Energy Balance of Dark Anaerobic Fermentation A Satool For Sustainability Analysis

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1

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Energy balance of dark anaerobic fermentation as a tool

for sustainability analysis

Bernardo Ruggeri*, Tonia Tommasi, Guido Sassi

Dept. of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy

article info abstract

Article history: A process aimed at producing energy needs to produce more energy than the energy
Received 8 April 2010 necessary to run the process itself in order to be energetically sustainable. In this paper, an
Received in revised form energy balance of a batch anaerobic bioreactor has been defined and calculated, both for
4 August 2010 different operative conditions and for different reactor scales, in order to analyze the
Accepted 4 August 2010 sustainability of hydrogen production through dark anaerobic fermentation. Energy
production in the form of hydrogen and methane, energy to warm up the fermentation
Keywords: broth, energy loss during fermentation and energy for mixing and pumping have been
BioH2 considered in the energy balance. Experimental data and literature data for mesophilic
Dark fermentation microorganism consortia have been used to calculate the energy balance. The energy
Sustainable energy balance production of a mesophilic microorganism consortium in a batch reactor has been studied
Methane in the 16e50  C temperature range. The hydrogen batch dark fermentation resulted to only
have a positive net production of energy over a minimal reactor dimension in summer
conditions with an energy recovery strategy. The best working temperature resulted to be
20  C with 20% of available energy. Hydrogen batch dark fermentation may be coupled with
other processes to obtain a positive net energy by recovering energy from the end products
of hydrogen dark fermentation. As an example, methane fermentation has been consid-
ered to energetically valorize the end products of hydrogen fermentation. The combined
process resulted in a positive net energy over the whole range of tested reactor dimension
with 45e90% of available energy.
ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction processing and water electrolysis [3] potentiates the biological

production of hydrogen, especially when organic wastes are
The search for renewable energy sources is at the present used, as a component of the sustainable energy market [4].
a necessity [1] as a consequence of the shortage of hydro- The biological processes are classified as photo fermentation
carbon and of global warming due to CO2 emission. In this and dark fermentation processes. The photosynthesis of H2
context, the use of hydrogen, produced from non-fossil by bacteria or algae offers an opportunity for direct trans-
sources, can be considered as a clean and sustainable source formation of solar energy. In spite of the theoretical oppor-
of energy. Hydrogen can be produced in several ways, e.g., tunity, the real application is currently difficult [5] mainly due
through the electrolysis of water, the steam reforming of to the bioreactor scale up [6] and to the low efficiency in the
no-renewable hydrocarbons, and the gasification of biomass use of solar light [7,8]. The dark fermentation approach is
and biological processes [2]. The high cost of hydrocarbon based on the well-known technology of the anaerobic

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ39 011 090 4647; fax: þ39 011 090 4699.
E-mail addresses: (B. Ruggeri), (T. Tommasi).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1 10203

Nomenclature kfoam thermal conductivity of the expanded polystyrene

1 1 foam, [MJ h1 m1 K1]
cp specific heat of the broth, [MJ kg K ]
N impeller rotation velocity, [rpm]
D diameter of the bioreactor, [m]
NB impeller rotation velocity of the bench scale
DB diameter of the bench scale bioreactor, [m]
bioreactor, [rpm]
di diameter of the impeller, [m]
PH2 ðTw Þ H2 production vs. temperature per unit volume of
EH2 energy produced as H2 per unit volume of the
broth, [Nm3 m3]
reactor, [MJ m3]
PCH4 ðTw Þ CH4 production vs. temperature per unit volume
ECH4 energy produced as CH4 per unit volume of the
of broth, [Nm3 m3]
reactor, [MJ m3]
Pn Power number, [e]
Ew energy for the initial warming per unit of the
Pw electrical power, [MJ h1]
reactor, [MJ m3]
Re rotational Reynolds number Re a ND2, [e]
El energy loss per unit of the reactor, [MJ m3]
ROP RedOx Potential, [mV]
Ee energy for mixing and pumping per unit volume of
ssteel Thickness of the reactor wall, [m]
the reactor, [MJ m3]
sfoam thickness of the reactor insulator, [m]
En net energy production per unit volume of the
Ta outdoor ambient temperature, [ C]
reactor, [MJ m3]
Tw working temperature in the bioreactor, [ C]
F filling fraction of the bioreactor volume, [e]
U global heat transfer coefficient, [kJ h1m2 K1]
g acceleration of gravity, [m s2]
VFA volatile fatty acids, [mg L1]
he external convective heat transfer coefficient,
VSS volatile suspended solid, [mg L1]
[kJ h1 m2 K1]
VG produced gas volume per broth volume, [L L1]
hi internal convective heat transfer coefficient,
[kJ h1 m2 K1] Greek
HCH4 lower heating value of methane, 36.18 MJ/Nm3, r biomass density, [mg L1]
[MJ Nm3] h global thermal efficiency of the heating system,
HH2 lower heating value of hydrogen, 10.8 MJ/Nm3, [e]
[MJ Nm3] hcomb combustion efficiency, [e]
L height of the bioreactor, [m] he electrical/mechanical conversion efficiency, [e]
ksteel thermal conductivity of steel, [MJ h1 m1 K1] hheat exc efficiency of the heat exchanger, [e]
Dt total duration of the batch fermentation, [h]

