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Unforgottable moment occur when I took a vacation to a beach.

It was in a
beautiful evening,The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in a soft,
golden glow as Sarah wandered along the deserted beach. I was walking along the
coastal, listening The rhythm of the waves provided by sea waves hitting the land.
At that time I was depressing because before I took my vacation I need to take my
school exam. At The Exam I didn't do well so I felt so disappoint of myself and I
felt like I don't even worth for a penny. So I took a vacation to relax my mind,
seemed like that plan doesn't work. I continuted walking by thinking a lot of
extremely terrible thing that are about to happen when my adorable teacher send
report card to my dear parents. I saw a girl With a beautiful white dress running
happily around the shore. At that time I felt like the whole world was dozen for a
moment. Because I saw a angle in front of my eyes.
Her presence stood out like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.She had an aura
of effortless grace that attracts everyone around her. Her hair seemed to be like
silk. Her eye was so bright and I can see her kind-heart through her eye. Her smile
seemed to light up the entire universe. It also revealed a set of perfectly
aligned, pearly-white teeth. At the moment I saw her I instantly felt that she
destory my stress and light up my world. I was standing for like 1 minute.
At that time what I realize is I have found my soulmate. I didn't waste my time
anymore and I greet her. I think The Luck is on my side, because she was one of my
old friend. I ask her ph number and acc. And I quikly went back to my hotel because
my heart was bouncing non - stop,if I didn't come back I pretty sure I will get a
heart - disease. The day after that day I contact her and asked to go out
somewhere. Fist we went to the mall, at the day she is wearing a pretty pink
dress,that melt my heart once again. My heart was also boucing all the time. After
that we went to the restaurant, the way she eats, the way she walks was just
perfect. We talk about old things, we laught, we eat. When returning back I sent
her home, and said goodbye each other. Even though we both arrived at own room, We
were texting each other the whole night. I can feel that she the perfect girl I
have ever seen. The one who get her heart will be the luckily person in the whole
After that day I went to her room but see no one. I called her but she didn't
pick me up, so I decided to ask the hotel mananger. He said the owner of the room
has already return back to her home. I was just shock and a little sad because she
didn't told me nothing about her return. Anyway I had the most unexpected meeting
in my entire life.

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