D&D 3.5 - Dragon Magazine 340

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March 2006 Release



Krrth Slrohm
Eri Monj
Sean Glrrm
JiMtin Bultnahu
Mike McAtloi and F.Wetfey Schneider
Jirtku*J, FtatfL
Jeff Alviirri

Rich Rrdman And Id SlatC

Pttrf fVrpJmg, Dgntd BRcIwnri. Rich BmW. Ent OrtChamp*.

tom fpwiri, NiI Ij-. Jjmtou. fokn Kiovjlhi,, Irff L*ubentrtdli,
Chuck lukjo.lony Mcrtrrlry, Tytef Wwlpoit, tv* Wkfemun,
Aaron Wlllijrm
Shelly IlMf'Crjjg C-mipl»rl1. Galen Ciu;rlltArHly Colling
fttchjrd Farm*;. Mrke IrhUnrr, Mike L. fk-gd, Hal
JM.nr Iran. Greg Milkv Mike MearH, F,W. Morton, F Wrdcy
Schnoder. Owen K.C Stephens. Jaines Sutler. Chris Tubch, by Hal Maclean
Wrl Updiitrth, Chmlopher
At long last* your character
2700 Ridurdi Hoad, Suite 70L Bdkvuc, WA RRQ0V47O0 can finally answer the ages-old
question: “What's your sign?"
Lrwi Stevrm Krltli Stittlnn


by E.W* Morton
Dave Eiitkuti
There are those who read the stars
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Prinied in the U.SA.

j ott pii i 7to.ee i m
LfDON's Eric Kim and Roberto
8 FROM THE EDITOR Campus reveal a heavenly body.
Erik plays the Man in the Moon.

Barbarians, backpacks, and Boricw.

Previews, news, and gear for gamers,


An exclusive look at Dong eons $ Dragons
Online: Stormreacli.

Get all gussied up for the ball.


Better than birth stones, zodiac items.

Star spells and moon magic.

Unleash the dead with the black cauldron.

The Sage answers your rules questions.

Options and insights for your favorite classes,

T here's a scene in the great comedy Amazon Women on tht
Moon in which a band of 1950s astronauts commit what
a high-tech setting and eventually transporting themselves
to the moon, where they faced the dreaded moon roc (get
should be a brazen act of suicide by removing their hel¬ it?). More recently, former Dragon Editor-in-chief Roger
mets in the airless lunar atmosphere, “Just as l suspected!" E. Moore's The Return of the Eighi involved a moon-shot
one of them declares, "The moon has a breathable atmo¬ that tied in the archmage Tenser and the witch queen
sphere similar to that of Earth!" Iggwilv. In each of these cases, the moons presented fan¬
The joke, of course, is that 1950s science fiction movies tastic, otherworldly settings for memorable adventures,
didn't know many hard facts about space travel or the atmo¬ J Ve been wailing for a chance to make this wwk in my
sphere on the moon, Early space opera fiction and the films own campaigns for a long time. iVe scribbled ideas in note¬
it inspired are filled with helmetless lunar adventurers, giant books, cataloged appropriate monsters (moon dog, moon-
moon lizards, and other fantastic things we now know to be beast , mooncalf moon rat), and pulled together some ideas
absolutely impossible. The place is not made of green cheese. on how to get my players there. Do l used a magical vessel
That huge face we call the Man in the Moon is really just a like those from the old Sfeujammer campaign setting?
series of craters and shadows. Scientists still have much to A crumbling stone gate from the era of the Elder Elves? A
discover about the nitty gritty of our lunar satellite, but their variant of the Zeta Beam that propels the comic character
discoveries have robbed Lhe place of some of its majesty. Adam Strange to the fantastic planet of Rann? Finally, when
The oft-overlooked science fiction genre known as plan¬ tliird edition's Monster Manual JJ introduced no fewer than
etary romance, examined in detail in the mini-game “Iron three cool creatures with direct ties to the moon, I figured
Lords of Jupiter” in Dungeon #ioi, emerged around the my hour was at hand. My players would at last get a chance
same time as heroic sword and sorcery fantasy, and the two to explore the uncharted lunar landscape, and I would
genres often shared authors like my favorite fantasist. Jack bring a dose of planetary romance to my game.
Vance. Briefly, in a planetary romance tale the alien setting Then, nearly all of my players became obsessed with the
is so important to the story that it is almost one of the pri¬ Cartoon Network's Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which features
mary characters. Classics of the genre include Vance's Bkj the brain-dead, incompetent pixel villains pictured above,
Planet and Showboat World novels, with the most widely read “Oh yes, Err," my unimpressed players will say upon look¬
examples coming in the form of Edgar Rice Burroughs's ing a l their homeworld rising over the crest of a lunar cra¬
John Carter of Mars or Carson of Venus stories. ter, "Now we shall use our Quad Lasers to become Moon
Switching the locale of a DS^D campaign from the standard Masters/1 Thanks, Cartoon Network.
setting to a mysterious world like the moon (or really any Looks like I'm hack to waiting for the perfect moment.
alien planet) tugs at the same literary heartstrings that make
DSjD resonate, and J ve been looking for a chance to pull it
off in a campaign almost as long as I've played the game.
D£{lTs publishers have tried to flex the planetary romance
muscle since the very beginning. The classic adventure
Queen of the Dcmomueb Pits, by the late AD^D cover artist
David Sutherland 111, offered a parade of multiple-mooned
alternative Material Plane worlds attached to the demon
queen Lolth’s Abyssal layer, each with just enough creative Erik Mona
spark to launch a tangential campaign arc. Frank Merit zer's Editor-in-Chief
The Needle involved unwitting fantasy adventurers exploring crikm@paiza.eoin

8 DRAGON 340 February 2006


Tell us what you think of this issue. Send an email to scalemail@paiio.com.

Please include your name* city, and state.

BARBARIANS CANT READ You are wrong, Erik Mona, you are redundant, because any movie worth an
All right Mona, that editorial you wrong! ounce of spit Jell into the same category, its
wrote at the beginning of Dracqm Oh yeah, the D8jD sequel film riosesl competitors being unwtrsrtify awful.
#337 tears it! I can understand why wasn’t all bad. I plan to buy it as soon Take another took at belcwed "D^D” mov¬
you would disrespect the Barbarian as 1 see it on the shelf ies like Hawk the Skyer, Krull, and
Brothers* and 1 agree that Conan the Darrin Dradcr even The Highlander, We were aujirlly
Destroyer is far from what should be Walla Walk, WA starved for good fantasy movies back then,
considered a good fantasy movie, but and ail of us owe Re ter Jackson a debt of
saying that barbarian movies “belong The original Conan movie is okay as far gratitude for his reinvent ion of fhegenrr.
squarely in the mid-8os" is a bold¬ as mid-Sos fantasy goes, but it's not a Between Ray Han^hausen and ftrfer jack-
faced lie! Conan the Barbarian was parf iadariy good movie, nor is it a par- son is a cinematic wasteland, my jrirnis.
easily one of the best fantasy mov¬ iicuiarijfjaith/ui adaptation of Robert E* Alt of this is academic, since Darrin's
ies ever made* and the truth is that Howard's liferaiy characier, whom i quite screed is based upon a misread of my
they could have done it better. They like. And even the most ardent Jan of the original editorial. Yes, 1 said that Barbar¬
could have actually stuck to what film must admit that at times it is very, ians (starring the Barbarian Brothers)
Robert E. Howard originally wrote very barimj* even if it does provide a jhv “belonged squarely in the mirf-Sos/'buf f
about Conan. And what do you have lines that show up around gaming tables also jinished that sentence with fantasy
against Ktilf the Conqueror? Not only as often as quotes from Monty Python. sub-genre of ‘movies where the bad guy
was it made well after the Sos were That doesn't make it a great movie, and J gets killed by a thrown sword,1"
over, but as far as I'm concerned, the will point out that before The Lord of the As l have notyet wasted my time
only thing wrong with that movie Rings came out, the phrase “easily one of ivatehing the Kevin .Vorbo version of Ku II,
was the soundtrack* thegreafest/arirasy movies ever made” is I'm ajraid 1 can’t say whether or not the
Well, to prove you wrong* it looks
like IheyVe working on more Conan.
It seems that Jeff Robinov and Chris
Nolan (Batman Begins) have taken
on the challenge of bringing every*
body's favorite Cimmerian back to the Next month sees the release of the new War Drums Starter Set
big screen! This is welcome news to In each box* there are two miniatures you'll find every time! the
those of us who loved the first Conan Ore Mauler and the Wood Elf Ranger*
movie and sunk a boatload of cash The Ore Mauler's attack bonus of +n, Armor Class of iS,
into a collection of Conan fhe Barbar¬ and 55 hit points make him a deadly bruiser for the Chaotic Evil
ian and Savage Sivord of Conan comics. faction. On the Chaotic Good side* the Wood Elf Ranger
Speaking of which, Conan’s exploits also packs a lot of punch—specifically against lone ores—
live again in new comics. Barbarian with his pair of magic weapons, and dual Hunter and
movies are not some relic from the Ore Foe abilities!
past best forgotten; in fact, thanks to WeVe designed these common minis specifically
the success of The Lord of die Rin/js, for use with our Quick Start Battle Rules* They match
well probably be seeing them reap¬ up well against each other, and one-on-one skirmishes at
pear on the big screen in one form or a great way to teach new players how to play in just a few
another in the coming years, and 1 for minutes. “Stephen Schubert, Developer, RPG/Minis f?^D
one couldn’t be happier.

10 DRAGON 340 February 2006

bad guy grts it in the chest from a hurled to mold it to any campaign, or give
$u>ordp buf I suppose jgh*n die frailer and basics on alternate background infor¬ http: //ch aos - wa ste 1 and. dynd 11 s. org:6969/
odors moolwed if is a real possibility. mation to help DMs fit everything RPG Sit T8RMN+ TRACKER
into their own campaign smoothly.
m mm mi greedy Forgive the slight rant, and keep up
Backpacker magazine is $19,95 for the great workl
10 issues, while yours is nearly twice
as much. You think you*rc working
Kudos to Erik Mona!
Lucas Johnson ScATi Requests
harder than a bunch ofbackpackers? Whitby* Ontario
Hello, my name is Dave Phillips, and
Sure seems that way sometimes- r have a quick question I hope you

can help me with. 1 used to play D^D
all the time in my school years, not
4 Hellspike Prison
4 Spell Compendium [Color]
By watching the developments so much since then, 1 continue to 4 The Red Hand of Doom
made in Deacon and by reading the read the novels, especially Dragon- 4 Tome of Magic
updated submission guidelines for lance and Forgotten Realms. 1 am 4 Power of Faerun
yoirr magazine. I have noticed a trend a long time fan of Raistlin Majere,
Lhat 1 am very happy with, and that Dalamar, Elminster. FLstandantilus,
is the movement toward more fluff (though not too much exists on the
content over pure rules. Your submis¬ last, that I have come across anyhow)
sion guidelines mention that prestige Gromph Baenre, Pharaun Mizzrym,
class articles should include all the Azalin, I could go on, but these are
background information on the affili¬ my favorites. Basically anything
ated organization, and further rules magic, or involving these wizards, I 4 Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1
detail to develop it further—and this love. My question is, I remember an 4 Dungeon #126
same approach is taken with all of article my friend had in one of your 4 Dungeon #129-133
your other articles as well, such as publications, involving Elminster, 4 The Shackled City Hardcover
SpellcrafL 1 think it’s great that such Dalamar, and a third well-known
in-depth information is now being wizard, though I can't recall who he
included in your general articles, or she was. Basically, at the time it
because I have always been a cham¬ was a who's who of the wizards of
pion of fluff, and really think lhat it the "then" most popular campaign
is the detail that makes a campaign settings. It must have been the early
world real 90s, but exactly what year or issue, or
However, I have one suggestion. which magazine it was I don't know, as
As a DM, one of my favorite things he was lucky enough to have subscrip¬ 4 War of the Lance
is to create that material myself, and tions to both. If you can shed some 4 Holy Orders of the Stars
though I often don't have time, which light on this, 1 would be very grate¬ 4 Legends of the Twins
is when this background informa¬ ful, as, surely* a meeting of these two 4 Spectre of Sorrows
tion is useful, sometimes 1 find the wizards and whomever the third was
information given is restrictive to my would certainly be an amazing read.
own ideas. Now', l realize that l can Whatever means necessary to acquire
easily ditch the given information in
favor of my ow n, but sometimes the
presented rules don't work without
at least some of the background that 4 Testament
is included. As such, my suggestion
would be that in each such article, a
small sidebar is included detailing KNOWLEDGE CHECK
various wrays that the information Question: What famous
can be incorporated into a campaign. starship captain moonlights as a
Give some ideas as to how to alter lyca nth rope?
certain aspects of the background

4 Advanced Player's Guide


these issues, or simply prints of the PSIOHia OH THE WAY through the issue guide and still no
articles would be greatly appreciated 1 just want to start by saying that I help. Is it true that they will be fea¬
as well. Thank you. love your magazine. Ever since you tured in the Dragon Compendium?
Dave uNalfein,T Phillips reformatted it, there seems to be Mat the Myers
Via Email more that’s simply worth reading, I Via Email
prefer flavor over rules, and 1 loved
The third wizard was none other than the article on Boccob. Even though The diabolus appears in Dragon #327

the best of all, the inimitable Morden- I’m not overly fond of Greyhawk, (the jirsl one \ edited*), and was adapted
feainrn, hr of the faithful hound, the I couldn’t stop reading 1 hope to for third edition by our very own Mifec
sword, the disjunction! Mordent men! see some Forgotten Realms gods McArfcr. ft indeed appears in the
Founder of the Circle of Eight* champion (especially Bane), but my main ques¬ Dragon Compendium, along with
of Maun Castle, and the inscrutable tion is in regards to your Class (hr msrctuid diopsids, the duaUnatured
muster t)j neutralityl Oh. 1 think my Acts section. In a recent letter you duaii, the canine lupins, and the/eline
inner GretHA WK goober is showing. responded by saying that the Class shapeehangrrs known as tibbifs.
Yrrsh SonyjrtM* had to see tha t. Acts format would change to fit with
The article in question was undoubt¬ the "Complete” series of books. What GOOD TIME
edly one of an ongoing series of meetings 1 would like to know is will this I have greatly enjoyed your last few
between three mages called “The Wizards include the occasional Class Act for issues of Dragon. 1 read the October
Three," which ran in Dragon from iggz psionic characters? I love 3,5 pston- issue cover to coven and found its com¬
to t5j<}& Tbu can find Wizards Three ics. In fact, 1 prefer it to the standard plementing ideas to Heroes qf Horror to
installments in issues #185, 18S, ig&, magic system and 1 would like to see be excellent for the current adventure I
200, in, 219, 235,242, and 246. In cast it supported in your magazine. Any¬ am running, and several 1 plan to write
you can’t tract down those issues (marry way, keep up the amazing work and in the future. The November issue has
of them are still available at palm. 1 look forward to reading more well- been picked over for ideas, hut i am
ram), don’t despair,Jar the Wizards written articles. trying to illustrate a large number of
Three shall return in JuneJar Dragon Dave Saunders them into a single adventure that my
#344, our bfocfehusrer oversized 30th Nova Scotia, Canada players have already expressed interest
Ann iversary issue! in, the face paint magic especially. And
As you can see from ibis issue* the newfo r- while December’s issue was equally
ERROR IH HO. 3W tmt for Class Acts began last month. From useful, I really have to compliment
Hey Erik! here on out, we plan to runJour Class Acts the addition of Order of die Stick to Lhe
I posted this on the Paizo boards, per month, each associated wifh one qf magazine. Humor is a big part of Lhe
and someone wanted to know if there die class groupingsJrom Wizards qf the game with me.
was any chance of it being mentioned Coast 5 "Complete" series. I wouldn’f be at Thanks and continue the good work.
in a more official location (like Scale all surprised to sec some psibmes content Josh Pelfrey
Mail or the like), so 1 thought l’d pass {probably as an irregular 'Jpfc Class Ad”) North Port, Florida
it along. from time to time,
In "Eternal Evil* the Lords of STICK WITH THE ORDER
Dust article, I’d originally listed Sul DISAPPEARING DIRBOLUi I'm a long-time reader, first-time
Khatesh’s DR as 4o/+4, in keeping l don't remember which issue the writer, fema le gamer and I just
with the 3,0 stats for a rank 7 deity. diabolus was featured in* I've looked wanted to say how excited I was to
My fault for not cheeking the SRD lor see The Order of fhe Stick included at
the 3,5 update! In any case, the editor the back of the magazine, and that
changed it to 4o/magict whereas if one it’s going to be a regular occurrence.
holds to the roughly-divine-rank-7 Excellent choice and keep up Lhe
level, it should actually be 20/epic. great work!
So: i don’t knowr if such things con¬ Jennifer Rowe
cern you, but if so, Sul Khatesh (and Ontario, Canada
indeed* all overlords) should have DR KNOWLEDGE
20/e pic, not DR 40/magic. Rich Burkiv is a genius, and bis comic
Keith Baker is hilarious. Thai’s as good a path into
Answer Battles tar Gaiatbca’s
Via Email a regular stint at Dragon as any,
Commander Adama, Edward James
and his cartoon h more than welcome
Olmos, contracts moon madness in
Well, there you have ifjrom lhe master of in these pages! Lifer you guys, we love
the 1981 film, Wolfen.
Ebfbkon himself It!—Erik Mona

12 DRAGON 340 February 2006


Take on a horde of hobgoblins and The dzo future universe expands It’s a new year, and Paizo Publishing
the spawn ofTiamat in the mega- further with dzo Future Tech, the (paizo.com) is kicking off 2006 with a
adventure Tire Red Hand of Doom.' companion volume to dzo Cyberspace. slew of new Comp/caf Encounters, Janu¬
Characters progress from levels 5 to Play out the ultimate sci-fi and space ary brings us Terror in the Owmber of
10 as they attempt to cripple an army opera battles you've always imagined, Pain, featuring a demented torturer,
of the Dragon Queen's minions and including otherworldly wars fought his half-ore servant, and a wicked
save the city of Brindol from ruin. The by devastating starships and titanic operating tabic, while February’s
PCs even have the opportunity to take clashes between gigantic media. Grove of the Mad Druid comes with
part in a battle of epic proportions Explore a world were mechanical its namesake, a compost elemental,
where their actions influence the tide heroes gain special robotic feats and and a standing stone of corruption.
of war. Also, "director's cut" comments digital avatars move in virtual reality Finally, Fane of the Black Adept, March's
by designers James Jacobs and Rich networks. With equipment for alien release, includes a cultist. his fiendish
Baker keep DMs on course, giving races and whole arsenals of futuristic servant, and the altar of blasphemy.
readers a behind-the-scenes look at weapons, designers Rodney Thomp¬ Each S15.95 package comes com¬
the creation process- Hie Red Hand of son and J.D. Wilker provide every¬ plete with three metal miniatures, full
Doom matches up with minis set mo, thing you need to wage your own color map cards, and a brief adaptable
War of the Drajtm Queen. -S.B. sci-fi epic, -S.B. adventure, ~]S.


Demonomicop of Iggwilv: Forging Friends

Baphomet by Kieran Hi dry
byjnmrSjocobs Familiars that click and tick, walk and
Turn the pages of fggwilv’s black tock. Construct familiars for D£{D,
tome and you might just find your¬
self lost in the mazes of Baphomet, War-forged Components
demon prince of beasts and lord of by John Pobjac
all mmotaurs. A host of new components to outfit
and upgrade your warforged.
Lesser Golems
by GimpbrU Pcntney Plus!
Iron, clay, and stone just too strong? The Ecology of the Inevitable, Spell-
6 new constructs, such as tin and craft: Pact Magic, Class Acts, Sage
paper, to challenge characters not yet Advice, Worm Food, and comics,
ready for their greater cousins. including Order of the Stick,

16 DP AGON 340 February 2006

reported by Shdfy Baurr Jason BulmaJw,Jasfuia Cole, Mike L, Fkgel, Steven Kensont and james Sutter




Arc Death, Terror, and Remember when adven- HUGE ; The magnet masters at
Madness not exciting \ tores were modules and He's one of the Iron Ki ng¬ : Aiea Tools have widened
enough for your charac¬ \ maps were printed in blue? : dom's greatest warcasters, j the rainbow, expanding
ters? Then it's Lime for j Recapture the magic and the uncompromising lord j their inventory of citcu*
a crisis. The new Crisis j get nostalgic with oone of the battlefield—and now j lart minis-sized magnetic
in Freeport adventure is i Games's Blueprints, a line of your desk or mantel as j markers to eighteen vivid
the latest in the popular i of PDF fantasy maps that well. New from Southern j choices. Perfect in any
Freeport line of adven¬ j merge classic style with Island, LLC (southe mi si and. j game as tokens, counters,
tures, featuring everything I new technology—vector- j com), Commander Cole¬ j or bases for miniatures,
you've come to expect j based art that allows you man Stryker is the first in a j each color can represent a
tram Green Ronin, as well j to adjust the level of detail. \ series of 6-inch-tall action j different spell effect, battle
as many surprises. Sea j Visit The Great City, the first j figures based on Privateer j status, or any number of
Lord Drac is dead, but j in a series of seven hies Press's (privateerprcss.com) j other helpful distinctions.
peace has evaded the dtyf j exploring the numerous Warmacfaine game. With full 1 Aiea has also released a
and with no successor in j wards of a gigantic urban [ warcaster power armor and ] miniature conversion
sight, chaos has ensued. \ environment. Or crash his signature blade Quick¬ { kit, allowing you to mag-
Will Freeport erupt into j headlong into the colorful j silver, Stryker is guaranteed l netically meld markers
civil war, or will a new Sea I Dungeon Under The Moim- l to strike fear into the rest \ to minis without metal
Lord be found in time to \ turn, a classic dungeon of your action figure collec¬ | bases. With new products
return the city to glory? | crawl of epic proportions, I tion... at least until the next | and cheaper prices, check
Find out at greenroom, j Learn more at oonegames, j in this line ofWarmachine i out Alea Tools at aleatools.
com. -M.L.F, t com, -M.L.F. figures is released. -f.S. I com. -S.B.

Drums, drums in the deep... they are coming. This
March, let the drums echo across your battlefield with
Wdrdnims, the gth set of Dungeons $ Dragons Miniatures
from Wizards of the Coast. Following in the t hunder¬
ing footsteps of Underdarfe, this set includes a number
of epic creatures, with additional cards included for
these mighty match-ups. This set includes the powerful
War Troll, vicious Derro, and the
dread-filled beats of the Ore Ward-
nimmer, In addition, this set also
includes some other miniatures that
are sure to please, including the first
siege weapon—Lhe Arcane BaIJista—and
the mighty six-armed Aspect of Hex-
tor, Time in next month for more
special coverage of this exciting
miniatures set. -J.B.
Derro Ore Warrfrummrr War Troll
February 2006 DRAGON 340 17


Turn your map-making \ Whether your character j Does determining {or \ In the grim darkness of the
up a notch with the latest i is the biggest munchkin j remembering) initiative I 41st millennium* there is
in map creation software. ) ever or a deep-immersion j take almost as much time j only war—and now you can
VlniJimjDafr brings the j masterwork laden with j as actually playing the j take it with you wherever
power of your computer's i undertones of subtle sig- j combat round? If so* look j you go! Games Workshop's
graphics card into the world j mfkance, you can now lay j no further than Initiative I Warho miner 40,000; Glory
of mapmaking. offering j him to rest in the new RPC j Boards from Ready and ! in Death brings its techno-
many of the same features j Coffin, from Cheese Weasd! j Waiting (ready and waiting, I gothic glory to the Nokia
you see in today's online 1 Inter your PC for easy trans- j biz). The simply designed j N -Gage (n-gagdco m), com-
games—real-time scaling* i port from the makers of j Initiative Board is a dry/wet j plete with Orks, Eldar, Space
infinite detail, smooth I the acclaimed Card Coffin, j erase safe magnetic surface I Marines, and Chaos Space
panning and zooming, and j The RPG Coffin provides a j marked with the common j Marines* Play multiplayer
seamless movement* j booklet-style character sheet, I dzo system initiatives—1 | battles using N-Gage Arena
VicivingDafe can also l foam miniature protection, a I through 30—and mag- j and bluetooth wireless, or
be used to link up users ! game-tracking calendar* and j netic placeholders to keep j experience a compelling
around the world for online j everything else you need to j down on mess and fuss, | single-player experience.
play in the maps you cre¬ j roleplay in a metal container ! The Deluxe Board also has \ If that's not enough
ate* with real-time updates \ small enough to fit in your ample room for add-ons, i strategy for your on-the-go
and built-in chat features j pocket* With the included like a whole line of effects ! lifestyle* you'll also want to
allowing you to run games ■ felt backing, it even doubles magnets that detail some \ check out the N-Gage ver*
from afar, team more at ! as a dice roller! Check it out on the most common j sion of Sid Meier’s beloved
vi ewingdate.com -MILE : at cheesewcasclnct -J,C effects in DSfD. -J;C. i classic, GviUzation. -J,C.


The Beasts of Aulbesmil Backdrop; Alhaster

by Skip Williams by Richard Pett
I rouble festers in the town of Aul- Tour the troubled streets of the
bcsrnil, but the greatest threat lies only port in the Bandit King-
behind the whiskers within, A DdjD doms—the sinister city of Alhaster.
adventure fur 3rd-level characters.
The Hateful Legacy
The Prince of Red hand by Grey A, Vbu^ban
by Richard ftelt At the end of the Hateful Wars,
Prince* /cedi, the ruler of All 1 aster, Lord Sand or arid his army van-
is throwing a parly, and one mys ished white pursuing ores and
lerious guest might hold tin k'-y to goblins into the mysterious Barrier
preventing (lie corning apocalypse. Peaks. Discover what doom befell
An Age ol Worms Adventure Path him and his legion, A Ditft) adven-
scenarri? fir islh-level characters, lure for 17th-level characters.

18 DRAGON 340 h*faru.u y 200b

In 2005, Green Ronin Publishing • Caliphate Nights (Paradigm Con¬ j and giant fighting media to defend
(grecnronm.com) made a splash with cepts): Adventure in the lands of mythic | their homeland against the kaiju,
Truem a simplified, easy-to-use itera¬ Arabia, filled with fantastic tales, sinister j giant monsters that are the spawn of
tion of the cbo System. When Green sorcerers, and cunning djinn. Caliphate [ science gone wrong.
Ronin announced a print edition Nights features options for framing \ * Borrowed Time (Electric Mulch):
of Tnȣ3o: Adwnhtrt Rpleplnying, they stori es and tales in the style of the | Time is a river, and some can scoop
offered other publishers a chance to get Thousand and One Nights. : out its “waters* and save them, “Bor-
in on the action by submitting settings • Lux Aetcrnura (BlackWynn \ rowed time” can change the course
to become the first official Tnmo worlds Games): In the 23rd century, the Cru¬ \ of history, and has. Now* the temporal
ofadventum Green Ronin reviewed cible is the collection of star systems ! reservoirs are running dry, the Red
numerous contest entries and the where humanity's fate will be decided. j Harvest looms, and wc are all Jiving
choice was difficult, so a follow-up book, They and other alien races sail the sea f on,*, borrowed time.
Traczo; Worlds ofAdmttuttj will feature of stars like the privateers of ages past* I Truezo Adventure RofepJuyin# debuts
the best of the runners-up! • Mccha vs, Kaiju (Big Finger | in February 2006, followed by the
The winners of the Ttueao setting Games): Mecha Assault Force, unite! : Truezo Bestiary in April and Truezo
search are: The elite MAF uses psychic powers \ Worlds of Adventure in fuly. -S.K.