digestion of organic wastes for biogas production. Anaerobic Temperature affects the general cell viability and the
digestion has been reported to operate in continuous and in catabolic pathways. A low temperature depletes cell activity
batch modes, depending on the carbon source availability and and the hydrogen production rate, while high temperature
seasonality, the reacting time, the mixing approach and the leads to more oxidized compounds to be available as electron
technological approach [9]. acceptors. This low temperature depletes hydrogen produc-
Dark fermentation is a promising way of using inexpensive tion [21,22]. The temperature range depends on the type of
feedstock, from several organic waste streams, as a substrate microorganism consortium that is used. The lower boundary
source for hydrogen production [10]. Reviews on recent of the temperature range is generally similar, i.e., around
studies on anaerobic digestion to produce hydrogen are 12e16  C, while the optimal temperature may vary in the
available in Refs. [11,12]. Nevertheless, several non-linear mesophilic range, i.e., around 37  C, and the thermophilic
effects, which influence the fermentative hydrogen produc- range, i.e., around 55  C, [23]; however 22  C [24] and 60  C
tion, still remain to be clarified. The main factors under study [25,26] have also been reported. From an energetic point of
are: microorganism inoculum procedures, carbon sources, view, the fermentation temperature also determines the
reactor types, nitrogen phosphate and metal concentrations energetic level to which all the materials must be warmed to
(especially Fe2þ), fermentation temperature, agitation and and the driving force for heat dispersion to the external
fermentation pH [13,14]. Studies on the macro effects of these environment. The best working temperature can be different
factors on fermentative hydrogen production have recently from the optimal temperature for the microbial consortium
been reviewed [15]. Fermentation temperature and pH have activity. The total energy balance is the key equation for
been demonstrated to be the most relevant parameters that fullscale reactor design and the fermentation temperature is
affect the process performances [15e17], because of their the most relevant parameter [27,28]. Nevertheless very few
influence on the activity of hydrogen producing bacteria. papers have dealt with the total energy balance in hydrogen
Essential enzymes for fermentative hydrogen production, production [28]. The relevance of the energetic reasoning is
e.g., Hydrogenase and Ferrodoxin, require adequate pH and evident for the production of hydrogen as an energetic vector;
temperature ranges [18,19]. Basification is necessary to the value of the fermentation temperature determines the net
maintain the pH and the redox potential in the broth at the energy produced. Hydrogen production through dark
most appropriate range to enhance the activity of the Ferro- fermentation involves a partial oxidation of the carbon source
doxin enzyme pool [20]. to fatty acids [13]. The outlet stream from the reactor still has
10204 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1

