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Two years ago, I worked for a company named Techniprint which is an

international structure that sells professional printers around the world, like in
South Korea, in many countries in Africa, Spain, and more, but they also work with
big companies like Dior, Essilor and also, and they have also created small printing
presses in Africa for people. I have been with this company for almost a month
and a half, and my job is to try to increase their marketing service by using digital
marketing like social media with Instagram, Twitter, etc. My objective was to find
some new clients for the company using digital marketing. I find this job
fascinating because, with my limited knowledge, they let me do some big things,
and this experience has increased my knowledge of the subject of marketing.
During my job, I had a meeting with the employee who was in charge of the
marketing, and they kept some ideas I put on the table, and I am personally
grateful that they trusted me.

Last year, I worked in a supermarket in my town, where I was in charge of the

frozen food section. After 2 weeks working in these sections, I could see the habits
of the clients and what they always buy and don't buy, so I asked my manager if I
could make a small survey for the clients with some products, they preferred over
others for 1 week. My manager let me take this initiative, so I created a small
survey with a QR code that the clients could scan and answer on their phones, and
with that, we have received a data BAS of the clients and their habits. Using this
data, we have improved our selection of products and focused on what the clients
want and don’t want. This initiative was beneficial both for the client and the
supermarket because the client has what he wants, and the supermarket made
fewer losses on the products, so there is less food waste.

During this year, I took a gap year to learn English, so I decided to spend my years
around the world. I spent 3 months in London and 6 months in Miami.
London was an amazing experience. Where I met some interesting people from all
around the world, like Japan, South America, Scandinavian countries, and more.
This experience let me concentrate on myself and decide what I really wanted to
do for my future. I have learned a lot from different people with different
experiences in the world and also in the study world because it's different in every
country. I have an open mind about the world and my future due to the month I
spent in this city.
I also spent some time in Miami, which was a totally different experience as well
as interesting as London, but I was more alone, and that was a choice than in
London, but I either met some great people, especially my roommate Francesco,
who was from Italy; we almost spent 5 months together, and we want to go to
New York for 1 all week.

During my years of high school in France, I did volunteer work for the Red Cross. I
help them during the weekend to collect food for homeless people or people in
need during the winter. My job was to try to convince people to buy some food
like pasta, canned goods, and hygienic products for babies. I was in the front of
the shop talking to people about what they could or couldn’t buy because we
needed some product we could conserve for a long time. After the collection, we
went to find some people and give them the product they needed, and this was a
wonderful experience because, with this experience, I can see how lucky I am to
have the choice and the opportunity I have.

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