DMDW Unit 1 Qna

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Q1 : Define Data mining. Explain data mining in detail with atleast 3 real life
examples of its application.

Data mining is a process of discovering patterns, trends, and relationships within

large datasets to extract useful information. It involves applying various
statistical and machine learning techniques to uncover insights that can be used
for decision-making, prediction, and knowledge discovery.

Here's a detailed explanation of data mining along with three real-life examples of
its applications:

1. Retail Industry -> Market Basket Analysis:

Data mining is used to analyze customer purchase patterns in retail. By
examining transactional data, retailers can identify associations between products
frequently bought together. This information helps optimize product placement,
target marketing efforts, and improve cross-selling strategies.

2. Healthcare -> Predictive Analytics for Disease Diagnosis:

In healthcare, data mining enables predictive analytics to assist in disease
diagnosis and prognosis. By analyzing patient health records and other data
sources, machine learning algorithms identify patterns and risk factors associated
with diseases. This aids in early detection, personalized treatment planning, and
preventive interventions, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

3. Financial Services -> Fraud Detection:

Data mining techniques are employed by financial institutions for fraud
detection and prevention. By analyzing transactional data, algorithms detect
anomalous patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior, such as unauthorized
transactions or identity theft. This helps mitigate fraud risks, protect customers'
assets, and maintain the integrity of the financial system.


Q2 : Explain the steps involved in knowledge discovery. Use one practical examples
to relate each step with the example.

-> Data cleaning (to remove noise and inconsistent data)

-> Data integration (where multiple data sources may be combined)
-> Data selection (where data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the
-> Data transformation (where data are transformed and consolidated into forms
appropriate for mining by performing
summary or aggregation operations)
-> Data mining (an essential process where intelligent methods are applied to
extract data patterns)
-> Pattern evaluation (to identify the truly interesting patterns representing
knowledge based on interestingness measures)
-> Knowledge presentation (where visualization and knowledge representation
techniques are used to present mined knowledge to users)

with examples :

1. Data Cleaning:
In retail market analysis, data cleaning involves removing noise and
inconsistencies from sales data. For example, this may include fixing typos in
product names, correcting missing or inaccurate entries in sales records, and
eliminating duplicate entries for the same transaction.

2. Data Integration:
Retail businesses often have data stored in various systems such as point-of-
sale (POS) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and online
sales platforms. Data integration involves combining data from these disparate
sources into a unified dataset for analysis. For instance, merging data from POS
transactions, online sales, and customer feedback systems to get a comprehensive
view of customer behavior.

3. Data Selection:
Once integrated, relevant data for the analysis task are selected. For instance,
in retail market analysis, relevant data might include sales transactions, product
attributes, customer demographics, and promotional campaigns. Selecting the right
subset of data ensures that the analysis focuses on the most pertinent information.

4. Data Transformation:
Data transformation involves preparing the selected data for mining by
transforming and consolidating it into appropriate forms. For example, this may
involve aggregating daily sales data into weekly or monthly totals, calculating
average purchase amounts per customer segment, or converting categorical data
(e.g., product categories) into numerical representations for analysis.

5. Data Mining:
This step involves applying intelligent methods to extract patterns from the
prepared data. In retail market analysis, data mining techniques such as
association rule mining may be used to discover relationships between products
frequently purchased together, while clustering algorithms can identify customer
segments based on their purchasing behavior.

6. Pattern Evaluation:
After mining patterns from the data, the next step is to evaluate their
significance and interestingness. For instance, in retail market analysis,
evaluating association rules to identify which product combinations have the
highest support and confidence levels, indicating strong relationships between

7. Knowledge Presentation:
Finally, the mined knowledge needs to be presented to users in a comprehensible
manner. In retail market analysis, visualization techniques such as charts, graphs,
and dashboards can be used to present insights derived from the data mining
process. For example, visualizing sales trends over time, displaying customer
segmentation results, or highlighting association rules between products in an
easy-to-understand format for business stakeholders.


Q3 : List and describe different kinds of data which can be mined. In each
kind of data explanation, provide atleast one example.

-> database data

-> data warehouse data
-> transactional data
-> other forms of data

1) Database Data:
-> A database system consists of interrelated data stored in tables managed by
software programs.
-> Tables have unique names and contain attributes (columns) and tuples (rows).
-> Relational databases are often modeled using entity-relationship (ER) data
-> Data is accessed using relational query languages like SQL.
-> Relational databases are rich information repositories and are commonly used for
data mining to discover trends and patterns.
-> example : Customer information stored in a CRM (Customer Relationship
Management) database, such as names, addresses, contact details, purchase history,

2) Data Warehouse Data:

-> Data warehouses store information from multiple sources under a unified schema.
-> They are constructed through processes like data cleaning, integration,
transformation, loading, and refreshing. //here talking about DW
-> Data is organized around major subjects and stored for historical analysis,
often summarized.
-> Modeled using multidimensional structures like data cubes for fast access to
summarized data.
-> Support OLAP operations for analyzing multidimensional data.
-> example : Sales data aggregated from various transactional systems, providing
insights into overall sales performance, trends, and forecasts.