a chemical energetic content that can be used for further 2.3. Test runs for H2 and CH4 production
energy production, e.g., through anaerobic digestion with
a resulting methane production. The overall process, e.g., The batch test runs were conducted at 16, 20, 35, 40 and 50  C.
hydrogen production and subsequent methane production, The initial pH was set at 7.2 by 1 N HCl solution. After the
should have a higher specific net energy production due to the initial free decrease till 5.2, the pH value was maintained by
thermal integration, which leads to an energy saving. In the pumping in a 2 N NaOH solution [20]. The test runs were shut
present paper, the performances of a mesophilic consortium down when the biogas production stopped.
that produces hydrogen in a batch reactor are studied as The broth of one of the test runs, conducted at 35  C, was
a function of the fermentation temperature. The total energy inoculated with 10% untreated sludge after the end of the run
balance is applied to investigate the energetic performances of when the pH reached 7 by free evolution of the broth. The
the process as a function of the basic technological parame- test run was shut down when biogas production stopped
ters of a fullscale bioreactor, i.e., reactor dimension and again.
reactor insulation. The net energy produced by the hydrogen
process alone and by the hydrogen process coupled with 2.4. Analytical tests
a subsequent anaerobic digestion, i.e., methane production
from the outlet stream of the hydrogen reactor, has been The pH (HA405-DXK-S8, Mettler Toledo), RedOx Potential
calculated. The net energy is reported as a function of the (ROP, Pt4805-DXK-S8, Mettler Toledo), temperature, NaOH
reactor dimension and fermentation temperature in order to flow rate (Iris, Infors HT) and total gas produced volume
identify the acceptable conditions for both summer and (Milligas Counter, Ritter) were monitored and registered every
winter operations. The importance of energy recovery strat- 5 min. Liquid samples were withdrawn twice a day during the
egies has been verified. test runs, the glucose concentration was measured by an
enzymatic method (Biopharm-Roche) and the volatile fatty
acids and ethanol concentrations were measured by a gas-
chromatographic method (Model 6580, Agilent). The gas was
2. Materials and methods
collected in bags which were changed on the basis of time and
the gas quantity; average concentrations of H2, O2, CH4, CO2,
2.1. Seed microflora for H2 and CH4 production
CO, N2 were measured in each bag by means of off-line gas-
chromatographic analysis (Varian, CP 4900).
The seed microorganism consortium for H2 production was
prepared according to Chen et al. [29] and Mu et al. [30]. The
2.5. Uncertainty evaluation
sludge of an anaerobic digester working at 38  C fed by
municipal wastewater (SMAT S.p.A., Turin) was pretreated by
The uncertainty of net energy estimated values was evalu-
leaving for 24 h at pH 3 in anaerobic conditions. The pH value
ated in accord to the rules reported in Ref. [40]. At the end
was reached by adding a 1 N HCl solution to the sludge. The
to evaluate the uncertainty, considering that Guide to
initial conditions of the sludge were: pH 7.2; density 890 kg/m3,
Uncertainty Measurement (GUM) defines uncertainty as
volatile suspended solid (VSS) 11,560 mg/L and total solid
a quantifiable parameter associated with the results of
concentration (TSS) 16,500 mg/L. The seed microorganism
a measurement procedure, the suggested approach has been
consortium for CH4 production was prepared from the
utilized either to evaluate the uncertainty or to estimate the
untreated sludge of the same anaerobic digester (SMAT S.p.A.,
most affecting parameters. This latest was obtained by using
Turin). The sludge was withdrawn once from the anaerobic
the expression reported in Ref. [41] known as the law of the
digester and partially treated as previously described. The
propagation of uncertainty based on the evaluation of the
treated and untreated sludge portions were divided into 50 ml
partial derivatives of the parameters on the estimation of
amounts and frozen. Each amount was unfrozen at ambient
the net energy, called sensitivity coefficients which describe
temperature under anaerobic conditions before being inocu-
how the output estimate, varies with changes in the value of
lated into the reactor.
the input estimates.

2.2. Reactor and medium composition

3. Energy balance methodology
A 2 L working volume stirred-batch reactor (Minifors HT,
Switzerland) was filled whit a glucose synthetic medium [31] The net energy produced (En) in a bioreactor by dark fermen-
(NaHCO3 1.25 g/l, NH4Cl 2.5 g/l; KH2PO4 0.25 g/l; K2HPO4 tation is the difference between the energy contained in the
0.250 g/l; CaCl2 0.5 g/l; NiSO4 32 mg/L; MgSO4$7H2O 320 mg/l; generated gas, i.e., contained in the hydrogen (EH2 ) and/or the
FeCl3 20 mg/l; Na2BO4$H2O 7.2 mg/l; Na2MoO4$2H2O 14.4 mg/l; methane (ECH4 ) produced, and the energy spent to obtain and
CoCl2$6H20 21 mg/l; MnCl2$4H2O 30 mg/l; Yeast extract maintain the reaction conditions. The last term involves the
50 mg/l). 10% v/v seed was inoculated into the medium, N2 warm up of the inlet materials to start fermentation (Ew), the
was sprinkled for 10 min to reach anaerobic conditions and heat loss to the environment (El) during fermentation and the
the broth was warmed to the chosen temperature. The C/N electrical energy for mixing and pumping (Ee).
ratio was set at 30 and the glucose concentration at 60 g/L in The net energy production may be expressed as:
order to maximize the hydrogen production rate, according to
previously kinetic studies [19]. En ¼ EH2 þ ECH4  ðEw þ El þ Ee Þ (1)
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1 10205

