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Department: PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING( Petroleum system exploitation)

Semester: First semester 2021-2022 Name of Lecturer: Mme Enseng Marinette
Course Title: Research Methodology Date: 25/01/2022
Course Code: RES 401 Starting Time: 8:00am
Credit Value: 4 Ending Time: 11:00am
Exam Venue: Buea / Douala campus Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Score: 70
 Instruction(s): Answer all questions

1. Explain the meaning of the term research, (2mrks)

b. Explains the components of a research (8 mrks)
2. State and explain 5 types of research (10mrks)
3. Define and give the main good properties of the following terms as used in research
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Research topic
- Project objectives
4. a. What do you understand by the term research design?
b. Outline the characteristics of a good research design
c. State and explain 5 types of research design (2,3,10mrks)
5. using any research topic of your chaise, write a sample abstract (6mrks)
6. State and explain three referencing styles ( 9mrks)
Department: PETROLEUM AND MINING ENGINEERING( Petroleum system exploitation)
Semester: First semester 2021-2022 Name of Lecturer: Mme Enseng Marinette
Course Title: Research Methodology Date: 25/01/2022
Course Code: RES 401 Starting Time: 8:00am
Credit Value: 4 Ending Time: 11:00am
Exam Venue: Buea / Douala campus Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Score: 70
 Instruction(s): Answer all questions


Question one

a. It is a systematic study which involves the collection, organization and analysis of

information to to increase understanding of a topic orissue.
b. –Topic; A subject or issue a researcher is interested in.
-Problem identified; the problem the researcher is trying to solve
-Purpose of the work; the reason why you are carrying out your research
-Objectives; what you want to achieve at the end of the research
-Methods; how you will carry out data collection and analysis
-Results; where you report the findings of your work
-conclusion; it is a summary of your work, it includes a synthesis of your key points.

Question two

-Basic research; it is a type of scientific research with the aim of improving scientific
theories for better understanding and prediction of natural or other phenomena

-Applied Research; It is a nonsystematic process of providing solutions to a specific

problem or issue

- Quantitative; it is a research strategy that focuses on quantifying the collection and

analysis of data.

-Qualitative; its relies on data obtained based on observation, interviews, questionnaire and
so on

Question three

It is a one paragraph summary of a research project, a condensed version of your entire work

 Complete
 Concise
 Clear
 Coheisive

It is he initial paragraph that begins te subsequent process of the project
Shortand crisp

 Clear
 Include background information
 Includes the purpose, and importance of your work
 Description of project content

Research topic
It is a subject or issue that a researcher is interested in when conducting a research

 It is based on the works of others

 Can be replicated
 It generates new questions
 Its should not be broad

Project objectives
It describes concisely what the research is trying to achieve

There are 2 types

- Main objectives, to explore theunknown and unlock new possibilities

- Specific objectives describe what will be researched during the stu

Question 4

a. A research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to intergrate the different
componentsdy in a coherent and logical wayin order to sddress your research pronlem.
- Neutrality
- Reliability
- Validity
- generalization

Qualitative Research Design; Qualitative research determines relationships between collected data and
observations based on mathematical calculations. Theories related to a naturally existing phenomenon can
be proved or disproved using statistical methods. Researchers rely on qualitative research methods that
conclude “why” a particular theory exists along with “what” respondents have to say about it.

- Quantitative Research Design

: Quantitative research is for cases where statistical conclusions to collect actionable insights are essential.
Numbers provide a better perspective to make critical business decisions. Quantitative research methods
are necessary for the growth of any organization. Insights drawn from hard numerical data and analysis
prove to be highly effective when making decisions related to the future of the business.

- Descriptive Research Design

In a descriptive design, a researcher is solely interested in describing the situation or case under their
research study. It is a theory-based design method which is created by gathering, analyzing, and
presenting collected data.

- Experimental Research Design

Experimental research establishes a relationship between the cause and effect of a situation. It is a causal
design where one observes the impact caused by the independent variable on the dependent variable.

- Co relational Research Design

Correlational research is a non-experimental research technique that helps researchers establish a

relationship between two closely connected variables. This type of research requires two different groups.

- Explanatory Research Design

Explanatory design uses a researcher’s ideas and thoughts on a subject to further explore their theories.
The research explains unexplored aspects of a subject and details about what, how, and why of research

5. Sample abstract
6. MLA

The MLA system is a parenthetical system: i.e. bracketed references in the body of your essay
are linked to full length citations in the bibliography at the end of your essay. The bracket in the
body of the essay contains only the author’s surname and the page number or numbers you are
referring to. For example: There are a number of different referencing styles or conventions but
there are four that are used most widely. (Kennedy, 17).If your essay quotes from two or more
works by the same author then the bracketed reference should include a shortened version of the
title to indicate which book is being referred to. (Kennedy, New Relations, 26)


The APA system is also a parenthetical system but the bracketed references in the body of your
essay are: the author’s surname, the date of publication and the page or page numbers you are
referring to. For example: There are a number of different referencing styles or conventions but
there are four that are used most widely (Kennedy, 2003, p. 17). The reference always goes at the
end of the sentence before the full stop.


The Harvard system is another parenthetical system and the bracketed references in the body of
your essay are: the author’s surname and the date of publication. The list of works at the end of
the essay is headed ‘References’. The works listed in it appear in alphabetical order by the
author’s surname and follow the same format as the APA system.

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