Finance Syllabus

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UNIT-I: Introduc on of Project: Defini ons & Characteris cs of Project, Types of Projects, Project Life Cycle.
Concepts of Deliverables, Scope of Work and Milestones. Project Management Process: Introduc on, Tools
& Techniques of Project Management. Project Team and Scope of Project Management: Characteris cs of a
Project Team & Project Leader, Project Organiza on, and Importance of Project Management, Case Studies.

UNIT-II: Project Iden fica on & Selec on: Iden fica on, Genera on of ideas, Approaches to Project
Screening and Selec on, Project Ra ng Index. Market & Demand Analysis Techniques: Survey & Trend
Projec on Methods. Project Risk Management: Concepts and Types of Project Risks, Risk Iden fica on, Risks
Analysis, Risks Mi ga on Strategies. Case Studies.

UNIT-III: Project Cos ng: Fundamental components of Project Cost, Types of Costs: Direct, Indirect,
Recurring, Non-Recurring, Fixed, Variable, Normal, Expedite costs. Project Financing and Budge ng: Sources
of Finance, Top-down Budge ng, Bo om-up Budge ng, Ac vity Based Cos ng. Social Cost Benefit Analysis
(SCBA) of Project: Concept & significance of SCBA, Approaches to SCBA, Case Studies.

UNIT-IV: Project Scheduling and Network Analysis: Steps in Project Scheduling and Network design, Gan
hart, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) & Responsibility Assignment Matrix. Project Network Design:
Iden fying the Nodes and Ac vi es, Ac vity on Arrow (AOA) and Ac vi es on Node (AON) methods,
Introduc on to PERT and CPM, Crashing in Projects, Case Studies.

Unit-V: Project Monitoring and Control: Planning Monitoring and Control Cycle. Project Management
Informa on System. Milestone Analysis and Tracking Gan chart. Earned Value Analysis (EVA): Planned Value
(PV), Earned Value (EV), Cost Variance (CV), Schedule Variance (SV), Cost performance Index (CPI), Schedule
performance Index (SPI). Project Termina on: Types of Termina ons, Project Termina on Process, Case


A student shall have to do a disserta on of 200marks/08 credit sunder the super vision of a teacher/faculty
of the Department and submit the disserta on report to the Department and there would be a Viva-voce
examina on.


UNIT-I: Investment a ributes and revenues, sources of investment risk, por olio management process,
approaches to investment decision making, quali es for successful inves ng and errors in investment
management. Computa onal finance-Return and risk from single security and por olio of securi es. Risk-
return rela onship when ƿ=+1, -1, 0, 0.5.
UNIT-II: Investment decision through fundamental analysis, bond valua on, types of bond yields, bond price
theorem, term structure of interest rates, dura on, equity valua on-DD model, P/F ra o, bonus issue and
equity valua on.
UNIT-III: Technical Analysis, Dow Theory and Elliot Wave Theory, Technique of technical analysis, moving
average, oscillator, rela ve strength index, rate of change, moving average convergence and divergence,
efficient market hypothesis-weak, semi and strong form of market efficiency.
UNIT-IV: Por olio selec on through Markowitz Model, risky assets only out of owned fund for both risk- and
risk-free assets out of owned funds; risk assets only when LR=BR out of owned fund, risk assets only when
LR=BR out of both owned and borrowed funds, risk asset only when BR>LR, por olio selec on-use of La
Grange mul plier technique, capital asset pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory, por olio selec on through
Sharpe model.
UNIT-V: Por olio Management and Performance Evalua on: Por olio management – ac ve management
under por olio propor on constant and por olio beta constant; passive management. Por olio
performance evalua on–Sharpe’s measure, Treanor’s measure, Jenson’s measure and diversifica on


UNIT-I: Interna onal dimensions of accoun ng Interna onal Accoun ng–concept, scope and importance of
interna onal accoun ng, harmoniza on of accoun ng prac ces, interna onal accoun ng’s and ARDS and
IFRS, factors contribu ng to the development of interna onal accoun ng, difficul es in interna onal
accoun ng, interna onal efforts for harmoniza on.
UNIT-II: Foreign Transac ons-recording and transla on Interna onal/foreign transac ons and their recording
under different methods, currency transla ons.
UNIT-III: Foreign Infla on Accoun ng repor ng interna onal perspec ve on infla on accoun ng; financial
repor ng and disclosure, managing interna onal informa on systems.
UNIT-IV: Foreign Financial System Analysis – analysing foreign financial statements, financial management of
mul na onal en es.
UNIT-V: Transfer pricing and interna onal taxa on-Transfer pricing scope, importance and techniques,
interna onal taxa on-various techniques including withholding taxes.


UNIT-I: Project and Economic Development, Project Management- An Overview, Capital Investment:
Importance & Difficul es; Genera on and Screening of project idea.

UNIT-II: Capital expenditure; importance and difficul es; market & demand Analysis, Situa onal analysis,
Technical Analysis; Financial Analysis
UNIT-III: Capital Budge ng Decisions; Analysis of Project Risk; Firm Risk and Market Risk; Social Cost Benefit
Analysis; UNIDO Approach, Li le- Merles Approach.
UNIT-IV: Network techniques for project management; PERT Model, CPM Model, Project review and
administra ve aspects.
UNIT-V: Mul ple Projects and Constraints; Financing of Projects, Financing Infrastructure Projects, Project
financing in India; Project Feasibility Report

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