The energy balance considers a reference volume and addition, HH2 is the lower heating value of hydrogen
a reference time period on which each term must be evaluated (10.8 MJ/Nm3) and HCH4 that of methane (36.18 MJ/Nm3). F is
and calculated. The system under study is a batch reactor into the liquid hold up in the reactor, i.e., the fraction of reactor
which raw materials are introduced, agitated, warmed to the volume filled by liquid.
working temperature, inoculated by seed and left to evolve,
controlling the pH by adding an alkaline solution till the gas 3.2. Warming energy
production stopped. In this case, the reference volume is the
reactor volume and the reference time period is the duration The energy required to warm the fermenting broth mainly
of a single batch run. Intensive terms may be calculated, depends on its specific heat (cp), the difference between the
referring to the unit working volume of the reactor. A batch working temperature (Tw) and the outdoor ambient tempera-
process was considered because hydrogen produced as ture (Ta) and the efficiency of the heating system (h). The
a function of the working temperature has mainly been heating energy per unit volume of the bioreactor may be
studied in detail and recognized in Ref. [15] for batch calculated as:
processes. Table 1 summarizes the data from several litera- 
ture cases of batch hydrogen production at the optimal r$cp $ðTw  Ta Þ$F
Ew ¼ (3)
working fermentation temperature. In order to investigate the h
temperature and scale-up effects, the net energy per unit Where the r and cp of water were used for the fermenting
volume of the reactor was calculated at different working broth. The warming device was considered to be composed
fermentation temperatures and different dimensions of the of a combustion boiler (hcomb z 0.8) and a heat exchanger
reactor. The reactor diameter D was chosen as the reactor (hheat exc z 0.6). The global efficiency of the warming system
dimension parameter, and the reactor was considered to be was calculated as the product (h z 0.48). The outdoor ambient
cylindrical with a height-to-diameter ratio equal to 4. Two temperature was considered for different seasonal conditions,
different outdoor ambient conditions were considered in i.e., summer and winter conditions. Ta was calculated on the
order to evaluate the effect of seasonal variations of the basis of historical data from northern Italy; mean night and
ambient temperature. Each term of Equation (1) is discussed day values over the season were considered in order to avoid
hereafter. an increase in the computational complexity: Ta ¼ 5  C for the
winter and Ta ¼ 15  C for the summer. A heat recovery of 50%
3.1. Energy production was considered, i.e., at the end of the batch run 50% of the heat
of the broth is considered to have been recovered. The
The energy produced per unit volume of the reactor is the total warming of the reactor wall and insulator and that of the
energy embedded in the gas produced by a single batch run NaOH solution was neglected in order to consider the most
referring to the reactor volume, i.e., the energy contained in optimistic situation in which specific strategies are performed
the amount of hydrogen and methane retrieved from a single to enhance energy saving.
batch run referring to the reactor volume.
For hydrogen and methane, this can be calculated as: 3.3. Heat loss

EH2 ¼ F$PH2 ðTw Þ$HH2 ; ECH4 ¼ F$PCH4 ðTw Þ$HCH4 (2)

The difference between the working temperature of broth Tw
where PH2 ðTw Þ and PCH4 ðTw Þ are the specific production of H2 and the ambient temperature Ta outside the reactor is
and CH4 respectively, i.e., the amount of H2 or CH4 produced in responsible for the heat loss from the fermenting broth. The
a single batch run per unit volume of broth at the working energy lost must be supplied from the heating system of the
temperature. These are expressed as Nm3 of H2 or CH4 per m3 temperature control system and it depends on the insulation
of fermenting broth, and their value, which was determined of the fermenting broth from the external environment, the
experimentally, depends on the working temperature. In surface area exposed to the environment and the duration of

Table 1 e Highest specific hydrogen production and duration for batch operative conditions with mesophilic
microorganism consortium producing hydrogen.
References Substrate Microorganisms Initial pH Tw ( C) Dt (h) Produced H2
pH Control (mmol/L)

[15] Glucose Mixed culture 7.0 no 40 25 123

[38] Sucrose Mixed culture 8.0 no 35 25 207
[19] Glucose Mixed culture at 5.5 41 24 91
[17] Glucose Mixed culture 7.5 no 25e26 50 60
[Present study] Glucose Mixed culture 7.2 at 5.2 35 340 442
[26] Sucrose Mixed culture 8.5 no 22 466 120
[26] Sucrose Mixed culture 8.5 no 37 90 50
[18] Cattle wastewater Mixed culture at 5.5 45 30 8
[39] Glucose Geothermal hot 6.5 no 51.7 16 625
spring sediments
10206 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1

Table 2 e Experimental H2 production results: H2 produced, run duration and relative mass abundance of the measured
Tw H2 produced Dt Acetate Butyrate Propionate Formate Lactate Ethanol
( C) (mmol/L) (days) (%)w (%)w (%)w (%)w (%)w (%)w