3) Transactional Data:
-> Each record in a transactional database represents a transaction, including a
unique ID and item list.
-> Transactional databases are stored in flat files or relational databases.
-> Data mining on transactional data can analyze frequent itemsets for strategies
like market basket analysis.
-> example : in market basket analysis the purchase pattern of customer is analyzed
and by examine this transactional data a retailer can discover association between
products frequently bought together.

4) Other Forms of Data:

-> Includes data streams, time-related data, graph/network data, spatial data, text
data, hypertext/multimedia data, and web data (WWW).
-> example : Textual data from sources like emails, documents, social media posts,
and customer reviews, used for sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and natural
language processing.


Q4 : Explain the following mining patterns with atleast 2 suitable examples

in each.
a) Outlier analysis
b) Cluster Analysis
c) Classification for Prediction
d) Regression for Prediction
e) Frequent pattern for Association analysis
f) Data characterization
g) Data Discrimination


a) Outlier Analysis:
Outlier analysis involves identifying data points that deviate significantly
from the rest of the dataset. Outliers may indicate anomalies, errors, or
interesting phenomena.
1. Credit Card Fraud Detection: Identifying transactions with unusually large
amounts compared to typical spending patterns could indicate fraudulent activity.
2. Network infiltration Detection: detect unusual network traffic patterns that
significantly diverse from the normal traffic patterns and indicate potential
security breaches and attacks.

b) Cluster Analysis:
cluster analysis groups data points together which have similarities on the
basis of certain characteristics and attributes. It's used to discover inherent
structures in data.

1. Customer Segmentation: Grouping customers based on demographics, purchasing
behavior, and preferences to tailor marketing strategies.
2. Document Clustering: Organizing similar documents together based on their
content for efficient retrieval and categorization in information retrieval

c) Classification for Prediction:

classification of prediction is a machine learning method of which objective is
to assign categories or labels to the new data points based on the pattern learned
from the past data with known outcomes.

1. Email Spam Detection: Classifying emails as spam or non-spam based on
features like sender, subject, and content.
2. Disease Diagnosis: Predicting whether a patient has a certain disease based
on symptoms, medical history, and test results.

d) Regression for Prediction:

regression for prediction is a machine learning method of which objective is to
forecast continuous numerical values for new data points based on the patterns
learned from the historical observations.

1. House Price Prediction: Using features like location, size, and amenities to
predict the selling price of a house.
2. Stock Market Forecasting: Predicting the future price of a stock based on
historical data, market trends, and other relevant factors.

e) Frequent Pattern for Association Analysis:

Frequent pattern mining identifies recurring patterns or associations among
items in transactional datasets.

1. Market Basket Analysis: retailer analyse customer purchase pattern and
examine transactional data which discovers the association between products that
frequently bought together.
2. Web Usage Mining: Discovering common navigation paths or sequences of web
pages visited by users to improve website design and content organization.

f) Data Characterization:
Data characterization summarizes the general properties or characteristics of a
dataset to gain a better understanding of its overall structure.

1. Customer Profiling: Summarizing demographic information, purchasing habits,
and preferences of customers to create customer profiles for targeted marketing
2. Statistical Summary: Calculating descriptive statistics such as mean, median,
and standard deviation to understand the central tendency and variability of a

g) Data Discrimination:
Data discrimination analyzes the distribution of data with respect to specific
classes or attributes to identify patterns of discrimination or bias.

1. Loan Approval: Analyzing historical loan data to uncover patterns of
discrimination based on factors like race or gender in the loan approval process.
2. Hiring Practices: Investigating hiring decisions to identify any biases based
on protected characteristics such as age, gender, or ethnicity.


Q5 : Different Technologies serve as backbone for Data mining. Explain

the following technologies :
a) Database Systems and Data warehouse
b) Statistics
c) Information retrieval (IR)


-> statistics
-> machine learning
-> database and data warehouse systems
-> information retrieval
-> pattern recognition
-> visualization
-> algorithms
-> high performance computing
-> applications

1) Statistics:
-> Statistics is about collecting, analyzing, explaining, and presenting data.
-> Data mining is closely related to statistics.
-> A statistical model is a set of math rules used to understand data.
-> These models are often used to organize and understand different types of
-> Data mining can use statistical models to find patterns. Or, data mining can
build on these models to discover new things.

2) Database and Data Warehouse Systems:

-> Database systems research focuses on making and using databases for
organizations and people.
-> A data warehouse combines data from many sources and times.
-> It organizes data in a special way to make it easier to analyze.

