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1. MSEUF Agenda and MSEUF-CI Priorities:

Agenda 1: The goal of this project is to enable precise and controlled pesticide application through a remote-

controlled system. This ensures targeted treatment and reducing the environmental impact while effectively

managing pests.

Priority 1: The main focus of remote-controlled involves combining advanced technology to achieve

precision in pesticide application and efficient soil tillage.

Area: San Antonio Quezon

2. Proposed Research Topic:

What is my goal in research?

What is the problem/ issue/ challenge I want to investigate?

What project are you interested into?

What requirements do the project need?

Where is the locale of your study?

Goal Issues Project Requirements Locale

- Develop - Pest and - Controllable -Pesticides sprayer - San Antonio

insects Machine that tube Quezon

- Compacted Applies -Remote Control

Soil Pesticides and -Water pump

Till Soil -Solar panel

-Chassis Thriller


-Power Tiller

-Pesticides Container

Proposed Title:

"Remote-Controlled Precision Agriculture: Integration of Pesticide Applicator and Power Tiller for Efficient

Eggplant Farm Management"”

(+63) 917 825 5755


3. Context of the Study:


Short Introduction One such innovation is the development of remote-controlled machine

design for spraying pesticides and tilling soil, this machine represents a

cutting-edge solution that revolutionizes traditional farming practices. By

integrating this machine, this approach minimizes the need for manual

labor. This project aims to enhance crop health, increase productivity,

and promote sustainability in eggplant cultivation.

The Problem Client often faces a significant challenge with their eggplant crops when

pests infest the plants, threatening their health and reducing yields. If

left untreated, pest infestations can devastate entire crops, affecting

client’s incomes and food supply. The soil becomes compacted

overtime, reducing porosity and hindering the penetration of air, water,

and nutrients. This can limit root growth, and nutrient absorption for the


Severity of the Problem [1] Eggplant production in the Philippines suffers severe yield losses

from insect pests, diseases, and extreme environmental conditions. The

most destructive insect pest of eggplant in the Philippines and other

Asian countries is the Eggplant Fruit and Shoot Borer (FSB). Yield

losses due to FSB range from 51-73%. FSB can cause significant yield

loss by reducing the number of marketable fruits due to the presence of

unsightly entry/exit holes and larval feeding tunnels. Damaged fruits are

sold cheaper, used as animal feed, or simply thrown away. [2]

Compacted soils lack good soil structure as the air spaces that are

essential in the movement of water, gases and plant roots are

compressed. Some soils have natural compacted layers which limit

water entry, cause waterlogging and restrict plant growth.

Effects of the Problem [3] Without the use of pesticides, more than half of our crops would be

lost to pests and diseases. Between 26 and 40 percent of the world’s

potential crop production is lost annually because of weeds, pests and

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diseases. Without crop protection, these losses could easily double. [4]

Soil compaction have undesirable effects on plant growth. As soil

compaction increases beyond optimum, yields begin to decline. In dry

years, soil compaction can lead to stunted, drought-stressed plants due

to decreased root growth. In wet weather, yields decrease with any

increase in compaction. Soil compaction in wet years decreases soil

aeration, increasing denitrification. The risk of root diseases can also

increase. All of these factors add stress to the crop and, ultimately, lead

to yield loss.

Problem in the Locale The researcher conducts an interview to their chosen client here in

locale which is the vegetable farm of Sison family located in San

Antonio Quezon. According to the client, their vegetable crop which is

the eggplant can easily be infested by different pest. 100% of their crops

will be infested by pests if they don't apply pesticides. And this will

damage the plants, reduce yields, and potentially render the crops

unsuitable for sale or consumption. The client stated that lack of tilling

can lead to compacted soil reducing to its porosity and make it difficult

for plant roots to penetrate and access nutrients and water.

Solution Developing and implementing a remote-controlled Application of

pesticides and soil tiller is a solution to a problem that the farmers are

usually facing. This machine will apply the pesticides on the eggplant

crops and will till the soil on a right time by using remote control. The

machine provides a solution for managing crops efficiently and

effectively to enhance crop health and productivity.

