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D&D. LOST LABORATORY oF KWALISH 2018, we're pleased to present the following, adventure scenario, built around a new expedition tothe legendary Barrier Peaks. ‘This adventure is suitable for characters of Sth to 10th level BACKGROUND In centuries long past, a common scholar named ‘Kwalish took an unlikely path to becoming one of the ‘most powerful arcane inventors of alltime, after his discovery of strange magic in the Barrier Peaks, His studies of an ancient, crashed planar craft set him on a path that might have seen him rival loun and Heward— ‘ntl his experiments overtook him, and he became lst tothe ages. All that’s left of his legacy isa single ‘example of his earliest work—the apparatus of Kwalish that is the only way most folk now know his name. It was Kwalish’s foray into the Barrier Peaks that set his advanced studies into motion, when he joined an ill {ated expedition in search of Daoine Gloine, a legendary City said to be populated by creatures of glass. Though the rest of his party perished along the way, Kwalish stumbled upon a wrecked planar craft of unknown providence and spent years exploring its secrets. He ‘even repurposed much ofthe crafts unique magical technology into his frst laboratory, building planar sates of his own design. Testing one such gate as it forged a connection to the Nine Hells attracted the attention of a bone devil ‘Trailing Kwalish back across the planes, the devil CREDITS Lead Designer: Bart Carol ‘Addtional Design: Robert Add, Bill Benham, MT. Black Jeremy Crawford, Will Doyle, James Introcaso, Ar Leviteh, Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, ind: Moore, Laurence Withey ‘Additional Rumors: David Adams, Viaimir arash, Rose Bel, Ethan Best, Steve Bisronnette, Wal Bloodmoon, Kevin Boardman, Trevor Boe, Nolan Bond, Aidan Brenner lagle, Bodhi Brooke White, Mary Burgess, Mat! Carlson, Casandra Carter, Liam Cherry Holt, Dave Chu, Diana Clark, Caleb Cole, Andrew Cousin, jonathon Crawford, Joshua Cuthbertson, Rae Cwach, Bryan Davidson Tica, Dominic Davies, Marcello De Velazquez, Mathew Disedar, Fiona Eliot, Steve Eliot, Sam English, John Evans, Ryan Fletcher, Sam Fortier, Adrian Francisco, Nick Gil, Christan Gillam, Marcus Good, Daniel Harman, Michael Hoffmann, Zasheir Jassan, Rod Johnson, Conor Kelleher, Bryon Kershaw, Douglas Kpatick, Leonard LaBine, Dan Layenan Kennedy Gaetano LeFavi, Michael Ltterl, Joshua, Leonhardt, Ryan Mahan, Sergio Martinez, Daniel Mekay, Jacob McCray, Devon McEwen, Bian McLachlan, Sean Meaney, Chioe Montgomery, Charles Moris, Daniel Oliveira, Eric Peterson, Mike Plauts, Adam Powel, Richard Powell, Alan Provance, Michael Richards, Justin Ross, Joseph Roureavell, Brian Rubinfeld, lan Rugg oe Ryan John Safran, Corey Shaw, Reggie Sloan, Demon Spavner Spencer, Raul Stainze, Jasmine Stas, Jason Stone, Nick Symosky, Zach Tate, Benjamin Tozer, Corey Turner, jordan Valentine, Jonah Van Campen, Cameron Vollrath, Charles Wain, Taylor Walker, Geof Washam, Omer Watkin il, David Wheeler, Jacob Wilkinson, Chuck Wilson, Evan Wolfe, Greg Weight, Raymond Wynne, Douglas Young, Adrian Zaslona ANOTE FROM THE D&D TEAM In 2017, the D&D team added several projects tothe OMs Guild in support of Extra Life (including One Grung Above. ‘he Lost Kenku, and The Tle Package). The funds eased from the sale ofthese packages went to this extremely worthy cause-—and for 2018, youl find even more projects ‘made available onthe DMs Cuild throughout the year 'As par of these eos, i's our privilege to contribute the following adventure tothe cause, We wanted to provide 25 much value fr your donation as we could, providing new maps, monsters, and magicitems—and ‘ofcourse, the scenario itslfaccom panied by arange of notes and options to help cater to your prefered play syle ‘We hope you enjoy Lot Laboratory of Kwalish And you have our sincere thanks for your suppor of Extra Lifeand Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, took over the inventor's laboratory for itself. Kwalish ‘managed to escape but left much of his lore behind, 1 years that followed ynastery—and while the bone devil spent converting the place into a dark establishing its own cult. ‘After much wandering in the mountains, Kwalish relocated to an equally remote loeation—Daoine Gloine, the mysterious city his expedition had originally sought. ‘The site's isolation made it a suitable place for him to continue his research, However, its populace turned out not tobe creatures of glass as the legends suggested, but elans of kenku that worshipped a medusa with the ‘whique ability to transform her vietims into glass. Before Kwalish could be made to sufler the