R PG ARE PO RT bv Atcpfiru liadury-MflcFfirbuid

This month we decided !o lei

photos tell the talc of the fantastic * \ wj Vj
gaming that occurred not too long
ago at Gen Con So Cal. A! I he show
Iasi November the RPGA ran more
than zoo sessions of events for the
enjoyment of almost 500 ded haled
gamers and fans.
Along with our standard Living
Ymm}gamers piny thc£rf\rsl itame afDEtD, Paul Gmsshcffand Robert Hatch battle it
Gkeyhawk, Mark of Heroes,and
during our neu> DQDjhr Beginners etfent, rttit in the D^D Miniatures Championship.
Living Forge events, we also ran our
first offering of Dungeons # Dragons first Open play and tournament events If you missed Gen Con So Cal, don't
for Beginners, an entry-level event tailor- for the newly-re leased Three Dragon worry, ifs not loo late to jo in the fun leb-
made for newcomers to the D&j) and Ante, an exciting card game for both ruary 23rd to the 261 h in Arlington Vir¬
roleplaying experience, as well as our you and your characters. ginia al this years Winter fantasy event.

February 2006 DRAGON 340 T9

FIRST WATCH Iwjdmi Turbine Iw.


A fter more
a year of careful

teasing from
Turbine, Inc. (turbine,
com), Dungeons & Drag¬
ons Online: Stortnreach is
scheduled to release this
month. And according to
Turbine—the company
that brought you Asheron's
Call—the world of online
RPGs will never be the
same again.

et in the world ofEeerron on the towers and grand vistas to taverns yes, the mechanics you love are all
mysterious jungle continent of like the Leaky Dinghy—which hovers here. Wizards prepare spells and use
Xen'drik, DDO: SMrradi centers magically above the port's waters—the sometimes-costly material compo¬
on the frontier town of Storm reach, a urban sprawl of Storm read) is a setting nents; barbarians rage; and rogues
hustling huh where explorers gather to new to a genre that prides itself on take a position of unprecedented
share stories and pirates arc danger¬ innovative new locales and vistas. importance with their ability to sneak
ously commonplace. While quests fre¬ At its release, DDO: Storm rwidi prom¬ altack, remove traps, and climb walls
quently lake players into a wilderness ises many of the basic Dungeons si (adding a new, vertical clement to
Idled with an assortment of monsters Dragons races, including warfbiged, combat). Throw in on-screen dao rolls
both new and familiar, much game play as player character choices, along with and DM text—for when you feel a
lakes place in the city itself. As such, all of the base classes except for druids breeze from the secret door and the
Stormrmdi is a conglomeration of dif¬ and monks (which, along with prestige like—and you're well on your way to
ferent wards, each with unique and classes, are being considered for later recreating the around-the-tabletop
intricate architecture. From soaring content supplements}. Before you ask: D^D experience in a virtual forum.

20 DRAGON 340 February 2006

It's to this end that developers have “Most [online RPGs] are based on a
broken from traditional D^D struc¬ similar combat system," Eckelbcrrv
ture and set the initial level cap at 10* points out, "While they let you click
“Because were based very closely on on enemies and select attacks, all the
the actual D8jD rules, it’s important calculations are happening in the
that a level 8 character in our game be background. It's not combat—jfs
comparable to a level S character in the math. In D^D Online, every*
pen and paper game" says David Eckeh swing, every block, every tumble
berry. Senior Game Systems Designer or dodge is controlled by the
for DDO; Stormreach at Turbine, "It player in real time. If a player sees
takes a lot of playing to reach the a giant raising his club and can get
higher levels, and the online version out of his reach in time, the giant
is no different." To help keep advance¬ will miss, It's not just a tw itch
ment steady, each level will be divided mechanic—all of those abili¬
into 4 “ranks" that grant "action points" ties are driv en by stats. That
which can be spent to customize charac¬ means that every battle is dif¬
ters via improved skills, spell effects, and ferent, and even the lowliest
more. Perhaps even more radical than kobold can slit vour throat if r
the lev el cap, however, is the gaining of you’re not careful"
experience: players in DDO: Stormrtach Of course* in D^D
will earn XP exclusively through quests On line, even just walking
and story advancement, eliminating around can be a chal¬
"grinding’' for experience by killing the lenge. “There are ladders
same monster over and over. to climb, ledges to dangle
Vet while such an advancement from, sealed doors beneath
system is novel to say the least, devel¬ placid pools of water, and
opers like Eckelberry believe that it's secret passageways to discover,"
DDO: Storm wtch’s combat system that says Eckelberry. “Since all adven¬
truly sets it apart from other RFGs. tures are instanced, wc have the
flexibility to alter the env ironment
once the party is in it. For example,
a floor might collapse after the party
has crossed it, forcing them to find
another exit, or a gate might slam
shut and open a secret door where
spiders are waiting in ambush for
the players. It's like nothing you've
ever seen in an (online RPC] before,'
While all of this applies merely
to early versions—and Turbine
fit is celebrated for its free content
updates—one thing is certain: things
In the online RPG world are about
to get seriously shaken up. “What
it boils down to is that every

* fantasy-based [RPG] tries to

emulate D^D to some
degree." Eckelberry
notes* "We’ve got the

real thing* Having
jo yews uf game
development under
your hood makes
a spectacular
difference." *2
by Hal Maclean • frustrated by Jeff Carlisle

[ T T Te watch the skies arid dream, A campaign world, where swords talk and cloud castles
The stars themselves form patterns before drift by overhead, seems like a natural home for astrol¬
w v our eyes, constellations whispering the mys- ogy, This article presents an astrological system suitable
I teries of the universe and destiny, if we but find the for any campaign, complete with a fantasy zodiac and
K key to unlock their riddles. rules for casting horoscopes.
Astrology, called by some the oldest science, by others Students of astrology generally divide it into two
j the first folly, plays upon one of our deepest, most human branches. Natal astrology concerns i tself wit h deter¬
■ needs: to understand the world around us. Born in the mining a person's overall destiny based upon the
■ hearts and minds of ancient cultures, astrology makes place and time of hcT birth. Horary astrology, on the
I a seemingly logical assumption Just as the sun and the other hand, concerns itself with finding the best and
I moon influence our world, shifting the seasons and the worst times to begin new undertakings based upon

I tides, so too must the dance of planets amid the fixed, con- casting a person s horoscope. As such, where natal
I stant stars affect the fate of empires and every human soul. astrology determines if someone would make a good
> matter how this idea stands up to the test of mod- spouse, horary astrology decides the perfect day to
idenee it certainly seems plausible in a land of magic. hold the wedding.

February 2006 ORACQN 340. 2\

Ancient astrologers divided celes- NEW FEATS
I tial obj ects in to two categories: s tars, The following feats allow you to tap into the power of your astrological sign.
f which remained fixed in place, and You must choose the sign of your birth and take the $ untouched feat at isi
planets (Greek for" wand erer"), which level Once chosen, your astrological sign cannot be changed.
moved about amid the stars. They
classified the sun and moon as plan¬ STARTOUCHED [GENERAL]
ets and gpve each plane t its own spe¬ Your destiny is intertwined with*your astrological sign, giving you an innate
cial domain o f h uman behavior. What talent for certain tasks.
; most people consider their "signs" Prerequisite: Born under the appropriate astrological sign*
I (such as Libra or Capricorn) actually Benefit: You gain a bonus on skill checks involving your optimal career.
only indicate the position of the sun Special: This feat also allows you to use and create star forged items of
at the moment of their births. your astrological sign {see page 29}* You may only take this feat at i$t level
When creating a person's horo-
* sco pe, ast ro loge rs mu$t n ot on ly STAR BORN [GENERAL)
f factor in her sun sign but also how The personality and temperament of your sign exerts an even greater influence
the position of every other planet upon your destiny, endowing you with spectacular luck when performing cer¬
influences it. For instance, even tain actions.
if your sun sign was Capricorn, Prerequisite: Startouched,
emphasizing self-sufficiency and Benefit: You gain a bonus whenever you perform the lucky action of your
ambition, a moon sign (which sign. Further, you may re roll a skill check involving your lucky action once
affects how you act before you have per day. You must decide whether or not to use this ability before the DM
" time to think) such as Taurus, with declares whether the roll results m success or failure. You must take the resull
its innate caution and stubborn of the remll, even if it's worse than the original roll
devotion, could cause you to forgo
important career opportunities and STARBLESSED [GENERALJ
focus upon your family instead. Your connection with your sign reaches deep within the very fabric of your
The exact alignment of planets, and soul, giving you the protective powers of your birthstone.
their interaction at that time, cre- Prerequisite: Starborn, Startouched.
r ates a n ea rl y un iqu e set o f ci rcu m- Benefit: You benefit from your brrthstone's special defensive properties when¬
| stances, only repeating approxi- ever you carry 3 gemstone of the appropriate type worth 100 gp or more. You
I mateiy every 4,3 million years. may also use the reroll ability of the Slarborn feat one additional time each day.

[ Astrological Ages One of the most interesting influence the direction of the next,
I The earth "wobbles" ever so slightly results of this is that approximately could easily find themselves at the
I* as it orbits the sun, similar to the way every 2,000years the constella¬ heart of a maelstrom. Battling rivals
I a top shifts its position as it spins, tion dominant at the moment of with conflicting agendas, minions
t Imperceptible within a single human the Vernal Equinox (the traditional of the established order, or even the
I •. lifetime, this gradually changes the start of spring) changes. Astrologers emergence of new and terrible gods,
I positions of the stars relative to view- believe that one of these shifts her* a campaign set during one of these
I ers from the planetary surface. Called aids the start of a new age. Shaped critical moments in history could
ft precession, it takes approximately by the attitude and temperament prove quite memorable and exciting.
1 26,000 years for the earth to com- of the dominant sign, the dawn of
ft plete one cycle, called a Great Year. an age points to a time of crisis and Tke Wheel of Stars
This presents many problems for change, leading to the emergence Astrologers believe that the par¬
I both astronomers and astrologers, of new religions, empires and ways ticular constellation dominant at
I Vega will supplant Polaris, the North of seeing the world. Some astrolo¬ the time of a person's birth exerts
I Star, in 14,000 <:t just as it edged out gers believe the rise of Christianity an enormous amount of influence
I Alpha Draconis in 3,000 bce, It also hailed the start of the age of Pisces, on both personality and destiny.
I• changes the relative position of the and note the dawning of the Age of While they believe the positions
I constellations such that our ealen- Aquarius in the coming years. of the other planets modify this,
I dart not based upon equinoxes and Setting a campaign on the thresh¬ they still hold the sun sign as the
II solstices, now no longer precisely old of a new age could creat e an single most important factor in a
I f, conforms to the astrological calen- excellent plot thread, A group of PCs, person’s life,
I; dar developed by the Babylonians whether working to preserve the Each of the twelve conslella-
best parts of Lbc reoedmu era or to timed here in
description of the traits and behav¬
iors most common to people born
under that sign. Like the zodiac of
our world, it begins in the spring
and, for simplicity's sake, assumes
that each sign occupies one month.
Using our calendar, the first sign
(the beholder) would begin in the
month of March and cycle through gives you a +2 luck
the entire year. In other worlds, bonus on saving
such as Eberron, Oerth, or Faerun throws to resist illu*
it would begin in the months of sion spells and effects.
Therendor, Readying, and Ghes
, respectively. While some settings, Sign of the Harpy
| such as p.KEKKRON, already possess Charming and socially
constellations, the signs in this gifted, the sign of the
t article can easily be added, repre- harpy blends the art of
I senting a common zodiac. politics with the talent
The New Feats sidebar (see page of a born salesman. You
F 26) presents three new feats for see the world not as it is, but as
those who wish to establish even it should be, and all too often you
more powerful connections apply your flair for manipulating
with their astrological signs. others to shape events to your
Each of these feats oper- liking. You tend to have a
r ates in a slightly differ¬ wide circle of friends and
ent manner depending contacts, all certain
upon the sign. All of they hold a special
the detailed abili¬ | place in your
ties and bonuses heart, and
require taking since you crave
one or more of the good opin¬
t these feats in ion o f others
. order to gain you usually
access to them. work very
hard to live up
Sign of the to their expecta-
Beholder ' lions. However,
Curious and in moments
aware, driven of frustration
by a never-ending quesf your dark side
Nor novelty and spec- sometimes emerges in
acle, the sign of the awful tirades where you
eholder creates the inflict vicious tongue-lashings
dtimate observer. Fasci¬ upon those around you.
nated by secrets and adroit Optimal Careen Bom with a voice
at solving puzzles, you sometimes Optimal Careen A natural scribe to make the angels weep, you gain a
appear detached from both your and spy, endowed with a flair for +2 bonus on Perform (sing) and Per'
surroundings and the feelings recognizing patterns and making form (oratory) checks.
of others. You make a wonderful intuitive leaps, you gain a +2 bonus Lucky Action; The most glib and
I acquaintance, blessed with a font on Decipher Script checks. persuasive of all the signs, you gain
| of interesting stories and amus- Lucky Action; Eternally airious a +2 bonus on Bluff checks.
. ing anecdotes, but your difficulty and aware of your surroundings, Birthstone: Tbrquoise, the stone
in fully trusting others means you you gain a +2 bonus on Spot checks. of air and weather, grants you a +i
| seldom form more than a handful Birthstonc: Agate, the stone of luck bonus to Armor Class against
lJ'rirp, Ifltiwaa ir*eudslnp.s< jdcrtn es s an d u n cam u p creep Lion, rankled attacks.

February 2006 DRAGON 540

granting you a +2 bonus on Dis Optimal Careen A deep-rooted
able Device checks. empathy combined with a friendly
fiirthstone: Opal, the stone of demeanor makes your presence
spontaneity and good fortune, grants calming to all sorts of wild beasts,
you a +1 luck bonus to AC against granting you a +2 bonus on Handle
attacks of opportunity. Animal checks.
Lucky Action: The most nurturing
Sign of the Dryad of all the signs, you possess a natural
Rooted in love with the quiet talent for ministering to the aches
pleasures of home and and pain of others, giving you a +2
friends, those born under bonus on Heal checks.
the sign of the dryad blend Birthslcmc: Pearl, the Stone of
extraordinary personal loyalty security and friendship* grants you a
with a parochial indifference +1 luck bonus to AC whenever an ally
to the wider world. Keenly aware occupies an adjacent square.
of the passage of time, you tend
to shun great causes, preferring to Sign of the Stirge
your years to friends, fam¬ Focused and dedicated, whether
ily, and community. Others often to causes, loved ones, or their
find themselves baffled by your own indulgences, those born
lack of curiosity, your pragmatic under the sign of the stirge feel
ability to come upon a door— an emptiness inside, one which
or an opportunity—and refuse they desperately need to fill* .Some
to open it, preferring not to part of your life takes priority over
gamble what you have lor what everything else and you chase it
Sign of the Ettin you might gain. When you do with an almost predatory intensity'.
Mercurial and changeable, have a personal stake, however* a Hero, villain, sinner, saint—you
those born under the sign of the need to defend a loved one or your scoff at such labels, pursuing your
ettin often seem at war with them¬ home, you become like steel, the goal with a ruthless determination
selves. Capable of exceptional most implacable and determined and attention to detail. This hun¬
tenderness one moment and enemy imaginable* ger, whether for wrealth, fame, love.
appalling cruelty the next, all
too often your soul seems cut in
twain. Dramatic, excitable, and
passionate, no one experiences
the joys and sorrows of life as
deeply as you do. Your impul¬
sive nature makes it easy to
attract both friends and enemies.
Whether giving your Last crust of
bread to a beggar on the street or
facing down a tavern bully and
his ten friends you often let your
instincts—rather than logic—
guide your actions*
Optimal Careen Your ability to
act without conscious thought,
turning impulse into deed, gives
you the finesse of a stage magi¬
cian. You gain a +2 bonus on
Slight of Hand checks.
Lucky Action: Walking a men¬
tal tightrope your entire life, you
somehow find little difficulty
►cusiniZrOn dangerous

28 DRAGON 340 February 2006

by uMiflws

revenge, new experiences, good Birthstone: Emerald, the stone of

food, knowledge, or anything else mental clarity and self-knowledge, &0UGWT THIS
under the sun, drags you out of offers you a +z luck bonus on Will umwawmiw
bed in the morning and pushes saves against enchantment spells MINI-SPEAKEES SO HE
you forward until your eyelids and effects*
begin to droop each night.
Optima] Career: Your atten¬ Sign of the Wyvern
tion to even the slightest minutia, Wanderers and risk takers, the sign
to the arts of measurement and of the svyvern creates the ultimate
observation, makes you a naturally free spirit. Your life is a never ending
skilled scientist. You gain a +2 quest for novelty and fresh experi¬
V bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks. ences. You shun routine and com¬
Lucky Action: Possessing a focus mitment. Planning for the future and
and intensity that startles many thinking in the long term mingles
I others, you gain a +2 bonus on Con- boredom with dread. You prefer to
[ cent ration checks, gamble everything on a single lucky


Whenever a person with the Startouched feat creates a magic item she has
the option of keying some or all of the item's magical properties so they only
operate when used by someone of her particular star sign. For instance, a
+3 keen star Joined tomjsword might only function as a +1 fongsurord for any¬
one bom under another star sign. This not only gives OM$ a simple way of
temporarily limiting the powers of potentially unbalancing items but also
presents interesting options for dungeon design. Dungeon features such as
secret doors* elevators, talking statues* traps, or guardian constructs, could
become star forged, giving significant advantages to a character (or villain)
born under the right sign. This does not increase the cost.
Dagger of Stones: With a needlelike blade, this fencing dagger seems per¬
fectly crafted to slip through cracks in armor* More practical than elegant, the
gem adorning its pommel appears almost garish and out of place. Merely a
+i dagger to most people, in the hands of someone born under the star sign
corresponding to its gemstone it becomes a +3 defending dagger. In addition,
as long as the dagger is held* it grants the protective benefit of her birth stone
to the wielder, even if she does not have the Starblessed feat.
Strong Abjuration: CL 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor* Starblessed; shield
or shield qj'/flifti, globe of invulnerability, Price 52,302 gp; Weight i lb.
shot, whether in battle or life. To risk Despite this need for power, you
all is to gain all. seldom act like a tyrant, and indeed
Optimal Careen Consumed by you often devote many sleepless
wanderlust for most of your lift you nights to improving the lot of
possess a singular talent for look¬ those who follow you.
ing after yourself giving you a +2 Optimal Career: You possess a
bonus on Survival checks. keen esthetic sense and a shrewd
Lucky Action: Never one to eye for bargains. Your talent for
let yourself get tied down, you finding items to add to your per¬
are always on the move, gaining a sonal ‘‘treasure hoard” gives you
+2 bonus on Ride checks, a 42 bonus on Appraise checks.
Birthstonc: Sapphire, the Lucky Action: Ever vigi¬
gem that protects travelers from lant for grumbling or calls
harm, grants you a +t luck bonus of distress from those in
to AC on any round in which you your care, you gain a +2 bonus
move more then 5 feet. on Listen checks.
Birthstonc: Garnet* the gem¬
Sign of the Dragon stone of celebrity and fame,
Magnificent and conscious * grants you a +1 bonus to AC
of their unique destinies, for one round whenever you
the sign of the dragon use the aid another action*
produces people driven
to acquire, yet their hunger Sign of the Unicorn
for a legacy often finds Aggressive and straightforward*
them building a better the sign of the unicorn produces
wrorld. You possess extraordi¬ natural heroes, although their dif¬
nary energy and a lively, inventive ficulty in understanding nuance
and compromise sometimes holds
them back. You see the world in
simplistic terms: good and evil*
black and white* right and wrong.
People admire your loyalty and
your emphasis on duty and self-
sacrifice, but your inability to find
the middle ground often leaves
them frustrated. Single-minded,
preferring to charge forward rather
then go around obstacles, you make
a poor diplomat or strategist. Yet
your innate decency and forth¬
rightness wins you many friends.
Optimal Career: Your ability to
ignore danger and focus on the
task at hand gives you an excellent
head for heights. You gain a +2
bonus on Climb checks.
Lucky Action: Explosive energy
and the drive to push your body
beyond its limits gives you a +2
bonus on Jump checks,
need something to control and call Birthstonc: Topaz, the stone that
your oivn, whether a business, a magnifies the physical health and
mind that you unceasingly apply family* or even an adventuring party. vigor of its bearer, grants you a +2
> toward creating and then expanding You must take the lead in some luck bonus on all saves versus poi-

30 DRAGON 340 February 2006

Sign of the Hydra Sign of the Chimera Lucky Action; Comfortable
Optimistic and durable, the sign of Suave and friendly, the sign of with tiptoeing around awkward
the hydra produces the most resiU the chimera produces people issues, both figuratively and lit¬
|ient people imaginable. Nothing gets with a gift for finding consensus erally, you gain a +2 bonus on
you down for very long. You tend and unity among even the most Move Silently checks.
to spring hack from even the most diverse groups. A bom peace¬ Birthstone; Amethyst, the stone
kerns hi rig setback as confident and maker and an able diplomat, you of prescience, gives you a flair for
fchipper as always. From an early age possess a ready instinct for dis¬ stepping aside in just the nick of
i earned praise lor your positive covering and fulfilling the needs time. You gain a +2 luck bonus on
dtude, your ability to find the silver of others* Some people come to any Reflex saving throw against
dng m every cloud. You trained resent your tendency to involve evocation spells and effects.
ourself to keep smiling no matter yourself in their affairs, but your
vhat, always showing the side of you friendly disposition and earnest Sign of the Kraken
at best portrays your image. desire to help usually wins them Dabblers with a plan for every
Optimal Career Your friendly per- over in the end* While you sel¬ eventuality, the sign of the kraken
onality and dogged tenacity often dom seek power and authority, produces natural tacticians and
ps you find out what you need to it often comes to you, and when conspirators. You view life as an
f know, granting you a +2 bonus on you achieve it you must Lake care elaborate game where the pieces
at her Information checks. to never lose sight of the big pic¬ have minds of their own. Half
Lucky Action; Agile and resilient, ture in your quest for harmony. the joy lies in finding how to get
ju find that dodging blows and Sometimes no compromise is pos¬ them to move just where you want
a king through enemies comes sible—as the proverb says, MA wolf them to go. You tend to enjoy
I naturally to you, granting you a +z and a mother will never agree over many interests* extending your
bonus on Tbmble checks. how much of her child it can eat." reach—your "tentacles” if you
Birthstone: Diamond, the stone Optimal Career: Ingratiating and will—throughout your commu¬
[ of strength and resiliency, gives you amiable, your ability to get along nity, forming a wide network of
a +2 luck bonus to AC versus attack with others serves you well in many contacts and associates* Few, if any,
oles made to confirm critical hits fields, giving you a +2 bonus on ever fully gTasp the true extent of
Optimal Career; You are comfort¬
able operating in chaotic, fluid envi
l moments. granting you a ^2 bonus
I on Swim chccks.
Lucky Action: You arc accus- problem-solving abilities often make Birth stone; Ruby, the
I tomed to operating from behind you the person others turn to in stone of substance, protecting
I the scenes, remaining out of moments of crisis. property as well as flesh, grants
I sight io those that would do you Optimal Career; You possess a you a +2 bonus on any Fortitude
I harm, granting you a +2 bonus glare like a basilisk, granting you a +2 saves against transmutation spells
I on Hide checks. bonus on Intimidate checks. and effects.
Birthstcme; Aquamarine, the Lucky Action; A skeptic, you make
I stone of the sea, gives a certain flu- an excellent watchmen or purchaser Casting Horoscopes
K idity to your movements, offering of goods, giving you a +2 bonus on Many astrologers view the universe
I you a +1 luck bonus on AC against Sense Motive checks. as a giant computer. They believe
I touch attacks.
> Sign of the Basilisk Horoscope DC Personal Information Known About Subject
Dour and often gloomy, those horn 30 Astrological Sign
under the sign of the basilisk expect 25 Exact Date of Birth
the worst, yet this endows them with 20 E si act T l me of 8 i rth (with r n t he hou r)
an uncanny foresight and indcpen-
I dence. As stubborn as stone, people Astrology check
find it difficult to change your mind. Modifier Condition
Your tendency to hold grudges, seek- +5 Subject's exact place of birth kno wn
? ing revenge for imagined slights -10 Attempting to determine an auspicious action without
even years latex, leaves most holding an inauspicious action
you at arms length. However,your “5 Dou bte t he ad io n bon u s a n d penalty
. tenacity, innate common sense, and (this can only be applied once)

32 DRAGON 340 February 2006

that if they apply the right data to before you invest ranks into the information you know. If success¬
their formulas and charts they can Astrology skill. ful, the horoscope determines an
learn useful information about auspicious (lucky) and inauspi¬
future events, giving advice on nearly Profession (Astrology) cious (unlucky) action for a par¬
any subject, from founding a busi¬ (Wis. Trained Only) ticular day* Roll idia once for each
ness to naming a child. Your facility with astrology allows chart (see the sidebar)
In DSff), those who put ranks you to make extraordin. rily Action: It takes considerable time
in Profession (astrology) gain the shrewd predictions about a per¬ to make a check and fashion a horo¬
ability to offer similar counsel to son's behavior. It also allows you scope, requiring id4 hours to make
their allies and to discover hidden to cast horoscopes, offering clues calculations and draw charts.
vulnerabilities oflheir enemies, A about future auspicious and inaus¬ Try Again: No. You may only
successful skill check reveals kicky picious actions. attempt to cast a horoscope for a par¬
or unlucky actions for a particular Check: You can cast a horoscope ticular subject once in any given day.
day, granting a bonus or penalty' on for any living creature. You must Synergy: 1 f you have 5 or more
certain checks and rolls. know the subject's astrologi¬ ranks in Knowledge (the planes)
Note that your DM must approve cal sign. Your predictive powers you get a +z synergy bonus on
the use of these alternate rules increase in accuracy the more Astrology checks. 2


DMs should feel free to expand upon the lucky and unlucky actions outlined here, increasing the available pieces of
advice gained from a successful skill check For instance, "Listen to/lgnore your survival instincts” could easily be
used as a template to create similar modifiers on Fortitude and Will saves*

Auspicious Actions
dia Result
1 Listen to your survival instincts (+1 insight bonus on Reflex saving throws),
2 Attention to detail will be rewarded (+1 insight bonus when taking 10 or taking 20),
3 You bruise rarely (-1 on any damage against you with a bludgeoning attack),
A Use sharp objects (+1 insight bonus on all attacks made with slashing weapons).
5 A good day to rely upon your memory (+1 insight bonus on ail Knowledge checks),
6 Confront the dead (+1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls versus undead).
7 A good day for exercise (+1 insight bonus on Strength'based checks and skills)
8 Expect superb reflexes (+1 i nsight bonus on initiative checks),
9 Rely upon your surrou ndings (+i insight bonus to AC when gaini ng a cover bonus)
10 Endure fire (+1 insight bonus on all saves versus fire attacks and effects)
11 Exploit your enemy's moments of weakness (+1 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls when
making attacks of opportu nity).
12 A good day to make friends (+1 insight bonus on Charisma-based checks and skills)

Inauspicious Actions
di 2 Result
1 Ignore your survival instincts (-1 penalty on Reflex saving throws).
2 Attention to detail will be punished (-1 penalty when taking LO or taking 20).
2 You bruise easily (+1 on any damage against you with a bludgeoning attack).
A Avoid sharp objects (-1 penalty on all attacks made with slashing weapons)
5 A bad day to rely upon your memory (-1 penalty on all Knowledge checks).
6 Avoid that which is dead (—1 penalty on attack and damage rolls versus undead)
7 A bad day for exercise (-1 penalty on Strength-based checks and skills)
8 Expect poor reflexes (-1 penalty on Initiative checks)
9 Don't rely upon your surroundings (-1 penalty to AC modifier when gaining a cover bonus).
10 Shun fire (-1 penalty on alt saves versus fire attacks and effects).
11 Respect your enemy's moments of weakness (-1 penalty on attack and damage rolls when
making attacks of opportunity)
ia A bad day to make friends (-1 penalty on Charisma-based checks and skills).