16 15.4 6.6 1.2 60.2 0.4 1.5 18.0 18.4

20 215.3 23.9 2.9 81.1 0 2.8 0.04 13.3
35 442.0 13.8 7.9 90.8 0.1 0.6 0 0.6
40 96.0 8.4 4.9 15.3 0.1 10.0 68.2 1.5
50 1.1 12.5 1.7 4.0 0.01 3.1 90.4 0.9

the batch run (Dt). The energy loss per unit volume of reactor 3.4. Electrical energy for mixing and pumping
may be calculated as:
  The electrical energy consumed to run the bioreactor is for
4:5 kfoam mixing, filling up and empting the bioreactor using a pump. In
$ $DtðTw Þ$ðTw  Ta Þ
D sfoam
El ¼ (4) batch fermentation, the raw material and the inoculum are
pumped in at the beginning of a run and the broth is pumped
in which the bottom and the top of the bioreactor walls were out at the end of the run. The reactor is mixed all along the run.
considered insulated with the same thickness as the vertical The energy for pumping may roughly be calculated as the
wall. The bioreactor walls were considered to be constituted energy necessary to lift the broth to the top of the reactor, i.e.,
by a steel 2.5 mm thick wall, as the structural material and E ¼ rgL; it accounts for the efficiency due to the pressure drop
300 mm thick expanded polystyrene foam as the insulating and the partial recovery from empting the reactor, where L is
material. The total duration of fermentation Dt depends on the height of the reactor.
the working temperature, which was experimentally deter- The power number and the rotational Reynolds number
mined as reported in Tables 1e3. were considered to evaluate the mixing performances of the
The total resistance, i.e., the reciprocal of the total heat bioreactor [33]. As the turbulence scale-up criteria, the rota-
transfer coefficient U, accounts for the total insulation of the tional Reynolds number was considered independent of the
broth from the outside environment, and it can be calculated reactor diameter in order to evaluate the energy necessary to
as the sum of the single resistances, i.e., internal broth, steel, mix the fermenting broth at different diameters, i.e., the
foam and external air resistances: power number is independent of the reactor diameter [33,34].
Geometrical similitude was assumed for the vessel and
ssteel sfoam
U1 ¼ h1
i þ þ þ h1
e (5) impeller scale up, i.e., an equal impeller-to-reactor diameter
ksteel kfoam
ratio. The impeller-to-reactor diameter ratio in the bench
where h is the convective heat transfer coefficient for the scale bioreactor was set at 0.5. The following equation allows
internal and external fluid, s the thickness of the steel and us to estimate the electrical power necessary to mix the broth:
foam and k the thermal conductivity of the steel and foam [32].
Very thick polystyrene foam makes the foam resistance the Pn $r N3B $D6B
Pw ¼ $ (6)
only relevant contribution to the total resistance, as graphi- 8gp D4
cally reported in Fig. 1, therefore both the convective internal The procedure reported by Bailey and Ollis [34] was used to
and external fluid resistance, as well as the steel resistance, calculate the power number (Pn) for the bench scale reactor. In
may be neglected to simplify the calculation. The resistance to
heat transport is here only considered in the insulating
material (sfoam/kfoam). This assumption leads to over-
estimating the insulator thickness at the same energy loss.
The term 4.5/D accounts for the exchange surface per unit
volume of the reactor, and it depends on geometrical
assumptions, i.e., the height-to-diameter ratio.

Table 3 e Numerical values to calculate the net energy

production for integrated H2 and CH4 production.
Tw H2 produced CH4 produced Total Energy Test Run
( C) (mmol H2/L) (mmolCH4/L) (kJ/L) Duration
Dt (days)

16 15.4 391 317.5 22.6

Fig. 1 e (a) Geometrical similarity used in the scale-up
20 220 452 409.0 39.9
procedure D/di [ 2 (b) Assumption used for the evaluation
35 442 530 519.2 29.8
of the heat loss through the bioreactor wall.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1 10207

