ‘stuf Unseen thd pry mer eater ‘Sap and rst como ch ebesi ‘elem crc orapopate foren eig ee ee ‘ices ber ul cnn renin eco he "ine fring bet Carre Unvesy Pe donot aoe ‘Research nemston hee Hop Fee) iS A = (-clendalougr ) > yy or Herbert Puchta - Peter Lewis-Jones - Ginter Gerngross - Helen Kidd S CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS @0OQO000068 Friends At school Let’s play Pet show Lunchtime Free time The old house Get dressed The robot At the beach Picture dictionary 10 22 34 58 70 82 94 106 118 ae @ Read and match. Colour the circles. 1@ Vmwhisper. 20 rmFlash. 3© I'mThunder. % (© rmMisty. Ornette 0 Look and match. seven b three : «ten deight e nine four - h five i two 1 j six 6 Write the number words. => - ce 2 aa oe «GID s g 1G + 8 Look. Then write about you. ‘1 What's your name? I'm 2 How old are you? I'm rumen @) Can you remember? Listen and write. SJ. Qummmxs @ colourthe words. purple ©fcige yellow red oreen [blue © write you n draw a picture of you. oO Who says it? Listen and tick V. e QO seo race RT TTL Write and circle. — y ey 1 Ican write the names of ten numbers. Yes / No one - 2 What colour is the balloon? 3 What colour is the bag? The balloon is green / red. The bag is blue / purple. er oe Write the letters. Inthe alphabet... 1 what's after ‘B"?_C_ 4 what's after 'M’? _ 2 what's after‘€"?__ 5 what's before ‘R’?__ 3 what's before ‘K’? 6 what's before ‘T’? © Read. Then draw and write. Hi! I'm Alex. I'm six. My bag is yellow. Look! nO Ry | @ Look and match. 3 pencil 4 notebook 5 rubber 6 book Tpen 8 paper 9 ruler 210 pencil case © Look and colour. | @ eeeoomssnen Is a pencil? @ Read and tick V. 1 What’s this? Is it a desk? 2 What's this? Is it a pencil case? O ves, itis. uw No, it isn’t. O ves, itis. (1 No, itisn’t, 3 What's this? Is it a pencil? 4 What's this? Is it a rubber? O ves, itis. 1 No, itisn’t. D1 ‘es, itis. No, it isn’t, ranma What's this? What'’s this? Please tell me, what’s this? ou” Can you remember? Listen and write. py | (a) Isita pen 2(2) Isita 2 Come on, take a look. n (3) It'so.— os) so - e Look and write. =— 1 Isita bag? 2 Isita book? 3 Isita pen? No, it isn't. Yes, 4 af 4 Isitaruler? 5 Isita rubber? 6 Isita pencil case? @ sens rctee @ write the words. (1) Sit___ at your desk, please. (2) Now pen. (3) your book, please. (4) one to ten. @ Look and number the pictures. e Open your book, please. Write one to ten. ©( close your bag, please. Now get a pen. OF bassmea pen, please. se tnperves @) Sit at your desk, please. ing | og Who says it? Listen and tick 2, @ WG took and tick V or cross x. In the story, Flash’s friends have ... e e / ° @ e wy Oo oO oO o © WT who says it? match. © (Fash, come back! ° g20¢9 @seasviaes 1) Uy Who says what? Write numbers. © eresyourbook ) © ( watch out © (msomry afi Le e @BD write and match. Listen and say. 1Acat o 2Af_t rt Z 3A bl_ck h_t oe mr 5 png cot othr hone toes) 0 Look and read. Tick or cross X. @saz 1 This is a book. 2 Thisis a pencil case. 3 This isa pencil. 4 Thisis a pen. 5 This is a ruler. 6 This is a notebook. 0 fi Listen and number. sis@® Ba DC li) Ss © Seiises @ Look and write. look listen sme taste — touch -B. Bi smell a © WF Look and match. e taste ay - He ° e scence Listen Taste e ug Look and write. { Look 1 at this shell! oe i] Choose and draw. look listen sme taste touch smell @ VY Make a pencit holder. Star SAP st S&S toilet scissors cardboard glue magazines roll tube Cut flaps at the bottom of the toilet roll tube. Glue the flaps on the piece of cardboard. Glue the pictures on the tube. Now you have a pencil holder. My Super Mind §7 Lh se . 0 Write and circle. 