February 2006,0
by E.W. Morton * illustrated by Tyler Waripole

“What’syour sign?”
—Gendi, master astrologer

S ages have long known the patterns of stars and

planets are more than mere coincidence. As the
spells in half the usual amount of time. Typically, this
means it takes you only 3© minutes to prepare spells.
features of the heavens evolve over time, they Zodiac Sense (Ex); You understand the ways in which
reflect cyclical shifts in the workings of magic and the the stars influence behavior. You gain a competence
arrangement of the planes, as measured by an ancient bonus equal to your master astrologer level on all
system of astrology. Master astrologers are s pel k asters Sense Motive checks. Also, as a full-round action* you
devoted to studying astrology and its influence upon can make a DC 20 Sense Motive check to determine
the cosmos. the astrological sign of any one creature to which you
have line of effect. You may instead make this check
Becemino a master Asfrainier as a move action or as a free action* but doing so
t hose who seek knowledge* whether from ancient dusty increases the DC of the Sense Motive check (to DC 35
tomes or the collective wisdom of elders or deities, pur¬ and DC 50. respectively).
sue the master astrologer class. Most spellcasters can Numerology (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, your spells
easily qualify for the prestige class by >th level are more potent against creatures whose astrological
signs you know. Against all such creatures, you gain
Entry Requirements a +1 insight bonus on caster level checks to overcome
Skills: Knowledge {the planes) 4 ranks. Sense Motive 4 spell resistance and your spells' save DCs increase by
ranks. Profession (astrologer) S ranks. +1. At %ih level* these bonuses increase to +2. At 8th
Feats: Skill Focus fProfession (astrologer]). level they become +3.
Spells: Able to prepare spells. Bonus Feats: At 3rd level* and again at 6th and 9th level,
you tap into the mystical power of your astrological sign to
Class Features enhance your own natural aptitudes, As a result, you gain
A master astrologer is a spell caster with the ability to a bonus feat at each of those levels* You must meet a feat s
manipulate—and be manipulated by—the stars. prerequisites before selecting it as a bonus feat. As your
Spells per Day: At each level after 1st, you gain new bonus feat you may select Greater Spell Focus (divination).
spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if you Spell Focus (divination^or a feat from the following list
had also gained a level in a spelkasting class to which that corresponds to your astrological sign.
you belonged before adding the prestige class level You Beholder; Alertness, Investigator, Iron Will Negotiator*
do not, however, gain any other l>enefil a character of that Obscure Lore (from Complete Adventuirr}* Quick Recom
class would have gained. If you had more than one spell - no iter Ifro m Comp Jet e Ad urn tu rer). Self- Su ffi cicn t, or Skill
casting class before becoming a master astrologer, y ou Focus (any Know ledge or Spot).
must decide which class to add each level for the purpose Harpy; Cooperative Spell (from Compile .Armnc), Deceit¬
of determining spells per day and spells known. ful Greater Spell Focus (illusion;, Negotiator, Persuasive,
Stargazer (Ex): Whenever you have access to a spyglass SkillFocusItoluff or Diplomacy), Spell Focus (ill as ion), or
and an unobstructed view of the stars you may prepare Sudden Quicken (from GwnpJeie Arcane;.
Fttm: Chant of Fortitude (from
Complete Adwntur?r)> Deceitful, Great
Fortitude, greater Two-Weapon Fight¬
ing. Improved T^o-Weapon Fighting,
Persuasive, Twin Spell [from Compare
Arcane), or Two Weapon Fighting
D^vid: Dkhard*.En durance, Great
Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus (abju¬
ration). Iron Will Sanctum Spell
(from Comp/rte Arrane), Self-Suffi¬
cient, or Spell Focus (abjuration).
Sfircjf; Arcane Mas ten. Combat
Casting. Diligent, Greater Spell
Penetration, Investigator, Skill
Focus (Concentration or any Craft),
Spell Penetration, or Track,
Wy L'rm: Ag i le. Create r S pe 11
Focus (conjuration), Reckless Wand
Wielder (from CouipJctr Arcane),
Run. Self-Sufficient, Spell Mastery,
Spell Focus (conjuration), or Sud¬
den Quicken {from Complete Arcane).
Dragon: Alertness, Appraise Magic
Value (from Complete Adventurer),
Diligent. Draconic Heritage (from
Complete Arcane). Iron Will, Leader¬
ship. Skill Focus (any Craft or Pro¬
fession). or Toughness,
Unicom: Acrobatic, Athletic,
Battle Caster (from Complete Arcane),
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility,
Spring Attack, or Toughness.
Hydra; Deceitful, Deft Hands,
► Diehard, Endurance, Fortify Spell
(from Complete Arcane), Guardian
Spirit (from Complete Area tie), Iron
Will, or Persuasive.
Chimera; Communicator ifrom
Complete Arrancu Cooperative Spell
from Coinplcrr ArramIron Will,
Leadership, Lightning Reflexes,
Negotiator, Skill Focus [Diplomacy,1,
or Stealthy.
Krnfctm: Athletic. Delay Spell (from
Comptef r A rra m , G re at e r Spe 11 Focu s
en chant men t), ] m prove d Initi ati ve.
Investigator* Jack of All Trades (from
Complete Advenmijrj. Persuasive, or
Spell Focus enchantment ).
Basilisk: Combat Casting. Extend
Spell. Insightful from Complete
Arrant , Investigator. Iron Will, Per¬
sistent Spell ' from Complete Arcane),
Self-Sufficient, or Skill focus (Con¬
centration or Intimidate i. J

/l\ /

Class Skills (2 + Ini modifier per level): Concentration* Craft* Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature). Knowledge
(religion), Knowledge (the planes). Profession. Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Spot.

Astrological Communication AS+R QLQGICAL E RG AHIZ A'HH n S 1

(Su): Beginning at 4th level, you A variety of organizations exist that support master astrologers. Those listed
can temporarily shift the apparent here are but a sampling.
alignment of celestial bodies. All Fraternal Order of Astrologies: The oldest and best-organized group of
other master astrologers capable master astrologers* the Order exists to dispassionately observe and report
of seeing the stars can automati¬ the movements of the stars and the possible implications of such move¬
cally read what these rearranged ments. Members of the Order, frequently called ‘brothers" (regardless
astrological bodies mean. This of gender)* report their findings to higher-ranking officers, called deans,
ability, in efTect, functions as the who disseminate information to interested parties* The Fraternal Order of
spell message, sent to all other Astrologers maintains a strictly neutral stance as an organization, although
master astrologers viewing the its members can be of any alignmen t
sky, Olhers who are not master Readers: A secret cult splintered from the Fraternal Order of Astrologers,
astrologers might also notice the Readers watch the heavens looking for signs of the end times* Short of
these changes if they've been the destruction of the entire multi verse* the Readers look to the stars for
warned to look for a specific sign upcoming events that further the cause of destruction and entropy. Many
or astrological change, although who know of the Readers claim they destroy at random and later blame
they cannot discern a specific their acts on the "will of the stars"
meaning. You can use Ibis ability Stargazers: Stargazers have added incentive to embark upon adventures,
once per night per master astrolo¬ particularly those involving travel to distant lands: They watch the stars for
ger class level. This message hints of invasion of extraplanar powers—as prophesized by earlier master
remains visible for 1 hour. astrologers—and ready themselves to act as the front line of defense when
Planetary Alignment (Ex): At 7th the invasion comes* Members of the Stargazers expend great amounts of
level you can sense when your world energy to share information with one another. Those who belong to the !
moves into alignment with other cos¬ Stargazers can acquire star charts, astrolabes, abaci, and other instruments
mic bodies. Some sort of alignment, of measurement at reduced rates. Most stargazers are druids or clerics of
whether relatively minor or breath* deities interested in defense, knowledge* or the stars*
takingly grand, occurs every day. You
can tap into these alignments. Every Spell. If you roll a 6r you may apply bination of mctamagie feats and
day, you can spontaneously apply a number of metamagic feats to spells that equal six spell levels*
idG levels worth of metamagic feats increase a spells level by six levels, The Stars are Right: Upon gaining
you know w ithout increasing the such as applying both Maximize 10th level, you can, once per day as
spell level You can expend all of your Spell and Widen Spell You might a standard action, force the stars to
metamagic levels on one spell or you also choose to apply met a magic appear to realign themselves tempo¬
can spread them out among different feats that would normally increase rarily for your benefit. You then have
spells throughout the day* I be spell's level by one level to six until the end of the following round
For example, if you roll a i, you different spells, to apply metamagic to cast a spell at a greatly enhanced
may apply a metamagic (eat to a spell feats that would normally increase effect* A spell affected by this ability
dial would normally increase the the spell's level by three levels lo is cast at +4 caster level and the DC to
spells level by one level, suchfas Silent two different spells, or any com¬ resist it increases by +4*4n addition*

38 DRAGON 340 February 2006

■nil numeric effects of the spell are outlook slightly, it does not alter Master astrologers tend to maxi¬
increased by one-half The spell's your abilities. You relentlessly pursue mize their ranks in as many different
range, duration, and area increase knowledge, sometimes merely lor the Knowledge skills as possible. They
by half against as much as normal, sake of uncovering it and sometimes tend to learn or prepare a wide vari¬
it deals half again as much damage, tor more personal reasons* ety of divination spells, frequently
cures half again as many hit points, If you belong to an organization making use of Spell Focus (divi na¬
affects half again as many targets, of master astrologers, the groups tion). Those who ^ish to use their
and so forth, as appropriate. tenets provide further guidance. know ledge against their enemies also
For example, a 5th-level wizard/ focus on evocation spells and the
ioth4evcl master astrologer could Cumbaf more offensive spells of the conjura¬
cast a delayed btasfjirebafl as a 19th- A master astrologer plans ahead. tion and transmutation schools.
level caster for 150% x iqd6 points You attempt to enter every combat
of damage with a DC +4 higher than fully prepared to lace whatever Resources
it would otherwise have* a range creatures oppose you. When pos¬ Depending on the organization to
of 1.740 feet (instead oi the normal sible, you attempt to learn your toes' which you belong (see the Astro¬
1460 led), and affect a 30-foot - astrological signs ahead offline so logical Organizations sidebar) you
radius area (instead of the normal you can use that knowledge lo your either have a greal deal of sup¬
20-foot radius). advantage once combat begins. port or none at all. Those master
astrologers who strike out on their
Playing A 01 aster Advancement own most likely have little or no
Aslrnm^er While manv master astrologers come support structure.
Vou devote yourself to astrology as an from the ranks of wizards, druids—
academic pursuit, using knowledge already attuned to the natural order— ITloster Astrnlnaers
of the zodiac to further understand comprise the second-largest group of in the World
the mysteries of the heavens and members. Clerics of deities interested The master astrologer prestige class
the multiverse. While the'division in knowledge or revealing secrets'also fills many of the same roles as a
of interest in the zodiac colorsvour sometimes join the ranks. diviner. He can uncord secrets that

February 2006 DBAGON 340* 39

E,W. MORTON the master astrologer

others either can't or don't care to, DC 101 "Astrology assigns specific
and he can utilize the knowledge signs to every one. Master astrologers Sample ITlaster
gleaned from those secrets in ways are spellcasters who study astrology As trn linger
mysterious to everyone else. Mas* and the meanings of its signs."
ter astrologers in an organization DC 151 "Most master astrologers GENDI CR9
work together to uncover forgotten w ho know a creature's astrological Male human divrner 5/master astrologer 4
knowledge and apply it toward the sign can use that knowledge to gain CN Medium humaqpd (human)
shared goals of the group, power over that creature." tnrt +1; Senses Listen+3, Sppt +3
DC 20: "Master astrologers can Languages Common, Celestial. Drs&nk
□ ryani/aliim guess a creature's astrological sign AC 14. touch 12. flat-footed 13
Despite their shared motivations just by studying its behavior. Once a hp 36 (9 HD)
and training, master astrologers master astrologer knows a creatures Fort +5, Ref +4 Will +10
are not required to belong to any sign, that creature likely has dif¬ Spd 30 ft.
organization, although many do. ficulty resisting the master astrolo¬ Melee masterwork quarterstaff+5 (ld6)
Master astrologers with an aca¬ ger's spells." Base Atk +4: Grp +4
demic interest in the zodiac lend DC 50: "The zodiac also measures Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds,
,to form organizations and groups the alignment of the planes at any wrmd of Melfs nod arrow(20 charges)
that resemble—in structure and given point in time. An experienced Spells Prepared CL 8th: +5 ranged touch):
intent—universities, wizard schools, master astrologer can force the stars 4th—dimension door, phontosmol feifler
and other institutes of looming. to realign tor a brief pe riod." Also, (DC 17), scrying {DC 17)
Many such organizations teach their the character knows all information 3rd—claifOLidienccfclairvoyonce* hdd
craft through both apprenticeships contained in the article, "The Stars person (DC 16), nondetertron (DC 16),
and formal academies. Those more are Right." suggestion (DC 16), tongues
interested in using their knowl¬ 2nd^bJr«dness/deafiess(DC IS), detect
edge for personal gain form guilds. master Asfrnlnaers thoughts (DC 15), imrisMrty, Mejfs acid

Groups filled with master astrolo¬ in Ihe Game arrow, touch of idiocy
gers who seek guidance from the The master astrologer makes an 1st—charm person (DC 14), disguise self
stars or deities associated with the excellent choice for a mysteri¬ protect 1 on/rom la w (DC 14), toy of
stars tend to set up their organiza¬ ously knowledgeable NPC w ho cn/eeblemenf. sleep (DC 14). true stake
tions like strictly regimented reli¬ knows things about the PCs that he 0—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 13),
gious orders. shouldn't. A master astrologer (or an resistance, touch of fatigue
astrologer organ izat i on) can m ake Abilities Str 10. Dex 12, Con 14, Int 17,Wis
nPC Reactions an excellent patron tor PCs, 13, Cha 8
Most NPCs who meet a master astrol¬ The master astrologer prestige SQ astrological intuition, numerology,
oger assmne it is a professional title class should appeal to players stargazer, summon fa miliar (Lyra),
and consider the individual bearing who enjov playing know ledgeable zodiac sense
it a wizard who happens to engage in characters. At higher levels the Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Craft
a noteworthy profession. Those who prestige class can certainly hold its Wandb, Self-Sufficient1. Scribe Scroll
know the difference still tend to think own in battle, but overall its major Skill Focus (Profession [astrologer]). Skill
of master astrologers os variant spell- strengths lie in spe lie, vs ling and Focus (Sense Motive), Toughness
casters [although they might closely hindering enemies. Skills Concentration +14. Heal +6.
guard their dates of birth if a master Knowledge (arcana)+7, Listen +5,

astrologer is around). Adaptation Profession (astrologer) +21, Spell craft

The master astrologer, as written, +11, Sense Motive +16, Spot +5,
ITlnxIer Astruluyer assumes use of the D£iD zodiac Survival +7
Lnre presented on page 24, In order to Possessions Combat gear, masterwork
Characters w ith Know-ledge incorporate the master astrologer quarterstaff. spdlbook. spyglass, bracers
(arcana). Knowledge (the planes), or into a campaign world that uses a of armor +2, cloak of resistance *1, rina$f
Profession (astrologer) can research different zodiac, alter the lists of protect ran rl, 450 gp.
the zodiac and the master astrolo¬ bonus feats to reflect the zodiac Spdlbook as above plus 0—all others
gers who draw upon its power. reality of your campaign setting. If except dancing lights, fiart, light, ray of
When a character makes a skill your world does not have a zodiac, frost; 1st—kfenUjy; 2nd—forme ob/cct;
check, the following information or you do not wish to keep track of 3rd—dispel magic: 4th—charm monster
is gained, including thift listed for ^one, create one unified list tor all Lyra, raven familiar hp j8: Monster
lower DCs. master astrologers. Manual 27^ 2

40 DRAGON 340 Febffcfry 2006 -4 -

X ? *
ife itr6r vial
Tlr6 stm avLd K& Rol.6 ivL D&n
by Chris Tulach • illustrated byjejflaubenstein and Chuck Lukacs

T H he sun is. perhaps the

most enduring and
often described as a light or illu¬
mination. Wisdom and willpower
■ important symbol are also traits of the sun. The sun
throughout the myLhological governs the aspects of the ego and
and religious tapestry of time. man's amtrol over bis baser
The ultimate symbol of instincts. It is also associated
authority, it is also the great with the gif Is of wisdom and
b ringer of Life, ushering the ability to distinguish
the bud out of the death truth from falsehood.
of winter and into the Authority; The double-
renewal of spring It is a edged sword authority
constant, never-ctaanging represents is a hallmark
force and a wellspring of of the sun. Tt rises high
hope and guidance. In the sky, above everyone
and everything, casting its
irkstory t Light down upon the whole
avid aayt,lr of the earth. It is the largest
The use of the sun and its heavenly body and wields the
aspects grounds a world's greatest power over the land. The
mythology in a constant primal suns presence brings great joy with its
force. Focusing on the sun creates an regenerative properties or a terrible ctusc
instant familiarity and connection for players through its oppressive heat.
involved in such a campaign. While the sun is tradf Hope: Hope is as everlasting as the sun, and indeed is
tionally personified with a variety of traits, a nolcwor- often associated with it. The fearful unknown of night is
thy few bear mentioning. dispelled when the sun arrives to begin the day, People
Masculinity: The sun is frequently portrayed as a look to the Sun to provide life-giving light and arc joy¬
masculine figure in many cultures, such as Apollo in ous at the resplendence of a warm funny day.
the Greek and Homan pantheons and Ra of Egyp tian
mythology. As such, the sun is o fie n assigned the attri¬ Solar calendars
butes of strength, stamina* and virility. A Solar calendar is- simply a .calendar that in dated by the
l ight is Life: Life is the gift the sun brings to the world. position of the world on its revolution around the sun.
The growth of plants and thus the foundations of animal On luiilh, solar calendars are gencm31 y 365 djyslong, but
life are directly tied to the sun’s .-presence. Ever since man¬ depending on the campaign world they might be longer
kind learned the ways of agriculture the importance of the or shorter. Those creating solar calendars for their own
sun ftS a life-giver has been understood. campaign should determine how for away the sun is from
The Mind; Reason and knowledge have always been the planet how long it takes tor the planet Lo make one
the province of the sun. Knowledge and learning are rotation (thus, the length of one day) and how long it takes

February 2006 DRAGON 340 43


the planet to revolve around it (thus, them to be placed where appropriate swallows the sun during its time of
the length of one year), Shortening on a fantasy calendar, Some of the dominion. U is a time when chaos
or lengthening the Lime it takes for effects presented here are simple to overturns law; and the hopeful nature
the world to revolve around the sun use, but others are very rare. These of the sun is overshadowed.
(or Lhe sun to revolve around the unusual occurrences are seen as the A solar eclipse bestows a-i caster
world, depending on how celestial sign of a great event, be it good or level on divine spells cast by druids,
bodies work in yotir campaign) has a evil, such as the rousing of a great rangers, paladins, and clerics who
dramatic effect on climate and sea¬ dragon, Lhe birth of the next Icing, or revere the sun or a sun deity, or fea¬
sons. To keep tilings' easy and provide the discovenr of a lost magic. ture it as a prominent part of their
some familiar ground, it might philosophies. Once the eclipse
be best to have the primary passes, this penalty is lifted.
world of the campaign mirror Solar eclipses last from a few
Earths celestial movements, minutes to a number of hours,
A total solar eclipse4 is a
Is 1
dark and powerful omen for
those who venerate the sun
tf you're creating your own or a sun deity; Spclleasting
fantasy campaign, you should levels arc halved (round
consider how the cosmology of down) during ibis time. As
that world takes shape. A good with uIher solar eclipses, once it
place to start is with the sun passes, the penalty is lifted. Total
itself—and deciding exactly solar eclipses are very short,
how many hang in the sky; lasting only a scant few minutes.
A world created with However, total eclipses remain
multiple suns might he a in anoth er stage of eclipse1 ibr
desolate place, blasted by a good deal longer, both before
furnace tike heat with little and after the total eclipse.
respite from the light of
day. It could also be a lush I'M&udtKg nax
world, teeming wiih forests KiiriQucvir, night,
and jungles, with one or Campaigns set on worlds with
both suns being farther from w multiple suns face the possibil¬
the planet than on a desert ity of going for days or even
world. This is a great way to months without a true night
introduce an “alien" world Perhaps the suns typically travel
to plane-hopping characters. together, giving a semblance to
Using a multiple-sun world day and night except for one day
as a primary campaign of the year where their dusks
setting poses a number of rind dawns correspond with One
challenges, especially when another. Such a day would be
changing the length of the day. If solar .’Eclipse greatly celebrated by those whet wor¬
this is done, sleep cycles may need A solar eclipse, when the moon's ship the sun, who are .it +i caster level
adjustment, as well as rules depen¬ shadow crosses the surface of 1 he for the entire day and can use any of
dent on the length of a day. For earth, seems as though the moon lheir domain powers one additional
simplicity's sake, it is easiest to tie itself blocks the sun. Throughout time per day.
the day t o one of the suns, and ail recorded time, solar eclipses—espe¬ The opposite of this is a world that
daily effects refresh on its schedule. cially total solar eclipses (where the is accustomed to the unending day
sun's light is completely blocked'!— with one of their many suns al ways
Swl.ar X iX.vLf.s were events of surprise and terror. m the sky (although one or more of
Aside from rising and setting each While partial solar eclipses are these suns might be dim and ineftec*
day, other solar events might occur fairly common, total solar eclipses are live, making an effective mglilxLmc)
throughout the year. Although mod¬ relatively rare—occurring about once In such a world, a true night might
em astronomers can forecast these per year somewhere in the world. A come only rarely, making for an
events, their infrequency makes total solar eclipse is a time of great evening lull of evil omens and true
them seem almost random, allowing dread and fear, for the aspect of night darkness. During this infrequent

44 DRAGON 340 February 200G

SOLAR CONJUNCTIONS The Gills and how to incorporate
During a solar conjunction, great events and powerful portents them into their lives.
occur with some frequency. The following effects are just some of The Order of the Eternal Light is
the possibilities. broken into two sects, known only
# The save DCs for any spelI cast d u ri ng 1 h e conjunction increases by +4, to those initiated into lhe order.
$ Everyone who stands in the l ight of the conjunction gains fast healing To lay wo rshipers and common
5for the duration. folk the order appears as a unified
$ Creatures of the fire subtype gain the benefits of a heol spelt and are church, winch is exactly the Image
i mmune to cold damage for the du ration of the conjunction, il wishes to maintain. The largest
0 All those in the light of the conjunction gain a +4 insight bonus to sect of the order is the "Resplem
their Intelligence and Wisdom for the duration of the conjuntion. dents * These Clerics are usually
$ Plants grow at the rate of one day {or even week) for each minute of lawful good or lawful neutral In
the conjunction. alignment, and many paladins and
0 A total of io% of all plants in the area wither and die for each minute monks fill their ranks as well (see
the conjunction lasts, the illuminated monk and pa lad in
$ 0ther possible events indude the sparking 0f a rebelItion, the birth of a of light substitution levels}. They are
great or terrible leader, or the rise of a new evil. equally accepting of both men and
wamea as they believe the sun does
night, divine spell casters who vener¬ divine power, Venera ting the sun not favor one gender above another.
ate the sun are at -1 caster level and itself the order does not assign it Most Resplendent strive to live up
all undead gain turn resistance +2 the qualities of a physical being. to the tenets of The Gifts, believing
(this stacks with any turn resistance It is a thing of energy, light, and them the core of their faith.
they might have). sustenance, and cannot be ascribed A slightly smaller sect known as
Worlds with only one sun might a true physical form. However, the the "Caretakers" emphasizes the
still see either of these solar events, sun shows good omens through its 1 us lice. Order, and Station aspects of
but they would be very rare indeed. favored beasts—the lion and the The Gifts. These clerics arc usually
hawk. Tn the monstrous world, the of lawful neutral or lawful evil align¬
sola r cmLjtui/:t(i@vi. gold dragon is said to be the sum ments (commonly choosing the
Campaigns sel in worlds with emissary, the only creature that has Law and Sun domains), and their
three or more suns have the pos¬ touched the sun and brought back doctrine is often laced with male
sibility of the rare solar conjunc¬ its wisdom to share with those who chauvinism. They believe that only
tion, where two or more of the seek il out. The spear is lhe physi¬ men can become true priests in the
suns line up in lhe sky or even cal embodiment of the shafts of order, and that Lhe full knowledge of
overlap. Such occurrences should light the sun brings down upon the The Gift of Reason is only imparted
be extremely rare, depending world, and devout followers of the to men by the sun. Women can
upon the number of suns, A larger order carry one whenever they are become initiates or acolytes, but
number makes total conjunctions away (Tom home. cannot advance any furt her in this
(where alt the suns align or over¬ sect of the order.
lap) extraordinarily rare^ however Mire, xvu&mal. light, Portfolio; Life, reason, knowledge,
lesser conjunctions invol ving only Greater Deity (Lawful Neutral) order, hope, and leadership.
some of the suns would be mo re Shining down upon its loyal subjects, Domains: Hope (new domain).
common. When such events do the Eternal Light venerated in many Knowledge, Law, Plant, Sun.
occur, they might only last for a surface cultures. Although many Cleric Training: Protective
few rounds or minutes at most, names for it exist, die sun is known me miters are brought into the order
making nearly any effect possible. for its wisdom, lawful ness, and the life as initiates, where they learn the
See Lhe solar conjunction sidebar giving light and warmth it sheds. importance ofThe Gifts upon their
for some possibilities. The Order of the Eternal Lights society. Initiates wear orange robes,
symbol of the sun has eight rays wooden holy symbol* painted yel¬
projecting out from its center. These low* and typically wind up In service
eight rays form the principal tenets to cleric*, After a term Of service
(known by the faithful as ‘The lasting two years* initiates undergo
Rather than a sum based religion Gills") of the sun's religion; Hope, tests of faith and learning, !f they
focused on an anthropomorphic Inspiration, Justice, life, Order, Rea¬ pass, they become acolytes and are
deity, the Order of Eternal tight son, Station, and Wisdom. Even lay bestowed yellow robes and brass holy
worships of Lhe sun as its own worshipers kam die importance of symbols. Acolytes are then usually