same fate atthe hands of the chaotic kenku and their mad Editing, Development, and Layout: Scot Fitzgerald Gray [kt Director: Kate Irwin Graphic Designer: Emi Tani Cove tlstrator Shawn Wood Interior Mustrators: Mike Burns, Quinn Carell, Dustin Fletcher, Devan Henderson, Aaron Habrick, Manx Marshal, Shauna Narcico, David Rapoza, tan, Emi Tan), jason Thompson, Cory Tego: Erde, Matt Warren, Mark Winters, Shawn Wood Cartographer: Claudio Pozas (Other D&D Term Members: David Gershman, Pelham Greene, ‘Adam Lee, Cris Lindsay, shelly Mazzanoble, Mike Merl, Shauna Narciso, Christopher Perkins, en Petrsor, Hilary Ross, Liz Schuh, Nathan Stewart, Emi Tani, Greg Tito, Dan “Tovar Anna Vo, Kate Welch, Richard Whitters, Trish Yochum Playesters: Christine Abram, C_- Alger, Russel Aleen Willems, ye Andrew, Frank Bailey, Mike Bales, Michael Born, Derek Cash, Mick Chambers, Diego Corral, Hunter Crag, izzy Crean, Sam Delaney, Matt Dewar, Matthew Dillom-Maye, Scott Dolbee, James East, The Erisian Defense Force, Oseat Fong, jesse For, Scott Gibeaut, Charles Goren, Arnette Graham, Joe Graham, Peter Grieshaber, Tommy Grissom, Jeremie Harnos, Tavis Hayes, Lyon Hogan, Doug Hopkins, Jetrey Kamberger Kstine Kozow Richter, Ere LaPlatey, Rik Laprade, Shiaw-Ling Lia, James MeKiernan, Cody McLean, Jaret Mephee, Gil Nero, Chris Neveu, ay Neveu, Maria Ortegén, Seve Paiano, Drew Peacock, Bryce, Pallinghorn, Melanie Pokinghorn, Michae!Polkinghors, Oven Polkinghorn, Vania Porilo, Diego Salmén, Claudia Sdnches, Kevin Sculy, Simon Sharer, Ted Simon, Benjamin Szymansl Jay Tatum, Davi Tompkins, Nick Tourvile, Ely Walter, David West, Melissa Wiener, Paige Wills, Steven Wonser ‘medusa, he once more opened a planar gat, this time to the 222nd layer of the Abyss~Juiblen’s Slime Pits, from which he summoned forth a horrific plague of ooze 10 lear out the city and help him defend his new lab. Kwalish cutoff ll access to Daoine Gloine, and the city was lost to the ages. The legendary inventor has not ‘een heard from since, Only now, the characters are in dire need of his aid ADVENTURE SUMMARY ‘The characters are charged with locating Kwalish’s long-lost laboratory and the magical technology that ‘might be found there. As they start their search, they're first directed to an accomplished gnome map merchant ‘named Anaxi Zephries, known as “the Cartophile” Information collected by Anaxi over the years has traced, Kwalish’s route into the Barrier Peaks—at least up to the point where his expedition was lost, despite its ‘members’ formidable knowledge and skill. Working their own way into the Barrier Peaks, the characters eventually arrive at Kwalishs first laboratory-the remains ofa planar craft whose technology drove the inventor’ early research, But they discover that Kwalish has long since heen exiled, and his Iab converted into a monastery nov dedicated to the bone devil that s the site's Grand Master. The characters must negotiate their entrance into the ‘monastery, and from there to its treasury. Hidden within the treasury are notes from Kwalishs original ‘expedition that lead to Daoine Gloine, the legendary city deep within the Barrier Peaks—and the site of Kwalish’s ‘current laboratory. After reaching Daoine Gloine, the characters find the city buried beneath a flood of gelatinous ooze, with only its tallest stone structures lft rising aboxe the surface. ‘The characters must find a safe means of descent into the ooze as they seek the entrance to Kwalish’s hidden laboratory—and avoid the empty city’s deadly quardians. ‘Once they reach the lab, the characters meet with the legendary inventor and can negotiate for the assistance necessary to complete their quest—and they might even have the chance to help Kwalish deal with one of a ‘number of problems of his own. PLACING THE ADVENTURE ‘The orginal Expedition tothe Basie Paks 1980's Adventure module $3 for frst edition ADBD—placed istitlar mountains in Greyhawk, north ofthe Grand Duchy of Geoff and the Vly ofthe Mage. Depending on your campaign, you can st this adventure in any sil location: a mysterious mountain range tha even dedicated ‘explorers have failed to fully map, Tn the Forgotten Realms, ne possible location for ‘the adventure is Chul, the land explored in Tomb of ‘Anniilation. The mysterious and poory mapped peninsula ‘contains several sutable mountain ranges, including the Mists and the Kobold Mountains. Elsewhere In Faern, the peaks surrounding Halrua, land known for its magical technology area good choice. Akerativey, ‘campaigns making use ofthe Waterdeep: Drgon Heit adventure might look fora locaton close tothe cy, induding the Grepeaks or the Nether Mountains, RUNNING THE ADVENTURE To run this adventure, you