1 Ican write the names of five classroom objects. Yes / No pen 2. What's this? Is ita rubber? Wy 3 what's this? Is ita notebook? a Yes, it -/ No, it Yes, it «No, it © GF Look and write. Sy 10 ug Read. Then draw and write. ruler a pencil This is my pencil case. It’s yellow and green. met | 0 Look and number. 1 train 2 plane 3 monster & kite 5 bike 6 ball Tdoll 8 car 9 computer game 10 go-kart © doin the dots. What is it? Write. It'sa Ors @ Draw tines and write. e- .B es - | 4 What's her name? d Her name’s Kate. | 5 Howold is she? e Her favourite toy’s her plane. | 6 What's her favourite toy? f His favourite toy's his trai Wat's her. 2 Hewes @) 0 Ug Can you remember? Listen and circle. ‘a (2) How old ise) his? (2) What's he / his name? What's his favourite toy? (3) He's / His seven years old. (4) He's / His name's Mike. His favourite toy’s his bike... - yn (5) How old is she / her? go} “ay F (6) What's she / her nome? r 4 What’s her favourite toy? (7) She's / Her seven years old. (8) She's / Her name’s Jane. Her favourite toy's her plane. © © draw and write about you. | My name's I'm years old. My favourite toy’s my @ service 0 Look, read and tick V. pevssaee ote. oe ° ° 2 an ugly monster Oo oO ° ° 4 3. ashort plane eee Oo Oo ° ow ° 4 asmall kite A Qo QO 6 Write the words in the correct order. a ES EE eC. e¢ 1a big white ball train blue a long sacivs @ = G Story practice I um WY TF wo saysit? rick ¥ (reine) the correct picture. /\ neil ab og 7 bl_ck 8FL_sh Foir play; phonics focus @ _@W Listen and cotour. © WG Look and write. Her favourite things Her favourite number is four Her favourite Her favourite @ains 0 Read, number and colour. 1 abig yellow doll 5 ashort red train 2a long blue train 6 an old purple bike 3 on ugly green monster 7 a beautiful black monster 4 anew black bike 8 a small pink doll sus @) Be Ua) 2D shapes @ Look and write. 3 ae e Look and match. oe ‘a triangle bkite rectangle dcircle © square o\ - , © VY which shapes are in the toys? Look and tick Vv or cross X. otriangle osquare [ _) arectangle bkite & btriangle 1] bsquare 1 circle ckite =O cece = © J Read and took at Activity 3. Write the names of the toys. 1 Atriangle and two circles. bike 2 Asquare, a rectangle and two circles. 3 Akite and four triangles. 8 Gg Choose, write and draw. vats @) 0 Ug Make a paper kite. Pen Case & paper stapler hole punch string @ & Bend one side of Colour the paper. Fold the paperin half. | | the paper. e Bend the other side. i Staple the corners. (J Make a hole. Now you have a paper kite. Put the string through the hole and tie a knot. @ cessing My Super Mind §2 Write and circle, 1 Ican write the names of five toys. Yes / No 2 What's his name? He’s / His name's Tom. 3 How old is he? He’s / His seven. ou” Write the words. Then draw. ‘ol 1 squar 2Qre it} Read. Then draw and write. circle’ My favourite tey is my car. It’s an old red cor, a —— AV ec OO sein @) cat dog donkey duck elephant frog spider lizard rat © write and draw. My favourite animal's a ___. Look! @rowete @ Look and tick ¥. The elephantisunderthecar. MH Yes 1] No 2 The cat is on the car. O Yes 1 No 3 The frog is in the car. O ves 1 No 4 The spider is on the car. O yes O No > 5 The duck is under the car. O Yes 1 No © Look and write. (2) The frog's my bag. (2) It’s ____ my chair. (3) It’s not my hat. It isn’t there. @ TD @ canyou remember? tisten and write. “905 (a) The frog's on abag And that’s not good. id (2) Put the & in the pond, (3) Yes, the pond the wood... n (4) The duck’s the car And that’s not good. (5) Put the ZF ____ onthe pond, (6) Yes, the pond __ the wood... eo Read, draw and colour. 