February 2006 DRAGON 3AO 45


I SUBSTITUTION LEVELS the sunrise, concluding once the

Hfe A substitution level is a level of a given class that you take instead sun has fully risen. Additional
\ of the level described for the standard class. Selecting a substitu¬ prayers are offered when the sun
tion level is not the same as multidassmg—you remain with the is at its peak and just before dusk.
class for which the substitution level is taken The class features of the sub- Ora worlds with multiple suns, the
stftution level simply replace those of the standard level Order of the Eternal Light prays
For each class with substitution levels, you can select each substitution during each sunrise and when all
level only at a specific class level. When you take a substitution level for of the sum are in the sky together.
your class at a given level, you give up the class features gained at that level Temples: Temples of the Order
for the standard class, and you get the substitution level features instead. of the Eternal Light are typical ly
You can't go back and gain the class features for the level you swapped the largest buildings in their com¬
out—when you take your nrext level in the standard class, you gain the next munities, blessed with golden
higher level as if you had gained the previous level normally. sun adornments, stained glass,
and incredible vaulted ceilings.
Windows arc ever present, and the
HOPE DOMAIN SPELLS variety and craftsmanship of the
Possessed by clerics of the Order of the Eternal Light, the Hope domain can stained glass used in their construc¬
also find a home with other deities of the sun, cou rage, or even some (usually tion is among the greatest in the
good-aligned) war deities. world. In addition to a large worship
Deities: The Eternal Light, area, the temple typically has an
Granted Power Once per day, when you fail a skill check, attack roll, or extensive library. In many communi¬
saving throw, you may roll id6 and add it to the result. This ability is used after ties, the Order of the Eternal Light's
the result of the roll or check is revealed, but before any other actions are taken. library is the largest, and the biggest
among them rival the greatest secu¬
1 filess: Allies gam +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear lar libraries found at bardic colleges,
a Aid: +1 on attack rolls, +1 against fear, idS temporary bp +i/level (max +10), wizard schools* or universities.
1 Heroisms Gives 4-2 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, Rites: The Order of the Eternal
4 Good Hope: Subjects pin +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks. Light communes with the stm and
$ Atonement*^! Removes burden of misdeeds from subject. receives its wisdom in the form of
6 Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks: ngorous edicts. As keeper of the
immunity to fear, temporary hp. secrets of agriculture, history, lineage*
1 Restoration, Greater*: As restoration, plus restores all levels and and invention, the soil's inspiration
ability scores. provides the order with the power to
8 Planar Ally, Greater*: As lesser pfcrngr oily, but up to iS HD, enrich and strengthen communities.
9 Miracle*: Requests a deity's intercession. As such* those who follow the Eternal
Light often preside over agricultural
selected by elder clerics to learn on their white robe and a solid gold festivals and gi ve blessings to farm¬
from (or languish under) for 3 holy symbol. Radiants typically act ers and their fields, They also keep
period of four years. I f they prove as advisors to powerful nobles and important records in most communi¬
themselves worthy and pass more community leaders. ties concerning the history and gene¬
tests, they are awarded the title Quests: Every year, major temples alogy of the townsfolk.
of cleric. Their yellow robes are dedicated to the Eternal Light send Heralds and Allies: The herald
replaced with white, and they are out eight members on sacred quests, of the Eternal Light is Corona, an
given bronze holy symbols. Clerics each tasked with one of The Gifts to awakened iS HD celestial dire lion
typically go out in the world and spread across the land. These quests who radiates light like the daytime
proselytize, bringing glory to their usually involve bringing the tenets sun. The Eternal Light's allies arc all
community, rulers, and the order* to those who lack them, such as maimer of lions, hawks, and flying
Clerics are the most visible face bringing hope to the rich, inspiring celestials (especially lantern arch oils).
of the order encountered outside artisans to achieve their full poten¬ f avored Weapon: Spear,
their enclaves,, and many are adven¬ tial, and showing the path of humil¬
turers. If a cleric spreads die tenets ity to those who lack it. solar
of the order and accomplishes Prayers: Those who venerate StfVTriTrov!.
great things in its name, he might the Eternal Light pay homage to I.GTiLs
be awarded the title of radiant, the sun god just before dawn each Jrt campaigns where the sun is a
wherein he receives a golden trim day. Such prayers last throughout significant force in the world, some

46 DR AGO M 340 February 2006

classes might function a bit differ¬ ILLUMINATED MONK
ently* gaining power and wisdom Base
from the sun's rays. Two examples Attack Fort Ref Will
are presented here as substitution Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
levels, the illuminated monk and 1st 40 42 42 42 Bonus Feat* flurry of blows,
the paladin oflight See the sub¬ unarmed strike
stitution levels sidebar for more 2nd 4l 43 43 43 Bonus feat, evasion
information on how substitution 6th 44 4& 4 $ 45 Meditative focus* slow foil 30 ft.
levels work
details of a particular skill Every Skill Points at Each Level: 2 4 Int
llli 'AU-vl.af^d /Agrttk day at dawn, the iHumiliated monk modifier (or four times that number
Some monks find focus in medita¬ may spend 15 minutes in quiet con¬ as a beginning character).
tion, cloistering themselves away to templation, meditating on the spe¬
hone their intellects as well as their cifics of a certain skill He cannot be Class p6atrur6s
physiques and wits. Illuminated interrupted during Ms meditation All of the following are features
monks often sene as archive-keep¬ or he must start the process ovct of the paladin of light's substitu¬
ers in libraries and teachers m again. Until the following dawn, tion levels.
schools and universities. Just as the he receives the skill mastery ability Detect Night Creature (Sp£ At
sun personifies reason and wisdom, (see the rogue class feature in the will* a paladin ©flight can efrierf nujlif
the illuminated monk studies all Pfu^er’s Hfindkook page $*) for that creature, as the spell (see Sun Spells).
varieties ©flare and passes on his skill Each morning, the illuminated This substitution feature
knowledge to others. monk may change the skill mastery replaces the standard paladin's
Hit Dies d6. he receives with meditative focus. detect evil class feature gained at
This substitution feature replaces 1st level
Requirements the standard monks bonus feat Cooling Touch (Su): Beginning
To take an illuminated monk substi¬ gained at 6 th level at 2nd level, a paladin of light
tution level, a character must come with a Charisma score of 12 or
from a sun-centered society or wor¬ i'lLlDKVl. 6)P higher can provide creatures with
ship a sun deity, and must be about to LKrirT fire resistance by touch. Each day
take his ist, and. or 6th level of monk. While the paladin usually focuses his she can grant a total number of
holy crusades against the forces of points of fire resistance equal to
Class Skills evil, some paladins find themselves her paladin level x her Charisma
Illuminated monk substitution lev¬ drawn into the war between dark¬ bonus. This fire resistance lasts
els grant the same class skills as the ness and light. While there are cer¬ for 10 minutes per paladin level
standard monk class. tainly similarities that can he drawn For example* a yth-kvd pala¬
SkiU Points at Each Level: 4 4 Int between darkness and evil the pala¬ din of light with a 16 Charisma
modifier (or four limes that number din of light sees darkness as a force (43 bonus) can provide up to 21
as a beginning character). that transcends the evil of mortals points of fire resistance per day.
and encompasses loss* suffering, and A paladin of light may choose to
Class Features woe. The paladin of light, being an divide her points of lire resis¬
All of the following are features of ally of the sun, also receives gifts to tance among multiple recipients,
the illuminated monk’s substitu¬ help withstand its heal and she doesn’t have to use it all
tion levels. Hit Die: dio. at once. Using cooling touch is a
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, an illu¬ standard action.
minated monk may select Skill Requirements This substitution feature replaces
Focus as a bonus feat. At and level, To take a paladin of light substitution the standard paladin's Lay on hands
an illuminated monk may select level a character must come from a class feature.
either Investigator or Negotiator as sun-centered society or worship a sun Remove Curse ($p): At 6th level,
a bonus feat, deity, and must be about to take her a paladin ©flight can produce a
These substitution features isf, 2nd* or 6th level of paladin. remove tune effect, as the spell* once
replace the standard monk's bonus per week. She can use this ability
feats gained at 1st and and level Class Skills one additional time per week for
Meditative Focus (Ex): At 6th Paladin of light substitution levels every three levels after 6th (twice
level, the illuminated monk can use grant the same class skills as the per week at 9th, three times per
meditation to focus his mind on the standard paladin class. week at 12th, and so forth).

February 2006 DRAGON 340 47


PALADIN OF LIGHT 5it rots of Dusk

Base ttrcM.iral.)
Attack Fort Ref Will You1 focused learning has given you
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells per Day savantlike recall from time to time,
1st +1 +2 +0 Aura of good, Same as paladin as wdl as unflappable calm.
detect night Prerequisites: Born Under a Setting
creatures, smite Sun, Skill Focus (any one Knowledge
evil 1/day skill), character fevd 6th
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Cooling touch* Same as paladin Benefits: You are able to take 10
divine grace on Concentration skill checks at
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 f&may* curse Same as paladin any time. Once per day, you may
1/wedt take 20 on a Knowledge skill check.
you must possess Skill Focus for
This substitution feature the Knowledge check that you are
replaces the standard paladin's using with this ability.
remove disease class feature.
s-ji-rk «jJ Dawn
uvi.d&r fepiiraL)
vi. p6atfs Your hopeful spirit has an effect
Some characters bom under upon your allies,
the light of the sun attribute Prerequisites: Diplomacy 2
some of their strengths (and ranks, Bom Under a Rising Sun,
weaknesses) to the time of day character level 6th.
they were brought into the Benefits: Your bonus to save
world. Characters may select against fear effects increases to
one or more of the follow ing *4. Once per day, you may shout
feats to represent a unique out words of encouragement
connection with the sun. to others. This is considered a
swift action, and you must be
4J0ri'i i'M.dir a able to speak to use this ability.
itisi-M.g sum. r^kttrri All allies who hear and under¬
You were bom at dawn and stand your words (including
display gifts associated with you) receive a +2 morale bonus
it—such as a hopeful spirit and a on Will saves for a number of
strong will. rounds equal la your Charisma
Benefits: You receive a +1 modifier (minimum i).
bonus on all Heal skill checks
and a +1 bonus on Will saving effect, you receive an additional** V%Vtg6cll l£ £ ©f H0©Vl
throw's. On saves to resist a fear bonus for a total of+2. I f*GVl.5Xtl] ,1
effect, you receive an additional +1 Special: You may only lake this You can bring your anger to the sur¬
bonus, for a total of+2, feat at 1st level. If you take this feat, face and manifest it in the terrible
Special: You may only take this you cannot take any other birth feat. fury of the sun's power,
feat at 1st level If you take this feat, Prerequisites: Bom Under a High
you cannot take any other birth feat, vj3©m under a Sun, Power Attack, character level 6th
Sct,t,iM.g Sr M UjSH'Ui'l Benefits: Your bonus to save
<|!pM. I'M-dor a irigir You were bom at dusk and display against fire effects increases to +4,
sum upiruri gifts associated with it—such as Once per day as a swift Addon, you
You were bom while the sun was high wisdom and a love of learning. may call forth the anger of the su ti
in the sky and display gifts associated Benefits: You receive a +1 bonus to immolate one of your weapons.
with it—such as an undeniable pres¬ on any two Knowledge skills of your Your weapon gains the properties
ence and a strong fortitude. choice. Concentration is always a of a flam ing w eapon for a n umber
Benefits: You receive a +1 bonus class skill tor you. of rounds equal to your Charisma
on all Intimidate skill checks and Special: You may only take this modifier (minimum 1). Projectile
a +r bonus on Fortitude saving feat at 1st level If you take this feat, weapons bestow this property on
throws. On saves to resist a fire you cannot take any other birth feat. thei r ammunition.

48 DRAGON 340 February 2006

Th'6 /WOOVi avi.d H,S Rol.6 ivl. DcSD
by Craig Campbell • illustrated by JejfLaubenstein and Chuck Lukacs

r~l ^ he moon holds an important trait—hut also of transformation tor

place in the collective dreams the better. It represents adaptation
l_1 _i of man, just as it has to the environment U is tied
throughout history. It brings light to I yea nt hr opes, the tides,
to the depths of night and rep¬ and intelligence gleaned
resents the cycle of life—from through instruction.
birth, through maturity, old Emotions: As part
age, and death, on to even¬ of its feminine nature,
tual rebirth. Affecting the the moon is a source
tides and peoples' emo¬ ot great emotion. It
tions, its movement and stirs lust and ven¬
constant change are viewed geance, calms beasts,
by many cultures as the and is regarded as the
defining force behind both defining force behind
madness and prophecy. passion and madness
(hence the term 'lunacy")
lri«sU)l'V by many cultures.
AWt'h Senses and Divination:
Harnessing the varied and unique I n many cultures, the moon is
aspects of the moon brings flavor and a strongly linked to fortune telling and
greater depth of detail to campaigns where the pFophecy. Its shining face speaks to a few
moon is a significant force*The moon and what it chosen seers, guiding their thoughts and influencing their
means to people enlivens a campaign in a way few other actions. In extreme circumstances, common men misun¬
things can. To this end, the moon and its influence derstand this second sight, linking it to madness and pas¬
must be described in both historical and mythological sion. In addition, the moon is tied to the mundane senses,
terms. All of the game information presented here is particularly sight. The unwavering, unblinking eye of the
predicated on a number of the moon's traditional sym¬ moon sees all, even in the depths ofnighL
bolic aspects. Magic: The moon is seen as a source of magic by
Femininity: The moon is a decidedly feminine celes¬ many cultures. Its effect on the tides* bringing light
tial body in history and myth, represented by Selene to darkness, influence on emotion, and motivation of
in classical Greek mythology and Cheng O in ancient prophecy is often seen as magical in nature. Its effect is
China, among others. Its 28-day cycle from new moon strongest among divination, enchantment, illusion* and
to full moon and back to new moon is analogous to transmutation magics,
the female menstrual cycle. It is a nurturing force that
offers protection and guidance* 1 ,u viar oaLivi.dans
Transformation: The rnoon is an ever-changing entity, Developing a lunar calendar is a relatively simple process.
one representative of inconstancy—a decidedly negative First, determine the length of the moon's cycle in days.

February 2006 DftAGON 340 51


ft is easiest to use a multiple of

four days tor the moons cycle,
but this is not required. Break
this cycle into four quarters o( an
equal number of days* The phases
nl the moon fall over this cycle, as
described below.
At the beginning oft he cycle, Lhe
moon is new and often not visible
for at least part of that time, f rom
this point forwardt until the full
moon phase,the moon i* "waxing"
gaining form and visibility. II is
first a waxing crescent moon. At the i.iri i ha .si,s <o l t,lx£>
one-quarter point of Its cycle, it ka ,W (■)<■) vi. The Full Moon (the empowered
waxing half moon. After this, it is a The phases of t he moon represent moon)
waxing gibbous moon, until lhe fill I d i JTe re n t as pec Isolds na l u re a nd, Aspects: Lycanthropes, madness,

moon phase. in campaigns where the moon is power, a nd m i d d I e age. .

Halfway through its cycle, the lied 10 magic, affect the casting Schools Alls t ied: Divination*
moan is full. From lhis point forward, ol spells axid spell-like abilities. E m hant merit, 11 ills ion, and 1 Vans -
until the new moon phase, the moon Listed here are the five phases of mubilmn spells,
is "waning,” losing form and visibility. lhe moon, lhe aspects oft he moon
It is first a waning gibbous moon* At they represent, and I he effect the wri r,tpL&
the three-quarters point of its cycle, moon has on apeIIcasting. Spells
it is a waning half moon. After this, it affected by a phase of the moon These rules assume the campaign
is a waning crescent moon, until the and that are cast under the unob- world has only one moon. However,

next new moon phase. sL iirred light of that phase are cast many campaign worlds have two or
Note that the new, half and full at +1 caster level. more moons, if this is the case, two
moon phases are generally considered options are available for incorpo¬
to be three-day occurrences, including The New Moon (the invisible moon) rating the phases of the moon into
I be day of Lhe new, half or full moon, A spec ts: H id d en th i ngs, lawsibi I - the campaign.
as well as the day before and lhe day ity, birth, and death.
after. Moon cycles longer than 40 days School Affected: Illusion. i r Lxui rv ,x\opvi.
require that four or even five days be avl.d S6c:wyldary
considered part of the new, hall’and The Crescent Moon (the seer moon) ,X\Of')VU
full moon phases in order to keep Aspects: Brophecy, divination, In this option, one moon is primary
these phases significant in terms of mystery, the senses, youth (waxing while the others hold a lesser posi¬
the full cycle of the moon. crescent), and extreme old age tion. T1 ie primary moon* often the
(waning crescent). largest or b rightest of the moons,

liri ,*U')OVi avi.d School A fleeted: Divination. governs the various aspects. Use I lie
phases of the primary moon when
frri xvoVUlr
tn the real world, the typical month The Half Moon (the balanced moon) determ tiling the schools of spells

is slightly longer than the t7tle of Aspects: Balance, moderation, that are cast at an increased caster
the moon itself This disparity allows adaptation to the environment, level. Secondary moons provide
for the same phase of the moon to transformation, coming of age light at night and allect the tides
occur twice in one month. The in for- (waxing half moon), and retirement to some extent, but they how to the
matton presented here assumes that from work (waning half moon). greater power of the primary moon
3 month does not correspond per¬ School Affected: Transmutation. in most regards.
fectly with one lunar cycle.
In campaign worlds where one The Gibbous Moon (the emo¬ avoovu
month h equal to one moon cycle, tional moon) of .KQPal. i wwor
the blue moon (described later) does Aspects: Emotions, early middle- En this option, two or more inoons

not occur. In addition, each phase of age (waxing gibbous), and late mid¬ hold roughly equal power in the

the moon occurs at the same time dle-age (waning gibbous). world. To represent this, split

each month. School A fleeted: Enchantment. the aspects o( the various phases

52 DRAGON 340 February 2006

over the moons present in the regardless of whether or not the possibility for rare lunar conjunc¬
campaign world. One moon might blood moon shines upon the caster. tions, when two or more of the
govern prophecy, divination, emo¬ This occurrence is often viewed by moons line up in the sky or even
tion, and the senses, and another those who worship the moon as an overlap. Such occurrences should
might govern balance, moderation, opportunity to took inward and gain be extremely rare, depending
and transformation. When the greater understanding of their own upon the number of moons in
appropriate moon is in the appro¬ shortcomings when the moon does the sky. A larger number makes
priate phase, the moon, in question not shine benevolently upon them. total conjunctions (where all the
provides the bonuses to caster level moons align or overlap) extraor¬
described above. 4il.i T£, 00vi. dinarily rare, however lesser con¬
in campaigns where the moons A blue moon is the second full junctions involving only some
are a particularly prominent force, all moon in one month. While the of the moons would be more
moons govern ail aspects, causing the moon does not typically appear blue common. Requiring the conjunc¬
possibility of multiple types of spells during this event, it is a rare occur* tions to occur during specific
to be enhanced, based on the phase of rente that brings the full (empow¬ moon phases makes them even
each individual moon. When multiple ered) moon to the fore for a second less frequent When such events
moons are in the same phase, the time in one month. During a blue do occur, they might only last for
caster level adjustment increases to moon, 1 yea nth ropes gain a +4 bonus a few rounds or minutes at most,
+2 or even higher (if there are enough to Strength* Dexterity, and Constitu¬ making nearly any effect possible*
moons to cause such a bonus). tion when in hybrid form, but only see the lunar conjunction sidebar
Note that this option provides under the unobscurred light of the for some possibilities;

■riic, .clrrrcfi
for a campaign where 1 yean th ropes blue moon.
are likely a very prominent feature In addition, all enchantment, divi¬
of the world. It's even possible for nation, illusion, and transmutation of Mbvi a ra
different types of lycanthropes to be spells axe cast at +2 caster level while Beings who venerate the moon
affected by different moons. under the unobscurred light of the as a deity grace it with the name
blue moon. Linara. In religious teachings,
i.uvtar Linara is depicted as a full-bodied
Aside from its typical cycle, vari¬ i.iuur human woman, middle-aged, with
ous other lunar events might occur O © VL, j I1 tt C f* i 0 VL a matronly, caring face. She wears
throughout the year. Although mod¬ Campaigns set on worlds with blue and silver robes and bears a
em astronomers can forecast these three or more moons have the dagger in one hand and a scroll
events their infrequency makes
Lhem seem almost random, allowing
them to be placed where appropri¬
ate on a fantasy calendar. While the
During 3 lunar conjunction, magic runs rampant and any number of
effects listed here are simple to use, effects are possible. The following suggestions present just some of
other great deeds might only be the possibilities.
accomplished during one of these tv All spells are empowered for the duration of the conjunction.
events, such as creating an artifact, h Any conjuration summoning spell cast during the conjunction is per-
raising a dead deity, or opening a manent, although the creatures summoned are free from the caster's
planar gateway, control after the spell's normal duration expires.
(v Lycanth ropes are affected by the spells heal and heroism at the start of
.'iteod woou the conjunction (CL 2oth),
A blood moon occurs when there is Lycanth ropes revert to their normal form for the duration of the
a lunar eclipse during the new moon conjunction,
phase* causing the moon to appear t Any divination, enchantment, or transmutation spell cast during the
reddish in hue. While it is very beau* conjunction is not expended and may be cast again,
tiful, the blood moon is actually a t .* All those in the light of the conjunction suffer from madness, as per
decrease in the moon’s influence on the spell confusion with no save, for the duration of the event,
the world. All enchantment, divina¬ tJ All those sleeping under the light of the conjunction receive the ben¬
tion. illusion, and transmutation efits of an augury spell with a 90% chance of success.
spells are cast at caster level (v Some rare event, such as a portal opening, a castle appearing, or a dark
during the night of a blood moon beast awakening occurs during the conjunction.

February 2006 DRAGON 340 53


in the other. On occasion, she is EMOTION DOMAIN SPELLS

also represented as a silver or blue The Emotion domain , available to defies of Linara, may also be associated with
dragon, or as a will-o'-wisp. She deities who have influence over the mind, passion, and madness.
shares a tempestuous relation¬ Deities: Linara
ship with her husband, Solqus, the Granted Power: Your understanding of the mind and emotions allows you to
physical embodiment of the sun. more easily shrug off the effects of mind-affecting spells and effects. You gain a
+4 bonus on Will saves to resist m ^-affecting spells and spell-like abilities.
Lesser Deity (Neutral) 1 Detect Emotions: Detects the presence and strength of emotions.
Linara, also known as the Eye of 2 Hypnotism: Fascinates id4 HD of creatures.
Night, seeks to provide her fol¬ 3 Rage: Subject gains +z to Str and Con* +i on Will Saves, -a to AC.
lowers with the ability to adapt to 4 Confusion: Subjects behave oddly for i round/levef.
the world in the absence of the 5 Crushing Despair: Subject takes-2 on attack rolls, damage rolls,
sun. She brings light to darkness, saves, and Skill checks.
provides guidance in the form of 6 Nightmare: Sends vision dealing idio damage, fatigue.
prophecy, calms those who would 7 Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks;
be afraid* and strengthens those immunity to fear; temporary hp.
who feel weak in the presence of rr Insanity: Subject suffers continuous confusion.
power. She promotes learning, 9 Weird: As phontosmol krJ/er, but affects all within 30 ft.
embracing emotion as a powerful
force, and change for the better¬
ment of all.
Those who oppose her are treated
A substitution level is a level of a given class that you take instead
nol as enemies but instead as beings of the level described for the standard class. Selecting a substitution
that have not yel seen the light of level is not the same as multklassing—you remain with the class for which
her wisdom. Indeed, the ideas of the substitution level is taken. The ciass features of the substitution level
"acceptance of all" and "w orking lor simply replace those of the standard level.
the betterment of air are guiding For each class with substitution levels, you can select each substitution
ideals in the church of Linara. level only at a specific class level, When you take a substitution level for
Portfolio: Femininity, emotions, your class at a given levelt you give up the class features gained at that level
the senses, divination, transforma¬ for the standard class, and you get the substitution level features instead.
tion, the cycle of life, magic. You can't go back and gain the ciass features for the level you swapped
Domains: Emotion (new domain), out—when you take your next level in the standard class, you gain the next
Knowledge, Magic, Trickery, higher level as if you had gained the previous level normally.
Cleric Training: Those chosen
tew who follow Linara seek to bring
enlightenment to the world in viewed in terms of a “rank" within Instead, it is regarded as a side oft he
subtle and varied ways. Theirs is the church. Rather, younger clergy world that must be understood so
a sect ofliinited secrecy, guarding defer to older, more experienced that Lhe whole of the world can exist
their knowledge hut also embracing clerics. Rituals or tests do not detiue m harmony. Quests for Linara often
those who willingly enter their fold. this reverence; it is granted indi¬ involve seeking oul extremists and
Primary among their beliefs is a vidually to those who have earned showing them the balance of their
lofty ideal that people, while gener¬ the respect ofthdr fellows. view poi nts, bringing passion to those
ally lost and in need of guidance, Quests: Unara's clerics work tire¬ trapped in a mundane existence, and
are also capable of great feats. All lessly to enlighten people by encour¬ causing change to an environment
these lost souls need is the light aging them to realize bulb sides of that has stagnated.
of Unara to guide them to their the world: "the light*(those things Prayers: Passion plays an
goals. It is from these ranks that her which live and flourish in ligbl) and important role in linara's faithful,
clerics select new members to join "the dark" (those things which live prompting them to great heights
their order, typically druids, neutral and flourish in darkness). While they during prayer and serv ices, hut
lycanlh ropes, rangers, rogues, and recognize the light as a powerful occasionally marking them as luna¬
some nocturnal monsters. force, they embrace the dark so that tics and zealots. Win I e the intention
The hierarchy of the church they might facilitate balance in the of the church of Linara is benign,
of Linara is very simple and free world. The dark is not viewed by the common people often misunder¬
flowing. Inducted members are nol faithful as something to be feared. stand the overwhelming passion