the Equation (6) where subscript B refers to the bench scale their relative amount depends on the temperature, which is
bioreactor, Pw is the power per volume unit volume required to in agreement with literature findings [22,35]. At a lower
reach the target mixing performances, i.e., the value of the temperature than 35  C, the main product is butyrate; its
Reynolds number equal to that of the bench reactor. The total relative abundance diminishes as the temperature decreases
electrical energy is the sum of the pumping and the mixing while the ethanol and lactate abundance increases. Over
terms, and the mixing power must be multiplied by the 35  C, lactate becomes the main product and little ethanol is
duration of the run: observed. It is therefore evident that temperature variations
shift the metabolic pathways. Acetate and butyrate abun-
Pw $DtðTw Þ Pn $r$N3B $D6B DtðTw Þ dances have been confirmed to be closely related to hydrogen
Ee ¼ þ 2rgL ¼ $ þ 8rgD (7)
hel 8gp$hel D4
production [39].
An efficiency factor of electrical energy conversion into
mixing energy of 0.75 was considered. The pumping term 4.1.2. Methane production
resulted to be around 100 J/L per meter of reactor diameter. In Acetate and butyrate constitute 84% and 99% of the total
the considered diameter range this term resulted to be negli- volatile organic compounds at 20 and 35  C respectively. Thus
gible with respect to the mixing term, which means that it the broth at the end of fermentation contains the main
is not interesting to calculate the pumping term more residual chemical energy in the form of acetate and butyrate;
accurately. they constitute the most ideal substrate for the methanogen
consortium [9]. The methanogen consortium can be inocu-
lated at the end of hydrogen production to produce methane
4. Results from fatty acids in order to utilize the energy contained in the
initial carbon source as much as possible. The gas evolution of
4.1. Experimental results a 35  C test run with hydrogen and the subsequent methane
production are reported in Fig. 3a. The first part of the test run
4.1.1. Hydrogen production involved the dark fermentation to produce hydrogen and
The hydrogen evolution was measured in the bench scale volatile fatty acids after an inoculum with sludge treated at
bioreactor at each investigated temperature and is reported in acid conditions. The second part was the secondary fermen-
Fig. 2, while Table 2 reports, for each temperature, the main tation of the fatty acids to produce methane after an inoculum
experimental results, i.e., the specific hydrogen productivity, with untreated sludge. As an average, 80% v/v of methane was
the batch test run duration and the relative abundance of the measured in the biogas produced during the second part of
main metabolites at the end of the fermentation. The meso-
philic microorganism consortium, obtained from a waste-
water treatment sludge operating at 38  C and treated at
acid conditions, has resulted to have a maximal hydrogen
production at 35  C; this result agrees with the literature data
reported in Table 1. The mesophilic microorganism consor-
tium stops hydrogen production at 50  C and reduces the
production of hydrogen to a very low level under 16  C. The
metabolites reported in Table 2 are those that were recognized
[19] and measured in the test runs at the end of fermentation.
The data are reported as the mass percentage of the total
measured metabolites at the end of the test run. Acetate,
propionate and butyrate are known to be the compounds that
are stoichiometrically related to hydrogen production [13,19]

Fig. 3 e Time curve evolution of glucose fermentation

Fig. 2 e Hydrogen production vs. time in the bench scale (initial concentration 60 g/l) (a) cumulative gas production
bioreactor (2 L, pH 5.2; 60 g/l glucose, N [ 100 rpm). H2 and CH4 (b) pH and ROP evolution.
10208 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1

fermentation. Fig. 3b reports the pH and ROP evolution during

the 35  C test run; the pH of the broth evolved naturally till
reaching neutrality after the end of the hydrogen production.
At neutral pH, the reactor was inoculated by the untreated
sludge. The ROP remains at a reductive range at around
500 mV over the duration of the whole run. The correction of
pH at the end of hydrogen production did not lead to
a subsequent methane production. The natural evolution of
pH seems to allow microorganism to modify their environ-
ment and activity to reach the right condition for secondary
inoculum. The methanogenic consortium lag phase was
around 10 days at pH 7.2. As the gas production restarted, the
pH increased till 9, and the methane concentration in the gas
reached 80e85%. In order to evaluate the methane production
in the range less than 35  C, a methanogenic smoothing
function, retrieved from Ref. [27], was used to extrapolate data
from the methane production data experimentally obtained at
35  C. The experimental data at 35  C and the data extrapo-
lated at 16 and 20  C using a smoothing function [36] are
reported in Table 3. The total energy production, as well as the
hydrogen and methane contribution, is reported in Fig. 4 as
Fig. 5 e Net energy production vs. diameter of a bioreactor
a function of the working temperature; the methane contri-
for H2 production with 50% warming up energy recovery:
bution to energy production was calculated to be greater than
(a) winter and (b) summer conditions.
80% over the whole temperature range.