1aratin the pond 3. adog in the bag 5 acaton the bike 2.a duck on the pond 4 a lizard under the bike © soravicice 0 Read and write the numbers. ) there area frog onthe piano. There's / There are a butterfly on the flower. There’s / There are bananas in the There’s / There are a lizard on the log. lunchbox. There's / There are apples on the tree. There’s / There are a football on the TV. Write the words. Thereare There's T a three fish in the kitchen. Theres ../ There are oO ug Can you remember? Listen and write. a We live in different homes, you and me. Me and you. You and me... (2) You live ina PUM Flot and live ina @ ! (2) Some people live in houses, some people live in = (3) Some people live in flats, or in a under the stars ... Some homes are very old, some homes are new, nr ‘Some homes are very small, some have got beautiful views ... e i] Read and circle. Draw two homes. Some homes are old / new. ‘Some homes are big / small. sera prctee oO Complete the questions. Are i Howmany = Isthere Are there (a) Is therea park? —_No, there isn’t. (2). aschool? Yes, there is. (3) there any trees? —_No, there aren’t. \ ) any houses? Yes, there are. (5) are there? There are two. > © Look and write Yes or No. Then circle. 1 Is there a butterfly on a flower? Yes _, there(/isn’t. 2 Are there any bananas on the tree? , there are / aren’t. 3 Is there a frog on the log? , thereis /isn’t. 4 Are there any bikes on the grass? , there are / aren’t. 1s /are there... /How mony ..? Who says it? Listen and tick v. How many are there? e t t How many are there? Big spiders! e What does Misty say? Look and write the numbers. You can come in Misty: There’s the old Misty: Let me go in. Let’s go in. Wait forL] here. Story practice Misty: There’s no problem. 6 © who tooks after a friend? Tick V the correct picture. 1asmall house 2a __ spider 3 abig Sa_ pizza ablue_ 0 Look and read. Write yes or no. 1 The house has got a cellar. yes 2 There are two boys and two girls. no 3 There’s a chair in the bathroom. 4 There are three dolls in the bedroom. 5 The dog has got ball. 6 There’s a guitar in the kitchen. e U Look at Activity 1. Read and match. 1 They play football here. «a inthe kitchen 2 They have dinner here. b inthe bedroom 3 They play the piano here. in the garden 4 There's a desk here. d in the living room @sas a) Listen and colour. 6 Look at the picture in Activity 1 and complete the sentences. There ’s one bike. 3 There football. 2 There cats. 4 There trees. sue @® ue Look and write. cavehouse houseboat treehouse yur tree house Ug Read and write the numbers. rs: Rast a house is in water. My house is ina tree. }"( My house is round. eyurt bhouseboat [1 tree house Geography 6 U Read, match and circle. 1 Which home is it? a There are three / five rooms. 2 How many rooms are there? b It’s got a kitchen / hall. 3 What has it got? € Ithasn't got a cellar / living room. 4 What hasntit got? «ts a Gee housdy house boat. 6 i] Read. Write a poem puzzle. Decorate. Which home is it? Has it got stairs ? No! Isit round 7 Yes ! VW What is it? It’s a yurt ! Has it got i Isit__? Whats it? It’s a i coon @ 0 i] Make a pop-up house. Pe) SSA YS card pencil ruler scissors pens < Fold the card in half. Draw two lines. | Cut along the lines. Push the house through and fold. i oh, Now you have a pop-up house. Open the card. Colour the house. @ cesses sk 10 * Write and circle. in bedroom 2 Are there any stairs in your house? Yes, there -/ No, there 6 Ug Write the words. cave. © Read. Then draw and write. 1 Ican write the names of five rooms ina house. Yes / No My Super Mind 6 My home has got three bedrooms and a bathroom. reson @) 7 Get dressed @ Find the clothes. Look -> and J. Circle. ulG kT} |i {il x h ths|hlilrl|t|ajyfoleli b ajsje|bla|t}/t}ela|p| 0 Read and write the numbers. e e 8 Oo @ Circle the words. 1 Do you like this /@hese)jeans? 