54 DRAGON 340 February 2006

of the faithful, particularly their Tire www vi --.iirdcd This ability replaces the standard
embrace of the dark. uavi.gir ranger's combat style ability.
Clerics of Linara pray for their Moon-warded rangers call upon Skin of the Moon(Su): At 61 h level,
spells at night, when the moon is the essence of the moon to defend a moon-warded ranger gains damage
highest in the sky. Individual clerics themselves. By forgoing attack reduction if- at night, regardless of
often view a particular phase of the capabilities normally afforded by whether or not the moon is visible.
moon as iheirown personal guiding the ranger class, the moon-warded This damage reduction increases to
force, as appropriate to iheir par¬ ranger gains access to special defen¬ if- under the unobscurred light of the
ticular predilections. sive bonuses. This variant ranger moon. This ability stacks with dam¬
Temples: Limran temples are gains all Lhe class features of the age reduction of the same type from
small, unadorned buildings that standard ranger, except as noted. other sources (such as a barbarians
feature an opening in the ceiling of Hit Die: d8. DR). This ability replaces the standard
the worship space so that moonlight rangers improved combat style ability.
might enter the chamber and imbue Requirements Indomitable Mind (Su): At nth
the faithful with strength. Altars are To lake a moon-warded ranger sub¬ level, a moon-warded ranger gains
round stone plinths decorated in stitution level, a character must wor¬ immunity to mind-affecting spells
simple yet beautiful silver tracery. ship the moon and be about to take and abilities* with the exception of
Ancillary spaces always include her 2nd, 6th, or 11th level of ranger. harmless mind-a(feeting spells and
meditation chambers where follow¬ abilities (such as bless and hammy
ers of the Eye of Night might focus Class Skills This ability replaces the standard
themselves to strengthen their souls Moon-warded ranger substitution ranger's combat style mastery ability.
and prepare for future challenges. levels have the class skills of the
Rites: Many clerics of Linara standard ranger class. i.i'iiar mgvl
serve as advisors to people in posi¬ Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int Lunar rogues cal! upon t he essence
tions of power, particularly those modifier (or lour times that number of the moon to empower them¬
who seek change, providing them as a beginning character). selves, gaining the ability to rage
with divine insight and inspiring and use a few mo on-oriented spelt-
them lo pursue change for the bet¬ Class Features hkc abilities not normally available
terment of all. Clerics of Linara All of the following arc features of to rogues. This variant rogue gains
often oversee changes in life, the moon-warded ranger's substitu¬ all lhe class features of the standard
including birth, rites of adulthood, tion levels. rogue, except as noted.
marriage, and funerals. Armor of the Senses (Su): At znd Hit Die: d6.
Herald and Allies: The herald of level a moon-warded ranger adds
linara is Silverfui\an lSlh-ievel druid her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her Requirements
were bear, who appears as a beautiful AC, This bonus only applies when To take a lunar rogue substitution
woman with long silver hair when not the ranger wears light armor or no level, a character must worship Lhe
in bear form. Limra's allies are dire armor. This bonus to AC applies moon and be about to take her 4th,
animals, Iycantbropes, fey. neutral even against touch attacks and when Sth,or ioth level of rogue.
shapeshiHers, and will-o'-wisps. the ranger is flat-footed. She loses
Favored Weapon: Dagger, this bonus when she is immobilized Class Skills
or helpless, w hen she wears any Lunar rogue substitution levels
i.uiuu armor greater than light, or when have the class skills of the standard
Srhsm.rU'tni, she carries a medium or heavy toad. rogue class.
In campaigns where the moon is
a significant force in the world, THE MOON-WARDED RANGER
some classes might function a Base
bit differently, drawing strength Attack Fort Ref Will Spells
from the moon and its cycles. Level Bonus Save Save Save Special per Day
Two examples are presented here 2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Armor of the senses Same as
as substitution levels, the moon- ranger
warded ranger and the lunar 6th +6/+1 +S +5 +2 Skin of the moon Same as
rogue. See the substitution level ranger
sidebar for more information on nth +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 Indomitable Mind Same as
how substitution levels work. ranger

February 2006 DRAGON 340 55


Skill Points at Each Level: S + Int THE LUNAR ROGUE

modifier (or four times that number Base
as a beginning character). Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Class Features 4 th +3 +1 +4 Raging rogue
All of the following are features 8th +6/.1 +2 +6 +2 Changing rogue
of the lunar rogue’s substitution 10th +71+2 *3 +7 -,+3 Empowered rogue
Raging Rogue (Ex): At 4th level, selfas a spell-like ability. Your caster
a lunar rogue gains the ability level for this spell-like ability is your
to draw the moon's emotion character level.
into her, driving her into a Special: You may only take this feat
rage, as a barbarian, once at lsI level, if you take this feat, you
per day. This ability does cannot take any other birth feat*
not grant the rogue access
to the greater rage, tireless 430ru uvidir t.tfo
rage, or mighty rage barbar¬ cr^sc£Mt, .woovi
ian abilities, unless she also uptrUri
has the appropriate level You were born under the cres¬
in the barbarian class. cent moon. The seei moon
This ability replaces the allows you to more easily see
standard rogue's uncanny and understand others and
dodge ability. their emotional states.
Changing Rogue (Su): At Benefits: You gain a +1
8th level, a lunar rogue learns bonus on Sense Motive and
one of the moon’s secrets, Spot checks and. once per day,
gaining the ability to use either you can use detect thoughts as a
gr rater bmsibriify or polymorph as spell-like ability. Your caster level
a spell-like ability once per day for this spell-like ability is your
(choose one—you cannot later character level. A saving throw
change your selection). This ability against this spell-like ability has a
may only target the lunar rogue. DC of 10 + 1/2 your character level
The caster level for this spel 1-1 ike + your Charisma modifier.
ability is equal to her rogue class In some extraordinary cases, the Special: You may only take this
level. This ability replaces the stan¬ phase of the moon under which a feat at 1st level. If you take this feat,
dard rogue's improved uncanny character was born influences that you cannot take any other birth feat.
dodge ability. characters abilities and imbues
Empowered Rogue (Su): At loth the character with a touch of 43«ru. Milder
level, a lunar rogue discovers the magical power. Such a character Uio ij-al.r ,woovi.
moon's true power and gains the gains a small bonus on two skill LfirrUn
ability to use either dominate person checks as well as a spell-like ability You were born under the half moon*
or true seeing as a spell-like ability associated with the phase of the The balanced moon a I low's you to
once per day (choose one—you can¬ moon under which she was bnrn, more easily balance your body and
not later change your selection). The as described below. mind and avoid conflict*
true seeing ability may only target the Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus
lunar rogue. The caster level for this vfiorvi. c vidor on Balance and Concentration
spell-like ability equals her rogue r,lr6 1L6W , woo vi checks and, once per day, you can
class level. A saving throw against upmlri use expeditious retreat as a spell-
the dominate, person has a DC of 10 + You were bom under the new moon* like ability. Your caster level for
1/2 the rogue's class level + her Cha¬ The invisible moon allows you to this spell-like ability is your char¬
risma modifier. This ability replaces more easily hide your actions and acter level.
the standard rogue's special abil¬ your true form from others* Special: You may only take this
ity at 10th level Additional special Benefits: You gain a +t bonus on feat at rst level. If you take this
abilities gained by a rogue after 10th Hide and Sleight of Hand checks feat, you cannot take any other
level are treated as normal. and, once per day. you can use disguise birth feat.

5G DRAGON 340 February 2006

has a DC of 10 + 1/2 your character On subsequent rounds, the subject
4*0,1',vi t vi.d6r tilrij level + your Charisma modifier* gains a +6 enhancement bonus to
(Gibbons /xveovi. Special: You may only take this feat Strength, Dexterity,and Constitu¬
I4*irtlri at 1st level. If you take this feat, you tion, until the hist two rounds of
You were born under the gibbous cannot take any other birth feat. the spell's duration* On the second
moon - The emotional moon allows to last round, the subject gains a +4
you to more easily manipulate others wagH ©i trkt bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and
with emotion and to calm animals Constitution. On the last round, the
Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on The following spells arc appropriate subject gains a +2 bonus to Strength,
Bluff and Gather information checks to campaigns where the moon plays Dexterity, and Constitution.
and* once per day* you can use cri/m an important role, but can also be Mflfmfl/ Component: One drop
animals as a spell-like ability. Your incorporated into other settings. of the blood of a monster with the
caster level for this spell-like abil¬ shapechanger subtype.
ity is your character level* A saving ,\\00vi’.s ciravigi.
throw against this spell-like ability Transmutation si It/6 rod a^a^ovL
has a DC of 10 + i jz your character Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Transmutation
level + your Charisma modifier. Components: V, S, M Level: Clr 1. Rgr i* Sor/Wiz i
Special: You may only take this feat Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V. S, DF
at ist level If you take this feat, you Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 standard action
cannot take any other birth teal. Target: Creature touched Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/lcvcl Target: Weapon touched
4*0 n I \ vl dir Saving Throw: Will negates Duration: 1 mm*/levd
t,lj;6 eiM.l. \\00vi. Spell Resistance: No Saving Throw: Will negates (harm¬
i4*irt,In less* object)
You were bom under the full moon. This spell imbues a single target with Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless*
Tire empowered moon allows you enhancement bonuses to Strength* object)
to more easily force your will upon Dexterity,and Constitution. These
other characters and magical devices. bonuses build up. peak* and then ebb The target of this spell is treated as
Benefits: You gain a 4-1 bonus on off over the course of several rounds* a silver weapon for the purpose of
Intimidate and Use Magical Device On the spell's first round, the sub¬ overcoming damage reduction. In
checks and, once per day, you can use ject gains a +2 enhancement bonus Lo addition, the weapon deals +id^ dam¬
rormmmd as a spell-I ike ability. Your .Strength, Dexterity* and Constitution. age to monsters of the shapechanger
caster level for this spdl-like abil¬ On the spell’s second round, the sub¬ subtype This spell cannot be cast on
ity is your character level. A saving ject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to natural weapons* such as claws, tails,
throw against this spdl-like ability Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. or unarmed strikes. J

February 2006 DRAGON 340 57

ECOLOGY by Owen K.C Stephens • illustrated by Peter Berqting


l Jassive and alien, rumored and feared, where the While other races first developed awareness on worlds nur¬
|U| shadow ofa mooncalf falls, tragedy follows. The living tured by water, air, and earth, only endless expanses of cold
Ifltools of beings distant and unfathomable, these flying and darkness nursed the moongods. Learning from the
terrors—masses of wings, tentacles, and sopping rubbery motion of the stars, their thoughts formed in ways utterly
flesh—possess great intellect and even greater powers. alien to any creature bound beneath a single sky, harmo¬
Beholden of philosophies, goals, and motivations incom¬ nizing them to the secrets of heavenly motions. Thus, the
prehensible to any humanoid race, they cling to the highest moongods developed astrology before any other art, holding
reaches of the world, watching and waiting, malformed the constellations themselves as deities ofa kind.
voyeurs and harbingers of doom. Guided by their sacred stars, the moongods drifted
through the void, eventually coming upon whole worlds
HISTORY Of THE MOOHCRLF of otheT beings. Fascinated by these blue-green orbs, the
It is no surprise that mooncalves seem otherworldly, for moongods sought to explore them hut discovered they
their racial origins trace back to beings beyond any world could not survive in the thick chemicals of air and water.
From the airless voids between worlds, titanic things of Overly curious, though, many moongods peered too closet
immense power known only as^moongods ' came into being. being drawn to their deaths like moths to a flame.

58 DRAGON 340 February 2006

Thus, the moongods created KNOWLEDGE OF THE MOONCALF
mooncalves—lesser aspects of them¬ The following table shows the results of a Knowledge (arcana) check as it relates
selves—better suited to explore these to mooncalves. Diviners, astologers. and others who study omens and the stars
worlds. The mooncalves were given might possess this information.
wings to fly through the thick resis¬
tance of air, as well as forms enabling Knowledge (arcana)
them to survive and experience these DC Result
new expanses of soft wetness. Birthed IS A mooncalf is an intelligent, flying monstrosity that prefers high, solitary
into the upper reaches of each world places and is often seen as an omen of ill fortune.
the moongods wished to explore, 20 Mooncalves have keen senses and can see without the need for light
these creatures—half children, half They hold control over storms and can command animals. Their strange
living tools—were left to make what¬ flesh proves resistant to all but magical weapons.
ever discoveries they could. As such, 25 Mooncalves are drawn to witness epic disasters. If they cannot find one
the first mooncalves came to ground, occurring on their own, they are willing to manipulate events to create
fully aware of their racial quest, the one. Thus, spotting one is not just an omen, but likely evidence that
orphans of great powers that they something cataclysmic might soon happen nearby.
only instinctually understand and 30 Mooncalves believe themselves to be the tools of strange, otherworldly
can never reach. beings known as the moon gods.


Winged, tentacled masses of muscle, The flesh of a mooncalf is much about in swifi, yet ungainly twitches
cartilage, and mucus, mooncalves denser than most tenestrial crea¬ and wet flops. A typical mooncalf's
are horrors to behold. Bulbous and tures, making it strangely resistant to core body measures 8 feet in diam¬
uneven, their bodies resemble large nonmagical attacks. Awkward flyers, eter, with a total body weight of
brains fixed with dead white eyes, mooncalves jerk about like bait dan¬ approximately 600 pounds*
two thick tentacles longer than their gling on an invisible lure, but their Mooncalves don't have dietary
wingspan, and a protective duster powerful wings allow them to move needs like other creatures. Rather
of numerous smaller tentacle arms. like this at great speeds. Ill adapted than requiring certain materials
Nes tled at the base of this mass of to ground movement, earthbound and minerals to survive, mooncalves
smaller tentacles is a razor-sharp beak mooncalves seem vulnerable. In truth flourish by consuming any sub-
similar to a squid's, within which coil their long tentacles have more than stance—organic or inorganic. While
a pair of long, whip-thin tongues* enough strength to drag their bodies they still starve if they don't consume

February 2006 DRAGON 340 59

at least their body weighl in materi¬ mooncalves are capable of "memo- dominate the senses of weak-willed
als every week, such a possibility rmng" whatever they eat becoming creatures and even alter their envi¬
seems unlikely. Mooncalves prefer a familiar with not just their meats’ ronments, either to better suit their
variety of food sources, and actively tastes and textures, but gaming inti¬ needs or drive off threats.
avoid eating the same material twice, mate knowledge of every dement and Mooncalves do not sleep, although
l iving organisms, however, seem to chemical that comprised the sub¬ they have no immunity to magical
prove different enough that a moon¬ stance or being. sleep. Many mooncalves fly con¬
calf considers two different beings These powers of perception also stantly, spending days or even weeks
two different meals. Those few who reveal themselves in mooncalves’ in the air. On worlds where low^
have examined dead mooncalves telepathy, allowing them to com¬ hanging moons or floating chunks
have found that their bodies are municate with any being within 100 of land can be reached through
essentially alchemical laboratories, feet. Although they rarely converse flight, mooncalves prefer these as
capable of distilling and dissolving with creatures they deem food or homes, but otherwise they find high
nearly any substance the creatures part of their experiments, more mountains, hills, or ominous aban¬
consume* fn effect, they can digest cunning mooncalves sometimes doned towers to serve as their lairs.
nearly anything that they can eat use this ability to manipulate lesser No young mooncalves have ever
Thorough physical examination and beings* Their strange minds also been sighted, leading to the belief
observation of their eating habits, provide them with a variety of pow¬ that all mooncalves are the same
some scholars have proposed that erful abilities, allowing them to age, spawned from the same single

60 DRAGON 340 February 2006

THE MOONGODS superiority its parents hold over all
Demigods (Neutral Evil) other living creatures. As such, they
Although distant, uncaring deities, the moongods do attract a small number of often seek homes upon high moun¬
humanoid worshipers. Mostly, these worshipers are those seeking power through tains or spires—comforted by the
knowledge—evil diviners and astrologers who form small cults, revering the nearness of the stars—close to areas
secrets the moongods possess as much as the deities themselves. Occasionally, a densely populated with animals and
mooncalf forms a cult to aid it in sowing dissent and disaster. sentient creatures, between which
The moongods are symbolized by a moon shrouded by the shadows of ten¬ they make no distinction.
tacles, They have no true enemies, and no driving goals, making them unusually Thus, mooncalves spend iheir
apathetic for deities. lives in research and observation,
Portfolio: Astrology, disasters, hidden knowledge, mooncalves. but they are rarely unobtrusive
Domains: Darkness*, Evil, Knowledge, Travel. onlookers. Mooncalves seek to wit¬
Favored Weapon: Tentacle (for creatures that possess them) or spiked chain. ness major events—particularly
Clerical Training: Worshipers must learn ail the constellations, and witness at conflicts. While a small skirmish or
least one major disaster during the course of their training. minor fire might sate their curiosity
Quests: The moongods are uncaring and unhearing, so they do not give their for a few days, mooncalves seek truly
followers specific quests. epic battles, natural disasters, and
Prayers: Silent intonations of events the cleric has witnessed, which must be upheavals of broad scope. As they
done while open to the night sky. come to understand the beings they
Temples: Wind swept peaks far from any observe more thoroughly, they
other habitation, with astrological grow in cunning and power,
signs and constellations carved into learning to engineer such
great circles of rock, events. Some even turn to
Rites: A major event, one divination magic and
that impacts no fewer than I astrology to predict
a thousand living, think* . .;S^. such catastrophes,
ing creatures, must be ranging far to wit¬
witnessed at least once a * ness titanic calami¬
decade. If such an event ties, Regardless
does not occur naturally, g^Hr ’ jH of their methods,
the clerit is required to M jM those who know of
arrange for one* *9 mooncalves know
Herald and Allies: The * them as harbingers
moongods'herald is a of dreadful events
W/ ■ With no need
as the jV* (H for tools, equipment,
l- nd less O ne. ft has a p [)t a r ed ^9 companionship or
ius epic VH dwellings, mooncalves
marty of winch it is thought to 4 have no need to develop a
have manipulated iri then masters society of their own. never
names. The moongods have no planar seek companionship, and are not
allies, and clerics often summon common known to mate. Rarely, more experi¬
fiends with p/onor dl|y spells, enced mooncalves build culls or net¬
* Detailed in the Book of Vile Darkness (mature aud iences only). works of spies to help them find or
create the disasters they seek. Besides
mass birth. Only slight color varia¬ bulk, eventually adding up, increas¬ such exceptions, however, the only
tions, differing numbers of tenta¬ ing its size as well as its already con¬ company mooncalves long for is the
cles, and size distinguish between siderable powers as a moonlord, return of the moongods and the cold
individuals. Size variation among embrace of the stars above*
mooncalves also proves strange, as PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIETY
it appears to relate to experience, Of THE MOONCfUf M00HL0RDS
events witnessed, and variety of crea¬ Mooncalves were spawned fully Although all mooncalves begin life as
tures consumed* In short, every tid¬ knowledgeable and aware of their Large creatures, as long as they con¬
bit of information a mooncalf gath¬ uncaring gods. Each inherited the tinue witnessing and experiencing
ers seems to imperceptibly add to its drive to observe and the dispassionate new events they never stop growing.

February 2006 DRAGON 3AQ 61


ADVANCED MOONCALF Some mooncalves have been docu¬

Most commonly, mooncalves advance by Hit Dice, gaining power as they wit¬ mented as having grown to nearly 20
ness more and greater tragedies, becoming titanic moonbrds. Sometimes, feet in diameter with tentacles more
however, they take levels of cleric, worshiping the enigmatic moongods, or than 50 feet long. As the creature
adopting the path of the diviner to magically learn of impending calamities. grows, it becomes more and more
like the unknowable moongods that
MOON LORD CR16 spawned it, gaining a touch of their
Advanced mooncalf otherworldly abilities. Many moon¬
NE Gargantuan magrcai beast calves turn to spellcasting at some
Monster Manual II ISO point in their lives, channeling their
lnit+6; Senses Hindsight 100 ft,* darkvision 100 ft,* keen senses, telepathy; Listen innate power into magic. Those that
4-1S, Spot +19 __ don't, however, eventually become
AC 27, touch 8, flat-footed 2S Gargantuan and are considered
hp 465 (28 HD); DR 10/magic moordords, creatures that challenge
Fort 423, Ref +21, Wtll +16__ even evil dragons as threats to the
Spd 40 ft. (8 squares); fly ISO ft. (poor) world around them*
Melee 2 tentacle rakes +27 metee (4d6+23/l9-20) and 6 tentacle-arms+22 (2d6+i6)*
Space 20 ft.: Reach 20 ft., SO ft. with tentacle rake HARBINGER FEATS
Base Atk +28; Grp +53 Upon advancing to 28 Hit Dice, a
Attack Options Cleave, Power Attack mooncalf becomes a moonlord and
Special Attack bite, improved grab gains the potential to actually bring
SpelWike Abilities (CL 9): about evil omens. These are acquired
L/day—coll lightning (DC 13), control weotfier* control winds (DC IS)* dominate in the form of harbinger feats, motes
OFiimoJ (DC 13), greater magic fang* protection from elements, quench (DC 13), of otherworldly power moonlords
resist elements use to tap into their moongod heri¬
Abilities Str 36, Dex 14, Con 32, lm 22, Wis 22, Cha ll~ tage. All harbinger feats are super¬
SQ Tentacles natural abilities* and require an hour
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fighting* Cleave, Combat Expertise* Improved Critical to use, creating an aura centered on
{tentacle rake). Improved initiative. Improved Trip, Iron Will , Lightning Reflexes*, the moonlord that lasts for 24 hours.
Omen of Crows, Omen of Storms, Power Attack, Toughness*1 A moonlord can only use one harbin¬
Skills Concentration +39 Hide +26, Knowledge (arcana) +36, Knowledge (history) ger feat per week. Characters within
+36, Knowledge (local) +36. Listen +36, Spellcraft +36, Spot +36 an afFected area may make a DC 25
Bite (Ex): With each successful grapple check a mooncalf automatically hits a Knowledge (arcana) check to real¬
grabbed opponent with its bite attack, dealing 4d8+6 points of slashing damage. ize the omens they are seeing point
Improved Grab (Ex): If a mooncalf hits an opponent of Gargantuan size or toward a single, magical source for
smaller with a tentacle rake attack, It deals normal damage and attempts to the ill fortune befalling the area*
start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity*
if it gets a hold, it automatically hits with its bite attack in the same round. MIXED OMENS
Thereafter, the mooncalf has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or Multiple bad signs appear throughout
simply use its tentacle to hold the opponent {-20 penalty on grapple check, the land.
but the mooncalf is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful Prerequisite: Any three harbinger
grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals tentacle feats, mooncalf 28 HD.
rake and bite damage. Benefit: A mooncalf with Mixed
Tentacles: An opponent can attack either of a mooncalf's tentacles as if they Omens can use two different harbin¬
were weapons (see Sunder on page 158 of the Player's Handbook). Both of 3 ger feats in one week. The feats may
mooncalf's tentacles have 20 hit points* If the mooncalf is currently grappling be used concurrently*
a target with a tentacle, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of Normal: A mooncalf can only use
opportunity against the sunder attack. Severing a mooncalPs tentacle deals one harbinger feat a week.
damage to the creature equal to half the limb's hit points, A mooncalf regrows
a severed limb in Id 10+10 days. OMEN Of BONG
Keen Senses (Ex): A mooncalf sees four times as well as a human in low-light A faint breath of rot pervades the land.
conditions and twice as well in normal light. Prerequisite: Mooncalf 28 HD.
Spell-like Abilities; A mooncalf's spell-like abilities are Charisma based. Benefit: A mooncalf with this
* Includes adjustment for 10-pomt Power Attack, feat taints the region in an aura of
death. All undead within a 50-mile

62 DRAGON 340 February 2006

radius gain turn resistance +2. This An area under an Omen of Snakes
stacks with any turn resistance the is often infested with snakes,
creature might already possess.
Ghostly glimpses, distorted reflec¬ OMEN Of STORMS
tions, and eerie mirages haunt an A feel i ng of dread settles over the land.
area under an Omen of Bones, Prerequisite: Mooncalf Z$ HD,
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of
OMEN Of (ROWS Storms can create an aura that spreads
The land seems dark, as though it fear and unease. Within a 50-mile
were but one vast graveyard. radius all creatures with an Intelli¬
Prerequisite: Mooncalf 28 HD. gence score of 3 or lower must make
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of a DC 15 Will save or be shaken for the
Crows can create an aura that damp¬ whole day.
ens healing magic; Within a 50-mile An area under a Omen of Storms
radius, all cure spells heal one less hit has cloudy, stormy weather.
point of damage per casting.
An area under an Omen of Crows MOONCALF
is often infested with crows or similar fUTERHflTIVE MOONCALF ORIGINS The otherworldly mooncalf first
scavenging birds. The idea of mooncalves being appeared m Dungeons sj Dragons
spawned by a race of alien gods that in the opening scenes of the adven
OMEH Of FUR exist in the void between worlds isn't ture Hcoil of Nightfang Spire. Alien
Pestilence spreads through the land. appropriate for all cosmologies. With¬ and unknown, this monstrosity
Prerequisite: Mooncalf 28 HD. out changing their basic behavior, it#s graced the module’s cover with its
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of possible to use an alternative origin pseudo natural presence.
Flies can create an aura that strength* for mooncalves to bring them more Besides merely being a cre¬
ens diseases of all kinds. Within a 50- in-line with any campaign world. A ation of D£(D, however, the word
mile radius, all saving throws against few examples are presented here; "‘mooncalf" appears in many dic¬
disease take a -2 penalty. Aberrant Creations: Although tionaries. defined as a fool, a freak,
An area under an O men of Flies is mooncalves believe themselves to be or an deformed embryo, afflicted
often infested with flies, maggots, and the spawn of otherworldly deities, they by the corruptive influence of the
other insectile vermin. might in truth have been constructed moon. The word also appears mos
as servants offllithids, grell, or any notably in the works of Shake¬
OMEN Of LOS number of other aberrant creatures. speare as an insult leveled toward
Memories become lost and history Mooncalves might have escaped their the character Caliban in Act ill of
fades away. original masters, or they might be The Tempest.
Prerequisite: Mooncalf 28 HD. unknowingly vulnerable to the magic The mooncalf currentty appears in
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen of or pslonic powers their progenitors the Monster Monuol \\ and has sta¬
Loss can create an aura of forgetful¬ use to secretly control them. tistics updated to DS^D 3,5 available
ness, All creatures within a 50-mile Alternatively, within recent memory at wi1ards.com/dnd/files/DnD3i,
radius take a -2 penalty on all bardic the illithid god Maanxecorian was u pd ate_book I ct .zip.
knowledge rolls and Knowledge destroyed. The moongods might
skill checks. embody the lingering fragments
A thick mist and haunting lights of that deity's sundered divinity, or might actually be natives of the Astral
settle over a land afflicted by an Omen be the remnants of Maanzecorian's Plane. It's not the space between
of Loss. orphaned herald. worlds they inhabit, but the space
Fiendish Origins: The moongods between realities. Mooncalves seek
omen of mm might actually be a single evil deity high places because the ratified air
Poison becomes more virulent. who uses mooncalves as its pri¬ is more like astral space, which they
Prerequisite: Mooncalf 28 HD, mary agents in the mortal realm. have no innate way of returning to.
Benefit: A mooncalf with Omen Alternatively, mooncalves might be Alternatively, mooncalves are
of Snakes can create an aura that a new breed of fiendish inhabitant inscrutable, alien horrors, making
strengthens poisons and venoms of belched from the pits of Career!, them perfect vanguard agents of some
all kinds. Within a 50-mile radius, all Gehenna, or Hades. intelligence from either the depths of
saving throws against poison take a Other Planes: The unknowable the Ethereal Plane or the Far Realm
-2 penalty. creatures that created the mooncalves (see Dragon #330). w

