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GIIS Date:6 l0324

A Lette to god

Lencho wYoke a letter bo



Lencho was greedlyand

Ungealkfl of wbat he

Comprehend, and onalyze the thene of the lesson
GPago: tt
GIIS Date:b

Tombibe the importance of grobhude in life.


1. Greif oY Sadness is_an emohion naual
ose or signiicant change. You have ben asked
analysis of approach of lernho in deling
wi h hi
loss. Wribe your pregentation gaph indlucngyouri
you may begin like this Acknoledge that
has uNwave rinq belief in God lencho
KEy PoTNTS As lencho had an
farth in God

The onls hope after his loss was God

So he bYote a letter to god asking fox lo0
AfeY Yecieving the money. He was not shocked or
suprised as he mas completls Confictent hat Gaod ould
aive him l00 pesos.

A) Wben is CoYn held wQs destoyed by hailsthong hi

only hope as on God. So he wyote a ledker to
God asking for koo pesos Atex henhe'Yeciead
he money He wasnt Shockea oY SuYpked
as he Was comple+y conhcent that ood le
himDO pess But he Yecved ony
peaas He tAd has unsavevina belief
belief in Goc
because any dEicut SItuatia theve nl
that the Ghod il help
GIS Date: 6 2 l24|
a. ou Qre the
he pastmaster and you happerd to Yead the
Second letkr by lencho o Codshove he callud ha past
of fe empdyees as a bunch of croks ACtey Yeacing he
letter you dcided o borik diany enty expresin g
yOr feelings CloD to Iao ciordds)
5*Narch Q0
Tues day 9:51 am.

Deor Diory
piky to the poor man So I helped him aith my
Salay and otheYs So T gathered o pesos and sent
him. Then lencho YeCieved the letter and he optned it he
as so fathful and belief of hod. The next mUment he
wrote another leter thak Send me the yest of the money
but dont send t hrough post ofAza offce cause the
ernploye are bunch of Crools When I Saw Hhe
eer es thouaht it Ould bea thagtt
letter buk lencha oYo le y emplayees ave bunch
o Cyooks. hea T yead the
shocked tha ayeedy and selAsb. Then I
Ldin't plant qive him 3 the veat of 30 peres
o him Cause he called. my empoyees o bunch af
Cxooks That T Can't acept the leter .So I din't
qjve a Yeply to the letey
GIIS Page:6
pate 3
1. What aYe the yandrops Compayedto a
A)Lencho Compares
he vandops Nere hke oe
|The biq cops re en cenb pieces ond
Ones aYe ives because the voiadrop
belp hio to qrow and harvest Crops
why lencho Soul Ailedaith Sorro
A)encha's Sou Alled oith seDbSadnes
because his covn feld as olesboyed bu
hailstoYm. Nok a leaf YQmain desho the
totally dostroyed.
3. Jhy didhe post master Send a Yedy to leoch
leter addyessed to ood?

9)The postmaskr a kind genevbs helphul

and God -feaing mon IhepostmaseY did nok at
Shake bis fot lenchos faith io God

Lepcho angy hen he ece iven o

do hiok he io hii Qchion.

Lenche thought
waht thak the qod ould qive him.
seeing that he had only eceiled
sevenhy pesss, He thogat that the eompoyeea af
GIISData: &13 |24

the post cfhcehad shlen theYest of the money Lencho

Should be hapy ohat hehe got

5.TE during the me al that

The presure oF feeling Yain on his body
D hy did Jencho go aut
ALehcho ent ok hen the big drops of Yoin
falliog because he as a' fatmer and he
been eaqevy aiting for rain b come
i)What had lencho predict
old b
A)Lencho had pedicted that theye
He eKcepd his cops to Qet su ficient
LdospY Tostead, his eops
Lnutienk cue to the donpoY.
deshoyed by hailshom

Give a Synonym preclicke

TheSynongm af pYelicd ii guess

aut o be what lerch had excepked.
iv Dd he xainfall tun
t n out o be a pofitwheçeas
No., the Yainfall dd not the destycton of
his cropt
O0s a loss or him due to
by the haistoym.
GiIS Date:n 2 2y

Rhyme scheme. ABA8.
Tmagary : Ihe dust af Sngw
5 Alliteration And soved Some pore
>Symbolism -Cow, Hemlock tree what what we Considofed as
negaliue elements
Symbolism isis a use of symbols to signify idea by qiving
them Sysbolic meoning ie different Arom their likeral
Enjambment ihhen the same Sentence continaves to the
next lioe without the use of punctuation marks

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