2 Do you like this / these baseball cap? alike these shorts. b I like this T-shirt. 3 Do you like this / these skirt? 4 Do you like this / these socks? 5 Do you like this sweater? No, I do / don’t. 6 Do you like these trousers? Yes, Ido / don’t. ¢ Idon’ dI don't like these shorts. Oo Oo ike this T-shirt, 8 Write the words. (1) Do you like this hat? (2) Yes, 1 (3) Do you like ’ shoes? nd (4) No, I el Do yotte ties.) 0 Ug @¥®D can you remember? Listen and write. py (1) Do you like this e& purple sweater? (2) Do you like this big, se —————— 2 Yes, I like your hat and sweater. You look good like that (3) Do you like these A eeeseee emreeeesesenreet n (4) Do you terns 2 Yes, I like your cap and trousers. You look good like that .. o Read, draw and colour. + a purple baseball cap + yellow socks = green shoes + an orange sweater + blue trousers » ared jacket sors procice Look, that’s Sam! Is he wearing a blue cap? No, he isn’t. ° Is he wearing a red cap? Yes, he is. Sam's wearing a red cap. Wave to him! v \ Sam @ Read and write the names under the pictures in Activity 1. Kim is wearing a yellow sweater, blue shorts and a yellow baseball cap. Sam is wearing a white T-shirt, orange shorts and a red baseball cap. Tim is wearing a green jacket, blue jeans and a blue baseball cap. Jo is wearing a purple T-shirt and black jeans. e Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Read and circle yes or no. 1 Is Tim wearing blue jeans? G3/ no 2 Is Jo wearing a baseball cap? yes/no 3 Are Kim and Sam wearing shorts? yes/no ~ + + 4 Are Sam and Jo wearing jackets? —_-yes /no © ame ee ee) —— Who says it? Listen and tick V. © write the names. who's wearing this skirt? these shoes? this cap? © who says it? Match. Maybs No problem. pueeceal es got the same cap. ‘ s Story practice > .©)©™©™©—..— 5 wy U Look and write. | It’sOK. — I’mvery sorry. Write the letters. Listen and say. Swi stmskpuest iuisp euischuenist arisn| Seying sorry; phonies focus oO @D Listen and colour. = Som e Read and write the numbers. ats a She’s wearing a blue T-shirt and blue shorts. She’s playing football. Oo b He’s wearing a white T-shirt. He’s putting socks in a box. © Write about pictures one and two in Activity 2. ‘He's wearing a yellow baseball cap . He's 5 She's 2 She's @sie Oo oO Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word answers. 1 What's the boy doing? He's 2 Where are the boy and the girl? Inthe 3 What's the boy doing? He’s playing computer 4 What's the girl doing? She's watching 5 How many cats are there? There are _ 6 Where are the cats? Under the skits@) | BT) LCM (tL) o Read and match. ° 1 a skirt with spots 2 a sweater with zigzags © Hes 3 plain jeans % shoes with flowers 5 socks with stripes oe ° a ni S 6 aplain jacket © WD design some trousers. Then write. They're white trousers with They're. trousers red stripes and yellow spots. with and . 06 Ug Find out about your clothes. Complete the chart. My clothes My clothes with spots 6 socks 2 T-shirts with spots with stripes with stripes with zigzags | sweater with zigzags shorts 3 skirts with flowers with flowers plain plain @ UY Make a party hat. Pe (\SOo@a Pi card stapler coloured pens_— scissors. glue Cut out shapes and stick them on the hat. Now you have a party hat. @enewvey My Super Mind §7, ko, “ 1O* write and circle. 