need the D&D fifth edition core rulebooks Players Handbook, Dungeon Master's ie, and Monster Manda. Text that appears ina bos like ths is meant to be read aloud or paraphrased forthe players when thet characters fist arive at a locaton or under a specific circumstance, as described in the text. ‘Most ofthe monsters that appear in this adventure are from the Monster Manual, along with new creatures and NPCs, and monsters from Volo's Guide to Monsters and -Mordenkainen'’s Tome of Foes. For easy reference, all the stat blocks forthe ereatures in the adventure can be found in appendix C, When a creature's name appears in bold type, thats a visual cue pointing you to its stat. block in that appendis. Full information on creatures from the Monster Manual, Volo's Guide to Monsters, land Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes ean be found in those books. Spells and equipment mentioned in the adventure are described in the Player's Handbook. Magic items are described in the Dungeon Master's Guide, unless the adventure’s text directs you to an item’s description in appendix D. ADVENTURE Hooks In the course of previous adventures, the characters might have come up against a special magica ‘mechanical dilemma oo challenging to overcome. Perhaps a secret door in a dungeon complex has been ‘built around an ion golem, oF an array of dangerous clockwork devices discovered within a city defy any attempts to turn them off. All research into the problem ‘suggests that the iventor Kwalish might have the solution—ifonly he hadnt gone missing years before ‘Alternatively, you might consider any ofthe following hooks. Several involve a pending crisis, such thatthe players are seeking Kwalish not just on their own bbchalf, but to prevent hardship to friends, family or the common folk ast make sure thatthe peril doesa't come fon too quickly though, as an expedition into the Barsier Peaks will take some time. THWARTING ANNIHILATION Iyouire playing through or using events from Tomb of Annihilation in your campaign, the characters might hear rumors that Kwalishs laboratory holds lore that can help deactivate the Soulmonger. Ifthe characters hhave any hope of surviving the tomb and ending the death curse, they must first make the dangerous journey to the inventor's lost lab, Alternatively, in the aftermath of Tomb of Annihilation campaign, friend, family member. or ‘mentor important tothe characters might have been placed in stasis within a magical sarcophagus to protect, them from the death curse. With the curse lifted, this NPC can now be savec—except the sarcophagus ‘cannot be opened by any magical or mundane means. After learning thatthe sarcophagus is one of Kwalish’s designs, the characters must seek out his lost laboratory {or the means to open it—or ther friend will sleep for eternity ‘WATERDEEP DANGERS ‘A number of hooks can connect to the exploits of ‘characters engaged in a Waterdeep: Dragon Heise ‘campaign. The famed walking statues of Waterdeep are showing signs of getting ready to power up once more, and not even the Blackstaff ean shut them down. ‘Old histories suggest that Kwalishs lore might hold the secrets of doing so, and the characters are sent to seek that lore out before the great magical statues ‘can run amok, ‘Akernatively the grand parade of the Day of Wonders turns to deadly chaos when one of ts inventive ‘mechanical floats goes berserk and unleashes destruction across the city. After stopping the threat, the characters learn that it was built based on a ‘Kwalish design, and that other such designs might be ‘used to build great engines of destruction. The secrets tw overcoming such inventions can be found only i Kwvalish's la, ‘Asa more integral part ofa Waterdeep: Dragan Heist ‘eampaign, characters who successfully discover the location ofthe Vault of Dragons might discover that the keys needed to access it are lost. Rumors speak of another means of opening the vault—a secret known only tothe lost inventor, Ravnica IN PERIL your campaign is set in the city world of Ravnica, a8 ‘outlined in Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica, Kwalish ‘might be a chemister from the Izzet League wi left the ‘guild to pursue his own work away from Niv-Mizzetr's prying eyes. Centuries later, l2zet researchers have ‘uncovered some of Kwalish’s notes, Desperate to locate the chemister’s laboratory, the Izzet League reaches out to the characters to accomplish the task. From ONE MAD MAGE TO ANOTHER you're running a campaign making use of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Kwalishs laboratory ‘might contain secrets useful inthe exploration of ‘Undermountain. Or you could have some of the