4.2. Net energy evaluation

The net energy was calculated for a single batch run using reduction of energy loss per unit volume. The energy loss
Equations (1)e(7) for each working temperature for the becomes more relevant under a critical reactor dimension,
summer and winter reference ambient temperatures for around 3 m in diameter, for the geometrical assumptions here
a bioreactor diameter ranging from 0.5 to 10 m. An expanded considered, i.e., height-to-diameter ratio and foam thickness.
polystyrene foam thickness of 30 cm was considered to Over the critical reactor dimension, the relevance of the
insulate the bioreactor. energy loss is almost independent of the reactor dimension.
At the winter condition, the net energy production is negative
4.2.1. Hydrogen production over the whole diameter range, while, at the summer condi-
The net energy production for a batch run producing tion with 50% heat recovery, the net energy becomes positive
hydrogen is reported in Fig. 5 as a function of the reactor over a 1 m diameter at a 20  C working temperature and over
diameter. Fig. 5a and b refers to winter and summer condi- a 3 m diameter at 35  C. At 20  C, the net energy is around 20%
tions, respectively. As a first result, the net energy for a 20  C of the total energy produced, while at 35  C, the net energy is
working temperature is always greater than that for a 35  C in around 5% of the total energy produced. The main energy
spite of the lower hydrogen production at 20  C, in which the consumption is due to the initial warming of the broth, even
energy production is about 50% of the maximum at 35  C though an energy recovery was considered and the warming
(See Table 2 and Fig. 4). The net energy production increases of the reactor structure was neglected. If the energy recovery
with diameter, due to the diminution of the external surface is not considered, the net energy production is also negative
area per unit volume which enhances the insulation and the for summer conditions. Similar results were obtained using
the specific production data of other researchers, reported in
Table 1. The production of hydrogen for energy purposes by
batch runs has proved to be critical, and particular care has to
be taken in the raw material treatment, the energy recovery
and the warming strategies in order to design a low energy
requirement pretreatment and warming process, e.g., the use
of solar warming or of thermal wastes to warm the broth
and more favorable climatic conditions. In general, from
a sustainable energy point of view, a secondary process
should be coupled to hydrogen production. An energetic
analysis of the whole process should be performed. On the
other hand the Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) and the other ener-
getic metabolites available in the broth at the end of hydrogen
Fig. 4 e Specific energy production vs. temperature: H2 and fermentation may be energetically valorized, and several
CH4 productions. approaches are available [9,37,38].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1 10209

4.2.2. Coupled hydrogen and methane production

Anaerobic digestion to produce biogas at a high methane
concentration is a possible way of energetically valorizing
the VFAs and the other compounds available in the broth at
the end of acidogenic fermentation. The methanation of the
residue seems to be one of the easiest processes to perform,
because the same reactor can be used without any further
addition or modification. In a first case, the net energy was
calculated without any heat recovery; the results are shown in
Fig. 6 for the winter (6a) and summer (6b) conditions at the
lowest working temperature, i.e., 16, 20 and 35  C. A higher
working temperature leads to a lower net energy production,
due to the lower energy production and the higher energy
requirement. The net energy production is positive over the
reactor dimension whole range both for the winter and the
summer average conditions. A 3 m diameter was confirmed to
be the critical reactor dimension under which energy loss
plays a more important role. The 20  C working temperature is
the most convenient from an energetic point of view over the
whole diameter range. Nevertheless, over a 2 m reactor
diameter, the net energy production resulted to be at about
the same level at 20 and 35  C, i.e., the greater energy
production at 35  C is balanced by the greater energy neces-
sary to warm and maintain the working temperature. This Fig. 7 e Net energy production vs. diameter for integrated
means that, over a 2 m reactor diameter, the energetic criteria H2 and CH4 production with 50% warming energy recovery:
are not relevant in order to choose the working temperature. (a) winter and (b) summer conditions.
The net energy resulted to be 45e88% of the produced energy
as H2 and CH4 forms, depending on the working temperature
and the average seasonal conditions, the maximal percentage an energetic point of view, over almost the whole reactor
is at 20  C for the summer. dimension range, because of the greater relevance of the
In the second case, net energy was calculated considering warming energy in the balance. Nevertheless for a very small
the recovery of 50% of the warming energy, the results are reactor dimension the energy loss becomes very relevant and
shown in Fig. 7 for winter (7a) and summer (7b) conditions. 20  C could be considered as an energetically convenient
The 35  C working temperature is the most convenient, from choice. The net energy resulted to be 70e80% of the produced
energy, depending on the working temperature and the
average seasonal conditions, while the maximal percentage is
at 35  C for the summer; in Fig. 8 is reported a Sankey diagram
for the best situation. Once again the importance of the
running strategy is stressed; the recovery of energy makes it
energetically convenient to work at higher temperatures.
Working at higher temperatures reduces the run time and
enhances the hydrogen production, and it also leads to