February 2006 DRAGON 340 63

Adventure Path

Making an Entrance

hile the pages of Dungeon magazine pres¬ you accrue, you gain a +i bonus on all Charisma-based skill
ent everything a DM needs to run the Age of checks made toward a certain class of people—in this case,
Worms Adventure Path, every month Dragon the wealthy and elite—for 1 day*
gives the players of that—or any other campaign-—tools to For those playing the Age of Worms Adventure Path
enhance their gaming experience. currently being published in Dvnceos, all of the luxuries
You've slain the dragon and saved the town. Thafs the and accouterments described here come from the town
easy part* Now the king, his entire court, and a legion of of Alhaster in the Bandit Kingdom of Redhand. This city
the most prestigious and influential personalities in the is described in detail in Dungeon #131, and the fashion
land want to meet you and, worst of all, you have nothing system presented here could prove particularly useful in
to wear! the adventure "The Prince of Redhand,” also appearing in
In nearly every character’s life there comes a time to hob¬ that issue.
nob with the rich and famous of the realm. Such meetings
serve as proof that the character has finally hit the big time PREPARATION
and is worthy of great people's time and attention. Yet, in "Trust me, darling, you 7/ JoofcJhbuJous/’
many cases, purchasing a few’ underused side items from Characters might gain style points from numerous
the Player's Handbook serves as the only preparation for such forms of preparation*
events. These simple fineries, though, do little to simulate Miomay's Playhouse: A hairdresser at the playhouse* Ril
the pomp and ostentation many real world aristocrats and Shimeise, accepts outside customers on the side. An art¬
celebrities put into their presentation. Considering worlds ist whose medium is hair and makeup, Shimeisc’s work
where magic and marvelous beasts are available for sale, the has a distinctly theatrical style, making frequent use of
measures of excess and showmanship one might go to in flamboyant make-up, towering coiffures, and even subtly
the name of fashion are limitless. placed prosthetics,
Presented here is a new system meant to reward play¬ Cost: 2 hours and 50 gp; Style Points: +2*
ers who make an appearance beyond that provided by a The Deluxury: A standard service of this den of pleasures
basic noble’s outfit and jewelry. The following adornments, is “The Soak/’ a series of custom baths and massage regimens
services, and attendants all provide "style points'- toward meant to relieve specific stresses. While a mint bath with an
netting a character bonuses on Charisma-based skill checks hour long massage of the left hand should relieve anxiety
made toward a certain group or class of people* Many have related to meeting new people, a 2-hour-long steam bath
an associated cost in gold pieces or time that must be met heated by tpt-wood fires followed by an equally long scalp
to gain the noted number of points. For every 10 style points massage should thoroughly prepare one to meet royalty*

64 DRAGON 340 February 2006

Cost 1 hour and 50 gp (mint bath) A character can only wear clothing and to degrading after only a week or
or 4 hours and 250 gp (steam bath); gain style points from one clothing shop two’s time* For that period, though,
Style Points; +2 (mint bath) or +4 Alexstrasia’s Boudoir* Specializing they are considered well w-orth the
(steam bath)* in women's clothing, Alexstrasia's expense. These clothes are in fact cre¬
The Scarlet Spire; Aside from being provides the cutting edge of fashion to ated with the help of three enslaved
the mistress of death and magic, Wee a "deserving” few. Alexstrasia herself is ettcrcaps kept below Lafond's that
Jas is also the goddess of vanity* This a prudish old woman, steeped in her supply a specially treated fabric made
temple of the Stem Lady in Alhaster own classist nature and impeccable from their webbing.
makes a tidy profit on the side, anoint¬ personal sense of fashion* Her designs, In addition to the noted style
ing dandies and debutantes with spe¬ however, show that much of her self- points, those wearing a gown or suit
cially formulated holy tinctures. Those superiority is well deserved. Any who from Lafond’s gain a +i bonus on
who allow a cleric ofWee Jas to dab these wish to purchase a dress made by Diplomacy checks when dealing with
blood-colored liquids upon their fore¬ Alexstrasia must succeed at a DC 20 araneas, drowv ette reaps, and other
heads gain a barely perceptible crimson Diplomacy check to prove herself wor¬ intelligent spider lovers*
glow that persists for 1 day (this glow thy of Alexstrasia’s work. Those who Cost: 1 hour and 600 gp; Style
prorides no appreciable illumination). foil are curtly told to leave, while those Points; +6,
In addition to the noted style who succeed must undergo a laborious Patchwork; Situated near Alhast-
points, those under the effects of this fitting and tailoring process* er’s seediest docks, Patchwork is the
blessing gain a +1 bonus on Diplo¬ Cost 3 hours and Soo gp; Style fbints; 47, store of Marissa Cmmn, a frazzled
macy checks when dealing with ser¬ Lafond's of Alhaster; Something human seamstress and mother of
vants ofWee Jas for 1 day* akin to a royal court itself any who nine. Catering to the clothing needs
Cost; 300 gp; Style Pbmts: +4. enter Lafond's are immediately set of her brood has made Marissa a
upon by a legion of attendant tailors, wonder with a string and needle
WHO ARF VOU seamstresses, and wine and hors and her creations—those that she
WFARING? d'oeuvre-bearing servants. The height can make when not chasing her
"Thafs 50 lost season. Let me shannon of high fashion, nearly all of the rambunctious children about the
uM ifiry Ve all taring in the Free City/' shop’s formal wear is cut of a strange city—are some of the most stylish
white material, mysteriously prone secrets in Alhaster,

February 2005 DRAGON 340 65

Those who wish to buy clothing castors of all walks eagerly pay loman-
from Crunui'S shop must first make dfs outrageous prices. I ■OR 11!IF DM
a DC 24 Gather Information check to In addition to the noted style pom Is, TIlose who wi<ill to make fuirthcr
even learn cfhcr store. She must also those wearing jewelry from tomancli's U'so of this sys tern might ad apt it to

have either a full day without inter¬ gain a +j bonus on Diplomacy checks P'rovide bonus;es when deafimg with
ruption to tailor special orders or five when dealing with wizards, sorcerers, ol[her social cl;asses, specific organi-
days if her children distract her* and magic-obsessed creatures. z;itions, whole races, or any number
Cost: 1 day or 5 days and 6c gp; Style Cost* 800 gp (average); Style Points: -*-5, olf other noteworthy groups .While
Points: +4. a character mi ght not dress in jew-
HERALDS AND el ry and norm at frippery to impress
ACCESSORIES ATTENDANTS a group of dw arves, a well-t1 raided
"Now for the pike dr resistance/' "My fords and ladies, your attentions I beard and a keg of ale migtit make

Characters might find any number pleascT iter action far easier*
of fashionable "finishing touches" Whether a personal herald to
about Alhaster that add to their total announce one's arrival or a secretary
number of style points. to mange a social calendar, attendants Shrieking Sam mi; A slightly "olTr
Bottles and Bits; An overpriced say much about a character's impor¬ urchin from the city slums, Sammi
junk shop hidden in one of Alhastcr's tance and add style points. Attendants (CG human commoner 1) is barely
worst slums, Bottles and Bits holds a charge by the hour and tradition fifteen years old and eagerly wants to
trove of treasures amid more common holds that* even after performing their meet the prince. If she can convince
junk. While antique broaches and roles, assistants are paid for the dura¬ a character to let her attend him at
ancient military badges might be ail tion of the event. Those who dismiss Prince Zeech's celebration she does
the rage, no one of reputation wants their servants before the celebration her best to be the loudest herald ever,
to be seen near the place. ends lose -2 style points per atten¬ belting out an introduction in a shrill
Those who wish to buy from Bottle dant* Characters can have as many scream. This piercing announcement
and Bits must make a DC 18 Hide attendants as thcyTe willing to pay for. offends every party goer except for the
check to avoid being seen near the The Erroneous Midge: A half-crazed prince himself who becomes quite
store* Failing this check results in the gnome with delusions of fame, the entertained by the girl and might
loss of—2 style points. Erroneous Midge (CN gnome bard 3) have her introduce her master mul¬
Corf: 3,0 gp (average); Style Points: +3, wants nothing more than to serve as tiple times, A character who brings
Hopeh eld Haberdashery; A halfling the personal jester of Prince Zeech. Sammi to the celebration takes a -j
obsessed with his work* Ghim Hope- Unfortunately, the prince recently took penalty on Diplomacy checks for the
field makes the finest and most extrava¬ a new fool, who he seems quite happy entire event, except when dealing with
gant hats in Alhaster. The pride of his with. Thus* the Erroneous Midge holds Prince Zeech* with whom she gains a
creations is a woman's hat fit for a cloud a one-sided enmity toward the prince's ti bonus on Diplomacy checks.
giant, which hangs from the ceiling of spriggan jester* the Ominous Fabler* Cost: None; Style Printer +1.
his store. Willing to go to any length and does all he can to ruin the fey's per¬ Siobhan: An exotic half-civen
or extreme for his creations* Hopefield formances and announcements. While beauty of wild elf ancestry, Siob¬
often integrates the pelts and plumage the gnome is an amusing servant and han (N half-df rogue 3) lives by her
of rare or dangerous animals into his a flamboyant announcer, characters stunning appearance and irresistible
works to extraordinary effect might have to prevent him from taking charms. Once* at any point during
Because of the materials Hopefield his hatr ed of the Prince's jester too far. the night* Siobharis master can have
uses in his designs, anyone wearing Cost; 5 gp per hour; Style Points: +3. her “warm up to" a specific party goer.
one of his hats takes a -1 penalty on Inga Trolworp: A prudish secretary This social seduction takes at Least 2
Charisma-based skill checks when and a scholar of manners, Mrs, Trol- hours to perform and the DM deter¬
dealing with druids, rangers, clerics of worp (LN human aristocrat 5) is one mines whether or not the attention
nature deities, or other nature lovers. of the most skilled coordinators and is welcome. If it is* Siobhan’s master
Cost: zoo gp; Sfyle Points; +3, personal managers in Alhaster. The gains a +1 bonus on all Charisma-
lomandi’s Wonders: A curio shop purse-lipped, white-haired spinster based checks made toward that char¬
with a flair for the dramatic* magic plays provides her master with curt instruc¬ acter for the rest of the celebration.
over much of the store's merchandise* tions on etiquette and high society If targeted, Prince Zeech blatantly
From tiaras constructed of burnt out throughout the evening, translating ignores Siobhan's advances* wasting
town stones to buckles, buttons, and links into a +2 bonus on skill checks related her ability for the evening.
accented in permanent faeriefive, spell- to local customs and manners. Cast 10 gp per hour; Style Prints; +4.2
Cost; 7 gp per hour; Style Points: +3.

66 DRAGON 340 February 2006

BAZAAR OF THE BIZARRE by Mike Medrfs * illustrated by Tom Foster

T he zodiac of the D&cD game consists of a variety of mag¬

ical beasts and monsters, each of which embodies a set
This set of lacquered wooden bracers bears silver-inlaid
etchings depicting the chimera. Bracers of the chimera grant a
of traits and attributes supposedly displayed by those
bom under its constellations. Spellcasters created the +z armor bonus at all times and have three
following items to embody the various signs additional powers that can each be used
of the zodiac. Some folk employ them once per day. When activated, the bracers
to illustrate their Link to a spe¬ briefly transform the wearer's forearms
cific sign, while most adventurers and head into the three heads of the chi¬
find their magic traits desirable mera. This does not cause the wearer to
regardless of their birth signs. drop any held items.
Dragon: Breath, 30-foot cone of fire, 6d6
BHIILISKI m fire damage, DC 14 Reflex for half
Goat: Knockback slam, id6 bludgeoning
This bronze mask is carved to
resemble a leering reptile, damage, bull rush (Str 25, size Large).
The mask's wearer always Lion; Roar, 30-foot cone, 2CI4 sonic damage,
succeeds on his saving deafened id6 rounds, DC 13 negates deafness.
throws against gaze attacks. Moderate evocation; CL 6th; Ciaft Won¬
He also gains the benefits drous Item, bull's strenxjth,JirefeaR shout; Price
of the Diehard feat while 12,400 gp; Weight i lb.
wearing the mask. Finally,
if reduced to -10 or fewer CLOAK OF THE DRAGON
hit points, the wearer does Crafted from the skin of a blue dragon, this magic cloak
not die until the end of his next turn. Until that point in embodies the true essence of the sign of the dragon. It
time, he can receive healing and other effects that raise his grants a +2 enhancement bonus on all Charisma checks
hit points back above-10, to avoid death. If the healing and Charisma-based skill checks. In addition, the cloak's
received brings the wearer above -10 but not up to at least wearer gains a regal bearing that makes him an ideal
o, he does not bleed and is considered stable. Each time leader. Once per day, the cloak’s wearer can impart a +1
this ability activates a single crack appears in the mask's morale bonus on his allies* attacks and saving throws for
surface. Once the mask has cracked in this manner three % minute. AH allies who stand within 60 feet of the cloak's
times it falls to pieces, its magical power spent. wearer and are able to see him gain this benefit.
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item,
blindness, death ward; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 2 lb. bless, eagle’s splendor; Price 8,400 gp: Weight 1 lb.

SB DRAGON 340 February 2006

Tliis steel, visored helm has a
green plume set upon its top and
the image of an oak tree inscribed
upon each side* When worn, this
helmet grants its user the most
highly regarded trait of the sign of
dryad: the faith and steadfast creatures, both friends and foes. The been used the cap loses its magical
determination needed to efttn's club grants its user an additional properties* When the wearer acti¬
protect allies and +2 bonus on the attack and deals +idG vates the cap he chooses one of the
loved ones* points of extra damage against this following effects,
randomly determined target* * A +5 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy*
This ability activates automati¬ Intimidate, and Perform checks for
cally before each attack. The widder the next 5 minutes.
cannot suppress this effect* Needless * A +10 bonus on the wearer's next
say, warriors who favor the et tin's Diplomacy or Intimidate check This
tend to fight alone wTiile their check must be made within 1 minute*
allies keep a safe distance back. * An ad ditional use o f the bardi c
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Graft music ability* as long as the wearer
Wondrous Item* rage; Price 18,300 has that class ability* The wearer
Weight 4 lb. must use the bonus bardic music
on the same round that he activates
This necklace consists of a Note that the cap's different bonuses
mithral chain set with a small* stack with each other, but each source
metal sphere. Three times per day* the of a bonus does not stack with itself
necklace's wearer can command the The cap's wearer could, for example*
sphere to open, revealing a living eye expend one feather for
set within it The eye darts back and a +5 bonus on skill
When the helmet's forth, focusing its gaze on each liv¬ checks, then a sec¬
wearer strikes an opponent with a ing creature in the area* It remains ond feather for a
melee attack on his turn, that foe open for 1 minute. During this +10 bonus on a sin¬
takes a -i penalty on attacks against time* the amulet's wearer gle Diplomacy check
all targets except the wearer of the gains a +5 bonus on all for a total bonus of
dead's helm* This bonus increases Sense Motive checks. +15. The wearer could
with each successful attack to a In addition, while the not, however* pluck three
maximum penalty of-5. This penalty eye is open its wearer feathers for a +30 bonus on
lasts for 1 round. Only one creature gains darkvision with his next Intimidate check.
at a time can suffer this penalty* The a range of 120 feet Faint transmutation; CL 3rd;
helm's wearer decides to imparl the and ignores the Craft Wondrous Item, eagles
penalty, or withhold it for a different effects of conceal¬ splendor; Price 3,000 gp: Weight 1 lb.
target, as a free action. ment on melee
Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft
Wondrous Item, enthrall; Price 4,000
attacks (but not mm BRACELET
ranged attacks). This arcane treatment embodies the
gp; Weight 1 lb. Moderate divination; CL 7th; Craft sign of the kra ken's broad range of
Wondrous Item, dorfcvisiou, discern lies; knowledge and ability to extend its
Emirs club Price 8,700 gp; Weight — * reach to a staggering array of interests
This crueflooking, gnarled +2great- and areas*
dub is set with dozens of short barbs HARPY'S (AP A kraften's bracelet is forged of silver
and spikes* When making an attack, This black velvet tricorn hat is stud¬ and crafted to resemble numer¬
the dub's user may attack a random ded with six feathers taken from a ous tentacles linked together. The
creature within his reach instead of harpy* The hat's wearer can remove bracelet s wearer can use Knowledge
choosing the target of his attack* The one of the feathers to gain a specific skills untrained* In addition* he gains
widder randomly determines this effect. Each feather may he used a +2 insight bonus on all Intelligence-
target from among all threatened once, and when all six feathers have based skill checks.

February 2006 DRAGON 340


Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Won¬ normal damage. These benefits

drous Item, aidt daimdienie/dmrvoy* apply only during a charge.
anct; Price 18,000 gp; Weight —. Moderate transmutation; CL 6th;
Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength,
SURGE'S GAUNTLET shield of faith; Price 9,170 gp; Weight
This wicked, black metal armored 15 lb.
glove has long, slender spikes
mounted at the end of each finger WYYERKS DIE
and acts as a +1 spiked gaunf/ef. In This strange magic item embodies
combat, the gauntlet's wearer can use the great swings in fortune those bom
it to make an armed attack. In addi¬ under wyvem embrace over the dull
tion, once per day the stirge's gaunt¬ routine of a predictable existence.
let can drain blood from a target, A ivyvern's die has twelve faces, each
sapping the target's strength while scribed with a symbol of the zodiac.
revitalizing its wearer. The gauntlet's Once per day, the bearer of this item
wearer heals damage equal to the can roll the wyvem’s die to influence
amount of damage dealt with it. Acti¬ his fortune for the next 24 hours.
vating this ability is a swift action. The die's effect lasts for one day.
It discharges on the next successful After that, the magic it imparts fades,
attack made with the gauntlet. The allowing the die to be rolled for a
gauntlet's special ability fails to func¬ magical effect once again. A single per¬
tion against nonliving targets, but the son can gain only one benefit from this
gauntlet's magic is still discharged if die per day. Rolling a second wywnfs
used to attack a nonliving creature. die while still under the effects of the
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft first yields no result but still discharges
Wondrous Item, vampirfc touch; Price that die's daily use. Rolling the same
5,305 gp; Weight i lb. wyveni's die twice yields no result for
the second roll.
UNICORN’; SHIELD An effect that discharges (such as
This white adamantine +2 heavy The Wyvern) can only be used once
shield is emblazoned with the sign and ends the effect for the day. You
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Crafl of a unicorn. If the unicorn's shield must wait until the next day in order
Wondrous Item, jbx's cunning; Price is used to make a shield bash attack to roll again and gain a new effect.
8tooo gp; Weight —, as part of a charge, its true magi¬ To determine the \yy\>em die's effect,
cal nature becomes apparent. The roll idi2 and consult the following table.
RING Of THE HYDRfi shield bestows an additional +2 Strong universal; CL 13th; Craft
The ring of the hydra embodies the bonus to AC for i round and the Wondrous Item, limited wish; Price
resilient, unstoppable nature of those shield bash attack deals double 10,000 gp; Weight —. ^
horn under the hydra.
This golden ring is set with nine Roil Symbol Effect
slender, snakelike hydra heads. As 1 The Beholder +2 bonus on all Spot checks.
an immediate action, the ring's 2 The Harpy +2 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.
wearer can activate its magical pow¬ 3 The Ettin Whenever you roll an odd number on any die,
ers. When used, the ring allows its subtract 1 from the result. When you roll an even
wearer to reroll a saving throw. The number on any die, add i to the result.
decision to reroll a save must be 4 The Dryad +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.
made after rolling the die but before 5 The Stirge ±2 bonus on all opposed checks.
learning if the save succeeded or 6 The Wyvem Gain a +4 bonus on one d2Q rod of your choice*.
failed. The wearer must take the 7 The Dragon +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
result of the second roll, even if it is 8 The Unicorn Use dried evil at will. Caster level equal to your HD.
worse than the original roll. 9 The Hydra + 1 morale bonus on saving throws.
Each time the ring is used, one of 10 The Chimera +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks.
the heads mounted upon it crumbles | U The Kraken + 1 bonus on one skill of your choice.
to dust, with the number of heads 12 The Basilisk Heal 10 hit points as a swift action*
indicating the charges remaining. *Using this ability ends the effect for the day.

70 DRAGON 340 February 2006


by Greg Marks ■ illustrated by David Birckam

The Twilight Codex

T he elvcn mage Cirath ly shane
spent his life exploring the mys¬
teries of the night sky and the
cryptic patterns formed by the stars
and celestial bodies. Applying much
of what he learned to magic, he dis¬
covered strange symbols in the move¬
ments of the heavens and deeper mys¬
teries in unearthly bodies. Realizing
he bad stumbled across greater secrets
than he could ever hope to fathom,
even in his long lifetime, he cataloged
his discoveries in a journal he called
the Tuulighl Codex. As his work pro
gressed, however, it became appare
that some constellations held magica
meanings and that more than scr- j
end i pity seemed to be at work in the
night's ballet. Thus, the TurifigJit Cod£$
become one of the most unlikely yet
remarkable spellbooks ever penned.
lyshane's research was cut tragi¬
cally short, though. Not long after
revealing bis discoveries to an
incredulous group of colleagues,
the elven wizard’s observatory home
was attacked by a pack of we rebeasts,
seemingly intent on destroying the star
gazer's work, in the raid, all oflyshane's
notes and star charts were destroyed
and the Twilight Gwtex stolen.
Bound in black leather, upon its
surface the Turf%hi Codex bears the
image of a silver crescent moon.
Within, page after page of notes
detail hundreds of constellations,
along with the arcane sig¬
nificance of each. Since its
creator’s death, the tome has
resurfaced numerous times,
often in the hands of some
mysterious lycanthrope
spcllcastcr* Those who have
pursued the book hoping
to reveal the secrets of the
stars have found the tome elusive—as
insubstantial as moonlight.

OR AC ON 340 February 2006

Divination The Twilight Codex contains many spells with the darkness descriptor found in
Level: Drd i, Sor/Wii 1 the layer's Handbook as well as purportedly "new" spells recorded by the book's
Components: V, S author. While lyshane was perhaps the first modern wizard to pen these spells*
Casting Time: 1 standard action it is suspected that numerous circles of druids have known of this magic for
Range: Personal centuries, and as such might have access to spells thought to be exclusive to the
Target; You Tw%h£ Codex. Deities of the moon, stars* and sky also sometimes grant their
Duration: 1 minute/level most favored clerics access to these spells.
Amid its treatises on the moon and maps of the constellations, one can find
This spell calls an insubstantial mote the following new spells within the 7W/%frf Codex.
of starlight, which descends from
the sky and orbits around your head, Cleric Spells
'lire guiding star sheds light equal to a ist-Level Cleric Spell
candle and can be commanded to lead Motes of Moonlight: Creates an illuminating beam of moonlight,
you toward any place youVe previously 3rd-Level Cleric Spells
visited Once ordered to find a loca¬ Moon bridge: Solidifies moonlight into a bridge.
tion, the guiding star stops orbiting and Sever Ties of the Moon: Gives a lyca nth rope increased control of its shape, but
points like a compass in the direction of fatigues it.
the location named. The star makes no
adjustments for barriers or obstructions* Druid Spells
hovering inches from you in the direc¬ ist-Level Druid Spells
tion of the location it seeks. The guiding Guiding Star: Creates a light that guides you somewhere you've been before.
star merely orbits your head if not com¬ Motes of Moonlight: Creates an illuminating beam of moon light
manded to proceed to a location, if you 3rd-Level Druid Spells
have never been to the desired location, Moonbridgc: Solidifies moonlight into a bridge.
or if the location named is not on the Sever Ties of the Moon: Gives a lyeanfhrope increased control of its shape, but
same plane of existence. fatigues it.
Shooting Star; Rains burning stars down upon your enemies.
LUNACY 6th-Level Druid Spell
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- Lunacy: Curses a victim with madness tied to the moon.
Level: Drd 6* Sor/Wiz b Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Components; V* S* M ist-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell
Casting Time: 1 standard action Guiding Star: Creates a light that guides you somewhere you've been before,
Range: Medium (100 ft, + ro ft./level) 2nd-Levs ISorcerer/Wizard Spell
Target One living creature Shooting Star: Rains burning stars down upon your enemies.
Duration: Instantaneous 3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell
Saving Throw: Will negates Sever Ties of the Moon: Gives a lyca nth rope increased control of its shape, but
Spell Resistance: Yes fatigues it.
6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell
You curse the target with a form of Lunagr: Curses a victim with madness tied to the moon.
madness tied to a moon. On the night
of a full moon, a target affected by
this spell is unable to independently commit suicide, although it might Delusion: The target spends the
determine what to do in a manner be extremely dangerous for the vic¬ entire night talking to inanimate
similar to the con/uskm spell. Roll once tim, Upon being affected, the victim objects, refusing to move, finding
on the following chart each time the immediately knows how to lift the new objects to talk to if forcibly
target is affected by the full moon (a curse. Only the completion of this moved. Nothing short of magic or
time occurring once a month as deter¬ task or a break mdiantmatt, miracle, or physical force can compel the target
mined by the DM). The target behaves unsh spell can end the spelTs effect. to stop talking.
accordingly for that entire night Blackout: The DM takes control of Fixation; The target moves to a
whether he can see the moon or not. the spell's victim for the duration of random location within sight and
Upon casting this spell, you must the night. refuses to move from that spot,
designate a task that will end the spell. Catatonia: The target passes out and attempting to return there if forc¬
The task cannot force the victim to cannot be awakened by any means. ibly moved.

