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Ayessa Gail A.

BS Medtech 1st year

1.What is the significance/importance of studying anatomy and physiology with pathophysiology in

the field of Medical Laboratory Science?

In the field of Medical Laboratory Science, Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology discusses
and aids in understanding the structure, function, and various illnesses and diseases caused by several
factors in the human body. It is because of these studies that we can have a deeper understanding of
the diseases and mechanisms that reside in the human body, achieve accurate medical analysis, and
progressive research and innovation.

By shedding light on normal body functions, physiology can teach lessons about what goes wrong in
disease. For instance, physiologists have figured out how different types of cells in the pancreas
release hormones to control blood sugar levels. That helps doctors understand and treat diabetes [1]
Through knowing physiology and anatomy, enables us to learn its fundamental role and application in
the field of medical technology. It allows us to fully understand the function and mechanism of the
human body.

It is said that anatomy and physiology, with pathophysiology, construct a crucial role in the
advancements of medical laboratory science [1] achieving more accurate medical analysis that
enables us to assess the health status of patients, as well as, innovative treatments and procedures.
By researching these areas, academics and healthcare workers can advance medical knowledge while
also enhancing patient care and treatment outcomes. This has a tremendous impact on how medical
technology is developed and how healthcare advances.

References: Sarah C.P. Willaims. (2019, July 16). What Is Physiology? WebMD; WebMD.

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