3) Information Retrieval:
-> Information retrieval (IR) is involves finding documents or specific pieces
of information within documents.
-> Documents can be text or media, and they can be on the internet.
-> Text mining and media data mining are becoming more important with
information retrieval.

different technologies that serves as a backbone of data mining!

information retrieval
machine learning
database and data warehouse system
pattern recognition
high performance computing

statistics is about collecting, analyzing, explaining and presenting data.

data mining is closely related to statistics.
statistical model is a set of math rule which can be used to understand data.
this model can be used to organize and understand different types of data.
data mining can use statistical model to find patterns from different kinda

information retrieval:

information retrieval is involves the finding of documents or the specific

information within documents.
documents can be text or media, and this can be on the internet.
text mining and media data mining is become important with the information


database and data warehouse system:

database system research focus on the making and use of databases for
organizations and peoples.
data warehouse combines data from the various sources.
data warehouse store data in the way that makes it easier to analyzing.


Q6 : Write a short note on machine learning, it applicability in Data mining.

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence focused on developing

algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions
based on data, without being explicitly programmed. It involves the creation and
use of models that can analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns, and make
intelligent decisions or predictions.

In data mining, machine learning techniques play a crucial role in uncovering

valuable insights and knowledge from vast datasets. These techniques enable data
miners to extract useful information, identify patterns, and make predictions or
decisions based on the data.

-> Types:
-> Supervised learning is like teaching a computer to classify things.
-> Unsupervised learning is like organizing things into groups without telling
the computer what those groups are.
-> Semi-supervised learning uses both labeled (known) and unlabeled (unknown)
examples to learn.
-> Active learning lets people be involved in teaching computers by guiding the
learning process.


Q7 : explain in brief how does society play a role in Data mining using following
-> Social impacts of data mining
-> Privacy-preserving data mining
-> Invisible data mining


Social Impacts of Data Mining:

-> Data mining has profound social impacts, benefiting individuals, organizations,
and communities.
-> Individuals benefit from personalized services and improved healthcare outcomes
but face privacy concerns and ethical dilemmas.
-> Organizations gain insights for better decision-making but must address issues
like data security and accountability to maintain trust.

Privacy-Preserving Data Mining:

-> Privacy-preserving techniques aim to balance data mining benefits with privacy
-> Methods like anonymization and differential privacy safeguard sensitive
-> They mitigate risks of data breaches and identity theft, fostering trust and
responsible data practices.

Invisible Data Mining:

-> Invisible data mining extracts insights without individuals' awareness or
-> While it enhances user experiences, it raises concerns about transparency and
user control.
-> Society advocates for transparency, awareness of data privacy rights, and
ethical guidelines to govern invisible data mining.


Q : 8 Discuss the various aspects, which play as problem areas in Data Mining.

-> mining methodology

-> user interaction
-> efficiency and scalability
-> diversity of data types
-> data mining and society

Here's a brief explanation of each topic along with its sub-topics:

1. Mining Methodology:
-> Mining Various and New Kinds of Knowledge: Exploration of diverse types of
knowledge and innovative approaches to knowledge discovery.
-> Mining Knowledge in Multidimensional Space: Analysis of data from multiple
perspectives to uncover complex relationships and patterns.
-> An Interdisciplinary Data Mining Effort: Collaboration across different
fields and expertise to tackle complex data mining challenges.

2. Boosting the Power of Discovery in a Networked Environment:

-> Handling Uncertainty, Noise, or Incompleteness of Data: Dealing with data
imperfections to improve the reliability of mining results.
-> Pattern Evaluation and Pattern-> or Constraint-Guided Mining: Assessing the
quality and significance of discovered patterns and incorporating domain knowledge
into the mining process.

3. User Interaction:
-> Interactive Mining: Involvement of users in the mining process through
interactive interfaces and feedback mechanisms.
-> Incorporation of Background Knowledge: Integration of prior knowledge and
domain expertise into the mining process to enhance the relevance and accuracy of
-> Ad Hoc Data Mining and Data Mining Query Languages: On-demand mining and
flexible querying capabilities to address specific user needs and preferences.
-> Presentation and Visualization of Data Mining Results: Effective
communication of mining findings through visual representations and intuitive

4. Efficiency and Scalability:

-> Efficiency and Scalability of Data Mining Algorithms: Development of
algorithms that can handle large-scale datasets efficiently while maintaining high
-> Parallel, Distributed, and Incremental Mining Algorithms: Utilization of
parallel and distributed computing techniques to expedite the mining process and
accommodate continuous data streams.

5. Diversity of Data Types:

-> Handling Complex Types of Data: Addressing challenges associated with diverse
data types, including text, multimedia, spatial, and temporal data.
-> Mining Dynamic, Networked, and Global Data Repositories: Analyzing data that
is continuously changing, interconnected, and distributed across various sources
and locations.

6. Data Mining and Society:

-> Social Impacts of Data Mining: Examination of how data mining influences
individuals, organizations, and communities, including both positive and negative
-> Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Exploration of techniques and practices aimed
at balancing the benefits of data mining with the protection of individuals'
privacy rights.
-> Invisible Data Mining: Analysis of the extraction of insights from data
without individuals' awareness or explicit consent, and the implications for
privacy, transparency, and user control.

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