February 2006 DRAGON 340 73


Flee: The target moves in a

random direction at top speed,
moving for the entire night.
Murderous: The target attacks
the nearest creature. If no crea¬
tures are present, the target seeks
out others to attack. Nothing
short of killing or incapacitating
the target can prevent him from
attacking other creatures.
Rage: The target begins
randomly destroying all unat¬
tended objects within
sight. Once everything
is destroyed, the target
moves on, searching for
more to destroy. The target
spends no more than i min¬
ute trying to destroy a specific object
before moving onto another object. MOONPKIPGE gentle slope equal to i/4th of
Schizophrenia: The target's align¬ Transmutation [Good, Light) the bridge's length (rounded down to
ment changes to the opposite of what Level: Or 3, Drd 3 the nearest 5 foot increment), as long
it normally is (lawful good characters Components: V, S as the entire length of the moonbridge
become chaotic evil, lawful neutral Casting Time: 1 standard action is bathed in moonlight without inter
characters become chaotic neutral, and Range: Close (25 ft, + 5 ft.jz levels) ruption. For example, an nth-level
so on). Neutral creatures roll randomly Effect: Bridge, 5 ft. wide and up to 10 cleric can create a moonbridge with
to determine their new alignments. ft./level long a maximum length of uo feet and
Suicidal: Once an hour the target Duration: 1 round/level (D) could angle it to be 25 feet lower or
must make a Will save. If he fails, he Saving Throw: No higher at one of its ends.
attempts to kill himself in the quick¬ Spell Resistance: No Materia/ Component; A vial of pure
est way possible, The subject takes no water bathed in the light of the full
other action on his turn except to harm This spell transforms a shaft of moon¬ moon for at least 6 hours.
himself If armed, the target attacks light, whether naturally occurring or
himself as a full-round action. Such an magically created (such as by the spell MOTES OF MOONLIGHT
attack automatically succeeds and deals motes of moon%hl), into a translucent Evocation [Light)
damage as a critical hit. If unarmed, bridge capable of supporting you and Level: Or it Drd 1
the target moves to harm himself by creatures of good alignment. Crea¬ Components: V, S
provoking attacks of opportunity from tures of neutral alignment can also Casting Time: 1 standard action
enemies, leaping off cliffs, throwing walk upon a moonbridge as long as Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft.ji levels)
himself into fires* and so on. they stay in direct contact with you Effect: Beam of fight
Material Component: Three drops of (losing contact with you causes them Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
blood from a natural lycanthrope, to fall). Evil creatures find moon- Saving Throw: No
bridges as insubstantial as moonlight. Spell Resistance: No
Random Lunacy Behaviors In areas bathed in moonlight with
d% Behavior no distinctive shafts of light, such as This spell creates a beam of silvery
01-5 Act normally in a moonlit field or other open area light in any direction you point. The
6-15 Delusion exposed to the moon (determined beam extends from your position to
16-25 Fixation by the DM), the caster can create a a point within range that you have
26-35 Flee moonbridge from any location within line of sight to. The light illuminates
36-50 Schizophrenia range. A moonbridge is always 5 feet a 5-foot-wide line with bright illumn
51-65 Catatonia wide and must be at least 20 feet nation, while the area within 5 feet
66-75 Rage long, although you can extend it to of the beam is considered to be in
76-85 Murderous a length of up to 10 feet per caster shadowy illumination. Once cast, the
86-95 Suicidal level. This bridge can run in any beam hangs in place for the duration
96-100 Blackout horizontal direction or be angled in a of the spell, even if you move. You

74 DRAGON 340 February 2006

can dismiss the light at any time but of the spell, becomes fatigued while rocks fall from the heavens, each
cannot move it once cast in its hybrid or animal form. If the precisely striking those you have
target is fatigued by this spell, chang¬ targeted. Each target must make
SEVER TIES OF FHE ing to its humanoid form removes Reflex saves or take zd6 points of
MOON that condition, although the fatigue fire damage. In addition, creatures
Transmutation returns if it retakes either its hybrid of size Large or smaller who fail
Level; Clr 3, Did 3, Sor/Wiz 3 or animal form. This spell does this save are knocked prone. Those
Components; V, S not cause creatures that are already who succeed at this save remain
Casting Time; 1 standard action fatigued to become exhausted, standing and take only half of the
Range Close (25 ft, + 5 ft/2 levels) fire damage.
Target; One 1 yean th rope shooting star You can call down one shooting
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Evocation [Fire) star for every three levels beyond
Saving Throw: Will negates Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 2 3rd (to a maximum of six at 18th
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M level). Additional shooting stars
Casting Time: 1 standard action may be directed at separate targets
You sever a lycanthrope's tie to the Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft,/level) within the range of the spell, no two
moon, giving it increased control Effect: One or more shooting stars of which may be more than 30 feet
over its shape hut weakening it in its Duration: Instantaneous apart. A target can only be affected
non-humanoid forms, While under Saving Throw: Reflex half once per cast ing of this spell.
the effects of this spell the target Spell Resistance; Yes This spell does not function
lycanthrope gains a +10 bonus on all indoors, underground, or in any
attempts to Control Shape (see the You call down stars from the sky other place the sky is not visible.
Control Shape feat on page 303 of the to strike your enemies. When this Material Component; A chunk of
Monster Manual) but, for the duration spell is cast, one or more burning white rock and a small glass lens, i?

B o Aaron Wil jams

rMsow&nmjsH 7 I’M 8EGNNW&

35ladt vautocon
by Joshua Cole • illustrated by Tom Fowler

DRAGON 340 Fe bruary 2006

T aran of Caer DalJben. Assistant Pig-
Keeper, It might not seem like a
in the form of Disney's 1985 ani¬
mated movie and memorable video
Only a single massive skull enlivens
its raw, rough-worked expanse of dark
very impressive title, but when the game interpretation. While heroes metal, while the ash and decrepitude of
pig is Hen wen, the foremost oracular like Taren, Eilonwy, and Gurgi are ages encrusts its pock-marked surface.
animal in Prydain and the property beloved characters, many would Despite this simple and seemingly
of the land's greatest wizard, Daliben* say that it is Alexander's villains, cast-off appearance, however, any crea¬
it means a lot. Especially when said like Achren, the Homed King, and ture looking upon the cauldron feds at
porcine oracle goes missing! Arawn Death-Lord, who make his some instinctual level the unspeakable
Since his first novel, 1964'$ The tales most memorable. Yet, among evil of the thing.
Book qfTJiree, Lloyd Alexander has these foul characters, perhaps the Sages call this ancient evil the
joined C.S* Lewis and J*R*R. Tolkien vilest of Alexander's creations is Cquhfron of Corruption, and with good
as war veterans turned innovators of none other than the Black Cauldron reason. Almost powerless in its own
the fantasy genre. Drawing heavily itself and its deathless spawn, the right, it magnifies the powers of
from Welsh mythology, Alexander's cauldron-born. its master to the point that even an
best-known work, The Black Cau/dron, inexperienced necromancer might
is frequently considered required THE CAULDRON OF CORRUPTION pose a grave threat to entire king¬
fantasy reading. The story has also This massive cauldron of black iron doms. In the hands of a true lord of
seen memorable adaptations into appears morbidly decorated, but other¬ the black arts, it could possibly bring
film and video games—most notably wise relatively ordinary at first glance. about the end of a civilisation.

Tfrt Tjlath Caul Aeon Iq Tjonr Game The Prydain Chronicles can also offer DMs plenty
Dungeons # Dragons players should find many familiar of inspiration for NPCs, both allies and enemies. The
elements m the Prydain Chronicles* Amid the rolling hills various inhabitants of Prydain include several memo¬
and deep forests of Prydain,Taran and company encounter rable villains and bold—if often flawed—heroes, any
numerous staples of most D8*D games: undead foes, a of which might easily be adapted into a D8{D cam¬
druidlike animal keeper, bardic knowledge, and a plethora paign* Also of considerable interest should be Alexam
of magic items and spells. der's themes drawn directly from Welsh mythology, a
Players who Favor bards, druids, or paladins in particu¬ rich folklore strongly tapped by D8cD in the Form of
lar should find a wealth of ideas for animal companions, banshees, druids, giants, and a host of other magic
bardic options, codes of conduct, wilderness survival, and items and creatures* In fact, Alexander's infamous
virtually any other related topic. This is to say nothing of Black Cauldron itself is directly inspired by the life-
the inspirational dements Alexander’s works provide for restoring cauldron depicted in a tale of Branwyn,
other characters, from unlikely heroes to the trials of a daughter of Lfyr, in the famous collection of Welsh
variety of nobleborn adventurers. folklore, the Mobmogion*

February 2006 DRAGON 3*0 77


Perhaps the Cauldron of Corruption has consumed countless lives—^per¬ is approximately 9 feet in diam¬
owes its existence to some ancient haps even those of any who might eter, taking up a 10-foot square,
necromancer or deity of death. Some know the truth. Today, the foulest up to twelve spellcasters could
suggest that the cauldron claims an spellcasters, mortal and immortal crowd around and make use of the
even more elemental history, though, alike, crave its dark boon. cauldron. Any spell with the evil
being a primal force of undeath The Canfdron of Corruption is a or death descriptor, or of the nec¬
that has existed since the world was major artifact. To make use of it, i romancy school, gains the benefits
young, bound eons ago into a prison ( spellcaster must merely be within of the Maximize Spell feat and is
of iron. None truly know, however, as 5 feet of the cauldron for the entire treated as if the caster were 5 levels
the mists of time have consumed the casting time of the spell he wishes higher than his actual level.
artifact's origins Just as the cauldron it to affect. Being that the cauldron The Cauldron of Corruption's true
power, however, lies in creating
undead creatures. If a corpse is
placed within and the spell animate
dead is cast upon the cauldron, a
number of skeletons equal to the
user's caster level (after being modi¬
fied by the cauldron’s previously
noted abilities) begin crawling out
at a rate of one peF round. These
skeletons are of the type of the
creature placed inside. Normally,
the number of Hit Dice of undead
a caster can control using animate
dead is restricted to twice his caster
level. However, each body placed in
the cauldron and animated in this
way counts merely as a 1 Hit Dice
undead. Casting animate dead while
within s feet of the Cauldron of Cor¬
ruption also negates the need for the
usual material components.
Additionally, if bodies are placed
within the cauldron and no spell is
cast, 3 rounds later they arise as caul¬
dron spawn (see the cauldron spawn
template), A single Large corpse, two
Medium corpses or four Small or
smaller corpses fit inside the cauldron.
Cauldron spawn arc under the control
of the creature that placed the bod¬
ies into the cauldron. Each cauldron
spawn counts its full Hit Dice toward
the number ofundead creatures the
creator can control at any one time.
Using the Cauldron of Corruption in
any way is a decidedly evil act Any char¬
acter who uses the cauldron must make
a Will save (DC 22 +1 for each previous
use of the cauldron) or have tus align¬
ment shift one step toward neutral evil.
Destroying the Cauldron of Corrup¬
tion requires an act as selfless as the
artifact is depraved, A living being
must willingly enter the cauldron

78 DRAGON 340 February 2006

and wish for the cauldron's destruc¬ Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
tion at the cost of his own life. Such a Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
sacrifice causes the artifact to shatter (longsword), Weapon Specialization
and destroys all the undead it has ever (longsword)
been used to create. Skills Intimidate+7 Listen +5, Ride +9,
Spot +5
CAULDRON SPUNK Possessions full plate, heavy steel shield, Special Attacks: A cauldron spawn
At first glance, cauldron spawn resem¬ masterwork longsword* masterwork retains none of the base creature's
ble aged skeletons hung with debris heavy crossbow, 20 bolts special attacks, but gains the unnerv¬
and the remnants of their tired flesh, ing presence special attack*
yet anyone who observes them in battle (REflTIHC H CAULDRON SPAWN Unnerving Presence (Ex): Cauldron
swiftly realizes that they are something “Cauldron spawn'* is an acquired spawn act with a deftness unsuited
far more. These profanely invigorated template that can be added to the to the undead. which unsettles most
undead move with the same ease they corpse of any creature that was once living creatures. Creatures within
did in life and retain many of their for¬ a living corporeal creature with an 30 feet of a cauldron spawn must
mer skills* Unlike free-willed undead, Intelligence of 6 or higher (referred to succeed on a Will save or be shaken
cauldron spawn lose their memories hereafter as the base creature). Such for id4+j rounds. Whether or not
and personality. They retain many of creatures must be Large or smaller to the save is successful* that creature
the instincts and skills they possessed fit within the Cauldron of Corruption cannot be affected again by the same
in life, however* their experiences and and gain this template, cauldron spawn’s unnerving pres¬
prowess enslaved to the Cdu/dron of A cauldron spawn uses ail the base ence ability for 24 hours. The save
Corruption and its foul master. creature's statistics and abilities except DC is Charisma based.
as noted below. Special Qualities: A cauldron
CAULDRON SPAWN Size and Type: The creature's type spawn retains all the special qualities
Rotted to all but yellowed bones and tat¬ changes to undead* Do not recalculate of the base creature and gains the fol¬
tered rincivs, this well armored skeleton the creature's Hit Dice, base attack lowing special qualities.
looks dried and fragile. Its mouemenis, bonus, or skill points. The creature Born of the Cauldron (Su):A cauldron
however, reveal the ease and dexterous- gains the augmented subtype if neces¬ spawn is difficult to destroy, but it
ness of a living creature, leaving no sary, Size is unchanged* withers and collapses if separated
doubt as to the unliving abominations Hit Dice: Increase all current and from the Cauldron of Corruption for
deadly nature. future Hit Dice to dizs. long periods, A cauldron spawn takes
Armor Class: Natural armor bonus 2 points of Strength damage every
This example uses a 4th-level human changes to a number based on the day that it is more than 50 miles
fighter as the base creature, cauldron born's size. from the cauldron. Returning to and
Size Bonus touching the cauldron immediately
CAULDRON SPAWN CR 6 restores any Strength damage the
Male human cauldron spawn fighter 4 spawn has suffered* If the Cauldron of
LE Medium undead (augmented Corruption is destroyed so are ail caul¬
humanoid) Large +8 dron spawn.
Inrt +2; Senses Listen +5, Spot +S Attacks: A cauldron spawn retains Damage Reduction 5/—: The ancient
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 all the natural weapons, manufac¬ evil that animates cauldron spawn
bp 26 (4dl2 HD) DR 5/- tured weapon attacks, and weapon makes them particularly resistant to
SR 13 proficiencies of the base creature* physical attacks.
Immune undead traits A creature with hands gains one Mindless (Ex): Although cauldron
Fort +4, Ref+3, Will +2 claw attack per hand; the cauldron spawn have an Intelligence scores,
Spd 20 ft. " spawn can strike with each of its claw they are treated as mindless crea¬
Melee mwte longsword +8 (id8+4/19-20} attacks at its full base attack bonus* tures for the purposes of spells of the
Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +7 (Id 10/19- Damage: Natural and manufac¬ enchantment school.
20) tured weapons deal damage nor¬ Spell Resistance (Su); A cauldron
Base Atk +4; Grp +6 mally. A claw attack deals damage spawn gains spell resistance equal to
Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack depending on the cauldron spawn’s 11 +1/2 its Hit Dice.
Special Atk unnerving presence (DC 13) size. (If the base creature already had Abilities: A cauldron spawn's Dexter¬
Abilities Str 15. Dex 14. Con —Jnt 10, Wis claw attacks with its hands, use the ity and Charisma both increase by +4.
13, Cha 12 cauldron spawn claw damage only if Challenge Rating; As base creature +2,
SQ born of the cauldron, mindless it's better.) Alignment; Always neutral evil, S

February 2006 DRAGON 340 79


by Andy Collins * illustrated by Nifclas Janssen

This month, the Sage addresses a variety of issues surrounding the topics of metamagic and
spell-! Ike abilities. If you have questions for the Sage, send them to sageadvice@paizo.com.

H sorcerer needs at least a full-round

action to cast any spell modified by
JfcnetwJi requires only a single hill-
round action to cast the spell.
Metamagic (Complete D/urne, page So)
or other divine feats?
No. Unless stated otherwise, a divine
a metamagic feat. Does this mean
the Spell takes effect in the foil owing Do Empower Spell and Maximize feat requires (and may only be pow¬
round, or does it go off at the end of Spell affect dzo rolls made as part of a ered by) the ability to turn or rebuke
the round in which it is cast? spell’s effect (such as an attack roll or undead. Some feats (such as Elemental
Despite the similarity in wording, dispel check)? Smiting, on page Si of Complete Divine)
a spell that requires a "full-round No, Any attack roll, saving throw, use elemental turning (rather than
action" to cast (such as that required skiU check, dispel check, or any other undead turning); these are specific
by a metamagic-affected sorcerer dzo roll required to adjudicate a exceptions to the general rule.
spell) isn't the same as a spell with spell's success or failure is not con¬
a "i-round casting time* (such as sidered a "variable, numeric effect" Can you use the Divine Metamagic
that of a summon monster spell). of the spell and thus is unaffected by feat to create a scroll or wand with the
The former takes your entire turn feats such as Empower Spell or Maxi¬ metamagic effect without changing
to complete, while the latter takes mize Spell, the spell level? If so, how much would
your entire turn as well as the time it cost to make?
between the end of your turn and the Can Silent Spell be used when You can use Divine Metamagic in
start of your next turn. attempting to remain quiet as well as item creation; the cost to create the
A full-round action, such as the to bypass the effects of a silence spell? item is just as if you used the regu¬
run action or the withdraw action, Yes. Silent Spell does not require that lar metamagic feat. For instance,
requires an entire round to complete a caster be incapable of speaking—it using your Divine Metamagic feat
but ends on the same turn that it began simply removes the verbal component to create a scroll of empowered flame
(although you can split it between of the spell. strike costs as much as a scroll of
two consecutive turns, as described a yth-level spell (which is what an
under the "Start/Complete Full-Round Can Still Spell be used when entan* empowered Jib me strike is). The
Action" entry on page 142 in the Players gled to allow the caster to avoid a act of creating the scroll or wand
Handbook).'lh us, a spell that requires a Concentration check to cast the spell? expends three daily uses of your
full-round action to cast is completed No. Being entangled makes it dif¬ turn/rebuke undead ability, just as
at the end oft he caster's turn. ficult to cast a spell, but the condition if you had cast the empowered flame
says nothing about it applying only strike spell using Divine Metamagic,
If a spontaneous spe llca s ter applies to spells with somatic components. but you don’t have to expend a yth-
two metamagic feats to a spell does Thus, Still Spell doesn’t make casting level spell slot (only the normal,
the casting time increase to 2 rounds? while entangled any easier. 5th-level Jlame strike).
Applying additional metamagic
feats to a spell does not further Can the turning abilities granted by Do you need to liavc the specific
increase the casting time of the spell. the Air, Earth, Fire, Plant, and Water metamagic feat you wish to apply to a
A sorcerer casting a still, silent domains be used to power Divine spell to use the Divine Metamagic feat?

82 DRAGON 340 February 2006

For example, to quicken a spell with Divine Meta magic do you
need to have the Quicken Spell feat?
Yes. This was clarified by the official errata to Complete Divine
published in September, 2004* (new text underlined): "When
you take this feat, choose a metamagic feat that you have. This
feat applies only to that metamagic feat:1 You can find all offi¬
cial errata at wizards.com/defautt.asp?x-dnd/er/2co4c 125a.

If 1 use the Twin Spell metamagic feat (Complete Arcane,

page 84), do t use up twice the normal material components
or XP component?
No. The feat causes the spell to take effect twice, but it
doesn't actually require you to cast it twice. Thus, you only
expend the spell's components once.

If my wizard applies Energy Admixture (Complete A (tone, page

7S) and Maximize Spell to the same spell, does he get a spell
that deals double its maximized damage (maximum normal
damage in two different energy types)? If he also applied the
Twin Spell feat {Complete Arcane, page 84) to the same spell
would it duplicate the entire effect?
Yes and yes. Assuming your character can cast 13th*
level spells—the slot required by a 2nd-level spell
affected by these metamagic feats—a scorching ray so
affected would create two sets of three rays each, with
each ray dealing 24 points of fire damage (4d6, maximized)
and 24 points of a second energy type (as appropriate for yc
Energy Substitution feat), for a grand total of 288 points of
damage... assuming all six rays hit their target.

Can l use my normal 3rd-level fireball to counterspdl ajire

spell to which the caster applied a metamagic feat, or wout
1 need to use a version of the spell with the same metamag
feats applied to It?
Your norma! JirebaII works just fine to counter a
metamagic-affected fireball (and vice versa). As stated on
page 170 of the P/flyer's Handbook, mctamagic feats "are
not taken into account when determining whether a
spell can be countered/'
This also applies when using the Improved Coun-
terspell feat (Players Handbook page 95): Only each spell's
original level is used when determining the success of the
counterspell attempt, A heightened, maximized re ball still
only counts as a jrd-level spell (both for the caster and the
counterspelling character).

Can I counterspell a quickened spell? What if I use the

Reactive Counterspdl feat (Player's Guide to Faerim,
page 4z)?
Yes. A quickened spell isn't any more difficult to iden¬
tify than a normal spell, despite its reduced casting time.
As long as youVc readied an action to counterspdl (or
you have the Reactive Counterspdl feat, which allows
you to counterspdl without having readied an action),
you can counterspdl a quickened spell as normal.

Can I apply the Innate Spelt feat Can a warlock apply Empower Spell- rmnurro-.-a,
to a spell improved by another Like Ability or Quicken Spell-Like
meta magic feat? Ability (Monster Manual, pages 303- IMlh' m
No, Innate Spell only applies to 304) to his eldritch blast? Wha! level
actual spells, not to spells affected would be have to be to do so?
by metamagic feats and the like. Just Thanks to the official errata for
because you're capable of applying, Complete Arcane (which established that
say, the Empower Spell feat to aJinehaff an eldritch blast is "the equivalent of ted
spell, that doesn't make '"empowered
Jfaiwfr a spell The spell is still "Jhebalf''
a ist-level spell"), the answer to this
question is yes.
and thus Innate Spell only applies to The chart on page 304 of the Mon¬ A public service to comics
the normal version of that spell. ster Manual describes the caster level <C about role-playing games.
required to empower or quicken a
If a warlock selects Ability Focus (Mon* spell-like ability. A warlock needs to
sler Manual, page 303) and chooses for have a caster level of 6th to empower
it to affect his eldritch blast, does it still his ddritcb blast, or a caster level of
apply when he uses a blast shape or 10th to quicken it.
eldritch essence invocation? If the warlock applies an ddrircb
Yes. Wh ether the warlock is using a essence or bias! shape invocation to his
Jnt)hffuJ blast, an eldritch cone, or an utter- eldritch bias!, the blast's level equivalent
dark eldritch doom. Ability Focus (eldritch (and thus the required caster level)
blast) increases the save DC by +£, increases. Empowering an eldritch
cone (the equivalent of a jthdevel
Does the Ability Focus feat (Munster spell) requires the warlock to be 14th
Manual page 303) apply to spell- level, while quickening aJHghtfiil Was!
like abilities? (the equivalent of a and-level spell)
Yes, although each selection of the feat requires a lith-level warlock.
applies only to a single spell-like ability,
A dretch could select Ability Focus (scam) What does “innate spell-tike ability**
or Ability Focus (stinking cloud)l mean for the purpose of qualifying QKtfd VOUR CJURflCTERS

for the Supernatural Transformation

Does Spell Focus increase the DCs feat (.Vflvdcjc Species, page 39)? Does
of spell-like abilities? Can l apply the Innate Spell feat create an innate
meta magic feats or effects to spell - spell-like ability'? THEY'RE
like abilities? What if the feat doesn't "Innate/1 for the purpose of the
change the spell's level? Supernatural Transformation feat,
No. Although speil-like abilities means "gained normally as part of the
function mechanically like spells (a creature's race, type, subtype, or kind.”
Jirebalf sp el Mike ability duplicates the A duergar's enlarge person and miris-
mechanical effect of a jlreball spell), ibilrly spell-like abilities,a tanarns
they are not spells and don't benefit summon tanar Vi spell-like ability, and
from feats or other effects that specifi¬ a juvenile gold dragon's bless spell¬
cally affect spells. This is true even if like ability are all "innate" spell-like
the metamagic effect doesn't change abilities. A warlock's invocations, a
the spell's level (such as the various paladin's ability to call her special
sudden metamagic feats in Complete mount and any speil-like abilities
Arcane or the metamagic rods from gained from your class, feats, or simi¬
the Dungeon Master's Guide), lar sources are not.
Feats specifically designed to Despite its name, even the Innate
add metamagic effects to speil-like Spell feat doesn't create an "innate”
abilities appear in the Monster Manual speil-like ability for the purpose of
(Empower Spell-Like Ability and the Supernatural Transformation feat.
Quicken Spell-Like Ability) and Com¬ This is simply an unfortunate case of
plete Arcane (Heighten Spell-Like Abil¬ the same word being used for two dif¬
ity and Maximize Spell-Like Ability). ferent purposes, Z

84 DRAGON 340 Februarv 2006

CLASS ACTS by Gakn Ciscell - illustrated by Eric DesChamps

lidda smiled to herself as she eosiiy side- An opportunist sees every piece of
stepped the half-ore's dumsjf attack and gossip as an opportunity for profit,
slid her dagger between the brute's ribs. whether through blackmail or by
Qufddy retrieving her weapon, the haljling selling information to an interested
danced out of the way ofanother power¬ party. In combat, she seeks to exploit
ful hlomjrom the half-ore. Thegreataxe every opening offered by her foes,
landed with a thud where J idda s head maximizing her efficiency by making
had just been, but the impact didn’t seem the most of every opportunity*
to shake her. She could see her opponent When choosing feats for the oppor¬
growing more and more agitated—a rare tunist, Combat Reflexes and Deft
featjbra barbarian already in a blood Opportunist (from Complete Adven¬
rage. lidda smi led to herself one last time turer) are a good place to start your
as she fumed to present a tempting target career. The opportunist rogue special
to her towering Joe, The barbarian, faking ability makes an excellent choice for
the bait, charged toward the hal/ltng with higher-level rogues, but what of the
hisgreatajee raised high, leaving his mid- levels in between, or those who aren't
section thoroughly exposed, it was all the rogues? The following feats can help
opening Lidda needed... enhance the abilities of any character

T heT\imble skill, when combined

with common feat choices such
who seeks to seize every opportunity
and take advantage of every mistake.

as Mobility and Spring Attack, Backstab [General]

makes many rogues nearly immune to You can strike quickly when your
attacks of opportunity. While any rogue opponent's back is turned.
can avoid these free attacks, proud Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes.
are the few who take advantage of Benefit: Once per round, you may
the opportunities so frequently make an attack of opportunity against
presented by others* These an opponent you flank who attacks a
^ self serving rogues style them- target other than you.
selves opportunists, while Special: A fighter may select Back-
Others often take a dimmer stab as one of his fighter bonus feats
view, referring to such (see page 38 of the Player's Handbook).