1 Ican write five names for clothes. Yes / No trousers 2 Do you like this sweater with stripes? Yes, I | No,T (EB Simone ere e Ug Draw patterns and write. (UAL Se) istripes ‘© U Read. Then draw and write. | J KR I’m wearing a T-shirt with red and white stripes, blue jeans and orange shoes. ry 8 The robot 0 Make parts of the body. Write the letters. *k fh n . rim e n “hlela rt fl [au o|t e e Re |i | in e|r ‘CLS = @ Read and write the numbers. i Ican stand on one leg. 2 Ican skip. 3 Ican touch my toes. 4 Ican't stand on oneleg. | €, 5 Ican’t skip. 6 Ican’t touch my toes. © whet can Penny do? write can or can’t. (1) I_can stand on one leg... is. (2) skip. (3)I_ swim. wa (4) __ sing. (5) Butt fly. | on contr obity @) ou” Can you remember? Listen and write. (a) Ican take my AK and put it on my head. (2) Ican take my 4 and put it on my leg. ay Ican put my tongue out and I can touch my nose. (3) Lean take my right W (4) And touch all of my @ . (5) Ican cross my b . S (6) And I can cross my ¥ But now I'm stuck. Oh dear! Can you help me, please? 8 U What can you do? Draw and write. / Tcan touch my toes » Ican @ sera rice 0 Look, write and tick. 1 Can he play the piano? 2 ride a bike? Yeshecon. f no,hecan't. [1] ves,shecan. ] No,she can’t, ___ swim? ride a horse? ee Olyes,hecan. [1] No,hecan't. [1 Yes,shecan. [1] No, she can't. e Look and write the answer for you. 1 Can you cook? 2 Can you draw? 3 Can you dance? Yes __,I con canmcemamsamats) Who says it? Listen and tick V. 3, ®») Write the words. done ri No problem . Here & Look at the pictures in Activity 2. Write the numbers. Geren) Story proctice Batteries! We haven't got batteries. © (Weve gota problem. o = Oo 5 era Wy © which picture shows good teamwork? Tick V7. computer __ame arden. a 1 Teamwork poli a | @ WT Read and tick ¥ or cross x. Hi, I’'m Ben. I can touch my toes, but I can’t skip. Ican play the piano and I can play football, but I can’t play tennis. I can ride a bike, but I can’t ride a horse. Hi, I’m Anna, I can skip, but I can’t touch my toes. Ican play the piano and I can play tennis, but I can’t play football. Ican ride a bike and I can ride a horse. Hi, I'm Tom. I can touch my toes and I can skip. Ican play tennis and I can play football, but I can’t play the piano, I can ride a bike, but I can’t ride a horse. oc Prue mcrae © F book at activity 1. write. 1 Ben, can you ride o bike? Yes, 1 can, 2Ben, can you skip? No, I can't. 3 Anna, can you touch your toes? 4 Anna, can you play tennis? 5 Tom, can you ride a bike? 6 Tom, can you play the piano? @aue 0 @D Read the questions. Listen and write a name oranumber. | | | 1 What's the girl’s name? Karen 2 How old is she? 3 What's the dog’s name? 4 How many lizards has the girl got? 5 What's the horse’s name? se @ Think and learn 4 Movement Sa @ Look and write. a START HERE @ prose etveaton backwards stretch step forwards sideways 1 Go five steps“, forwards # . 2 Go three steps“, sideways tothe left < . 3 Gofivesteps”, backwards 4 Gothree steps“. sideways to the right > Look. What shape is it? It’s a _ - 8 U Read and write the numbers. a He stretches forwards. d She stretches sideways. [[] b She jumps forwards. o © She steps forwards. o c He runs sideways. oO f She jumps backwards. [] © VW what can you do? Make sentences, and tick ¥. “run forwards step , backwards jump ae stretcl "sideways 1 1con jump sideways. Oo 3 21 can O.4 684 © Pruscetesveaton @) @ GD Make a robot mask. Pec} Ee ¢ @ cardboard scissors pens My Super Mind §8 Write and circle. 1 can write the names of five parts of the body. Yes / No foot 2.Can you cross your legs? Yes, 1 Not (GB% . it Meteo 6 Ug Write the movement words. cus ee se, 2©) UY Read. then draw and write. Xt Tcan run backwards, but Icon I can't touch my toes 9 At the beach e Write the words. lookfor shells reada make a play the © WY Read. then write and draw. | I'm eating ice cream. @nawin Write the words. “Fe O Bt Oo O svgestons @ OU Can you remember? Listen and write. (2) Let's go to the mountains and climb o tree : (2) Let's you and me. The holidays, the holidays, the holidays are near. The holidays, the