Fig. 6 e Net energy production vs. diameter for integrated Fig. 8 e Sankey diagram for the best situation: summer
H2 and CH4 production without energy recovery: (a) winter time, working temperature 35  C, 50% heat recovery,
and (b) summer conditions. reactor diameter > 4 m.
10210 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 0 2 0 2 e1 0 2 1 1

economic advantages. The optimal reactor dimension easily be thermally integrated with hydrogen production
depends on many factors such as economic considerations, through a two-step hydrogenemethane production. Energetic
robustness, reliability and flexibility. The present paper has sustainability is reached, for the integrated process, over the
offered a rough evaluation for energetic sustainability. The whole range of operative conditions considered in the anal-
same procedure may be considered for a design criterion to ysis. The net energy was calculated to be higher than 50% and
calculate the optimal insulator thickness. to even reach 80% in the best case. However, it is possible to
work at higher temperatures by enhancing the process strat-
4.2.3. Uncertainty egies to save energy, this have a consequent positive
As concerns the main affecting parameters on the net energy economic impact. The reactor scale plays an important role
estimation, the warming energy compared to other energy under a critical dimension due to the higher weight of the
terms has the highest predominance. It reaches almost the energy loss. All the calculations have been performed at the
same numerical value both in winter time and in summer typical climatic conditions of northern Italy; warmer climatic
time: 85% and 70% respectively. In regard to the main affecting conditions would lead to an increase in the net energy
parameter, by applying the procedure recalled in Section 2.5 production.
the variability either of ambient temperature Ta or that of Finally, it has been observed that the shift of the pH
the global thermal efficiency h are the main sources of the towards neutral values and the addition of methanogens
uncertainty. With a Ta variability around 5  C and a relative inoculum are able to start a methanogenic fermentation to
variability of the efficiency around 10% on the used values for produce methane using the VFAs and the other products at
the calculation, the uncertainty of the net energy is around the end acidogenic fermentation as the substrate. However,
50 kJ/L; the evaluation of the uncertainty without any vari- the way the shift of the pH towards neutral is performed, may
ability of Ta and h, i.e., considering only the uncertainty due to influence the lag phase of the methanogenic consortium. This
the experimental data results on the range (5e15) kJ/L, this aspect needs to be evaluated in detail both from a biological
confirms that the Ta is the main affecting parameter in and from an energetic point of view.
anaerobic digestion. According to the value of the net energy Lastly, the present evaluation of the net energy does not
estimation reported in Figs. 6 and 7, we can consider the take into account the quantities of energy spent to construct
suggested energy balance sufficiently acceptable in the eval- the plant as well the energy spent to produce the chemicals,
uation of the sustainability of biohydrogen and biogas (mainly NaOH) to control the pH during the fermentation. This
productions. In any case for a specific design of a detailed would be accomplished by a more comprehensive analysis
plant the uncertainty could be reduced. using Life Cycle Approach (LCA) in order to evaluate the
amount of energy delivered to society. By LCA approach the
net energy produced needs to be compared with the total
5. Conclusions and comments energy required to produce the material, to assemble the plant
and process, deliver and upgrade otherwise the sources, the
This paper has considered the energy balance to evaluate the organic refuse in the present contest, in a useful form to give
net energy produced, by batch runs of a bioreactor producing an energy service. In the present paper only the net energy
hydrogen, as a function of the working temperature and was evaluated. The evaluation of “useful” energy delivered
reactor scale. The procedure proposed in this paper allows an into the society reserves several advantages: it assesses the
evaluation of the net energy in order to define the main criteria change in the physical scarcity of energy resources, it is
to choose the scale up and design strategies. For detailed a measure of the potential of such technology to do useful
design purposes, it is necessary to define a more refined work in sustainable way and finally it is possible to rank
calculation procedure. The evaluation of the net energy allows alternative energy supply technologies according to their
maximizing the energy produced by the plant differently capacity to do useful work. Researchers in this area are in due
to maximize the yield of hydrogen, as reported in Fig. 6. course; reliable results are welcomed in order to acquire an
The most relevant conclusion is that particular attention evaluation of energetic of biohydrogen and biogas
must be devoted to the process energy saving strategy to reach productions.
a positive net energy production. The main part of the energy
is required for the warming of the broth; an adequate strategy
needs to be designed in order to reduce this energy cost, e.g.,
the use of solar warming or thermal wastes and heat recovery
and thermal integration if it is possible. However, the effects
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