Rationale The rationale of this project is to emphasize the need for innovative

solutions in agriculture to address challenges such as efficient pest and

soil management. By focusing on eggplant cultivation, the project aims

to develop a controllable pesticide spraying and tilling system tailored to

the specific needs in eggplant farm. It aims to efficiently and accurately

apply these pesticides to eggplant crops in order to enhance their

growth. The purpose of this machine is to till the compacted soil,

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allowing better penetration of air, water, and nutrients to the plant roots.

By developing a controllable system for pesticide application and tilling

soil, farmers can achieve greater convenience and efficiency in their

work. Additionally, this machine enhances oclient’s safety by minimizing

exposure to harmful chemicals.

4. Objectives of the Project:

General Objective (Declarative). State the objective of the study.

-To investigate the implementation and impact of remote-controlled technology in pesticide applicators and

power tiller machines for enhancing agricultural efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

Specific Objective (Infinitive). State the specific function of your project.

-To develop and implement a controllable machine that efficiently and effectively provide a right amount of

pesticides to eggplant crops at the optimal times.

- To develop a power tilling system crucial for loosening compacted soil, improving aeration, and facilitating

root growth.

-To design a remote control where clients can control the machine to spray pesticides, adjust the pesticides

sprayer and till the soil.

-To utilize a water pump, are devices designed to move pesticides from container to pesticide sprayer tube.

-To employ solar panel that harness renewable energy from the sun to generate electricity, reducing reliance

on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental impact.

-This controllable application of pesticides in eggplant crops with power tiller is to enhance agricultural

productivity, sustainability, and efficiency while ensuring the health and quality of vegetable crops.

6. Methods:

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Design: Through the combination of software and hardware components, the remote-controlled pesticide

spraying machine can efficiently manage spraying activities, optimize pesticide usage, and provide farmers

with real-time monitoring and control capabilities.

 Software Requirements:

1. Remote Control Software Interface:

- Custom software interface to facilitate communication between the user's remote controller and the

machine's hardware components.

- User-friendly interface with intuitive controls for adjusting the pesticide sprayer tube, activating the

water pump, deploying the power tiller, and controlling movement.

 Hardware Requirements:

1. Pesticide Sprayer System:

- Motorized mechanism controlled by the remote-control software to adjust the sprayer tube angle and


2. Water Pump System:

- Pump system integrated into the machine to transfer pesticides from the container to the sprayer


- Activated by the user through the remote-control software.

3. Pesticide Container:

- Storage container for holding pesticides to be sprayed onto the crops.

4. Power Tiller Mechanism:

- Tiller attachment mounted on the side of the machine.

- Equipped with motorized actuators to deploy the tiller blades into the soil.

- Controlled remotely through the software interface.

5. Chassis Thriller Wheel:

- Sturdy chassis thriller wheel system for stability and mobility.

- Allows the machine to move across the field as directed by the user's remote-control commands.

6. Solar Panel System:

- Solar panel array mounted on top of the machine to generate electricity from sunlight.

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- Provides power for the operation of the machine's electrical components, reducing reliance on

external power sources.

7. Battery Storage System:

- Battery storage unit to store excess solar-generated electricity for use during periods of low sunlight

or at night.

- Ensures continuous operation of the machine even when solar power is not available.

 Estimated Costs:

o Chassis Triller Wheel: P15,000.00

o Solar Panel (200 watts): P30,000.00

o Cultivator Power Tiller: P5,000.00

o Pesticide Sprayer Tube: P1,500.00

o Control System (Remote Control): P2,500.00

o Water Pump: P7,000.00

 Estimated Total Cost: P61, 000.00

 Component Design:

Develop: Throughout the entire process, collaboration with experts in robotics, agriculture, and engineering

is essential to ensure a successful design. The following are the steps in implementing the design and

hardware components of the machine:

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 Define Requirements:

 The researchers will outline the objectives and requirements of the autonomous pesticide

spraying machine to understand the specific needs of eggplant farms, including the size of

the fields, types of pesticides, and any unique challenges.