holidays, its the end of the year! © Ax (3) Let’sgoto the beach and _ my, (4) Let's , you and me, ‘The holidays, the holidays... (5) No! Let's stay at home and (6) Let’s. just you and me. The holidays, the holidays a © VW write two more sentences for the song. Draw pictures. _ | @ seoaprecte © write the words. (1) Where are my sunglasses? (2) ‘on my head! (3) my cap? (4) ‘on my head! Z © WF bo0k and match. ~¢ ‘1 Where's the guitar? at's in the book. 2.Where are the shells? b It’s in the sea. 3 Where's the fish? They're on the sandcastle. % Where are the birds? It’s on his T-shirt. 5 Where's the book? e It’s on the bed. 6 Where's the shell? f It’s on the sandcastle. 7 Where's the photo? gIt’s on the desk. 8 Where's the ice cream? hh They're in the box. ners where are.) @ _@® who says it? tisten and tick V. —— Arace ? Bye. See you at the Thisisthe "__ ofthe ! of the race. © WF Look and write the numbers. e Let’s go together. e What a good idea! 8 Let me try. Now you can race to the top, Flash! No.___. That’s more fun! Thanks, Thunder. @ sory prstie @ WT who shows modesty? Look and tick V the correct picture. ike i b ° My picture's fantastic!) @ Treally like your picture. Oo isee 2rea_d 3 thr 7p, s ~. Bice cr, m doderas shots @) 0 Read. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-6. ae aa It’s a lovely day at the beach. The (1) sun __ishotand the (2) is cool. There are lots of children. One boy's making a(3) - It’s very big, There's little girl. She's wearing a (4) on her head and she’s eating an (5) There’s a man. He's playing a (6) What a lovely day at the beach! guitar 1 castle [] sandcastle [] icecream @am Listen and number. cr % WS Ae mountains countryside —_beach theme park — campsite lake Look and write. & Read. Then look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write the numbers. a We can make a sandcastle here. [7] _e We can ride on fun things here. b We can climb up here. f We can see lots of trees here. We can sleep in a tent here. g We can go to shops here. d We can go ona boat here. Geography 8 U Read and match. i the mountains oe U Choose, write and draw. the beach the eae Ilike the countryside like . Ican climb a tree here. Ican here. ee) 0 U Make a holiday scrapbook. pe CO 8 ee F ob white coloured holepunch string pens _ photos paper —_paper Put the white: Put the coloured Make two holes in paper together. paper on top. the paper. Put the string through the holes. Tie a knot. Draw a picture on the cover. Draw pictures or stick in photos. Write sentences. Now you have a holiday scrapbook. @cronsty My Super Mind {9 Write and circle. look for shells 1 Ican write four things to do at the beach. Yes / No | | 2 Let’slisten to music. Good idea. / Sorry, I don’t want to, } } 3 Let’s play the guitar. [X] Good idea. / Sorry, I don’t want to, 6 U Draw places and write. city 2m 3l © UV Read. then draw and write. My holiday I look for shells. 1 eat ice cream. revsion @) 123 “S67 8910 notebook beg ruler desk pencilcase pencil rubber book pen paper fr G//% eu Ptr eer ciosroom objets rat duck frog donkey eat elephant spider dog lizard Aue destonr Annals @) 71 Lunchtime (continued) ineteen eleven = twelve _~— eighteen _—fourteen fifteen thirteen seventeen —_—twenty fen 11 12 13 eleven 141516 17 18 19 20 5 Fecine Monday Friday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Cinsatacmametienarenen < The old house ¥ BG bothroom ey Pre onary: The hone Wi Get dressed a baseball cap e f @ ree stconars cates fingers hand paintapicture catehefish listen tomusic eat ice cream readabook look for shells catch o fish wo Fe 9 PNM eM YF (a) take a photo play the guitar make a sandcastle

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