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Create roofs, floors, and ceiling types

Create and edit compound element types by

creating a wood joist floor type with a carpet
finish and defining the layer materials and
thicknesses. Then, see how to slope elements
using the sketch tools and shape editing tools.

o Modeling

Learning objectives:

• Create and edit compound element types.

• Slope roofs, floors, and ceilings using
sketch lines and slope arrows.
• Slope roofs and floors using the shape
editing tools. The completed exercise

1. Open the exercise file


Figure 1. The opened file


Create roofs, floors, and ceiling types Page | 1

2. In the Project Browser, expand Floors >
Floor and right-click Wood Joist 10ʺ –
Wood Finish. In the shortcut menu,
click Type Properties.

Figure 2. Right-click shortcut menu for

floor types

3. In the Type Properties dialog, click

Duplicate and Name the new type
Wood Joist 10ʺ – Carpet Finish. Then
click OK.

Figure 3. New type in the Type Properties

dialog for floor types

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4. In the Type Properties dialog, click Edit
next to Structure.

Figure 4. Cursor over Edit button in Type

Properties dialog

5. In the Edit Assembly dialog, click in the

Material field for the first row. Click the
More button to open the Material

Figure 5. Edit Assembly dialog for a floor


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6. In the Material Browser, type carpet
into the search bar and then select the
Carpet material. Click OK to close each
of the dialogs.

Figure 6. Material Browser with Carpet

material selected

7. Select the roof and then click Reset

Shape on the contextual ribbon tab.

Figure 7. Reset Shape tooltip

8. Open the ROOF plan view and select

the roof. Then click Add Point on the
contextual ribbon tab.

Figure 8. Add Point tooltip

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9. Add two points at the grid intersection
locations in the lower left and lower
right of the roof. Then adjust the
height of the points to -1ʹ 0ʺ by
selecting the height value and entering

Figure 9. Adjusting the height of a shape

editing point

10. Click Add Split Line on the contextual

ribbon tab.

Figure 10. Add Split Line tooltip

11. Sketch a split line in the center of the

roof at the grid line location. Then click
Modify to end the command and review
the roof.

Figure 11. Split line added to roof

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