Canny Opportunist
opportunist [General]
seeks to You have studied many special combat
for maneuvers to recognize them and react
free quickly to your opponent's tactics.
might Prerequisite: Dex 13, Int 13, Com¬
gambling or bat Expertise*
Benefit: You may make an attack of
conversing with opportunity whenever an opponent
she spends most you threaten draws a weapon, readies
of her lime listening, or looses a shield, or attempts to feint
waiting patiently for in combat. You may make attacks of
another to misspeak so opportunity even when flat-footed.
that she might point out Special: A fighter may select
the error and thereby Canny Opportunist as one of his
prove her own wit. fighter bonus feats.
Opportunist The m ini game MKnights of the Lich Queen” in PoLYHeoRON #59 (packaged
[General] with Dungeon #100) presented two feats of special interest to opportunists
You patiently parry and avoid your who wish to maximize their attacks of opportunity: Greater Combat Reflexes
opponent's blows while waiting for and Improved Combat Reflexes. The information presented below updates
just the right opening. those feats.
Prerequisite! Int13, Tumble 5
ranks, Combat Expertise. Greater Combat Reflexes [General]
Benefit! The penalty on attack You react to any drop in your opponents' guard with blinding speed.
rolls imposed by fighting defensively Prerequisite: Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, improved Combat Reflexes, base attack
does not apply to any attacks of bonus +u.
opportunity you make. Benefit: For any given opportunity in melee combat, you can make three
Special! A fighter may select attacks of opportunity. The second attack is at a-5 penalty* just like your second
Defensive Opportunist as one of his normal attack in any given round. The third attack is at a -io penalty, just like
tighter bonus feats. your third norm at attack in any given round. You still cannot exceed your nor¬
mal maximum number of attacks of opportunity in a round.
Exploit Adjustment
[General] Improved Combat Reflexes [General]
Your skill at finding and exploiting You react to any drop in your opponents' guard with lightning speed.
opportunities is such that you Prerequisite! Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, base attack bonus +6.
can find openings in even the small¬ Benefit! For any given opportunity in melee combat, you can make two
est movements. attacks of opportunity. The second attack is at a -5 penalty, just like your second
Prerequisite: Int i%r Canny Oppor¬ normal attack in any given round. You stilt cannot exceed your normal maxi¬
tunist, Combat Expertise. mum number of attacks of opportunity in a round.
Benefit* You may make an attack
of opportunity against any oppo¬
nent who moves from one square This extra damage only applies to
adjacent to you to another square Opportunistic the first attack of opportunity you
adjacent to you. Tactician [General] make in a round.
Normal: Taking a 5-foot step does You are able to use your opponent's
not provoke attacks of opportunity* missteps to reposition yourself to Two-Weapon Attack
Special: A fighter may select your advantage. of Opportunity
Exploit Adjustment as one of his Prerequisite! Combat Reflexes, [General]
fighter bonus feats. Dodge* Mobility. You can exploit an opponent's
Benefit: You may make a free 5- opening in combat with two weapons.
Occult Opportunist foot step after making an attack of Prerequisite: Dex 17, Combat
[General] opportunity (as long as you can actu¬ Reflexes* Two-Weapon Fighting.
Your knowledge of the supernatural ally make a 5-foot step). Benefit: If you are wielding two
allows you to exploit most attempts Special: A lighter may select weapons and you make an attack of
to manipulate magical energies. Opportunistic Thctician as one of opportunity you may make a single
Prerequisite: Knowledge (arcana) 5 his fighter bonus feats. melee attack with both weapons. You
ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks. still suffer the normal penalties for
Benefit: You may make an attack Sneak Attack two-weapon fighting. You still can¬
of opportunity against an opponent of Opportunity not exceed your normal maximum
you threaten who dismisses a spell, [General] number of attacks of opportunity In
directs or redirects an active spell, When your opponent leaves you a round. Using this feat requires two
casts a quickened or swift spell, or an opening, you can strike with such attacks.
attempts to turn or rebuke undead. deadly accuracy. Normal: You may only attack with
If your attack is successful, your Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, a single weapon as an attack
opponent must make a Concentra¬ sneak attack +^d6. of opportunity.
tion check (DC 10 + damage dealt) Benefit: When you make a suc¬ Special: A fighter may select T\vo-
or lose the action that provoked the cessful attack of opportunity against Weapon Attack of Opportunity as
attack of opportunity. an opponent* you also deal sneak one of his fighter bonus feats. *2
attack damage to that opponent.

February 2006 DRAGON 340 87

CLASS ACTS by Hu/ Maclean • illustrated by Eric DesChamps

F or those with the wit and the
talent to listen, the stars speak
birth and with a destiny intertwined
with your own. Even as you quickened
volumes. Astrology, perhaps the in the womb you felt the first stirrings
most enigmatic of all the mystical sci¬ of this strange kinship. Blessed—or
ences, teases and tantalizes, offering perhaps cursed—with the same wild
sometimes baffling clues about the magic that runs through your veins,
future. Revealing the secrets of the your twin sometimes intrudes upon
universe and unraveling the myster¬ your life in unusual ways. Baffling
ies of destiny, those who walk down visions, incomprehensible cravings,
the pathways illuminated by the lore and moments of stark terror connect
of stars often find themselves forever and sustain you. even though you have
changed. Each of the backgrounds never met. At times, in the quiet of
outlined below, suitable for one or the night, when you imagine finally
more of the da&ses most closely asso¬ meeting your twin, you grapple with a
ciated with arcane magic, assumes chill sense of foreboding.
your character once devoted con¬ Best Suited For; Bard, sorcerer,
siderable time to the study of warlock.
astrology. Ranks in Knowl¬ Effect You and your twin gain a +i
edge (nature) :md—to bonus on saving throws made to resist
a lesser extent- death effects and you both have a 20%
knowledge (the chance of stabilizing so long as you
plane*} can both continue to live. Your connection
accurately repre¬ manifests randomly, though, giving
sent the training you a -2 penalty on initiative checks.
an astrologer
receives, as noted Court Astrologer
in the new zodiac You once served as the personal advisor
rules presented in to royalty, consulting the stars to pro-
Dragon Astrology" ride insight and advantages over rivals,
on page 22, The benefits ft was a comfortable life—one filled
provided by the choice of with good food and idle amusement.
background is only partially In the end, however, you grew sick of
offset by its penalty (if any), it. Constantly forced to interrupt your
the use of the research to answer some petty question
optional benefits and penal¬ about political intrigue or your lord’s
ties of these background romantic machinations, you learned to
vignettes requires your hide your growing frustration behind a
DM’s approval. mask of docility and loyalty. Eventually
you left, still on good terms with the
Celestial Twin courtiers and nobles you dealt with each
Although bom to day, far too clever to reveal how petty
two different sets of and vacuous you truly considered them.
parents, the whim Best Suited For; Bard, wizard, wai jen.
of the stars Effect: Well versed in etiquette and
granted you the protocol of deferring to your bet¬
a twin, a ters you possess an instinct for putting
person sharing the ruling class at ease. You gain a +2
your exact bonus on Diplomacy checks when
moment of dealing with nobility or royalty, but you
take a -1 penalty on all Intimidate and Pledged to the Stars surroundings, however, you take a -i
Sense Motive checks. Chosen at birth, separated from kith penalty on initiative checks.
and kin, some quirk of your horo¬
Doomed scope forever robbed you of any hope The Tattooed Mystic
Yon scorned the warnings of your for a normal life. They said your Perhaps due to some secret ritual
elders, mocked their cautions, and destiny was to rule, to speak with the you once performed or a mystical
dared to peer into the one place authority of the deities themselves. birthmark never fully explained, your
every devotee of the stars must avoid. You devoted yourself to mastering wrath sometimes takes on a tangible
Delving into forbidden lore you cast the skills your tutors demanded* form. When engulfed by fury, the
your own chart, intent upon finding Versed in lore and the weaving of twelve symbols of the zodiac appear
the answer to the only question your magic you prepared yourself for on your face, lit as if by the fires
hubris considered truly important. your life of service, never once ques¬ of the heavens themselves. These
Now you know the secret of your own tioning what happened to those strange, mystical images sometimes
death, and the doleful gloom accom¬ older students who graduated before even seem to move on their own,
panies you like a shroud, making every you one by one. Only when your making a stately promenade across
morsel of food taste like ash and every time came—when you learned your your features in keeping with the
moment ofjoy the cruelest of jokes. destiny meant speaking to the dei¬ shifts of the stars. Those who meet
Helpless to prevent your destiny, a ties directly, sent into the afterlife by your fury head on pause at the might
puppet of fate unable even to share the knife and fire—did you rebel* This of your eldritch lore*
true circumstances of your doom with bitter lesson, betrayed by the teachers Best Suited For Sorcerer, wizard,
others, you shuffle through life waiting simply because the stars gifted you wujen.
for the inevitable. with magic arcane rather than divine, Effect: Increase the save DC of any
Best Suited For: Bard, sorcerer, taught you to never again surrender spell you cast with the fear descriptor
war mage. your will to those who claimed to by +i if the target is within 20 feet and
Effect Since you know- the precise speak for deities. can see your face.
moment and manner of your death Best Suited For: Hexblade, sorcerer,
lesser terrors seem but shadows. You war mage. Village Seer
gain a +i bonus on saves made to resist Effect: You have spell resistance 10 Your powers came unto you suddenly
fear effects* Your general gloom makes against divine spells and spell-like and with no explanation early in your
you reserved and uncommunicative* You abilities. You cannot voluntarily lower childhood. The others in the village
take a-i penalty on all Charisma-based this spell resistance. came to look upon you as touched by
skUJ checks and Charisma ability checks. destiny, a living conduit to the pow¬
Star Gazer ers that be and able to answer any
Gift of the Magi Bleary eyed and schooled in the question asked. At times the burden
Ancient and knowledgeable, the star¬ relentless, demanding craft of one almost overwhelmed you, forcing you
gazing astrologer who lived in your who studies the stars, you find exam¬ to grapple with problems and situa¬
town always greeted you warmly and ining the heavens almost a compul¬ tions no child should ever confront.
patiently answered youT every ques¬ sion. It sometimes seems as if you Perhaps in self-defense, perhaps as a
tion. As you grew older you declared spend more nighttime hours pon¬ desire to please the adults, you learned
your intent of becoming his appren- dering the skies than sleeping* Even how to couch your words in ambigu¬
tlce. He never answered in the affir¬ during the day, when the sun blazes ity and nuance. You drew upon half-
mative, only nodding and winking across the land, or in a cave with understood lore of the stars to back
whenever you brought up the topic* only bats flocking through stalactites your pronouncements. Those simple,
Then, one morning, after you greeted overhead, you still sometimes find trusting folk, so eager for honeyed
him as usual, he told you he had yourself glancing upwards simply phrases and glib reassurances, came to
pressing business far away. He wiped out of habit* take your every utterance as gospel.
away your tears and granted you a Best Suited Fon Sorcerer, wizard, Best Suited For Bard, sorcerer,
small gift you have grown to treasure. wujen. warlock.
Best Suited For: Bard, wizard, wujen. Effect: You gain a +1 bonus on Spot Effect: Playing upon the credu¬
Effect You begin play with a spyglass. checks. The old habit of occasionally lity and trust of those born to toil
If the spyglass ever breaks or is other¬ throwing your gaze skyward some¬ comes to you naturally. You gain a +2
wise removed from your possession you times prevents you from falling prey bonus on Bluff checks when dealing
become morose and take a-i penalty to dangers that come from unex¬ with commoners, but you take a -1
on all skill checks until you recover or pected directions. As a result of your penalty on all Diplomacy and Sense
repair it. inattention to certain parts of your Motive checks.

February 2006 DRAGON 340 89

CLASS ACTS fry Christopher Wissd * illustrated fry Eric DesChamps

Schools of Faith
F or the cleric, it can often be very helpful to know the school of magic his
spells come from. Unlike arcane spells, these schools are not as evident m
the spell listings of the Player's Handbook The following reference contains
every cleric spell from the Player's Handbook, as well as every domain spell not on
the cleric list and every domain spell whose level differs from the cleric list.

0-Level Cleric Spells

Abjur Resistance
Conj Create water, cure minor wounds
Dtv Detect magic, detect poison, guidance, read magic
Evoe Light
Necro fn/liri minor wounds
Trans Mending, purify Joed and drink, virtue

Ist-Level Cleric Spells

Abjur Endure elements, cntropic shield, hldejrom mdtad,
protection jrom chaos/evil/good/taw„ remove jean
sanctuary, shield afjaith
Conj Cure light wounds, obscuring mist, summon monster I
Div Comprehend languages, detect chaos/good/wil/law, detect secret doors
(Knowledge), defect undead
Ench Bane, bless, calm animals (Animal), command
Evoc Burni ng ha n ds (Fire), d ivine fa vor
Ulus Disguise self(T Vickery), Nystul's magic aura (Magic)
Necro Causefear, curse water, deathit’alch. doom, inflict light wounds
Trans Bless water, enlarge person (Strength), entangle (Plant)*
Jongstrider (Travel), magic stone, magic nxtapon

2nd-Level Cleric Spells

Abjur Resist energy* sh ield other* u ridefecfab/c align meat
Conj Cu re moderate wounds, delay poison,Jog cloud (Water),
lesser restoration, remove paralysis* summon monster fl
Div AuguQ?, delect thoughts (Knowledge), flud fraps,
identify (Magic), locate object (Travel), status
Erich Aid, calm emotions, enthrall, hold animal
(Animal), hold person* zone of truth
E voc Consecrate, darkness, deseem te, produce
_flame (Fire), shatter, sound hurst, spiritual
weapon , wind wall (Air)
Ulus Tnuisibilify (Trickery), silence
Necro Dca th knell, gen tie repose* inflict
moderate wounds
TVans Align weapon, barfcfein (Plant),
bear's endurance, bulls strength,
eagle's splendor, heat metal (Sun),
make lvhole, owls wisdom, sgflen
earth and stone (Earth)

Div Find the path
3rd-Level Cleric Spells Ench Geas/guest, hold monster (Law), symbol of persuasion
Abjur Dispel magic, .glyph of warding, magic circle against Evoc Blade barrier, chain lightning (Air), cone of cold (Water)
chaos/evil/good/law nondctedion (Trickery)* obscure lllus Mislead (Luck, Trickery)
object, protection from energy, remove curse, mist Necro Create undead, harm, mass injiict moderate wounds,
energy (Fite) symbol of fear, undeath to death, wind ivalk
Conj Create food and water, cure serious wounds, remove Traps Animate objects, mass bcars enduranee, mass bull's
blindmss/deafhess, remove disease, summon monster 111 strength, mass eagle's splendor, mass owl's wisdom, repel
Div Cte irtf udience/clain>oya nee (Knowledge), Locate object wood (Pl ant)
Ench Dominate animal (Animal), proper
Evoc Continua1flame, daylighl, deeper darkness, helping hand, 7th-Level Cleric Spells
/rivisibihfy purge, scaring light, mind wall Abjur Repulsion, spell fuming (Luck, Magic)
Necro Animate dead, bestow curse, blmdness/deq/hess, Conj Acid jog (Wat er), grea ter restoration, grea ter teleport
contagion, injliei serious mounds, speak with dead (Travel), mass cure serious wounds, refuge, regenerate,
Trans fly (TTavei), gaseousjbrm (Air), magic vestmen t, meld resurrection, summon nwnster VII
into stone, plant growth (Plant), stone shape, water D iv Grea ter saying, legend lore (Knowled ge)
breathing, mater waUi Ench Power word blind (War), symbol of stunning
Evoc Bigby's grasp mg liand (Strength), blasphemy, dictum,
4th-Level Cleric Spells earthquake (Earth),Jire storm (Fire), holy word, sun
Abjur Dimensional anchor, dismissal, jreedom of movement, beam (Sun), word of chaos
repel vermin, spell immunity lllus Screen (Trickery)
Conj Cure critical wounds, dimension door (Travel), lesser Necro Destruction, mass mjlfct serious wounds, symbol
planar ally, neutralize, poison, restoration, summon of weakness
monster 1V, summon nature's ally IV (Animal) Trans An imal shapes (Animal), animate pla nts (Plant), con trol
Div Discern lies, divination, tongues weather, disintegrate (Destruction), ethereal jaunt
Ench Confusion (Trickery)
Evoc Chaos hammer (Chaos), divine power, jire shield (Sun), 8th-Level Cleric Spells
holy smite (Good), imbue with spell ability, order's wrath Abju r A nt imagic field, cloak of chaos, dimmimiu 1 lock, grea ter
(Law), sending, unholy blight (Evil), ivall of fire (Fire) spell immunity, holy aura, mind blank (Protection),
Necro Death word, inflict critical wounds, poison protection from spells (Magic), shield of Jaw, unholy aura
Trans A ir \va ik, com mnnd pla n ts (Plant), control wa ter, gid nt Conj Greater planar ally, incendiary cloud (Fire), mass cure
vermin, greater magic weapon, spite stones (Earth) critical wounds, phase door (Travel), summon monster
VJfJ, summon nature's ally VOT (Animal)
5th-Level Cleric Spells Div Discern bea t ion, mo men t of prescience (Lu ck)
Abjur Atonement, break enchantment, dispel chaos/evil/good/ Ench H?wer word stun (War), symbol of insan ity
law, spell resistance Evoc Bigby's clenched fist (Strength), earthquake, jj re storm,
Conj Insect plague, mass cure light wounds, plane shift raise sunburst (Sun), whirlwind (Air)
dead, summon monster Y' teleport (Travel), wall of stone, Necro Create greater undrad, horrid ivifting (Water), mass
wall of thorns (Plant) injlid critical wounds, symbol of death
Div Commune, commune with nature (Animal), saying, Trans Control plants (Plant), iron body (Earth), polymorph any
true seeing object (Trickery)
Ench Greater command, symbol of sleep
Evoc Fire shield (Fire), J3ame strike, JuiJlow, ice storm (Water), 9th-Level Cleric Spells
unJwlfow Abjur Mordenkainen's disjunction (Magic), prismatic sphere
Ulus False vision (Trickery) (Protection, Sun)
Necro Mark cfjustice, mass iri/^irf light wounds, slay living, Conj Elemental siva rm (Air, Earth, Fire, Wate r}( gate, mass
symbol of pa in heal, shamhler (Plant), storm of vengeance, summon
Trans Control winds (Air), disrupting weapon, righteous might monster lXr true resurrection
D iv Foresight (Knowledge)
6th-Level Cleric Spells Ench Poiver word kill (War)
Abjur Antilife shell anitimagicfield (Magic, Protection) ban- Evoc Bighy's crush mg ha nd (Strength), implosion, m irade
isfiment,/orbiddcmce,greater dispel magirigreaterglyph Necro Astral project ten* energy dra in* sou I bind, wail of the
of warding* stonesfein (Earth, Strength), banshee (Death)
Conj Mass cure moderate wounds, jire seeds (Fire* Sun), heal, Trans Fthereafness, shapechange (An imal), time stop (Trickery)
heroes jeast, pin mi r ally, summon monster VI, word of recall

February 2006 DRAGON 340 91

CLASS ACTS by Richard Farrese and Wi7 Upchurch * ill unrated by Eric DesChamps

Ritual Markings
M any barbarian cultures have
extensive social systems based
of ritual scarification. Because the cut
from a knife creates a thin scar* the
on ritual scarring* in the scar designer must use skin removal
form of tattooing, piercing* and actual or packing to increase its size. Skin
decorative scarification (whether by removal involves scraping off sections
branding or cutting). These practices of skin* while packing requires an inert
sometimes carry over into civilized substance like day packed into the
society m more moderate forms and as wound. In addition to the scars created
ornamentation rather than significant by these methods, some tribal cultures
social indicators. use branding, The most common
Tattoos can designate tribal warriors, method ofbmnding uses a heated piece
chieftains* shamans, and other posi¬ of metal to create a raised scar on the
tions of power* The location of impor¬ skin. Barbarian tribes with ready access
tant tattoos varies by culture—some to natural adds (such as those from
place them on the face and head to digesters) also use these to brand* but
easily convey status, while others tattoo such brands are usually rare and very
the hands, legs, or back, depending on meaningful. Some tribes use brands to
customs and dress* They sometimes mark slaves, much like civilized societ¬
tell the stories of a barbarian's life and ies mark cattle or merchandise.
often contain mystical pow¬
ers, as seen both with psionic Effects of
tattoos (Expanded Pswiie Scarification
Handbook, page 170) and The effect gained by ritual scarifica¬
the tattooed monk (Com- tion depends both on the scar design
Warrior. page 82), gained and the amount of work put
civilized soci¬ into it The listed costs do not include
eties tend to limit bodyjewelry worn.
body piercings to Creating a cultural body modifica¬
ears* tion requires the scar or tattoo crafter
but others to hail from the relevant culture* Each
place hoops, day, the crafter must make a success¬
bones, spikes, ful DC 10 Heal check or deal 1 point
and other large of Constitution damage to her subject.
objects through This damage must heal naturally* Mag¬
holes in the nose, ical healing causes the wound to dose
eyebrows, lips* without leaving a scar or tattoo, forcing
nipples* and neck the crafter to begin anew,
(among other places)* A character who spends less than
Of the ritual scarring 200 gp on body modifications has
methods, piercings most ornamental scarring This is the typical
often serve as mere orna¬ level of modi fication sported by those
ments* The size, color, and in civilized regions and includes small
number of objects used to pierce an personal tattoos or brands and no
individual's skin can also convey infor¬ more than three ear and face piercings.
mation about his status or Ritual scarring that lias cultural
role within the tribe. meaning costs at least 200 gp, often
Some tribal cut- paid to the rest of the tribe in
tures use the services or Items—not actual coin.
inexact artistry This is known as traditional scarring

92 DRAGON 340 February 2006


and grants the character a +1 bonus on most important trait resembles that Rectangle: In tribal societies, the rect¬
Diplomacy checks when dealing with of the animal in question. The most angle represents the family or the fam¬
members of the appropriate tribe or common animals (and their related ily's dwelling (most often a longhouse
culture. Applying traditional scarring traits) are alligator (unpredictable), ant shaped in a rectangular form). Having a
correctly requires a DC 15 Craft (tat¬ (worker), bear (independent), beaver rectangle carved upon the torso or back
tooing) check and one day (builder), buffalo (strong), butterfly signifies that the bearer attends to the
More excessive scarring* usually (free spirited), cat (graceful), cougar needs of a child or a dependent adult.
ceremonial in nature, costs at least (courageous), coyote (prankster), Whether he hunts, raids, or forages,
400 gp (paid in goods or services). deer (gentle), dog (loyal), dolphin someone's survival depends on him.
Ceremonial scarring grants a +1 bonus (kind), eagle (handsome), elk (stoic), Most parents bear this mark.
on both Diplomacy and Intimidate fox (cunning), goose (traveler), hawk Stan A shameful mark carved upon
checks when dealing with members (hunter), horse (enduring), lion (noble), the forehead or cheek, the bearer of
of the appropriate tribe or culture. At lizard (patient), moose (headstrong), this scar committed a great crime
this level* the amount of modifica¬ mouse (secretive), owl (wise), rabbit against his people. Normally, this
tion begins to make civilized people (alert), raccoon (resourceful), ram means he murdered a fellow tribesman
uncomfortable, and the character takes (willful), raven (mischievous), skunk or sided with an opposing tribe during
a “i penalty on Diplomacy checks (conspicuous), snake (shrewd), spider a time of crisis. More than one star
but gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate (creative), squirrel (trusting)* swan represents additional crimes commit¬
checks made outside the tribal setting. (festive), tiger (aggressive), and wolf ted. Receiving this scar frequently leads
Applying ceremonial scarring cor¬ (persistent). A character may have more to banishment.
rectly requires 3 DC 20 Craft (tattooing) than one animal scar. Straight Line: Each 2-inch long verti¬
check and three days. Arrow: Usually carved upon the cal line represents a toe single-hand¬
The final stage, representing full- shoulder or forearm, each z-inchTong edly defeated by the character in melee
body tattoos and scars as well as horizontal line represents one foe combat. Carved upon the arms first (and
numerous piercings, is called extreme. defeated from afar—typically with a then upon the torso and back, if needed),
Some cultures find extreme body mod¬ bow and arrow, but also with other wider scars typically mean a greater
ification to be the ultimate expression ranged weapons, such as slings, jav¬ opponent such as a renowned warrior
of their spiritual selves, while i n others elins, or throwing axes. or chieftain, while thinner ones signifies
it crosses the line even for barbarians. Checkered Pattern: These scars more typical foes. TWo major variations
Such scarring costs at least 2,000 gp represent servitude. When a tribesman of this type of scar exist. The first a
(paid in goods and services) and grants bears a checkered pattern upon his straight line with a circle in the middle,
a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks and legs or back, it means he is bound to represents a magic-wielding opponent
a +3 bonus on Intimidate checks when serve another master. Many taken into defeated by the character. The second,
dealing with members of the appro¬ slavery by barbaric tribesmen have a straight line with an f'X” in its center,
priate tribe or culture. The character this type of scar. means a foe defeated from horseback.
takes a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks Circle: The circle symbolizes magic. Triangle: Traditionally, the points of
but gains a +4 bonus on Intimidate Having a wide circle carved upon a triangle symbolize the chieftain (at
checks made outside the tribal setting. one's flesh (typically upon the fore¬ the top) and his most trusted advisors
Applying extreme scarring correctly head or shoulder) signifies that one (at the bottom)—usually a wise warrior
requires a DC 25 Craft (tattooing) check holds power over the forces of magic. and a cunning shaman. Carved above
and fourteen days. Facial Carving: Simple horizon¬ the heart to represent the character's
tal lines carved upon the forehead, love and loyalty to his people, this
Meanings of Scar cheeks, or chin symbolizes a cham¬ symbol signifies a place of extreme
Designs pion whose great deeds benefited importance within the tribe. Chief¬
The following list describes the most his people. More scars equals greater tains also bear a simple rectangular
common scar designs and their heroism. Barbaric cultures treat mark below the triangle to represent
meanings. Someone who isn't a member those who rightfully bear many such that he cares for his extended family
of a tribe that uses ritual scarification markings with great respect. (i.e., all the people of his tribe).
must make a DC 15 bardic knowledge of Lighting Pattern: This scar, shaped X: A scar shaped in the form of an
Knowledge (local) check to know this. like an elongated “N" to resemble a "X" represents a character's skill
Animal Shape; When a character bolt oflightning, represents mobility, with a horse or another type of
bears a scar in the stylized shape of an agility, and alertness. Those bearing mount. Bearers of this mark—which
animal, it lends to mean he shares a these scars have usually won contests is usually carved upon their ankles or
common spirit with that type ofbeast. organized by their tribe during their thighs—are revered for their
Typically, this means the character's youths or young adult lives. great horsemanship. ^

February 2006 DRAGON 340 93


by Aaron Williams Somefimei, the best mafic wand

uiufiu.nodivick.com if a two-by-four, well wielded.


guvs they've % ^ *$iw ^ &ONZOTWT
TWrtttMWO- .aj^fume >
rue v iusa>iT:mi«iPOF ,
.HORNS, ~UU THAT xL wmrmu ^A
V srwr. A


THtX f fTOWWWPli them mtogether and gave RECOMMEND EVERYONE WEAR
^ THAT X iX5 Of um? made. but
\ amts, A

TO aiMfl OUT Of
X made. A

94 DRAGON 340 February 2006

—v^DON'T touch^







February 2006 DRAGON 340 95



9*OZ S 1.313SOW **QA




96 DRAGON 340 February 2006



Orders!.Stick r Hey! Did ^

by Rich Burlew.
anyone else haf ta
moke a Will savin'
Jhrow jus' now?
What are
What? you babbling
. about? ,

Thar it be^^ Aye, I be ^ Look, Durkon,

AGAIN! I just Sure! Are ye tel fin' whatever it is. I'm sure
be havin' ta make it’s not a big deal. You W Aye,yer^
me ye dinnae be
L. another one! seem to be making the prob'bJy right
L fttlin' that?^
^saves well enough. Thanks. ^
Are you
sure? I didn't
^ notice. A

wr Since we're all^^ Durkon, don't ^

On the other Well, of
rnow mind-slaves of some r listen to him. He’s
Fcourse Roy would say >
Whand, it's entirely plausible^ subterranean abberation, just screwing with you.
Wait, that Do you expect him
that we ALL had to make Will it would make sense that There's no aberration,
what?? to announce that his soul
saving throws, and you, with your we would conspire to k we're not mind- a
has been subverted by
high Wisdom, cleric class, and t get you to lower your l slaves,
k an unspeakable horror j
dwarven bonuses, are the only^ ■Cmenta! guard^^»
I ^ of the deep?
Kbw one who succeeded, gdr?

^^True, Syt that^W ^^Yeah, I hope^^

f may just be because ^ Good job. r your amusement
our new inhuman overlord . Belkor. wos worth the hours
wishes to drink deeply of it’s going to take to
^WelL.ye' your terror before he ^calm him down. AW My sense ofA
be admiftin' L feasts on your raw A
AAAAAHHH!!!! humor <s only truly
k. to it. _ pancreasl^^S appreciated by our
ttentacled master^

©2006 Rich Surlew Read more Order of the Stick online at www.CiantlTP.com, Save vs. Rods, Staves, and Schadenfreude

9: DRAGON 3A0 February 2006

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