 Research and Analysis:

 The researchers will conduct thorough research on existing agricultural robots and

autonomous spraying systems. This will analyze their designs, features, and shortcomings

and identify the latest technologies and best practices in the field.

 Conceptualization:

 The researchers will develop a conceptual design that aligns with the project requirements.

They will consider the overall structure, mobility system, spraying mechanism, power source,

and control system and sketch initial ideas considering different design alternatives.

 Detailed Design:

 The researchers will refine the chosen concept into a detailed design. This will specify the

dimensions, materials, and components for each part of the machine as they will consider

factors like weight distribution, stability, and ease of maintenance.

 CAD Modeling:

 Utilizing Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create detailed 3D models of the

machine. This will Include all components and connections. This step allows for a virtual

representation of the machine before the physical prototype is built.

 System Integration:

 This step will ensure that all the components work together seamlessly. Integrating the

chassis, power source, pesticide tank, spraying mechanism, sensors, and control system into

a cohesive design.

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 Testing and Simulation:

 The researchers will use simulation tools to test the machine's performance in different

scenarios. Simulations can help them identify potential issues and optimize the design before

building the physical prototype.

 Material Selection:

 The researchers will choose materials that are suitable for the machine's intended use. They

will consider factors such as durability, weight, and cost ensuring that the selected materials

comply with safety and regulatory standards.

 Cost Estimation:

 The researchers will estimate the costs associated with manufacturing the machine

considering the expenses for materials, components, fabrication, assembly, and any

specialized technologies.

 Documentation:

 The researchers will prepare comprehensive documentation that includes assembly

instructions, technical specifications, and a bill of materials. This documentation is crucial for

manufacturing and troubleshooting.

 Prototyping:

 The researchers will build a prototype of the machine based on the finalized blueprint. This

includes the testing of the prototype in real-world conditions to validate its performance and

identify any necessary improvements.

 Iterative Refinement:

 Based on the testing results, the researchers will refine the design as needed and iterate

through the prototyping and testing process until the machine meets the desired performance

and reliability standards.

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 Final Blueprint:

 The researchers will update the blueprint with any modifications made during the prototyping

phase. This final blueprint serves as the reference for manufacturing the autonomous

pesticide spraying machines at scale.

Implement: The implementation of the "Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Pesticide Spraying

Machine for Eggplant Farms," involves assembling the physical components according to the finalized

blueprint. This will begin by constructing the chassis and integrating the mobility system, such as wheels or

tracks, ensuring stability and weight distribution. Attach the pesticide tank, spraying mechanism, and the

necessary sensors, including cameras and environmental sensors, to enable autonomous navigation and

precise spraying. Connect the components to the control system and power source, making sure all

electrical and mechanical connections are secure. Once assembled, the machine must undergo thorough

testing in controlled environments before deployment in actual eggplant farms.

Evaluate: To measure effectiveness, a comprehensive evaluation plan will be devised, encompassing a

statistically significant number of samples. The number of samples required would depend on the size of the

eggplant farm, the variability of field conditions, and the desired level of statistical confidence. Conducting

randomized trials across different sections of the farm, both with and without the autonomous pesticide

spraying machine, allows for a robust comparison. Parameters such as crop health, pest control efficacy,

and overall yield will be meticulously measured and analyzed. A sufficient sample size will ensure that the

findings are representative of the entire farm are statistically reliable. This will require regular monitoring over

an extended period to account for seasonal variations and dynamic agricultural conditions. The effectiveness

of the project will be conclusively determined by synthesizing data from these samples and comparing it to

traditional pesticide application methods, providing valuable insights for the client in optimizing crop

protection and yield.

7. References (IEE style):

(+63) 917 825 5755


List down the all the useful references you can use in the study.

[1]“Questions and Answers about the Fruit and Shoot Borer Resistant Eggplant (Bt Talong), the First Filipino

Biotech Product,” Science Speaks.

[2]“Soil compaction | Soil health and condition,”


%20soils%20lack%20good%20soil (accessed Feb. 27, 2024).

‌[3] “Importance & Benefits of Pesticides,” Pesticide Facts.


[4] “Soil compaction,”


(+63) 917 825 5755

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